  • _ _ e ,ticiana enom rat.SPECIAL NOTICES.,

    1 AIfl O L DI)'S GENUINE PREIPARATION-11 Cures Gravel, Bladder, Dropsy, Kidney affections.HtELMDOLD' (Genuine Preparation for Nervous

    a1 nd Debilitated Sullferrs..EIMJOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Loss of

    Power, tLos of Memory.•iLMIIOI)'S (enuine P'rparation, for Dimcoulty of

    L ireathlng, General Weakness.

    IE•iLM IOi' s '(1enuinoe l'reparatiun for l-orror ofSDeath, WVeak Nerves, Tremblidng.

    TIlbIMl)LD, Genuine Preparation for cold Feet,1 Nilght weas, Dimness of Vision.TEI,M.ll)LD'S Genuine Preparation for Languor,

    • Uuniversal Lassitude of thie Muscular System.

    HELMflOLDS Genuine Preparation for Pallidcountenance and Eruptions.13EMI BOLD' Genuine Preparation for Pains in• the flack. Headache, lSi.k stomnch.

    ~ en advertisement IhadedHelmbold's Genuine Preparation,n another column.

    Tuhes: ll i.rln-.v ris rAYTIr.--)tn the afternoon ofDee. 22d, four nrmed individuals landed on the bench.and, entering Onnalvee, galloped at once to La P'lnca.the residenen of the governor, where Jefitrd demand.ed an entrance of the sentinel, and that the cry ofVive Iepu6dibque. should be rained, which demands thesentinel refulsed to comply with. Jeflard and his comrn-panion theln ifrightenred the sentinel or the jail into aliberation of abnout forty political prisoners, whojoined Jeflrrd. The whtole party returning to the gov-

    ornor's rcshnllce, csummoned him to surrender to tith,forces of liberty and the republic. lie acceleded totheir demands and resigned. The stronl part of thetown was now in possession of Jelffrd, who wns joinedby all the military andl town people. They thenmarched to a palace belonging to Soulouque, wherea aepotatlp met and proclaimed the republic ofilayti. with .Jeffnrd os provisional bead.

    (On Thlrselny, Decemlber 23:1. the reputlic was pub-licly pre.tain•id in the grand esq ar. anlld Je:'irdnamedlProvisional l'resihlet. whic-h tlies lie accepted.:ov. llartholom'w gave in his submislion,, and after

    a grantd solenizntlion Iby the church. tie new consti-tutiion twa aigned by the late authorities of the prin-cipal rities.

    The forces of .effilrd were alugmented by citizens ofGonait•r, and the fortified town ofr St. Marc. wentaken possession of without opposition. llere theywere to remain and recruit until they were strongenough to meet the forces of Solouque in the field, orassail him at P'ort-en-Prinice.

    The Insurrection was sprendling north and south.Various decrees had lben is.ueld, olit, ofe which revivesandl puts in foree the constitution of 14t46, and pro-vides for the calling of a Ieginlature by PresidentJeffard.

    )ecrees lhad also leren promnlgated relensing allpolitical prisoners. incriensing thei ratirns of soldiers.and ordelring the desurillionl of the Fort orf G(;nalve's.

    A deerer had also been isuedl, leaduled "The lie.public (of liiyti,'' in the name of the nation, depriv-Ing Sutlor le of ill power. It also characteriz*se his

    administration as nothing but a series of robberies.

    Dl)lt.tniL:c TaIn.slK .-- The physician or the Chicagojail statcs thalt during the past year lie has used ipe- Icac in thirty-six cases of delirium tremen, and withuniform culrers. lie gives it as an emetic at first,and afterewardi in doI's of from fifteen to eighteengrains an houlr. lie saya it quiets the nerves and un-iformly induces sleep. In connection with this hegives strong heef ten, uses cold baths, but denies allalchoholic stinmlants.

