Page 1: DISSOLVED PERUVIAN · 2018. 7. 11. · 'Tine WATKIM'OKD JsKWS i:sr.Mii.isui:i> 1817. (Alilrrm.111 l!i:n>, l'roviric

'Tine WATKIM'OKD J sKWSi:sr.Mii.isui:i> 1817.

(Alilrrm.111 l!i:n>, l'roviriclor.)L.MiliKST ClUl '. l.ATIO N IX TIIK PolTII nr IlIRl.VXn.

PIC M IV/IH ' every 1'ri 'o 'j Enni t i j , al Xn. -JO King StreetIL PTO.- I I K T I I I - l- B O V. N CIAI. rA>K.]

I'I I U i: TI I I S K :- 1' KNCI :; Y KU I I .Y (IX ADVANC E ) 13a. ;J!v l'oi-r, Y KAUI .V , lfis., IN ADVANCE .

Agents for Sale of THE NEWS:W.\" KWKOUl )— }Ir. W. K 1:1.1. v, Little- (u'oi^e's-strect.TIJAMOKK—Miss CI.ANCV , Refreshment ISooins, in

Smiiid-streiu.PAPPAOK KAST—Tin- 5Iis.»-«s Lcvr, Hold, Square.OAl J I i lCK- ON -KUlK—Mr.J .M. M n t i - i tv .Ncws Agcut.I)UN ( iAl iVAX—Mr. K U W A I I I I H R K X X A X , Stationer,

Ac, 1'ost and Telegraph Oilier, T!.o Square.KlliMACTlIOMAS—Mr. M. Drxxr, Grocer, &c.LISMOHK—Mr. Joiix Noc. ix.\ x, The Jlall Warehouse

NEW KOSS—Mr. 1'. M OKAX , News Aircm , Ac.



^^K^fcv /"V^'K of '!"-' following or other First

<5|?&i£^> ^-^ f l£is!= , full-powered Steamships¦JSStx&SZto will lie de.s[iuiclicd from LIVERPOOL•10 NKW YOKK , EVERY WEDNESDAY.

Cap tain. Cavtain.W Y 0 M I X 0 . . J A M 1 N Moi iGAN MINNES OTA .C. J . lli- .lilncW1.-O1XS1X T.\\ .KiM .iii an : .MAXIIATTAN. . I. li. THICK

I I ) \ H O Us. t i i A U i . .MONTANA JAS. PII ICK

.NEVADA \V. For»ytl. DAKOTA (liuiliiiiij ; )Arc inti-iii l.- i! tn Sail ns li.ll.nv :—

WYOMIXC. .. Wciluri-day 1 Hh Feb..IDAHO Wednesday IStli Feb.

MAXHATTAX Wednesday 23th Feb.MINNESOTA Wednesday t t l i iliir.

CALLING at ( i l 'KkN r-rO U N thr day following,to rmljail; l'.is«pii;rpn- .

I'.i"! ncrrs VI O V LI I tl roiiL-li to San Fr.-ncisci ami all iu!.U:dtowns at luw ratv« .

liali* of l'li'sagc finm l.ivcrpicl In New York:—C.iuinlV^we tir> 15* . ami t)7 17?., ami .til. Kiwi-aac I'.issisr:at iishiad ir.tcs. 'I 'hc. I.Utor include* an ti i i l i io i t i t l j-upply >;l

pir ivtMWi * , :injkul :i|id MTVcd up by tin: Computi) 's st cw,ti(] > *

Fur iirielit or ]ii>saxi' , :i|'p'.v t<iJ OHN lj i :Vi: i :KrX." Qn;;y, Wnto.fonl ,T H O M A S K A V A X A « ; i l . l l i c Spinr.. . I hii.gnivi iii .J A . M F.S SCOTT .t CO., tj u.rnswnu; or t<.

(i i : !OX A: CO.. So \VaIiT->ln-tt . l.ivrr|-oi<1.


«. Vj 'OTICK.—The Wntr-i fonlStrvinisliip

titeBB^ *

J-i Coini' receive Good* for Shipment

«y jg\ f^%."" the followii ;-.- 'IVrms only.—They rcsurveAmBrira f

the riuht tot-arvy hi/ tttiy , not liy particularVosds. with lilnTty to Tow Slii p« and call .\t other Portsni' n'ill not l,e jim.iint.iUc fur iitjurii -^ or lu-<cs arising Ir.iinde!-»v .'.ccidi'nt:, of thv St-a*, Uivi'i-.s Fire, the Queen's Ktie-inu'S, defective Navigation , or iu-eidentslroin any ut her causenot for any hiss which iui ;;lit h.r.v l icen o.i.r. d by Insurancenor for lj CiK.-igp, UrcaXagi-, Condition , l4- -.i:ili:y, or contents ofany l'arcrls orl'ackajri-s , uulc» .--pt'ciull y cntcn-d and tx<i va-If t m Frt'ighl p;iid. (iooil> not innovcd to ue Stunrd at therisk and expense of the Consigner*.

W A T K l l P O l U) A N D I ". I t l S T O L .Gipr t / i Lara .vr dllui* t li^ih!o Vc<tcl , liin-ct.

I-'rom Wau-rlovd to Uri«tol : tuim IJr i s !i> l tn WatcrfordTm-filar , l'cli. :i ... 1".J Mt.rn. 'riiur-day, I'I I I. .", ... .s MnrnTm-.-ilav, : „ In .Nt niii. VhiirMlar , ,, 1-' ._ 1 AtfnTm-..d:iY , „ 17 ... N M,,ni. Tlinr.-ilur , „ l!l ... s M,, rliTiu-da.v, „ i'l ... J Afi 'u. T]iiir*]:>v, „ -•; . . 2 AWu

Jurcnui.Kroui Wnl i- rfoi i l to l'.rUiul , I n in lli if lc ; IP V.'ntufoid ,

D i i M l . ci.lliiiL'at i'l i i i l ircke Diirk ,Friilay, 1". l i . <i ... '¦' M(iru ,"l°ui- .-i!.iv, Kill. •'! ... 7' MornKriifciv , „ 1- : ... •; Alfn lTui-il.iy, „ In ... 11 MornKriilaV , „ -" ... !« J li.rii!TiK - .-ilar , „ 17 ... >; ) .MornKri.lay, ,, ;7 ... •: Afl 'lilTuiMiay, ,, •_; ... It Morn

IJ "," 0:i Kav '.y Mov.itiis ; Sailin;;' , the Cabin (it lhi> Steamers wil l hi* Opi'ii to rt-re-VL' i\^>fUL;c-s arriving irom Londonby the Niclit Mail Trail..

" Cabin Fare, 15 . Oil.; Servants and Children , 10s. Od.iicturn do., "o> . ; or with lil.t-rty to return from Dublin

Cork , or Wrxlonl , 31.-. tld., Simvard 's U-L* ii:rludvd ; Deck7s. tij. Female* attrnd the Liidie.-,' Cubiu.

\V A T K 11 F O K D A X 1) I. 1 V K 1! 1> 0 0 I..l.un> , Z i i 'h i i r .. o v o 'hi/ l i iiWc Vts- r!> .

i ; ( . v . vs .\Tl.i:rui.;i; !i;o:i I.I VI :I:I UOL :

M..i i i -v l"> ' i . - — - AU ii 'J'ii' .-i l.-iy, I'I I I . :; —J J X1 .011i- r i - v " ' •= - 1- X 'H.irriii!i - -.l..y, „ :. - I Aft - ni, . ,'. '. ',. " •¦ — J A(t 'iiTw :'<lay; „ I "— I Aft ' IIj-rV. '. 'v " ' !¦¦: — x -Aft 'u •I'lim- .f.n-, „ I- — >: Aft 'nM.',-".i.v , 1" — I All i. in. . , lay, „ 17 —t l Mumi'r V .v ' -" - I- X-.H TLiir-.l 'iy ., l'l —1J X i\l 'l"i'r- iv , - '• — - Alf«Tll .-.l:iv , „ '.•: _ 1 Alt ' IIi'r i ' ii'v ," ' n - 7 — s -Moru Tlmr-ilaT, „ i — li Afl ' ii

Cabin Favv , 17». ''1 ; Scrvaiits iTiavt iiini » i ih I",ni . i l t isami Chili 'rui , 10--; lA-ck . lOs1'1"''1"1"'. C>. 1'in.ahs atU-nJtnc I.av l i«*s '( 'af i in

CM M K U received at Clarence Doc]:, I.ivrrp.. -.!.\\ A 'i I:I:F O I:D A X D X K W n os s .

K I O M \V«T> .KFO B I I— Daily, Snnilays escepted, at a.13 r.MKlioM N F.'.V r.nss—Daily," riumlii)> r»o-]iti-l , nt fc. lo A .SI

W A T K I M ' O K D A X D D V X C A X X O X .F I:I > M \VA II i:vo«l>—Daily, Sunday, cxtrptnl, at Il. 'J'J r.M.PP.OM DCX C A XX O S —Daily, Suii;luji> exivptcd , nt 8.13 A .M .

iwrthi secured and every iiif'iruiation fe'iveu by the Awaits:Brst. ,1 ¦ The General Steam racket Ollicc. Liverpool :W-iVrtonl Ship Ci.nipai.y, 'J3, l iriin>wii-k- >trect ,Walhiifton l!uiHin^> , at t i ,eC'uin[.atiy '!. .)Itice , IheM Al.l.,

" wATi: i'.FOUD.

FKi;i A N D A XD SOUTH WALKS , A N D T I I K SOL'TIIOF i l - K L A X D , «y ( 11M-AT WKsTKUX U A I L W A Y ,via M I L K O K D I 1 A V K X ,

lu connection willi the \Y.\iKlil 'oi:n AXI I LlMK.uu K andW ATI U I O K I I AMI (.'1.MKAL l i i i .LAXK Lines.


Sj j w, .S(.«.....> K V I - U Y Wl-KK DA Y. ^fej ,Tjj> __j,taT(.. W A I I i:nn:iifit 1 p.m., on Arrival of 11 .HO

i' Train 'nm 1-in n-rick , anil 10.:t5 n.m Trainfrom M' onuiph , A I:I:IV IM. iu Li.M.dN (wca-ll .t- - ciicumstanci . s jtCTmittinj.') at l-.o on

i,, » ilay.DOWN . 1 AM: I.'.M.NN (rachlingtmi) at -1.50 p.m.,

and Ar. iMM . A I W.M n.i 'i i . i ' (wcat lier anil cir-¦vjmfl:n:ces ].i rnii l l i i+ ') iihoul lH .ISO i :.111., illtime for tii'- T ia iusMi ihu 'VaierfoKl and I.imu-l ick OUinl l.ii.i-s.

Y A j; r.<— \\:\ri:nr'!i:i> A X I > i.oxnos :.Sl.N ' . l f ^ (avai'.aljk- -1 Day*) ls- l Cl:i>s A Salmon , -His Od

2ii il Class .V. Saloon , :i.".s l«l'' " :in) (¦!;:>..- k ]¦< ;<• r;i)>jn , 2Hs (J>1

I'.m'i.Nsf avi . i '.ai.ic fci 1 ii i(ji .:h)lnt.s> A: Snlo(.n , 7fi.->

•J.iA (,T»s & Saloon, iVJsl'li

'i'i l '- r i i ifu- i imliMi ("in 1"' olit:iiin:(l from Mr.

W K K i l s '.K '; l'atr ick-st iw t , Cork ; Mr. )!. M. JoI iN-

K,N, llailivay Tcuiiiiiu.-= , Limerick , and Mr . Udw .VKi ,At !i-l ]'lii Wharf , Watfrl'oid ; :mil the 1!KHI TKI > FA U I :Hlictwi- i-n «il.i- r iinportniit Siasions , tin- Tinio Tnblc«,

f,i.d 'Miruuv h liatrs lor C-.-ds <Vc, <,l Mr. \V. J . Urs-

M.i.r. , the (irciil Westeni Cumpaiiy 's District A gent ,

I'aul's S( |ii!ii'C , Watcrl'oi d.J. CIMKl' .SON, Gcncial Manage r.

i'aiidii : 'jt i<> i , -lan., 1S71. [inyiS.


ǣǥ XOTI''K. --||,U Coniprmy lakP " the "sk cf In-ui-

•H H v l m . I" l'.'",« " " M.ii •• ' si' VI-M-K U.u-s.v i ic• .,„.„, lU- L- -t |. ,s- , l.:. - K i::.ra»(t.- for sil.ty C!H! aw,,,!.

l,r, or .lau^-r a- -„, 'I l,e ,m-l v.«:!.-rl y route hn« be. n

ahv.,\ -ad . :p '..'l l y lh. - 1" «»'..! 1 Ire ai.d llend-

'"".'";..... ;:. I.AI ;(; I >TTTI :A M I :I:H AFLOAT .

Higfij^- *»¦'¦• /• •••-•i '" »">-"«

;w"l V

S j5 5>V.,i,i i i! ,::-, '*>-K. i f "-V r i l l 'H UiAY.

riAliK^vcir-'kiiowii Vii l l -J 'owtrcd Iron Screw

L >.' i i : . \M ^II» l ' -!.v.i,... v....* ••"•'/«• ,. f,"'

l'.l .V M ' C-.-o-sin .-.",1 Kv.l.AM. , K ' l i ip ¦',',''M - AIX , liraw ¦;:-> 'J UK Vt- >- '--s". Au.inw^... HitITALY . Cri-'f |:j.- HUl.l.A.NH , lin*;? ¦£'•.r i ; \ x < "K , TiiMUM .i, : n

¦ I.IMN, I .-IWFOII J^?;

• J \ N .\ l > \ , \\ 't-t. r.... '" ;.; ,t, , I I I I 1 . V I . T I A , Sp'W. r :K'. I

iaii:i.'i : . n.'.uji.. . :;,< * > DI:XMAI:K , suiamr ::.-¦'A nl Sol l.,.u, l.;> . - i . -.i !•• N-iv Vol U a» under:

W C IJ K l X ' i : Wednesday l'VI). 1 Hh .JT A LY .'. \V.:di ;. .-.s<hiy Feb. ISl l i .S P A I N V.i iliic^dav Fi-b. '.'5th.

l.' . iv . i , ; ( {uii" , s!ou'a 11.. - i i i l i 'i A l n iJ '>a}> .

| i ,. >.I'I .I li H I :, leli.vl',;;. ,)! i. o/l ¦ • : • 1 as- ld , 1 he Sla le-ICOD H;,u 1. H -- —1 ; I 'L J i- ii r;-, !,»,! ,.;.,:. i.:l '.! '• SaiuuiK , si luat id m

'' * 1;i . l •- '• '¦ l - i ' - ' -t 12, 1.", :;i, .l 17 i'; .::'ii-n. , .'.enidin:; to ac-. . .„., ! i t i i . i . in .-u>.i(, i n, — -id li^ i^Ki: - I I I I I ' pnt i l i*i- in

". \... II . i:-"»n 1' iU. .. | \\']: .\TY-F1Y1. C U I X K A S ." "gy- T l.n < 0 M ! (J i l l 0: M K K K A f i K rAS>KX«Kr.S

sp.ri . i l l y lion-'"''I-:!.- !:.v<,i 11 |.,,. 1 |i it|.:ll i ril.j? i.u< i|uall'J

j ' , 1XI . i !j l . i , -i i ' i \ i>i :r . . t i in i . .

K I U-I. "I l' .i-- '>- -^ I '.* - ly .my otl.iT lih.:—iiiclcle

Bbund»m«-' <¦' '"'' l i ' > '..;„„. M:rv . .I uu •• I.-,,k. - .l by tli n,. |U,., ;,r.vV .-¦ rvHit- . • 'l> ihe. l att> aihinri! rue . Steivind-Jl, s in att '- i - 'l'in™ "a l-Vm.i - i ;Minnie l*o«si-ni!>-r- .

Sl.tiase I' t^'-n.-er-i liruanb-.! to Quelur , lirstrn , 1*,.|p|, :,i, and l'i» '.lii i i ( "<- . uill,i,vt ixlra charge , and nooived' ' i, to San Kri lM I M O , anil nil iul.ind limns ol L'nited

J. '' .' ,, III ] CaiiHihi on i.ivi, n mis. l'i^H-iipers b-joktd, . _i, to Au.-lia lia , »w Z' aland , China , nml Japan.

P,,r Frcisht or 1'a^.iKC ap|,ly to'T

° NiiioSAL S T I A M SUIP CosiriXT (LIMIT JS II),1 u '-'1 anil2:t . Watei-stntt , Li ?pijicol;

«.-«.[. >: A ' .KN T >OI: WA THl iyu l l l ' :MICH AEL I O W X K Y , Aiiel ).!,, W haif , Wi.ter ni:\i M U H l 'M V , C«vi:ik -uii.S tt ;r: llicii iiui L IMY,

.. \l,, \ do : K I C I U U D ruELAX . IIi oKii iilreet , 1'. r:li.w;"'r'oBui'"1- 010™1'' Ntlv 1!M» ; 1'AiniCK LAN CiS ,

ijonuiaUunj "J^ j .„.,, UKOJ

., QnCcni.towD.X- "u ' „,„ ,dTi«d to secure their Passage from the

jJMi»" •*«"• k"iDg b°B"!%


FEBRUAKY , 18 7 4 .i.Vjtilor STEAM COMM UN ICA TION lelwcm

Waterford and London, Plymouth andSouthampton, Cork , Dublin. Belfast,

A N D G L A S G O W .

1 "k rpiIE new and powprlul Scrpw Steamers(SwWf , JL TOWARD, CU1IORA E, WICKL0W^ Lj^^-SKEKItYVOHE, E DDYSTONK .SANDA ,*nnrtTSrf te> AKKLOW , are intnnded te Sail us uudcr(wi'athor pcnnittiui;, unless jircvented by any unforeseencirruiiislnncts), iritli lihcrly to Tow Vessels, and to reuderAssistance to Vesseli in Distress :—

FK OM WATKUFOUI) TO GLASGOW,Wnl nesdny, -ttlt Feb. 1 p.m., via DublinWednesday llh „ 1 p.m., via Cork.Friday, (Slh „ 1 p.m., via Cork nnd Helfast.\YciliK'sday, 11th „ 1 p.m., via DublinWednesday, ll l h „ 1 p.m., via Cork.Friilay, Huh „ 1 p.m., via Cork and Belfast.WrdiieMlny, lhlii „ 1 p.m., via DiibliuIVcdncsJny, 18lli „ 1 p.m., vin Cart.Friday, L'dth ,, 1 p.m., via Cntk nnd Belfast.Wednesday Kill „ 1 p.m., via Dublin.Wednesday Siith „ 1 p.m., via Coik.Friday, ".7 th „ 1 p.m., tia Cork nod Belfast.Wednesday, 4th Mar. ] p.m. vid Dublin.


FRIDAY , nt 1 p.m.; Rail to Greeuock , 7 p.m.N OTE.— The Simmer nn Friday goes via Cork.

FKOM WATERFOKD TO HKLFAST, Via CORK.Every Fill DAY, ... ... " nt 1 p.m.


FROM WATEltFORI) TO DUliLIN , (Direct ,)Every WEDXKSDAY , at 1 p.m.


FROM WATKKF0K1J TO CORK direct.Every WEDNESDAY ... nt 1 p.raEvery Fill DAY, ... at 1 p.m


W A T E R F O R D T O L O N D O N .Culling at Flvnioutk

Tuesday, Feb. 10 — :i p.m. I Tuesday, March 2 — 3, „ \!l — a l".ui,

LONDON -10 WATEKFORD.Callinir nt I'lyinoutli and reiiKtucc.

Tlmr.-dav, 1'eb. •'¦ — U a.m. I Tlinr.-day, February l>— C a.mTm-ilayi „ 17 — ii a.m. |

I Jowls nceivi-il for Miipnicnt at )liller's and West Kent¦\Vliarves up to li p.m. on day liefore sailing.

\VATl:i :Kl.iltl i T(i l'LYMOlTH. l'l.YNOl TH TO WATI:KKORr».Calliu^ nt Peuaince.

Ti:r.-.lae, l \ li . In- 3 p.m. . Friday, Feb. ci — 8 p.m.Saturday, ., -I— :i l'.n>. Wnluesday „ 1« — « p.m.Tiie-ilay, Jlaieh :•— :! p.m. | Friday , ,, 1!7 — 8 p.m.WAT I Il loRli 7O SUITHAM1T0.N. SI>U 11IAM (TOX TO V.ATE«>0nD.'i'mti.-liijipinj: at J'ljiuuHth. Traubhipit 'wg at Plymouth.

Tu.silay, Feb. 10 — :1 p.ui . ISatiinlay, ,, -1 — :: p.m. I Kvcry Wednesday, nt 8 n.m.I'uoday, Mar. :-. — o p.m. |

PKXZANCE TO WATERFORD.Satunlav, Feb. 7 — li a.m. I Saturday, libth Feb. — 'J a.mThunsilay, „ 111 — 1) a.m. |

Tlicvc Steamers have excellent Accommodation /or VUG.eiigei s.

PASSAGE-MONEY :Cabin. Itatnrn. Deck

WatcrlorJ to GIMSOW & Belfast , 17s. B&. 2os. 10a;„ Cork ... Os U oj„ Dublin ... 10< — 6s„ riymnutli & Southampton liOs 303 10a„ Lctnlon ... S5s 37s Gd los

S*<" NOTE.—Th e Clyde Slii ppitiR Company Insure nilGoods Shipped by these Lines of Stenmers , nt 3s 4d. per centto Trr.ders liaving yearly agreements, nnd os per cout to oc*c.isioml Shippers—values to be declared at time of ship-ment. Forms and all iutormation to be had ac the OfBce.

For Hates of Freight , ic , apply to— COBK SiBAMsnirC'oMrANy., I'enrose Quay, Cork ; CAROLIS nnd EGAX

Eden Quay, DUDLI.N, ; J . C. 1'I S K E K T O N, 10 VictoriaSt., Belfast ; H ESHY I. W.utiso, Plymouth ; J AUEIH A BTLKV , & Co., 137, Leadcnhall street , London , also atM ILLER'S WDAEP , Kast Smithfield, nnd WEST K JSXTW JJAUF, S'liithtvnrk , Loudon ; JOHN LVBUY, Limerick ;W. D. .MAITUIW & Sox. I'enznnc , and the

CLYIJK SHll'l'ING COMPANY,Southampton,Greenock , Glasgow , nod Waierford



o.bUo Tons Burthen. 3,UtO llnrse-power.

iH i£i~— r. Sj ilitig from

/<2^D iN§il f \ Liverpool for New

YorkWlWjf^m tiir Thtirs'Liy; from QUEENS-*&¦'?£££££*£*&'&TOWN every Friday,;iirwardinirI'nsseiif irs to nil parts of the United States and C.inuda ,

Rct'.irnitic irum New York every Saturday.I!y Jle>M.«. U A B L A M I & W OLFF , Ilrlla ^t , fail as under,

From LIVLUTOOI , r!a QUKKXST H WXCELTIC ... Thursday, ,. , Fell. 12th.ADRIATIC ... Thursday, ... Feb. 19th .BALTIC .. Thursday', .. Fob. 26th .OCEANIC ... Thursday, ... Mar. 5th.KEI'UBLIC... Thursday, ... Jlar. 12th.

These Stfiim*lnp* nre nil unitorro of the l)i g;l>e*t *peed ,and teplftc with uu.dirn eonveniences iu every deiMrtrnf lit.Tin* s.thiuii , slate-Minni e , mid Mnoke-rooms arc amidshi ps.

Dralis is-ui d ou Xeiv York tree ol charge, Saloon , i'1818s. and 21 Guinea-.; Kcturn Tickets 35 Guioens ; Steerage

JJU G< .The Siiii.iiAOLS arc uuiKually spacioun, well lighted ,

v iiiti l , \ le d , .mil waruud , and l'aSieii|»prs nf this class receivethe ulinost civi l i ty anil attention. An unlimited supply ofCooked l'rov'sions. Medical comforti freo of charge.Stewardesses iu Steerage to attend the Women and Children.Storage fare as low aa by any other Line.

For frei ght mid further particular? , apply at the Officesof the Company, 19 Uroadvny, New Yoik , nnd (10 Maiketbtictt , Chimen ; in Queensimvn , to James Scott & Co. ; or

L S M A Y, 1MI!1E, & CO., 10 Watei-strect , Liverpool;nnd 7. Kast rndia-avcnuu, London. fja6-tf]

T . S. H A I i V K Y , Little Georm's street , andJA MES IIEXNKSSY , Great Ceorgt 's »t , W.terford.

J. M. MUU l'l lY , 43, New Lane. Carrick-ou-Suir.



LIVERPOOL LINE.The New Fir-t-cIiiM Full-potrrrtd Iron StMm»l)'p>,

Ships. Tons, CaptainM PENNSYLVANIA .1101 BKADDCB *JU-^ s.



The next sailings fioui Liverpool will be theILLINOIS Wednesday, Feb. 11th.OHIO Wednesday, Feb. 25thPENNSYLVANIA ."Wednesday, liar. 11th.INDIANA Wednesday, Mur. 2oth.

Ctliing nt QueVustowu the follinving i *j to embark Pas-sciirters.

The.-e stenmeis have briri built txprPMly for lhi« service,in cnuucLtiou with tin; Pennsylvania Kaihoad Coiojuiny,under bpecial .'irraii gL-uieiits ; nod this is;the only Trans-Atl.tntic Line sailing under the United Statei Flup ; midare tic onl y steamerb cuuy iufE the Atnciican Raits tor sar*\hz l i fe , Lr-idts the u^ual ci inptrment of lift . Theinc nirt orh-tiujj fur ali cl:is-c« of pas>i'ti^ns is equal inili-sniii; i! ai,d comtort to any ol tbe European StfcaaisliipLn.r^.

P.i ^sit i^f.rH and t-'wds arc lainlfd on the Railway Com*jciny 'b puuii S(.> > :,nd lorwaided inl.niu at lowest 'Jhtoug hHal-« .

l '. ~ ?* Tlie I'eiiu-ylvania Ilailroad i^ ihe shortest uud loostdiletl all Jil iiei

iu theWenteiu SLiteb.CA I I I X l'.\ ssA(iK , Fi ltein tu Twei, ly Guineas. Chilurcn

bet .veiii two nnd twelve years , ILIt Fair. Iteturn Ticket!lit leJuted rate?.

h T E K K A O K PA V S A U K as low u\ ly .my other Line, iticlud-ing nn aiiipli; suppl y of Provi»ions , cooked and reived up bythe Company 'M Siiru-ards. l'ssscnKtrs aie forwarded to NewYotk , Boston , or Baltimore, without aild itioiMl charge.

I N T K R M F.III A T K I'A S B AGR .—Snperioi accommodation, in >cludillk- lledr , l,> ;, and all necebsaiy L'teuslU Olid se-.laratc Table, £:j 3s. extru.

A ppl y i n Philadel p hia to Louis C. M A D K l B i , lit tinCompany 's Olficei , M7 and 2o'.i , Uoilc Street ; in Londun, ItG ILKAII A . SMITH »nd Co., 'J,'), Chnnirc hlley, Loinhaid-il. :>u "elln.l , to !•:. .1 . 1 . AuiiT, 3, Cuitnm Il'iose-squnic:ill Quitii fctown , to N. .t J. C u u M l N b & llrutlierA rind inLiverpool , \u

ltlCirAliD.SON, SPEXCE <t CO.,tf 17 Hhd 1'J, W.i le i-tro i t .

or JOHN JJKV KKKUX , (^uay, Watorford.



CASSELL'S ORIENTAL. COFFEE consist!;i f u selection of Ihe finest xtowtl n ol K.1-1 I ml.a.

Iu t'ue process of rnastinp and grinding the lu l lH l ren « t l iao . ltiiiK ai«ii in me //rcswinl, ii'lidernw it «)ii»l lo tin- 1' i.llw si<much prized in O R I E N T A L COUNTlllES, THE PER-FECTION of COFFEE. 1'iic- \i.. prr Mi .

ClA lSSEJiii'S COFFEES arc also bupplicd atJ Is., Is. Id ., Is. O.I., 1-. 8d., and Js. lud . psr Ik., by Gio-

ctrs throughout Iiehmd , m Canisters uud air-ti ght l'aeka ge<fro m (.no ounce to our pound.

CASSiEL'S COFFKJ'^S Jiave secured the mostWld.:--pund M- putat»>li , and they havr bem hi ^li l l

rstcrinnl .>i« l rxlciislvely used tl.ruueln ut Ireland lorneorl ,,-A QL'A U T K U OF A (J K N T L U 1 . Ask ai yourli roci rs dir UAMtu.'* COPPEK , »ua be su.i. you tn l i eright Article. l»12-l j )

suri'i.iKi) vnoi.Ks.M.r. r.v


5ESJ- And H 'lkl by Oncers thrwjhw.i Jre laivK




The (hottest route from Waterfoid and Kilkenny lo DobllD ,Alblone, Pi'ilumDa , Par»on»town.on Neu>th, H riaMaryhoro *.

C3» Improved quick nod ihtouRb ilaily rommunication between Maryt.orouxh and olber stntioni to Watei/ord , thencevia New Milford to Loodoo anil all statioos on tbe Great IVes-tern r«ilu a»of Kacland.


HT.Tfoi. l- 'v 3 l » : S 1 2 a : M U 2 I 2&3 I l i- lBTATIOMS . ClUM jClaw. Clajs. Cla». Clast.. Class

_____^ A .M. P .M . r.N. • P.M . ni.on J-.M.

h m l i m h m h t n b m h m'aterforil.Mt/epar/urf ? IS 1 0 4 0 — 12 0

Kilniocow .....,._._ 7 75 I 1(1 4 10 — — 13 l.'tMnllinavnt 7 35 — 4 20 — — 12 25Bally hale 7 JS 1 35 4 <0 — — 12 50Thoma»town „ 8 IU i I 51) 4 55 — — I SBcr.utubriil-c 8 25 2 5 5 6 _ — 120Kilkenny , arrival ft 411 2 30 5 :u — 1 -10

D<i departure 8 55 2 30 3 30 — — I S OBal!yrngKe( m „..„ 9 15 | -2 60 5 5(1 _ — 2 10Attjnajli I S i l l 0 - — 2 1:1Abbejleix , 9 SO 3 18 | 6 10 — — 2 .'«Marjboro 1 .,....arritwf It) 10 3 ill 0 40 — — 3 0MaijrboroUBh t>e/> _ti/i 11132 ( 3 73; — — 3 24PonarlinglonJuiic 'n II II ! 4 17 1 60 — — .1 43Dublin arrival 1 5 I 5 40 9 4(1 — — 5 -ISAtblone Junction arrl t 45 I 8 26 — — — —Maiyboro '<p rfoo.n 10 30 - 1 1 1 — — J 9 55Ball)broph}'_ !lO S« I ' 7 41 — — '10 25Roscren 1 1 1 3 4 ' — I 8 23 — - —Panonstown 12 4 — i 8 23 — — —Portumna _ IS 44 I — 9 38 — — —Ncnach.. ., 12 23' — j V 12 — — •—Templemore — , _ i 8 U — — 10 51Tburlea arrhal — - ¦ 8 30 — — —

TO W ATER pnnn.

