Page 1: Dr Programme AGE SUM · 正確的方式處理和表達情感。 ... 戲劇活動中聆聽及跟隨導師的指令。 ... a variety of ways of storytelling, through speech and through

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夏 季 戲 劇 訓 練 營

Extensive research has shown that drama, theatre and the performing arts are effective tools for a child’s physical, emotional and social development.

Self Confidence – a drama class provides a safe environment for children to think outside the box and freely participate in unfamiliar situations. Students learn to trust their ideas and abilities.

Imagination and creativity – being able to come up with new ideas is important in children’s academic studies and in their lives. Einstein even said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Drama encourages children to go a lot further with their imagination and creativity.

Empathy and cooperation – understanding a different role through drama helps children to relate better to different situations and people. They learn to show compassion and tolerance, and they learn team work.

Communication skills – effective verbal and nonverbal communication is essential for success in life. Through drama, children learn vocal projection, articulation, tone of speech and expression. The bonus of such training is good listening and observation skills.

Fun and emotional outlet – Drama in Education has become an important educational pedagogy. Drama activities are fun and improve motivation and reduce stress. Children learn to deal with feelings and express emotions in a proper way.

Concentration and memory – drama exercises improve concentra-tion, flexibility, coordination, balance, and control. Rehearsing and performing improve memory.

The Importance of Drama in Child Development


自信 - 戲劇課為孩子們提供了一個安全的平台,讓他們可以天馬行空地思考及置身於各種陌生情境,從而學會認同自己的想法和能力。

想像力和創造力 - 勇於提出新想法在兒童的學習和生活上都有莫大益處。愛因斯坦甚至說「想像力比知識更重要」。而戲劇可激發兒童發展他們的想像力和創造力。

同理心與合作 - 通過理解戲劇中不同的角色有助於孩子更好地融入不同的情境和人物,從而可學會同情和寬容,並且學習團隊合作。

溝通技巧 - 有效的透過語言或非語言溝通對將來的成功非常重要。通過戲劇,孩子們能學習聲線運用,清晰度,語調和表達等,從而更可提升聆聽和觀察能力。

宣洩情感 - 戲劇已經成為教育其中一種有效工具。戲劇活動除了好玩有趣,亦可以提升動力和減壓,並教導孩子們以正確的方式處理和表達情感。

集中力和記憶力 - 戲劇練習可提高集中力,靈活性,協調性,平衡和控制力。排練和表演則可提高記憶力。

戲 劇 對 兒 童 發 展 的 重 要 性

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費用FeesCourse Fees


Individual Class獨立課程

訓練營Combo Camp^

$ 1,780

$ 2,880

$ 1,602

$ 3,080

^ The Combo Camp offers are only applicable to selected courses. To enjoy these offers, applicants must enrol the “Combo Camp” specified via HK Ticketing . Individual courses can NOT be merged to enjoy Combo Camp discount. Combo Camp offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions. Should any dispute arise, the decision of EXCEL Ltd. shall be final.^ 「訓練營」優惠只適用於指定課程。申請者必須選定指定「訓練營」並經由「快達票」報讀方可獲「訓練營」優惠。後期合併之獨立課程將不享有「訓練營」優惠。「訓練營」優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用。如有任何爭議,演藝進修學院將保留最終決定權。

We aim to discover the individual talents of each child, and put them in an environment where they are encouraged to be creative and discover their passions. Children and their parents will experience for themselves, the power of education

through performing arts.

Run and taught by professionals who are not only experienced and understand the journey of an aspiring actor, our tutors are also passionate and experienced in teaching

through the performing arts.

We look forward to meeting you and your children at one of our courses, and working alongside you as parents to bring the best out of your children.




