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Doctor Lewis

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Paramahansa Yogananda and Dr. Lewis at Lookout Point

Dr. Lewis - Accomplished Yogi, Devoted Disciple and Householder

Dr. Lewis was a very close disciple and friend to the great guru Paramahansa Yogananda. From the day Doctor met Master in Boston on Christmas Eve, 1920 (when he became the first American Kriyaban and was shown the spiritual eye and the thousand petal lotus), to his glorious passing on April 13, 1960, his life was that of an exemplary yogi disciple following faithfully in the steps of his guru.

Swami Yogananda lived in Doctor’s home for three years before embarking on his cross-continental tour that led him to California. When Master left, he asked Doctor to stay in Boston to lead the meditation group there and to continue to raise money to support his lecture tours in America – which Doctor obediently did even though he dearly wished to follow his guru. Master finally asked Doctor and Mama to move to Encinitas in 1945.

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Doctor then began to lecture at the Encinitas and San Diego temples and was put in charge of the Encinitas Colony. After Master’s passing in 1952, Doctor became Self Realization Fellowship’s first Vice-President. He continued to lecture in Hollywood, Encinitas and San Diego, giving up to 7 lectures a week in addition to being in charge of the monks’ training in Encinitas and giving Kriya Initiations.

In spite of his very busy schedule, he always took time for meditation, taking one day of silent communion with God every week in his home in Borrego. Mrs. Lewis draped heavy black cloth over his meditation room so that the solar light would not diffuse the great spiritual light that he beheld.

His great yogic passing was witnessed by his wife, Mildred Lewis, and recorded in the book: Dr. M.W. Lewis: The Life Story of One of the Earliest American Disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda (published by SRF).

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“On April 7th, 1960, Doctor entered Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla for a rest and medical tests. On April 13th, as I was visiting him, Doctor took a nap at seven p.m. He slept peacefully until seven-thirty when he awakened and told me, “I want to sit up straight.” I arranged the pillows at his back as he assumed the lotus pose for his usual evening meditation. His hands were upturned, his eyes closed. I sat beside the bed, thinking that I too would meditate.

I was aroused in two or three minutes by a tremendous sound. It resembled the suction sound of a huge pump, or the breath sound of a giant Kriya. With the sound came a great flash of spiritual white light, whose brilliance might be compared to that given forth by a million electric light bulbs.

Doctor’s blue eyes opened; piercing flashes of blue light came from them. Then they were locked at the Christ center in the forehead. His head lowered somewhat, but his body remained erect. For an instant, the face of Swami Sri Yukteswarji appeared, enveloping Doctor’s face. Then all was over.

How many times I have thanked God, the Great Ones, and beloved Master that I was privileged to witness such a glorious passing!

Doctor Lewis’ example heartens us to continue making efforts in our sadhana. Master’s guidance and encouragement (published in Treasures Against Time: Paramahansa Yogananda with Doctor and Mrs. Lewis) are applicable to all of us who strive to reach our spiritual goal while carrying our family and world responsibilities.

Dr. Lewis, 1923

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Please note:

The text and pictures in these pages are from John Rosser and Brenda Lewis-Rosser and used with their permission. Brenda Rosser is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Lewis. Mr. Rosser served Dr. Lewis when he ministered at the Hollywood Temple.

Doctor and Mrs. Lewis meet Swami Yogananda in Boston

The first place where Master spoke in Boston (1920) was a Methodist church located in the neighborhood where the Lewis family lived and where Doctor Lewis had his practice. Alice Haysey, who later became Sister Yogamata, was one of the first Bostonians to meet Master. She was very excited about this Swami from India and invited her friend, Mrs. Mildred Lewis to come and meet him at their community church. Mrs. Lewis accepted.

The young Swami exchanged pleasantries with the ladies. Then he told Mrs. Lewis that he would like to talk to her privately and she went along with him. He took her into an adjacent room where they could be alone.