STATIO1I I 2 M 1 ! < C 3 I 4 -i I 1! 1 S H 3 I 2 1 3Clo.i. Clnsa. ClaB« . Clan. Cla».'Cln»,

I A.M. ' A.M. I A.M. I P.M. P;M . T M .... ; 1) m li in j h m ' b m a in a inmurlet .....departure — 7 111 I _ | | 61 — —Templtmore | — i 7 XO J — j 2 13 — —Balljbropby 7 . 4 _ j ,., _ _£«»Bli ¦ _ . « 30 _ l l 0 — —1 ortumna «.... : 6 0 ', — — ' —PnriionatoWn i _ ( 40 — i 1 JO — —f0-1"" ' - 7 13 - 1 5 5 - . -Marjboro' ,..arc(...ti^ ' — ' a 38 3 ID — —Alhlone Junction ...„ _ | — 8 15 | — - —UuUlin .~.,.dc imrture — 6 0 0 0 1 II — I 8 30r»rtarl!n(ton Juoci 'n 1 — ' 7 55 ? H» 13 , 2 <5 — U 31Marylioro'..<irr/._ <(lrn' — 1 8 ii (10 30 1 3 0 — 11 sa

DO»x TIIAIN B. I _ . • I ltlall 1 2 & . 1 IMaryboro'.,.i/r;,ar(i» «' — : S 40 !lO 35 .1 311 — 1 0Abbeyleix , c, 0 10 55 ! :! SO — ' *'.11AttnnaRh • — 0 15 | — ! 4 5 — ¦ -I :«Ballyra EK ct _ u 25 II 15 ; ¦! is - i 1 15Kilkenny ....arri val — 1/ 40 i l l 10 I -III — j .'1 10

D° 7 3) 10 I 11 40 : 4 .',11 — ,'1 2'JBennetslirld«e 1 7 4 5 10 12 — • :, :l — i r, :;-JThomHKtn ivn | 8 5 10 '.'5 12 5 1 S 'JO - i .'1 HBallyhale I 8 23 < III 40 I2 15 ! j :u — '. li 11Jlullinavat , [ 8 50 II 0 — i 1; 11 - ; li S<Kilmacow I 9 s 11 10 12 46 (1 11! — li i".Waierford . ...arrival] 9 30 11 ::o . 1 U 0 .10 _ I 7 11

Special Fnrcii are charccii to First and Srcnml • •'a.* I'.vsrr-gera bookiD K to Iratel by tlio Kxprcss Mail Train HI Gnat.Southern and WcMern Lln».

Tickets iasned /or Sinule Journey are available ooly lor IliaTr*in by which they are iRaued .

Itclurn Ticicls arc I slued between any tvo Sun Ions availablefor Iho date of ijsucand day following ; iliose is-ueil lor aoydistance elctcding 00 miles, will In, atallnble (or lelufn on the(laj of issue nml Hie t»u (ollowii 'j; ilajs ; r.nd for distances ei.cccdin; 100 miles , they aie nt aiinbK for reiurn on ilie day ofIfiue anil the ibrto following days—Snndays not leckoncd.Ren-re Tickets isnued ou Saturday are Klurnoklc on Salurdu;,Similar, or Monday.

Tbrougb 'J'leketv , at low fare?, aro IsBoed at Maryborough andKilkenny, f la Wattrford and Milford Haven , to and from Lon-don, Do?er, Red Hill , Aldersbot , Roadin K, Basintstoke , Swln.don, Oifoid , Birmingham, Worccnter, Hereford, Cbaltcnbam,Bristol , Gloucester, Newport. Mcrlhyr , Aberdare , Cardiff , ^^alh ,Swansea , Llanelly Carmarthen , and Carmarthen Junction , andNew Milford.. _ W. WI LLIAMS. Srcrctnrj.



WATr.nronn t '*-J "3 ;' 4 " 5 . G' ] ' 7 ' MTO i iM rmcn i l 4 S "'

¦' V-'i 'UM ± 2 1 2*3 1 2 4 3TO Lia r-aicK. .C|oa<i Clasi . Class. Clais . Clnss. 'Clats Clasi , i_A 'M » _?'*•_ • *•*' r'M- r*M « i ''.M- '•*• •

i Ii m li 111 1 11 m li iu li m |" h m h m

Waterford....rftp.] S 4s .„ | : a 45 ! H :;o b "uClonmel 7 3 ... ... .12 45 4 4 In u 10 0Tl(.|,eiarr ) 8 811 — J ... | J 511 ' 3 9 II 33 II ."I'Junction nrfrl , 8 lr> ¦ .- ; ... I ... ... ill W l l 0"'C0RK.~...(irrito/ I 30 ' ... I ... ' 4 35 ! S l.j ¦ 2 !» 1 UDUBLIN ...arrivof 1 5 ¦ ... ( ... : 3 4V : if 411 - 1 :M I ¦»Dublin dtp ... , 9 0 : ... HO. 30 > I 0 ' 7 li 7 43Cork _.. .10 3 0' ... US 30 ' J <s IU ¦; I" 0Jnuctioo „ 8 30 |S 12 I ... i 2 25 • .'> 45 VI 'J.I 12 23Limerick....(in, ( a 20 I ... 1 ... 1 ... ! ... 1 .In 1 aO

Z>oicn Trams from LimerielTJU1VB ON y i r . l t DAYS. S I1Y

Ll3lt»ic« 1 i 2 T3' *'~

, 5 <*' ~

1*T.,,. . Tr ,, r.,n 1 2 4 3 1 2&3 l 1 & 2 14 ? 1 2 . 1 I t : I lik Jt0 "AI/:"r0"D' .Class. Cla.s.,' Class Cloas ( Clasir Clns.Cla..._ I A.M. , A.M. ] _ *.« •_ KM. j f .M. . P.M. P. M.

1. ni i I. in ii *n h m | h tn 1 h nt li mLimerick ..dtp 7 0 7 li , 11 20 1 20 4 0 10 40 III 40Junction ..orrn«( 8 15 1 8 25 '12 21 2 -JO ' S I S 4 0') I] e.'iCork ..._„..., „ 1 1 SO : 1 30 2 0 4 ai ' 8 10 H 1"> ¦> 0Dublin : ... 1 j 1 4 35 .', 40 I '¦> 40 1" " 4 01)CBLIK.._ dtp ' _ . . . . ! ! > " I 1 II 1 0 7 45Coan , 0 0 ... j 0 0 ... ' j )S , 2 « 10 liJunction „ | ... I 8 23 IS 30 ... j ... 5 3i 12 2:1Tlppetary ' 8 33 I 7 30 ; I2 4u ... | ... 5 l» 11 suClonmn I 8 3n I 9 45 I : 40 . ¦ I y , 2 ¦>!>Wateiloril ...nH«( Iu 11 '11 HI ¦ a 4s ... ... s l i 3 40

.MoIITrnina market! wilban asterisk.FARts-FlrH Class Single Ticket , 14s Cd; >econil do. 11 Od

Third do, CiSii. Kcturn — Fint ClnM .41. 9i) : Second ilo, Ilir 6<1J. F. N ICOLL . Secrelary.


V",OH 1 2 3 4 3 6 T !. '.<

I n m " a in p in pjn p m p in p in |>_ m i» in! ti in h in li in h in h m . li in It in b m li uiWTofl «8 0 H ti 12 15 *2 II 4 0 5 30 7 2n 0 l» ...

T'mrc U 15 'U 3U | 15 3 i> 4 30 *G 0 8 u 9 3D ...Sunday Trains.

I " : a 3 4 . 5 tf ' 7 . 8 ii' a m a in p m p_jn p in j>_in p in p in p in

li in ; h tn Ii in U iv li in ti ni Ii ni Ji ti; li tnWord *?J \t> 12 15 ' U0 3 3" 4 0 9 0 Tmore 0 15 \\2 V> 'i 0 4_J i_ 9Q I) . 9 70 : ...

*Mail trains ti. N. BA K K K , SccrtUj r .

HALFPBKKY POSTAGE CARI>S.All descriptions of Printing on such Cards


AKW WOJtK BV UK. SMVTII.J«s( 1'ullislieJ , pott tree for Tuo Stamps ,


L-KHILlTy. -OUlDK lo UKALTHi » a NPW Mclira lwotk on tbe Cine of a ',1 DinPaits ol the Nrrvuiw Si- .tem, Nervous Debility, and I'liysir.i l l l , | , , t..i'.- ,i ,l'»l pit»lion of the Hi'ull , Noises in tlie Ik'ad anil Kar-> , li -decision , Inipairnl bight itnd Meinoiy, lndi gi:itioii , Li>- ofEnergy, l'ams in tbe llacii , Constipation, Hlushnnr,H> r.1 i i I .I.Timidity, Si'll-Dislrosl , Dizziness, Lore of Solitude , (iruund-less Feiiry , Weakm-ss, MuscuUr Uelaxation , &c, rosullingfrom ejhauitioli of Nerve Power. Sent fiuu by post onrec-ipt of two penny stamps.

HKVIEWS o l l h o WOKK— "In thin work the Doctorpives ' Adroiue a* to choice of a l'hysiaian ," Wlmt tu Kat ,Drinl-, i.nd Avoid?,'' Health j how to procure il ," nnd other?ulijitls nf interekt to man as well as woman."...SundayTimet , 3Iuy 4, 1673. " Dr. Smith has publiehttl mwr P.T -cillinl adnce «ud Jnilrucliou lor I lie cuic of .N't', von- lie-bllily. "—A'atra Z and Jt i l l i lary Gazette , April 0, WJi.Addicts J 'r. II. bMlTIf , 8 llurton C'rcsccnr , Londi.n , W.CI H P OKTA ST IO COL'M I K T I'^TiiiSTt— CONSULT A LO.VDO.N

i'HYBlcl i.N NV IIBOUT KKK.— Dr. II. SNiTii . tbe eminentbiicciuli;t for the Cure nf all Debilitating Di»r,isti> , will , forthe bpiiefit of country palientK , who cannot consult him per-sonally, , n remvini; der .ripiious ol their cases, send hisopinion , with ndrice and directions lor tlie most mco-MnlJisioniliou to liuiltli nnd viirour. Address, Dr. 11. SMITH,B. Iturlou Cri'Rser.f . Jjondou. U'.C. 12ft. 11


ai " S ock" lor Iwi f-tca , soup«, made dishe< , and SHUCes ,(tivis linn flavour nnd Krr at atriugtli. IiiTa rinbl y ndojiltdin li»usihulil» wlun In i i lv tried. L'aulion— Ucuuiiie nulyw i t h Huron I.iebiii 'a fisrimile iicrnss thr labH. i,21ll .

T^TKKVOUS DEBILITY, and all NERVOUSAM AKKKCT IUN S , whether Ihe result of early enors orotherwise , lire by very biuip le nud iHeipei,aivc uieuiitrjuiciilycured in both Krante Hlicl (jeruiany. The advn lifer a ,, si-dent in thin countiy, will he happy to send lac t» nil appli-cants lull particulars of I l ir im.Uo ol treatment then- hiloptrd ,on reiiipt of :i directed ri.vrhipc . All peisou* rony cure them-selvi-n , and l l u s not inn I lie risk ol being victimise d. Ad.lressMous. A. DuvAi. , ia, NVivinarki-i-Mrrrt Il inniii K liain.

I 1 K A U I I A N D . M A N L Y V J C U I J . -A Mrdir al inan rlSOj'fiirt' i iptriinci' in I I IB tii-nlini- iit ul Nl i l iVOUb Dlv-lil LITV , Siieriiinioriliiu anJ otlur silli-cUoife wl i ul i ,ue olteLuc'iuind in eai ly hlo, i>nd unlit Millmis lor inaiu.i^'e andotlic.- MH.ial limit-* , hail iiuliliFliid ,i Jjook KU H IU ilit lullbeueli l ot his IOIIK cxpeiunie iiriitis , wil l i ], l>in directionslor the. recovery of JII H IHI and bluujr l l i . A sinnle copytvut tj a ny mldieks ou ei^.j tot Ui.ebt.iu,p. Addios to theKerirtary, Insliinte ul Aiiutouiy, l i i ini i i i u l ini i , f i l- lyl

{Entered ti( Sta t ioner)' H a l l , 18-10.1—i'rire li ; by putt1 1 atampa.

MA N H O O D : A Medica l l-.VBny on Ihe caus» and Cureol1'iun.ilii if Dfclmr LI niaii . lheTrenliurul ol Nervons

Hln! 1'II )'H ICBI D'hility ; 1 lit- lislill of i h i t l y ycau' Mircess-fnl pinrtir. 1'y J. I/. C'l i iTis , M.D., IS , All ie ih- >tr et l ,l'iciudlll y, I.i.ndun.

I I KV I K W S OK U:K MIKSS ." Thric is no nieinl'i r ul society by v,horn this lioi.k wil l

not be Imind uselul—\Vln:il .»r Mich prison In,ill ihe ulmimiot a piiienl , l.nupli.i , "r ileu) man."— K un , ¦vrini^ pnpri.

•' l i t . Cm 11» vi ry dimly dr.-nilu-s i ho somccnl ihise dis-eases which pioiluci: decline in yculli , or ini.rp I r iqunit l )pri nintuie old :^>:"— J J a i l i / Tclujroj ih, Lni.duii , .Mulch -j7.

" This woik . lasi- il np'.n (In: .nsuit nl aO yi aiV praliriM n liraiin. M i.l :i |. ,;nlul «i,.l .I IK I I . SMH

t-:,,,, ,,|disease , nnl l e intn. il , l.y IU iii i i .pii,l i ssii , i i . , l i indu , incout.iiu plii n anil cuucisr I I I I I UMI .OUS lur Ihe i uri; i,( many dis-eases li it li'- r- o (tliai tiloui- il H A liopelest ; nnd its pi rusa) wii lbring coinfoit 1,, innt.y ivlio h»n- c ivin up all iil.a ni benefitItom ordilmiy rontmi. l i iu t i i . i i i l .'•— ilomitio 11 ra id.

London : II A N N , Uooksillor , 30, Con.lull ; nr Iroin IlirAuthor. Diibli.i : W. K BID, llooltiller , dl C.ipel tlr. i land fio. 1 v icloiiaatrt ut , Btlust. (c41-6m*



2 & 3 BROAD STREKT, and 1 LITTLE PATRICK STREET,December 30th, 1873




INFOltM TIIK PUBLIC that tlio Depots aro now being Stocked for tho corning Season with nmploSupplies, nnd tluj oro prepared to execute Orders on the following Terms:—

PKICK , £13 for Lots of not less than 30 Tons ; ur £ l t 5s. for any smaller qnantity,per Ton, in Bag?, Gross Weight, ex Scalp.

PAYMENT—Cash or Bank Draft on Bclfsmt, or London. lrm thcr particulars on application.

Agents in Waterford-GEORGE WHITE & SONS.




Kitrogcn equal to 10 per Cent, of uon-Volatilo Ammonia.O „ Solublo } Cunno¦I „ Insolablo ) Phosphate.

TRICE, ;C U- j ;cr Ton for ISO Tons and upwards ; .€15 I>CP Toil for under :!0 Ton-.Delivered Free at any of tlio Depots in Ireland. Terms—CASH.

THIS MANUHE is Prepared from GENUIKE PERUVIAN GOVERNHKNT GUANO. TI KJ K -S;I I I: nrits special tictitmeut is, that thu Ammonia is Fixed , tbe Phosphates iu tiro Kaw Gauno u'i.i!i:rril

SohiVlc , nnd the Manure brought into the condition of :i free, dry powder.Il loses nothing from exposure to tho atroosphorc, or to tho heat of Clip son. It is offered to i!.. > Farmer

with a Guarantee of its composition, and is, iu fact, tho Eiclictt, and considering the quality, tin- Ohr.-ipcstGuaranteed ilamiro at prcsont in tho Market. Its fertilising propcrtics 'oro sucli as will ocabin (In ; i-w. -Eunier to derivo the greatest economical advantago from thu nso of Guano.

Kcfcrenco may bo mado to :—Dr. HODGES, Chemist to tbo Cbemico-A^ricultural Society of Ulster, Belfast;Dr. CAMEJiON, Chemist to the Hojnl A} ;iiculluinl Society of Ireland, Dublin ;Dr. APJOHN , Professor of Chemistry , T.C., Dublin.









JOHN HOBIX&ON ljeps to inform his numerousFricuds nml tbn Public, tliat ho has acquired

the Proprietorship of tho above well-kaowu Establish-nieut , whicli hu lins recently KE-OPENED, and isprepared to Supply (iltOCEKIES, WINES, BKAN-IJ IKS , SPIItlTS. &c, Ac, which will bear comparisonwith nny io the Trn'Je.

J®" lie is SOLK AGENT for Jlessrs. JIUSOTTEand GIKAKD, Wiuuaod Braudy Exporters, Bordcna.tand Cognac.

¦\Vatcrford , 1st December, 187X tl "

M , P O W E R & SONST~\ESIHE respectfully to direct tlio atten tion of INTENDING- PURCHASERS to



Which , owing to tho great depression of Trade with ^ranufacturcrs, their BOY Ellhas just succeeded in securing at




RICHARDSON'S LINSEED CAKE AND MEALR I C H A R D S O N ' S F E E D I N G C A K E . &£" Analyses and Prices ou Applicai ; ¦» .


Tu I In- Quern nml Hoyal Family;Tu 1I.U.11. Ih" l'niHr ul Wiik^ Aup 'iinlnionl) ,

A n l tfi fLVL-Kil Im l i^ i i lViN -iit . it cs , t\irci),-n ()ovcrtiuiit i i- t U

IIIM I l i i i iUvnv L'otnn.iiii r* . 1-^tublishcd 171'.).

J . W . B E N S O N ,W


WO H K I v U , Prz- M,,; ,, | . M ,,f l l tu Lo'.rloii.Duhlin . iiii d l 'iiriiiK\ l i ] l i Inn- ; .\l;,ku i,l ;! r I. "1.1.. tlO Rr.lp ll llj wilidi tllr Derbyan il t i l l i i l l i ' i r l::.r.-, jm.i ^rtr;11 fTi-nlN of \ \ i f (|;*y air l imrj . .V m..l Cll ; lluu f .-, .",8 & CO, l.UI)( !ATK 1UI.L\Vi>t Kml K-t i ihi i > l ,, ««, OLD HONIJ SXliEET, mid!)!!, \V I>TIIOL'1I.N K CliOVi: , LONDON.

W A T C H K S i CLOCKSOf all kindt , uf H o 'iW j Of all kindt , at 2 io 1000

Guineas. I Guineas.Levi r, Vcrlica l, i Cliun:h , Tumi,H orizontal , Duplex , j CairinKU , Uhiiuu ,ClirunoDii*tt'r, Chrunograoh ,* Dillinj ,'-iooin imi Dr.ivvin;;-Krj' lrte , CrntieSecnndu , '¦ loom, H all , Shnp,Itepenlers, Imlian , ic. ! Library, ilmctirt , &c.XxuLis u Onaoiu ClOCKS, iloixiuil by Kucli»h Artists

and mnuufaclurud by J. W. lip>tON , l»r eicced in lin.ntythoijc inaiiuUc'.urtd ;ibrimil. They can only be ubtaiucd attllia eXibliMhinrnl .

F IK E ABT D KOKZIS A S D CH I M K K Y OK H A M K NI S , nf tl i«iieweu t debi gn^, Irum Continentiil Aleliere of the hi^hcitreputatiun , at uioilrratcpiicc*.

AKTIillC Uul.u JIWKLI.IIKT , of the ricliibl anil most ix-qui^ite d^hi ttnH , willi Munuiciauih, Crcata; untl Devices,EnnaincllL'd in culnurx , alt«-rde » i ^

n» by the most uctt'inpli.ih-eil Artists in the I'rvciom Jlctnlfl. IlrourliM, ItraielctjNrcltlnccs , I.ockeli , Kings, mi'l all kinds ot bijouterie, aiMipplied to MfinUis of the Court mill ntiicr ji:lni«ui3litdPersonages.

l'RBBEMTATloK 1'lATE.—TcatiiDoninls of dilTcrent !>ort%ltac'niK Cups, and Jewrlkil nml other \ioxu.s, an provided byMr. H KNSON for the Cnipor.itinn nl Luiidun and otlici publicllodie?, lo encioHe dncuineutb ccnveyhnt tLu Freedom of thuCity to the I'rinci! of W HIIH, Duk e ul Ediuhurxli , <tc. &.<:.

blLVtB AND KLUIJTBO-l' LAltill till! nio»t rt'telll lilsllilillSand ol the most durable mate. In Kli-clro-l'ln.'i i t i» me t.-Bary to secure srmnil tnateriala nnd n gufl iciiMit oontinK ¦>'tilter to r'fist daily wear and tear sntudactnril y. No othtris really cheHp »t uny price , nor worth buy ing,

{CP* Wntchcs and Clocks repaired by skilled wnrkruen.Old Silver , Jewtlliry, Wntchea, &c, eichi.ngi-i]. MuiihanlaShippers, aud Clubs nupplii iJ.

lllnntrate .1 1'jtupliletn , with full description nf all kinds ofWatches, Tiiiif-pucw, Jewclleiy , and Blrctro-l'liilf , withprices an»t'Xcd, Kciit Irre liy p<i»t uiinu applications to J. W.11ENSON, at cither of tin: ubovc Addrvsiin.

Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, and l'lutu sent to all peril olIhe world. (dl8-ly)

TO THE NKllYOUS AKD BEIUI .ITA TEUI' the Nt'W Wcirlt. i- i i t i t lrd

H O W T O K N S V, R V. H K A 1. T II .Jmt ]'uMi> licd , lor Two Slmnpr., hy Dr . J . A. liA.J iif> :<,

.M.I )., (IJ>. ),

ATHKAT1SE un IIm LASv'h U U V I C K N I N i i Ll l- K ,

anil the Cause.--, Sjnipii;iL» , nn.l Tnatinint nl alldmi'iieea deprndinp on Kilntualiini ul K KKVO US Y ITALIIV ,such us NcrvuUi IMiilily, Minti.l »nd I'liyiticulIVpreiiiion ,l'nl pilaliou ol I lie I l i i i i l , Nois>H in llio ll.rnd ami Kais ,iiidccibion , Inipairi-tl Si^bl nnd .Memory, Inilipestion , l'rok-Iraliou , LiissiluJp, Depression ol t-pirui", Lou nf Knorayand Apprtile , l'liina in tbe Hack ur.O l.niiln . Timidity,t.elJ-I>i » trUBt f Di/zintss, Lore nl .Solitudi*, GroundlessKcji re, mid ninny other nilinL-nl.>., wlitrb , il npiflecteti , brin^the snflercrs to an earl y drnth, Tnxrtlit-r with hints imChronic llbeuinniiMii , (iout , Ne\irui);ii , lvpilip>y , l ljui tr ij ,and nil tlUeJfr* ol the NervuUK nud ulnui:nluiy H)->>tcin.

'I'he appendix tu this valuable Wurk conlaiiib many use-lul I'liunplitiiiK for ll.i: nllnvintion nl niHi-riii^-, nnd ihecure of minor dUr.rdeii< , with lull iu*liuclion>> for tht -irpirnainliuii nml urc. Cmitniiih ;iUu >-OIIH - hu nilly ;«)vie; onil j-Ririie , or Ihe WAY 'l U 1-KKSKliVfc 1IKAJ.T1I.

Jlluslratfil l>y nutueiouu ti ^tiinnuiHU lrt>oi jernlelulpalieuta who Imve b<-»-ri rcnlund lo lua l lh tlnoiifli Idsaulhiir 'h i< btiumtnulity. bent po t Ini- , un receipt ut twon:nn>p*, or by i»:ller pnsl , llnee ^li.inp^. Addrr**, Dr. J.A. l i AKK h .'', \% I.ous.Ia c .'¦qihirr , iiarunhlliy , Liilliloll , N.

Ijil 'OKTAM IO COUB lllV I'AUESTS.— 1)B. HAANKhumy lit- tun>ultt-d {imontilly ov l>y httrr , in .ill pi ivaltr nudC' lUlidi i i t inUatis; nnd lur I lie benefit ol Kumms mtli rrvtswhu Ciinnot vi - it him, hi* wil l , on no iv ing u dcsenplion o'I heir (»se,enclnsili|! » ^iiinpiilfimli.pi! lur reply, hu ready t"Hive liib opinion upul' the imluii- ol Ihecnst: , nml Urn pr-.ici-p leb ot liei.lint-ut uice>sary !¦» tllt'ct :i pcrtecL eure.iC/^Addieta Dr. LiiKM.U, 18 LonsdHlu tjguare , Uaruslijiy,

undon.N. [u28-6ul *




{ "A NII AIL THK BEST INKS ,In JAIIS at (id., 1B., IS. Cd., and 2a. c(U:h ,


ear With all kinds of STATIONS! \ . &c.SPECIAL KOTICK.


( ."»•« <¦!>¦.<«¦ to It'. Lumler).

Mil. ( I 'U K I L I . V begs to inform tho Nnliil .'t r ,

( i s - n i ry, iinil Public of tho County anil iiilj rn.'i-iii^- t °i/ i i i i i i i - s ih:ii . llii . ini'Bs is RKSUJIKD in i h - .-ilmn-old iisi.-i l i l i . -hi'd l'nctury. A largo variety of ( ' :i .:i:iL'i 's,C';ii- .s. (.'inyiluua, <i'C, ou hands, und every d i - r r f plionuf Curriii^o , Cars , &c, will bo found equal to l) u l : l iuor London Uuilt . • Ui.ti$&j" Hepairs duin 1 i:i (superior«ty le, at Low . •



I IIIUSII UA 'LWAY Con PAXY (for tho pin :¦•• . .!• !•!'KLTLACING tbo INSTALMENTS of tho G O V K l i X -MKNT LOAN uml BONUS falling duo) aro piv|.iin:il ,until further Notice, to Accept LOANS ON . 'UllT-GAGE BONUS at 4} per Cent., puyablo im. OneYear's notice, or for such term ol 'eirs u- n .- I ¦ ¦•fixed ; and for tho Debeuturo Stock, haviL.- -i- ..lpriority with the ilortgugo Iiouds, bcal iug Int.-r .¦¦•1J i>ur Cent, iu perpetuity.

They will ulno accept, LOANS en DEPOSIT ,bearing lutcrcst at 4J PER CENT, payable on OneYear's uotico ; at V per Cent, payable on Six Mouths'Notice ; at Ui per Cent., payablo on Threo Mouths'uotice j and ut 'A per Ccut., payablo on 0110 mouth'snotice.

Kor tho yeur cudinc 25th March , 187;!, the TrafficHcuuiptu were i;3'i,7S3 '2s. lid.—tho Workiug undother Expenses being £19,571 Is. Hd.,—louring abaUnco of i; 10,^1^ IH. yd., being doublu tho Amountrc(|uired for tho Interest on Loans, after the puymentof whicli there in, therefore, IL considerable mirplusfor Dividends to Shareholders.

They will , every Half-year, send to cuel; Creditor 11Statement uhowing tho full jiurticularg nu«i Amuimtol' tho several Loans duo by the Company.

Applications to bo addressed to the undersigned, attho Company's Offices, Wuterford Tcrruiuun.

(By Order) ,WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary.

Wntorford ilay 20th , 1873. mhl *-t!


BEG to iutimntc that they havo now nddod to theirbiisiiiCHs a URASS FOUNDRY nnd ENGINK.MB.

ING ESTABL1SH3IENT, where Brass Work of evisryioscription will bo cast and finished oft" in First-elasBsty le, nnd with a« Iittlo delay as posxible.

M CLEAN aud MCIXTOSII also brjg to tonder theirpiucere thanks for tho kind patronage bestowed onthem, uud hojm, by their constant, attention to busi-ness, Ui merit 11 uunliuuancu OI' KIDK .

tiff " Lew.1, Urass , Copper , aud lion Works ?3, L1TTLK GKOKGK 'S S'fltKJiT, U'ATEIU'OBD

uud KOS10-1NN STREET, KILKENNY.N.B. — Green-bouses. Conservatories, uud , Public

Buildings Ileatcd ou tho most implored principle bytho circulation of hot water. (myl5.6in*GUNSMITHS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF

, AMMUNITIONS.I O O M 1 Y I I N S A N D C O . ,1./ t.'fi , yUAY, WATJEHyORU.

B E W L E Y A N D D R A P E R11 A Y E 0 1 1 T A 1 N E D P R I Z E S

: J UR Til KIR




P R I Z E M E D A L ,D U B L I N E X H I B I T I O N , i s?* .

D I P L O M A OF M E R I T ,V U K K A E X H I B I T I O N , 18 73v

' [olO>Otn;J

H O T li L fc»M : U F O 11 P II A V E K.

THE f-OUTH WALES HOTEL,A D J O I N I ot : tho Tonuinusi of tliu South Ur;iU- :

Hnilwsiy Compnny nt N«;w .'.l i liwil , :. .il l l . :

Laii'liti'/ SI ;I ^I : i>f tho Watcrfoul lioyal M:iii i':.. r . . t - .

Tin' 1'ii lili-j uri: reBpectfuIly ii i liuincil t. - .. . ¦ ;. < .- i: 'uu:\

extiinsivii K.- i:ililishment is replete with cvLiy :-.ccoi".-liHHliitiou. L'oli'ce, Commercial , aud Silting Rooms jBilliard nml Smoking Kooms. Tho Iluutns uro luv^elofty, nml nit-y, beautiful ly decoruled, elegantly fur-uisl a'il , niut inv othonviso fitted up with every legardto cuuilurt und convenience.

This Hotel is situated on tho banks of tho far.fnimil Mil l iud ilavcn, and command in. most cy.tcu-sive vii:w of Her Majesty's Dockyard, and of thoroinittilic and picturesquo Sccncrr of tho neighbour-hood.

Visitors , Tourists, Commcrcirtl Gentlemen, . andPnmilics will liiid this Establishment, for situationnnd comfort, combined with Moderate ChargOB, »ur.pss.-cd by no otlu-r in tho Principality.

