Page 1: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse




September 1988NOR 88-23

Second Interim Technical RerortFor Period June 1987 - May 1988Contract No. F33615-85-C-5015

Approv3d For Public Release: Distributior, Unlimited


88 10 4 10(

Page 2: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse







NOR 88-23


Northrop Corporation (if applicable) Air Force Wright AeronauticalAircraft Division 3872/62 Laboratories

6c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 7b ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code)

One Northrop Avenue AFWAL/MLSEHawthorne, CA 90250 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433




11 TITLE (Include Security Classification)

Durability and Damage Tolerance of Aluminum Castings (Unclassified)

12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) M. W. Ozelton and G. R. Turk


Interim FROM 6/1/87 TO 5/31/88 1988, September 7616 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION

17 COSATI CODES 18 SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)

FIELD GROUP SUB-GROP ....... Aluminum castings, -93i,-82Ol, mechanical properties,durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flawsize, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--

19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)

A durability and damage tolerance property data base for D357-T6 and B201-T7 cast bythree commercial foundries was developed. The specifications for the two alloys wereselected based on the results of screening evaluations which are included in the firstinterim report published in September 1987.

Tensile, fatigue, and fracture toughness properties were determined and microstructuraland fractographic evaluations were conducted. The fatigue data (stress-life and crackgrowth rate) were used to calculate an equivalent initial flaw size for both alloys andwill be used to assess the applicability of current DADT specifications to castings.



DO FORM 1473, 84 MAR 83 APR edition may be used until exhausted SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEAll other editions are obsolete Unc lass i fi ed


Page 3: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse


A durability and damage tolerance property data base was

developed for D357-T6 and B201-T7 alloys that were cast by three

commercial foundries. The specifications for the two alloys were

selected based on the results of screening evaluations which are

included in the first interim report published in September,


Tensile, fatigue, and fractu-e toughness properties were

determined and microstructural and fractographic evaluations were

conducted. Fatigue data (stress-life and crack growth rate) for

both alloys were used to calculate an equivalent initial flaw

size, which will be used to assess the applicability of current

DADT specifications to castings.



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Page 4: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse


This second interim report covers the work performed under

Contract F33615-85-C-5015 from June 1987 to May 1988 by Northrop

Corporation, Aircraft Division, Hawthorne, California, under

Project Number 2418. The program is administered under the

technical direction of Mary Ann Phillips, AFWAL/MLSE, Wright-

Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433.

The work is being performed by Northrop's Metallic Materials

and Processes Research and Development Department. Dr. M. W.

Ozelton is the Program Manager and Mr. G. R. Turk is the

Principal Investigator. The contributions of the following

people are acknowledged: P. G. Porter, equivalent initial flaw

size analyses; K. J. Oswalt for many invaluable discussions; S.

Hsu, mechanical testing; D. R. Drott, H. E. Langman, and M. A.

Arrieta for coordinating and carrying out the many and varied

activities to obtain the test data; and J. F. Williams for

preparing the manuscript.

The major subcontractors for the program are Alcoa, Premium

Castings Division, Corona, California; Hitchcock Industries Inc.,

Minneapolis, Minnesota; Fansteel Wellman Dynamics, Creston, Iowa;

and Dr. L. Adler of Ohio State University (NDI consultant).


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1 INTRODUCTION.......................................... 1

2 OBJECTIVE............................................. 3

3 PROGRAM APPROACH...................................... 5

4 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES............................... 9

4.1 PRODUCTION OF CASTINGS........................... 9

4 .2 TEST PROCEDURES................................. 20


5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION............................... 27

5.1 D357-T6......................................... 27

5.1.1 Composition.............................. 285.1.2 Microstructure........................... 285.1.3 Tensile Properties...................... 355.1.4 Fatigue Properties....................... 375.1.5 Fracture Toughness...................... 395.1.6 Equivalent Initial Flaw Size ............43

5.2 B201-T7......................................... 50

5.2.1 Composition.............................. 505.2.2 Microstructure........................... 505.2.3 Tensile Properties...................... 555.2.4 Fatigue Properties....................... 575.2.5 Fracture Toughness....................... 605.2.6 Stress Corrosion......................... 605.2.7 Equivalent Initial Flaw Size ............63

6 CONCLUSIONS.......................................... 67

7 REFERENCES........................................... 69


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1 Program Outline ........................................ 6

2 Rigging System Used by Foundry A to ProduceD357 Plates ........................................... 13

3 Rigging System Used by Foundry B to ProduceD357 Plates ........................................... 15

4 Rigging System Used by Foundry C to Produce

B201 Plates ........................................... 19

5 Typical D357-T6 Microstructure ......................... 30

6 Backscatter SEM Micrograph of D357-T6 ................. 33

7 TEM Micrograph of D357-T6 Showing Si Particles ........ 33

8 TEM Micrograph of D357-T6 Showing a Needle-ShapedPhase Containing Ti ................................... 33

9 (a) TEM Micrograph of D357-T6 Showing a Needle-Shaped Particle Containing Ti and Smaller Mg 2 SiParticles ............................................. 34

(b) Selected Area Diffraction Pattern of the NeedlePhase of Figure 9(a) .................................. 34

10 D357-T6 Stress-Life Fatigue Data ....................... 38 S

11 D357-T6 Strain-Life Fatigue Data ....................... 38

12 D357-T6 Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Data ................ 40

13 Typical Crack Initiation Sites in D357-T6 FatigueSpecimens ............................................. 41

14 Relationship Between Fracture Toughness andYield Strength for D357-T6 ............................ 44

15 Weibull Distribution of D357-T6 EIFS Data ............. 47

16 Measured Area of Defect Size in D357-T6 ............... 49

17 Typical B201-T7 Microstructure ......................... 51

18 TEM Micrograph of B201-T7 Showing the Theta Phase ..... 53 5

19 Backscatter SEM Image of B201-T7 ....................... 54

ix S

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20 STEM Micrograph of B201-T7 Showing a Phase Rich inAl, Cu, Fe, and Mn .................................... 54

21 TEM Micrograph of B201-T7 Showing a Phase Rich inAl, Cu, and Mn ........................................ 54

22 TEM Micrograph of B201-T7 Showing a Phase Rich in

Al and Ti ............................................. 54

23 B201-T7 Stress-Life Fatigue Data ....................... 58

24 B201-T7 Strain-Life Fatigue Data ....................... 58

25 B201-T7 Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Data ................ 59

26 Foreign Material on a B201-T7 Fatigue SpecimenFracture Surface ...................................... 61

27 Relationship Between Fracture Toughness and YieldStrength of B201-T7 ................................... 62

28 Weibull Distribution of B201-T7 EIFS Data ............. 65


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1 Composition Specification for the D357-T6Verification Plates ................................... 11

2 Composition Specification for the B201-T7

Verification Plates ................................... 16

3 Verification Tests for D357-T6 and B201-T7 ............ 21

4 D357 Verification Material Melt Compositions .......... 29

5 D357 DAS and Si Particle Data ......................... 31

6 Tensile Properties of 1.25-inch-thick, Water- andGlycol-quenched D357-T6 Plates ........................ 36

7 Fatigue Crack Initiation Sites for D357-T6 FatigueSpecimens ................................................................. 40

8 D357-T6 Fracture Toughness Data ....................... 42

9 D357-T6 Equivalent Initial Flaw Size Data ............. 45

10 Comparison of Predicted and Measured EquivalentInitial Flaw Size for D357-T6 ......................... 48

11 B201 Verification Material Melt Compositions .......... 51

12 Tensile Properties of 1.25-inch-thick

B201-T7 Plates ........................................ 56

13 B201-T7 Fracture Toughness Data ....................... 62

14 B201-T7 Equivalent Initial Flaw Size Data ............. 64

15 Comparison of Predicted and Measured EquivalentInitial Flaw Size for B201-T7 ......................... 66

6 0


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The use of castings for aircraft applications offers the

potential for significant cost and weight savings compared with

built-up structures. Recurring cost reductions greater than 30

percent are possible through reduced machining and assembly

costs. Weight savings can be achieved, for example, by

eliminating lap joints and fasteners. A reduction in fastener

holes decreases the number of potential flaw initiation sites.

Castings also allow greater shape flexibility compared with

built-up structures.