Mrs. Lewis later said that she didn’t remember anything of what the Swami said or did in that room, but she was with him for almost an hour. When she came out, she was in tears. She doesn’t know what happened but she knew later that Master’s spiritual power had overtaken her consciousness and changed her in everyway. (From this day till her passing in 1989…, Mrs. Lewis was always by the guru’s side. Often when a situation occurred where a strong and discriminative mind was needed, Master would say, “Get Mildred.”)

After this meeting, Mrs. Lewis encouraged Doctor to meet the Swami; although he was quite reluctant do so until Mrs. Lewis persuaded him. And from that meeting came the first Kriya initiation in America and the start of SRF. (The story of Doctor’s first meeting with Master can be read in “Treasures Against Time”.)

Afterwards, Master moved in with the Lewis family and shared in the daily life with them until 1923. The children were raised with “a Father, a Mother, and a Swamiji”, as Brenda later told us.

Master saves Doctor from Drowning

This dramatic story of Master’s miraculous intervention in 1922 along with other miraculous events in the Lewis’ lives can be found in the book Treasures Against Time.

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Letter from Sri Yukteswar to Dr. Lewis

In Treasures Against Time there is a letter from Sri Yukteswarji to Doctor Lewis where the great guru praises Doctor for advancing in spiritual consciousness.

It reads: "My dear Doctor: Yours of the 9th of May is at hand (l922). I heartily congratulate you that you have advanced so much in spiritual consciousness and appreciate the real truth of the religion.

Innumerable thanks to our Almighty Father through whose blessings my disciple Swami Yogananda has become a help to you. If our Sadhu Sadha gets a home for Satsanga at your place, I shall be extremely glad to be with you out there, and enjoy a pleasant trip with your company round the world.

With my whole heart's love, I remain, Very sincerely yours, Swami Sri Yukteswar"

Dr. and BrendaLewis, 1923

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Pie for Santa By Brenda Lewis Rosser

In the early days in our home, the Christmas tree was not decorated until Christmas Eve after Bradford and I were in our beds. On this particular night, Mother had been baking her pies and cakes for the holiday, especially her famous apple pie. My brother and I asked her if we could have a piece of the pie to leave for Santa Claus, to which she agreed.

We set a place at the dining room table and mother cut a piece of her pie and left it for Santa. We were finally sent off to bed so that Mother could complete the Christmas tree.

After awhile my brother and I slipped out of our rooms and took up our vigil at the head of the stairs awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus.

Finally, Bradford said he heard the reindeer stopping on the roof. We kept watching the dining room table when all of a sudden a familiar face appeared at the table. It was Swamiji! He sat down and ate Santa’s pie – but what greater Santa could there be than a true guru.


Back in the early days in Boston, when Master was living at the Lewis home, there was a lot of controversy in the city about a condemned man. There was a great division on both sides whether he was guilty or not. Appeal after appeal was made for a stay of execution, but none were honored. Then a last appeal was sent to the governor but he turned it down.

Doctor thought that the condemned man life’s should be spared, since he was certain that he was not guilty of the crime he was accused of. So Doctor asked Master if he could do “anything about it” and Master went to his room saying, "We will see..."

In the morning, when Doctor went to pick up the paper, there was just one word blazoned across the headline, "REPRIEVED". People thought the governor had a change of heart, but Doctor knew in his soul that it was Master’s doing.

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Sweating Blood

During the l920's one could buy stock in the stock market without putting up much money... They called it buying on the margin. Everyone was reveling in the continuing upsurge of the market and so Doctor thought he would get in and make some money for Master's work.

He jumped in heavily, investing $500,000.00 which in today's money would represent several million. But the market suddenly went down. Mama Lewis said that Doctor was “sweating blood” after this happened How could a dentist come up with that much money? While Doctor was feeling all this stress, Master walked in the room. Doctor turned on the stock report on the radio and found that the market had surged back up past where he had bought in so he was saved from bankruptcy.

Master had stayed calm through the ordeal. Doctor asked him how he could stay so calm when they were facing financial ruin? Master quietly said, "The same father who protects me, protects you. He is our Common Father."