I»3J" Hot , Cold , nnd Shower Baths.All CDinmiiniciitions should bo ndrlrcssod to

(jyi'i-tf.) J. WHET7?0N, Manager,

D U B L I N .The European Hotel, Bolton Street.

ri M IE KL'HOI 'F.AN is tho largest, tho best sitpate,JL nnd the must comfortable Hot*' in thp City. All

niinliTii iinpruri'iiicntB have b<~ m recentlj introdncod,and the entire House papered, painted, and decorated.

Twenty Suites of Apartments for Families. Draw-in;; linoms fmni '2s. 61I. to 5s. Sitting RoomB on theground floor frri' nf charge.

(gy Soup, Ti.-h , Joints, Fowl , and Entree in CofTeeRoom and liiv-t iniraut, from Two to fceven o'clockdaily. J;¦ -<1 , including Servants, 2s. 6d., 2s. and Is. Gd,

[m31-tf] J. 3IOLONV, Proprietor.

D U B L I N .Commercial & Private Lodging House

49 M A R L B O R O U G H STREET.TJARTIES Visiting Dublin can be nesommodeted ,JG ' with or or without Board, nnd nil the comfo. tsof a home, on Moderate Terms. [o25-if|

1*3,* Sitnatii 11 ivntral , close to Snckvillc-iitrect.


rj M l l f i.-: :i (' ¦•linal and Comfortable Hotel , in whichJL eveiyi 'iin • can be hnd o«- tho most moderatetrniis .

l£.i}" Best Duh'iii i and Wexford Spirits ; also BrandiesWiues, Porter, -\ k', Ac. (uulo-tf.)

CuV Car.- (in Hire at tho shortest, uotice.

T II A M O H f

The Great Hold, Tramore , County Watcrford./I IV/. I ,.. - .• /...„> Xf aterjnnl lrj l iaH —Seve n M il ' -*.

BI.' l i l N i ; '.V;:.!( :r nnd coming Sj ii ing Months

M M I ',l. ll; :: INf ir.MK N TS, AT VKIIV ll 'Kl ilTKh HATES ,will bo mnde w. h i i i lomlini; Visitors tii tbii dr.-i. r-

vedly famed , and fashiouablc Watorin^-|il:ico . Tlie

Hotel is kept open during (ho WiutiM* , Ii;r tin- special

purposo of affording to the Nobility and Gentry oltho surrounding Counties the ucconitmuhitiiin ilenieil

them by tbo dosing of other Kstnbii diniruls .-H manyof t lie Wateriii^ ;i ':ici\s in ilu: ^oulli nl l i r l . i in l .

The Cmnuli: nf TIIAM DI I K is mild :<' . .! u'. i . i .i ', uii' ls |H-ci:ill y ?uit i -il in Invnl i i l s . rl" 1: A ^;- ;:r i:; <- • r ; i n i ; - ,-

ircnmnicii'lcd l>v 1 lie Medical I'm!' ¦ >n . ¦ ¦ nn.:-

healthy nud iuvi ^i-ntin^ reticnL.The HOTKI. !.•• iKii ianiU a splcinl 'i l \. ¦:¦ • . i'. i -

nf Tratnorc , nri ': ;¦* w i t h i n Suvon Mil l - .- « . . ' \.

—T i aius rnnnii-^ nvLM-y Two Hours i-ai/li 1: . . I -

tendinc; Vi»in 'i-« an; apprised that tin' C i l t 'r.Xi

HOTEL is !.'..¦ • ¦¦' . /uvr i-/. > .->- Hi.n-I in T- - i:- . - • . •

it is well appninn 'I in every ri -siifL- ' 1 : .. ¦

lo :n:y similar Jlonso in the Kii ; . . :. 1 1 - » t 'ro-

prii> i i>r , l:avi t :i_' sfcured tho spi-viccs i-l ' ;; hut-v l i i . -

Man CimU , is |urparc(l to anderiake lialls, Wci'liliu;;Iti -i'i iki'ii Mi t, H ;ii.i ;ii« "t.s, or any special ratcrtaiimient,uiihur }>ul> liu nr pi ivnte, within oil Jtili'P of Watcrford,on tho most niiidviato tormF, nud will guariintuo tho

liighcRt style ill j;i|S" ouomic on in nich cnne.During Ihr past, season THE GKKAT HOTEL has

been palnp;.i .-i il hy Borne of tlio best Knmilii'i in tlioKingdont—all n. wlmm per.-'onnlly fniij^ralulali-'d tho

i'roprictoi- iipmi his liberiil and efficient lnanngempiit

of THE UK KAT HOTEL.Special cini 'n ia l attention have been pniil to the

three most impmtnnt riciuiriments <if n lii'l rl .i.-s,. ! • "{. en //•''•¦/ , viz ¦-KxcelJrnco vf Cooking, First-cln<flWii ic -» i :i J 'air I'rice, and Scrupnloiis Uli-unlimsi1,cuii i l i i iui l w i t h 1 In- ordinary comforts of all modernesl ri l i l iMin -.i - i i t s .

Families can !>¦¦ ::ccommodaiotl with privato SittingRooms withnm rinngii , un til 1st Juno '7 1.

Durii ;.;' tlir SI- HSI :II of 1.S7-1, a LADY 'S COFFEEJtOOM "i l l /..nn ••no of tho Special Attractions ofTHE (i It HAT HOTEL.

The IYi .pi ietnr takes thin opportuniiy to thank hisMii i . i ' i i i i i s |<:i 'ri i i is for their corUinl support during tho

pa.-i S":i-nr ,! hopes by vigilant and unremittingattention , tn n. ' i i t their continued support andpatronni^i;.

AK'j cl.ol m 1 hi- Hotol iro SPLENDID BILLIARDKOOM S , S M O K I N G IIOOM , HEADING UOOM, ic;and Stnliiin;; for Ton Horses, Coach Houses, &c.

JAMES HEAKNE, Proprietor,I'or f ix years Manager Wuterford Ciub, formerly

Chief Cntvrc r to Garrison Assembly BalU atAldcrshot Club-house , and MesBman PrincessVictoria llrg iment (.SOth.) h7-tf

S H I R T S—(Fit Warranted)

Onm.SK I- LAXXEL SHIRTS (warmth with-

iuilwc-i);hi) are well Cut , Thorowjhhj Shrunk ,¦11 i l ."iinili' inir in 1'iice.' ()li r 1VII ITK and COLORE D LONGCLOTH andLINEN ' S111HTS nre made to McaKiiru in n superiormanner.

Our F.\TKN'M ; SHIKTS uro n-ady lor immediateUS

( m"'*Or "J' TWILL NIGHT SHIRTS arc worth y

of st 'iriai 1 "in '•I' . TOlJlIN * *0XS, 08 .\XD oil, QYAY.

•Si', ¦• ' • -.'- ' Co""* -"¦"¦• '>', India n 'tn 'l Col'minl 0»<j \ t tcf 6

\. It .— .Patt'. ' .'S and Estimatei) will bo few, ot,

rpp liciitiotj .


CALVERT'S PIG POWDERS1'OK PlCiS when if. Health or Disease,

A KK AN 1XVALUAULK lMlKl'AKATIO*.A. lur lnlViinii.ation , l) . <irii> i« -r , }

¦¦ '¦ ' ¦¦' •' *-'"1"- ,

Jlei isW. Eruption, ut tW Sk.u , I fhii.^. I - •;' '. '' '

m tin- Limbs, Cu-'iv. -i i '-- ¦>' i i»- t . . \ . . ., • . • • ¦ . . -

<uid Conditi.i.i ; wll •mpiov tl , . . r J . II ...... I , ¦•¦•

them thrive nnd latin, «¦»«. l :in. 1.-. .•• ". . • " '¦ •

U3*1 l'v uu timii f "-h- »¦ <} •"' '"";'¦ ,.ll» "I T.-*liii. '-i.wN. K. iul » * -- «- '¦ '¦• '- .

Krou. K. BKi i i fAK . -Jy" H's h £>»• ?•. A .;. • - ':'.

S, B -On.- >.f my Vit* (•> f- l- ">'-» r-} "*"'.ovoi . i l willi I 'H-' |"«i l i l«- ••¦"•* 1 . " '" ' r

'" , '

,° i,,,B it .iiw.1.;- '>^':-J- w»'i ;; ';;;,., ,,;^; . ;, ";1Iny^if '-od "'' '''


'''1'-' ?I1"'1'1!' r-cvool . i^ now 111 per-

i..rr lii-it lrh ain! ilom* writ.f A i VFKT'S VIC! l'OWUSUS w » -.ate prfvenUlite

„,, *,, Jj,,e..i-, »«»l i«v»lu»l- !e K()K VOUXG I'lG.s. kcp.

n,ii then, hi-nlihv , »u<l II > H U III >£ thim k ruw il a> t.CUVKltT'S I'll: I 'OWDKIW , il HM.I I WICK or twin a

ivi-rl wili'ciiiis i-i ill J' 1'* I"'lmve nml fntt.:i I.etlrr.

"lKiJI nnly '¦>' J- "• CnUr,, > CI,.»i... H.II.WiiOLynAiK AnKM* 1* l im-iNU-McMmier , H odu"™

,-jd Cu Ci. i"sir,,i . .lin j CUrl-MMl Me.Mi.lfc. ,,Vicli.ri«

!«n»i I Mf « ; Ciall.i» 'tli , Smiili MI .1 O.i.. Kir-nil Huilil.Hit. ,Slriy «'¦ TiunhniMUi , 42 i'r...«. > lt«rt , folk ;

I P ETHI I S & Co., -18 Thunm»»irrrl , Lunrriik j iind >nld

hy ,-n'n»t Chn.n«t> . Orw»r» , mid Village .hupkwpm. u7tim


A yiiKSil ASSOKTJJENT cf tho following\ |», « - ir- l iun» ha" j""' hefn r.-Cfivnl ul Tut N FW »

,tr r,, - .iiivl W ..I I I ' I nl . finm Cotl-FI.LE, lilt UOOJ

*!S,K>-!i«i-* V.i»- , or V«.-irtb Ufc l) .op , , Ibe8l 7,r

''n^1i,/v ?.»^"'>

W l'*«' lMI*. f»r IW in ihe

I,Jk B .,"' '-.... V....I . A.-." 1'rio 1'. lid. I., 33.nJr l«.x >'<¦ » 1""i "' rl""'"" e "" P"""" "'•"• ,

l) i . IJK Knot ' VturtHUi- Lik l'ill>, lor irgul:.linn lie

,!omHcli imd cl.r; iw-'ui-' i'1 " U""A - '

Mmlktne Courm-l-K '' Hair li«l«iii« Hunl, whi.-h lm>

¦Wen lound wondi-i <uMy WficHi-iuu. in l.nii,ii.< .1,. hair to

itmirisiu-l «•¦'" •• "'•"• ^'UPKH-K » 1I« M Ui-n

TO HE GIVEN AWAY !A Now iitdiciu Wotk en SUtrin|(r, lli.«tt.i- »ud rare of

p«LVnVe.Inline in mnn, Kritoii. DvUl.ty, ( .uj tolmr,-T,- «iil, Rules Inr ri- iiiiivi iiRmlniii di.-qoalincntioin Hut

^SWa-&t1) "D00T0BJli For Two Smmp« luilVtent may avoid tbe nuiurrous.iomo*torN »l..» *"d their bmilrn lor limiting, publi.h trtti-m iUlZbici. »'•*>• «•""¦ ""•n»'|l»w . . ftont

M, LT. «y J..ur,,-i»,|..ur.''» lui -UK .lM.« with iu»lrno.nil.

i"!iim.i Ji AI«dic.iK», »ud olLi-r ab.urditic. a. crnrU. thcy

"'A*uh? .., 25 y,«rs <rxlei,,ivl ,- ™«i«J .0>entof Deb lity »nd ih- 'Hrinn. .,.ei,l«l -nil iw.ton. iBeeXioni re.

thZ , will «.,i.l tree, on ot l«ii l'enny

«ncc« *iul .".nl only »»fr iri-H itnrt.t . .ill. all ih. tiecnMiiy

Pr«cri pYon» ini.l di«cli«i.« b, n-bicti «itom may cur.S .1 triflin* co.t. Addr«. Mr. LiW «, Mdlu..

Pawiuer, U U.ud Court. Holloru , Londou.


'. 'On S7i (c at . The f\%* p. (p ct,With the i(eciniiuirii-::ir;i'is of • < :'¦ ":-¦:»,!> cf *«! !:' ¦ ' : '

Li.ii. i i i-.- . 1 : ;' :¦ ¦'.; ¦:• ¦.' I - - - O'1> KIB!I

1 Catcc«is;a f-v i •; v.'.nii .u ion of CL-i ;a ; .u

MOSV Kov. : .-. ' . •'' ¦• V PT'-K l ' , Ar.:Silwhop

OIT : . ¦r .... . > .R ;..

¦ ¦ . . ¦: i : : : : :

"I approve of V- '¦¦¦ -1' <¦'. ¦• Il ig ht ROT. Dr..TAKM BUTLKK '» C.- • •• , • •' r. .-ominerd it to lh«Faithful of these Dbi.--- . •

" < Ji UN TOWJ-.K , R.C.n."Watcrford, Sept. H5i:., I'".''PHn'i-d on Good Paper, jind in lar#e d«ir lyj«- .JgB" Orders froia airy part of the Dioce.o, tciit in

and directed to C. H KDMO .SU , Printer Knd PubiiahrrWaterford News Ollice, -1'J King.strect, promptly attended to. The Trails supplied on moderate term.

Hay ho had Retail from oreryy CathoKc BooW«>Uerin; tho Diocese.


WlEJboj to fDrbtm the PKOVI8ION8 TRADERSthat «ro haw commonccd doing bu«iB«« in


And schooling to -4urtinKernenta> 'W« have midc withthe BEST HOUSES , IN THE TRADE, we are newin a psBition to offer At our

S T O R E S , T H O M A S S T K E E T ,Tbo yre.h -ArriT.ils of thi. Wintbr's Can; »n Ihe

modt ndvanlniioous Term..5S" None bat Wholesale Customer* trextfd with.

R. MAH0NY & CO.Thoman.iitrcet , Jan. 13th , I87-K "

THE CONTINENTAL' WINE AGENCTOffi'ru to largo and samll Couiumrm eqni l admn-

tnges in the purchussof


Wiue lo U KXiKcni hO fXiMiRiTioir , md tunblut |'Oi.'1IB .HU tu »tIcci frnni ii pluck ro>ki!"iNO Mi.iiDLB QrniTIKI. At I In- Agency uW« not <le>l iu any km pprixOrt o v x D i *i> ru<>?r.Hn ixrr\:vy .i> «uu,'iiii aHtmpt widlb« innlle In Cl>ni|>rte with pricm Kll'cll-litcv.fillttJhf kjl« ufinltriur nnii lili i ^ . NuTrnIie ]<f*»; a just rnmpariroB nt lUtWine* Q|i|ilii'<1 hy the A^rticy with i>thr«« tt nitaiUr f t X '9will at unco ilrmoustrulc the uuqllf»ti»iublt .dt^niufwoHerrd to lltr puhhr.

Ainuii K the tHlui: ^ u' lhi< agi 'iiry altdntion ii r4tt '*.- i i l i i ly .hire nl ..> id, . i,.;io*nn tricuuT Hti.BcrroWtNE« , namely —

" . \ IAKK LANK MlKIHtr. " ul ii.. f + r A vrrn »iul•MANSION HOU >K l'OUT," at 38- . per inn- ,«

incl uiliil.l> «Hn(:li»c turn*.* I MV V iuru ciren to then '

murk ll irui M M ' r c i A i i T i r .n n f the Aienry , ihKii|iuiities and Viry n.- t l - r i i f piirci iistcnci

ici'ptiunallr l-. - yl i ¦. ; n .,]¦. n. Thry .-ir» mm'.•iroiuir. ifiHlr- l ^. i .< - .s ii-r icni- ml pU'Pi^r*, i*• tlitrd 11. Ih' i.qi| r 11 - • '¦ :l:.' :r.l.'.liL*.

Tli..2b. c - | l- . I .>l' i. .\s i:' .\ , . . , . i , , ,, , ;l U'- . : . .-,Iml i l- r Sin in ,3 S.i .n - « i. i.n . 1 , :i h. l i i~ .VI n 1 • -1 ¦ ... .,. ..sel fctid ni . i - , l. 'c'k .ir,.l , . ; , '• .

¦ .' !ri!'.u.ln!. l i . i u M ::> >•qil . u li t j , l l- ..

Tlie. 30- . C / l if I > T . U- » -> H i l '. ,: i. iu.i. i i 6.. - I .¦ 1 • .-: . :!h.ii i i .. Sli'.rj , 3 I . . - . : . - . ( : . • ¦¦. :1 ! . . . t f .- (^tt|,rri>.r t|ii.,l *. \ . I. .- k ;... . - \.r\ .:. .: Ml . - - . . - -, Ul .u l ilK Ml. l |- . | | !'l \ .

¦- . ¦

1 ... -I - :- . 1 I I K '.M . . ¦ ' V 1. : . :t !..:¦' - •' U . - '.. • ¦ \ .'i : . : \ . ¦ i '. . . j rt\ y

. .. l | . 11 : . V

'I.. - I: ¦ ;.- II'« ..'¦ .1 1. ! — . . • ' .. ¦ I I l . it - ! K i . '.¦

¦ 1-J.I.J -1 1 1 ¦ •;- . - > . ; \ N'<:Y .

7i , li i. . . . . : ¦ . .-• i ' ! ) N . K C.Ti nx ' ¦ ¦ '

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W „ *> • v3«'« V V EIU 1?t fe^ ^Vrts Nr w 1'ATI ;M I M R B M I P I A L

» ^/Jwl I. **'!•, **mi M U C H H»n i:.

H^ Sm wJ 1*""1. I MI - MOVPI . Nr<d ;i>una^ gfe .jgyy OlI.lN .i ll«i. i>, tin) uthir ii»ni'

**p5ES § 35%i .*- ht l 'P , »UM - II relnler Ihl l bid •tlA-


l.i..-bl)"l'l""'«t"1 M"Cl'""- l i e i'M.s t niinp le 1. 1

nil >v>u-ni« , >' n<inlliiii: 111 1 -rl'i-iiuii , iliraln'litf , »iiil rmmr ulwmi , mi) .till Miichin. . . \VOI (K> UY H A N H OU FOOT.

C*fTH i .v . -Nmr.cri.iM 111M1..1 iii.n.iiohh m* ¦ ttirl us"Tin- Wiir , " nr •' W nr I'I nif p!'," e«n)- grom Iinpn.TriM ..i hill.' lhi.-< t \ f Tr».lf Mm I j.|.«liu..l un the W «rk l'l »( — .

NOT1 CK.—Thv Oiiinii"! fin-. .\i»i:lnn», »> \\ KMiloiuiR iiwi.y i'nii , is 'till iiiiiliul.ii turrJ liy Imn, KIII I lu.wknuvvn :mil bolJ at the lWurcl I'r.w ul 1« J Uuiurx, ciu-

'T:II:"OI.OIIE £2 2.. KAJIII.)' SEWING MACHINK.Every K- inline HU.lii! has Wi.rfc'a X»I«H mid .AiAln«»

Ktm11p.1l u.:i> thr nerdl.- |iU:>-. A.ii'1 'fir pru>|frtu> ai.d I H IK

Spi'ciintu* nf Work , |in»t Inf.J*S. G. >YKIIt , 2 CarlisliM'trccl , Suho iSc]n»re, London.

^¦fciit-t—Mrs. SCOTT & Co., li 'l (^uny, Whterfom.T. (i. HowEt. , Iniiini«naor. C»rricl£.«n.Suir .

I ' R I EN D OF A L L !A'UOICH in all Parts «} Oic Wi.rld. Here's our K»t **,l *


Pills nrr v.ilunl »t llif hnit-hlrtt hrtiths an «rll M HI ¦ It*houjrii ot c.iuiliirt HIII I w .nlth. Tlnj woik a tlimnsthpanficnliuii Iliruniih ll" whole »)»U IM , »ithumt di<ent>nu|tbe iiatnr.i l ncti'.n ol nny «.i|i i>ii , ai.d tMdiule lh.oi: it iri Kiol complaiuts »hitb cuii-i yn t i i i< uf tliuuuuds Iv «u wirljgrhTC

IlKoscuni--, Dir riirnii , Coffiiij . mu Cci.u*.— Sodi-ra>e. H I U hiqlimr , «li'i Irv. wt.Tr if«!i|»Toiu tk * ": the rn"|.'r*tiny i.ri;«n» j no conitiii. n n>Tr«ns- lo n.i.n- l«l^l .Biil.ilio tllM. » - ?iiup l- t.'liM." Thetir>t ») 11 1 1.-in- nn.) » !«:•)• l»-.nun.vid I » tJu »» >rn..wnrrl1'ilfc , a- Ih .) iin i-k'y M."il y ll.» ¦.l iimiutiiiu <Jl hlurd ,inoili-rnic- -i .e !•• rim. l i . J l l i i ' », '"'I m.Mr tllr v ini-p i j,!:nnd luiio 1.1 J II - I orm n i . r loiic.':i iu w i t h iMe unit rr.g.l i l l l V i 'l t"-y a 1- , I') ""- .r I i . r i l i i iu |.r«|*rliiji , clcanlr ;b<hlni il Irinn »H !¦• pin l..'- , •''"•¦ l l. l i-l . .rl.! ) :l.i:»). :eiii ngt iratCuiiMiini 'ii.." , A- ' t I I. - , ¦ ¦<•> '¦ ••"•• •'• i' ..huuii:. ry nirj -liinl^.

Il Kl t lMTT , l.o?^ <T Armm., tlxibicrr. DIP

LO»->>: M I'l 1 J' l ' lKiT f . • Tiii»> . I' .I'- w i l l , i n « i-I-U 'LCI 1. irniy *'¦ ndir '.il ih inn' in;t*lrf Ooa- - - u . ,I11 1 insi 'lL-i lli^.r i x i m i i L - r» u>e| , »< Ihrj irrata •• I i|.\apiet i tv, •.•..«.« .11.I1.T.11..1., I.-'.".'.- "i.v.. nl hili , 1...-1V ,,;gidililli 'S* , riuru-ii.u , >lrk hi- .ii l.i.'he , nud Nil ihtrC rfli '.in. rI .rrli .ili»S- I I I H I I l l" 1" » ''ml •luumrli m Jl . nijfr . idt^r-tioll.

'Inn V i K M C i S B i"« 1- i M . i i.i:1, l uu.vo ASK OID.—/•'or arritxiiniui: »H »¦ •' i v . n» n f , n: \<\ ri-luin: fc' s...j< u.l-dsiTii'linns 1 In 1 ¦• i» 1." u. . .i'. - n- I- '¦¦ -i. i i .pnr .il • ¦« >li . ..I'llU. l.'irv.'i- .lll y "'I P •¦' - > l i - • »•• i'«li<1 i r n . i l l .nrhV I. - Ouiip l-i "'- . i i > "• '' ''•- ¦¦""•"' '"'1 i ""T •'"I'.ih'uI I I - - )^ l.-l l , -¦'.- ;.1>1 ¦¦ ¦• :: . ¦".. « !' I ; s I H I U I I . - .I . |.,

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2< .i:\i:l i ; oii 1 • :r - ' ¦ .^1 • 11*: i icr«m.ll .ti> I . I - . •" . -.:- l .i ¦ " '".J •'"• ¦• ""'• ''• Un•ii 'i vus i i - > .i '- ! lie- I ' ' "''— ' -'c^ - iily. us llni

imparl lo.-n- rni! »i r'«w.• 'o ' '¦'•> "' e.r1"' ""<!"1"> »'U «.iu».quelllly I" 'he t:crvi..l» .«)>!• •" *• ' '-" Pu.;li!l« Iind eolutet*ibern. ' lUura ilitf ir ia:.rf I-I IOBS BIIM O! hj tltrio , low spiritl,»p.i»um, lilf , »u««u« twit .uii .js , »ad other lindreil «nuplumb.HoUo vay 'i PilU 8i- th t U,t remed y knovm if tkt mtrli

(or the following diiettes r , « ,Auuc Fi:Ti-ti ol all ' .''ti.tuli', or Kin« 'i IT IIAallnni. kiniU TUnmtiiBillmti a Cum- Goal Vi a.'.ianil

pl:,,in» iU-ul.nclie Grj»elllliiu-hra on ludlioiiuQ HixumUiy Syrn[*>mi

tlie^lmi LivrrCi.m- Tic UuuluuraaxDowel Com- plainti Ulceri

pl.iinu Lum'osto Vtneretl AfTfitioniDtb.htj I'ilci Wormi of 'all klndi]jrop>7 Khi-uinf.Um VVcakntM , (rrmreiiiiAle Irrrgu- ituleiillon i»f wlmlnvtr etuae ,

larllie< Urine *c.,*cThr Till* iilnl Oilllnienl arc Sold »t 1'tiitfWM.l Jjfcjl I.O\TiT'«

i<ul,li»lni.i-ni , 533 UxlnrJ-»lieil , Lunili.h ; dfJO hy m-arr)-..vny n-| .Ml« li l i- Viudnr nl llr.ii>mr». tbiuuhoul 111.fivih»...l «ui l i l , iii |:<si'< >i ii r..i> , at 1-. I}d 2«. UJ ., U. 8J.,l lr . , '--'• ., I4l.i l SJ-. r.iull. Till.' Blllnllr.l l l t l ut I' l l l t cwilfniutluur ito/i-n ; owl U r m.»llr»t I'ul ot (huiniealouc inice.

N.H. - Full )i.iiiii -. l ilir.ei IUIIC me nfliitd tn ejch Kui »<]poi , aiid' iiin he I IHI I in uny Inngtnifr, ciru in TbrtiaLArnl.i.. Ajui'i.un. I'. .- i«ii . i .rCliiii'~.

' For the lilwd is tlui L\re."—Scc Deattronomy, chip,IN"., verU 'Si .

Clarke's World. Famed Blood. Mixlnr*,FOU CLEANSING ....I CLEAldNO tin HLOOOIrun

ALL Ul^UIUXIKB, wlietlier nroibi Ir. in luuthjnlindUtrttiuii ur «ny ullin MW, U too lilxbl) ratoia.inruded. It wn Old Son*; tuiit Uhornted /Wri in tbiNeck ; UI«Miril a'uiu Lrm ; lllackbcmla ur 1'ni.plta oaK»w, Bctir»y Smen ; CJIRVIHU. Ulcrta ; Ulood ii'd skiu Di«-mea ; Olui.duliir Swelliugn , u.d clmn. tho Utoud liOai allJuiume Aiattrr, Iroin wb*t««r ciux iriiinfj. '

At thin uiixtuic ia yleataM lotketaur, aod •irranlctl frt*from mercury—wliicli all yi . l t and mo»t rmrltciae* M>M forthe uliuYi- ili>m»i-» coiilmu —the l'ru|.rietqr iilic>i i lUfiTluIu nivo it a tn»l to test iti. Tilur. '

IllOl'SAUDO OT T1.311M0SUH 1B0M *U, TIITI.8 nil iu llolllr* 2-. 31. HIC I I, ami in C»M», tcataiinuj

lluttl « , 11". each, tufficieiit t» effect n prtnuileul rait ihui|[-i.taiiuui|( caiei , dy all Chemuta luil I'attnt MnlieiMVendnra : or unit hi iiiiy nUdri»a on rccilipt pf S7<;rI3a<lau.ii« , Uy ' .

Y. i . CLAIthE , ClietnMl ,' IIigb-ilrct|, L . -.¦ • WHOLXIA LI AOXIII ;

b'arclaySl Bwi, Lwwlou, uii til H» WD»1»J»1« Utum.

Page 2: DISSOLVED PERUVIAN · 2018. 7. 11. · 'Tine WATKIM'OKD JsKWS i:sr.Mii.isui:i> 1817. (Alilrrm.111 l!i:n>, l'roviric




D'a9 t] I. THOBNTON, Solioitor





W I L L I A M P O W E RBegs reapectfullj to intimate to bis Friends and the

Pnblio generally, that he haa•VTOW OPEN, the aboTO STOKES, where ho hopes,XI by itrict attention to business, and keepingthe Tfry BEST WINES and SPIB1TS merit a¦hare »f patronage.HOVIIKIIHU will find it their interest to patron-

Iie tho ibove* •tabliiihment.(9* FlMitobferre the address :

No. 86 THE QUAY,(Corner of Conduit Lane),











G R E A T L Y R E D U C E D P R I C E S !ftbrnary 6, 1874. f6-tf


Single do. do. do. for WalkineDrab Twill Waterproof Coats, with mowble twr-pngs for Hunting.India Rubber Hunting Aprons.India Rubber Driving Aprons... Coachmen's India Rubber Box Coats. *India Rubber Leggings and Fishing StooKngs.Ladies' Cloaks and Biding Jackets in Drab andBlack.

XoatentlemOn'a balf'Kninea bIack re»*rsible Walking

Air-Cnihions, Pillows, Ac.CS~ SpttiaMita in any Garment made to order.


v J . , Quay, Waterford.ji.ij.—AOEXTS for tho ,'MmrARr RtauLinoK WA-Tiirxoor CAPE.


PROCEEDINGS OF THETXOME RULE CONFERENCE,18th, 19th, 20th, .nd 2Ut November, 1873, with Listof Conference Ticket Holders ; Index to Speakers ;Index to Subjects treated of in tho Debates ; Consti-tution and aws of tho Irish Homo Rulo Leagno, andFinal Report of the Homo Government Astoeiation.D0BM.VS Tho Irish Homo Rulo League, 29 LowerBackville.«tre«t. ' ,,

Waterford and Limerick Kailway-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that thn TRANS.FER STOCK and SHARE BOOKS of thisCompany will be closed from tho 13th until the 29thimtant, both days inclusive.—By order,

J. FOWLER N1C0LL, Secretary,Waterford, 5th February, 187-1.L I S M 0 R B

GAS, COKE & COAL COMPANYTHE HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING ofthe Shareholder! of this Compaoy will be bolda* LISMORE CASTLE, on FRIDAY, the 13th FEB.initant, at oua o'Clook.

