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Early  Career  Scien-st  Panel  Interna-onal  Council  for  Science  (ICSU)  

General  Assembly  (GA)  3  September  2014  

Chair:  Kim  Nicholas,  Lund  University  Centre  for  Sustainability  Studies,  Sweden  @KA_Nicholas    Chris-ne  Jasoni,  Department  of  Anatomy,  University  of  Otago,  @JasoniCL    Fola  Babalola,  Center  for  Environmental  Economics  and  Policy  in  Africa,  University  of  Pretoria,  South  Africa.  @folababs2000    Jianzhong  Xu,  Chinese  Academy  of  Sciences,  @JackLZC    Yvonne  Grunder,  Department  of  Physics,  Liverpool  University  @YvonneGruender    Wilma  Waterlander,  Na-onal  Ins-tute  for  Health  Innova-on  ,  University  of  Auckland,  New  Zealand,    @wwaterlander      

Thanks  for  travel  support  from:      ICSU,  the  German  Research  Founda-on  (DFG),  Royal  Society  (UK),  Royal  Society  of  New  Zealand,  China  Associa-on  for  Science  and  Technology        

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Using  Twi]er  to  bring  #ICSUGA  to  over  50,000  people  

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Early  Career  Scien-st  Priori-es  

1.  Leadership  2.  Career  Support  (networks  and  mentoring)  3.  Opportuni-es  and  incen-ves  for  science  for  


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Transla-ng  Priori-es  to  Ac-ons  For…  

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Na-onal  &  Union  Members  

•  Establish/expand  early  career  networks  &  mentoring    

•  Involve  in  General  Assembly  delega-on    

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Intergovernmental  Bodies    (Future  Earth,  IPBES,  IPCC...)  

•  Engage  early-­‐career  scien-sts  in  science  policy  and  communica-on  

•  Con-nue  and  expand  co-­‐design  prac-ces  •  Develop  communi-es  of  prac-ce  involving  

early  career  scien-sts  

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Funding,  Review  &  Reward  Agencies  

•  Design  incen-ves  to  value  interdisciplinary  science,  outreach,  communica-on  &  policy  

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Coordina-ng  Bodies  (ICSU,  ISSC,  IAP,  TWAS,  IAC)  

•  Work  together  to  coordinate  networks  (in  person  and  online)  

•  Support  mobility  programmes  •  Support  communica-on  and  policy  opportuni-es  •  Guidelines  for    

Ø incen-ves  that  value  science  for  society  Ø inclusive  recruitment  &  diversity  in  leadership  

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Everyone!  •  Integrate  early  career  scien-sts  in  leadership  throughout  your  organiza-ons  •  Par-cipate  in  vision-­‐  and  agenda-­‐segng  •  Serve  on  scien-fic  and  policy  commi]ees  and  execu-ve  boards  

•  Involve  in  process  of  publica-on:  peer  review,  editorial  boards  

•  Publicize  opportuni-es  and  make  merit-­‐based  nomina-ons  

•  Design,  par-cipate  in,  and  review  conferences  

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Proposed  decision  text  •  We  urge  the  execu-ve  board  to  take  ac-on  within  ICSU  to  integrate  and  involve  early  career  scien-sts    –  in  advisory,  review  and  governance  bodies  as  appropriate  

•  and  encourage  its  na-onal  and  union  members,  interdisciplinary  bodies,  and  associates  to  support  early  career  scien-sts  through:  – Mentoring  and  career  support  networks  – Opportuni-es  and  incen-ves  to  engage  in  science  for  society  

–  Including  them  in  day-­‐to-­‐day  business  between  GAs  and  in  the  GA  delega-on  

•  And  to  report  back  on  progress  made  for  the  next  GA.  

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