Bradford and Brenda Lewis, 1925

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Bank Closure

During the depression in l933, all the banks were closed. Mama Lewis was frightened for her children for they had no cash and had no way to get any. She called Doctor at the office. He told her to keep her eye on the sewing machine. She did, and when he got home he opened it up and took from the money he had hid. There was enough to see them through until the banks opened again.

But Doctor reminds us, "One of the greatest things we have in SRF is the great sense of security we feel in God's Presence."

Tiny Tots

It wasn’t long after Master landed in Boston that he began his lecture tour. One of the first places he spoke was in the prestigious Symphony Hall in Boston. There was a lot of interest in the city about this man from India speaking at their great concert hall and a large crowd was expected. Dr. and Mrs. Lewis were excited, too, about the prospects of hearing their guru speak to the multitude.

Mrs. Lewis was concerned about her two small children, Bradford and Brenda. Master told her to bring both of them to the lecture, and make sure they stayed awake for then they would be receptive to the words and the consciousness of the evening which would lodge permanently in their souls.

Years later, Doctor Lewis baptized two young children in the Hollywood Temple. He said that both of the children were scratching at their forehead trying to erase the feeling there, which was the Divine Vibration. Doctor always liked to baptize the children for he said they were fresh from God and more receptive than older devotees whose consciousness had been besmirched by the world.

The Attempted Robbery

During the depression there was less crime than in ordinary times, although there are always those who were lurking to get something for nothing. Dental offices with their supply of gold were always fair game.

One day while Doctor was working on a patient, a stranger came in. Doctor immediately saw that the man had a gun and obviously was going to try and rob him. But Doctor had learned from Master that the vibration of a man of realization can ward off evil and so he caught the

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eye of the would-robber and concentrated his gaze. The man became very nervous and in the next moment, dropped his gun and ran out of the office.

Evil has no force that can overtake the Divine vibration.

Dr. and Mama Lewis, Borrego, 1956

Borrego Springs

In spite of his very busy schedule, Dr. Lewis spent long hours in deep meditation at Borrego Springs during the time he ministered to the SRF devotees, taking one day of silent communion with God every week. Mrs. Lewis draped heavy black cloth over his meditation room so that the solar light would not diffuse the great spiritual light that he beheld.

After Dr. Lewis left his body, Mama had a beautiful chapel built there in honor of her late husband. The chapel was blessed by Brother Anandamoy and is now used by the monks who

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go on retreat at Borrego since the Lewis' home was recently given to SRF following Doctor’s and Mama’s wishes.

John and Brenda Rosser, 1964

Holidays at Borrego Springs

(This story was told by Mary Crawford who lived with Mama Lewis as friend and caretaker for thirty years. Mama Lewis died in her arms in 1988.)

It was not unusual for Dennis Weaver, James Arness, Mama Lewis, John and Brenda Rosser and Mary Crawford to spend weekend after weekend and holidays at Borrego Springs in the Lewis' retreat. They spent hours meditating, chanting, praying, eating, swimming and enjoying all of God's creation.

Christmas and Easter were very special for all. But these meditations ended when Mother

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Lewis passed away. Gatherings were not the same without her – she was such a loving “mother” to all!

There were usually up to 20 people seated in the chapel, filling it to capacity. Brenda played all the chants and the music for the day and John said the opening and closing prayers. We also listened to a recording of Master’s Christmas message. Then we would eat Mama’s famous fresh pea soup followed by a delicious buffet, followed by an evening of caroling lead by Brenda on the organ. The spirit of love and fellowship went on and on. I miss those glorious times!

Mama Lewis and Brenda Rosser Mama Lewis and Dennis Weaver

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What Are You?

Doctor Lewis said that he couldn't have made it without his weekly retreats in Borrego, getting away from his duties as Vice President of SRF and his responsibilities in Encinitas, San Diego and Hollywood Temples.

When he was in Borrego, Mrs. Lewis took care of all the home duties to make Doctor's stay as peaceful and relaxing as possible, for she was keenly aware that her husband was not like other men - she knew of his tremendous sadhana and his deep spiritual experiences.

One morning, as Doctor was slowly eating his breakfast, Mrs. Lewis was sitting across the table from him, saying nothing. She looked long and hard at him and then thought, "What are you anyway?"