(By order),. W. H. BALDWIN,, Hon. Seo.Liimore, 6th F»b., 1874. It

THANKS.THE Treasurer or tho " Powrg Testimoiial Fund"begs to acknowledge tho following additional'Subscriptions :—Amount already aoknowledgod ... £172 1 6Bt. Worshipful the Mayor of Waterfoni

(per G. D. Cheasty, Esq.) ... 2 0 0Janes Galwey, J.P., Colligan Lodge .. . 3 0 0James Hanley, Brood.strcet, Waterford 3 0 0Patrick FJJ-DD, Merchant, Dangarran ... 1 1 0James Anthony, J.P., Seafield .. . 1 0 0Mrs, R. T. Barron, Sarahrille .. . 1 0 0Lsiurenoe Power, Fnrroleigh .. . 1 0 0P. Power, Carrickbeg Home (par N. P.O'She«, E»q.)... ... .. . 1 0 0P. W. Power, Pembrokestown (per N, P.J - U t l l » • — —- *CShee, D.L., J.P.) ... " ''. 1 0 0Laarenco Pbelan, Furroleigh ... 1 0 0YT. Jordan, Killbog ... ... 1 9 0D. FiUgibbon, National Teacher, Kill .. . 0 10 0Miss Brigii Kearney, do., Kill ... 0 10 0John Cullinan, Ballyvoholano ... 0 10 0Michael Dunne, tho Hill, Kilmactbomius 0 8 0Mr*. MoKeon, Bonmahon ... ... 0 5 0P. U*niuy, Kill ... . .. 0 5 0William Dnnpbv, Carrigcen ... 0 5 0Thomas Power, Carrigeon ... ... 0 5 0fTiHE SISTERS OF CHARITY aeluowledgo withJL best thanks having received Three Tons ofCoke from the Gas Company for St. Martin's Orphan-age.T» *V. J. A. KYAN gratefully acknowledges, onMM the part of tho Siatora of Charity, Tramorc, thomm of £2 10a., the donation of Joseph O'Xeill Power,Esq., Snowhill, tbruugh his agent, Peirse NewportBarron, Esq.XJ EV. J. A. RYAN gratefully acknowledge*, ou theJ\j part of the Christian Brothers, Tromoro, tho sumof £2 10*., the donation of Joseph O'Neill Power,Esq., Snowhill, through his agent, P. N. Barron, Esq.

JUDSON'S DYES-18 Colors, 6<L eachBI


S>TW°2^ S1LK' LEATHERS, completelyDyed in Ten Minutes, without soiling the hands.Full xntlrueti ons snpplied. Of all Chemist/and Stationers.

JUDSON'S DYES.-WM0 IT DOJJB.—JUDSON '"¦pit rTiS aw aioitUKfal iDd efr.ctoa:. Kiblx.uiSsilks, ln,um, warH, Mu, bfiid .veil. , hindk«rcbie'i, cloodt'•¦"¦"••. 8|»«ll»'« •''•»!•. or .nv .m.ll article ofdre.. c.ncaiily b. aj td in a l.w mmatt t wilkout loilint th. b.nd«,jwlet, Bspnts,cnmnD, ainve, purplt, piolc, poocu, cl.Mt ,

. J5.DT^IS.JiT(?""rr^0T

?r'tAPnIC *•"•«« *°«"ir«»er MOTO-MJXT. luoiild 1» dinp«i j,, •,„, Mtet ,nd llienMimiBitUd to s hot bitli of JUbSON'S OVES. Buutiful•f^Vrr1!11* ,»rodnMltin p'«». K»k, IWo. and nan,•rtjr but.r«l eolotr,....UMjad»a'.D/« fe, c.n«al UBI

JUDSON'S DYE3.~,«M., «,„„,, Il0TIII ni•»-wiSD atj bt dyed moit tiqusite colouw, green, crim-MH , P«rl«. w«,|ct, Ac. br .imply di pping tbra in a «olo-twn. of

^J tfttSON'S DVES. Cliwoiiof Bo«,oet m.y bs

JODSON'S DTES-IIIK-IBK_,U._A 8ixpennyBWW * iUDSON'8 IIYIM, Violet , Red. Vr »¦(«?willaakt bslt a pint of brilliant writinf ink in one minuta bramply addiaf bet mlir.JUpBON'8 DYEa-PoreoloarinrArcIiittctursl, 4e.«»es trMtli may bs »»ied in fiindiuf up coloors to a uni-

» i'*l' J "7 "1Jf nMd tither witbl hntb or P"'llZl 'l ' Sf',1!!'1 Uw'T, Crinnon, Orsncf, Gretn, Bluf,»»Jt»Hi, «»d IS otbet sbadM

JUDSON'S DYE«.-For StaiuiD* Wood dilottd sritb?S i "f{.IIBk dMPlr Inlo Ik* fibre and will not ruboB.AH«y lom the ax»t •unotr-lcat aUin on r»cord. LightiSTt '?,'M»hoJ»»r «olour ii uMlleat ; No. 3 Black forr*-J!^S7r JeU?8' ""• b?>dt' h"DiK > -«"»•.TSte KRWRE0^ ^EM»T8 AND. HOIXOWAT'S Pms.—Thla purifying and regu-lating mtdieioe- should ocoaionaMy bt b«a reconrte' todaring foggy, cold, nod -wet wetthar. It H tba but prtnn-taliva 04 boirunofs, lore tbront, dipihttU, pltorUy, andaatbaui, and a sure remedy for coDgsstion, trroodiitU, andUHtnimitioD. Attention to the directiona folded roondtach box will enabla invalids to take the FiUs in tb» moatadranUgeoua manner ! (bey will be t«n|bt tha properdonea, and the circumataDots noder whieti they molt beincreased or diminished. Hollowaj's.Pills act as alteratiTea,aperirntf, and tonic*. When' taken as a lut resonroe, tb>molt ba4 alwayt been gratifying ; even when tbey (ail to

enr» they alware asiuige the aererity of tb< aymptouu andtioiailh tba dtsfcr.




T E A !H E N R Y W H I T E & C O .

CALL attention to their CHOICE TEAS AND


Is highly recommended.WAREHOUSE : 50 &¦ 51, QUAY, WATERFORD,

(LATK 133 & 134, PABADK ).Established 1838. [¦"'¦rt i , -


Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds ofFarming Implements and Machines.

C O M M I N S A N D C O M P A N Y .66, QUAY. WATERFORD. fl6-6m


M I C H A E L DOWNEY,(Late Agent for the MJford and Glasgow Steamers),BEOS respectfully :o inform Owners of all des-

criptions of Merchandize that he has com-menoed tho Bnsinen of GENERAL COMMISSIONand FORWARDING AGENT, and will undertake theSale, to., of any Goodi entrusted to his care.

He further bega to stuto that, from his long ex-perience in connection with the Port and Trade ofWaterford, bo hopes to givo every satisfaction to thoseMerchant* who may dndlv favonr him with thoirOrders.No. 2, Adelphi, Waterbrd, January, 1874. jl6-4tCARRICRON-SUIR EMIGRATION OFFICE



Granted to CANADA. Particulars of whioh can behad on oppplication to T. M. MUEPIIV, Agent.

Steamers to Now Yo:-k twice a week, from Quoons-town, Liverpool, Derry, Dublio, Glasgow, and London.Firat-olass Ships from Liverpool acid London to Aus-tralia and Queensland once a month.

Emigration Office— iS NEW LANE, CARRICK-ON-SUIB. fja9-tf ]The Ulster Marina Insurance Co. (Limited)CAPITAL:—eiOo ToOO, fully subscribed.

DIRECTORS:CHIS. Derm,Esq., Chairman, I ALEXANDER M'LUKE, Esq.M. R. DALWAT, Esq., M.P. ; HEKST BOTD, E«q.J. P. COEKT, Kiq., I E. H. TnoxrsoK, Esq.

M«D»goraond Underwriter), Messrs. SIKCUIH& Borp. BeltCargoes and Frclghla Insured on Modorato Terms.

Claims promptly and liberally settled. Rates takenupon the spot by tho Local Agent,

L. A. RYAN, Waterford.N.B.—This is the only Irish Office doing Marino

Insurance business. [jal2-ly]Alliance Life and Fire Assurance



Sir MOSES MOIITEPIORE, Bart., F.R.S.Sa9* Prospectuses, Rato of Assurance and evei>

information may be had of. MR. EICELiRD HARRIS, Agent,

Stock and Sharobro'ccr, Lr. Thomas -St., Waterford.MARINZ ASSURANCE.

CargoeB, per Stean or and Sailing VesacI, to anyPort in the Irish, Bristol, and English ChannelsInsured on Tory Moderate Terms, as woll as all Soorisks. War risks taken. (tf)

WHY S H O U L D I ?Why should I go to ilf. 831YTH for my BOOTS in

pr eference to any otha ?r|THY YOU SHOULD .—M. SMYTH keops thoV T largest and most varied stock of BOOTS in tho

City, everybody boing fitted at tbo shortest notice.Why you should : The Manufacturing of M. SMITH'SBoots aro specially attended to, find you may haveconfidence in them. Why you should: M. SMYTH 'SBoots aro always adapted to tho Season j therefore,you can always bo on a right footing. Why youshould : M. SMITH aims moro at keeping SnpcriorBoots, and charges tho Lowest remunerative Profits.Finally, why yon Bhould : M. SMYTH makes no SecondPrices, so that all , youag and old, are justly dealt with

Noto—THE GLASGOW HOUSE, Sign of tho Man.etor Boot, 39, BARRONSTRAND-STREET (Next thoGreat Chapel) , Waterford. Gv9#13t]

Establishments—Kilkenny and Carlow.

T O IiE T ,HOUSE 63 MAN0R-STREET, containing 11

Apartments, with Water Closet and Pantries.An amply supply of Spring Water,

Apply to Jons RYAN, Broad Btrcct.Nov. U, 1873. tf

27, BARKO.NSTRASD STREKT, WATERVORDSeptember 21s(, 1872.

HENRY A U D L E Y & CO.WHILE returning their Bincero and grateful

acknowledgments to tho public for thoextensivo Patronage hitherto bestowed uponthem, beg to acquaint their kind patrons thatthey have added to their Stock, n all Depart,ments, C O M P R I S I N G :GROCERIES and OILS, PERFUMEHV .ITALIAN GOODS, COLOURS, CHANDLERY,


which they can confidently recommend.N.B.—SOLE AGENTS in Waterford for PEACOCK

nnd BUCUAN'S PATENT PAINTS.<2J" Orders executed with accuracy and des.




Terms, on application. [d l-3m]ALTERATION OP PREMISES.

GREAT SALE OF PIANOFORTESIMPORTED direct from tho Manufacturers, Messrs



HARMONIUMS in great variety, English nndFrench make ; Violins, Cornota, Concertinas, Drums,Flutes, Banjoes, Jlusio Boxes, ic. &c,


20,000 NEW SONGS and PIECES, at ONK THIRDthe Marked Prico for Cash, tbo entire STOCK now

SILLING OFF AT A GREAT BEDUCT10N!previous to Alteration of Premises.



Begs to call Bpccial attention to his extensive TUNINGand REPAIRING business. Ilia Tuners visit all thoSouthern and Midland Counties of Ireland Quarterly.

%SS" Pianofortes and Harmoniums hired by thoMonth or Year, with option to purchaso, and on tboThree Years' Bystcm.

C. A. JONES' MUSIC WAREHOUSE.Crickotting, Archery, Croquet , aud otlior Games, at

unuBUully Low Prices. [myt-tf jTHE REGULATION OF RAILWAYS' ACT, 1H73 .

The Southern Railway Company, andThe Waterford & Limerick Railway Company.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , pursuant to tho

proviaions of the Railways' Clauses Act,'1863,the Southern Railway Act, 1HGK, tho Sonthoru Rail-way (Donation and Branches) Act 18GC, and theSouthern Railway (Extension and Further Powers)Act, 1873, that it is tho intention of tho SouthernRailway Company, and the Waterford and LimerickRailway Company, to enter into an agreement forthe followfBg purposes—viz,(amoog other things) theWorking, Management, Usor, Maintenance, andRenewal, by the Waterford nnd Limorick RailwayCompany of [tho main line of the Sonthorn RailwayCompany between ThurlCB and Clonmol, as authorisedby the Southern Railway Act, 1HG5 , and of thecolliery extension line, as authorised by tho SouthernRailway Act, 1SC6, which agreement, bearing date21th May, 1873, was on that day approved of andsealed by order of the Proprietors of tho SouthernRailway Company, and on tho 18th November lustthe same was sealed by tho Waterford and LimorickRailway Company, by order of thoir Proprietors, atspecial meeting assembled. A copy of the agreo-ment has boon deposited in too office of tho RailwayCommiraionera at the West Front Committce-rooma,House of Lords, LondOD, und any Company or personaggrieved by such proposed agreement, und desiringto object thereto, may bring' such ohj rcUou beforethe said Commissioners, by sending tho sarao inwriting, addressed to tbo Secretary, Ruilway Com-missioners, House of Lords, London, on or before theTwentieth day of February, 1874, in which offico ncopy of tho proposed agreement can be seen.

Dated this 16th day of January. 1871.RICHARD F. MULVANY,

Secretary of tho Southern Railway Company.ja23 B. KERNAGHAN , .3t Solicitor of tho Southern Railway .Company



February 3rd, 1874.• GENTLEMEN :INTELLIGENCE of the sudden Dissolution

of Parliamnnt reached me in the South ofPrance, whither I had been summoned but ashort time previously in consequence of a do-mestic affliction. To this cause alone it isowing that I have not sooner had the honor ofaddressing you, to ask your renewal of the trustwhich you first confided to me in 1852.

During the eventful period which has sincoelapsed, great strides have been made in thedirection of Liberal Progress ; and measures,of which, when first you elected me to supportthem, it seemed almost rash to anticipate any-thing like so speedy a settlement, have sincepassed into the region of accomplished fact. Inall this work of progress I have, as your repre-sentative, borne a constant and consistent part.In this advance, stand prominently forwardthe Church and Land Acts. As regards thelatter, I shall support such amendments as maybe required to carry out its principle—thesecurity of the tenant, under fair conditions,in the possession of his home. As regardsthe future, the momentous question of Edu-cation awaits a settlement. The large ma-jority of the Irish nation are in a position ofinferiority and disadvantage in its regard, whichis a practical bar to their worldly advancement ,and seriously cripples them in the race of life.But I believe that I speak their feeling as I domy own, when I declare that I should prefer thecontinuance of this present injustice to theforcing upon an unwilling people any Educn-tional scheme by which ample means are notprovided for that which far transcends in im-portance all other considerations—the instruc-tion of our youth in the principles of Religion.I shall, therefore, support a DenominationalSystem, aided by Denominational Grants.

I behevc the time has arrived when theclemency of the Crown should be extended tothe Political Prisoners, and I will advocatetheir immediate release.

It is becoming more evident every day thatthe House of Commons is over-burdened withpublic and private business. The latter entailsupon the 2'romoters of beneficial and1 usefulworks, a heavy and indefensible expense. Iwill support any well-devised system whichshall (without endangering the integrity of theEmpire) transfer to Irishmen the managementof purely Irish affairs.

The reform of the Grand Jury Laws and thePoor Law code, and all matters affecting yourmaterial prosperity, shall be approached! by me,as shall all others, with an earnest desire to beguided by the general good of my country andthe wishes of my constituents. I regret thatthe shortness of the period from this to theElection, and my unavoidable absence from thecountry at the time of the Dissolution, willmake it impossible for me to visit personallymore than a comparatively small number of theElectors, but I confidently hope that you will,under the circumstances, accept my apology.

I have the honor to remain,Gentlemen,

Your obliged and faithful servant,JOHN ESMONDE.



GENTLEMEN :The sudden and unexpected

dissolution of Parliament baa placed in yourbapds the choice oftwo Representatives, andit is with pleasuro I offer myself as a Candidatefor tho honour of being chosen as one of them.

I come before you untried but not unknown,being one of a family who havo always beenResident Landlords, residing on their Estatesin this County, in the midst of a happy, conten-ted, and prosperous Tenantry.

My Principles are CONSERVATIVE, andI shall be alwavs rcadv to support any measurethat I consider beneficial to Ireland. I havedeliberately weighed tbo questions that seemnow to agitato the public mind, and tbo onewhich appears to mo of most importanco is thatof Denominational Education. National Edu-cation has been for nearly 40 years on trial, andhat sadly disappointed tho Banguino expectationsof its promoters. If, therefore, you do me thohonour of returning me to Parliament, I shallgive the question of Denominational Education,as it is now looked for, my full support, beingconvinced that the first duty of a Governmentis to ofTcr every facility for the EFFICIENTEducation of our people.

I am, Gentlemen,Your Faithful Servant,

CHARLES BERESFORD.Curtaghtnore, Jauuary 2Qlh 1874.



Twice I havo asked you to return mo asyour Representative to Parliament, and twicoyou have done so. I now ask you to do so forthe third time.

In 18G51 was untried, and you accorded moyour confidence. In 1874 I can, without fear ofreproach, point to my political conduct, challengeall criticism, and assert that I have left no Husting's pledge unfulfilled.

Some months ago, in consequenco of a severedomestic affliction , I had determined on retiringfrom public life, but the great Home Rule ques-tion, in which all trno Irishmen are so vitallyinterested, has principally induced me to comeforward, in sustainment of the great Nationalcause ; and I must also confess to it desire ofchallenging an issue with those who, from timeto time, havo made unworthy, though feeble,attempts to cause you to believe that I Lavefalsified all the traditions of my life and race bysuddenly becoming a bad landlord.

I have no intention, in this my address, ofsmothering either you or myself with pledges ofany sort or kind, as is often done. If you, theElectors of Kilkenny, aftercightycars' experienceand rovicw of my political conduct, cannot trustme to represent you, truly and honestly, I shouldindeed be loth to seek re-election at your hands.

I may, however, say that I am a Home Rulerand in favour of the Federal Scheme, as laiddown by the Conforcnco in Dublin, and my viewson Education, as tested by my Vote in Parliament, are two well known to you all to needrecapitulation here.

Amnesty to tho Political Prisoners I foolassured cannot long bo delayed, and 1 need hardly.say will bo advocated by me.

You aro well aware I am no place-hunter,and that were 1 at any time, in session or out ofsession, to differ from you, and thus cease to re-present your political views, I wonld that momentresign the trust into your hands, as nothing tome could possibly be so irksome as the reten-tion of the shadow of your confidonce, after thereality had passed away.

Gentlemen, if you elect inc I shall esteem it agreat, a very great honour, and shall value ithighly, not for any imaginary personal distinc-tion, which it is supposed by uomo to confer, butbecause it will prove to me that my Follow-Countrymen trust me; that, notwithstandingmust industriously-circulated calumnies,* theybelicvo in me still, and that the old bond which80 closely united my family with " tho People,"during all their struggles fur "Freedom andReligious Liberty," remains unbroken.

Gentlemen,I hare the honour to bo

Your obedient Servant,GEORGE BRYAN

Jcnkinstown, January, 1874.

To ALL WHO SUITER from Consumption, Bron-cbitia, Atthinit , Coughs, Colds, Hoorseneti, Dipthena , ordisease* of tlie Throat or Itupintory Organs, try BROVS 'IH EBSIL RtMEDIE3 , which liave permxnently cored thou-sand" or cotes. One Sample Unttle will prove its groatefficacy, nnd may be had, Iroo of charge, Irom tlie Proprie-tor. Sufferers should not beliere their coses iu.-ara'jl« tillthey liave tvslcd one sample, wbich will be lent by |w»t toany mlilress throughout Ureat Uritain .with foil initruclionxFor Sample and Particulars flf the Remedies, address, 0P. Known, 'J, Kint-ttreet ,Oonvent.Gordeo , London.

VUA-xii,ui>o SOAP pott I)oo».—N AIDIBB'S TADLKTis a medicated Honp Itren from puibon) fur washing Dogs.It destroys flea> , cleunsM the skin, remotes nil smell, andgives clots to the coat.--" Naldire's Tablet is harmless tvUogi, but fatal to Hear."—Frank Bnckland , Esq. " Noone posieniog a Don °' value fbould be without Nuldire'aTablet."-£DOAR IUSBDBT. Kiq. Prise la., of all Cliem;ilsand Perfumers ; nnd of H AMILTON & Co, Sacbville-ttDublin ; GOVLDIX Q & Co., Coik ; CKATTAN & Co., IlclfiulN.U.—Avoid low-priced imitation!, which are worthiest.



No other candidate havingthought propor to come forward to dispute thorepresentation of your county and mine with tbohouse of Bercsford, I have been induced to throwmyself into tbo gap. From the Blackwnter tothe Suir, from tho confines of gallant Tipperaryto the shores of the Lae, wherever I go I findfriends of my father and friends ef my iamuy.I am no new convert to tho cause of Homo Rule,nnd I accept the definition of it as laid down atthe National Conference by tho men whom Imay bo permitted to call my friends, P. J. Smithandl John Martin. I ask you to let them havowhat assistance I can render them in transferringour Irish Members from Westminister to Col-lege-green.

With respect to tho Land Qnestion, in my opi-nion " Fixity of Tenure" is an absolute neces-sity for Ireland, and " Fixity of Tenure1' alonewould not meet the exigencies of the case, un-less rents be adjusted on a fair and reasonablebasis. .. Denominational Education is called forby the country, and therefore, the request shouldbe complied with. Members of all persuasionsagreo that Education and Religion must walkband in hand. I shall voto for amnesty in. fuvonrof tho Political Prisoners. Man to man, face toface, foot to foot, I am prepared to meet LordCharles Reresford, and oppose the principles ad-vocated by him. As it rests with you to saywhether his politics or mine meet v?ith your ap-proval, can I doubt tho result of the eontoat P

Your faithful servant,ROBERT BARRON.

25 Nassau-street. Dublin.TO THE ELECTOKS


(j fENTLEMEN :The generous support

already offered has induced me to appear as aCandidate for the Representation of this im-portant County. In a crisis such as the presentno true Irishman ought to remain inactive.The principles I desire to work for and upholdare HOME RULE !

The restoration of our " native ParliamentIs required to dcvelopc the paralysed energies ofour Country. Irishmen, so many of whom areat present skilfully guiding and governing theaffairs of other countries, have a right to demandthe control over their own legislation at home.To attain that object I believe an Irish Repre-sentative must, and I intend, if returned , tostand aloof from, and perfectly independent of,all English political parties.

DENOMINATIONAL EDUCATION !The disadvantages which the Catholics of thiscountry have been subjected to, though ad-mitted by the First Minister of the Crown, yetwith singular inconsistency, remain unredrcssed.The so-called " Liberals," though they think fit ,when it suits their purposes, to use tho cry ofCivil and Religious Liberty, yet deny toCatholics the practical exercise of that veryliberty which we demand. I believe there canbe no true freedom without Religion. 1 woulddemand a Charter and Endowment for ourCatholic University. The Irish EducationQuestion can alone be settled in accordancewith the religious sentiments of the people,under a Denominational System' and the justdistribution of all Public and National Endow-ments for Educational purposes.

FIXITY OF TENURE I The amendmentof the provisions, and extension of the principles,so imperfectly expressed in the recent LandAct, ought to have the immediate attention ofa Representative of this County. The extensionto the entire country of that Perpetuity ofTenure, which has contributed to the prosperityof the North of Ireland .should be considered toin no way interfere with the just rights of theLandlord. To promote agricultural prosperity,it is necessary that the Tenant should, be pro-tected from Capricious Eviction.

The Pope has been wrongfully deprived of hisDominions, in despite of the wishes of his ownsubjects. It will be my anxiety to aid , so faras possible, in his being restored to his .justrights.

Reforms in our Grand Jury system areurgently required. I shall oppose the continu-ance of those Coercion Acts which, each year, sounnecessarily appear on the Statute Book ; andshall advocate that a complete measure of Am-nesty be extended to all Political Prisoner*. Ishall aid in any measure that may tend to securethe Reclamation of our Waste Lands, and theprevention of that curse of Abflentecism

^ by

which so much money is continuously drainedfrom this country.

I intend to be tho subservient follower of noEnglish Party. On these principles, I ask yoursupport. If honoured by your confidence, Ishall labour to prove faithful to the trust thusgenerously confided in me. I regret time pre-vents me from personally waiting on you.

I have the honour to be,Your faithful Servant,


TO T H E E L E C T O R Sor


Parliament having been dis-solved, I now solicit from you a renewal of thotrust confided to me during tho last six sessions.

If you do mo the honor of again returning-meas your Representative, I shall give a perfectlyindependent support to the Ministry to whomwo owo tho Church Bill , the Land Bill , and theBallot—great measures which cannot be toohighly estimated.

Tho Land Bill, valuable as it is, docs requireamendments in tho interest of Tenant Farmers,and I shall give my support to any goodmeasures which may be proposed with thatview.

I am decidedly in favor of DenominationalEducation, and I shall oppose any other system ofEducation for this country.

I am of opinion that we ought to bayo in Iro-land, the management of our own affairs, whicharo too often postponed or neglected in thoImperial Legislature, and I shall voto for anypractical measure calculated to accomplish thatend.

I shall advocate the liberation of the PoliticalPrisoners, as I have always done.

I am, Gentlemen,Your obliged and obedient Servant,

JOHN TALB0T POWER.Edermine, Jan. 29, 1874.

HUNTING APPOINTMENTS.K H.KEI.KY FeiKouitus.—Februaij—Mondoy, 3th, KUfera i

Wednesday, Uth Kilmoganny ; Friday, I3tb, Balljkcefe.—AtElovon o'clock.

CUJKM" HOUKDS.— Febrnnnr.— Mondav, 0th, KilshcoUu ;Thursday, 12th, Woodrooff Polico BarrscVn; Jlondaj, 16th,Thorny Bridge ; Thursday. 18th, Ardfincan ; Monday, 23rd,Balllnacluna.; Thursday, 26th, Newcastle.—12 o^olock.

Sm NUUCKT IIUHOLE'B FOXHOUKD S.—Febrauy¦-Tuesday,lOtb, Duclupool j Friday, 13th, Glenlick-At Elorra o'clock.

LOCAL RAILWAY TRAFFIC,For the Week ending Friday, Jan. 30, 1874.

IWntertord Athcnry Lmerick Watarf'd Kilkennyand and and and Ktl- Junction

Limerick, Ranis Ennls lccnnr(31 lUilimy(Mltmllos 36 milts 211 miles miles 28) miles

optn). open, j open. | open. open.'

£ •. d. £ s. d. £ ». d.|£ t. a. £ s. d.PuBengora, IP»rcel», 4<!. 815 » 3 63 5 8 172 6 1 85 S 11

Goods, Cattle1 l&M 3 5 1*8 12 9 430 ,15 11 1M 6 i

Total ... 2448 8 8 171 18 5... — ...[603 2 0239 12 3Cc-rruflp'dlnff I I Iw«k lasty"r. 220<J 16 £ 100 18 2 57« 17 8229 5 I

VALUABLE DISCOVERY *OR THJS UAIB. 11—If yourhair is turning gray or nbite, or fallinir off, uao " Tha Mex-ican Hair Renewer,"—for it millpot i ttv ly rtttort in everycat Qrty or Wi'd hair to ita origiual «oloor, withoutleaving the disagreeable smell of-most " Kwtorers." Itmakes the hair cuarminglr beaotifnl, as woll a» promotingthe growth on bald tpote,wbere the glauds are not decayed.Certificate from Dr. Versrnan on every bottle, with fullparticulars. Ask jour Cueraint for " Tiir MnxtcAH lUiaRBBZWX B ," prepared by 1I B»HT C. G*r,j.CP, 483 OxlordStreet, Londou, aud aold by Uoemists and perfumers every-where.

Trpn trs AUD SCIBLBT FPVBRJ.—The late Dr. /Turlev,of Worcester, fturrd in a letter, that lie .found LAM 1'-LOUGH'S 1>YUKT1C SALINE a specific, no other remedybeinu n'«n. Take and me it alsft as the benc preventive.—Bold by chemists and tho maker, 113, Ilolborifhill , London.

We consider it oar duly to Ciittioa tile l'ubliu fltMiustspurious imitations of the Qlpufuld Starch, at present intbe market . Grocers and n tl. i ncllimc thn sains, subjectthemselv.s to iimalty of£10,uOO. Any confidential infor-mation which will Irail to cotmcuon, will be handsomely re-warded

WOTHKUSPOON & Co., Kisuini Park, Glasgow.

astatertotfr 4&atft*t$Waterf ord, February 6, 1874.

Weathar extremely toe. Counbry anppU.s v.ry WtoJ. AUkinds In f&vor of bnyera. Business of all Jdnda aimosisuspended, owing I to, tin elections.

FOREIGN WHEAT—A few salea at last rates.

INDIAN C0BN declined 6d. to l». pec barrel, and bat littledemand.

FLOUR—No change. Sales alow.COLE & PROSSOR.


- Red - - - - 00 0 00 035 0 36 0- iUpping do - - 00 0 00 027 0 33 0


-'224'115- - 00 0 00 015 0 16 0- Miltius - - - 00 0 00 022 6 21 0

^ Sc01.0'1

.16"": I 00 0 00 015 0 00 0

- Whito - - - 00 0 00 O00 0 00 0Z Grey - - • 00 0 00 000 0 00 0

FLOUK. peraack, of 2801bs. .- Superfine! - - - SO 0 51 000 0 00 u_ Interior. - - *0 0 45 000 0 00

OATMEAL, per Sack - U 0 « 0.00 0 00 0BRAN, per Cwt. - - 7 fi S 0 0 0 00 CPOLLARD do . . . 7 li 8 0: __

FOREIGN; ""=*•WHEAT, per barrclo('2801bs. '¦ d s. d

— American, Sprinsand Wintor - - .15 0to S6 0— Marianoplo £> 0 * J_ BerdiansH 00 0 00 0- Ghirka.Tagan and Odc,* - -g


00 0

INDIAN CORN, Yellow, Odessa and Galatz - SJ 8 00 0- - Ibmilnnd Foxonian - - -00 0 00 0_ — American - - - -00 0 23 0— — French and American Whito .00 0 00 0_ _ Er?nti»n - - - -00 0 0 0 0

- KlRCd - • • -1» 0 18 0FLOUtt, American, per barrel of lOGlbs. - - 00 0 00 (J

- ' French, por sack, of 2801bs. - - - .00 0 00INDIAN MEAL, American, per sack ot 2801b3. .00 0 00 0

f Homo Manufacture, por VQO o 2S 6- — i sack, of 2801bs. } \

WATERFOKD BOTTER SfARKET.Numbir of Firkins ueightd at the Publio Butter if arM

for Week ending Friday (thit day), and Prictt.Saturday, — 5 — 135s. Od. to 115s. OdMonday, — 0 — 0«. Od. OH . Od,Tuesday, — 0 — OH. Od. Od. Od'Wednesday — 4 — ]:15». Oil. l«s. Od,Thursday, — 8 — 13S«. 0,1. 1«.,. Od,Friday, — 0 — Os. Oil. OH . Od,

No. of firkinBlcorrosponding week last year — 51Prico per cwt — 1053. Od. to 163a Od.

Import ,$* Exports for Week ending Thursday, 5th.IMPORTS. i EXP0KT3.

