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(press sound button)

Yama: Greetings everyone! Welcome to Naraka, HELL!!! My name is Yama, the God of Death and Justice, the wisest among all the devas. I observe the all human beings on Earth and keep a complete record of their actions. Upon their death, I calculate their karma and decide whether they reincarnate as a superior or inferior organism.

(press enter)


Yama: Today, I am going to tell all of you a story, a story about love. Many many years ago in the Moghul Empire of India, there lived a handsome prince named Shah Jahan. He lived a fabulous life in a beautiful palace.

(press button)

(Priest and Shah Jahan appears. Priest seemed to tutor Shah Jahan)

Yama: As a child, Shah Jahan received broad education befitting his status as a Mughal prince, which included poetry.

Priest: (Holds book with Shah Jahan) Read this poem, your highness. Follow me. LAGTA NAHIN HAI DIL




Yama: Shah Jahan learnt musical instruments

Priest: My royal highness, this is called a punji and I am teaching you how to play this.

(Shah Jahan and priest plays musical instrument) (press sound button)

Yama: Also, he learnt martial arts.

Priest: My dear highness, to be a strong king, you must train your muscles (shows muscles), to be as strong as me.

Shah Jahan: Yes, my honourable teacher.

Priest: Now, take your sword, I am teaching you the Indian martial art called ‘yuddh kala’.

(Priest and Shah Jahan performs martial arts)

(King Jahangir and Queen Taj Bibi comes in)

Yama: One day, Shah Jahan’s parents, King Jahangir and Queen Taj Bibi came for a surprise visit.

Priest and Shah Jahan: (bows to king and queen) Your majesties.

Jahangir: How is my son doing?

Priest: He is learning very well, your majesty.

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Jahangir: Great job, son. I am proud of you.

Shah Jahan: Thanks, your majesty.

(Jahangir and Taj Bibi leaves)

(press enter)


(press sound button)

(Priest and Shah Jahan comes in)

Yama: When Shah Jahan was 15, he went to a Meena Bazaar. While strolling down the streets, he caught a glimpse of a girl selling silk and glass beads. It was love at first sight.

Shah Jahan: (To priest) Hey, did you see that girl?

Priest: Yes, I do

Shah Jahan: She’s so pretty!

Priest: I agree, your highness. Why not you talk to her?

Shah Jahan: (approaches Mumtaz, Mumtaz shy) Hey girl, what’s your name?

Mumtaz: (shy) Arjumand Banu Begum.

Shah Jahan: Wow, what a beautiful name. You’re beautiful (kisses hand)

Mumtaz: Thank you. (shy and moves far away)

(press enter)


(press sound button, song played)

(Shah Jahan and Mumtaz dances)

Yama: They fell in love

(press enter)


Yama: Shah Jahan went back to the palace.

(Jahangir and Taj Bibi comes in)

Shah Jahan: My majesties, I have an important announcement to tell.

Jahangir: What is it, my dear?

Shah Jahan: I met a girl called Arjumand and I wanna marry her!

Taj Bibi: Seriously? You can’t marry a girl you just met!!!

Shah Jahan: But, but she’s kind and pretty and I really love her!

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Jahangir: No, only arranged marriages are allowed in this family. This tradition has been in the family for generations!

Shah Jahan: Why not let’s invite her to the palace. You’ll probably like her!

Jahangir: Okay fine, find one day and invite her to the palace. We would like to know her background and see if she’s eligible to be your princess.

Shah Jahan: (happy) Alright, your majesty (walks away)

Yama: One day, Shah Jahan brought Arjumand to the palace.

Shah Jahan: May I introduce all of you to the lady I fell in love with…

Jahangir: May we know your name?

Mumtaz: Arjumand Banu Megum, your majesty.

Taj Bibi: What’s your background?

Mumtaz: I am a Persian princess, your majesty.

Taj Bibi: Wow, a princess. Our son is pretty good at selecting girls.

Jahangir: Only royal families can marry royal families. I think our son just did a right choice.

Taj Bibi: I agree. (to Mumtaz) What talents do you have?

Mumtaz: I can dance, your majesty.

(press sound button)

(Indian music, Mumtaz dances)

Jahangir: I like her, she is pretty and talented

Taj Bibi: Most importantly, she has a good family background.

Jahangir: Alright son, you can marry her, but you need to wait for 5 years, when you are more matured.

Shah Jahan: 5 years?? But why???

Taj Bibi: 5 years then 5 years!!! Don’t misobey your father.

Shah Jahan: Alright.

(press enter)


Yama: 5 years later, when Shah Jahan was 20 years old, he married Arjumand. A grand wedding ceremony was held. The bride performs the Pitha ceremony. She wears in bright yellow while being covered in turmeric powder.

(Mumtaz wears yellow cloth, Taj Bibi put powder on Mumtaz)

Yama: Next, she wears a nose ring called a Nath.

(Taj Bibi wears Nath on Mumtaz)

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(press enter)

Yama: Next, it’s the Mehendi ceremony. Henna is delicately painted on the bride’s hands and feet.

(Taj Bibipaints bride’s hands)

(press enter)

(press sound button)


Yama: After that, it’s the Bharat ceremony. The groom makes a grand entrance to the wedding venue.

(Shah Jahan enters and carry gifts)

Yama: He brings with him the daala, which are gifts of clothes and jewelry from the royal family to the bride.