訓練營 日期 時間 課程

Age 歲


Drama Combo Camp A (Age 3-5) (Conducted in English)戲劇訓練營 (A) (3至4歲) (英語授課)

Games Master遊戲大師

10:00 AM|

11:00 PM

Singalong Fun!紛紛唱遊團

11:15 AM|

12:15 PM

Drama Combo Camp B (Age 5-7) (Conducted in English)戲劇訓練營 (B) (5至7歲) (英語授課)

Acting Games Master戲劇遊戲大師

1:30 PM|

2:30 PM

Grimm's Fairy Tales 格林童話小劇場

Drama Combo Camp C (Age 13-16) (Conducted in English)戲劇訓練營 (C) (13至16歲) (英語授課)

Improvisation Workshop即興劇場工作坊

9:00 AM|

10:30 AM

Acting Scenes話劇夢工場

10:45 AM|

12:15 PM

Drama Combo Camp D (Age 8-12) (Conducted in English)戲劇訓練營 (D) (8至12歲) (英語授課)

Theatre, Get Set, Go!劇場大比拼

1:30 PM|

3:00 PM

Create, Rehearse, Perform!小小編劇家

3:15 PM|

4:45 PM

Drama Combo Camp E (Age 8-12) (Conducted in English)戲劇訓練營 (E) (8至12歲) (英語授課)

Acting Shakespeare in Elizabethan English

Shakespeare's Stories – Reading and bringing life to words故事小演説:莎士比亞


9:30 AM|

11:00 AM

11:00 AM|

12:30 PM

Combo Camp

Summer Drama Camp Timetable

Course NameTimeDate

B5-7 Age

C13-16 Age

D8-12 Age

E8-12 Age


20th - 24th


27th - 31st



26th July -23rd August


2:45 PM|

3:45 PM

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Combo Camp A | Age 3-5

Franchesca Wong黃婉華


5 Sessions5 堂


Age 3-53-5歲

20 Jul - 24 Jul, 202010:00 am - 11:00 am

Franchesca Wong黃婉華


5 Sessions5 堂


Age 3-53-5歲

20 Jul - 24 Jul, 202011:15 am - 12:15 pm

英語授課 Conducted in English Combo Camp B | Age 5-7 英語授課 Conducted in English

Zoe Chan陳素妍


5 Sessions5 堂


Age 5-75-7歲

20 Jul - 24 Jul, 20201:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Children will be guided on a journey of expressing themselves through lots of fun drama activities, increasing their self-awareness, building their confidence, strengthening their concentration, and inspiring their creativity and imagination. Guided by the tutors, they will learn how to listen and follow instructions, all whilst respecting one another, cooperating with each other and of course having loads of fun.In the last lesson, families are invited to watch prt of the class, where they can see their children actively participating in class, sharing in the enjoyment and educational benefits of drama games.


Games Master 遊戲大師

Children will be guided on a journey of expressing themselves through playing tonnes of fun drama games, increasing their self-awareness, building their confidence, strengthening their concentration, and inspiring their creativity and imagination. Not only will they learn how to respect one another, work in a team and co-operate with each other, they will also learn the importance of listening and following instructions from the tutor, all whilst having loads of fun.In the last lesson, families are invited to watch part of the class, where they can see their children actively participating in class, sharing in the enjoyment and educational benefits of drama games.導師將會帶領孩子勇於表達自我,透過不同的趣味劇場小遊戲,使他們加強自我意識,建立自信心,增強專注力,以及激發創意及想像力。課堂不只限於教導孩子們如何尊重他人,更引導他們了解團隊合作,從富有趣味的戲劇活動中聆聽及跟隨導師的指令。在最後一堂課,家長們更可親身見證戲劇活動為小孩子的無限益處,分享其學習成果。