Wheat - Quarters. Wheat • 11CJ Barrcli,Indian Com do. ,O.its - - 5SuO do.OaU - - do. | Barley • do.Barley. • Sacks, llndiau Corn 450 do.¦PI- ( "0 do. Tlour - - 020 Socks.liour j Barrels. 'Oatmeal - 40 do. .Moal - Sackn. lludiun meal do.

(florredd this day for Tlie Waterford Ncws.)^

PROVISIONS.BiCOH Pius, per cut. — — 6S<. 0,1. to 63a. Od.STE A KS do. — — 5i«. od. Go*. Oil.FKKT do. — — 13s. Od. i:i(. Oil.II CAPS do. — — 35*. Oil. Ws. Oil.Bcjurs do. — — Ws. Oil. -tus. (klLAUD (chandlers') — — 40s. od. 4ft>. ud"

BUTCHEIIS1 MKAT.BKEF , per lb., 0s 7id to U'd. I L» MB , per qr. Os Oil to Os Od

Do. steak, lOd to la Od I V EAL, per lb. Oil to OdMOTTOH, per lb Sd to 104 I'omt, per lh. id to Od

POTATOES.Avcrago price, 0?. Od. tu 9d, ... per Btonc.

BREAD.Wnni, per lib — Od. to 8d | HOCSHLD , per 41b "d to Od

WHISKEY.DOBLIJI , per gallon, Ms. Od. I OID COKK , gallon, life. OdCom, puncheon, lCs. 9d. |

FU S H .N'rsDLMD, jircwt, 20s. to 21a. I PEAL — OS Od. to OS OilIIEERIH OS, per brl , 2i<. to 24s. SOLE, — Os Od. to Os SISALMON, per lb. Od to Os Od. | TOKBOT, — Ca Od. to Os 7d

FOWL ASD EOOS.FOWL, per pair, 3s Od to 5a. Od I Enus, per 120, 8s 4d to 03 OdGIXSB , :0j to 13s. n couple. ITUUKE T S, Jos to ISa per pair

SOAP ASD CANDLES.WUIIE, por cwt. 24». to O.i. I MOULD, per cwt. 6s. Cd to 7.1.BROWN , do. 23s. Od to 0). | Din, do. Sd. Cd. to 6s

WOOL AND HIDES.noooET WooL.ln. M to Is. lOd I H IDES , Os, to 3lj. Od per cwtWtTHEltftEwK .ls 7d to ls. 8d Kirs, 3d. to M. per lb.Sxix WOOL, la Od to Is. 2d | CALF, OS. to 43i. Od per itoz.

T I M B E R .R. PISE per ton, 00s Od Os Od I STAVES, per 1000, £00.Y BLLO W I'I.VI, do BOsOd to OOs | LiTUs.pordo IC J . to HJj.

C O A L S .COILS, per ton, 30s. Orl to 31s Od. I Com, per ton, 27s. Od lo 00s

FODDER AND ORF.KN CHOPS.HAT , per ton, old , 70s to 85a. 5U.VGOI.D3,por ton, 20s;to 20sSTRAW, whenton, 60s to 70s- Tuxxirs, per ton, 18a to 18*

Do. oaton, COJ to 703. CARROTS, per ton, 353 to 4 s

BU'ths, ittittriiicjc ^ \ Deaths.J. **oune *mintio/Eirtliit Mirriapti If Dtalhk , Is. tach—pre-pttid

~Bl"iTTFs^February J, at Churclificld , Newport, county Tipperary,

tho wifo of Henry Dirycr, Esq., M.D., of a son.January 27, nt Dover, the wife of Loftiu Corbet Singleton,

Esq., Captain 92nd Gordon Highlanders, of A eon.Jauuary 30, at Upper Dorsct.&trcot, Dublin , the wife of

James Charles Colgau, ot a son.January 27, nt Croome, the Oountcss of Coventry, of a

daughter.1'obniary '-', at Rookcsbary Park , Farnham, tho Hon. Mrs.

Garnicr. of a son.

M A R R I A G E S .On tho StU iu»Unt , at St. Nicnncl'n Chapel, Limerick, by

tbo Rev. Father Mulquctu, IM'., Kicuarii Fntucif. thitil tonof tho l»to Paul Hyanoy, Esq., Carrickpbcrish House, Water-ford, to Maggie Teresa, second daughter ot Matthew (juiUinau,Ktq., Cloopct Cottage, Tippcrarr.

January 24, 5t the Paruh Chorch of St. Nicholas, Dnblin ,by tbo Her. Dr. WcViter. Yanni Curates, Esq., Ualatz , toMinnie, third daughter of Captain W. Colo, of the S.S. " Cityof Waterford," Wateriord.

February 2, nt the British Embassy, Paris, by tho Rev.Allan Tudor Or&iff, M.A., Lord Henry Pagot, second son ofthe latt M arquis of Anglesey, to Blanche, fourth daughter otCunvcn Boyd, KMI,., of Prince's Gardens, Princo'a Gate.

Jauuary 30, at tho Star of the Sea Chapel, Sandymount,Dublin, by tho Rsv. Father Hickey, J. Clarke, Esq., Sandy-mount, to Maria, youngost daughter of the lato William Homo,Uosenalis, Queen's county.

Jan. 29, at Cork, by tho Her. J. llegarty, Bernard O'Connor,Esq., A.B., M.D., of Wclshpool, Montgomeryshire, to Jeanne,second nurviring daughter of the lite Daniel bcahy, Kfq , D.L.,ot Soeacon, County Cork,

D E A T H S .On Sunday, the 25th nit., at the residence of his brother,

Cahcr, the lltv. E. Walsh, C.C., Tallow, in the 29th year of hisago, and 2Gth of hij sacred ministry.

On tho 29th ult., at Brighton House, Brigbtou.road, Rathgor,Dnblin, Sarah, tho beloved wife of M. A. Dillon, Esq.

On tbo 2Gth olt»., at the Abbey Cottage, Tcmplcmorc, LiaboUaJulia Morgan, aged fourteen years and six months.

January 15, at Hyeres, France, Elizabeth McCall, daughterof tbo lato Sanmcl McCaU, Esq., of Qlyntown House, Glanmire,C«rk,

JannArr, at Pau, Pyrenees, France, the Rignt Hon.Lord Colonsay,

February 2, at Darlington, Durham, Profwuor John HomyAnderson, Of Kincardine, AbcrilctDsbirc, butter kuo»ii aa tho" Wiiard of the Worth," aged GO y«ar«.

iiort fictog—|)agsagc«A E R 1 V E1 ) .

!»t^Crcat Western, n, Pcaru, Milford , R O : narmony, White,Cardiff, coals ; Oriental, Dnnnc, Cardiff, cools; Alcodo, Keane,Cardiff, cools.

2nd—Clara Jessie, Morris, Cardiff, coals ; Mclin.i, Vealu,Cardiff, coala ; Eliza, Grady, Cardiff, coals ; Fairy, Hally. Car-diS, ooala ; Dopson, Bricn, Newport, coals ; Sensation, Silboru,Sundcrland, coals.

3rd—South of Ireland, s, I'oarn, Miltonl, g c; Margaret,WaJsb, Cardiff, coabi.

4th—Wicklow, s, Glasgow, g c ; Arklow, s, Ckvw, g o ;Dart, NciU, Dublin, Ross, wheat ; Princess, Barlow, Nnwuort,coals ; Woodman, Williams, Cardiff , coals ; Thomas, Murray ,Cardifi , coals ; Dublin, s, Newport , coals.

5th—Jano Sophia, Libey, Plymouth, manure.

S A I L E D ,1st—Certs. Now York, Boc, ballast ; Excel, Newport, pit-

wood ; Dublin, Newport, Murray, pitwood ; South of Irolandis, Milford , Pearu, gc.

2nd—Zephyr, s, Liverpool, O'Donnetl, g c; Vulture, Milford ,Davis, go.

3rd—Blanche, F, Cardiff , Lodgo, ballast ; Oipsy, «, Bristol,Burns, g o; Qreat Western, s, Milford, Pearn, it o.

4th—South of Ireland, s, Pcarn, g u.5th—Wicklow, i, Glasgow, g c ; Arklow, s, Glasgow, g c;

Vulture, s, Milford, g c.


Last Quarter Monday, February 9 4.29 p.m.New M OOD Monday, ,, 16 7.15 p.m.first Quarter Monday „ 23 10.15 a.m.


Threo per Cent. Consol.1 — 91} —Kew 3 pcr CentStock — 90i 9(>JBank of Ireland 100 3041 —National Rank 30 66Jr —Monster Bank , Limited — 8} 8JHibernian HRiik — S8i —Provincial Hank — 95 9*1 —National of Liverpool (limited) 16 13} 13JCity of DublinSteainCompany.,.100 107* —

BAILWA.T8Waterford &. Central I reland 6 per cent 1031Waterford &. Central Ireland £100 pnid ll)j -WaUrford and Limerick , all paid — —Waterford and Limerick New i\ par

cent, redeemable _. 07 —•Great Sonthera and Western — 98} —

%\xt Mnttxtotb Jleto"BE JUST, AND *EAR NOT."




city on yesterday, after making his canvasswith great vigor in the west of tlie county,he being roughly handled in Tallow. Person-ally popular as the family now are, still wethink it is not certain that his roti 'ni is secure,as there is a strong disinclination nongst theLiberals of the county that that rep. j sentationwhich was won at such great s.u'riliccs shouldnow be forfeited.

Sir JOHN ESMONDE, on hisarnval m town on

Tuesday from the Continent.issued his^adores

which will be found in another coW- Sir

JOHN'S political principles are so well known to

the electors, that he has nothing new to state ;

yet on all the leading questions of the day he is

Lily and out-spoken. The nf*agcment^


Irish affairs in Ireland he is ready to support

an amendment of the Land Laws, llcfo™. of

the Grand Jury system, De™mllwtl0"a1> E«u"

cation, and -.everything, to recommend the ga-

lant gentleman to a thoroughly Liberal const,,

tueniy like Waterford, shall have, hw counte-

nance and hearty support. In 18o2, t«ontj

two rears ago, the hon. gentleman was fir

elected, and since that period ho h" *»¦»$

ways up t. his post, true, and «w»Jhas supported every measure for e benefit ot

IrelandTincluding the Church and land Arts,

and for the improvement of tho latter he is now

"sfSSS fa particularly strong and exp licit infavor of denominational ^^^i^lnomination^ grants. From this q^


'°"which must bo carried before long-he hu neverflinched. Indeed it has ever been the greatwatch-word of all his family, some of whom sul-

fored for Iroland and its faith. n -a ,,\nThe Hon. Baronet also g es in for Home Rule,

tho House of Commons, as ho says, being alreadyoverburdened with public and private business.He advocates the immediate release of the poli-tical prisoners, and does not forgot the reform inthe Grand Jury and l'oor Laws. In short, hirJoiw ESMONDE 'S address meets everything ; and,therefore, in the face of any opposition, wo arcconfident he will head the poll, From theDublin Post of last evening we copy the follow-ing s—

" Sir John Esmondo seeks onco tnoro tho lionnnrof roprosonting in Parliament tho County of Water-ford. As tho inheritor of on honoured namo, thofaithful exponent for a lengthened period of thoCatholio and Liberal principles of the majority ofthe olooton of Waterford, Sir John Esmondo comesagain boforo his old constituents with special claimson their support. Ho la, as is woll known, no p arvcnx i,no carpet-bag adventurer. Ho is, on tbo contrary, onoof those man whom wo particularly need in Ireland.A popular conntry gentlemen, an excellent landlordwho lives among his people, an Irish Catholic ofhigh social standing, who has often proved liis de-votion to faith and country, Sir John ia exactl y thosorb of person to make a trustworthy Irish popularrepresentative His ailbcrenco to the Litera l nndpopular programme, although it has been shown byhis past lifo, is exprcssod in hia address. Wo implorethe Liboral electors of Waterford to banish thospirit of dissenaion from their ranks. Already, it issaid, a scion of a house, renowned for its hereditaryand hitter hostility to Irish popular 1 ights, is in thefiold, aa tho Conservative candidato for Waterfoni .Aro tho glorious victories of '2G and 'GO, which socrippled tho influouco of tho Horosfords, to ho nownudoao by disuoion among tho Liberals of Watorfot d r'1


The Home Rulers arc on the alert about theCounty representation, and at meetings held atLismore and Dungarvan, the victory of Mr. J.O'KEEFE at the latter place having given an im-petus to the movmcut, it was resolved to supportthe candidature of Mr. PKAKSOX LONGUOITOM ,who had previously retired from Dungarvan.In a special telegram from that borough, »elearn " that at an influential and numerously at-tended meeting held last evening in Dungarvan ,the delegation of the Home ilulc League adopt-ed the nomination of Mr. PEAUSOS Lose BOTTOM

as the Home Itule candidato for the Comity ofWaterford, nnd resolved to support him byevery ofl'orb in their power. The victory of Mr.O'KEEITE for the borough, as the Home Kulucandidate has added immensely to the result , in-as much as tho most powerful landlord inlluencein the county has been utterly set aside in viewof his election. Mr. Loxr, BOTTOM was proposedas tho Homo Rule candidate by Mr. M ICHA EL

AttTiiuit ANTH ONY , of, seconded byMr. THOMAS CKOTTY, of Li.smorc, and adoptedunanimously by the meeting. Mr. LONGIIOTT OV

addressed the meeting, as did his proposer nndseconder, Mr. JOHN THOMAS LUTIIKK , ofClonmel ,his conducting agent , ami several local sympa-thisers. He was enthusiasticall y received , andtho meeting dispersed pledging themselves toplump for Mr. LoxciioTTOir." Mr. B I;TT, Q.C.,who is reported defeated in Limerick, is announc-ed as a probablo candidato ; Mr. HOIIKKT IS AIIHO .V,son of the. late P. NKTTKRVII .LE BAKKU .V, solici-tor, of this city, has addressed tlie electors on theprinciples of the people—Home Ktilc , licligiuusEducation, Fixity of Tenure, and an Amnesty,and the defeated of Dungarvan, Air. MA TT H K W .S,Q.C., has announced his intention to contest^tliecounty ; BO that at the eleventh hour, thove is noscarcity of candidates . To morrow will bu ilicday for nomination.

We have, at three o'clock this afLci-uoon, thefollowing telegram from Mr. J. M iii 'ii.v, xucru-tary to the Home Rule League, Dublin .-

" l'loase contradict thu statement mailo in Dublinmorning papers, tbnt tho delegation from tho llumcHulo Loaguo adopted tho candidaturo of Mr. 'thu Leaguo knows nothing of that gentle-man."

THE VICTORY OF DUNUARY 'A NGloriously have the people of Dungarvan

redeemed tho reputation ul their unatini andListoric borough, which was politicall y lostwhen, by landlord coercion and intimidation ,they returned to Parliament an bar-rister, without the slightest interest in theirborough or Ireland, to misrepresent them onthe Tory side of the House, and giving stre-nuous opposition to that measure of Reform—the Ballot—which yesterday enabled the electorsto free themselves from that Torj coercion whichoven then was attempted to bo exercised, withwhat success the result of the election .shows.In Mr. O'K EKJ K , the constituency has securedthe services of an honest and patriotic,with "a local habitation and a name,"' known tothem all personally, living umungst them, andalways rcudy to consult their wants ami theirwishes, whilst on the great -National <|iit.-.-uuii.snow boforo tho country, there will be no moroindependent representative in the House. Weagain congratulate our excellent friends in Dun-garvan on the gallant struggle they have made,and the splendid victory they have achieved ,showing that thoir patriotic spirit , though lor atime crushed, was not dead. The following isthe result of the day's polling :—

(BY BI'ECIAL TELKGUAll).O'Keofo 1S1Mutthows ... ¦ 1 1J

Tivo votes in majority objected to. Great rejoic-ings hero at Sir Nugeut's defeat. His tenants wuromarched in , about 10, with Odell and HumUe, jun.,at thoir head. O'Keeffo, Anthony, aud dpi. Gibbonsspoke after election.

Longbottom addressed electors ; will couicstcounty ou |>uro Homo Rule princi ples.

THE CIT Y ELECTION.Our City Election has resulted in the return ,

by over one hundred majority, of the two •peul y.proclaimed Home Rulers—Mr. II I C I I A H D POWKH ,Pembrokestown, and Major O'CJOHMA N , ol'Spring.field. The number of electors polled was about1,0-10, the unpolled being something over oW, olwhich absentees, " the incorruptible freemen"formed more than one-third. The result is milsurprising in any way but one—namely, therejection of Mr. J AMES D KL.MIU .NTV , who, it wasmost generally believed , would head tho poll ;but ovcr-contidcncc is a dangerous ingredient,particularly where the actions of men can bescreened by the liallot. Mr. D ELAIIUXTY has,for nearly half a. century, been in favor of a Na-tive Parliament, and his usefulness, as a memberfor Waterford, is unquestioned ; therefore, it issurprising to find the Conservative candidatepolled within one of him, whilst tbo Conservativeelectors do not number withiu one hundred olthat score. Of the into of Mr. BERNAL OSHOR.NK ,there has been no doubt for many a day past,and tho only surprise was, that bo over againwas induced to attempt what was so palpably aforlorn hope. It is a matter of great congratu-lation, indeed, that, notwithstanding the diver-sity of opinion which existed about the chancesof the 'dilferent candidates, tho utmost goodfeeling prevailed all tho time, not one single in-cident of an unpleasant nature having occurredduring the wholo contest—the almost lmrmo-nious action evinced throughout being happilyand agreeably illustrated on yesterday, when tboMAYOR of Waterford, who was a well-known ad-herent of one candidate, had the gratification ofentertaining, in his office in City Hall , at a veryexcellent luncheon, all tho candidates, theiragents, magistrates of different ways of think-ing, police officers, and personal friends, most ofthem at varianco in political feeling, biit al l unitedin ono harmonious spirit on this occasion. Wetrust that tho good feeling with which the con-tost waB begun and carried through, will prevailhenceforward, and that at least tho citizcas ofWatcrford will show that they can " iigrco todiifcr" uud live ou friendly terms all ihu time.



gIB I hoped that I had effectually answered in

my previous letters tho numerons misrepresentations

mado and pnblished in Watorford on the subjectdescribed at tho head of this lettor, inasmuch as noperson haa boon found who can reply to uud contro -vert a single paragraph or sentence, oithor in myletter dated 24th December, or any of thosu sub-aequoctly pablisbod. Why ? iiecauao the only imoanswer which could bo given would bo, that what Iatatod was strictly and literall y accurate.

I hoped, that as a calm succeeds a storm, so ivonMaccuracy of atatemont Bucceed inaccuracy in assertion ,and I congratulated myself that tho trouble ofcorrecting erroneous statements—.siateim:nt.s madewithont a particle of foundation—would not aijain hoimposed either on yon or on me. I have, however,boon disappointed, as a shot, ovideutly ca&l in thosamo mould as that of hia coadjutor, 3Ir.Fisher, has como from a quarter from which I ilid notexpect to reemvo it , never having had the pleasure ,I beliore, of exchanging a word or a letter with .Mr,Tarrant, or cvon of seeing him, to my know led sjc.

Jlr. Tarrant has, however, wnlurcl , :is his pre -decessors, allies, and coadjutors, in this matter haredone , to assert as true, that which he could not pos-sibly know anything about. Though Jlr . AldermanJacob, Mr. Edmond l'ower, aud oven their fricml , .Mr.Fisher, have ventured to e.vpiws their opinion imengineering subjects, which thu rosult has showi: thoyworo not acquainted with , I did not suppose- thatMr. Tarrant would have followed their example byaseerting, as correct , that which he had 110 opportunityor power of kiicm-ing. It- '¦", li'iivevt .-r, very sati nfaotory for mo to noto that Jlr. Tavrant, or Mr. 1'urdon ,:IH engineers , have not stipportol Mi: Jacob or .Mr.Power in thoir couduinnulion of Ihu engineering di;-Bign cr details of So. 1.

l/o ha.«, liowovor, followed their example in otherrespects by stating, in si letter which he lias sent totho press, as lollous :—

" The public wi l l , no doubt, learn with some .sur-"prise, that frequentl y made by the"gentleman who has introduced ilio Kchcme known :n"N o. 1, as to tho moral and material support which" ho has recoivi.-d from the flreat Western Company,"are aa illusory as many other statements with which" he in vain sought to warp the jud gments of tho" public bodies o( our eily."

My reply to that assertion if , that 1 >¦. :>•• •,- niadu tin!Statement which '¦.¦¦ ri.-.— i- (>- 1 did , i,r anything tanta-mount to it. My statements have al i br .rn madcj inpublic , either rerual'y, or by l-w.-r , u li/ch amcapablo of reference. Mr. ai-,., i-i .-fer.-i to otherillusory statements made by me, us /'¦¦ . iv .

Though 1 do not profess t'> kr.'m* \vh:u is tho d'-^rcjof weight to which Mr. Tarnint. ami Im ,•> ;..- ,.¦/ --, whosupport project No. -, attach t'j wlwn is accurate andtru e, I consider , and I think tii'j p . i i i l - c w i l l consider,that assertions slmuM nul h<! mail,: which arc u<iicorrect , which are erroneous in al l inaN:ml re.-ipeet.i,and that such assert ions should nr,:. l,i; mode by per-sons who have no personal Ici inw I- .-dau ci the su j.x'.son which thev profess to wrin.- .

Tho assertion now publicl y mail,;. nv,:r the signatureof Mr. Tarrant , is one of more import ancu than appuai •on the surface. I n<;ver sa-'il that I h;ni '• n-'Ci.-ivrd ,"or that any person cunnected wi th project No. 1 hit'l"received moral an -i tmiu.-nu! support rrom thedn.-atWestern Kailway COHI / K I I I V ," or ajivihiiig to thai,effect; but I did wri te and .-¦? .- ,i .,- , l ,v. project -\o. '1,for which Mr. Tarrans. is ri' -p- i i i -nul - . was a project fopurel y .--..•'«-'' in i l .« iniore-ts of t in- Dungarvan Rail-way Company, of certain gentlemen connected withthat company in their oi''/'- '

1 '•'¦!¦' capacity as distin-guished Iro m their public ca pacit y , and of the Urid ^'tCommissioners, whose* suggestiot/ , m;ulr. through :h> .-ii -chairman (Mr. .lac(ib) and .-ol;c:tor (Mr. Ambrosi;),that £(!0,0<M ) should be paid for tin: purchase of thi:irinterest, 1 rep lied to by letter I could n* it advise; amialso, as it would be so destructive of tlie interests oftho Watorford ami Lrr.iiriek Ui ihvay Company a»'lGreat Western Railway < !>nnp:iuy, those compani'-swould necessarily have to oppo-. * , airl , I hnd uodoub: ,would oppose in I'ariiann-n 1., No. 'J Hi l l .

To that, op inion I adli< ..|-< - , an-1 .-::ich ojipo.sitiij n canho effected bv two tnotl '-s , vr/.. : —

1. l!v adopting theC'iur.S ': '•'.¦ i '; .'. - ,- .• / !.) . . ; l>y t h uWaterford Company, of 'luecLl y opposing, whieuthey have done.

2. lly abstaining from oppo- it ioti in the tir.-t Ho:i.;eof Parliament , unt i l it can be ascertained whetherl l i l l No. - wil l Hurviv < : so long as to be introducedinto tho second l lou-e , and if so, oppose in it ,which most probabl y w i l l be tho cntirco whichtho (ireat. Western Company wil l adopt ; bin asI do not represent ih::t company, I cannut , as Inever dill , Fay whut cuitrse they will pur.-nf .i'robably Jlr. Tarrant can tell that which I donot know , anil which 1 never even inquired aboiK .

I ivonlu have thought that, h ivas wit necessary f<< ;Mr. Tarraiit to refer to cliu fact that J(r. I'urJou i*connected with him in so simplo a matter as thu:. < ¦ :designing and constructing a bridge over i!iu I - I V - •:•Suir , CFpec iull y as thn promoter.-1 cf No. I did i. /venture, as the promoters of Nu. 'J did , to pass jn.: _- -ment on t!ie engim-'-ring tietails of iho rival ptojt '"- .As , however , lio h.i.s i!or:<! <.-o, I r.-say he pcrmit' i ' - lto be:u* wining te.stimony not onl y to all he has sn;-labout the < 'ii} » ii r i i . i f experience of Mr. Wdliag;.,:-.I' l l f i l nn , C.l 1^.. bill in l i ' i i i i L ,' so, to ,'¦/ '.'. that 1 eni:-: .i-- rmv own personal iicquaintance , iluring rather mo:' -than twei i fy -fot ir y- .u- - , wit .'i the («ji't of H'atcil" '¦!,its tr'ule aiut it* = nii-rcl i:ints , combineil with the d.i: yrt-siM.-ntial e.vp..-rien<v ol' gentlemen who x-.ii- Imy adrice as to a true bridge, and a butter nwdu ofiiitraimiral ciimniimication, ''•¦ '¦ •in .-,-.; I was " . - • . '. iv,t . .''nocteil with loc;il interfsrs, local p'jlili- .'S, lucal person- ," local properties to hi; Hold , purchased, or improved in•' valu e, the bridge Commissinnersor their shan-lioliiers ," tin- Grand Juries , Corporation , or Harbour Com::.:--'' aioners—in fact , my judgment was ca!c-; '-i '. *"cd not tu be (adopting Mr. Tarram 'i exprrs-i"!:)i; ' warped ,' " wr ri! 1 enabio me to give an opin:t::imore consonant n i l l i wliat l),. .- ir. viin ^ rLij :iiru t :i r -r.r <of Watcrford ai ", t lrm 'he leugthene;l Indian a:: Iother foreign ,.->. ;.erie;;» - <r of Mr. I'urdun couNl b*.' ex-pected to supp ly—that huimate ;itul local knowleil geof Wateriord l!:trbour , of the necessity for nut M :IC :- I -licitig the interests of ilio port , Fiddo wn , the ;¦¦ ¦.

¦rovl j iiUl . : waters , tlie countv of Kiii i '.iiny , ami p. n-tj otiof Wcifor< !,am!oft/ io.-c interests solely connecteil witha free bridge , enabled mi- to avoid the doubi,; un.lfilial error of Jlr. I'urdun—I write on i h e a u t h u r it y ofJlr. Tarrant—by (aceoiding. to lii!l No. -) jiruj iu.-iug,without the leas ', necessity, I "-- bridge.- across :i navi-gable river , wln-rc can lie made to 4o ihu doublepurpose.

Hiivinj ,' t eg a i - l to I lie publication ¦> [ " .Mr. V.- irr:i!::\-iletter , a'.id lh.- d.-iib^at- stateiifi.i Tor which be hasmade; himself ,-. . ,. . .. , . ;,;.., I uoMi i,|t.r | ull l j,,., lh , , |uinv in slating. i l , :i i ;, |j,,nt two mo.-llji :¦-., . 1 ],.- .,.• , )on what. 1 cohMil. -rvd waa very good aulli oritv -tliuiiij liin the absence of persuual knowledge, l' shall notasserl as a fact what I do not know—thai two gen.tlemen proe-eilud from Ireland to tl ll; Cu.a WesternStation at l >i i , ldiiigioii--onu connected with the JJun-garvan Kuilw:,y Company, thu i-ihi-r with ilie Hmlgi:CumiiiiiMii>i>L*r.s--ini] when there, ni.-ulo a stateim-titBimilar Ki that which Mr. Tarrant has !1Cw piiuliclvrepeated. I w:is llskl.( i 1)y a ,|i,.uc t() ,. t,,- thu t;r,.:;tWestern had I made- sm-i. a st ;lu-mu-til andmy repiy was an emp hatic " tu,"—•• .-;„. , . ...,(,-.,,i <: ¦ , -/ said ..- - . , ,¦- .,.- , . :;.. .,¦,( .iu'scoiio-^i,-, ,,, ,. r ,, ;-,

'1j,rtC, 1 ;1'.,,. ."

Mr. 'i'ai-r.nil |,:lli appealed to " it, ,; public" on thisquestion ; tliere/or. *, I < f o so—tl l0 public will now ••¦•. •the. reason why I do—and 1 consider I havo now s.i.lsulheient to .-;, . ¦/. .. _;. . M r. Tarrant , which I do, em-phatically :

1. lo publish l,,\ . ,- ,-.7t-,.c, ,,f thu statement whirhlie represents mo as having made about the(•real W estern Company.

2. To refer iu, and .state distinclly, what o:hp.statement made by me wa_-t " >I!ti-.. n,"

:t. To controvert .¦„;, ,,,,/ c,,v,; ;utt,m,nl ,, r ,. ,.,.tr.idiL- lioii (ol mLirepresunuitions) made i,v in.* .railing wluc '.: I must act , as one gentleman 'is , , .

pcc'-ed to do to another, and re,11UMlt u,.(l M,.. ¦[•¦„ ,, i; , ,will withdraw his loiter, so far a, it, rL.)er, to ,m-. - -I am, your obedient servant ,

London, January III . JJ. KtK.v.u.n v s .

TO T1IK ELrXTOKS OF 1871Now is tin- hour j-upn-me iu our Xatio,, -. H IHIU . r',1 t, ,-¦Y..UM I,,- II,.; f>,k .,„[ y .,UK U,,. [., "

w™ '" V

'l'"-' • ,I,"/!!1 °f 'livU i0US |iaj t ' th ' n rlnp*lh ';^^ "'..'it

l "y {UumiM,.,! of fah, fri.a.l, or I.*., ,,r :1,,,,.. ,,,at hv ^..jUnite yi> hr:lVL- iin.l fait.'iful sons li.t Kri,, ' > • . ¦ .-Mir

^^ .iifa "iu°" iu "- "--' iSririrA


«~p. «i»i« ¦•"- ti.o w,.iKh . wl ,iv], l U i tmh itrUrhj k

the !lll ,B l.i,i, ,,, u hll , n-ll,. r(

, l;,0l ,m :vn,Uuln^Ui


1B Ull! trU1U 1<t "•«»•« -Vr —.UK •»¦!Swcmn« with hope the heart. ,,f th,,,. wU nj Bul , ,„ !Unj,r,|

""irivS? Ci " °f HaiUl :""' br-" will »=uiW .p- J-ur

S»t: Kn^te^l,1" b'-M,.ork rcvivn,,.bn-alcin,;, ¦¦'"• ""¦""nil and dirknw.

So FrueUoni'i him ajnin will ri .. „,. ,- , . •• O-Coiin.ll. "'""'- ""¦¦ ¦¦to, oar juy a-raici-'Ui;.