Castings are not currently used in fatigue-critical aircraft

structure because of the inability to accurately inspect thick

sections, and a lack of durability and damage tolerance (DADT)

data and design allowables that take into account the effects of

inherent casting discontinuities and microstructural features on

DADT properties. The absence of the required DADT data for

castings precludes compliance with the current military DADT

specifications, MIL-A-83444 and MIL-A-87221. As a result, it is

not possible to take advantage of the inherent cost and weight

savings of castings for fatigue-critical aircraft applications.

The goals of the "Durability and Damage Tolerance of

Aluminum Castings" (DADTAC) program are to (a) investigate a

nondestructive inspection (NDI) technique that has the potential

for providing a quantitative assessment of the discontinuities

present in aluminum castings, (b) identify the process variables

and discontinuities that influence the DADT properties, and (c)

characterize the DADT properties of the aluminum casting alloys

A357 and A201. On completion of the program, revisions to

material, process, and DADT specifications will be recommended,

if necessary.

.. .

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The first interim report [1] covered work conducted during

the first 21 months of the program under Tasks 1 and 2 of Phase

I. NDI investigations and the effects of process variables on

the properties of A357-T6 and A201-T7 castings were described.

This second interim report covers additional work conducted

during the following 12 months under Task 2 of Phase I (see

Section 3 for further details). Tensile, microstructural, and

durability and damage tolerance properties of A357-T6 and A201-T7

produced using the specifications selected earlier [1] in Task 2

were determined. These alloys were produced according to AMS

specifications 4241 [2] and 4242 [3], respectively, though a

requirement for a silicon modifier was added to AMS 4241.

Therefore, A357 and A201 will be referred to as D357 and B201,

respectively, throughout this report, per the AMS specifications.


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The overall objective of the DADTAC program is to generate

durability and damage tolerance data for premium quality aluminum

castings and advance foundry technology to expedite the use of

these castings in primary aircraft structures. In addition,

recommendations for modifying material, process, and DADT


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The DADTAC program, which consists of three phases, is

summarized in Figure 1. A brief description of the technical

activities associated with each phase is provided below.

Phase I - DADT of Aluminum Castings Quality Assessment

Task 1 - NDI Assessment State-of-the-art NDI methods were

evaluated using the expertise of the program NDI consultant, Dr.

L. Adler of Ohio State University, to select a new NDI technique

for determining the soundness of the cast plates and components

tested during the program. Precise knowledge of the size,

location, and types of discontinuities in the test castings was

essential so that detected defects could be related to

radiographic soundness.

Task 2 - Alloy Definition Concurrent with Task 1, the

effects of process variables on the durability and damage

tolerance (DADT) properties of D357-T6 and B201-T7 were assessed.

Screening tests were conducted during the Screening portion of

this task to identify the process variables that provided the

optimum balance of tensile and DADT properties for each of the

two alloys. Under the Verification portion of this task

additional castings were then made using those process variables

that provided the optimum properties, and the DADT properties

were comprehensively characterized. This verification material

will become the baseline for the remainder of the program.

Task 3 - Effects of Defects on DADT Properties The effects

of discontinuities and metallurgical features (microstructure) on

the DADT properties of D357-T6 are being determined. Because the

emphasis of this program is on D357-T6, only the effect of

microstructure will be determined for B201-T7.


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Phase I - DADTAC Phase 11I- DADTAC Phase III - DADTAC

Quality Assessment Quality Verification Data Consolidation

" NDI Assessment • Make Aircraft • Materials andCastings to Process Specification• Alloy Definition Specification

- Screening S Recommend- Verification • Validate Phase I Char ges to Existing

" Effect of Defects Data DADT Specifications

on DADT Properties

• Applicability ofExisting DADTSpecifications

Figure 1. Program Outline


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Task 4 - Applicability of Existing DADT Specifications The

applicability of the MIL-A-83444 and MIL-A-87221 specifications

to D357-T6 and B201-T7 aluminum castings will be assessed, based

on the data generated in Tasks 1-3.

Phase II - DADT of Aluminum Castings Quality Verification

During Phase II, the DADT properties obtained during the

Phase I, Task 2 verification testing will be confirmed by testing

coupons removed from a cast aircraft component. After

considering several existing castings, one that meets the program

requirements will be chosen. Four castings of the selected

design will be produced based on the processing and material

specification guidelines from Phase I, and will then be subjected

to NDI and DADT property evaluations. The results will be

compared with those obtained during Phase I to ensure that the

process requirements can be scaled-up from small cast plates to a

large aircraft casting.

Phase III - DADTAC Program Data Consolidation

In Phase III, the results of Phases I and II will be

consolidated. Material and process specifications, including any

necessary silicon modification and NDI requirements, will be

prepared for use in producing premium quality aluminum castingsfor primary aircraft structure. Necessary modifications to

existing damage tolerance specifications, such as MIL-A-83444 andMIL-A-87221, will be identified and pursued as required.


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D357-T6 and B201-T7 plates were cast by Hitchcock

Industries, Fansteel Wellman Dynamics, and Alcoa according to

specifications derived from the screening evaluations reported in

the first interim report [1]. The specifications were based on

the process variables that provided the best overall balance oftensile and DADT properties. The use of three foundries to

produce material to the same specification enabled the property

variations typical of the casting industry to be determined. The

D357-T6 results for one of the three foundries were not available

in time for inclusion in this report. The foundries are referred

to as Foundries A, B, or C, and do not correspond to the order

listed above.

Plates that were 16 inches x 6 inches x 1.25-inch-thick were

used for the verification evaluations of Task 2 covered in this

report. This plate thickness enabled fracture toughness speci-

mens of a valid thickness to be obtained. However, a limited

number of plates of the same thickness used previously in the

screening evaluations of Task 2 [1] were also made and evaluated

to (a) assure that the verification material properties were

similar to those obtained from the best screening task plates and

(b) to obtain an indication of the effect of thickness on tensile


The specifications given to the foundries, which were

structured to be similar to the AMS 4241 [2] and 4242 [3]

aluminum casting alloy specifications for D357-T6 and B201-T7,

respectively, are outlined in the following sections. Key

mechanical and microstructural properties were specified, but the

foundries were given the freedom to select the production methods

that would best enable them to produce plates with the required

properties. The plates were designated in all areas.

9 0

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4.1.1 D357-T6

Screening evaluation data [1] indicated that there was no

conflict in the requirements for optimizing tensile and DADT

properties. Therefore, the AMS 4241 composition specification

[2] was used, Table 1, with the addition of strontium as a

silicon modifier, which was shown in the screening evaluations

[1] to improve mechanical properties, particularly the NTS/YS

ratio (an indicator of toughness) and ductility. Although Sr was

used during the screening evaluation, one foundry preferred to

use sodium for the verification plates because previous

experience indicated that it provided benefits at the foundry

without impairing the modification process. The other foundry

used Sr.

A maximum DAS of 0.0024 inch throughout the plates was

specified. This DAS value was selected based on the results of

the screening evaluations; plates with a more rapid

solidification rate (DAS of 0.0024 inch or less) had higher

ultimate tensile strengths (UTS), ductilities, notched tensile

strengths, NTS/YS ratios, and fatigue lives than those with a

slower cooling rate (larger average DAS).

Each foundry produced two plates of the same size as the

screening plates (12 inches x 6 inches x 0.75 inch) and eight

larger plates (16 inches x 6 inches x 1.25 inch). The smaller

plates, which were the same size as those used in the screening

evaluation portion of Task 2, were tested to assure that the

properties of the optimally-produced screening material could be

reproduced using the verification material specifications.

Because castings are often quenched in a glycol/water solution to

reduce distortion (by reducing the cooling rate) of complex parts

and/or those that have significant thickness variations, three

of the eight large plates were quenched in a room temperature

glycol (25%)/water solution (GQ); the remaining plates werequenched in room temperature water (WQ). The rigging system and


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Element Range (wt %)

Min. Max.

Silicon 6.5 7.5

Magnesium 0.55 0.6

Titanium 0.10 0.20

Beryllium 0.04 0.07

Strontium 0.008 0.014(2)Sodium 0.002 0.012

Iron - 0.12

Manganese - 0.10

Others, each - 0.05

Others, total - 0.15

Aluminum Balance

()AMS 4241 plus Si modifier

(2 )Sr or Na was used, not both.

0 ii


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aging treatments were the same for the GQ and WQ plates, allowing

the effect of quench medium on DADT properties to be determined.