    Ta:II.E MA•i':rSI IN" Mv:xIo.--A correspondent ofthe New York Times, writing from the City of Mex-ico, gives tle' following incident as having takenplace at a military dinner there. lie says it is a fairindication of public opinion there on the subject ofAnmerican intervention :

    The Presilent's wife atttended the dinner with Ierchildren. I)hring the meal she wis scoin in the lady-like operation of giving her children wine to drink,iy sticking her fingers it a wine-gllss, and then intothe molths of her younlgstiers. This caused some re-rarks aillong(• the ylioung onliers, antld a friend ldelicate-ly called thie attenltion to what shie was doing. In- Istead oif being confused or confoilndel d at tihe circuern-stance, iishe mnade a merit of it, andil said: " I give any 1children wine to dritk to nmake them strong, it orderthat theiy nmay Ibe able to thrash Yanllkee(s'." This pa-triotic remark was the caiseu of loud and long nip-pilause. Wheat have we to hope from a people whoseIgnorance and vulgalrily are excused when thesethings call :)e construed as aimed against the Yankees?

    al" The Auburn (Ala.) Signal, edited by MrSamford, h's Wine's name up for the Preshlency. It tis in favor of re opening the slave trade and of Le.compton. Yet Wise is opposed to both. It concludesalln article on the subject as follows:

    5. Finally we think lenry A. Wise, of Virginia. theman. for this crisis. and shall hereafter give our reta-son for this opinion. Certainly .- Old Joe Lane" isnot the man, nor Jefeirson IDavis, nor Mr. Sp)akerOrr, nor cnty other man that we know of, tinlessSouath Carolina has a worthy chief, or our own noble'Yanoey can carry the banner to the opposinlgheights.

    Cut. FonR Corla on IloAtnsrENSS.--A correspon-denlt of the C/irleston Courier gives the following :

    Chip tip flit lightwood antd put a handfiil of thechip. into a pint of conlmon spirits. A teaspoonfulin a wine glass of water oni going to bed will cure ahoarseness, and if taken three times a day. or whenev-er a cough is troublesome, it will effect a speedy cure.A few chips thrown into a hot shovel and the odorbreathed, will be found serviceable ih lung com-plalnts, anld is calculated to relieve asthma. This ismuch cheaper thban."herry Pecturlsn," and equallyefficacious,TuI CGIIUIe CHAMiI'ION or Tilt Wonult.--Unnder thistle

    b0ad. the Now York Alblon, the Organ of British opin-Ion on tiis side of the Atlantic, pays a glowing. re-markable tribute to Paul Morphy, in its issue of Sat-Urday last:

    Mr. Paul Morphy must now be dubbed the Chess IChamplou of the World, and his pre-emiuence willprobably be conceded by all men-save our unfortu- InHte countryman. Mr. Staunton. The steamer of the n1st inst. brought intelligenice that the last great con-test for the laurels-the intelligence that the lastgreat aontest for the laurels--the match played inParis between Mr. Morphy and Prof. Anderseon-hadterminated in the young American'ssuceess. lie hadscored his seven games, two only boeing sored againsthim, and the same number ibeing drawn. Difficult asats it is for the European to divest himself of his natu-cal leanings to the older hemisphere, we heartily con-

    iratulate AIr. Mibupity's fellow-citizens on his triumph.tie deserved it. He has borne himself throughout-

    and tinder some difficult circnmatances-modestly andmanfully. An ovation awaits him here on his return,and he will also be cordially greeted in England, wedoubt not, l hbe pass over Englis• ground again, erehe cmbark.


    THE. SOUTHERN HOMESTEAD,A LAROM PRlna CLAlln ILLUSTRATEDAgricultural and Family Newspaper,

    T IIT1 FOURTHI VOLUM ofthebbeautiful and pop.L lar WEnKI.V JOURNAl, will begin Jannary let 1849,n under the most encouraging prospects. t will, atthat time, be

    GREATLY ENLARGED; And several new and important features added, which,together with its handsome pictorial Illustrations,

    must Increase its present popularity.f AonrICUn.Tuil--This, as heretofore, will be the lead.lng feature of the IIoMiEsTRAD and will be conductedin a manner worthy of the great interest it desires to, foster Every Department of Southern Agriculturewill receiove due attention, and such systems of culti-vating the soil, stock-raising, and general farm man.agement promulgated, as have been tested by partlo.ular men and found worthy of adoption. A largecorps of contrbutors are constantly writing tor thisSDelartment of the lloMsrlr e.