This is commensurate with an experience John Rosser had with Doctor Lewis in the minister's room at the Hollywood Temple. After his regular interview with Doctor, John Rosser said to him, "Nobody knows what you are, do they, Doctor?" And Doctor Lewis replied, "No, even Mildred doesn't know me."

It is said that you can only truly recognize a saint when you become one.

Master Makes a House Call to Duxbury

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Dr. Lewis always looked forward to his vacations at Duxbury for it was such a change from his intense dental practice in very busy Boston. One weekend in 1932, he was particularly yearning for solace there for he had been suffering some terrible pains. He never told anyone about them, but Mrs. Lewis noticed that he lay for hours on their living room divan with their little dog.

Master had been in New York lecturing.

At 3 a.m. Mrs. Lewis heard Master’s booming voice calling for Doctor Lewis. Master knew they were in Duxbury, but he didn’t know the exact address. Master seemed to be awakening the entire neighborhood. Finally, Mrs. Lewis was able to get his attention and direct him into the house.

Some devotees had driven him to Duxbury from New York and just dropped him off in the little community. The entire neighborhood had heard Master and later asked if the Swami from New York had found Doctor Lewis.

Master diagnosed Doctor and subsequently gave him a technique that Lahiri Mahasaya had given to Sri Yukteswarji who had given it to Master. It had to do with the application of cold to certain parts of the body. Master’s technique worked and Doctor passed some kidney stones which were extremely painful, but by using the technique he was never bothered again. Oh, how often Master showed up just when they needed him!

Paramahansa Yogananda, 1948

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Master Heals Mama Lewis

In the summer of 1935, Mrs. Lewis was helping to remove a boat from its trailer for launching in the Duxbury bay. Suddenly, the weight of the boat shifted and she found herself trying to balance its entire weight by herself. She crumpled to the ground. Rushed to the Lewis home nearby, the local doctor told the family the bad news. The strain of the boat had caused a massive heart attack.

If only Master was there, they all sighed. But he was in India... too far to be reached.

Mrs. Lewis was returned to her Boston home and given strict orders. She could not go up and down stairs and she was to limit even walking on the level to a prescribed medical regimen. Doctor Lewis was shocked further when the prognosis was that she probably would only live two years. The children were put in boarding school.

Finally, Master was located and informed of the prognosis. When told of the two years he said, “We’ll see about that.”

With Master’s prescription for recovery and his spiritual power, Mrs. Lewis began to improve. And it wasn’t long before she was living a normal life.

When she moved to California, a heart expert was called in to diagnose her problem. She confided in him that there had been a spiritual healing and he accepted that for he knew of Yogananda. The doctor recognized that there was something different about her heart but he never discussed it further for she was living like anyone with a normal heart.

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Paramahansa Yogananda

Master Heals Doctor’s Crushed Fingers (as told by Doctor)

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The following personal experience shows that a strong mind can even prevent the formation in another person’s mind of a pattern that would have caused an undesirable change in matter.

One day, several years ago [1938] Paramahansaji and I had just arrived at Mt. Washington in his automobile. He left the car and went into the building. As I was getting out, the car door was accidentally slammed on my middle, ring and little fingers, up to the second joints. The automobile was of a vintage when it would have been impossible to catch one’s fingers in a car door without crushing them. Mine were flattened to the actual shape of the door jamb; the physical pain was excruciating. Bu

t there was also great mental pain; for I was quite sure it meant hospitalization, which would prevent me from returning the next day to Boston as planned.

The Master, who was by this time upstairs at Mt. Washington, was immediately informed of my predicament. From that instant there was a wall placed between my consciousness and the injured hand. When I momentarily passed through the wall, I felt the injury extremely; so I was perfectly willing to remain behind the wall! There was a little fear in my mind that someone would come in contact with my hand, so I held it across my chest, inside my coat; and that was all I did.