The specified minimum tensile properties were based on the

results obtained during the screening evaluations and were iden-

tical to the AMS 4241 specification for designated areas, as


Ultimate tensile strength - 50 ksi

Yield strength at 0.2% offset - 40 ksi

Elongation - 3%

The foundries selected their preferred aging procedures to meet

the mechanical property requirements.

A flat vacuum density test result was specified to assure

that the melt hydrogen gas content, which influences the amount

of porosity in the final casting, was minimized.

No weld repair was allowed, and each plate was required to

be Grade B or better by 1% sensitivity radiography according to

MIL-STD-2175. D357 Castings

The rigging system for the 0.75-inch-thick plates was

described in an earlier report [1]. The rigging systems and the

heat treatment procedures used by Foundries A and B for the 1.25-

inch-thick D357-T6 plates are described below.

Foundry A

The rigging, shown in Figure 2, consisted of a tapered down

sprue leading into a pouring well and runner system which fed the

vertical mold cavity. Three 1.25-inch-thick copper chills were


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Figure 2. Rigqing System Used by Foundry Ato Produce D357 Plates.


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used, and a fiberglass screen was placed between the pouring well

and runner to trap foreign material.

The plates were solution heat treated for 15 hours at 1015F

in a drop bottom furnace. The temperature was -ontrolled to

within +5F and -10F. The plates were quenched .n room

temperature water or a 25% glycol-water solution, and were

artificially aged at 335+5F for 6 hours.

Foundry B

The rigging for the plates produced by Foundry B is shown in

Figure 3. Eight 2-inch by 2-inch by 1.5-inch-thick iron chills

placed end on end were used in the center of the horizontal cope,

and one 3-inch by 3-inch by 16-inch-long copper chill was used in

the drag to obtain directional and rapid solidification. Eight

insulated risers spaced at approximately 4-inch intervals were

used to feed the casting during solidification. The mold cavity

was gravity fed through an insulated gating system which con-

tained ceramic filters to trap foreign material.

The plates were solution heat treated at 1010+5F for 24

hours and quenched in room temperature water or a 25% glycol-

water solution. The plates were then artificially aged at 315+5F

for 13.5 hours.

4.1.2 B201-T7

Similar to D357-T6, the screening evaluation data showed

that there was no conflict in the requirements for optimizing

tensile and DADT properties. Consequently, the composition

specified in AMS 4242 (Table 2) [3] was used for the verification

plates. Each foundry produced two 0.75-inch-thick plates and

five 1.25-inch-thick plates and selected their preferred aging

treatment to meet the mechanical property requirements. All

areas of the plates required designated properties and all of the


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a. Cope Side of Casting.


b. Runner and Filter System.

Figure 3. Rigging System Used by Foundry B toProduce D357 Plates.


m m m m m

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Element Range (wt %)

Min. Max.

Copper 4.50 5.0

Silver 0.40 0.8

Maganese 0.20 0.50

Magnesium 0.20 0.30

Titanium 0.15 0.35

Iron - 0.05

Silicon - 0.05

Others, each - 0.05

Others, total - 0.15

Aluminum Balance

()AMS 4242


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plates were quenched in room temperature water. A flat vacuum

density test result was required. To minimize microshrinkage,

which may have a deleterious effect on fatigue life, all B201

plates were HIPed. HIPing consisted of step-heating the as-cast

plates to 950F and holding for 3 hours in an inert gas atmosphere

at 15,000 psi.

The specified minimum tensile properties were based on the

results obtained during the screening evaluations and were iden-

tical to the AMS 4242 specification requirements for designated

areas, as follows:

Ultimate tensile strength - 60 ksi

Yield strength at 0.2% offset - 50 ksi

Elongation - 3%

Similar to D357-T6, weld repairs were not allowed, and each

plate was required to be of a Grade B or better radiographic

quality (1% sensitivity). B201 Castings

Similar to the D357 plates, each foundry designed its own

rigging system and chose the solution heat treat and aging param-

eters they thought best to achieve the T7 temper with the

required mechanical properties. The rigging system for the 0.75-

inch-thick plates was described in an earlier report [1]. The

rigging systems and heat treatment procedures used by Foundries

A, B, and C for the 1.25-inch-thick plates are described below.

Foundry A

The rigging for plates produced by Foundry A was the same as

that used for the D357 plates (Figure 2).


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The plates were loaded in a furnace below 50OF and solution

heat treated as follows:

2 hours at 940+1OF

2 hours at 960+1OF

16 hours at 980+1OF

The plates were then quenched in room temperature water and

artificially aged for 5 hours at 380+5F.

Foundry B

The rigging for the plates produced by Foundry B was similar

to that shown in Figure 3 except that no chills were used in the

cope. One 2-inch by 3-inch by 16-inch-long copper chill was used

in the drag to obtain directional solidification. Eight

insulated risers spaced at approximately 4-inch intervals were

used to feed the casting during solidification. The mold cavity

was gravity fed through an insulated gating system which

contained ceramic filters to trap foreign material.

The plates were loaded into a furnace below 50OF and

solution heat treated and quenched as follows:

hours at 940+IOF

2 hours at 950+1OF

16 hours at 980+1OF

The plates were then quenched in room temperature water

and aged for 8 hours at 360+5F.

Foundry C

The rigging for the plates produced by Foundry C is shown inFigure 4. Two 2.5-inch by 2.5-inch by 8-inch cast iron chills

placed end on end were used in the cope, and one 2-inch by 4-inch


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Figure 4. Rigging System Used by Foundry C toProduce B201 Plates.


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by 16-inch-long chill was used in the drag to obtain directional

solidification. Ten 1.5-inch-diameter insulated risers spaced at

approximately 4-inch intervals were used to feed the casting

during solidification. The mold cavity was gravity fed through

the gating system, which contained ceramic foam filters to trap

foreign material.

The plates were loaded into a furnace below 50OF and

solution heat treated as follows:

2 hours at 920+1OF

2 hours at 950+1OF

2 hours at 970+1OF

16 hours at 980+1OF

The plates were quenched into room temperature water and

then naturally aged at room temperature for 24 hours, followed by

artificial aging at 360+5F for 8 hours.


The 1.25-inch-thick plates used for the verification

evaluations were comprehensively evaluated using the tests shown

in Table 3, and were radiographically inspected to assure all

materials were Grade B or better. The DADT test specimens were

excised randomly from the 1.25-inch-thick plates to determine the

between-plate and foundry-to-foundry mechanical property


For the 0.75-inch-thick verification plates, only tensile

and notched tensile tests were conducted. The results were

compared with the screening test data to assure that the

properties obtained from the optimized screening evaluation

plates [1] could be reproduced in the verification plates.


Page 27: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse


Number of Tests

D357-T6 B201-T7Test Specification Water Glycol Water

Quench Quench Quench

Tensile ASTM B557 30 10 30

Notched Tensile ASTM E602 30 10 30

Fracture Toughness ASTM B646(I) 6 3 6

Constant Amplitude ASTM E647 6 3 6Fatigue Crack Growth

Stress-Life Fatigue ASTM E466 12 6 12

Stress Corrosion ASTM G47 0 0 3

Strain-Life Fatigue ASTM E606( 2 ) 12 0 12and E466

Metallography ASTM E112 15 6 15

Chemical Analysis NA 15 6 15

(1)In addition to the ASTM 646 standard test, short bar testingwas performed using the method currently under review by ASTM.

(2)A new specification is under review by ASTM.


Page 28: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

The composition of each plate was determined using

Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) analysis to confirm the foundry

melt results. The DAS of the D357 plates was measured using a

line intercept method [4] and the silicon particle morphology

was evaluated using an Omnicon 3500 image analyzer. Specimens

were excised from random locations throughout the plates.


Durability and damage tolerance analysis requirements for

aircraft structure are defined in MIL-A-83444 and MIL-A-87221.

For damage tolerance analysis of wrought alloys, the presence of

a flaw is assumed so that defects that may occur in critical

areas of a part during manufacturing are accounted for. Castings

contain inherent flaws such as microporosity, microshrinkage, or

foreign material that may not be detectable by normal NDI

methods. A limited amount of these defects is acceptable in

premium quality aluminum castings for aerospace applications. An

equivalent initial flaw size (EIFS) must be determined for

castings to account for these inherent flaws. The EIFS of D357

and B201 was determined from the Task 2 (verification) fatigue

data using a method developed previously under a Northrop IR&D

Program [5]. The methodology for determining the EIFS and how it

may be applied to both durability and damage tolerance analyses

are summarized below. The damage tolerance analysis is included

in Section 5 of this report. The durability analysis is

scheduled to be concluded later in the program.

