Page 1: District 7410 Rotary Foundation Grant Management Seminar Thanks For Coming Welcome !

District 7410Rotary Foundation Grant

Management Seminar

Thanks For Coming

Welcome !

Page 2: District 7410 Rotary Foundation Grant Management Seminar Thanks For Coming Welcome !



• Understand how to manage a Rotary Foundation grant under New Grant Model– Structuring a Successful Project– Applying for a Grant

• Prepare Clubs to implement the MOU

• Qualify Clubs to receive grant funds

• Learn stewardship expectations

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Rotary Foundation Mission

To enable Rotarians to advance world understanding,

goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health,

the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty

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Resources• Grant Management Manual• Areas of Focus• Rotary E-Learning Center• New TRF Grant FAG’s• Grant Terms and Conditions• Club Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)• District 7410 Allocation Procedure

Available on District website and

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Successful Grant ProjectsSuccessful Grant Projects• Real community needs

• Frequent partner communication

• Implementation plan

• Sustainable

• Proper stewardship of funds

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Needs AssessmentNeeds Assessment

• Base project on the community’s need

• Assess resources of your club and potential partners

• Talk to the community

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Project PlanningProject Planning

• Form a three-person grant committee

• Assign roles

• Implementation plan

• Budget

• Contingency plan

• Document retention plan

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Rotary Foundation GrantsRotary Foundation Grants

• District grant– Less than $30K: Local, International

• Global grants– $30K or more: International

• Packaged grants– Strategic Partners– Pre-Financed– Looking for Rotarian participation/volunteering


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TRF Share System2011-12 Annual Fund Contributions


District Designated Funds (DDF)$56,196

World Fund$56,196

District Grants$28,098

Global GrantsFully Funded

Packages Grants

PolioPlusRotary Peace Centers


Remaining DDF rolls over to next year

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District Grants (districts decide)• Categories (shown as examples)

– Less than $3,000 (an amount reserved each RY)

– More that $2,000 (bigger multi-Club/partners/committee projects)

– International projects less than $30,000

• Examples– Local community projects– Scholarships– Travel for humanitarian projects– Vocational Training Exchanges– Int’l Medical Missions– Disaster Recovery

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District Grant Requirements

• Club must be certified– attend Grant Training– MOU– Allocation Procedure

• Support of Rotary Foundation

• Areas of Focus

• Within funding ranges of block grant

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Club/CommitteeClub/CommitteeQualification RequirementsQualification Requirements

• Club or Committee member attend a grant management seminar (2 suggested)

• Club annually sign and submit signed MOU and Allocation Procedure to District

• Meet the requirements of grants

• Maintain trained Club grant managers

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Maintaining QualificationMaintaining Qualification

• Follow terms of Club MOU

• Appoint Club member/committee to manage Club qualification

• Fully implement stewardship practices to prevent misuse of funds

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District Grant Application Process

• Submit Proposal to District Grant Committee…

• Grant Committee Review / Project Selection

• Club Project Approval by District…

• District submits spending plan to RI

• TRF Funds arrive after July 1st

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Applying for Global GrantsApplying for Global

• Application process online -

Questionnaire & Form

• Meet goals of Areas of Focus

• Be sustainable

• Involve Rotary Clubs in two Int’l Districts

• Minimum budget of US$30,000

• District confirms Club is qualified

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Timeline for Applications

2014District Grants• FEB 1 MOU & Club Qualification renewals begin• Mar 1 14/15 Grant proposal period• Apr 30 Deadline for submitting Grant request• May 30 Grants approved• Jun 15 District Grant Spending Plan sent to RI for Approval• July 1 TRF Releases funds

Global Grants

Can be submitted at any time on

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Areas of FocusAreas of Focus

Peace and conflict prevention/resolution

Disease prevention and treatment

Water and sanitation

Maternal and child health

Basic education and literacy

Economic and community development

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Sustainable ProjectsSustainable Projects

• Give a community the skills and knowledge to maintain project outcomes for the long term, after grant funds have been expended.

• Optimally use of local resources, regional input, and indigenous knowledge.

• Prepare professionals to increase impact and improve effectiveness in the communities and vocations in which they work.

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? Your District Grant Ideas ?? District or Global ?

… … … …

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Global Grant FinancingGlobal Grant Financing

• DDF matched 100% with World Fund

• Rotarian cash contributions matched 50% with World Fund

• Non-Rotarian/Organization cash contributions direct to project

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Financing GuidelinesFinancing Guidelines

• Contributions raised by Rotarians

• Funds cannot be raised from beneficiaries in exchange for a grant

• Funds cannot come from other TRF grant projects

• Contributions credited to donor

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Financial Management PlanFinancial Management Plan

• Bank account for funds for Global Grants

• Expending funds on project

• Use checks/bank cards to track funds

• Detailed ledger

• Know & complywith local laws

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Resources• Grant Management Manual• Areas of Focus• Preparing Your Club for Future Vision• Rotary e-Learning Center• Future Vision Reference Guide• New TRF Grants FAQ’s• Grant Terms & Conditions• TRF Grant Memo of Understanding

Available on and District Website

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Document RetentionDocument Retention

• Provide access

• Retain for a minimum of five years

• Make copies

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• A requirement

• Verifies grants were managed properly

• Provides communication and builds trust

• Provides for celebration of success

• Encourages future giving

• Provides evaluation data

• Permits TRF to understand effectiveness

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District Grant ReportsDistrict Grant Reports• Report any changes to project from proposed

scope and beneficiaries…• Progress Reports

– For projects still active• Final Report

– For completed projects• Final reports normally within 12 months or grant


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Global Grant Reports: FrequencyGlobal Grant Reports: Frequency

• Progress reports– Within 12 months of first payment– Every 12 months through the life of the grant

• Final report within 2 months of completion

• Online through Member Access

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Global Grant Reports: ContentGlobal Grant Reports: Content• On-Line through MEMBER ACCESS

• How partners were involved

• Type of activity

• Evaluation of project goals

• How area of focus goals were met

• How funds were spent

• Number of beneficiaries and how they benefited

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Conflict of InterestConflict of Interest

• Exists when a Rotarian benefits financially or personally from a grant

• Benefit can be direct (the Rotarian benefits) or indirect (an associate of the Rotarian benefits)

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Rotary Foundation Mission

To enable Rotarians to advance world understanding,

goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health,

the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty

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Thank youThank you

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