M* L » 1 ,

SSsS^TKufarWS:averageu i.15 ; two years old went at from £7 to•f lh ' ut


mS"' Ms. to JCG 1U." nuttoo, 9,1.a lb.; heavy pigs scat.CO i at fi03A STRAMI E I. FAI *.—A few -lays ,inco a cat madoan extraordmaiy ,cnp in t . j .' pathless.W a king about on tl, u p|atform nt tll "P

£p of Heui-nald s lower, whi :h stand,, fully sixty fort from theh,!Z•' 8Wat


1 PiKC°" On '**%$l a few feetliighoi . \ atclung I,t.r opportunity aho wrang at thovie im, and caught it in her aouth but did no -.vitblltl T' h i "¦'" 1>ird and •¦"went right over ,coming to iho floj,, below with a great thud. Withb'f f ] 'e k* Bo ' i- i. d, and So »mo offorUwafbron^ I

Ut°, th° >JWar- 8h0 f«' . to«°7cr- ¦""'was bronght m l)y ono of lho sons Cn ,,,,,.

Page 3: DISSOLVED PERUVIAN · 2018. 7. 11. · 'Tine WATKIM'OKD JsKWS i:sr.Mii.isui:i> 1817. (Alilrrm.111 l!i:n>, l'roviric


oriicE—wmmiiAWiMs A IIESIG .HATION —AX AITLI -CATION —WI1IENIX 0 HKKAT OEOHOC's SNtEET—ELKC-TKI.V oy iioi:ori;n CONSTARLE, AC. >Tho Corporation rat at its first quarterly meeting

for the yrar in tbo Couucil Clmmber, City Hall , com-inciicini; at twelvo o'clock , on Tuesday. Present :—Tin- Kiyht Worshipful \V. K. Coxnisa , Mayor, i" the clrair.

AlJtiimu—\v . Jubn^oii , J.I* ., St. tti'ornu r'i\-eui:iti , J.l\ , C.}:clnii>ml, I'.. 1'HWIT. Councillors — K. Cimrtiicay, 0, 1,Jtnckesv , 31.1) ., .1. T. Hyan, .1. llyan, I". Comuiins, H. Gallwy,J.l 1.. .1. K. Scott. .).!'., F. ManaiUK, M. o Mc.ira, It . Walpolc,J. Clamiict t, .1, llcnnnv, W. Mason, J. MCKIRTV. II. Lev, T.B. I'mrMir, .1 .1'., 1'. D. Vv»!»li , J.V., L. Frci.-iii.-Hi, 31. J. Cox, D.Kcogh. li. White, K . Mahony. W. Kelly.

Ciipt. JOIINSO .V 6;iiil a feeling bar) pono abroad thatit would bo well not to liave a council that day, ami,in consequence, eevcr.-il mo"ibers biwl staid away.That boing so, lio would propose that they adjourn toTlinrsil.vr week , or to nny other day bis worshipwould ikvni must convenient.

31r. -MA X M N C ; seconded tho motion.Mr. lb'NM:?sv said no; they wero therenabusiness

men. ami he would movo tliat they go oil with theirpublic duly.

Mr. WA LI -OLE said ho would socoml tho amendment.Tho membors then present divided upon tho

anK'tiilmeuc as follows .*—F™-Messrs. Clompett , Courtcnay, Mason , Walpolo,

Kuopb, 1- Freeman, Galln'Cy, McEuory, O'Mcara,Fisher, and Henncssy—11.

ily aiu f t—Ue.-sr.i. Johnson , lVaisli , Cox, Commins(Mnycr), Manning, Prossor, aud Lea—7.

The amendment was declared carried, and thobusiness proceeded , several other membors nowcatering tlio chamber.

LKillTING T11K TOW .V CTKKk's OFI 'ICE.Mr. Hi XNKSSV adverted to nu order of Iho last

council tor tho lighting of tho Town Clerk's ofiicowith (-'a:!. aC1' S8LI< I u° henrd of a party who wasdc.'irous to tender, but failed in boiug able to seo thocorporate superintendent to olitaia particulars. Whenlie did ses him it \va« to bo told that the contracthad liocu disposed of.

II AVOH —Thero was no contract entered into. ThoFiimnco Committee was not satisfied with tlio tendersFont in, nud did not report ant of them. Tho con-tract would bo disposed of by the council only.

Mr. II V'NNKSSY expressoJ himself Eutiaficd , and thosubject dropped.

wmimiAKixi ; A r.Esir.NATtox.A letter was read from Mr. T. I'holan, Broad-street,

asking to bo allowed to withdraw his previous lotter,resigning his 6eat as councillor for tho SouthWard. Mr. CLAMITTT: IS it requisite to moTO thattho resiijtiulioa be withdrawn ? Tows CIT.UK .- Jfo,for it was never accepted. The council unanimouslyConceded what what was asked by Councillor Phelan.

AX -UT/.ICATIOX.A letter was road from Jlr. It. Ityan, Etiperinton.

dent of woiks , asking au increase of salary on the{•round of iuudequacy of pay, olid recently increasedduties.

Jlr . r'lMini: contended that an application of thatkind should not come to them without duo notice.

'f lu: 7'inv .v CLKKK replied tliat it had been beforethe tiuaucn committee, and thoro was a report fromthat body on the subject.

Tl.o fame Councillor objected that all such mattersshould first cotno before tho council , nud said hohoped this letter would be pit upon tho notico paperfor the noit meeting.

Capt. JI I I INMI N said hi' agreed in the main with tholast speaker, and would proposu the questionbo now referred to tho committee, and be reportedon to the next council.

AM. Si. U. FUKKSIAN Raid it was tho bounderduty nl tho finance commit let', elenrlv settled bvlong established custom, to lako nil such* questions aethe pn-si'iit into confident!ion , and report on them.Custom linil clearly dfliuvd that us their duty, nudcustom was often stro nger than law. Tlio prcsontwas H question of finance , and tho commiiteo wasquito in the right attending to it , n<> they wero boundto consider all correspondence brought under theirnotice.

Mr. G.u.lMty concurred in tho objection raised ofa roinmiitco taking tho initiative in any matter.Their d:>ing BO, had the effect of taking tho Conncilby vurprisi! , and that never should bo tho case.

dipt. J DUNSU N paid ho thoug ht fending it now tothe committco to report on would meet all ob.jersiuns, and he would more that that courso bofollowed.

'1 he originator of tho discussion Baid ho wouldiecon'1 the motion of tho Street Committco, to whomit would be referred, would be directed to report onLhe alleged increase in Mr. ltynu's duties.

Mr. M A N N I N G naid if Captain Johnson was for aniacrcafr; in Mr. Uynn's salary, tho best thing he conldtin wuuld be, to give a notico of motion for nextConncil to pass it.

Dr. Scott said that, from his experience in thochair, he found 1 he usual practice in cases like thopresent to be, to refer tbo matter to a committco'-¦-• .\uiild report on it, and on that report thoCouncil would act . Tho motion of Captain Johnsonwas quite in accordance with precedent. As to Jlr.Uyan 's duties having increased, hi; (Ur. £.,) was awarothai whilst iluriug the year lie (iJr . .S.) was mayor,.Mr. l'._\r.u eipeii-.led il- 1 a week in wages, his outlayVOK »i C3I weekl y (hear, hcu).

Mr. (.'I.A M I K H said tl.e practice in such cases at thoiJ'jar-l ..f Cuardiatis was to jjivo a notice of motion.At li. '' la-t iiiOL-tiu ^ of the Council they took £50 a.y< ;.r I'rom Mr. Tnrraui , a most excellent oUicer, andit wuuld certainly look far from well , to go, almostimmediately and give an increase to Mr. Ityau who ,L<: wuuld say with all respect , wua not Mr. Tarraut'sprole.-iii.nal equal. If custom was above law, as waslaid down by Alderman Freeman, then tho sooner abad cimom was put an end to the better.

dipt. J OHNSON replied , consenting to clmngo hiiproposition to a notico of ujotion, instead of sendingit Id tin; Street Committee to report on.

Mr. Kimiiii—Will not that course be a very roundJit'jut one ? You 'll di.-cusi it ni tho Council ; you'i;th'.n semi it to u committee, and it will havo theu tccome up before another meeting.

M AKI U— Captain Johnson, us tho mover, liuj re-plied, M A I cannot hear knyonc now. Mr. K KOU IIwan persisting, when tho JUyoit said lie would appealto Mr. Krog h, himael f, if ho could then be beard uponthusubject ?

Mr.—If you rnlo I'm out of order, Mr.Mayor, of course I'll Bit down , but I must say X feelit strange that whilst yon allowed Captain Johnsonto Hjieak three liines upou this subject, you close mjinuuih when I commence to Kay a few words upon it ,ami that (or the lirst time. J must not he put down(hea r, hear, and a little confusion).

M A I O U (emphaticall y)—1 did not put you down ,ami 1 will not Imvu such word s applied to me. Iappealed to youi>.cl! in say wlieliier I could hearyou or not , the mover having replied, aii'l 1 now11:11 you 1 will keep strictl y to the rule, aud nut hearbnrone after tho r jil y.

Finall y, after Mr. Henncssy aud cither membersh:.*! r.aid a few wonls , it was agreed to bring up thosubject , upon a noiiee ol motion , at the next Council.

\V11>LNIM. l.KKA l (iKOUtik'.S STllKKr.A communication was read from iho Lords of the

Treasury , sanctioning the Corporation raising Kll .lXX)fur thr wiileui uL* of (Jeorgo'.s.streel, repayable inthi'ty years , £5 "<la-yeario i,o allocntn 1 as a sinkingfund towurds clearing oti' the liubilitie s ofthc Cor-po:utioit.

.Mr. II I:N.VKKSV fiiid tho proposed work had hinbeanivr.t concurrent? -, but hi: would like to whene<: the ii '> Wi a-yc-;u: wan to conto ?||l) r. .S- o[T— I will move that wo appoint a com-mittee to consider bow we ci»u carry out thu terms oflUt letter.

/Id I!.-i<sio •!> st-cotiiled the motion.i'r. K I S I I K I : Kuid that they wero now spending

£T j a.year over tlair income, aud bo did not acehow \\\f .y were to do the work.

M.wuit—WlmlCTcr you do, the Treasury will insiBton tl.e sinking fund of i.'5OO a-year.

Aid. Km liuxu—It is a strange thing, iudeed, if thoCorporation can't borrow i'li.tXJO to do a great publicwork , w hile, at the KAIUC time, it is proposed to us togel a bill t0 luiso JSliiU.OOU to construct a free bridge(hear, hear) ,

Ur. Sum's motion was here put and agreed to.The comuiittcu was htruck as follows:—Dr. Scott ,Aid. KMlmond, Aid. Jacob.Meisrs. Gallwoy, Clampott ,Henuessy, Wal pole, McKneir y und Fisher.

CITV AXiMsr.Tho TO W N C L K K K next rend tliu sanction or tho

Lord Lieutenant to the ajH/ioiiitment of Dr. Cameron,as city nuol yat , ou the terms specified at tho lateCouncil. THK I'KKK 11K1|,(,|, A N I ) TUAMWAY.S.

A communication was nuii from Mr. Thomaj F.Straiigf, Law Adviser , stating answers by the par-liamentary agents, Messrs. Holmes and Co., to queriessubmitted ou Tramways1 Ui||s. Messrs. Holmeseuc-gested a petition , "out and out" by tho C'orpo.mien against ISill No. ], nn,i a foim a| petiticmagainst Hill So 2, for tho purposo of getting amendodelaute.i inserted therein.• Mr. FISHER moved , and Mr. H EXXESSY secondedbim, that this communicu'.ion be refcrrod to tho FreaBridgo Committco.

Aid. HEDMO ND said ho was sorry to find the Cor-poration entering into such an outlay ugainst bill No.1, the only ono of tho two calculated to be of benefitto thu public. H could not bo donied that, No. 2ncherno went solely for a railway bridge, ono whichwonhl not bo of any advantage, whatever, to thoDit izens. _ . . .

Mr. H ALL W KI —This is a moi-i importan t resolutionami it is essent ially ncccH&nry that any i csolutiorapproving of thia connc should bo put oaivfully iutcwriting (hear, hear).

Aid. KEDMOSI)—Wo aro going into an expenseand we caonot say w wl ">< !t will amount , allto oppose a really good project. Wo aro going to dcro foi a bill (No- -) wllich "ill not be of nnj useeither to the citiicr.H of Walcrfoitl or to iho rate-payers of iho county Kilkenny.

Tho communication was referred to tho FreeBridge Committee.

coKr onA '. •: I.ETIIX I ;.B-V letter was next nad ,n,ni the Law Adviser, rela-tive to some corpoi-ate let I ings in Qutvii-itrccit to Jlr. 1'. Hrowro, tow a bankrupt1'he Law Adviser recommonded the rescinding of theleuiii" to Mr ifrowuo, as hi> not in possession.

*r°FisHi;K and Aid. K. 1'OWKK >vero against allow.

ing miy portion of tho corporation property fall into but two had not complied with tho board's rosolntiontho bauds of Mr. Urowno'a assignees, and thus bodevoted to the iutorcsts of bis creditors, to the lossof tho public. Dr. Scorr and Jlr. CLAMPMT, on thocontrary, held that, having ontored into an arrange-ment with Mr. Browne, thoy wero bound iu honor andin justico to carry it out (hear, hp,a?).

Aid. IIEUMOND said ho »groed,"tffthis yiow, andadded that Mr. Browno could 'hold them to theiragreement (boar, hoar).

Sir. KEOOH—llr. Browno has a loiter of lease fromthe corporation, and by registering that letter ho caucompel us to complete tho agroomont (hear, hear).

Tho letter of tho Law AdviBer was marked " road."A REStUXATIOX.

Tho Financo Committop reported Iho resignationof Borough-Constable David Culliuaoo.

Ths M AYOR staled he had on two or thrco occasionsdirected Constable Callinano to appear in uniformwhon discharging bis duties, lio neglected to do so,and, thereupon, ho told him ho could retire. Ho thenresigned froir tho 25th of January. Approved.

THE LATE HIGH C0NSTA1ILK.Tho aamo committeo recommended the giving of n

gratuity of £70 to tho widow of tho lato Uigh-con-Btablo I'allas, being a half-year's salary, the remainderto clear off somo ront duo on hia residence, Lady,laue. Agreed to.

ELECTION' Of HOltoUGll CO.VSTAULE.Tho same, committco lorwavd ed names of eligiblu

candidates for tbo vacant ofiico of Borough-Constable,consequent on tho promotion of Mr. It. l'holan to thopost of Thoy wero — Mossrs.James Jlahony, jun., John Harrison, Barrack-street ;aud William Grant, Bank-laue, tho latter iu publiobusiness. Tho Town Clerk also read an applicatioufrom William Lucas, aged 27, a porter in tho employ-ment of Messrs. Jiurphy, SuttoD, und Quin, grocers,&c., Quay, and formerly a porter in the LunaticAsylum. As Mr. Lucas bad not gone boforo thoFinauco Committco, ho was now put out of competetiou.

A brief discussion was bad upon an assertion madeby Mr. Fisher, that thero wero threo vacancies, thopresent, one, that of Constablo Cullinano, and thothird that of the late llcnry Sepby.

Aid. FREEMAN donied the accuracy of tho state,meut, aud said such was not tho case.

MAYOR—Besides, wo haro a resolution declaringthat Sophy's position is not to bo filled , and thatresolution should bo rescinded in tbo firBt plaoo. Mr.II EXXESSV : I havo a motion to that offeot, 3Ir,MAYOR , on tbo notico paper.

MAYOR—Wo must, in order, fill up thiBono vacancyfirst. Mr. K EOGII : That is our proper courso.

Tho Council then divided on tho threo candidatesroconmeuded by tho Financo Committee na follows:

For Alalumy—Johnson, St. Gcorgo Freeman, Mason,Walpole, Mackesy, Keogh, Walsh, Comuiins (Mayor),White, Kodmond—10.

For Harrison—Loughlin Frcemau, Kelly, Gallwcy,McEucry, Mahony, O'Meara, K. Power, Fisher,ltcunessy, Lee—10.

For Grant —Clampett, Courtcnay, P. Commius,Mnnnimj, liynn—5.

Tho other members bail previously loft. Tho votesboiug equal between tho two highest, they wentagain to tho poll, Mr. Grant being tbrowu out. Tbovoting was—

For ilahoxy —Johnson, St. Goorgo Freeman, Clam-pett, Courtenay, Mason, Walpole, Maokesy, Keogh,Walsh, Commius (Mayor), 1'. Commins, ManniDg,White , Redmond—11.

Fnr Harrison —L. Freeman, W. Kelly, Gallwcy,McEnery, Mahony, O'Meara, Power, Fisher, liyan,Hcnticssy, Lee—11.

Mr. Mahony was declared duly olectcd.Mr. K EOUII notified that at tho next Council ho

would movo tbo appointment of two additional oon-stables. COXSTAULES' UNIFORMS .

Ou motion of Aid. H EDMOND , seconded by Mr.Ktonii , it was agreed to empower tho Financo Com-mittee to obtain tho year's uniforms for tho con-stables, iu the usual way, prior to the approaohingSpring Assizes.

The sitting theu ended.

BOARD OF GUAKDIANS— WEDXESDAT.Aid. T. W. J ACOD, J.P., V.C., and subsequently Sir R.

J.I 'ACL, Bart., chairman of tho union, in tbo obair.Also present—-Mcssr6. G. Meado, J. Loamy, C.

Rogers, J.P., Aid. C. Redmond, J. L. Conn, W. Kelly,J. Clampett , D. Keogb, J. W. Condoll, M. O'Shoa, and(towards tlio close), Capt. Power, D.V.C.

KILMEAUE.V DILI'ENSABY.At twelvo o'clock on Friday, (as now reported to

tho board), a special meeting of tho Kilmcadoadispensary committeo "was held at tho dispensaryJioaso, Kilmcaden, Rev. J. BURKE, roctor, iu thochair, to elect a medical officer for tho district, inroom of tho greatly respected Dr. Thomas DolUnzy,who had resigned lor an appointment iu England.

The following members wero present:—Rov. JohnM'Ci rath, V.V., Ballyduff and Portlaw ; R. T. Carow,D.L., Itallinatnoua Park j. John Norwood, John Murphy,James Gofl", Nicholas Kirby, John Uovedon, MichaelDooloy, David Ilickoy, David Hearn, James Gabao,Richard Gamble, bon. sec.

Mr. G.OIIU.J;, lion. Sec, road tho advertisementcalling tho meeting, and staled that bo bad receivedcopies of testimonials from two doctors ouly—from odoctor in England, and from Dr. John JosephIteclmoml, of Waterford. Ho wrote to tho doctoiin Englaud, stating that bo would not adviso him tocomo over, as a local medicul gentleman was likolyto bo elected. IIo (Mr. Gamble), then producedprinted copies of Dr. Redmond's testimonials, andasked would bo read them, atatiug, also, that be hadtho originals by bitn ?

Rov. Jonx M'GRAT HJ P.P., Baid he thought it un.necessary, as they had all read und approved of them.Tho committeo agreed with tho reverend gontloman,tho testimonials wero from somo of tho firrt medicalmen in Ireland.

Mr. CAII EIV, D.L., then proposed Dr. John- J. Red.mond, (the only candidate present), whioh was se-conded by Itev. John M'Grath, P.P.

Tho CHAIRMAN - put the motion, which was carriedunanimously.

Dr. R EDMOND was theu called before tho committee,when the Chairman, said ho had great pleasuro inannouncing his return as medical oflicor lor the district.

Dr. R EDMOXD expressed his siacero thanks to thechairman aud committee geuoral ly, for tho nuusuallykind way in which ho had been received since hecommenced his canvass, also for bis unanimous elec-tion , lio hojied to ho ablo to givo them satisfactioniu the discharge of his duties.

Tho following well-dcsetveil resolution was thenadopted :—Moved by Mr. Nicholas Kirby, and so-conded by 3Ir. Jobd Hovondon, and " Resolved .- Thatiho warm and siuccro thanks of this committee arcjustly duo and hereby given, to Dr. Thomas DoRinzy,for the professional talent , zeal , humanity, and inde-fatigable attention with which ho has discharged theduties of medical officer of tho Kilmoadon dispensarydistrict. Tho committee cannot separate withoutexpressing the high senso thoy entertain of tho abi.lity aud zeal with which Dr. Thomas VcRiazy hasdischarged tbo medical duties of tbo dispensary Bincohia appointment, aud which is strongly proved bythe gratitude, aud thanks of his pationts and theirfriends, so uniformly evinced towards him." Passedunanimously. Dr. DeRin/.y having expressed hissincere thanks, the committeo separated.

Mr. Cl.A>ii'trr said that that resolution was verycreditable to Dr. Deltonzy, and ho trnsted that Dr.Hedmoud, bis successor, would givo equal satis-faction. J'o was happy w hear ol' tbo olection ofDr. Jtcduioud.

Mr. Cox.v said he wag oxtrcmoly gratified at find-iHg a local man elected to fill this position. Dr.Kedmoud was, ho had no doubt , tbo worthy scion ofa worthy stock, anil ho (Mr. Conn) felt ovoryasBUrauco bo would givo fall satisfaction. Thisyoung gentleman was thcBon of an old and rospectedguardian, (AW. Kedruoud,) and ho siuccrely desirodto congratulate the father upon his sou's SUCCCEB(hear, hoar) .

Sir KouEur PAUL, Alderman JACOII , and tho boardgeuorally, joined in tlicsa congratulations.

Aid. HKUMOXI I returned his warmest thanks to Mr.Clampett, ilr. Conn, tho chairman , aud other guar.dians for their kind expressions, and sincerelyhoped to find them justified by his son's attention tohisdutiCH . SAXITARY KEV0RT8.

Tho following wero read:—Mr. J AMES 1'OHER , K.O., Woodstowu, reported i

Sanitary state of district satisfactory ; uo complaints ;attends every Friday at Ballnikiua dispensary, unlessengaged urgently -, no small pox or fevor ; two casesof scarlatina of a li ght typo, among children ; houseslimowasbed and disinfected ; has paid overy attcutionto vaccination ; tbo defaulters Dr. O'Loary reportedhave compliotl with tbo Act ; no defaulters up toJanuary 31, Ib74.

ilr. J OHN- MACKEV , S.O., Ullid, reported :—Did notfind it necessary to roport. to tho board, iindiug allcases wero abated on verbal notico ; attonds daily atUllid dispensary, and on tho first Thursday o!tho month at Kathkicran ; one case of scarletfever; uo small pox ; limowashing ond disinfoctpitsoxtensivcly used wherever found necessary ; novaccination defaulters ; continues to impress ou allpersons responsible, regarding their children.

Mr. D. Carroll, R.O., Kilmacevogue, reported :Finding verbal notico sufficient, no written noticewas necessary ; attends each Friday at Mullinavat,first Tuesday at Slioverac, aud first Thursday atOloumoro ; Uvo ca8CB of 6carlatina ; limowashing waacarried out, and general supervision exercised ovurtho nauitary condition of tho district. Two vacci-nation defaulters ; coftiuuea to imprcaa upon re-sponsible parties their liability regarding vaccination;there aro tivo children at iiurae, four of whom ap.pear healthy, clean, and attond Echool ; tho liftb ,ifonora Cunningham, hafl been recommendod to bosent to tho seasido in medical officer's report of .'JUthDecember last, (sent to board at my rcqnost). Thomedical ollicer requests mo to state, that ho againstrongly recommends her removal to tho seaside.

Mr. F. M'Sweenoy, S.O., Tramoro and Kilineaden,reported : J.'o easos reported ; attends at Tramoroon Tuesdays, and Kilmeaden, ou Saturdays; bothdistricts very free from scarlatina, or other infectiousliseasu, duriug tbo past month ; attends to vuceinatio'j.

lNIOaUAL TI.YDi-'IiS.'1 ho board next proceeded to consider tenders for

tul, The Clerk reported three tendon rtoeiTod,

in such cases, to tho effect that all those tendonshould bo sent through tho post. Tho third bad doneEO, bnt tbo board Would bo good CDOngh to romemborthat another condition in thoso cases was, that thetenders should bo upon forms to bo obtained fromtho clork.

Mr. LEAJ IV said ho would bo in favonr of givingIbo contract to tho man, whoever ho might bo, whohad sent in his tender by post, for that was s coursoof which ho highly approved. IIo would, however,decidedly object to confining parties to Bonding intheir tenders upon special formi.

Jlossrs. CLAJirtrr and O'SHBA concurred in Ihoobjection by Mr. Leamy, to sending in tenders upona particular form, and said that such a coarse wouldbo a hindrance to competition. The latter guardiansaid tbat tho calling f oe tenders upon particularforms was a recent chaogo in their mode of proceduro.

The CLCHK said such was not tho case. He foundthoso forms in tbo office whou ho nu appointed, anddid not bclievo tboy would haro been thoro exceptfor somo good reason. Mr. llackey hero producod anumber of those forms.

Aid. REDMOND and Mr. CONN gave thoir opinion infavonr of tho utility of tho forms, and said thoyought to adboro to their resolution in gsneral, Aid.Redmond observing that in this case, as an eicoptioD,they ought, perhapSjConsider tho tenders boforo thorn.

Tho CHAIK MA .V opened No. 3 tender, and, withoutdisolosing tbo namo, showed it was written uponplain blao, and was, theroforo, informal also.

Mr. O'SIIEA showed, that in a poster of last Sept.,tho words were, "and forms of tondors may be ob-tained at tbo clerk's ofiico."

CLERK —Tho intention was, that thoy should boobtained at tho clerk's offico, and that is why thewords now aro "Wuat bo obtained."

Aftor a lengthened conversation , it was deoidudto adjourn tho consideration of the lo ndois, on theground of informality, and to advertise again.

TEA COMPLAINED OT.Mr. KKOcn informed Iho mooting that, at tho re-

quest of tho master, and acting nnder authority fromtbo board, ho had tested a chest of tea sent to thehonso by tho contractors, the Messrs. Ryan andPhelan. IIo camo to tho conolusion, and the mastocagreed with him, that tho tea was unequal to sample,but, not wishing to act on hia own judgment alono,ho sent a portion of tbo saaiplo markod S, and of thebulk marked B, to two gentlemen in tho trade, betterjud ges, ho beliorcd, than ho was of teas. One wroteto him to say that thero was a difforonee of from six.penco to eight.ponoo botwocn them, tho odds beingin favor of tho sample-, and tho other wrote, sayingtbo difference was botwocn £vo*ponce and six.poncein the ponnd weight, in fact, that tho two parcelswero not comparable at all. Tho contractors werewritten to to withdraw this chest of tea, whiolithey did, and sent up another iu its stead. Thatsecond cboEt bo nlso teBted at tbo request of tbomaster, and ho sent portions of it to tho otbor gou-tlcmen who bad joined him iu the former inspection,Although it was bettor tea tbaa that in tbo first chest,it waB found to bo inferior to sample, and bo hadno donbt, at all , but that thoro was a difference offour-penco in tho lb. between it and tho sample undorwhich the contraot was takes.

Tho CLKRK read tho lettor from Iho contractors ,stating tho supply was quite equal to tho samplo, andthat they could prove it.

It WSB finally resolved, on motion of Mr. Co.v.v, tocall upon the contractors to romovo this second cbost,and to supply tea equal to samplo; to apprise themif they did not do BO, it would be purchased else-where at their riik. Tho board then separated.

STATK OK THS HOCSE.—Remaining ou Saturday, January 21,OW; admitted during tbo week, 70 j born, 1; totnJ , 1,018 ; dis-charged, C7; died, 4; remaining January Jl , 907 . cost ofprowious uml necessaries received, £163 ) I K. I«J. ; consumed,£164 11». lOd. ; general weekly uTcruffc cost of an inmate,3i. '1\&; infirmary, Us. Bid. ; Icror hospital , Us. <id.; hoapitanuncs, 33. lid.; servants, &. lid.; dimng-lmll, 2a Sd.; So.on out-door relief, 1,063; tattyoar, 1,179 ; cost during week,BtS Gs. tld. ; coat corresponding week list year. £45 06. 3d. :balance- to credit, «,517 & 5d.

J ' *w ' ''


THE NOMINATION.Tho nomination took placo on Monday at tbo Court-

honso, betivcon twolvo and two o'clock. The HighSheriff, Joseph Dobbyn, Esq., presided, assisted byhis deputy, P. J\ Hanrnban, Esq. Tho building wasin chargo of a number of police, bat tliero was littloor 00 excitement, and bnt fow of tho pnblic worepresent. At two o'clock tho following nominationswero posted .—

James Delahunty, liunk Placo, by Alderman W. K,Commins, Mayor, seconded by Capt. W. Johnson, J.P.

Ralph Osborno, by Mr. John Slattery, J.P., so.conded by Dr. J. I'. Scott, J.P.

Parcoll O'Oorman, by Mr. W. Kelly, T.C., Oeorgo'sstreet, seconded by Mr. John Fowler, Nowtown.

ltichard Power, by Mr. Laurence, A, Ryan, Qucon.trect, seconded by llr. P. Kinahan, (Lawler and

BEin&ban), Patrick-street.Edward Gibson, Q.C., by Sir R. J. Paul, Bart.,

seconded by Mr. A. Denny, J.P., Queen-street.