    IlonTiCerst.T.--This Department is constantly fill- Ied with excellent Horticultural and Pomological in-formation. and is universally pronounced as one ofthe most useful features of the Paper. Gentlemen Iof experience and ability write for it.

    LImaAna DPrAnvusaNT.--The publishers are confi-dent that the announcement that

    Mrs. L. VIRGINIA FRENCHWill retain the control of the Literary columns ofthe IlHoMInAD, for 1859, will be received with gener-al acclamation by her many admirers and a warmwelcome extended to the vehicle which will conveyto the world her beautiful gems of thought. Severalbeautiful and highly interesting stories will appearin the llouvsTerA for 1859, from the pen of Mrs. IriF scnx . -.

    Ir.rcirnaTroxs.-The•An will continue, asheretofore, to be Illustrated with handsome engra- bvings. prepared expressly for its columns, by a com-petent Artist. ci

    A N:wS Sv- AntRy of Foreign and Domestic events, IIwill appear in each number. A great variety of in- ateresting miscellaneous Intelligence. The news con- adensed so as to present, in a moderate compass, eve- tierything of general Interest. r

    MALteR T Rr.PonRT.-Strict attention will be givento Market reports for 1850, as the editors are deter- 1imirdl the:r pal,per shall excel iu this particular. sc

    To TIIE (,VUTImnig PorPI.E.-We now offer you aperioliical, which is permanently estabiH.hed hit yourmidst,--devoted to the great vital interest of i•ecounntry--which has been pronounced by competentjudges, equal, if not superior, both in contents andappearance, to any similar paper in the Union. Wetherefore, ask every Southern man who desires to,subseribe for an Agricultural and Family Paper, thatwill be of particular benefit to his farming operations, tiand Iurnish his family interesting and useful radling,to give the BotrrTnt N HoMasTsAn his support. w

    FonR ANn Trvams.-Tuns SoumrIanN IoMsCBTAD is ofpublished weekly, each number containing eightlarge pages. printed in a -handsome style, and splen- todidly emibllished with engravings, at the following: -

    TIEnus: --INVARIAnIY r•x Anva.cs,--One copy, $2 aYear ; six copies, $10; ten copies. $15. (and an ex- Ttra copy to the person getting up theclub.) Address, TI

    L. P. WILLIAMS & CO., INAnHnrsLI.. , TENNEHRsxsE.

    Send for specimen Numbers, Prospectuses, &c.lake! up ('ohnt immediately. co


    PA•tan oF EAST FEIIMIANA. Court. No. 3&58, Cin the matter of the succession of Benjamin lHarwood, a

    deceased. b1I1SRSUANT to an order of the Honorable Court in. aloreesaid, I will proceed to sell at the late resi. Isdence of the deceased, in the Town of Jackson. on

    WEDNESDAY, February 23, 1859, -at the hour of 11 o'clock, A. M., the following prop-erty belonging to said succession, viz.

    (IOne, iouse and Lot. in the Town of Jackson, beingL ;:' No. 8. in Square No. 28.

    (One fheOst of carpenter's Tools,One Sitver Watch,,One lot of lHoui'hold and Kitchen Furniture, rOne lot of personal pr .perty.

    TErhMS OF HAT. .(Cash. ai•n.22. 1.•51 G. W. CATLETT, Auctioneer. 0


    threeo miles above Bayou Sara, fronting eleven arpelnts on the ,Miisslosippi River, and having fifty ar-ients in de leth ; with tine improvements, and the best -quality (Il alndl. and

    T\lVlE'I'Y-FIVE YOUNG CREOLE SLAVES.The laul will be sold with or without the slaves, asthe purchaser may prefer. Terms: cash.