(Shah Jahan gives gift to Mumtaz)

Yama: The priest makes the bride, groom and family witnesses sign a contract known as nikah-sama.

(Priest brings paper for everyone to sign)

Yama: Next, they pray together

(Everyone prays)

Yama: A grand wedding feast is held after the ceremonies. However, males and females are segregated from one another in Moghul weddings.

(Male one side, female one side. Eat.)

(press enter)

Yama: Shah Jahan awards Arjumand an official title.

Shah Jahan: (takes away shroud) From now on, your name shall be Mumtaz Mahal!

Mumtaz: Yes, your highness.

Yama: After marriage, Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal lived happily. Mumtaz gave birth to as much as 13 children.

However, when the 14th child is born…

(Mumtaz with cloth, holding Shah Jahan’s hand)

Taj Bibi: Push!!!!! Push!!!!

Mumtaz: AHHHH!!! I can’t do it!!! I’m gonna die!!!!

Shah Jahan: No, you cannot die. Our children needs you.

Mumtaz: No, I can’t, this is too hard for me. Take care of our children, ok? (closes eye)

Shah Jahan: No, No!!! (shakes Mumtaz) PLEASE DON’t DIE!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

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(Everyone cries) (press sound button)

(press enter)


Yama: Mumtaz died due to child complications. A grand funeral is held for her.

Yama: First, the priest reads the al-Koran.

(Priest reads Koran)

Yama: Next, female members of the family gives the dead body a cold bath and wrap the body with a white shroud

(Taj Bibi bathes Mumtaz’s body and covers it with white shroud)

Yama: A mourning period of 40 days is announced and the king refused to attend any affairs. The corpse is then transported to Agra and buried. There was a long procession of commoners and slaves.

(Royalty family mourns at dead body, slaves follow behind)

Yama: The slaves receive alms and food for attending the funeral procession

(Priest gives food and coins to slaves)

(press enter)


Yama: To commemorate his wife, Shah Jahan recruited men all over India to build the Taj Mahal. Hundreds of slaves were involved in this construction.

(Shah Jahan directs the slaves to do work)

(press sound button)

(press enter when sound ends)


Yama: After 22 years, the Taj Mahal is built.

(press sound button)

(press enter when sound ends)


(press sound button)

Yama: The slaves are then sold at the slave market. One day, a Vaisya merchant came to buy a slave

Merchant: (looks at slave) You are too skinny, I don’t like! (looks at another slave) You are too old, I don’t like! (looks at last slave) Ahhhhhh, this one is just right. I want you to be my slave! (Gives money to priest) (to slave) Follow me!!!

(press enter)

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Yama: It is not easy to be a slave, they have no rights in society. They do all sorts of dirty work. For example, they carry heavy things.

(Slave carries heavy things)

Yama: They clear clogged drains

(Slave clearing drain)

Yama: Also, they clear human waste .

(Merchant poops)

(press sound button)

(Merchant asks slave to clear it, slave carries the pot)

Yama: The slaves are often bullied by their owners.

(Gives slave horrible food, slave eats)

(Slave tries to touch merchant)

Merchant: Shoo shoo shoo!!! Why did you touch me!!??

Slave: Got dust on your shirt.

Merchant: Just go away, you filthy animal, you’ll dirty my skin!!! Don’t you know you’re an untouchable? You’ll degrade me if you touch me.

Slave: Sorry, sir.

Yama: Despite the hardships, the slave is a kind person.

(Another slave dying on the street, he gives his food to him)

(Another slave begging, he gives him penny)

Yama: One day, there was a virus outbreak. Both of them fell sick.

(Slave and merchant sick and coughing)

Merchant: You see!!!! Last time you touch me, now I’m sick already!!!

Slave: Sorry, sir.

Merchant: Sorry what sorry??? Go and clean the toilet. Now!!!

Slave: Yes, sir.

Yama: At the end, both of them died of disease.

(press enter)


Yama: In the Hindu religion, it is believed that souls go to hell first for their judgement after death.

Merchant: Where are we?

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Slave: I think we are in hell.

Yama: Greetings, newcomers!

(press sound button)

Merchant: Who, who, who are you?

Yama: I am Yama, the God of Death and I have been observing all your good deeds and bad deeds. It’s time for judgement now. Upon death, I will calculate all your karma using a chess set. Black represents bad deeds while white represents good deeds.

(Merchant and slave begging)

Merchant: (begs) Oh please, please don’t punish me, I’m a good person!

Yama: Silence!!! (calculates) You!!! (to slave) Your are a kind person, you can reincarnate as a rich man in your next life. Go!!

Slave: Thank you sir

Yama: YOU!!!

Merchant: Yes???

Yama: You evil man. You reincarnate as a pig in your next life!!!!

Merchant: What?? I??? A pig???? NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

(press enter)


Yama: 20 years later, after the two souls have reincarnated.

Slave: Awwwww, what a cute piggy….

Merchant: (wears pig mask) Oink! (chases after slave)

Slave: Don’t don’t touch me you filthy animal, shoo!!!

Yama: This is called karma. It is in the belief system of most Indians. And the moral of the stories I tell is, number one, love should be unconditional and number two, we should treat others well disregarding their background or status. Thank you.

(press enter)


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