TORS—ABE EL00.UEMLT SUPPORTED Br ME I . LKAMVJUN., MB. T. W. CONDON, AND JIK. T. T. STKANGE, Sots!On Wednesday ovonicg, an immonso assemblage

of citizens—olectors, nou.oleotors, their wires andchildron—assembled in front of tho Committeo Rooms,Mall, of Major 0'Gorman and Mr. R. Power, to hearaddresses from tho candidates, and those of theirfrionds who Would favor them witli speeches touch,ing tho election, aud tbo chances of success possessedby thoso two caudidatos, who go (ally iciontificiithemselves with tho National programmo, so pro.minontly before tbo country during (he prosout con.test. Tho assemblago let no topic pass, which theyfelt to stir their patriotic feolings, that they did notwarmly cheer, bnt,whilst doing so, their conduct wasmost orderly, not u single- roprchonsiblc act was at.tempted, and tho strong polico patrol which hodobargo of that portion of tbo city, had nothing clsuto do but, when they had gouo from tho corner ofColbeck-stroot to tho qnay, to march back ugain,and that they did iu the most admirablo ordor, en.veloped iu thoir grc&l coats, and arraod ca.p-a.pic.A similar body had chargo of tho Parade,but they wero loss fortunato for, whilst thoycould bear tho cheering, tboy woro debarred th»solaco of hearing any ouo of tho spoakers. Self,denial ia, however, ono of tho chief essentials of policolife , and that quality thoso mon most stoically dis.played. Soon uftor eight o'clock,

Mr. RiCHAftDPowEn ,rcnibrokosiowu,appoaied upontho balcony amid groat cbooring, again and againrenowed. On tho restoration of silence, tho youthfu lcandidate laid thoy had now a most suriouu duty todischargo, ono involving their charactor as genuinesons of old Ireland, Boforo twenty four hours hadpassed over their heads, tho mon of Waterford citywould havo docidod, by thoir votos, whether thoywould continao to havo over them.and their country,tho rulo of England, Or whether they would havetheir own nativo parliament in Collego Greeu (cheersand cries of " Home Rule"). Tho proscut promisedto bo one of tho most extraordinary, and ono of tbomoBt exciting elections over, perhaps, held in thocity of Waterford. At tbo start thoy had no lessthan twolvo candidates—indood bo boliovod, thoyhad tho baker's dozen (laughtor)—and now tbonumbor bad dwindled down to five. Of thoso can.didates bis gallant colloaguo and himsolf wero theonly two who wero not afraid to como before thoconstituency iu porsou, and addross them upon thogreat topics of Iho day, topics in which, as Irishmon,thoy wero all BO deeply concerned (hear, hoar). Itwould be really ridiculous to inqutro into the claimsof his opponents in tbo present struggle One manwalked about tho city by himself—ho had no friends-moping about with drooping head, and droopingspirit (laughter). Another kopt showing, as it woro,some confidence) in his chances, bat thoy might beliovohim (Mr. P.) when ho assured thorn that the aamogentleman Came from Dublin but to seo a few of theantiqnitios of their anciont city, and return, bearingwith him a quantity of that useful , ornamontal in.formation (laughtor) . Of thoir friond down below onthe quay, it was not necessary f or him to say any-thing to them alxmt that gentleman (renewedlaughter). His chances woro so small, it wa« notreally worth whilo troubling them, by stopping toconsider them (hear, hoar). They hoard a good dealabout tho gontleman, but thoy saw very littlo of himamongst them (hoar, hear). One thiug ho (Mr. P.)would promiso his friends, and that was, no matterwho would tote for bim (Mr. P.) ho would not pledgehimself to make a Jaw P. of him (laughter), andanother thing ho wonld toll them that, as he was abacholor, if ho over had tbo luok to marry a duchessho (Mr. P.) would not ask any of thorn to douoo atbis wedding (groat langhtor, and orioe of " whatabout tho stockings" ?). A great many things hadbeen said of bim (Mr. P.) by his opponents, whioh hodid not think it worth hia whiio to pay any attentionto, bat thero were two charges brought against himwhich he conld not paas over (boar, heir) . One was,that ho could uot addrosa tho people of the city ofWaterford without baring notes from which to speak.Now bo had beard a good many vory cxcollcntspoakers, and many of them, ho was aware, had notesof what tboy said to their audience (hear, hear). IIoknew that bis friend Mr. Delahunty, was not in favorof small notes (laughter), but ho was equal ly awaro,that others had no objeotion to a fow of thorn (hoar,hour, aud laughter). Another churgo madu againsthim was, ho wa3 too young (oh!) Woll , bo did notthiuk that being young was any fault npou bis side(bear, bear). IIo waa vory glad ho waa not bornfifty years ago, but they would boliovo him, whon hotold them that youth wai a fault which timo wouldccrtniuly correct (bear, hear, and laughter). DivinoProvidenoo may huro given leugtb of years lo some,to afford an opportuuity of forgeltiug, of wipingawuy tbo vices and tho foIlieB of early days;but ho did not seo how boiog young could bohold as a fault iu any man (bear, hear, and cheers).IIo had been tormed a young enthusiast. What ashame ! With tbo blessing of God ho did plead guiltyto being n young ontbusiast in tho canso of hiscountry (cheers, and cries of " bravo"). Enthusiasmwas a noble qnality, and ono whioh felt onlyby him who had tho good of a causa truly ut heart(boar, hoar). He fnUy admitted that he k»4 taken

up this great cause with aU the enthusiasm of hianaturo (hear, hoar). Let him be a fanatio, eren,rather than be regarded as a lukewarm patriot (hear,hear). Fanaticism had many friends, whilst tholukewarm patriot was beBBt, and deservedly beset,with the distrusts of some; tbo suspioions of many,and possessed tbe confidence of nono (hear, hear, andcheors). Aye, and as an Irishman, he waa proud toBOO that that enthusiasm waa not confined to himself ;that enthusiasm was spreading, it bad spread, rapidlythrough tbo oity, an enthusiasm which could only bejustly mot by a concession of what th»y so fairly <3e.manded for their oountry (ohears). Adrortin? to thoattacks made by tho Times newspaper mpon Ireland,iu charging that Bho was nover a nation, Mr. Pofrorforcibly asked, who was it, or what were the meam,which formed tho ground-work of such a charge ?Could they not direotly make the charge against thesystem of government undor whioh they labored, andwas it not to remove that system that they werestruggling at that vory moment (hear, hear) ? Irijh-in-11 woro now joining heartily in one common causelor their country's good. A great deal of that narrow-minded bigotry, formerly and for BO long, a onrse tothoir land, was happily passing away for ever (bear),hoar). Irishmen did not now make the distinction ofProtestant and of Catholio, but they joined heartilyand resolutely, as Irishmen, in ono common oause forthoir country's good (hear, hoar, and cheers). Theymast do their part manfully, and they must not leaveto poaterity any cause to ctnsure their effortB (bear,hear). They must show that thoy never forgot theirclaims to rank as a cation before tho world, and thoymust alsa show that seven hundred years of persecu-tion had failed to mako thorn slaves; that it had notblotted out the spirit of liborty, but that it had fannedit into an undying flame, glorious to sea—a flamo toovontnate in the regeneration of thoir Common oountry(great cheering). Those nore a few of the reasonswhich, amongst many others, mode him identify him-self with tbo cause of his ooautry, and to proclaimtho proBent struggle aB a protest of his oountrjmonagainst tbo Saxon laws of England, as administeredhero ; as a protest of Ireland for the Irish, aud theIrish for Ireland (great and prolonged cheering)The Pall Mall Gazette , with all tho proof of bigottodhostility abost it, reiterated tho charge that Irelandnover waB a natiou (ob, oh). His answer waa, onethat could not be disproved, Ireland waa a nation,oivilized and highly educated, whon England woiBunk in barbarism, tho only knowledge possessed bjher psoplo being that of knswing how to adorn theunaked bodies with tho figures of beasts and fisboa(hear, hsar, choors and laughter). In oonoluaion hewould say to them, one and all, let them do theitduty manfully, oarnoslly and well in this presentBtrngglo; lob them remember that the oauBe of theiioountry was at stako; lot, them not forget that theeyes of tho world were now upon them ; let tbomremember all this ; lot them do this, and th»n thoymight «BI assured tbo day was not distant whonIreland must, and would oriso in her glory to baskfor over in tho sunshino of Liberty (immenBe cheer-ing, amid which tho oloquont gontloman retired fromtho balcony).

Major O'GOKMA.N than camo forward, aud was verywarmly received. On tho restoration of Bilonoo thogallant geutlomau apologised for not being ablo losay much lo tho groat meeting he bad the pleasureof seeing before him, as he was Buffering from t, -verysevere hoarseness (tho gallant Major showed nnmii-takoablo signs of hoarseness). In pressing on thoelectors U bo as early as poSBiblo at the poll the nextmorning, which oponed at eight o'clock, and returntwo Home Kulors at tho close, whioh occurred atfivo in tho ovoning, Major 0'Gorman said they ahouldgut rid in Watorford of all else but Homo Rulers,and banish tboso conneotcd with parliamentarypolitics (hear, hear). Only two conld bo roturnodfor tho city, and they wonld bo bad men, indeed, ifthey would not scad in two Homo Rulers (hear, hear,and crioB of "We will"). Hero the gallant gentle-man said emphatically—My friends, you do notknow how favored yon aro jnst now (hear, hear).What aro yon going to do to-morrow ? Mind yon,yon aro not called on by conscmt of tho BritishParliament to do it. Oh! no, but you are commandedby tho British Parliament to do it. Now I will Bayit throo or four timos over, for it is most importantfor yon, most important for us all. What aro yougoing to do to.morrow ? You are to do it, too, bytho command of tho British Parliament, and, underthat command, you aro going to-morrow, you Irish-mon, to make tbo sign; of the Cross (this allusion totho filling of tho voting paper under tho Ballotoreatod mnch laughter) . You aro now going to do,by command, mind you, what for tho lait throohnndred years you daro not attempt (hear, hoar). Ifany ono at the timo of the Reformation waB toldthat inch a thing would be oommauded by thoBritish Parliament to bo dono in Ireland, who wouldbolievo bim (bear, hoar) ? Not one. Speaking con.fiilentl y of the success of his colleague and himsolf,Major 0'Gorman said that the hearty promises whiohthey recoived from the electors whom thoy canvassed,and tbe cordial support they bestowed by thewomen, put anything 'like defeat wholly ont of theirheads (hear, hsar). A great deal, however, dapendedupon tho eleotors themselves, and be sincerely trustedthey would be BJ oarly as possible at the poll, for indoing BO they would be going a great way towardssecuring that success which they ail BO much dsBired(hear, hear). Thoy might depend upon it, therewero many other Constituencies looking to Water-ford City for an example. Bandon borough wasalready won for Ireland. Bandon borough—on whosegates onoe woro writton tho words,

"Turk, Jow, or Atheiit may enter here,But not a FapUt."

(hoar, hoar, and laughter), Doan Swift , whom thoyall knew was a Tory witty man, when ho saw thoselinos, wroto underneath thorn—

" Whotter wrote this hs wrote it wtll,For the lanin ii written ovor the gates of hell."

(roars of laughter.) Kinsale also had returned a HomeRulor. aud why should'nt Waterford return two HomeBuloi-s. An old Wood and relative of his was at thatmoment contesting Ennis in tho same interest. Thatrclutivo was the man who, in 1828, forced 0'Connellto como down and contest Clara, whero he beat oneof tho must popular mon in that county,who had longrcpresontod it in Parliament, Mr. Voaey Fitzgerald,sn oleotion which was tbo direct, tbo immediatecauBe of tho passing of Catholic Emancipation thoyear afterwards (hoar, hear). That man, now cou.testing Eauia, was The 0'Gorman Mahon (cheers).Ho (Major 0'Gorman) would be much disappoinlodif bo was not roturned, not because ho was MB cousin,but becaaso ho bolieved that tbe people believed iuhim (hoar, hear) ; beoauHU ho bolieved bo bad theoauao of Irolaml at hoart, tind would nevor desert it(cheors) . It was only under thoBo ciroumBtancosthat ho presented himsolf lo tho oleators. Ho hadno sordid objoot iu seokiug to bo rotttrued ; ho hadnothing to guin by it (hoar, hear). He hoped fornothing, at all events, fiom the present Government,for thuy had dsprived him of all thoy conld toko fromhim (hoar, boar). If they rotumod him now, it wouldbo a great consolation to him, for, so far as it wouldgo, it would bo an answor to tho abominablo Galwayjudgment (bear, hoar). Uo (tho spoakar) had boenmado a scapegoat on that occasion by ths Govern-ment. In oonscquouco of the attacks made nponthorn by tho Tory pross at Iho time, the Governmentcongid'erod they should mako a scapegoat of some ono,and he was tho viotim. Let tho aot now recoil nponthorn by tho result of tho present contest (hoar, hear,and cheers). If tho poopla of Waterford wished tocontiuuo undor alion laws lot thorn, to-morrotv, votesgaineb him; if they desired lo havo the making ofthoir own laws, and keep back tho alion, lot them re-turn his young colleagao and himsolf (hoar, hear,and ories of " we will return you"(. Lot them rallyround tho caUBO now, and in roturning his colleagueand himself, let them tell the English Government,and the Tories, that neither tho one or tha other isaocoptablo in Watorford (great ohooring, amid whiohtho gallant gentleman retired.) Thero were now loadcalls for Mr. Leamy, and in rasponso,

Mr. LEAHY camo forward, and whon tho applaaBohad subsided tho speaker, in telling terms,proclaimsdthat tho time for council bad nearly passed away,and that tho period for action had ipproaohod (hear,hear). A great responsibility now devolved nponthem, and it was for tho eleotors of ths oity ofWatorford to discharge that responsibility well (haar,hear). Seventy-four y«ara ago tbo libertios of theircountry were surrendered to England by a corruptParliament, by mon without ths shadow of a right todo BO, by means tho most unholy, the most immoral,and now the people of Ireland were asked had thoexperience of tboso seventy four years satisfied themwith that unholy Union (hear hear, and loud orics ofno, no). Wero they ready to ratify, by their vordictat this oleotion, that act of the Irish Parliament, thatact which had degraded their oountry from a nationinto a province (hear, hear and no, no) t Ho couldhardly think that tho BOUB of the oity of Meaghor,where, although no statue stood is his honor, hiateachings vftro not to be forgotten (oheera), wouldgivo such awordiot (bear, hear). At tho last electiontho Times wroto, that Watorford hod given one votoagainst Home Rule ; let the result of this oleotion bo,to show that Waterford will have given two Totea forthat groat national movement (ohoers). Thoy knewfall well—thoy could not forgot tho foot—that it waiby their own dissenBiona the enemy first obtained afooting in their oountry; tboy knew it was by theirdissensions that ho kept them so long in degradation ;lot thorn now show to all men that they wonld notlonger remain in that degraded condition of slavery(boar, hoar, und cbeers). Mr. Leamy conoludod aBtirring address, warmly ohsenxl, by calling ou theel00tors to rally round Uomo Rule, and by tho resultof that election, toll tho British Parliament, that Iro-land nhould havo justico.

Mr. T. W. CONDOM , and then Mr. T. F. STHANOE,conducting agent, subBoquently addressed the meet-ing, after whioh Iho proceeding* terminated, and thevast assemblage separated peaceably for home.

UK. DECABUNTl's CANDIDATUBI.Mr. DELAHUMY, with hia accustomed vigot , proso.

outed hia canvass during tho week, and his friendsall through spoke confidently of his success. OnTuesday a very personally hostile placard appearedthrough tho city, and on Wednesday evening one wasposted stating that his retirement waB hourly or-pected, and taking an apparently atrango liberty withtho Catholio clergy of the oity. Neither documentseemad to h»ve caused any effoot u Ur, Dalatraatj.

MB. O8B0KNI.This gentleman, owing to continued ill-health, was

unable to address a mealing 00 either Tuesday orWedneiday evenings.

SIR. orasoN.Mr. GIBJON nightly addressed his supporters at

his committee rooms, Imperial Hotel, Mall, and allthrough showed a demeanor confident of suocesi.

usr MOBT.A targe crowd assembled, last night, in front of the

Committee Rooms of Major 0'Gorman, and Mr. RPowtr, expecting to hear some addresjes. After sometime, Ur. Strange, solr., appeared upon the balcony,and informed the people that the candidate* wereunable, after the labours of the day, to come beforethem, bat they hoped to do so at the declaration thonext day. The assemblage than separated. A largoforce- of polioo was stationed in the City Hall, duringtho time, and the streets were patrolled by mountedand foot polioe, np to a lato hour. Everything re.mained extremoly quiet.

TEE POLLING.Tho polling commenced yesterday morning, at

eight o'clock, under tho superintendence of thuHigh Sheriff, Joseph Dobbyn, Esq., Leovillo, andhis active deputy, F. J1. Hanrahan, EBej . Abooth was selected for each of tho firo wards oftho city, arranged as follows :—

The West Ward in FoBarty's store, Queen-strcot, prosided ovor by Aid. P. K. Reid, J.P.

Centre Ward, Lower Assembly Boom, CityHall, prosided over by Mr. E. S. Kcruioy, Mayor'sSecretory.

Custom House Ward, Upper Assembly Room,City Hall, presided over by Mr. W. Mason, T.C.

Towor Ward, Polico-court, City Hall, presidedovor by Mr. Patrick Power, Lombard-street.

South Ward, at Mr, B. Fitzgerald's, Manor,presided over by Mr. George Briscoc.

Both Freemen's booths woro at the City Court,No. 1 presided ovsr by Mr. D. Keogh, T.C, andNo. 2 by Mr. Drohan, manager to Mr. Gibson,collootor.

Tho candidates wero represented by thoir conduet-ing agents as follows ;—Messrs. O'Gormau und It.Power, by Mr. T. F. Strange, solioitor ; Mr. £.Gibson, by the Messrs. M. and T.DoIondro, solicitors jMr. Osborne, by Mr. J. W. Howard, solicitor ; Mr.Delahnnty acting for himself. Excepting Mr. Osborne,who was stated to be still confined to bed by illness,the othor candidates wero through town during thoday, Major 0'Goiman and Mr. Power, with theirfrionds, being particularly active in promoting thoircandidature. In the vicinity of each booth n con-siderable forco of polioe was stationed, all undercommand of County Innpector Heard, with Messrs.Carey, 8.I., 'Waterfordj M'Loughlin, S.I., Carrick;Quill, Portlaw ; Coalfield, Tramoro; Seymour, Csp-po(|tiiu; Lennon, Mnllinahone. Tho Kight Wership-fnl tho Mayor, with Mr. O. I. Goold, B.M., assistedby Capt. Slacko, B.M., Carrick, had chargo of thepeace of the city, bat not a singlo case occurredthroughout tho day to put the law in operation. Butcno caso «f drunkonnesn was visible, and that was alocal inebriate who dotests sobriety. In fact therowas bnt very little excitement—if thero was any—and the polling of this quiotostof oloctions terminatedat five o'olook.

THE DECLARATION.Tho scrutiny was onterod into this morning in the

Counoil Chamber, City Hall, by tho High Shoriff,commencing at ten o'oleok. A Tory largo number oftho citizons congregated opposite tho building, ex-pocting to hoar the result at twolvo, but owing totho neoosBity of carefully going through tbo voting,Bhown by tho foot of many of tho ballot papers boingfonnd incorret, it was half-paik two boforo tho statoof tho poll was annonncod. It was na follows :—

POWER ... .. ... 5360'GORMAN ... ... 480DELAHTJNTY ... ... 36SGIBSON... ... ... 3650SB0RN1! ... ... 160

Tho successful oandidates, having bcuu deohtxadby the High Shoriff duly elocted, addrosnod a maisgathering from ono of tho windows of the ImperialHotel.

Mr. Power said ho thankod tho doctors of thecity of Watorford for tbo great triumph they hadaohievod that day in tho causa of lriBh nationality,and emphatically asanrod tho people, that that,triumph would bo guarded oarefully in tho bunds ofhis colleague and himself (chosra). Ho would gointo parliament knowing no party bat his country,and would ovor sodnlously bo in his placo to protootand to promoto tho interests of Watorfurd, and ofIreland, in overy posaiblo respect.

Major 0'Gorman, who waa most warmly received,also expressed his deep thanks for tbo high honoroonferred upon him. Ho would, likewise, sincorolynndortako that the ennsa of Ireland would uvor Sndiu him a firm advocate (cheers), and ho would asaurothem, that whonover.the time wonld arrive lo resigntho trust into their bands, nnd seek a rcnowal ofthoir coaBdouco, it iroald not bo any fault of bin, ifhe would not bo found worthy (worm applause) .

Both gontlomen oxcusod themsolvos from boiugunable, through fatigue, to address thorn to-night,and roqnestsd thoir verj many friends to returnpoaooably to thoir homes, and by no act of theirssally tho glorious trinmpb they had achieved (cheors).

Tho immonso assemblage separated, and so ondedthe Waterford city eteotion for 1874.

COUNTY WATERFORD ELECTIONA meeting to select a Candidate for tho Count;

on the national tickot waa hold at Ballymacarbry onTuesday, Mr. Edmond Nugent in tho Chair.

The following resolution, producod by Mr. McEnicry,was submitted to tho meeting by the chairman.Its adoption waa moved by Mr. John Dwan, andBOCondod by Mr. Joba Muloahy :—

" That we, the doctors of tho barony of (ilcn.-i-hiery, at a publio meeting hold in BallymacarbrythiB 3rd of February, 1874, do pledgo onraelvos tovote for no momboc of Parliament who doos notpromiso to give hia undivided support tu HomoBulo, Fixity of Tenure at fair rents, DonominationalEducation, and othor grievances which aBbct ourtaxation ; and wo nro of opinion that nono of theoliquo who saddled the ratepayers of the countywith £1-1,000 a year for moki'Dg a railway ought tobe supported ; and wo call upon the clergy, who al-ways Btood to tho Jiooplo, and on oar brother olec-tors through the connty, now that wo havo thoballot, to show thnt tho enemies of tho farmingclass caunot triumph, and tho pooplo cannot be anyloDgor kopt in moral slavery by tho arbitrary poworof the governing classes, who would try to destroytho great Bafoguard of the people's rights in crushingthe freodom of publio opinion.

Mr. Wall—What about tho release of tho j mlii icalprisoners t Thoro isn't a word mentioned.about thorn(hoar, hear). Rev. Mr. CMcara—Oh, everybody isin favour of that. Mr. Wall—Then why not put itinto tho ro«olution ? Mr. MoEneiry—There's enoughin tho resolution (laughter). Rov. Mr. O'Meara—Never fear tboy will let them out. Mr. Wall-Talking about slavery and tho down-trodden country,and nothing; about tho poor fellows who sulfcrod foitho oountry !

Mr. MoEneiry—1 havo juBt ono word tow ri indit is this :—That undor tlio Ballot Aot there 13 miohanoo on earth of any man knowing how you mayvote at tho election, unless you wish to tell ityourselves, and any man divulging tho secret is liableto imprisonment, BO 1 that no one noed be afraid of hislandlord, or any other person, as no person can, inany shape, or by any amount of ingonuity, discoverhow another votes. I wish to aay thore sooms to boan impression abroad, that the secrecy of the Ballotcan bo brokea. Those who attend in the pollingbooths are sworn to seoreoy, and if they attemptedto t«ll how a man voted they oauld be tried for per-jury, and besides, they wonld bo liable to bo impri-soned without the option of a fine .

Tho Chairman then put the resolution and de-clared tho " ayes" ,to have it.

Mr. Wall—I'll objoot to it unless tho prisoners arenamed in it. Mr. Nugent—Woll then, tho resolutioncan bo amended. Mr. McEneiry—It was only au in<formality omitting it.

Mr. Wall—Well, then, I'll call for a show of handsiu favour of tho thing being mentioned. [Almostevery hand was bore uplifted, but the resolution re-mained unohanged]: Rev. Mr. O'Meara—Every manit in favour of tho wleaso of the political prisoners—every mac in Ireland, unless ho is a tyrant or amistaken man* Mr. MoEneiry—The most conservativeaddress coos in for Amnesty.

The Rev. Mr. O'Meara, on being called upon toaddress tho meeting, said—Thero ia no porsonoemingforward, and you hive no one to propose (no). Thareaolutiou you have adopted ought to embody thesentiments of the people—that wo ought \\o have aHomo Baler and n Legislature of our own. SurelyIrishmen ought to bo the best governors of tho coun-try, aa they aro more interested about the welfaroof Ireland than Englishmen can be, upon whom verylittle dependence can be placed. It would be an un-reosonablo government that would dony ns HomoLegislature (cheers) : and it is not bigotry that intro-duces the question, for Protestants and Catholics,and overy other donomination, aro agreed upon (his—that wo ahould hnvo a Parliament of our own, and Ihope I will live to see the day when Ireland—down,trodden Ireland, heretofore—whon her atar shall notonly have risoo, bat whon the mid-day son shall beshining upon her (oheers). Mr. Beroaford or SirCharle*Beresford is going for tbo Education Question.Well, certainly, we ought to have the right to odu-cato oar own children. Tha poorest of tho peoplehave as much tvn interest in that aa the highest.Let tho Protofltant bo at liberty to odncato his childus bo pleases; let the Dissenter and the Catholiohave tbe same liberty, but, in the name of Heaveu,let ns have a froo eduoatiou, for God loves freodom.I think Baresford—I don't want to b» disrespectfulto bim ; but I am told that his brother in a goodlandlord, and I fceliero it. How, he-is coming for-ward with one of the prinoiplea that we are seekingto have enforced in the present election, bat howants to hang na on the horns of a dilemma. Therev. gentleman then proceeded to say that he did notthink that Lord Charles was sincere as to the onepoint mentioned, where he did not put forward thaotktr two greet qocatioai of tho d»y. What thay

wanted waa to forgsfc the trials and troubles of tho tbe winning card, bat he was willing to abide by thepast, ana to work unitedly for the future welfare of dacisfon coineHo by that "meeting. :Tou nave twotbe oountry. They wanted Home Bute to keep their National oandidates, Mr. Moord and myself. Mypeople on the land that bow them, and their bones prinoiploa are known to you by my ofldreis, and-hiafrom blwohing in the bottom of thesea. They wanted lordship has stated to you what Mr: Moore s make the-tenantry sincere as regarded the land- Ton hav« Mr. Bagwell, and hia lordship- has statedlords, and the landlords sinoere as to their tenants. why he ought not to be supported. ¦ I feel I hold the

Mr. Nugent did not know what they owed to Sir winning oard for the representation of the borough.John Eamondo during the twenty-seven.years hfl TO- I appealto the friends that accompanied me to;saypresented them in Parliament, and was proceeding to if «uoh ia not the case, but 1 havo learned bitterspeak of Lord Charles Beresford's candidature in lessons ia ths school of politics, and least thero shouldrather strong terms, when, ** diviekra m disunion in the Liberal ranks, if it be

The Rev. Mr. O'Meara oounsellod that they should your will, I withdrew from the oontest at once,let by.gones bo by-gones. Thoy wanted now qniet- Bight Bar. Dr. Power—I have been appealed to, andness and peaoe—ultra language ought to be exolided. the eleotors havelbeen appealed to by Mr. Hackott, to

Mr. Miohool Ormond proposed that two) tenant know if he will retire, in order to promoto union andfarmors should bo selected, and aamed Mr.Edmond harmony, in the Liberal ranks; I would be for fromNugent, the ohairman, suggesting that they sh«nld all asking him to retire (hear). Wo have come here foragree to psy a shillingin ths pound on their valuation a certain pupose, and we will adhere to it. If keep him in Parliament for a year. Haokett gets the larger number of votes you will givo

The Rev. Mr. O'Meara asked whether, If" they re- him your snpport, otherwise you will support Mr.ducod this proposition to praatice, it would be fonud Moore m opposition to the common enemy (hear),to work ? He greatly feared it wouia not. Arrangements were acordingly lnode to havo tho

Mr. Wm. Drion then named Capt. King HarmsB, vote by ballot taken between the :rivnl oandidatca.bnt was met with tho statement that that gentleman Meosrs Myers and O'Brien aoted as assessors. A torn-was already named for various other oonstituonoies, porary screen was erected in a corner, to tho rightand that thero was no chance of securing him. of the president, inaido whioh tho ballot box was

The Rev. Mr. O'Meara hoped the day was not far placed ; and as the name of eaoh elector was calleddistant whon two tenant farmors would be irioh off the burgess roll by Alderman Crean, tho votorenough to represent the county of Waterford ia an came np, received his ticket from the bishop, aud ro-Irish l'urliamont (Iond choors). corded his vote in secret for tho candidate of his

Mr. J. Dwau was then moved to the sooond oaair, choice. The proceedings occupied abont an hourand a voto of thanks passed to Mr. Nugont, after and a half, after which the ballot box was placed onwbiob the proceedings terminated. . a table, and tho votes reckoned by the Right Rev.

___________ president with the following result :—Mr. Haokett,


PROCEIDINOS.A mooting of the electors of tho borough of Clonmel

was held on Thursday lost. Aid 0'CONNELL HACHETTin tho chair, when Mr. Myers moved, Aid Eyrnoseconded, and tho meeting resolved, that tho electorsof the- borough pledge themselves, individually andcolleotively, to give theu* sole, nndividocVond energotiosupport to 11 candidate professing Home Rule, whoiopolitical antecedents afforded ample guarantee ofintegrity and principle, and whose ability wouldenable him to be a fitting exponent of their sentimentsin Parliament. Sir. Bagwell, who was presont, ex-plaintd his views, and, refusing to pledge himself insupport of denominational education, retired from thecontost.

On Friday ovoning a second meeting of tho Liberaleleotors was held, for the purpose of selecting acandidate, by ballot, two being in the field—namely,Messrs. W. L, Hockett, barrister, and Arthur Moore,Mooreaf ort. The attendance was vory large, and thechair was ocoupied by tho Most Rev. Dr. POWEK, LordBishop of Watorford and Lismore. Hia Lordshipsaid.—I have come amongst you to endeavourto ssoure unanimity of feeling and harmony of actionin reference to the approaohing election (hefcr). Ihave presented myself hero before you to-night, or atleast before tho Catholio olectors of Olonmel, in orderto have them vindio ato their rights, and demand thoprivileges to whioh thoy aro entitled (hear, hear).Thero aro questions of most vital importance to comebefore tho next Parliament, and therefore it is, thatwo should bo prepared to send representatives thoroon whom we can depend ; men who will representonr feelings aud oar -views, and demand onr require.ments (applanso). Thore are two gentlemen propos-ed—my friond Counsellor Hackett, than whom abettor selection could not be [made (hear). Thereis also Mr. Moore, of Mooresfort, who ifl a managainst, whom there can bo no objection, and who, Iam sare, will bo highly qualified to represent theborough, or auy other constituency in Ireland (hoar)It WAS in order to a soleotion that I came hero topreside at this meeting, so that thore should bono doubt, nor no question as to the feolings—at leastof tho Catholic eleotors—in the solection of their can-didate (hoar). I speak of Catholio electors, as I wouldnot presume to offer an opinion to thoso who are notof my own communion in matters of this kind (hear).What then has been proposed is, that etch elestorshall vote by ballot for tbo candidate he prefers.There was the Home Rnle;or homo legislation quostion(hoar), and every man who wished to have properand effioient legislation for the country, should be infavor of Home Rulo (applauBe). Thero was also thoquostion of tho release of the political prisoners, andon that question, also, he believed tho mooting wereunanimous, lio (tho Right Rev. speaker) was surethere was not a man at that meeting who did notoonBider tbo political prisoners more than sufficientl ypunished, und who did not believe that to detain themlonger would not. be pnnishmont but, cruelty (hear).There was also a very important question—thatof denominational eduoation (hear). The ProtestantBhad their plaoes of Education. Hundreds andthonsnnils of ponndB were at their command to pro-cure for thoir children Frotostaut education. ThoDissenters had their sohooiB, primary and intermediate,and thoir colloges for tho education of their children ;(scalar*—that was thoso who ignored roligion iueducation—they nlso had places soenred for them byGovernment at tbo expenao of tho country. ThoCatholios were tho only party who woro unprovidedfor. They had not a college, norovennuiutormeiliatoschool to which tboy could safely sond thoir childron[hear]. The col legos which were established, had beenpronounced by tho head of tho Catholio Charoh, whomthey all revored, to bo fr&nght with danger to faithand morality. This condemnation had been carriedont by tho prelates of the church, and no Catholicdeserving of the name who had regard for tho soul ofhis child, should sond any of hia ohildron to thosecondemned iuetitutionB (hoar) . Ho (tho Right Rev.speaker) regretted very much ho should bo placed inopposition to Mr. Bagwell on that evening, for hobad ever anpported him whan bo found ho wasdeserving of his support. Now that ho was not,having failed Hud refused to advocate moasurga to bobrougb' boforu l'arliameat to do justice to theCatholios ol iroland, and to the Catholics of thoUnited Kingdom in tho way of education—now thatho stood in tho way of that legislation—now that howould not bind himself to look for a grant for Catholiceducation, but was determined to givo them no choicebut Trinity on the oondemned Queen's Colleges—hestood there to opposo his return (obeers] ; and if theCatholics of Clonmol would be but true to themselvoB—if thoy wero true to the faith for which their foro.fathers suffered death and every sort of torture beforeboing pnt to doath—if they were true to these tradi.tions— true to their faith, and true to their religion,tbay would oppoio Mr. Bagwoll and stand by thoircountry. I expect unanimity amongBt tho. Catholicelectors of Clonmol. I understand thore aro somefow who to day wont out to Marlfield to request himlo stand. Woll , in ovory community thero aro reno.gades to be found (hear). I am satisfied that fourrenegades who wont out to Marlfield will not weighdown tho opinion of tho honest Catholio olectors ofClonmel (appUuso).