Acting Games Master 戲劇遊戲大師

Zoe Chan陳素妍


5 Sessions5 堂


Age 5-75-7歲

20 Jul - 24 Jul, 20202:45 pm - 3:45 pm

The Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Their collection of stories contained 200 fairy tales, some of which have become world famous. We will read, explore and re-enact some of their well known stories in class. Children will be taught a variety of ways of storytelling, through speech and through movement, and work with the tutors and their classmates, to bring these stories to life.In the last lesson, families are invited to watch part of the class, where students can showcase the skills they have learnt, through the dramatic storytelling of some of Grimm’s Fairy Tales.格林兄弟是眾所周知的童話故事作家,在他們達二百部的作品之中,有很多成為了世界經典。在「格林童話小劇場」,導師會帶領小孩子閱讀、探索、重演部分著名童話故事,使他們以演說故事的形式,訓練說話能力,加強身體語言的表達,將故事融會生活。在最後一堂課,家長可以走進課室,欣賞小孩子以戲劇演說經典格林童話故事。

GRIMM’S Fairy Tales 格林童話小劇場

Singalong Fun! 紛紛唱遊團Young children have a natural sense of rhythm and enjoy listening to singing and music. Through singing, children improve their English language understanding and speech. By adding drama, movement and dancing to these songs, children can experience these songs at a deeper and more enjoyable level, all whilst shaking and moving to carefully selected fun-filled songs. Simple musical instruments and colourful props will also be used in class to enhance children’s enjoyment and learning, as they also play an important role in the development of children’s emotional, motor and sensory skills. Come and join us in this all singing, all acting, all dancing fun class!孩子們對於節拍有著自然而成的感官意識,能好好享受歌唱以及聆聽音樂。透過唱歌活動,他們可以藉以加強對英文的了解。經過導師精心挑選,富有趣味的歌曲,配以戲劇活動,孩子們以歌伴舞,讓身體隨歌舞動,從而令他們樂在其,亦加強對歌曲的認識。為了讓孩子們的情緒、運動神經、感官更有效的發展,課堂中會使用簡單的樂器及色彩繽紛的道具配合教學。快來一起唱唱跳跳,演出精彩暑假!

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Combo Camp C | Age 13-16

Franchesca Wong黃婉華


5 Sessions5 堂


Age 13-1613-16歲

27 Jul - 31 Jul, 20209:00 am - 10:30 am

Franchesca Wong黃婉華


5 Sessions5 堂


Age 3-43-4歲

27 Jul - 31 Jul, 202010:45 am - 12:15 pm

英語授課 Conducted in English Combo Camp D | Age 8-12 英語授課 Conducted in English

Improvisation, often called improv, is a form of acting in which most or all of what is acted is unplanned or unscripted. It is one of the core techniques used by actors, as it stretches the imagination, heightens communication with other actors, sparks spontaneity and teaches people to think and respond quickly.Besides being a highly useful skill in all areas of life, improvisation is simply a fun and great way to make friends in an energetic and educational environment.即興戲劇表演是指無計劃、無劇本的表演方式。作為專業演員常用的訓練投巧,即興表演能擴闊其想像力、增強演員之間的交流、激發演員的自發性,並鍛鍊思考及反應能力。在課堂中,學員將以即興創作的方式學習表演技巧,繼而建立自信。即興戲劇表演讓學員在有活力及有教育性的環境下,以有趣的方式廣結良朋,並將其有用的技巧套用於生活之中。

Improvisation Workshop 即興劇場工作坊

Acting Scenes 話劇夢工場In this class, students will immerse themselves into characters and scene work from well known drama plays. Scenes will be selected that are teenage appropriate, easy to grasp and focus on character development.Students will have an opportunity to work in pairs, and also in small groups, and will be guided by the tutor to self direct and self block the short scenes.After spending time working on their own scenes, students will have an opportunity everyday in class, to perform their scene in front of their classmates, receiving encouragement and constructive feedback from the tutor and their classmates.導師精心揀選適合青少年的場景劇目,讓他們融入角色之中,容易投入及專注角色的發展。學員將有機會以雙人或小組形式自導自演短篇場景戲劇,經過努力創作出屬於自己的話劇。他們更有機會再其他學員面前演出,接受導師及同儕的鼓勵及反饋。