4.3.1 Determination of Equivalent Initial Flaw Size

Stress-life fatigue results for smooth round-bar specimens

(Kt = 1.0) were used to obtain an estimate of the inherent

material EIFS. The value of EIFS (ao), which initiates a crack

in a smooth round bar fatigue specimen, is based on the following

relationship [5].


Page 29: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

(1-m/2) /m }1/ (-m12)

where ao = ai -(1-m/2)C(8AS$R/Q)N i Eq. 1

ai = a selected flaw size defining initiation

which is close to, but in excess of ao by

at least 0.01 inch.

m & C = the slope and intercept, respectively, of

the Paris law equation representing the

da/dn vs AK plot. For this analysis, the

da/dn test must be run at the same stress

ratio as the stress-life fatigue tests.

B = the stress intensity correction factor for

a semicircular surface flaw of a depth

equal to the average of ao and ai .

S= the elastic stress range of the fatigue


Ni = Number of cycles for the fatigue crack to

grow to ai from ao .

Q = a crack shape factor, equal to

2.464-0.212(Smax/Oy)2 .

where Smax = the maximum fatigue stress.

Uy = yield strength.

The value of Ni is determined from the number of cycles to

failure using the following relationship:


(ai+ ao ) Aa(Nf/Ni) = 1+ m/2 Eq. 2(ai- aO) [ Inm ( ) /

a=ai \tj i I

where: a = the crack length at the midpoint of the

assumed interval, Aa.


Page 30: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

B= the stress intensity correction factor at

crack length W.

The EIFS solution involves an interpolation between

Equations 1 and 2 because each one contains ao . However, an

adequate convergence occurs within seven or eight iterations

depending on the initial value of ai assumed.

4.3.2 Application to Durability Analysis

The durability analysis will be performed using the Northrop

sequence crack initiation program, LOOPIN8 [6] using data

generated from round bar strain-life fatigue test specimens.

These specimens have the same general geometry as those used to

obtain the EIFS (Section 4.3.1).

Using the average EIFS obtained as described in Section

4.3.1, the ratio between Ni and Nf for each alloy can be derived

from Equation 2 for a selected value of initiation flaw size

(ai). Hence, the failure lives obtained during the strain-life

tests can be converted to the cycles required to initiate a crack

of the selected size. Using these converted data, the LOOPIN8

program is then used to predict the life to initiate a crack from

the material EIFS (ao) to the predefined initiation flaw size


4.3.3 Application to Damage Tolerance Analysis

Damage tolerance analysis is based on the assumption that

crack growth starts from a "rogue" flaw. For wrought alloys, the

size of this flaw is generally defined [7] as a 0.050 inch corner

flaw at the edge of a hole. Reductions in the assumed value of

this flaw are negotiable between the supplier and the customer

based on a demonstration of manufacturing quality. However, if

the basic quality of the material is such that similar or greater

rogue flaws can exist regardless of the care taken to produce the


Page 31: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

finished article, then the upper bound of the inherent material

equivalent initial flaw size becomes the limiting design factor.

The upper bound for the castings was derived from the EIFS

distribution obtained from smooth round bar fatigue test results

using a "sudden-death" analysis, as described below.

Sudden-Death Analysis

Sudden-death testing [8] is a method that can be used for

determining the upper bound defect size for the general

population based on the fatigue life results for specimens that

contain random distributions of casting defects. Crack

initiation will usually occur at the largest defect located at or

near the surface of the gauge section of the specimen. The

failure of the specimen can be assumed to be the "sudden-death"

failure of the set of defects contained within the surface volume

of the specimen. The largest defect is represented by the

shortest fatigue life.

The smooth round bar fatigue specimens used in the DADTAC

program had a 1.6-inch-long by 0.50-inch-diameter gauge section.

The volume of material in the critical initiation zone of these

specimens is equivalent to that obtained in a similar depth of

material at the edge of approximately 70 0.25-inch-diameter holes

drilled through a 0.25-inch-thickness. This estimate is based on

an assumption that the critical high stress concentration region

for a hole extends twenty degrees either side of the hole axis

aligned normal to the primary load direction. This is considered

to be a conservative assumption as a more localized stress

concentration would tend to increase the number of holes

represented by the smooth bar specimen.

According to the theory of ranking [8], the lowest value in

a set of 70 specimens clusters about the 1% probability level of

the general population. If the lowest life represents the


Page 32: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

highest equivalent initial flaw size in each set of 70, then the

EIFS values obtained from an analysis of the round bar tests will

be clustered about the 99% probability level of the EIFS values

obtained for a typical defect population.

The ranked results are analyzed assuming a Weibull

distribution to obtain the median and upper 95% confidence limit

statistics of the "sudden death" population. The median and

upper 95% confidence limit of the general population are obtained

by translating the "sudden death" median line and confidence

limit upward until the Weibull median value of the "sudden death"

line coincides with the 99% probability value.

EIFS values for castings obtained from different vendors

were grouped using variance analysis [9). An estimate of the

maximum inherent material rogue flaw size was obtained from the

99.9% probability and 95% confidence value read from the above

derived general population distribution. If this value exceeds

the current requirements of MIL-A-83444 it indicates that the

basic material quality is more critical for the castings

evaluated under the DADTAC program than the upper flaw sizes

currently assumed for wrought alloys based on manufacturing

quality. A value less than the current MIL-A-83444 specification

requirement would indicate that castings can be considered for

use in a damage tolerant design by applying the same criteria

used for wrought alloys.


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The overall objective of the verification subtask was to

determine the DADT properties of D357-T6 and B201-T7 made to the

specifications developed in the screening subtask. The results

for the two alloys are described in the following subsections.

5.1 D357-T6 RESULTS

The main emphasis for D357 was to evaluate cast plates that

were quenched in room temperature water. However, a few D357

plates were quenched in glycol (GQ) to determine if the quench

medium significantly influenced the mechanical properties. All

other process parameters for the GQ plates were the same as for

the water-quenched (WQ) plates.

For the WQ plates, only those that fully met the specified

microstructural and tensile properties as well as radiographic

quality and chemical composition, were used for evaluating DADT

properties. To fully evaluate the effect of the quench, all of

the GQ plate test results were compared with data from the WQ

plates. However, only data from those GQ plates which fully met

all the specification requirements were included in the subse-

quent DADT analyses (e.g. EIFS).

All the WQ and GQ D357-T6 plates from Foundry A met the S

specification requirements. The DADT test specimens, therefore,

were excised from these plates at random locations. For Foundry

B, two WQ plates did not meet the tensile property requirements;

both had one low elongation value (<3%) out of the two tensile

specimens tested from each plate. Therefore, only the remaining

three plates were used for the DADT characterization described in

this section. The evaluations for Foundry C material were not

complete at the time this report was prepared.


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5.1.1 Composition

A combined total of sixteen plates (1.25-inch- and 0.75-

inch-thick) cast from ten different melts by two foundries were

used for the verification evaluations. The composition of each

of these melts and the specification ranges for each element are

listed in Table 4. The compositions were within the range speci-

fied from the screening subtask of this program (Table 1). The

melt analyses were confirmed by ICP chemical analyses on samples

taken from the plates.

5.1.2 Microstructure

The microstructure of the D357-T6 plates was characterized

using optical, transmission and scanning transmission electron

microscopy (TEM and STEM), and scanning electron microscopy

(SEM). The DAS and silicon particle morphology of each plate

were determined. A typical optical micrograph of D357-T6 is

shown in Figure 5.

The DAS of specimens taken from various locations throughout

the plates ranged from 0.0008 inch to 0.0020 inch, which is

within the specification requirement (<0.0024 inch).