    Applly at. the office of the I'ointe Coupee Echo. jl5 m

    NOTICE. aeSuccession of itenjamtin Harwood. m

    AI.1, Tilt trE INDEiTED to the above succession dare required to make immediate payment, and

    those having claims against the same, will present btheln at onrce.

    dec 25, 1858 JAMES TAIT, Administrator. IIL

    NOTICE. FSuccession of M. G. MIlls.

    NOTICE is hereby given to all debtors to said ee- teStale. that unless payment be made before the 15th isday of December next, suits will he instltu:ed againstthem. IIARDESTY & KERNAN,nov 20, 1858 Attornles.

    PAY UP IALL PERSONS indebted to the undersigned forl Sadlery. harness, repairing, &c, are requested to Cmake immediate payment.jan 8 E. ROSS.

    TO RENT. nIIAT HIOUSE, In the town of Clinton, belonging bto the Estate of Z. S. Lyons. Possession given

    immediately. For parlieluars. apply to ajan 15 Mrs. MARY E. LYONS. Baton Rouge.

    FAMILY MEDICINES. ,TAUDEN & Co's., celebrated Family medicines, a

    completed assortment on hand and for sale by um3 NORWOOD)) TILDON. Sole Agent. t


    esiFOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE.9S oTIIESE POWDERS ARE SUPERIOR in qualityto any others now in use. They will keep perfect. e

    ly sweet and good any length of time. Each canister t;contains a quarter of a pound full weight, whilstmost others fall short, twenty to thirty per cent.

    Sold in Clinton, La., only by the regular appoint- ved agent. E. WALKER. c

    PURE WINES.ITEIDSIECK CHAMPAIGNE,11 Claret, Catawba, Sherry, Old Port, and Madeira IWines, just received and for sale by the case or bot-tie, at the Drug Store of NORWOOD TILDON. I,I TIIITE WINE VINEGAR, just received and forSV sale at the Drug Store of


    FISH HOOKS AND LINES.A GOOD ASSORTMENT, for sale at the drug store



    IHE UNDERSIGNED. a.graduatoof Yale College,. and of five years experience in teaching, opened

    on the let Monday In October, 1858, ar. SCHOOL FOR BOYS,in Clinton, La., in the lower part of the building for-merly occupied by the Argue Ofloe, south west cor-ner of the Public Square,.

    rf TcaM Prln o rn.For common English Branches, ............. $3 00" Higher do do .............. 4 00

    Latin and Greek........................ 5 00" French antfGerman,.................... 8 00Having the best testimonials, as regards character.

    abilities, and success, both from the Faculty of YaleCollege, and from the places where he has been teach-Ing, he hopes to receive the patronage of all who areinterested in the educationof their children.

    L. DEMBINSKI.N. B. Pupils will be prepared for any class inCollege. For further references, enquire of Mr. W.

    A. Lane, and Rev. J. B. Smith. oat 2



    of October.

    runder the supervision of the Revo. TuouMas D. LCA, as

    Principal.Mr. L•A is a graduate of Princeton College, New

    Jersey, and has had sixteen years experience as aTeacher. Parents may rest assured their daughterswill be in proper hands when confided to his charge.

    DYTHELL HAYNES,~gpt 4 Secretary of the Board of Trustees.

    PAINhTING, PAPER HANGING, &c.W E WOULD CALL the attention of those personsW who are renovating and improving their dwel.lings, or putting up new ones, to the large stock ofPaints. Oils, and colors, we have on hand, which willenable us to fill promptly all orders in the line of ourbusiness.

    We have also a variety of patterns of Plate Glass.suited for side lights, transoms, sash doors, or skylights. Also: Papering, Window Shades, &c., whichwe will be pleased to show to all who may desireworkpf that kind. and will procure the articles selec-ted, and place them wherever required, on the mostreasonable terms.

    Planters and others who have work to do in our eline are requested to call at our paint shop on thesouth side of the Public Square.

