

Content Paranoia is a phenomena observed with authors and thought leaders.

There are people that are afraid to get their content out to the public.And fear if they put it out there people won’t need their services.

The reality is that if you look at any of the

best business books, they make it really clear as to what their model is. They write seven steps, they don’t publish steps

one and five and leave us wanting more, they put it

all out there.

Get your content out there, in as

many formats as you can.

People will talk about it, enjoy, consume it, and some of those people will want to retain you to do other things that they

can’t do on their own.

There are people that will do things on their own, but that’s fine, they wouldn’t have been clients anyway.

The more you get your stuff out, the more people will be exposed to it and the more they will use you for other services, offerings, and derivatives of your content.

DO YOU HAVE CONTENT PARANOIA? 917.741.1881 [email protected]

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