
DIVERSITY in the Workplace

What would you do?

What is Diversity in the Workplace?

• The condition of having or being composed of different elements

especially: the inclusion of different types of people (as people of

different races or cultures) in a group or organization.

• Acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing, and celebrating

differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity,

gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation,

spiritual practice, and public assistance status (Esty, et al., 1995).

Dimensions of diversity

➢Culture➢Ethnic Group➢Race➢Religion➢Language➢Age➢Gender➢Physical Abilities➢Sexual Orientation

Primary Dimension:

Dimensions of diversity

➢Occupation➢Work Experience➢Education➢Income➢Marital Status

Secondary Dimension:

Activity 2: The Story of Your Name

• Each training participant will be asked to share their name with the

group and provide any knowledge of the cultural meaning or history

behind their name.

• The goal of this activity is to give your coworkers an idea of where

you come from culturally, and bring forth a better understanding of

one another.

History of Diversity in the Workplace

• 1964 Civil Rights Act

• Executive Order 11246 In 1965

• Formal policies elimination

The 1964 Civil Rights Act made it illegal for organizations to engage in employment practices that discriminated against employees on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, and disability.In 1965, Executive Order 11246 was passed requiring all government contractors to take affirmative actions to overcome past patterns of exclusion and discrimination.-Abdulkarim Almuhaimeed

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

➢ Known as EEOC

➢ Formed: 1965

➢ Headquarter: Washington D.C & 53 off

➢ Responsibilities

➢ Coverage

E-RACEEradicating Racism And Colorism from


Benefits of Diversity

Benefits of Diversity➢The changing demographics of the U.S population.

➢The world's increasing globalization.

➢Innovation and creativity.

➢Providing a greater range of perspectives.

➢Diverse groups have high quality solutions than less diverse groups.

➢Diversity increases constructive group processes.

➢High performance.

➢Increased sales revenue, greater market share, more customers, and greater


Benefits of Diversity➢Customer service improves when staff understand and can communicate

skillfully with customers from a range of backgrounds.

➢The community is also more likely to identify with and relate to

companies that reflect its level of diversity.

➢Workplace diversity where staff are encouraged to work in their areas of

strength and capability.

➢Valuing diversity where staff potential is recognized and developed.

➢Reduces costs of absenteeism and turnover through increased job

satisfaction through higher employee morale.

Activity 2: Taking Steps Toward an Understanding

• Could you please stand in a line at the center of the room and face

the same direction.

• You will be asked a question, and based on your answer, you will

take a step either forward or backward (i.e. Take one step forward if

you were raised by two parents, or take one step back if a family

member has been on welfare before).

Diversity in Fortune 500 Directors in 2014

Apple 2014 Diversity Report

Apple CEO Tim Cook:

I'm not satisfied with the numbers on this page,

They’re not new to us, and we’ve been working hard

for quite some time to improve them. We are making

progress, and we’re committed to being as innovative

in advancing diversity as we are in developing our

products. We believe deeply that inclusion inspires

innovation. I think the most diverse group will

produce the best product, I firmly believe that.

➢ Diversity is at the heart of our business.

➢ We strive to create a work environment that provides all our

associates equal access to information, development and


➢ By building an inclusive workplace environment, we seek to

leverage our global team of associates, which is rich in diverse

people, talent and ideas.

➢ We see diversity as more than just policies and practices.

The Coca-Cola Company

Barriers to Diversity

➢What are the physical barriers?

➢Prejudice, bias



Dealing with Diversity

➢Understand and respect differences

➢Be assertive

➢Learn how others want you to treat them

➢Act as a force for change

Shocking Fact

American businesses pays a price for its inability to deal

successfully with diversity. Racial bias claim alone cost

of the American economy about $215 billion a year.

That’s almost 4 percent of the gross domestic product.

Diversity Training

➢Due to the growing diversity in the workforce, organizations are now

focusing on diversity in the workplace by emphasizing recruitment,

selection, retention, and training.

➢Diversity training has three major objectives in the workplace:

increase awareness about diversity issues

reduce biases and stereotypes that deter from effective management

change behaviors to help effectively manage a diverse workforce

Effectiveness of Diversity Training➢With diversity training, employees have a greater understanding of the

value diversity, better diversity management skills, and more effective

diversity related behaviors .

➢After undergoing training, managers saw diversity related practices as

more important than they did prior to the training, and were more

likely to positively engage in diversity related practices.

➢Although many government agencies and Fortune 500 companies

provide diversity training, around 40% of organizations still do not.

Diversity in the Workplace Today

➢While many organizations are embracing diversity in the

workforce, there are still organizations today that remain

unreceptive. Although many government agencies and

Fortune 500 companies provide diversity training, around

40% of organizations still do not.

➢Even the organizations that claim to be strong advocates for

diversity do not have the statistics to back their claims.

Diversity in the Workplace Today

Some companies show extreme racial preference despite what they

claim that diversity is important to them, especially on their

websites, however it is clear that this is only in response to the

many lawsuits they’ve faced.

Diversity in the Workplace Today

Diversity in the Workplace Today

Diversity in the Workplace Today

Marques states “It becomes apparent, however, when studying

the background of these appealing statements, that they were

not formulated spontaneously, but, just like A&F, merely as a

reaction to massive discrimination lawsuits” (2010).

Diversity in the Workplace Today

Activity 4: Case StudyAn employee who works for a company that is very diverse is troubled by the

fact that many of the employees who are of the same cultural background tend

to socialize with each other almost exclusively, even though most of the

employees regardless of their culture seem to work well together. The

employee believes that if everyone socialized more cross culturally this might

help to improve the work environment. Should the employee take it upon

himself to try and promote more cross cultural socializing during lunch or

after work? Is he right in his assumption?

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