That evening a party of us was to attend a performance at the Hollywood Bowl. So complete was the Master’s care, I was able to go right along with them. The next day I had breakfast and dinner with the Master, but he paid no attention to my trouble. I was satisfied to leave it that way, and say nothing. That evening I left by train for the East, still without

Lewis' House at 24 Electric Ave. in Boston

where Yogananda lived with the Lewis family 1920-23

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referring to the injury. That wall around my consciousness was still there. The following morning at breakfast I had enough courage to look at my hand. The fingers were normal in shape and size. All that remained of the injury was a little blue discoloration on two of the fingers. There was no discomfiture.

This was an instance of almost instantaneous healing of matter. The Master’s strong mind, contacting God’s Power, had prevented the injury from being accepted by my mind. I was thus saved from much difficulty and pain.

Cousin Dick

Brenda's Aunt Dolly, Dr. Lewis' sister, was a follower of Master. Master called her an angel. When first initiated by Master to Kriya Yoga, she saw the little star in the spiritual eye. It was she who, at Doctor Lewis' funeral at Forest Lawn, saw a great gust of wind blow over the bowers of flowers by the casket and then saw her brother appear. It is said that such evolved souls always attend their funeral.

Aunt Dolly and her husband were frequent visitors to the Lewis home and were neighbors in West Somerville, a suburb of Boston, when Master lived with the Lewis family on Electric Avenue. Aunt Dolly had two children; a boy and a girl. Her young son, Dick, was always attracted to Master, but was too young to understand the message of the guru at that time; nevertheless, he was blessed to grow up in such a strong spiritual environment. Later, he stayed a week at Mt. Washington in the company of Master during the Christmas holidays followed by a summer in Encinitas when he wrote his thesis "Living the SRF life in the world".

During World War II, Cousin Dick enlisted in the navy and was stationed aboard the battleship Iowa. Preparing to enter the South Pacific conflict in 1943, the Iowa docked at Long Beach for fueling and taking on supplies. It would take several days and so Cousin Dick called Master at the Hollywood Temple. Master invited him to come to the temple and visit, which Dick did with alacrity.

Master had known the boy since his infancy and so welcomed him with open arms and subsequently initiated him into Kriya Yoga. Cousin Dick was so enthralled with the meeting and the great upliftment he felt around Master that he wanted to stay with the guru and be a monastic. No, said Master, he must return to his ship and serve his country, adding that he would be protected.

And protected he was for the great battleship fought in some of the most furious battle of the South Pacific. On one occasion, Cousin Dick saw all his shipmates machine-gunned before his very eyes, but he remained unscathed.

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Cousin Dick became a pediatrician after the war and practiced in Plymouth, near the Duxbury home of the Lewis family. He tells that he feels Master's mantel of protection to this day.

Master has promised that those who take Kriya Yoga and follow him will be protected along with their families. Doctor Lewis added that one of the greatest blessings in SRF is the protection one feels in God's Presence.

Master Goes to the Movies

In the 1940's, after Sunday service in San Diego, Master would invite the devotees to go the movies with him. Often the house was full but when Master found a seat, the regular patrons sitting around would somehow change seats and move away, leaving ample room for Master's party to sit. (Doctor said that it was because they couldn't tolerate Master's high vibrations).

During the movie, Master would often ask Mama Lewis to massage his feet, which she would do in spite of feeling very embarrassed! Mama would resist Master, but Doctor always told her "You'd better do what Master says." Master did this to break her ego…

One of the movies Master really enjoyed was "Song of Bernadette". In the movie, Ste. Bernadette sees the vision of The Lady - Master said that the portrayal of Divine Mother was exactly like the real thing. He further said that the actress Jennifer Jones would be permanently changed by her playing this role. Confirming Master's saying, she sometimes comes to the Lake Shrine…

Another movie they saw was "Dubarry was a Lady". There is a scene where Red Skelton portrays Louis the XV stumbling out of the coach and falling face first on the ground. Master roared with laughter - and he had all the devotees sit through a second showing of the movie to see the scene again! Master was always happy and wanted to teach the devotees to not take everything so seriously on the spiritual path.