The average DAS values, as well as the Si particle area,

spacing, and aspect ratio for WQ and GQ material from both

foundries are listed in Table 5, along with a comparison to the

corresponding data obtained previously for the screening

material. The DAS for material from the two foundries was

similar, with all values being below the specification maximum of

0.0024 inch. The average DAS of the verification material was

slightly less than that of the screening material. The average

DAS for the GQ plates from both foundries was less than that for

the WQ material. The GQ and WQ plates were made to the same

specification using identical processing conditions except for

the quench medium. There was no variation in chill or mold

materials which would affect the DAS. Therefore, the consistent


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Fe Si Mg Ti Mn Be Na Sr Al

0.03 7.03 0.6 0.12 0.00 0.050 0.002 - Bal.0.03 6.99 0.6 0.11 0.00 0.070 0.003 - Bal.0.03 7.27 0.6 0.10 0.00 0.060 0.009 - Bal.0.04 7.37 0.6 0.11 0.00 0.050 0.012 - Bal.0.11 6.67 0.6 0.16 0.01 0.061 - 0.008 Bal.0.10 7.35 0.6 0.15 0.01 0.070 - 0.014 Bal.0.11 6.80 0.6 0.17 0.01 0.059 - 0.011 Bal.0.10 7.07 0.6 0.15 0.01 0.069 - 0.014 Bal.0.11 7.20 0.6 0.16 0.01 0.070 - 0.007 Bal.0.10 7.07 0.6 0.15 0.01 0.069 - 0.014 Bal.

AMS 4241 Specification Range

<0.12 6.5- 0.55- 0.10- <0.1 0.04- * * Bal.7.5 0.6 0.20 0.07

• Not specified in AMS 4241; however, those amounts used arewithin the 0.05 wt. % limit set for "other" elements.


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V I- 4'

V '

- A4-

/hi ,.


S50X As polished

Figure 5. Typical D357-T6 Microstructure.



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Si Particle Morphology

Foundry Quench DAS Area Spacing Aspect % Porosity(inch) (Mm2 ) (Am) Ratio

A Water 0.0012 16 38 1.6 0Glycol 0.-,,,O 12 36 1.6 0

B Water ,.0018 18 44 1.6 0.083Glyco-. 0.0013 23 40 1.6 0

Average Water 0.0015 14 41 1.6 0.042Glycol 0.0011 18 38 1.6 0

Average of 0.0016 20 36 1.8 0.023ScreeningData [1]


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difference in the DAS for the GQ and WQ plates is considered to

be coincidental and not a result of processing differences.

The silicon particle data for the verification material from

the two foundries were also similar, and were similar to those

obtained previously for the screening material. The percent

porosity, which was determined using the optical metallography

specimens, was low for all of the verification plates, as it was

in the screening plates. An additional indication of the amount

of gas porosity was obtained by measuring the residual hydrogen

present in samples of the cast material. The average hydrogen

content of samples from both foundries was 0.65 ppm.

The microstructure of randomly selected samples was

evaluated using SEM, TEM, STEM, SAD patterns, and EDX analyses.

Four different phases were observed, although the exact

stoichiometry of three could not be determined.

A typical SEM micrograph of D357-T6, Figure 6, shows three

phase morphologies in addition to the aluminum matrix. Using EDX

analyses, the shapes identified by Numbers 1 and 2 were

determined to be Al-Fe, but the stoichiometry could not be

determined. The phase identified by Number 3 was determined by

EDXA to be Si. Smaller Si particles were also observed in the

TEM micrograph, Figure 7. An X-ray map of the microstructure

confirmed that these particles were Si. Long needle-shaped

particles were also observed in the microstructure of Figure 8,

and were shown by X-ray mapping to contain Ti. Mg and Fe X-ray

maps of this microstructure were also generated, but neither

element was detected. A closer examination of the Ti-containing

needles was conducted to determine their stoichiometry. Figures

9a and b show a typical needle and its SAD pattern, respectively.

Examination of the pattern, as well as two others obtained at

different orientations, did not reveal the composition or

stoichiometry of the phase. Another phase is also seen in


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Figure 6. Backscatter SEM Figure 7. TEN Micrograph of

Micrograph of D357-T6. D357-T6 Showing Si Particles.


Figure 8. TEN Micrographof D357-T6 Showing a Needle-Shaped Phase Containing Ti.

S 33

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Figure 9a. TEM Micrograph Figure 9b. Selected Areaof D357-T6 Showing a Needle- Diffraction Pattern of theShaped Particle Containing Ti Needle Phase of Figure 9a.and Smaller Mg2Si Particles.


Page 41: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

Figure 9a, which was identified by EDXA to be the main

strengthening phase Mg2Si.

Sodium was used to modify the as-cast microstructure of the

specimen that was examined in the TEM. However, X-ray mapping

and diffraction patterns of various areas of the microstructure

failed to locate Na. Some controversy exists about the exact

modification mechanism caused by Na. However, one theory [20] is

that modification is accomplished through an interaction between

Na and P, an impurity element. In the absence of Na, P forms

AlP, which promotes the formation of large Si particles. When Na

is added, the compound NaP is formed, which suppresses this

tendency, resulting in a finer microstructure.

5.1.3 Tensile Properties

The tensile properties of D357-T6 plates from Foundries A

and B are shown in Table 6. Tests were conducted on both water-

and glycol-quenched material from the 1.25-inch-thick plates. A

limited number of tensile tests were also conducted on the 0.75-

inch-thick plates (water-quenched only). These smaller plates

were evaluated to assure that those properties obtained for the

optimized material during the screening evaluations could be

reproduced in plates of the same size produced to the AMS 4241

specification. The combined average tensile properties for the

0.75-inch-thick verification plates from Foundries A and B were

53.6 ksi ultimate strength, 45.3 ksi yield strength, and 5.9

percent elongation. These values were similar to the results

from the screening tests, i.e. 51.4 ksi, 43.4 ksi, and 5.1,


The average and minimum tensile properties for the 1.25-

inch-thick water-quenched material from Foundry A (54/45/5.9)

were slightly higher than those from Foundry B (52/45/4.5). All

of the individual test specimens from the Foundry A plates met

the 50/40/3 tensile property requirements. Two Foundry B plates


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Quench** UTS (ksi) YS (ksi) El (%)Foundry Medium Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg. Range

A Water 54 51-55 45 44-47 5.9 3.5-8.5Glycol 53 51-55 43 42-44 6.6 5.5-9.0

B Water 52 50-53 45 44-46 4.5 3.0-5.6Glycol 49 48-50 42 41-43 3.4 2.5-4.3

Average Water 53 45 5.2

Glycol 51 43 5.0

Target Min. 50 40 3.0

*25% Glycol Solution**Room Temperature



Page 43: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

each had one tensile test result that had a percent elongation

less than the 3.0% minimum requirement. Subsequent DADT

evaluations of material from Foundry B were conducted only on

those plates that fully met the tensile property specification

requirements. The tensile property data for Foundry B material

shown in Table 6 include only those WQ plates that were within

the specification.

The average and minimum tensile property data for GQ plates

from both foundries are also shown in Table 6. Strength levels

are in general slightly lower than those for the WQ material.

The reduction in strength is probably associated with a lower

level of Mg remaining in solution following the quench, resulting

in less Mg2Si, the strengthening phase, following artificialaging. Two of 12 elongation values for the GQ plates were below

the 3.0 percent minimum.

5.1.4 FatiQue Properties Smooth Stress-Life

The stress-life data for D357-T6 (kt=l.0) from Foundries A

and B are shown in Figure 10 along with a comparison to 7075-T73

£11], a wrought alloy commonly used in fatigue critical aircraft

applications. The fatigue lives of material from Foundry A are

longer than those for Foundry B for a given stress level. The

fatigue lives of the GQ and WQ material are essentially the same.

The average fatigue life of D357-T6 is less than that of 7075-T73, and is presumably due to lower D357-T6 strength and the

larger size of the inherent defects found in castings, which will

tend to reduce the initiation life, as discussed in Section Smooth Strain-Life

The strain-life data are shown in Figure 11 as log strain

amplitude vs. log of the number of cycles to failure (Nf).


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R-0.1 ; Kt- 1.0




O0 0 A

w 4 0 0 ft


030 ON A AE

• 20- •-E10


0 I l I II III I I I I It I I I II III10 4



10710 ~ 10 ~ 10

Log N f

Figure 10. D357-T6 Stress-Life Fatigue Data.


R= -1.0; Kt= 1.0

0 Foundry Symbol

A AB 0


El A




0 0 A-J

1 0 3 lJ

10 1 102 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7

Log N f

Figure 11. D357-T6 Strain-Life Fatigue Data.


