

(01317172)Dr. Thurdsak LEAUHATONG

Dept. of electronics, Faculty of Engineering, KMITL

[email protected]

[email protected]

ScheduleDate Time Subject

Nov. 10 15:10 – 16:40 Introduction and Digital Image Fundamental #1

Nov. 17 15:10 – 16:40 Digital Image Fundamental #2

Nov. 24 15:10 – 16:40 Image Transform

Dec. 1 15:10 – 16:40 Image Enhancement #1

Dec. 8 15:10 – 16:40 Image Enhancement #2 & Assignment #1

Schedule (Continue)Date Time Subject

Dec. 15 15:10 – 16:40 Image Compression #1

Jan. 12 15:10 – 16:40 Image Compression #2

Jan. 19 15:10 – 16:40 Image Compression #3 & Assignment #2

Jan. 26 15:10 – 16:40 Image Segmentation #1

Feb. 2 15:10 – 16:40 Image Segmentation #2

Text Book

Digital Image Processing using MATLAB by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, and Steven L. Eddins

Text Book

Digital Image Processing

by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods


Structure of Human EyeRetina :Light Sensitive Tissue

Cone Cell :Red cell, green cell, and blue cell. Detect Color. Locate at center of retina called fovea.

Rod Cell :One type. Detect Illumination.

Structure of Human Eye

Camera Structure

Charge-Coupled Device (CCD)



Gestalt Law Similarity

Human often perceive a group of similar objects as a single object or pattern

Gestalt Law

AnomallyWhen similarity occurs, an object can be

emphasised if it is dissimilar to the others. This is called anomally.

Getstalt Law

ContinuationContinuation occurs when the eye is compelled

to move through one object and continue to another object.

Getstalt Law

ClosureClosure occurs when an object is incomplete or a

space is not completely enclosed. If enough of the shape is indicated, people percieve the whole by filling in the missing infomation.

Getstalt Law

ProximityProximity occurs when elements are placed close

together. They tend to be perceived as a group.

Getstalt Law Figure and Ground

The eye differentiates an object from its surrounding area. A form, silhouette, or shape is naturally perceived as figure (object), while the surrounding area is perceived as ground (background).

Balancing figure and ground can make the perceived image more clear. Using unusual figure/ground relationships can add interest and subtlety to an image.

Shape Detection

Gestalt Application

S. Kiranyaz, M. Ferreira, and M. Gabbouj, “A Generic Shape/ Texture Descriptor Over Multiscale Edge Field: 2-D Walking Ant Histogram,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 377-391, March, 2008.

Gray Image

,f x y

(x,y) = An image’s position or pixelf(x,y) = The intensity of the image at (x,y).

Color Image ,f x y

(x,y) = An image’s position or pixelf(x,y) = (r,g,b)

The red, green, and blue components of the image at (x,y).

Gray Image Represented by Color Image

,f x y

(x,y) = An image’s position or pixelf(x,y) = (i,i,i)

The intensity of white color of the image at (x,y).

Image AcquisitionSpatial


Intensity Quantization



f x y

x y

Continue IntensityContinue Spatial

Image AcquisitionSpatial


Intensity Quantization

f(0,0) f(7,0)f(6,0)f(5,0)f(4,0)f(3,0)f(2,0)f(1,0)

f(0,1) f(7,1)f(6,1)f(5,1)f(4,1)f(3,1)f(2,1)f(1,1)

f(0,2) f(7,2)f(6,2)f(5,2)f(4,2)f(3,2)f(2,2)f(1,2)

f(0,3) f(7,3)f(6,3)f(5,3)f(4,3)f(3,3)f(2,3)f(1,3)

f(0,4) f(7,4)f(6,4)f(5,4)f(4,4)f(3,4)f(2,4)f(1,4)

f(0,5) f(7,5)f(6,5)f(5,5)f(4,5)f(3,5)f(2,5)f(1,5)



f x y

x y


0,1, , 1

0,1, , 1

f i j

i M

j N

Continue IntensityContinue Spatial Continue Intensity

Discrete Spatial

Image AcquisitionSpatial


Intensity Quantization

a(0,0) a(7,0)a(6,0)a(5,0)a(4,0)a(3,0)a(2,0)a(1,0)