Eating Out With Master

Master would often prefer to go to drive-ins such as the Brown Derby, because he could enjoy eating anonymously. One day, a car-hop came to get their order. Master asked her which church she attended. She said she went to a Catholic church. He told her "Good for you. Keep at it." Master never wore his religion on his sleeve and never wanted to disturb people who were established in their particular faith.

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When Master ate in restaurants, he would always go to the kitchen to leave a tip to the chef, thanking him for the good job!

Master Remembers…

When Yogananda went back to visit his homeland in 1935, Bradford Lewis accompanied him for the first leg of the journey. Bradford was with Master in the Tower of London when Master told the curator that there was a water closet down the passageway. But the curator objected, saying that the Tower had been mapped for over 1,000 years and that there was no such water closet. Master said, "Follow me," and led the curator to a water closet which was hidden behind a brick wall.

Later, Bradford accompanied Master to Stonehenge. There was a circle of stones on the grounds around the area that had never been really identified. Master stood on one of them and told Bradford that he had been there 3,000 years earlier...

Carnegie Hall

During our Master’s first decade in America, he spoke in many of the great concert halls throughout the land, not the least of which was Carnegie Hall where the audience sang “Oh, God Beautiful” for hours and many miraculous healings happened.

On April l8, l926, Swami Yogananda opened a series of classes there. His success was tremendous. Carnegie Hall was filled to capacity and more than three thousand people were turned away, and only after police reserves were called to quell the besieging crowds. The 5,000 who got inside were spellbound.

One newspaper critic wrote: “Never in all my experience have I found such interest and enthusiasm displayed as a result of hearing the words of Yogananda.”

Doctor was very enthusiastic when he saw how many people were interested in Master’s teachings. But Master simply pointed out: “We will be lucky if five of them register for the Præcepta (Lessons).”

Master has said that wherever a saint has communed with God, which he obviously was doing on the night he chanted for hours ‘Oh God Beautiful’ with the audience, a vibration is established that will last for the remainder of this earth cycle.

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And so despite many efforts to tear down the original Carnegie Hall since that memorable night, the concert hall still stands.

Master Saves Brenda’s Life

In 1950, Brenda found out that she had a growth in her parotid gland. Surgery was necessary. And it was extremely serious for it could have resulted in paralysis of her face, or even death.

Dr. Lewis was relieved when, after the surgery; she managed to speak even though her whole head was covered in bandages, thus showing that there was no paralysis of the facial nerves.

Later, Master told Doctor Lewis that karmically it had been Brenda’s time to leave this earth plane but that he had asked God to change the dream. That being said, Master concluded, “Now she will have a long and happy life. Her way is clear, now and throughout Eternity. ”

Before she left the colony, she had a deep meditation. Her father asked her to describe what she beheld in meditation. Upon hearing what she saw, Doctor said, “You have seen the shores of Cosmic Consciousness.”

Dr. Lewis Fishing, 1940

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Magic Vegetables …

Doctor got much of his knowledge about the teachings, yoga and eternal truths by walking back and forth on the Encinitas Hermitage lawn by the cliff with Master.

One evening, after a particularly wonderful talk with Master, the guru said that it was getting late and he suggested that they go to the kitchen to have a little something to eat. Master stirred up some fresh vegetables Doctor said they were the most delicious vegetables he had ever eaten.

After eating, they bid each other good night and went to their respective bedrooms. When Doctor opened the door to his room he was taken aback – the whole room was suffused with a great divine light.

The next morning, Doctor asked Master about that light. Master said, "I was pretty much in God when I cooked those vegetables!"

The Farm House

It was Master's practice to take the hard-working disciples around him for an occasional vacation. This would involve two cars and taking a motor trip through some of the majestic scenery of California. Dr. Lewis, Mrs. Lewis, and Brenda would be in one car with Master and Daya Ma, Ananda Mata, Mrinalini Mata and Uma Mata would usually ride in the second car.

Master seemed to love the High Sierras and said that the foothills reminded him of the Himalayas, particularly the Eastern Sierras where one can see Mt. Whitney, the highest mountain in the United States. Film makers thought so, too, for the movie Gunga Din was shot there because of its likeness to India.

