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Easy Squeeze Secrets

© Matthew Barnett 2012




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Creating Killer Squeeze pages is not as hard as you might

think. Get it wrong and you can be throwing away a lot of time

and effort. Get it right and it can transform your business.

Think about it. Say you get 1,000 visitors to your website and

you get 10% of them to subscribe.

Great. You get 100 new subscribers to your list and say you

then offer a product to them, and 10 of them buy it for say

$19.95 (or to put it another way, you have a 10% conversion

ratio on the product). Well, you’ve just made $199.50 in sales.

You will find that your conversion percentages are always

pretty much the same over time, and the amount you sell really

just depends on the amount of people that see the offer.

So what can you do to make more sales and make more

money? Well, if you could convert 20% of those 1,000 visitors

into subscribers, you’d have 200 people looking at your offer,

and roughly the same proportion would buy it – around 10%.

But this time, because you have twice the number of people

looking at your offer, you will sell twice the amount of product.

Just by getting your squeeze page to convert at 20%

instead of 10% you can double the profits in your business


Instead of $199.50 in sales, you would have just made


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Or to put it another way, you have just

Doubled your profits

Just by getting your squeeze page right you can double the rate

at which your list grows. You can double the amount of

subscribers you have. You can double your sales and you

can double your profits.

This has to be possibly the easiest way to increase your

business in existence. But you need the secrets behind how to

get your squeeze pages converting. But now think what

57.1% opt in could do to your business!

So why should you listen to me?

Well, if you already have squeeze pages converting visitors at

40.3%, 57.1% or even 66.7% then you probably don’t need to

listen to me, and I have to wonder why you have bought this


See below for just a couple of examples of the sign up rates I

get on some of my squeeze pages on just one of my lists!

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So what do you need to do:

Well, there are a number of golden rules that I apply to all of my

squeeze pages to make sure I get great results from them

every time.

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The Rules!

1. HOOK: Have a compelling offer – something that is going to

hook them into taking the decision to enter their details. A

real absolutely ‘no brainer’ type reason for someone to enter

their details. It’s no good asking to sign up if what you are

offering has no benefit. Something like ‘enter your details

here to be sent some free information’ just isn’t compelling.

You need to have a big benefit statement or a big exciting

headline that will want them to find out more. A good word to

have in mind is ‘IRRESISTABLE’ Is the hook making an

irresistible offer or statement that visitors can’t help but be

compelled to look at and take further action on.

Good Examples from some of my hottest squeeze pages


‘Watch me get 464 new Subscribers and 5196 visitors to

my website, live on video, in just 30 minutes’


‘Find out how to make your own High Quality

Information Product and Get it Selling in less than 24



‘10 Vital FREE Resources You NEED in Your Internet

Marketing Business -

If you aren't making use of these, you're either wasting

time, money or BOTH!’

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2. HEADLINE: – Use a headline to make sure it is clear that

the offer is free. Even if you are taking them through to a

sales page, use a line like ‘Access your 100% free Video’.

Ok, so the video is selling to them, but watching it is free! If

you have a good video that has educational content before

the sell part, they are going to forget exactly what it was they

were promised that enticed them to sign up anyway. By

then, you have them on your list as a subscriber anyway, so

the objective has been achieved.

3. CALL TO ACTION: Make sure there is a clear call to action.

Examples might be :

‘Enter your details now to get instant access’


‘Subscribe now by putting your details in the boxes below.

You not only have to put the box in front of people, but you

have to tell them to fill it in. Just putting the box there isn’t

enough. You have to tell people to use it. It’s that extra nudge

that pushes them over the edge to do it. People are

conditioned to do what they are told a lot of the time, so if you

speak with authority and tell them to do something, a lot of the

time they will.

4. Make sure the page includes something to assure them that

their email address will not be abused. Many

autoresponders come with a box you can check that just

adds something simple like ‘we respect your email privacy’ to

the bottom of your form. Either that or you can add your own

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custom version. Don’t make this in too big a font, too bold or

too much of your page or it will distract people from the main

purpose of your page. It just needs to be there for the

people who will look around for it to get that reassurance.

5. Make sure that your opt-in box is clearly visible and visitors

are clearly drawn to it by the simple statements. This may

seem obvious, but position the sign in box where people can

see it. Don’t have it 7 pages of scrolling down from where

they come in to the page. Have it clear and easy to access

so they can sign up before they get bored / distracted or

annoyed and go away.

The aim should be to get them to sign up within a couple of

seconds of landing on your page. This is not a sales page

where you are trying to sell a product, this is a squeeze page

where all you are selling is the opt in. It’s the job of the sales

page beyond to do the selling and say to the visitor ‘Buy this

it’s awesome’. The job of the squeeze page is to say to the

visitor ‘Sign up here and get access to something awesome’.

The action you want them to take and the decision you are

trying to get them to make is to sign up, not to buy.

6. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER (are we clear on this!) have any

links on your squeeze page that take your potential

subscriber away from that squeeze page. Anything that

causes them to do anything other than opt in is a no-no.

Remember – you are not trying to sell to them at this point,

you are trying to get subscribers on your list. Once they are

on your list is the time to sell to them – because once they

are on your list, you can sell to them time, time and again.