a(0,1) a(7,1)a(6,1)a(5,1)a(4,1)a(3,1)a(2,1)a(1,1)

a(0,2) a(7,2)a(6,2)a(5,2)a(4,2)a(3,2)a(2,2)a(1,2)

a(0,3) a(7,3)a(6,3)a(5,3)a(4,3)a(3,3)a(2,3)a(1,3)

a(0,4) a(7,4)a(6,4)a(5,4)a(4,4)a(3,4)a(2,4)a(1,4)

a(0,5) a(7,5)a(6,5)a(5,5)a(4,5)a(3,5)a(2,5)a(1,5)


0,1, , 1

0,1, , 1

f i j

i M

j N

, ,

0,1, , 1

0,1, , 1

a i j q f i j

i M

j N

Continue IntensityDiscrete Spatial Discrete Intensity

Discrete Spatial

Image Acquisitionq(f(I,j))


max min

,, round

, 2k

f i jq f i j


f fQ L


k=the number of bitsk=1; L=2 k=5; L=32k=2; L=4 k=6; L=64k=3; L=8 k=7; L=128k=4; L=16 k=8; L=256

Sampling with Different Resolutions

Lena 256x256 Lena 128x128

Lena 64x64

Quantize with Different Levels

L=2 L=16



L=128 L=256

Size of Uncompressed Image Size of Image = M x N x k bits

= M x N x k/8 Bytes


=32768 bits



=524288 bits


Size of Uncompressed Image


=16384 bits



=131072 bits


Higher Fidelity = Bigger Image Size

Image Representationa(0,0) a(1,0) a(2,0) a(3,0) a(4,0) a(5,0) a(6,0) a(7,0) a(8,0) a(9,0)

a(0,1) a(1,1) a(2,1) a(3,1) a(4,1) a(5,1) a(6,1) a(7,1) a(8,1) a(9,1)

a(0,2) a(1,2) a(2,2) a(3,2) a(4,2) a(5,2) a(6,2) a(7,2) a(8,2) a(9,2)

a(0,3) a(1,3) a(2,3) a(3,3) a(4,3) a(5,3) a(6,3) a(7,3) a(8,3) a(9,3)

a(0,4) a(1,4) a(2,4) a(3,4) a(4,4) a(5,4) a(6,4) a(7,4) a(8,4) a(9,4)

a(0,5) a(1,5) a(2,5) a(3,5) a(4,5) a(5,5) a(6,5) a(7,5) a(8,5) a(9,5)

a(0,6) a(1,6) a(2,6) a(3,6) a(4,6) a(5,6) a(6,6) a(7,6) a(8,6) a(9,6)

a(0,7) a(1,7) a(2,7) a(3,7) a(4,7) a(5,7) a(6,7) a(7,7) a(8,7) a(9,7)

a(0,8) a(1,8) a(2,8) a(3,8) a(4,8) a(5,8) a(6,8) a(7,8) a(8,8) a(9,8)

An image with size MxN is an array of a(x,y) with xϵ{0,M-1} and yϵ{0,N-1}

Programming VC++, Visual Studio 2008 CxImage

Build CxImgLib

1. Unzip into a folder, for example, at C:\CxImage

2. Open C:\CxImage\CxImgLib.dsw

3. Select Menu Build -> Batch Build

4. Click Select All

5. Rebuild



Run Demo Program

1. Go to Solution Explorer (at the left/right panel of VS2008)

2. Right click at demo and select

“set as start up project”

3. Click green arrow at toolbar

to run Demo program



Demo Program

Build a New Program

1. Select Menu File -> New -> Project

2. Select MFC -> MFC Application

Build a New Program (2)

1. Click Browse and select the CxImage folder, for example, “c:\CxImage”

2. Enter Project Name


Set Project Properties

1. Right Click at Project Name

2. Select Properties

3. Select Configuration Properties

4. Select General

5. Set Character Set to

“Use Multi-Byte

Character Set”