Zoe Chan陳素妍


5 Sessions5 堂


Age 8-128-12歲

27 Jul - 31 Jul, 20201:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Each day, classes will begin with a variety of fun and exciting drama games, aimed at developing students’ confidence, as well as inspiring their creativity and imagination. After students have developed some acting techniques, and have warmed their acting skills, they will have loads of fun forming teams, and competing in theatre sports; a friendly form of improvisational theatre entertainment played as a spectator sport.Theatre sports encourages performers to take risks while being good-natured. The components of competition are there to support and encourage risk and allow students to be fearless in their endeavour to create stories in the spontaneous moment. This course is suitable for students experienced in acting, as well as those who have never tried. The most important thing is that students are ready to work in a team and have good-natured competitive spirits. This course aims to ignite spontaneity, develop lateral thinking, encourage team work and release the potential artist in us all.每一個課堂都由有趣刺激的戲劇遊戲開始,從而增強學員的自信,激發創意及幻想。當學員學習基本的演戲技巧後,他們便會開始嘗試組隊參與富有娛樂性的即興劇場運動,學習與其他學員作良性競爭。即興劇場運動鼓勵表演者敢於冒險,無畏無懼,不害怕錯誤,勇於創作出屬於自己團隊的故事。「劇場大比拼」旨在啟發學生的自發性,開發學員的橫向思維,鼓勵團隊合作,釋放他們體內的藝術家潛力。無論你是表演經驗豐富的學員,還是從來學過表演的學員,我們都歡迎你的參與。最重要的是讓學員願意學習,在團體中發揮良好的競賽精神。

Theatre, Get, Set, Go! 劇場大比拼

Zoe Chan陳素妍


5 Sessions5 堂


Age 8-128-12歲

27 Jul - 31 Jul, 20203:15 pm - 4:45 pm

Students will learn:- Steps required in creating a play- how to develop personal creativeness in a collaborative teamwork process- how to adapt text, movement and an ensemble in a play- an appreciation of the creative process and its relationship to a final product After discussing issues and topics that are relevant and important to the students, they will then work in groups, assigning themselves suitable roles that they are either interested in, have confidence in, or would like to learn more about, and take leadership in those said roles to create a theatrical piece in 5 days that is completely theirs.The tutor will guide, support and facilitator the students in their visions and assist them to resolve issues that may require certain problem-solving skills.On the last day, parents, relatives and friends are invited to watch their showcase, sharing in the student’s achievements.學員可在課堂中學習:- 劇目製作所需的計劃和步驟- 如何在團隊中建立個人的創意- 如何以對白、動作、合唱演出劇目- 適當地以團隊合作的方法發揮創意,完成戲劇表演學員們會以分組的形式學習,將他們的想像力和真實生活經驗結合成一份劇本。學員可決定從頭開始創建一個故事,或改編著名故事,並添加自己的修訂及創意,及後按照自己的興趣或自信心,選擇擔綱劇目創作中的不同崗位,領導團隊在5天內製作出整個劇目。導師會以指導員的身份,協助學員實踐他們的想法,並幫助他們排解疑難。在課程的最後一天,學員可邀家長、朋友,分享其學習成果。

Create, Rehearse, Perform! 小小編劇家

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Shakespeare’s Stories –Reading and bringing life to wordsShakespeare is widely regarded as one of the best writers of all time in the English Language. The works of Shakespeare are often required reading in secondary schools. Come and discover the fun of Shakespeare and be better prepared for it in English class.

In this course, students will be introduced to the stories of Shakespeare and to bring Shakespeare’s stories to life through rehearsed reading. Through adding vocal and physical techniques to reading the stories out loud, students can improve their understanding of the text, as well as becoming more expressive and confident.