    Jan 15 DAVIES & DAVIS.

    TOMB STONES,Mausoleums, Monuments, Tombs,

    BEAD AND FOOT STONES.G B. & E. ENOCHS WOULD CALL THE AT- 3, tention o" those in want of any of the above ar-

    tieles, that they have arrivedAT BAYOU SARA.

    with a large variety. man,'actured in Philadelphia, i,of Italian and American Marbl. a

    tn "All orders left with W. W. ••nAPtAN, at C1n-ton, La. will meet with prompi attention. d 18


    IIE year 1858 has closed. never to return 3gain, iT and so have I my Books, for the purpose ori not re

    opening asy more accounts. LI, theretore, request all those indebted to me. to

    come forward, and settle their accounts with RailRoad speed. as I stand in need of money to meet myown liabilities.

    Hereafter, I shall sell for CASTI. only, which willenaloe me to sell you goods at New Orleans prices.and which will save you the trouble of paying a longbill at the end of the year. I therefore hope that youwill not ask me to credit you with any thing, as I orshall positively be compelled to reluse you. do

    jan 1. 1859 MARTIN COLEMAN. pI


    A. SC ILANKER,W OULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM his old cus-tomers, and the public generally, that he is now

    receiving, at his store, on Commericial Row. aLARGE AND FRESH SUPPLY

    of Family Groceries. Provisions, Liquors, Confection.aries, Fruite, etc.. which he offers for sale at the low-est rates, for CASII ONLY.

    These articIes were selected in person, in New Or-leans, and are of the best qualities.

    Persons wanting Family supplies, will find it totheir advantage to give him a call.All those indebted. are expected to make prompt

    and -pieedy settlement of their accounts.p•-h•c,•maiEtn SCHLANKER'S ol srJ AND. n20

    NE + FALL & WINTER GOODS!!THE UNDERSIGNED are now receiving by almost

    every trip of the cars from ea various northernmarkets a lot of their now stock of

    FALL AND WINTER GOODS.and expect the same to be larger' this season •4more carefully selected than any stock of merchan-dize ever brought to this market.

    They expect to harve their entire stock completedby the middle of this month, and would offer the fol-lowing Inducements for a continuance of the veryliberal patronage of the community at large, to-wit:LOW PRICEI-PROPEIt ATTENTION-GOODSFASHIONABLE AND WARRANTABLE ARTICLES.

    They do not deem it necessary to enumerate anyof the articles to be found in their so well known ontablishment by adding, that their usually large stockis still increased in quality and variety.

    Call at the old stand and satisfy yourselves.october BLOOM, KAIIN & Co.

    SPECIAL NOTICE.TITE RESPECTFULLY CALL TIlE ATTENTIONVV of our Friends, Customers, and the Trading

    Community generally, to the change we have justmade in our commercial firm and business arrange.ments.

    1st, The business heretofore carried on under thefirm and style of A. LEVI, BLOOM, & Co., willhereafter be conducted under the style of BLOOM,KAHIN, & Co., and composed of the same memberoas the old tirm.

    2d. A. LEsv has taken one half of his interest,out of the business which reduces the funds of theconcern.

    3d. It therefore becomes imperative on us to settleup our business and to effect this, we are compelledto ask and exact a prompt settlement and paymentof all outstanding debts contracted prior to Jan. 1st.1858. This is the only means by whlcfvto keep upour large assortment of goods, and grant in futureour usual accommodations to purchasers.

    4th. We design that the Stock kept in future' shallequal, if not surpass, in variety. quantity, and quanI.ty, what the house has ever yet been able to display.

    5th. The larger portion of our SPRING AND SUM-MER STOCK has been ordered from Now York, andwill be completed in New Orleans, and sold at theold stand on the very best terms.

    pe AGAIN, AND, AGAIN, "!rAs a matter of Interest to both parties, we press thenecessity of prompt arrangement of all debts due us.We are forced to pay ours.,


    8, Bionot, A. Levi, S. KAI.v, S. ADLR.Clinton, La., February, 1858.