It was just after World War II when motorist were at last free from gas rationing, so they looked forward to a drive with Master.

On one of these trips in 1948, they drove up US 395 through Owens Valley through Independence, Big Pine and Bishop until they reached the town of Bridgeport, the jewel of the Sierra towns. It was not very populated in those days, consisting of mostly large ranches spread far apart. It was before the time of the omnipresent motel, but there were small hotels and other facilities for tourists. But on this particular trip, their efforts to find

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overnight accommodations were not successful and the entire party began to wonder if they would have to sleep in the cars for the night.

Master spotted a distant light, across a great field. It appeared to come from a farm house. They drove to it. When they got there, Master told Mrs. Lewis to go in and see if there were any rooms for the weary travelers. Mrs. Lewis resisted, saying that it was a private farm house and they would not think of taking in a couple of carloads of travelers. But Master insisted and so Mrs. Lewis obeyed him. She went to the door and knocked. A friendly farm wife opened the door. Mrs. Lewis explained that her party was unable to find accommodations for the night and asked if she had a room or two they could rent.

The friendly farm wife glanced out at the cars full of travelers and said, "Please, bring all your friends in and take the rooms in the house. There is plenty of room for everyone. I will sleep in the hired man's shed."

Doctor Lewis looked knowingly at Master. Once again the Hand of God was evident. Doctor Lewis often said, "God does things so nicely."

The Pelican

One day Master, Doctor, Mama and Daya Mata went on a picnic out to a jetty in California. On the way to the beach they came upon a dead or dying pelican.

Doctor said (as he always did in situations like this), "Master, can you do something about this?"

Master said, "I think so."

Master had his cane with him and he gently poked the pelican. The pelican then jerked one part of his body, then the other, until he stood up and flew off.

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Memories of Dr. Lewis as told by Mr. John Rosser

Doctor Lewis once told me of an experience he had in cosmic consciousness in the most humble of terms. He said that he could see above, below and all around him and then simply said, "It is the strangest thing."

When meditating close to Doctor, one would have wonderful meditations. I asked him about this and he simply said, "You are near the instrument."

Paramahansa Yogananda by a Cabin, 1949

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I was once having trouble seeing the spiritual eye. It was at his evening service at the Hollywood Temple. He produced a swatch of Sri Yukteswarji's robe and pressed it firmly at my Christ Center; that solved the problem.

As a young man, I would always wait for Dr. Lewis to drive up to Hollywood Temple where he would speak once a month. At the time, I was having a lot of problems with the world and my spiritual life and was quite depressed. One evening he drove up and looked me in the eye and all my trouble disappeared instantly. I was as happy as could be. I guess that is what you call in India a darshan.

- From a letter to Mr. Rosser dated 1956:

Dear Mr. Rosser:

Thank you for your letter. It is a pleasure to receive such a letter filled with such a fine spirit. Keep on as you are and I know that God will look after you. It is a pleasure for me to help you for I can never forget how the Master helped me. That you are helped is sufficient reward.

Yes, company is very important and does influence us but remember that God’s help is greater. Keep on as you are – never forgetting Him and He will never forget you. Even in the midst of “deluded” ones, God can be felt.

I do hope that your wish of an early return be granted.

Blessings to you,

Dr. M. W. Lewis

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Doctor Lewis’ Legacy

Treasures Against Time – Keeping the memory of Doctor Lewis alive Book reviews and comments

Dr. Lewis, 1948

“Several years ago, before the end of the run of Gunsmoke, I was blessed to meet two outstanding individuals: Mrs. Mildred Lewis, the widow of Doctor Lewis, and her daughter, Brenda Rosser who had known Paramahansa Yogananda since his coming to America in 1920. Their background in the Self-Realization Fellowship teachings prompted me to read Yogananda’s great spiritual classic “Autobiography of a Yogi”. Exposure to the SRF teachings and to these high souls had a profound affect on me.

