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  • 7/28/2019 Dr. King Eulogy


  • 7/28/2019 Dr. King Eulogy


    EulogiesEulogy of Dr. Martin LutheDr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s funeral, helvolved three parts. A service was held at

    burn A venue in Atlanta where King was bornstint as co-pastor with his father, Reverend MarMartin Luther King, Jr.'s close friend, Rev. presided over the numerous tributes to the slainchurch service. A funeral cortege followed wi

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. King Eulogy


    248 Dr. Benjamin E. Mays Speaksreferred to the oratory of Dr. Mays as deliverestyle .

    Morehouse College was never the same after th1968. For King and Mays had become the most sthe history of the small liberal arts college.Dr. Mays received more than 250 letters aneulogy , along with numerous telephone calls comof King; several requested copies of his remarks;other writings and speeches by the great orator .

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. King Eulogy


    Eulogiesto America about war and peace, about social jusnation ; about its obligation to the poor, and abouof perfecting social change in a world of brutaliHere was a man who believed with all his mviolence at any time is ethically and morally wmoral weight of the universe are against it ; thating; and that only love and forgiveness can brerevenge. He believed that nonviolence would prolition of injustice in politics, in economics, inrelations. He was convinced also that people c

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. King Eulogy


    250 Dr . Benjamin E. Mays Speakempathy. This was his dream and the end towardand his followers so often sang: "We shall oveand white together."Let it be thoroughly understood that our deembrace nonviolence out of fear or cowardice. Mof his noblest virtues. As Mahatma Gandhi chalpire without a sword and won, Martin Luther Kinterracial wrongs of the country without a gun. believe that he would win the battle for social jus

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. King Eulogy


    EulogiesHouse bombed, living day by day for thirteen yeaof death , maliciously accused of being a commubeing insincere and seeking the limelight for his omember of his own race, slugged in a hotel loboccasionally deeply hurt because friends betrayedhad no bitterness in his heart, no rancor in his mind, and he went up and down the length andpreaching nonviolence and the redemptive powewith all his heart, mind, and soul that the way to

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. King Eulogy


    252 Dr. Benjamin E. Mays Speabullet; Woodrow Wilson, crusading for a LeaLuther King, Jr., dying fighting for justice for of these men were ahead of their time. With theripe to do that which was right and which needToo bad, you say, that Martin Luther King ,that way too. But, as I have said many times beflives, but how well. It's what one accomplisheters. Jesus died at thirty-three; Joan of Arc at niat thirty-six; Keats at twenty-six; Marlowe at

  • 7/28/2019 Dr. King Eulogy


    Eulogieswould pray if he could: "Father, forgive them fothey do." If we do this, Martin Luther King, Jr.demptive death from which all mankind will bene

    I close by saying to you what Martin Lutherphysical death was the price he had to pay to ridand injustice, nothing could be more redemptive .words of the immortal John Fitzgerald KennedyJr.'s unfinished work on earth must truly be our

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