Page 45: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

The specimens were tested using an R ratio of -1.0, with strain

amplitudes ranging from 0.010 to 0.002, which resulted in fatigue

lives ranging from approximately 50 to 1,000,000 cycles. These

data were generated for use in the durability analysis later in

the program (described in Section 4.3.2). FatiQue Crack Growth Rate

The range of constant amplitude fatigue crack growth rate

(FCGR) data for WQ and GQ material from Foundries A and B are

shown in Figure 12. Also included are data for A357-T6 obtained

under a previous Northrop program [12], and 7075-T7351 plate

[13]. The DADTAC D357-T6 data are similar to the previous A357-

T6 data and are slightly better than that of 7075-T7351. Based

on these data, the difference in the total fatigue life between

the cast and wrought materials (Figure 10) can be attributed to

the ease of crack initiation. Fatigue cracks probably initiate

more readily in castings than in wrought material, due to the

presence of inherent defects such as dross and/or porosity. Each

fatigue life specimen was fractographically examined to determine

the crack initiation site. Out of 12 specimens examined, 11

initiated a fatigue crack from a defect located at or near the

surface. No clearly defined defect was associated with the

fatigue crack initiation of the twelfth specimen. The results

are shown in Table 7. All of the defects were porosity and/or

dross. Typical sites are shown in Figures 13a and b.

5.1.5 Fracture Toughness

The fracture toughness data for WQ and GQ D357-T6 are shown

in Table 8. Compact tension, short bar, and NTS/YS tests were

conducted. A short bar test specimen was removed from each of

the tested compact tension specimens to obtain a direct

correlation between the two test methods. Invalid KQ results


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Northrop IR&D (12) 0.

7075-T7351/* Plate [13)

RegressionQ Fit of Region 11o da/dN Data

m-4.988 I10r c.2.46x10-11 J /

Range of DADTAC 0357-T6 Data

10.10 100AK (kSri(7i)

Figure 12. D357-T6 Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Data(R=0.l; lab air).