Set Project Properties

6. Select C/C++ -> General

7. Set Additional Include Directories to



Set Project Properties

8. Select C/C++ -> Preprocessor

9. Set Preprocessor Directories to



Set Project Properties

10. Select Linker -> Input

11. Set Additional Dependencies to

../../png/Debug/png.lib ../../jpeg/Debug/jpeg.lib ../../zlib/Debug/zlib.lib ../../tiff/Debug/tiff.lib ../../jbig/Debug/jbig.lib ../../jasper/Debug/jasper.lib ../../mng/Debug/mng.lib ../../cximage/Debug/cximage.lib ../../raw/debug/libdcr.lib


Example of Load an Image File

void CDIP1Dlg::OnBnClickedOpen() { CFileDialog fOpenDlg(TRUE, "jpg", NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY|

OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, "JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|BITMAP (*.bmp)|*.bmp||", this);

fOpenDlg.m_pOFN->lpstrTitle="Select an Image File";


if(fOpenDlg.DoModal()==IDOK) { CString FN = fOpenDlg.GetPathName(); int Type = CxImage::GetTypeIdFromName(FN.Mid(FN.ReverseFind('.')+1));

m_ViewImage.Load(FN,Type); RedrawWindow(); } }

Example of Save an Image File

void CDIP1Dlg::OnBnClickedSave() { CFileDialog fOpenDlg(FALSE, "jpg", NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY|

OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, "JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|BITMAP (*.bmp)|*.bmp||", this);

fOpenDlg.m_pOFN->lpstrTitle="Select an Image File";


if(fOpenDlg.DoModal()==IDOK) { CString FN = fOpenDlg.GetPathName(); int Type = CxImage::GetTypeIdFromName(FN.Mid(FN.ReverseFind('.')+1));

m_ViewImage.Save(FN,Type); } }

Example of Changing from a Color Image to a Gray Image

void CDIP1Dlg::OnBnClickedGrayImage() { DWORD Width = m_ViewImage.GetWidth(); DWORD Height = m_ViewImage.GetHeight(); DWORD x,y; RGBQUAD rgb; BYTE Gray;

for(y=0;y<Height;y++) for(x=0;x<Width;x++) { rgb = m_ViewImage.GetPixelColor(x,y); Gray = (BYTE) ((((float) rgb.rgbRed) + ((float) rgb.rgbGreen) + ((float) rgb.rgbBlue))/3.0); rgb.rgbRed = Gray; rgb.rgbGreen = Gray; rgb.rgbBlue = Gray; m_ViewImage.SetPixelColor(x,y,rgb); }

RedrawWindow(); }

Example of Displaying an Image

void CDIP1Dlg::OnPaint() { if (IsIconic()) {

• :

} else { CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting CRect rect; CWnd *pWnd; pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_IMAGE_VIEW); pWnd->GetWindowRect( &rect ); ScreenToClient( &rect ); if(m_ViewImage.IsValid()) m_ViewImage.Stretch(dc.GetSafeHdc(), rect); CDialog::OnPaint(); } }

How Computer Store an Image

a(0,0) a(1,0) a(2,0) a(3,0) a(4,0) a(5,0) a(6,0) a(7,0) a(8,0) a(9,0)

a(0,1) a(1,1) a(2,1) a(3,1) a(4,1) a(5,1) a(6,1) a(7,1) a(8,1) a(9,1)

a(0,2) a(1,2) a(2,2) a(3,2) a(4,2) a(5,2) a(6,2) a(7,2) a(8,2) a(9,2)

a(0,3) a(1,3) a(2,3) a(3,3) a(4,3) a(5,3) a(6,3) a(7,3) a(8,3) a(9,3)

a(0,4) a(1,4) a(2,4) a(3,4) a(4,4) a(5,4) a(6,4) a(7,4) a(8,4) a(9,4)

a(0,5) a(1,5) a(2,5) a(3,5) a(4,5) a(5,5) a(6,5) a(7,5) a(8,5) a(9,5)

a(0,6) a(1,6) a(2,6) a(3,6) a(4,6) a(5,6) a(6,6) a(7,6) a(8,6) a(9,6)

a(0,7) a(1,7) a(2,7) a(3,7) a(4,7) a(5,7) a(6,7) a(7,7) a(8,7) a(9,7)

a(0,8) a(1,8) a(2,8) a(3,8) a(4,8) a(5,8) a(6,8) a(7,8) a(8,8) a(9,8)

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