    SOMETHING NEW.W INDOW SHADES and Fire Screens-A beouthful assortment, just received and for sale by

    m 15 NAUMAN & STRAUSS.




    Perfumery, and Fancy Goods.Musio and musical Instruments,Paints, Oil. Lead, and Varnish,Brushes of all kinds,Fine Cutlery, Razors, and Soap.april 12 BRICK ROW OLerrox, LA.


    WTIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER In Drug.V and Medicines. Chemicals, Paints, Oils Dye.

    stufTh, perfumery, glassware, dye-woods, painters'articles, varnishes, window-glasw. fine soaps. fine hal

    and tooth brushes, seeds of all kinds, surgical andental Instrumen ts, trusses and supporters ofall kindsspices. snuffs. manufactured tobacco, superior inks,•l'Pure WHines and Brandies for Mfedica Purporee."*

    Fancy articlecs, Ac.. eAc., Ac. All thepopular med-iclnes of the day for sale at proprietors prices.

    I offer goods equally as low as they can be obtain-ed from any establishment in this setion, warrantedto be fresh, pure and genuine.

    Orders from the countr promptly filled, and sat-isfaction guaranteed Wt out regard to price andquality. Preserlpt o ill reccivecareful attentionat ALL IIOUC1S.

    Clinton, La., Feb. 2, 1853.



    TKEEPS CONSTANTLY ON IIAND a complete as-orI. •ortmnt of Drugs. Chemienls. Surgical Ilnstru-

    ments. Perfumeries A Soaps. Also dealer in Paints,Oils, Varnishes and Brushes of every description.

    Mr. W. H. McQuithy, from the house of Sickles ACo., New Orleans, will attend to the sale, and dlipen- Isary of Medicines at all hours. lie is now fully pre.pared to fill any orders in his line, a,,d the strictestattention will be paid to any orders from thecountry,and respectfully solicits a share of patronage from Ithe public.

    Wines and Liquors of every description for medicalpurposes. dec. 18.

    NOTICE ! NOTICE II NOTICE I IALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO ME, are respect. Ifully requested to come forward and settle.-

    Mr. C. P. Ratlitf, at the Drug Store of E. Walker, ismy authorizedl agent. and can be found at all times,when I am absent. I am desirous of closing up mybusiness as soon as possible, and II persons who areindebted to me do not comply with this notice. Ishallat once institute suit on all nodclaims.

    may 8 .. ISAAC N. LEMON.

    DRUGS AND MEDICINES, &c.IIE UNDERSIGNED, under renewed obligationsto his friends and the public in general, for their

    ;lberal patronage, begs leave to state that he has justreceived a large addition to his usual stock ofDrugs, Med!Sines,

    Chemicals, Dye-stuffs,Wines, and other Spirits,

    (For Medical purposes only,)Books, Stationery, Perfumery,

    Patent Medicines, Fancy Articles, Ac,, Ac.Being permanently located, he will always endeav-

    or to be ready to attend all calls of his customers,day and night. Ilis stock is, and always will be. com-plete in every thing in his line of business, and termsas low as can be had in the south, rn market.april 3 NORWOOD TILDON.

    NEW MEDICINES.JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SA LE. at the DrugStore of NORWOOD TILDON, a fresh supply,

    consisting, in part. of the following:3 doz. Balm of a Thousand Flowers;6 " Irown's Es. Jamaica Ginger;2 " Itonn's Tonic Mixture;1 " Osgod's India Cholagoguc;6 Radway's teady Relief;6 Regulators;3 " " Resolvent;2 Iloofland's German Bitters;2 " Reddin's RIussa Salve;2 Rushton's Cod Liver O11;3 Billings' Astringent Syrup;1 Gross Barry's Tricopheros;1 Lyon's Kathairon;1 " inen's (.Canadi*c Vermifuge;2 "B. A. FIhnestock's Vermifuge.