Number of Fatigrue Specimens With Crack Initiation Site

Dross Pore Both Dross and Pore Other*

4 4 31

*No Observable Defect


Page 47: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

a. SEM M~icrograph of a Pore.

~~~~~ JA t- ~ 'n'-s

ii~i A :b.~~~~~~~~ Backsatte S irgap fFrig aeil

b.ur 1a3.ate Ty EMa Crcrogritahio Foresignaeil

D357-T6 Fatigue Specimens.


Page 48: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse


Quench Fracture Toug~hness (ksiN in.) NTS YSMedium KIC KQ KIV* (ksi) (ksi) NTS/YS

Water - 24 24 62 45 1.38

Glycol** 22 -22 57 42 1.36

*Short Bar Test**25% Glycol Solution


Page 49: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

were obtained from the compact tension tests for all the WQ

material due to excessive crack front curvature, which is often

observed in castings due to residual stresses incurred during

quenching. Valid Kic results were obtained for GQ plates,

presumably because of the slower cooling rate associated with the


For both foundries, an average KQ of 24 ksiV'Th was obtained

for WQ material by both compact tension and short bar (KIV) test

methods. This fracture toughness value corresponded to a NTS/YS

ratio of 1.38. The fracture toughness of the GQ material was

slightly less than that of the WQ material, 22 ksi in for both

compact tension (KIc) and short bar (KIV) test methods. The

average NTS/YS ratio of the GQ material was slightly less than

that of the WQ material, 1.36 vs. 1.38. Similar to the WQ

material, both foundries had the same average fracture toughness

values for the GQ plates.

The ranges of the compact tension and short bar fracture

toughness values and their correlations with yield strength are

evident by comparing all the test data shown in Figure 14. The

fracture toughness ranged from approximately 21 to 26 ksi in,

with the lowest values (21 and 22 ksi vin, KIC) being obtained

for the GQ material. There was no clear correlation between the

fracture toughness and yield strength, probably because the yield

strength range was relatively narrow. Other work [14] has shown

that there is an inverse relationship between fracture toughness

and yield strength.

5.1.6 Eguivalent Initial Flaw Size Analysis

The method for determining the equivalent initial flaw size

was described in Section 4.3.1. The calculated values for

individual specimens excised from material from the two foundries

are shown in Table 9, along with the corresponding fatigue life

and maximum applied stress. Testing of specimens that did not

fail after 5x10 6 cycles was terminated and an EIFS was not

0 43

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Glycol Water K oQuenched Quenched - Kic

c 25IM

4 45

4 44




40 45 50Yield Strength (ksl)

NOTE: All K10 values for glycol - quenched material.KN obtained from short bar test.

Figure 14. Relationship Between Fracture Toughness andYield Strength for D357-T6.


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Maximum Cycles toFoundry Stress Failure EIFS

(ksi) (x103 ) (inch)

A 30 4069 0.002730* 1474 0.005235 220 0.010345 50 0.011140* 50 0.015940 50 0.016220* 5300+ -

Avg. 0.0102

B 30* 254 0.015040* 45 0.016730 213 0.016820* 982 0.022345 14 0.0228

25 223 0.0267

Avg. 0.0201

*Glycol-quenched+No failure


Page 52: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse


The data indicate that the EIFS for Foundry A is less than

that for Foundry B. This is consistent with the S/N fatigue data

shown in Figure 10; the results for test specimens from Foundry A

material are at the higher end of the overall band of data. The

EIFS data were then analyzed as described in Section 4.3.3 to

determine the value of the maximum inherent material rogue flaw

size (99.9% probability and 95% confidence) that should be used

to design a cast DADT critical component to a specific life. The

data are presented as a Weibull distribution in Figure 15. For

D357-T6, the maximum flaw size was determined to be 0.030 inch,

which is less than the 0.050 inch flaw that is typically assumed

for damage tolerance analysis of wrought materials [7]. A defect

of this size may be detected in material up to about 3-inches-

thick using X-ray radiography at a 1% sensitivity. Based on this

information, Grade B or better D357-T6 castings up to the maximum

thickness evaluated under the DADTAC program (1.25 inch) can be

considered for use in a damage tolerance design.

The fracture surfaces of the fatigue coupons were examined

to determine the size of the crack initiation sites for a

comparison to those derived from the EIFS analysis, Table 10.

The measured values were obtained by determining the semicircular

area within which the flaw would fit with the center of the

semicircle on the surface of the specimen. Measured values were

not obtained for all twelve fatigue specimens because exact

identification of the complete crack site was not possible due to

the presence of multiple defects. The derived values are within

an order of magnitude of the measured values. Discrepancies

between the measured and derived values are most probably due to

the inability to accurately account for the effects of the shape

(sometimes very complex) and orientation of the crack initiation

sites relative to the specimen surface. The difficulty of

accurately measuring defects is illustrated in Figures 16a and b.

The measured defect size is indicated by the semicircle enclosing


Page 53: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse


99 C989590

80 1 A V *70 4" V

60 -- /

50'1 A /^ 9%Cn pce

40 _4






0.110 100

Equivalent Initial Flaw Size (0.001 inch)

Note: Weibull mean of the sudden death data (A)clusters about the 99% probability level of thegeneral population (B). The maximum (99.9%probability with 95% confidence) expected flawis indicated by point (C).

Figure 15. Weibull Distribution of D357-T6 EIFSData.


Page 54: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse


EIFS (in)Specimen

Predicted Measured

Vill 0.0027 0.0175V115 0.0052 0.0375VII6 0.0159 0.0343V209 0.0229 0.0096V210 0.0267 0.0162V211 0.0150 0.0062V213 0.0223 0.0137


Page 55: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse


75XSpecimten Surface

a. Dross.

9 A EI

75X Specimen Surface

b. Pore.

S Figure 16. Measurement of Defect Size in D357-T6.

* 49

Page 56: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

each defect with the center of the semicircle placed on the edge

of the specimen. (A semicircle was used because DADT analyses

assumes the presence of a semicircular flaw in the material.) It

can be clearly seen that the semicircle encloses much more

material than the defect, and that the size of the semicircle is

highly dependent upon the aspect ratio of the defect. In

contrast, the EIFS analysis determines the semicircular area

which has the same effect on fatigue properties as a highly

aspected defect. Highly aspected defects can cause the measured

defect size to be either greater than or less than the predicted

defect size (the EIFS). From this comparison, it was concluded

that the approach being used to predict the EIFS from smooth

fatigue data is viable.

5.2 B201-T7 RESULTS

5.2.1 Composition

Twenty plates cast (both 1.25-inch-thick and 0.75-inch-

thick) from eight different melts by three foundries were used

for the B201 verification evaluations. The composition of each

of these melts and the ranges for each element are listed in

Table 11. All of the compositions were within the specified

range (AMS 4242). Reported compositions of the plates were

confirmed by ICP tests at Northrop.

05.2.2 Microstructure

The microstructure cf the B201-T7 plates was characterized

using optical, TEM, STEM, and SEM methods, and the grain size and

percent porosity of each plate were determined.

The grain size at random locations in plates from all three

foundries ranged from 0.0024 inch to 0.0039 inch. A typical

micrograph of the B201-T7 microstructure is shown in Figure 17.


Page 57: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse



Cu. Ag Mg Mn Ti Fe Si Al

4.59 0.56 0.27 0.28 0.19 0.02 0.04 Bal

4.59 0.56 0.27 0.28 0.19 0.02 0.04 Bal.4.55 0.55 0.30 0.28 0.18 0.01 0.02 Bal.4.75 0.40 0.27 0.22 0.17 0.01 0.05 Bal.4.75 0.44 0.24 0.33 0.16 0.02 0.05 Bal.4.93 0.64 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.04 0.04 Bal.4.9 0.69 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.04 0.04 Bal.

4.63 0.57 0.25 0.31 0.18 0.02 0.01 Bal.

AMS 4242 Specification

4.5- 0.40- 0.20- 0.20- 0.15- <0.05 <0.05 Bal.5.0 0.80 0.30 0.50 0.35


50X" Kelr etc

Figur 17 Tyia K07Mcosrcue/5

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The microstructure was examined further by SEM, STEM, and

TEM. SAD diffraction patterns and EDXA of various phases were

taken, leading to the identification of five different phases.

The most prominent of these five was the strengthening phase

CuA12 , (theta), Figure 18, found as small platelets on the (100)

plane of the aluminum matrix. A grain boundary phase and

associated precipitate-free zone were also observed in Figure 18.

EDX analysis of the grain boundary area identified the presence

of Al and Cu, suggesting the phase was equilibrium CUAl2. CuAl2was also seen as a large blocky constituent phase, Number 2 in

Figure 19. Other large constituents were also observed in

Figure 19. The constituent labeled Number 1 contained Cu and Fe.

The constituents indicated by Numbers 3 and 4 were rich in Ti,

and those indicated by Numbers 5 and 6 contained Cu, Fe, and Mn.

Two grain boundary phases were also observed in addition to

the equilibrium CuAI 2 phase. One was the Al, Cu, Fe, and Mn rich

phase mentioned previously, Number 1 in Figure 20; the other was

rich in Al, Cu, and Mn, Number 2. A large blocky Al, Cu, and Mn

phase was also observed in the matrix, Figure 21. Figure 22

shows another Al-Ti phase, which was either AI3Ti, A124Ti6 , or


The CuAI2 phase identified above has been reported [15] for

alloys containing Ag to be omega, an altered form of theta, the

main strengthening precipitate in Al-Cu alloys. The addition of

Ag to Al-Cu alloys promotes the formation of the omega

strengthening precipitate during aging above about 210F and

causes a marked increase in age hardening. Silver was also shown

by regression analyses [1] to increase the strength of B201-T7.

Omega essentially replaces theta and is thought to be a

monoclinic or hexagonal form of the theta phase, which itself is

body-centered tetragonal. Omega forms on the (111) plane of the

matrix as a uniform dispersion of large, very thin, hexagonally

shaped plates, and is thought to be coherent with the matrix

along the (111) plane and at the ends of the precipitate. Omega


Page 59: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

Figure 18. TEN Micrograph of B201-T7 Showing theTheta Phase.

I 530

Page 60: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

Figure 19. Backscatter Figure 20. STEM Micrograph ofSEM Image of B201-T7. B201-T7 Showing a Phase Rich in

Al, Cu, Fe, and Mn.

Figure 21. TEM Micrograph Figure 22. TEM Micrographof B201-T7 Showing a Phase of B201-T7 Showing a PhaseRich in Al, Cu, and Mn. Rich in Al and Ti.


Page 61: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

may be more stable than theta, as evidenced by creep testing

[15). In addition, the precipitation mechanism associated with

the omega phase seems to be different from that of the theta


Scanning diffractometry of B201 was also conducted to

identify phases. Analysis of the diffraction pattern led to the

identification of only two phases, A1203 and delta (Al4Cu9).

Phases containing other alloying elements were not detected due

to the relatively small amount (<l wt percent) of all alloying

elements in B201 except for Cu.

5.2.3 Tensile Properties

The average and minimum (indicated by the ranges) tensileproperties of the 1.25-inch-thick B201-T7 plates from all three

foundries are shown in Table 12. Test results were also obtained

for the 0.75-inch-thick plates to provide a direct comparisonwith those obtained in the screening portion of Task 2. Average

tensile properties of 66.5 ksi ultimate strength, 59.1 ksi yieldstrength, and 8.3 percent elongation to failure were obtained for

the 0.75-inch-thick verification plates with minimum values of

64/55/6.5. These properties are similar to those obtained for

the screening material (65/57/7).