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When Brenda published her book Treasures Against Time describing the close relationship between Paramahansa Yogananda and Doctor and Mrs. Lewis along with some of the spiritual teachings they were privileged to receive first-hand from the guru, I knew that it would be no ordinary religious work. Page after page glows with eternal spiritual truths, especially those from the God-tuned pen of the great Master, whose 97 letters to the Lewis family show us the human side of the guru and give us pause to reflect that such an avatar came on earth in our time to reveal the eternal truths of God.

Treasures Against Time also shows the depth of the true guru-disciple relationship that was established between the Master and Dr. Lewis. Faithfully following in the footsteps of his guru, Doctor was blessed with many great spiritual experiences, bringing him to the height of spiritual glory and Oneness with God through Nirbikalpa Samadhi.

Every truth seeker must read this book. It will awaken you; it will inspire you; it will guide you to the shores of Divine Fulfillment.”


"The book Treasures Against Time has rekindled my heart and I feel honored to have known Dr. Lewis. He touched my life - so much so that I do little things to keep the memory of him fresh. Dr. Lewis loved pine nuts, so I buy them and eat a few each day and remember him. He was always so kind and patient with me. Tears are flowing now as I feel badly that I did not know of his passing and did not attend his funeral. I will now do the best I can to spread his words of wisdom. My years in the SRF ashram bring fond memories and good lessons that have helped me through my marriage struggles and the raising of three children."

“This book tells the story about the Lewis family and their relationship with the spiritual giant Paramahansa Yogananda. It is inspiring because it gives the reader the heartwarming and true story of how Dr. Lewis and his wife became highly successful disciples on the spiritual path, while continuing to lead busy and productive lives in the world at large. It is filled with humor and many entertaining stories, but there is a deep and powerful spiritual current flowing through its pages. Any seeker, on any spiritual path, should have this book in their library. Especially worthy are Dr. Lewis' lectures at the end of the book, which are filled with profound illumination.”

– Glenview, IL

“You may feel divine love, from reading this book. I met all of the Lewis family in the 1950s, and am happy to read details about their relationship with Paramahansa Yogananda. The book is well written and fascinating. I have both the original and the revised edition. They are informative and uplifting books.’

– Milwaukee, WI

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"I quoted Dr. Lewis now and then to our children and used his patient style and the past few years my wife has really come around to our way of believing and took a lot of the SRF lessons."

"Thank you Master for sharing the life of Dr. Lewis with us."

Excerpts from one of Dr. Lewis’ Lectures

You cannot know God through thought but you can know Him through love. That is why you have to stop the thoughts. God is not knowable through mind or intellect. He is not knowable by thought but through affection which is far above thought. As Lord Shankara said, “You know God is.” And so we can know His love. We cannot know Him fully because, as Jesus said, “No one knows God.” But we can know His love through affection.

That is why we must rise above thought to be able to feel God’s presence in the silence within. We can know Him through love. That’s why love is the greatest thing, the greatest of the commandments, you know, “Thou shalt love God with all they heart, soul and strength and thy neighbor as thyself” because God’s love in His presence and consciousness is in your neighbor. On these two commandments hang all the laws and the prophets.

So, realize you cannot know God through thought but you can through affection be one with Him. That’s why God is not knowable but you can be one with him through love.

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Paramahansa Yogananda, 1948

The Teachings are kept alive at the Rossers’ Tuesday Night Meditations

Dr. Lewis told Mr. Rosser to listen to everything he said for he spoke from the Light. Mr. Rosser comments: “I did as he said, and still do to this day. We play lectures that Dr. Lewis gave years ago when he spoke at the Hollywood and Encinitas Temple. They were recorded on reel to reel. We have been holding meditations at our home for forty four years now. We play a lecture every Tuesday night before we meditate.

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We began these meditations at Dennis Weaver's house out in the San Fernando Valley and then when Brenda and I married we purchased a home in Hollywood. At that time we transferred the meditations to our home. Now in my retirement years we have the meeting/meditation in the retirement community we live in. It is the best place in the world to meditate for hardly a car drives by. We don't hear TV's or radio' or barking dogs or talking neighbors. We even hold an all day Christmas Meditation here. Such joy…”

Devotees are invited to come to these meditations. Please contact Mr. Rosser at [email protected]

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