    Linseed Oils,Alcohol, White Vinegar, Turpentine,Copal. Japan, Demar, and Coach body VarnishesWif! : Lead and Zinc. Paints,Paint B;r'•hes of every description.

    For sale by E. WALKER.


    large and superior assortment ofBrandies, Gin, Rum and Whiskey,

    Champagne, Claret, and White Wines,Cordials of every variety,

    36 M. COLEMAN.

    IMPROVED POTASH IN CANS.E R. DURKEE & Co's Improved Potash, In cans,. of 2 and 4 pounds each.

    For making the very best soft or hard soap,For softening hard water for washing,_ or removing panlt, varnish, tar, and grease spots,

    from wood work.Pulverized and prepared for convenient use, and

    warranted equal in strength to the best common Potasb. For sale at the drug store ofmay 30 NOR WOOD TILDON.

    PORTER & ALE.NEW SUPPLY of the best brands of Scotch Aleand Lontdon orter, just received at the Drug

    Store of NORWOOD TILDON.

    FINE LIQUORS.ON HAND, and for sale, a choice lot of pure andI_ superlor liquors, which I offer in quantities, not 4

    lees than one gallon, for medicinal purposes only.jan 8 NORWOOD TILDON.

    STOMACH BITTERS.DR. J. HO(STETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, just. received and for sale at the drug store ofm 20 NOW()OI) TILDON.

    HAIR WORK.AIR WORK, of all descriptions, made to order

    11 by ,W NAUMAN & STRAUSS.FLAVORING ESS CES.-A fresh supply of al

    .. kinds, just received and for sale at the Drug storeof NORWOOD TILDON.

    MUSIC & MUSrCAL INSTRUMENTS.ASON'S Sacred Harp, Akin's Ch'Astian Minstrel,

    I. Aikon's Immanuel Minstrel, Hinton'sInstructorsand Sheet Music to order; superior Violins, FlutesAccordeons, and Flutenas; Violin Strings, American.English, Chinese. and Italian; Violin Screws, Bridges,Bows, &c., for sale by E. WALKER.



    NORTH NAST COR•NUl or ThElle s49tA.LI'N; LiNTON, LA.TIUS WELL KNOWN IIOC'SE it now open for

    . the accommodation of Travelers and thf Pubil,generally. Attached thereto sa gotd Stable. Con-veyances furnished when required. may 17


    THE UNDERL•IGNEI. would repe-ctfullyinform the citizens of East Felici jnan d an d

    tboe public generally, that.theyhaave purobaw'd thepropert formerly occupied by Charles A. Crane. andIntend t uie gldi very extcnsive stable by the side ofthe present tbldinr.. .-T Soy will alwa, keep for hire, good Snddle lora'r.Horses and Buggies, and also provide llorses, etc,,with feed and attention.They will alwaye keeup on hand, for sale, all kindsof Horses, from the comnmon plow to the finest har-

    ness and saddle horse.Citizens, and the travelling public in general, areInvited to give us acalt.To Traders, from all parts of the world : We lrviteand solicit you to ive us a call, as we are well pre

    pared to accommodate and assist you.July 10, 1858 LOVE & WOODWARD.

    PATRICK LAIIEE'SM.A.TIL. BTr G '. m,(DAILY 1"1,) .. .

    Between Baton Rouge and Clinton,THAVING TILE CONTRACT OF Tu c.Mail Stage line between Clinton, A

    Baton Rouge, and Jackson, the under-aignrd would respectfully inform the tra llng pub'lie, that his Coaches will run eulch vaca-.

    EVERY DAY IN TIIE "'EEK,excepting Sunday, leaving Clinton anel Baton Rougeat 8 o'clock, A. M.

    PRICE OF PASSAGE.From Clinton to Jackson........... .... 00

    " at . Willing ............. . 2 00" " Plains' Store,.... .. . 2 50

    " " Iaton Rouge,. ....... ....... 00From Baton Rouge to Plains' Store, ......... . 50S . " Mt. Willing,........... 2 00

    " Jackson,...... ....... 2 50" " Clinton....... ........ 3 00

    "l Persons deuirous of passage, must registertheir names with my agents at the respectlve paint.,paying at the same time. the amount of Fare. Noseat considered engaged, unless paid ar.