All the individual tensile properties for the 1.25-inch-thick verification plates from all three foundries exceeded the

specified minimum of 60 ksi ultimate strength, 50 ksi yield

strength, and 3 percent elongation. Material from Foundry B hadthe highest strength; material from Foundries A and C had similar

properties. Stress corrosion tests were conducted (Section

5.3.6) and confirmed that the alloys were in the T7 condition.


Page 62: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse


UTS (ksi) YS (ksi) El (%)Foundry Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg. Range

A 66 65-67 57 54-58 8.7 8.3-11.0

B 70 68-73 63 60-66 8.2 7.5-8.8

C 67 64-70 60 58-62 8.3 6.5-9.5

Average 68 60 8.4

Target Min. 60 50 3.0


Page 63: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

5.2.4 Fatigue Properties Smooth Stress-Life

The stress-life (kt=l.0) data for B201-T7 from the three

foundries are shown in Figure 23, along with a comparison to data

for A201-T7 material obtained under a previous Northrop/Navy

contract [16], and 7075-T73 [11], an alloy commonly used in

fatigue-critical aircraft applications. The fatigue lives for

B201-T7 from the three foundries are similar and are essentially

the same as the previous results [16]. However, the fatigue life

for a given stress was shorter than that of 7075-T73. Smooth Strain-Life

The strain-life data, plotted as log strain amplitude vs.

log of the number of cycles to failure (Nf), are shown in Figure

24. The specimens were tested using an R ratio of -1.0, with

strain amplitudes ranging from 0.008 to 0.002. These strain

amplitudes resulted in fatigue lives ranging from approximately

500 to 200,000 cycles. These data were generated for use in the

durability analysis to be conducted later in the program

(described in Section 4.3.2). Fatigue Crack Growth Rate

The range of fatigue crack growth rate (constant amplitude)

data for B201-T7 from the three foundries is shown in Figure 25.

Also included are data for A201-T7 tested under a Northrop/Navy

contract [16], and 7075-T7351 plate [13], an alloy used in fa-

tigue critical aircraft applications. The DADTAC program data

are similar to the Northrop/Navy contract A201-T7 data. However,

B201-T7 had a slightly slower fatigue crack growth rate than

7075-T7351. Because the FCGR for castings and 7075-T7351 is

similar, the difference in total fatigue life (Figure 23) can be

attributed to the reduced crack initiation resistance of the cast


Page 64: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

70 A-0.1 ;K, . 1.0



40 0 a


30 -C /- - -M - - -- ---------Ea

20 - Northrp- Navy Contract 1161 0 0 Zt

0 b*


104 105 LogNf 106 107

Figure 23. B201-T7 Stress-Life Fatigue Data.


R= -1.0; Kt= 1.00 Foundry Symbol


C 0

-~ 0 £1

CL A 0'

Ec 00 A

0) 00

1 3 1 L L 16

101 102 103 104 105 106

Log Nf

Figure 24. B201-T7 Strain-Life Fatigue Data.


Page 65: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse


7075-T7351 Plate (13)

10 Not hrop-Navy/Contract [161

o aI

RerIso Range of DADTAC B20 1-Ti Data

Fit of Region 11da/dN Datam-3.882c-3.74010'1


110 100

AK (kSiIlni)

Figure 25. B201-T7 Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Data

(R=0.l; lab air).


Page 66: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

material, which is presumably due to the presence of inherent

defects such as dross and/or porosity.

Each fatigue life specimen was fractographically examined to

determine the crack initiation site(s). Out of eight specimens

examined, fatigue cracks in seven of them initiated at defects.

It was not possible to detect a defect associated with the crack

initiation in the remaining specimen. The defects were eithergas porosity, residual shrink porosity, or foreign material. A

typical foreign material defect is shown in Figure 26.

5.2.5 Fracture TouQhness

Average compact tension and short bar fracture toughnessvalues, as well as NTS/YS ratios, of B201-T7 are shown in Table

13. The short bar test specimens were excised from the brokencompact tension specimens to provide a direct comparison of the

two test methods. An average KQ value of 39.4 ksiJ in was

obtained from compact tension testing, which is similar to the

average KIV value of 40.4 ksi in obtained from the short bartest. The average KQ values for Foundries A, B, and C were 43,

29, and 47 ksi J-h, respectively.

Invalid KQ results were obtained for all the compact tensiontests due to excessive crack front curvature, similar to the WQ

D357-T6 specimens (Section 5.1.5).

Individual specimen data and the relationship between

fracture toughness and yield strength is shown in Figure 27. The

fracture toughness decreased with increasing yield strength andranged from 27 to 46 ksi in. The corresponding short bar

results ranged from 27 to 58 ksi vin.


Page 67: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

4j 4

Figure 26. Foreign Material on a B201-T7Fatigue Specimen Fracture Surface.


Page 68: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse



39.7 40.4 87.3 60.3 1.45

*Short bar test


M~ K 1;

U) 45 a)MCC

0 40




55606Shr a es il trn t ki

Shor BarTes Yield Strength ofksi) T7


Page 69: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

5.2.6 Stress Corrosion

Stress corrosion tests were conducted on B201 from all threefoundries. Direct tension, alternate immersion tests were

conducted; specimens were exposed to a 3.5% NaCl solution for 30

days at 75% of the material yield strength. No failures were

experienced after the 30 day exposure, indicating that each plate

had been heat treated to the T7 (overaged) condition.

5.2.7 Equivalent Initial Flaw Size Analysis

The method for determining the equivalent initial flaw size

was described in Section 4.3.1. The calculated values for

individual specimens excised from material from each of the three

foundries are shown in Table 14, along with the fatigue life and

maximum applied stress. Testing of specimens that did not fail

after 5x10 6 cycles was terminated and an EIFS was not calculated.

The data indicate that the EIFS for material from Foundry A

is less than that for Foundries B and C material. This is

consistent with the stress-life fatigue data shown in Figure 23;

the results for Foundry A material are at the higher end of the

overall data band. Data for Foundries B and C are nearly


The EIFS data were then analyzed as described in Section

4.3.3 to determine the value of the maximum inherent rogue flaw 0

size (99.9% probability and 95% confidence) that should be used

to design a cast DADT critical component to a specific life. The

data are presented as a Weibull distribution in Figure 28. For

B201-T7, the maximum flaw size was determined to be 0.042-inch, 0which is less than the 0.050 inch flaw that is typically assumed

for damage tolerance analysis [7]. A flaw of this size can be

detected in material up to about 4-inches-thick by X-ray

radiography using 1% sensitivity. Based on this information, 0

Grade B or better B201-T7 castings up to the maximum thickness


Page 70: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse


Maximum Cycles to EIFSFoundry Stress Failure (inch)

(ksi) (x103 )

A 40 187 0.003745 309 0.001430 5,000* -20 5,000* -

Avg. 0.0025

B 25 39 0.011130 28 0.040435 188 0.006720 5,000* -

Avg. 0.0194

C 40 16 0.028920 118 0.008620 573 0.016030 168 0.011815 5,000* -

Avg. 0.0163

*No Failure


Page 71: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

99 _ __

60 __ _

20 50 Con idence

to _



Equvaen Iniia FlwSz00.0 nh

Note: Weibull mean of the sudden death data (A) clustersabout the 99% probability level of the general population(B). The maximum (99.9% probability with 95% confidence)expected flaw is indicated by point (C).

Figure 28. Weibull Distribution of B201-T7 EIFS Data.


Page 72: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

evaluated under the DADTAC program (1.25 inch) can be considered

for use in a damage tolerance design.

The fracture surfaces of the fatigue coupons were examined

to determine the size of the crack initiation sites. A compari-

son of these measured values and those derived from the EIFS

analysis is shown in Table 15. The measured values were obtained

by determining the semicircular area within which the flaw would

fit, with the center of the semicircle on the surface of the

specimen. The derived values are within an order of magnitude cf

the measured values. Discrepancies between the measured and

derived values are probably due to the inability to accurately

account for the effects of the shape and orientation of the crack

initiation sites as was discussed previously in Section 5.1.6.


EIFS (in)Specimen

Predicted Measured

V156 0.0037 0.0025V256 0.0111 0.0037V355 0.0118 0.0366V356 0.0086 0.0316V357 0.0160 0.0075


Page 73: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse



1. Tensile properties of the verification material producedusing the specifications derived from the screening portion

of Task 2, which were similar to AMS specifications 4241 and

4242 except for the addition of a Si modifier for D357-T6,

were similar to those of the screening plates. Thus, the

specifications can be met by the foundries, and are valid for

material of a thickness up to that evaluated in this program


2. The fatigue crack growth rates of D357-T6 and B201-T7

castings are similar, but are slightly slower than those of


3. Based on an evaluation of the smooth fatigue (kt=l.0)

specimen fracture surfaces, the overall fatigue life, and the

FCGR, crack initiation occurs sooner in castings than in

7075-T7351 due to the presence of inherent defects.

4. The equivalent initial flaw size for D357-T6 (0.030-inch) and

B201-T7 (0.042-inch) is less than the value assumed for

wrought alloys (0.050-inch). For castings up to 1.25-inch-

thick, these alloys can be considered for damage tolerance

applications based on the existing damage tolerance

specifications (MIL-A-83444 and MIL-A-87221).

5. The average fracture toughness (KQ) of D357-T6 was adequate

(24 ksivin). Though the average value for B201-T7 was

excellent (40 ksiv/in), there was significant foundry-to-

foundry variability, ranging from 20 to 47 ksi in.

6. Excellent agreement between results of the compact tension

and short bar fracture toughness tests was attained.


Page 74: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse



1. M.W. Ozelton and G.R. Turk, "Durability and Damage Tolerance

of Aluminum Castings," First Interim Report, Contract No.

F33615-85-C-5015, September, 1987.

2. Aerospace Materials Specification, AMS 4241, 1986, Society

of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 15096.

3. Aerospace Material Specification, AMS 4242, 1986, Society of

Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA 15096.

4. "Determination of Dendrite Arm Spacing in Aluminum

Castings," Northrop Process Specification IT-72.

5. P.G. Porter, "A Unified Approach to Crack Initiation and

Growth Analysis," Northrop Report No. NOR 87-102, October,


6. "Northrop Fatigue/Damage Tolerance Manual," Vol. I, Section


7. "Airplane Damage Tolerance Design Requirements," MIL-A-

83444, July, 1974.

8. Lipson, C. and Sheth, N.J., "Statistical Design and analysis

of Engineering Experiments," Section 5.5, McGraw-Hill, 1973.

9. "Fatigue-Endurance Data," Vol 2., Aeronautical Series of

Engineering Sciences Data, Item No. 68016, The Royal Aero-

nautical Society, London, England, 1968.

10. Polmear, I.J., "Light Alloys - Metallurgy of the Light

Metals," ASM International, Metals Park, OH, 1982, p. 119.


Page 75: DURABILITY AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE OF ALUMINUM CASTINGS · durability, damage tolerance, equivalent initial flaw size, fatigue, fracture toughness. --i i--19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse

11. Northrop IR&D Program 85-R-1098.

12. Unpublished Data, Northrop Aircraft Division.

13. Northrop IR&D Program 84-R-1098.

14. Unpublished Data from the Premium Casting Task Force, AFS

Committe 2D.

15. Polmear, I.J., "Development of an Experimental Wrought

Aluminum Alloy for use at Elevated Temperatures," V. 1, pp.

664-665, published in Aluminum Alloys, Their Physical and

Mechanical Properties, proceedings of an International

Conference at University of VA, June, 1986.

16. Scarich, G.V. and Wu, K.C. "Hot Isostatic Pressing of

Aluminum Castings," Final Report, Contract N00019-80-C-0276,

February, 1986.


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