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*Advanced strategy* - having just said never, never,

never… Under some circumstances you could guide people

away from your first squeeze page to a second squeeze

page if there is a risk they have been exposed (possibly

multiple times) to the first one before and not bitten. I have a

main squeeze page that a lot of traffic gets sent to, and a

second squeeze page where I get a very high opt in. By

giving potential subscribers this second option, I’m able to

catch more subscribers than I would with just a single page.

If you do this, make sure the second squeeze page opens in

a new page. This way you actually have 2 pages open with

your opt in box on it in front of them.

7. Keep it simple. Make sure you stick to the basics of

Headline, Hook, Call to Action, Subscriber Form.

Remember, all you are trying to do is get them to subscribe.

No preselling, no getting them thinking ahead.

**Just getting them to subscribe** That’s all the page is

there for. Keep focussed on that. That is what you are

‘selling’ – getting them to subscribe, not what might be on the

other side of the sign up.

8. Make sure you deliver on the other side. Ok, so what I’m

trying to say here is don’t over hype it. There’s no point

getting extra subscribers on board by promising the world, if

the only thing that happens once they have come through

the door is they get annoyed and leave again.

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9. Lastly, you need to split test. This means making changes to

the design elements on your page. The Hook, the colours

used, the call to action, the images you use. Change these

things one by one and compare the performance of the

different versions of your pages and you will eventually find

the best version of any page.


In summary, if you implement all of these methods you can and

will see visitors signing up to your offers at rates of 50% or 60%


These are the sorts of figures I get with my sign up pages

without breaking too much of a sweat. I’ve not left anything out

of this report in terms of the thinking that goes behind what I do

to achieve this.

Ultimately, how well your squeeze pages perform will be down

to how good your hook is, how well you put your pages

together and how well you add the elements such as the all to

action. Follow these steps though and there is no reason you

can’t get these kind of results.

But what if you want to get even more sign ups?

80%, 90% or more? Then read on….

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Recycling your old, unwanted traffic and change 50 – 60%

conversions into 80 – 90% conversions or more:

Or to put it simply, how to get to THIS:

The final part of making sure that you get everything you

possibly can out of the visitors that come to your pages is to re-


If a visitor has arrived at a squeeze page and decided not to

enter their details, they are gone forever.


Now is not the time to be worrying about whether or not

you will upset them.

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Now is the time to be offering them something amazing to

grab their attention and suck them right back in.

It may be that they were just distracted by something, had to

take a call or something and decided to close your window

while they concentrate on something else. Chances are they

are gone for good unless you do something right now to keep


You’ve worked hard to get that traffic one way or another. You

may have paid for it. Whatever reason that traffic is there,

you want to make sure you keep hold of it and suck it

straight back into your sales funnel and get them on board

as a subscriber.

So what you need to do is really over deliver at this point.

Offer something FREE

Don’t argue with me on this point about not wanting to build a

list of freebie seekers, just do it. “FREE” is the NUMBER ONE

converting word in the English language.

If you try offering another paid offer at this point, chances are

they are gone. Offer something really cool and for FREE then

you should be able to hook them back in.

Ideally you should be offering them something that is a massive

‘no-brainer’, Triple offer, all this for nothing and at $97 value or

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something like that so they would literally feel STUPID not to

take you up on the offer.

Make it something where they would feel stupid if they

were to walk away at this point.

Having something where someone looks at it thinks to

themselves ‘yeah, that looks interesting’ or ‘yeah, that’s a good

offer’ isn’t enough. You need to offer them something that

makes them think ‘I’d be stupid to walk away from that’.

OK, so how exactly do you do this?

Well, you need an EXIT POP. You may find them personally

annoying, but frankly, tough beans.

Remember, the only people who are seeing it are the people

who had walked away from your original offer anyway. They

are gone for ever. They’ve just told you they don’t care about

what it was you were trying to offer them. So you have a


a) Don’t annoy any of them and never see any of them again


b) Annoy some of them but, get the others sucked back into

your system and sales funnel and make more profits

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If you don’t add this into your business you are literally throwing

money away.

A decent, multi-browser compatible EXIT POP system that

WORKS is not an easy thing to find though

And even if you do find one that claims to work and has good

testimonials, you still have to figure out how to get it to work

with your squeeze pages. Well, guess what:

I found one that I love.

And in true Victor Kiam style I bought the company

OK, well not quite. But I did buy the Master Resell Rights to

allow me to sell it on to whoever I want.

The Exit Pop creator I have not only provides a script to use,

but it actually builds pages for you.

I must be mad, because I could sell you this as an upsell for

$67 on its own (that’s the price it normally sells for elsewhere),

but instead I’m giving this to you as a massive added bonus in

the Easy Squeeze Secrets Gold Edition package.

Not only that, but I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to

use it, including ‘Done for you’


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Get Visitor to Subscriber Ratios of

80%, 90% or even 100%

Get Everything You Need Here:

• Exit POP Software

• ‘PERFECT’ Killer Squeeze Templates

• Full Instructional Videos

• Quick Start Guide

• GOLD Training Manual

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