    NEW ORLEANS PA.CKET.TIE SPLENDID STEAMER, GOLDEN AGE, W.McCombs, Master. (in the place of ,'the Bt.. DoN'NA.) will commence herregular business for the season, making-the first trip on Saturday, the 28th of August, 1858,and every succeeding Saturday evening, will leaveNew Orleans for Donaldsonville, Bayou Goula, Pla.quemine, Baton Rouge, Port Hudson. Waterloo, Bay.on Sara, Pointe Coupee, Morganza, TunicO, Williams.port, Red River Landing. Fort Adams.. and all nlatermediate landings. Returning, will leave Bayou Sa.ra, every Wednesday, on the arrival of the Cars fromWoodville, touching at Port lludeona andall later.mediate places.

    "lr'Particular attention paid to the recelving andlanding of passengers and way freight, at all hoursof the day and night. aug 7


    BUT'LER & KOCH,TmITAKNFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, AND TIIEIvery liberal patronage they have received daringthe past year, announce that they are r.atidy to fill allorders for new work that may come to hand, havinga splendid stock of the fluest material o'er used Inthe southern country, and faithful and fillshed ready to put it in shape alter the most dpprovedstyles of Buggles and Carriage~ now in use.

    Designs for Carrriags. Buggys, Sulkys, &a. on thelatest and most fashionable plans. caln be seen at theworkshop, so that any person can decido upon hischoice without seeing the article completed,

    Repairing of every dscriptiou dotne In the bestmanner, at short notice, anlld onil rIea soai bl terms.

    NEW WORK ALWAYS oN I lAND.Designs of all kinds of vehicles to be seen at our

    shop. Call and see them. All kinds of repairlngdone on the shortest notice. All work warranted,with proper usage.

    B UGGIIES. ROCKAWAYS, AND) Il.IOUCII.ES.which we offer to sell at as low prie0.• rasthey can beprocured in New Orleans, thereby saving purchasers,river and rail road freight. CALL ANt)D SEE.

    Bfutler & Kock, will supply planterswith everymaterial they may wish.

    All work done in their shop, warraOted, with usage.

    Business solicited, and satisfaction rendered, or nocharge made. Ctji!l and examine our work.


    HAVING bought the patent right for thIe alehof the Crane Metallic Burial Caskets, rt a great expense, we introduce them to the public ns having asuperiority over any ease now in use, weautyv of de-sign, artistic and elaborate finishi simplicity in lin-ing, highly decorated and unique silver mountings, perfectly air tight, and also giv- ing ea entireloew of the body,-the top of the cuasket being eon-

    structed of the finest French plate glass renders itthe most desirable case ever introducel to the pub.lie. Beautiful metallic caps cover the glaus, whichsecures the case from damage on account of any ex.ternal pressure.


    FISK'S PATENT OCTAGON CASKET.We have procured the special and exclusive right

    of sale for the above, for the Parish of East Fellctann. and will give every attention on all funeral oc.slons. A flat Hearse will always be on hand.

    Prices of full sized Caskets, vary frorm.Crane's Casket,........ .. $125 to $155Fisk's Octagons,........... 12 to 140Fisk' Metallic Case, ......... 75 to 100Wooden Comfins..... ... 0 to 100

    According to style, tfinishing, and trimmings, smnaller cases are rationed in prices.

    Any infringement of our right in the salo of theabove cases, will subject the violator to damages.

    January, 1859. BUTLERi & KOCI.

    INTERESTING TO HOUSEKEEPERS,A LARGE and well selecttd assortment of sliver

    and plated ware, china ware, and cutlery, justreceived and for sale at

    may 10 NAUMfAN & STRAUSS.

    JOB PRINTING.VERY VARIETY OF JOB PRINTING, neatlyE and promptly executed. Call at the oMee, and

    examine speclmens thereof.

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