Students will learn to:• communicate changes in mood• speak audibly and clearly with good diction• demonstrate vocal contrast, appropriate to the moods, narrative and dialogue• use the face to reflect emotions

This is a great course to learn the skills to succeed in the prose reading competitions in the Hong Kong Speech Festival. Parents are invited to the last day of class for a showing of the students’ work.

“Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say.” - William Shakespeare (King Lear, Act 5, Scene 3)


在本課程中,學生將認識到沙士比亞的名著,並通過學習聲音運用和身體語言的技巧來朗讀沙士比亞的故事, 將其故事和人物活現眼前。通過添加聲樂和物理技巧來大聲朗讀故事,學生不但可以加深他們對文本的理解,亦可提高表達能力和自信。

學生將學習到:• 如何清晰地和響亮地朗讀• 如何運用聲綫來營造氛圍• 掌握技巧來塑造角色和對話• 利用臉部表情表達情緒


“Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say.” (說出我們感受的,而不是我們該說的。) 威廉·莎士比亞(李爾王,第5幕,場景3)

Celene Chang張詩璉


5 Sessions5 堂


Age 8-128-12歲

26 Jul - 23 Aug, 202011:00 am - 12:30 am

Acting Shakespeare in Elizabethan EnglishShakespeare is a master in language and using words and his plays are like poetry. Come and immerse in beautiful language and develop a love of words.

In this course, students will engage with Shakespeare’s text in the English of that time, learn the meaning of the text and then demonstrate their understanding of their words through performing short extracts of the plays.

Students will learn to:• Demonstrate understanding of Shakespearean English• Respond to the form and rhythm of the speech• Vary volume, pace and pause to increase dramatic effect• Perform with body language and facial expressionParents are invited to the last day of class for a showing of the students’ work.

“Words without thoughts never to heaven go.” - William Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 3)

Celene Chang is an experienced educator and a passionate Shakespearean actor. Her aspiration is to share her love for Shakespeare and the joy of Shakespeare with young people through games and performance. Apart from teaching English in local schools and international schools in Hong Kong, she has also directed student productions of Shakespeare plays. Celene was selected as a participant in the IMPACT! Teachers Professional Development Programme in Drama and was trained at Shakespeare’s Globe in London. She furthered her training in Shakespeare at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in London.

Celene Chang 是一位經驗豐富的教育工作者和熱愛莎士比亞的演員。 她的志願是通過遊戲和演出分享她對莎士比亞的熱愛及讓更多年輕人感受莎士比亞帶來的喜悅。除了在香港的本地學校和國際學校教授英語外,她還導演了學生演出莎士比亞的戲劇。 Celene亦被入選為IMPACT 戲劇教師專業發展課程的一員,並在倫敦莎士比亞環球劇院接受培訓。 她更在倫敦音樂與戲劇藝術學院(LAMDA)和英國皇家戲劇藝術學院(RADA)進修莎士比亞的演出。


莎士比亞是一代文學巨匠,其文字運用和劇作亦如詩歌般精妙動人。 快來沉醉在美麗的文學藝術中,培養對文學的熱愛。學生將學習到沙士比亞作品原文中的英語,瞭解其含義,然後通過演出來展示他們對原文的理解。

學生將學習:• 理解沙士比亞作品原文中的英語• 欣賞沙士比亞寫作的格律和韻律• 如何利用音量,速度的變化和停頓以增加戯劇效果• 使用肢體語言和臉部表情進行表演


“Words without thoughts never to heaven go.” (有口無心的禱告,永遠不會到天上去。)威廉·莎士比亞(哈姆雷特,第3幕,場景3)


Celene Chang張詩璉

5 Sessions5 堂


Age 8-128-12歲

26 Jul - 23 Aug, 20209:30 am - 11:00 am

Combo Camp E | Age 8-12 英語授課 Conducted in English

She received her Bachelor of Science from California Institute of Technology and her MBA and MSc from Stanford University. She holds her Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) from the University of Hong Kong.

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