A Voice—Hallnran was one of them (langhtor}.Another Voice- -TobiD, the saddler, was nnothor.A third voice—And Tom Dorney was another ol

the party (renewed laughter).l'ho liiBhop hern rosumod hia scat, but rose immo-

diately aftenviti'd.i. Ho said ho had been remindedthat Mr. Moore was not present in person. In thatrospeot hu laboured under a disadvantage. He hadbeen aaked to state what his political principles were,and he would guarantee, on his behalf, that he wonldadvocate Denominational Eduoation, Homo IRulo legis-lation, and tho liberation of tho political prisoners,with every other measure benofioial to tho interoatsof the country (loud cheors).

Alderman Haokett said as Mr. Mooro's principleshad been pronounced befora the meeting, it was onlyfair to have an elector heard with reference to theprogramme of tho other candidate (ories of " no, no;ballot.")

Mr. W. h. Hackett horo rose to address tho meet-ing, but

Mr. Myers objected. Ho said Mr. Mooro was notpresent, and that, under tho oiroumgt&noes, he shouldnot bo permitted to spoak.

Hr. Hackott—I waa rnoroly going to state that asMr. Mooro was tho first candidate proposed, I shallwaive my right to speak till some elector speaks onbehalf of (ho absent gentleman (hear, hear).

Mr. Myers—Tour own good taste ought to provontyou from speaking (boar).

Mr. Hackott roso to reply, and a stormy soono oflong duration ensuod. On each occasion that heessayed to speak ho was mot by orieB of " Poll, poll,haar, hear, Ac., IK . " SO that his remarks woro quitoinaudible.

Mr. E. O'C. Hackott said it was unfair not to givoCounsellor Haokott a hearing, aa tho Bishop waa jnstafter speaking iu favour of Moore.

Mr. O'Shaughnossy—Uo won't be heard. Poll,poll.

Mr. E. O'C. Haokett—Shut up, you deaf devil (hearand laughter). Vou are afraid to hear him.

Mr. Vowelt here rose lo addrosa the electors, andintroduced himself by waiving in an airy mannorover his hood a rathor formidable looking stiok. Hewaa greeted by laughter aud applause, bat coold sotobtain a hearing.

Mr. Myers huro ossayed to spoak amid confusion,when the Right Rev. chairman interposed and askodto havo Mr. Hackett heard. Silence was accordinglyrestored, and

Mr. Hackett spoke at some length regarding tboposition which ou that occasion ho occupied. Hedenied that tho meeting on tho previous day wasunsatisfactory so far as tho voting was concerned,and said that in tho canvass whioh he toads on thatday ho received enthnsiostio and generous support(hear), Ho found many to stretch to him the righthand of fellowship. Mr. Hackett, in continuation,said ho considered it only right to state that many oftho Liberal electors, who on that day promised hinttheir support, stated that if Jfr. Bagwell cams for-ward they would vote for him (oheera). He (thospeaker) thought Mr. Bagwell was out of the liftsaltogether, but, to the utter astonishment of themall, they found that on last evening he was againcoming forward. Ho published an address in whiohhe said not one word abont the great questions theywero so muoh interested in (hear, hoar). , In thapartial canvass ho made he got 123 promises, and sinoehen an accession had been mado to the list of twelve

more, In bis bumble judgment be, tbenfora.', hold

88; Mr. Moore, 92.The announcement was recieved with loud and

continued applauso. After it had subsided,Mr. Hackett returned thanks for tho support ho

had received, and |stated that thirty-live elector*,who were unable to be present that cveuiug, had alsopromised to voto for him. Ho, however, submittedcheerfully to the result (hear), and hoped that onsome fatnro occasion ho would havo tho honour ofagain coming beforo them, whon ho hoped to behonoured with thoir confidence (applause) .

The Right Rov. Chairman called on tho meeting logive their earnest and strenuous support to tho popu-lar candidate (cheors). Let them now show ilr.Bagwell that he could not treat with contempt thoclaims of the Catholics of Iroland (cheers). Mr.Bagwell has treated his constituents—ho moant hUCatholic constituents—with anything but, respect.Mr. Hackstt mode a noblo declaration (hoar, hear).—a declaration that did him immonso credit, and howas satisfied ho wonld, as far aa possible, try audhave the popular candidate rotarnod. He wouldthon ask every man of them to work strcnously,earnestly, and deteminedly, to can y out tho wishes oftlo Catbolioa coDStitneuta of Clonmol (cheers).

Tho Rev. Mr. English was than called to thosecond chair, and tho proceedings terminated.

Tbe Cfonmet Cfinmiclc, from which wo tako thosbovo speaking, of tho mooting of selection on Fridaynight says:—Mr. Moore received four votes morothan Mr. Hackott, and, by arrangoment, tho lattergentleman retired from tho coutost, and his opponentwas deciarod the " popula- candidate." Tho Right-Rev. Dr. Powor, Roman Catholio Bishop, who presidedoxhortcd tho liboral olectors to uao ovory legitimatoeffort possible to eocnro his triumphant return, andihe recommendation has boon acted on. On Moudaytho committees (consisting of clergy and laity) op-pointod to carry into offcet tbo abovo object, startedon thoir mission at tbo early hour of ten o'clock, andcanvassed tho entiro of tho liberal olectors of thuborough. At a publio mooting, which camo off-samenight, a large crowd, who a short time after eighto'olook assembled opposite Hearn's Hotel, woroaddressed at length in favour of tho Homo Rulo can.didato by tho Rov. Mr. Flynn, CO., iho Rov. Mr.Sladen, C.C., and Mr. John T. Luther, solicitor. Xboformer gentleman announced that tho canvass hadbeen a most snecessfal ono, and thnt tho return of Mr.Moore might bo regarded as an established fact.Tho onnonncemont was recoived with load cheers nudcries of " Mooro for ever." Tho Rev. Mr. Flyuu maduallusion to the " reucgades" composing the deputationwho waited on Mr. Bagwell requesting him to contestthe borough. Ho stated thoy were cliug ing to asinking ship ; that on Friday next tho bark would bowrecked onthorocksofflomoHuloaud DenominationalBducatiou, and thoy would then call out in vain for alife-boat. Tho pronouncement was received withloud cheers. Tbo Rov. Mr. Sladon delivered tho finaladdress, and stated ho held and a telegram from ilr.Mooro, who was hastening homo • as specdiy as wind,steam, and coal,could carry him, to return them histhanks for the confidenco thoy roposod in him.

TUB NOMINATION " 10K THE HOBOLOH.On Monday, pursuant to proclamation, tho Kigbt,

Worshipful EDWARD CAXTIVEIX , Mayor, hold a courtas roturning officer for receiving tho nomination ofcandidates for tho Borough of Cloumel , in accordaucowith tho Ballot Act. At fivo miuutea past twolvoo'clock, Jfr. W. L. Hackett , couuso! for Mr. Jloore,with Mr. James Myers aud ilr. Alderman Byrno, J.I'.,as proposer and seconder, handed in tho nominationof ilr. Arthur Moore, of Jloorcsfort, Tipporary, asa candidate for the Borough of Clonmel. Tho nomin.tion papnr was ondorsod by tho following clector.s—Moasrs Augustine Dcviuc, T.C, ilain street ; MichaelP. Meaghcr, Bridgo street; Edward Sladen, Irish-town ; Patrick Jfaliony, Alain street ; BonjatninWright, T. C.Main street j John White, Dublin strcot,Thomas Cashin, lrishtown , and Patrick Nagout,Maiu-stroot. In a few minutes afterwards , Mr.Bagwell's nomination paper was presented. It wassigned by Jlr. JoBeph Clibboru and Mr. ThomaiCantwoll , J. P., as proposer aud seconder, find theoight signatures as prescribed by tho Act, were—Messrs Thomas Ward, Bugwoll-sttoet; William Spar-row, Johnson-street; Jamoa O'Halloran, T.C, Bar-rack-street ; Edmond Woods, J.P.. (Aid.) Bagwell-street j William J. King, jnn., T.C., Main atreot ;Thomas Graham, Duncun-atreeo; Edward Tolrin,Bagwoll-street; and David H. HigginB, J.P., Johu-BOu-streot. Tho Mayor held tho court open fromtwo until throo o'clock for tho purpeso of hearingobjections, but nono woro made.

YESTERDAY'S ELECTIONSAt Droghcda, notwithstanding tho euonnou.,

influence of Mr. WitirtvoKTtf , lie was, after ;tvery close contest, defeated by Doctor WILLIAMH. O'LEARV, who is not alone an eminent manof science, but a staunch advocate of Home Kuluand of tho various popular principles U10country bos endorsed. At Atlilono tho electionresulted in tbe strange accident of a tic. J3othMr. ENX 18 and Mr. SIIEIL, polled 1W votes each.The High Sheriff then gave his casting vote infavour of Mr. SIIKIL, and that gentlemen—whois a Home Ruler, and a nephew of tho lateRICHABD LA LOR SUKU —was declared dulyelected. At Youghal Sir J. N. McKenna polled124 against 106 by Mr. Penroae Fitzgerald. AtTralee, the O'Donoghue beat Mr. Daly, Mayorof Cork, by three votos—H2 to 139.


mooting of tho Mattbow party to day, in tho Tom.Hall, and 1 never saw such " rowiog." Matthowawas vainly trying to got a hearing, whon, in the mid-dle of a fine passage, thore was a suddon crash, anda large and high platform, which was crowded withhis supporters, gave wny iu tho middle, and in onomoment Matthews and the entire body disappearedthrough tho stago. I was thrown ou my bock, amithen there was a rush of O'Kceffo's party, and u greathubbub. But for tbo polico thoro would havo beouvery b&d work— Correspondml.

-? CA1.LAHANE PETTY SESSIONS—TUESDA V .Beforo, Mr. G. I. Goold, R.M., (chairman), Capl.

Armstrong, and Copt. Coghlan . Thoro woro onlyfive cases, tho only ono of importance boiug a sum-mons against James Murphy, of Waterford, fur hav-ing trcspassod on tho lands at Uall ygunucrmoro, iupursuit of gamo, without being authorized. Ho wasined £5.

TBRMINATI0N OF THE ASHA.NTEE WAR.A dispatch from Sir Garnot Wolsoloy to tho War

Offico, says tho King of Ashunto will submit, andwill pay tho iudomnity. Sir G.irnct demanded £200,000. All going right. All tho white prisoners arenow in camp.

PLOUGHING MATCH.—On Tuesday a ploughing mutch(open to the barony of Gaultior) took place at B»llin-aboola, Passage.road, on tho proporty of Mr. SamuelKent. Thoro wero 15 ploughs on the grouud, and thoattendance of spectators very largo. The match wasadmirably contested, tho prizes boing £3, £2, £1,and 10s. Dnring the ploughing, athletio sports werocarried on, inolnding races, climbing a polo toppedwith a tempting leg of mutton. These sports causedgreat amusement. An excellent luncheon was givonon the ground to the frionds and promoters of Ussports. The wholo proceedings of tho day woro con*ducted in tho most orderly manner.

THE CotiEGf. SCHOOL.—Master Thomas Arthur, ofthia school, son of Mr. Arthur, Thomas-street, waaamong the successful candidates at the late prelimi-nary examinations in the Royal Collego of Hurgconn ,Dublin. Master Arthur has , also got a DiocesanBurse iu the . Catholio University. The sehool bugthus, by the kind putrouage of tho Most Rov. Dr.Power, being able to give, during tho last monthto tiro of its pupils exhibitions, worth about £100,Master B. Feely, Tramoro, having previously obtain-ed a similar bunq .in tho same institution. Bo Hiyoung gentleman had passed taoir matriculation ex-aminations before Christmas. ' '

RiDucTioN IN rut PRICE or COALS .—A bout-load ofcoals was offered tor sale thiB week, iu tho. city, at24a. per ton. Tho offer, though unusually low, wasnt taken.

DOUINICAH M EW CHURCH .—Tenders will bo verysoon advertised for tho erection of this church. Mr,Goldis is the architect ; the stylo will bo vory handsome, and quite a credit to the city,

Ti> WKATUKB,—Tho unusually fin* weather hask»pt dawn the price' ef fodder very awh tbji wiatot

Page 4: DISSOLVED PERUVIAN · 2018. 7. 11. · 'Tine WATKIM'OKD JsKWS i:sr.Mii.isui:i> 1817. (Alilrrm.111 l!i:n>, l'roviric


At the guardians' meeting on Thursday, the BightHon. Lord Ciirw in the oh»ir,

Mr. G. C. Sobflrts, J.P., rcpe and said—I am surethat there is net a- parson now present but Trillacknowledge that Dr. O'Bourks deserves luperanou-MioD. It has been Slid tbat, no good sermon can bel-rt-ucliod without n text, and I will read my text furyou, and tLen perhajv yon ra->y hear a lay sermon.My text is: '• Kaolvt '—That the board, in recognitionof the faithial, efficient , aud zealous serf iocs ofPatrick O'Rourke, Esq., M.D., as late Modical Officerof thd Ennitcorthy Union Workbonse, for the pasttwenty years, and in accordance with the prorisionsof the Poor Law Aot, 32 and 33 Viotoria, cap. 60, dograot him a retiring pension of two-tbirds of bissalary, be having resigned in oontosjuenco of ill-health.*'

Mr. Button—We hare enough to pay already.Mr. Bobe-ts—I hare known Mr. 8ntton for many

years, and I know when I ask him to hear me tbathe will do so with the greatest attention. The reso-Intion states the case more lucidly than I can do.Fer twenty years, during which time t bare been aguardian, I know Dr. O'Snarke to hare devoted hiswhole time, sight and day, to the interests of thepoor (hear, hoar). I know that be has oared a largeamount yearly to tbo ratepayers by the componnd*ing of his own medioim a, aud I know tbat wheneleoted medical officer he vaccinated all the childrenand kept a registry of them, aud by his care andattention has jured tb« home from the scourge ofsnmll-pox. Early and late he was lo be fonnd athis po»t devoted to tbo caie of >he poor (hear, hear).And Or. O'fionrke, in his attention to the poor, oftenout-stepped hi9 dnty, for when he found that oon*tractors were not supplying a good artiole for the useof the poor, he was the first officer to bring it underthe notice of this board (bear, bear)."- I now speakfrom personal experience. Some years ago, when Iwas in bettor health tban I am at present, and whenmy time was less oconpie'l by other business, I Waitedthis house weekly, and I fearleasly assert the in-firmary was the best kept portion of the bouse, andits cleanliness was unexceptionable (bear, hear).Outside of doors I have beard a great many iay tbatIII . O'Rourke bad a good right to anperaonnation. Ibare heard a few , a very few indeed, say tbat be didnot. I now ask any of yon here present was £100 ayear a salary sntSoient for the services of Dr.O'Rourke f Certainly not. What were the dutiesof a workbonse doctor f Be had to be ready at nilcolls, and at all times, night or day, to attend here,and no mutter what hik private practice was heshould leave the boat paying of them to attend here(bear, hear). But, though Dr. O'Kourke knew tbathis salary was insufficient , ho discharged his dutieshonestly and conscientiously, and looked forward atthe present moment to the justice of the goardnn'sto_ reward him in his declining years lor leng knnfaitbfnl services. Be ban passed over the alloltodspan of life—throe score years aid ten—and is now",I^believe, in his 83rd year, and it is oar boandenduty to make the close of tbat life happy, by gener.onily appreciating his conduct. When Dr. O'Rourkofonnd that he was not able to fulfil the duties of hisoffioe, ha hoooantbly resigned thi» trust reposed inhim, and I hope that wo will be unanimous in grant-ing the full retiring pension to oar old, faithful,lealoni, and efficient officer. Dr. O'Rourke.

Mr. Cullin—I need hardly say it wonld not boposaiblo for me to add to what my friend, Mr.Roberts, haa said. Thero is one viow of this questionthat bas escaped observation, nrd tbat i», tbe Legis-lature, in passing the Aot, held ont a premium toall ofBcors to fulfil tbeir duties faithfully, and to loursto Boardd of Guardians the power of rewarding pastuervices, such as wo are now doing. Aod tbe Lugis-liture were wise in BO doing ; aud I trust tbo boardwill show tbeir appreciation of Dr. O'Kourke'sefficient conduct in tbe discharge- of bi« arduousduties. I httre great pleasure in seconding tberesolution.

Mr. O'Neill—Who will bo n^xt ?Mr. Francis Whelmu—I have to propose an amend-

ment to the effect tbat the retiring pension of Dr.O'Ruurke be fixed at £40 a year. I think that fnlljustioe to Dr. O'Rourke aud tbe rato-pnyors. It itonly in extreme cates tbat the full amonnt allowedby law is granted. Sir. Huberts has stated that Dr.O'toarke is 83 years of age, and he himself statesthat be has been twenty years in the situation—tbenhe was 63 years of ago when ho entered on his dntieahere, and, therefore, 1 think this is not a caso inwhich the highest amount allowed by law is to begircn. I am stating my case in simple justioc to allparties. If we want to pay a personal favour to anyman let ns pat our bundu into our own pockets, andnot intn that of the ratepayer.!. When a poor mancomes before u* to look lor relief wo debato theamount to be granted, and we al ow him. about two-pence balf-penny a day to utarre on. Now I askyon iii that justice ? 1 reply simply on common sensoaud fair-play to riob as wull us poor.

Mr. R. Cowman aeoonded tho amendment.Tho Chairman then pnt Mr. Whclan'a amendment

to the rote, when tke numbers were ;—For tbo amendment ... (5 •Against ... ... 30

Mr. Joatin Sutton thtn proposed that no retiringallowance bo given to Dr. O'Rourko. Sir. Murphy,guardian for Uuliybuakurd, seconded Mr. Snttou'aproposition, and ou a dirision, tb* membors were :—for, 7; against, 29.

i'or—Justin Sutton, Michael O'Neill , Jas. Murphy,Michael Murphy, Mo«M Kenny, Edward Keating,Jeremiah Doyle—7.

Against—Peter Whelan, Francis Whelau, LanrencoSweetman, Jaroe* Sbief, Thomas Sinnott, WilliamRudd, Pierce Murphy, William Macutchen, CharlesLett, Nioholas Keating, Richard Jordan, JonathanHaughton, John Flynn, John Furlong, John Cullin ,Patrick Creane, Richard Cowman, L. VV. Corcoran,John Browne, George C. Roberts, Sir Jnmea Power,James Jfoflatt, if. A. flfaher, William A. LeUunte ,John Greone, L. Dundas, John D, Duvorcnx, W.Cooktnao, and F. Boxwell—29.

Lord Carew then put the resolution proposed byMr. Roberts, and it passed without udissuntiug roico.

Tho Chairman having signed the cheques audorders, tho board separated. : •


PETTV SESSIONS— SATLKUA -V. ' ' ¦'-Before Sir Nugent Humble, Hart, (chairman),

Me»srs. Henry A. Fitzgerald, John 11. Dower, andHenry E. Redmond, K.M. Mr. M'Dertnott , S.I.,occupied a seat ou tho bench.

VIOLATION or THK FISHKIT LAWS .— llead-coo-Btublo John Ahearn prosecuted a young* man namedPhilip Berenford (son of Nicholas Buresford), forhaving in bia possession two speared Bnl mon, takenfrom tbe river Colligao, near Kiiledanguu, to whichcliurgo he pleaded guilty through bia solicitor, Mr.Hunt. The court took a lenient view of tho case,it being his first offence, and only fined; him £1 andcosts, which bo paid.

TKKSMSS.— Patrick Flynn, f.irmor, charged JohnTubic, larmer, with the trenpas* of his cutllo. A like 1cute was brought by complainunt this d»y fortnight;,but wan dismissed on the groaiid uf cooiplainxut notcarry ing out an arrangement made by Sir RichardMusgrave, Bart., iu 186*6, whiob was to have bothparties build a boundary fence between their respect,ive farms, to prevent auy futare litigation. Twenty,eight pershes remaiued unfninbed, where this trus.puaa was committed. It tbun appeared, from theevidence of the man who was building the fence, thatcomplainant was in fault in not supplying stones,and consequently had to lenvo the work. Tbo CM*tbon was dismissed. Un similar grounds the pro.prut charge was brought, bat it appeared, from thoevidence of tbe court officer (Kcauu), that bothparlies are now in the act of completing tbo fence,&nd the summons wan dismiMMnd.— There were several charges ofdruokenuens brought before the court,und dealt withby inflicting fines vary from Gd. upwards. Adjourned,

THE COUNTY ELECTIONLord Charles Bercuford, tho gallant yonng Con-

servntivo candidate for tho county of Watorford,arrived in Clonmel, upon his canvassing tonr in thisdistrict. Ue was accompanied by Mr. Richard UsBherRuborts, and Mr. J. Honner, (solicitor), ono of hisconducting agents; and wo aro glad to learn that allalong the route to Duugarvan and Lismoro ho wascordially welcomed, and received tbe assurances ofconsiderable support from every class. There is uoplace where the namo of tbe Waterford family is notrecognised as synonymous witb love of kindred andhome, good landlordism, aud true generosity of feel-ing. The brother of the presout Marquis, LordCbarles, could not fail to be gladly received, evenwhere he was not personally kaown. A true loveref sport, like the noble owner of the Curragbmoroestates, and gifted with gonial, warm-hoarted man-ners, Lord Charles is rapidly establishing himself asa favourite with the constituency, anil we shall in-deed bo greatly surprised if be be not declared at thiselection one of tbe chosen of Waterford. Sir JohnKnmonde is again a candidate, and is nlmost certainto win. A recent family bereavement bas delayedthe ifsne of tho hou. baronet's nddress.— CtonmclChvtuicU.

THE VACANT SEE or CLOTS E.—Summonses havebeeu insned by the Venerable Archdencou O'Regun,Vicar-Capitular, to tbe parish priests of tbe dioceseof Cloyuo to hold a meeting for the election ofBishop. The raesting i« to take placo ut the Churchof I'ermoy, ou Wednesday, tho 11th February, uthalf-past ton o'olock.

SUDDEN DiAin or DK. J AMKS .—It is in no mereconventional form, but in Iho most real and onoffootedspirit or the sinctrest truth , that we express our re.grot at bating to-day to record tbe deuth of Dr. JuhnJ.itne', ot Butler Houne, in thiscity, whioh melanchol yevent took place moat anddunly, at bio re.-idenco, uta late hour on Saturday uigbt la*t, to tbo gnmt uuilwide-spread sorrow of tbe community, by whom howas respected and esteemed—nay, thoroughly be-lored, for the many virtues which adorned his char,aoter. The funeral Brrangem tils were Hdinirablyconducted by Thomas Chaplin and So.., Kilkui.uj .—Ito tomtor.


On Thursday last tho interment of the roinains olthis deeeply lamented noblemaii was iiiod to takoplace, and long before tho appointed timo tho diflo-rent roads leading to Dromana wero thronged withpeople—representative of overy class of the commu-nity—all anxious to pay this last tribute of affection-Rte esteem toooe whose consistent walk throug h life,richly cultivated intellect , nud ee'-tlo, kindly man-ner, found in all circles a friendshi p, lasting and sin-cere. It was a remarkablo proof of Lord Stuart'Bpopularity—the sceno witnessed that day. Such aprooession as movod its alow length along throughthe picturesque homo of tho deoe.ised has raroly fol-lowed the remains of tho noble to tho grave. Thohistory of tbe great political ovent of his early lifowas duubtlC8S recalled to mind, but with no bitter-Dean of feeling now ; the heads of tbo two parties, i-oantagonistic) then, here joined In respectfu l i ' " ' •and side by side tboy stood beside tbo bier whero »••;>laid all that was mortal of a groat champion of thoLiberal causo. But it was not tho politician whichwas hold in most regard, but the excellent landlord,the devoted friend, tbo Christian gentleman—qualitieswhich are aot confined within the uarrow limits ofBeet or party.

In tho spacious hall uf Dromana House, upon araised catafalquo draped with black cloth , tho coffincontaining tbe remains of his lordship was laid. Afew Bimplo wreaths of cypress and whito eameliaswero placed there—emblems of liogcriug, affection-ate sorrow. Whon all the members of tho family hadbidden tboir last adiou, in tearful, prayerful silence,tho doors of tho bull were thrown open, and tho im-meuso concour9o of the tenantry and their families,who bad now collected in front of tho house, wcruadmitted iu ono continuous stream ; as thoy passedaround their attachment to tboir departed landlordand friend was at once apparent.

Tbe following wore present, the greater numberwith their private carriages—Tho Marquis of Water,ford, Sir Nugont Humble, Bart,' Cloncoskran ; SirRichard Musgrave, Bart., Mr Edward Musgravc ,Tourin; Sir John II. Keaue, Bart., Cnppoquin House,and Mr. Keano ; Captain Maxwoll , D. L., ofMooroHill ; Mr. Georgo Wbitelock Lloyd, of StrancallyCaBtle ; the Rev. Dr. Cotton, tbe Hal l, Lismoro ; Mr.R. W. Cotton, Kilbreo ; Major L. G. F. Kcanc, thoCount de la Poer, Mr. Arnold do la Pocr, GurtecnCastlo ; Sir Richard Power, Bart., Kilfano ; Mr. R.H. Power, Lismoro ; Hon.Charles W. Mooro Smyth,Ballinatray, and Captain Uolroyd ; Mr. F. E. Currey,agent to his Grace tbe Duke of Devongbiro ; Mr.Chctwode H. Curroy, Dr. Curroy, tho Villa , Lismore ;Captain Percival Maxwell, Mr. Nicholas Power O'Sheo,Gardenmorris ; Mr. Edward Foley, Knockalara ; Mr.Percy Smyth, Hcadborongh j Mr. J. H. Dower,Brewery Lodge; Mr. Maxwell Gumblctou, of Glau-atoro ; Mr. Nelson T. Foley, Ballycally ; Mr. Denia¦TP'0?! Tonrtanej Mr. Shoohau, Captain St. Legor,•Barry, Mr. R. W. Chcaruley, S.-iltprbridgo ; Mr.Cbearnloy, W.A. ; tho Messrs Woodrooffe, Ball y-saggartmoro ; Mr. James GallWey, Lodgo ;Mr. R. J. Usabor, of Cappagh ; Mr. Samuol 1!. Fitz-gerald, Tivoli; Mr. Coates, Glcnabciry Lodge, agentto tho Earl of Strodbroke ; Aldcrmau Woods, Cloti-mol ; Mr. Samuel Beresfbrd Pocr, Bcllcrillo Park ;Mr. Quin, high-sheriff, and Mr. Hiidsou , sub-sheriff ;Mr. IIcLry A. Fitzgerald, Seavicw; Mr. J. O'Kecffo,Bal lylemon j Captain William Power , Afl'anc ; Mr.Charles Power, the Rcr. Ilnns Hutlor , Incumbent ofVillierstowu, and privato chapluiu In Lord Stuart doDccicB j tbo Rov. Prebendary Xcvillc , Stmdball y ;tho Abbot of Mount Mollcray j .Mr. Josiiph Kcatiugc,manager National Bank, Lismore ; Mr Sheehan, tboRev. J. F. Parker, Rector of Kilm.iclhonna ; thoRev. Jeremiah Loug, P.I'., Clnobmnro ; tlm Hov.Giirratt Long, P.P., Aglish ; lr. U^slier

and Mr.

Thomas Ussher, Camphiio ; tho Uev. Jumes Alcock,Incumbent of Ringa^oounh ; Captain Rcnrdon, Mr.Wm. Hely, Woodstock ; Mr. Thomas Slattcry, solr.,Lismore ; tho Rev . J. M'Keoivn , Presbyterian Minis-tor, Lismoro : the Rev. Wm. Power, P.P., Toiirnoona;tbo Very Rov. Di. Hally, P.P., Dungnrvan ; tho ifnv.Roger Pow<r, P.P., the Rev. Mr. Mnxcy , P.P., Abbey-aide, Dungarvan ; Mr. Joha Hely, Gh-nshillano; .Mr.Sippi, Lisraore ; Dr. Anthouy, Uun^nrvan; Mr. M,A. Anthony, do. ; Dr. Flynn , do. ; tho Very Rov. P.Byrne, P.P., V.G., Lismore ; Ruv. V. Power, P.P.,Cuppoqoin ; Mr. W. J. Donnehy. C.P., WatcrforJ ;Mr. J. J. Shoe, Abheyviow ; Mr. .1. Quiiihin , Clon-kordin; Mr. Barry Drew , Flo .wcrhill ; Mr. Henry E.Redmond R.M., Dungarvan; tin) Rev. M. liurke ,R.C.C., Cappoquin; Mr. M. Ph-lan , Freuch Hotel ,Lismore ; Mr. Carroll , Cvnpoqiliii ; Mr. J. Walsh ,Cappoquin: Mr. Win. Clarke, Mr. Jcrcmiith Slattcry,Dr. Poolc, Ardmoro ; Dr. O'Roill y, bisnimc ; Mr. T.P. Sherlock , Mr. Shcchan, Lismore. All we havuBRmed, with many others, ivoro crapo :ind blackgloves, which were supplied as they arrived.

The procession moved from tho house and throughtho demesne, to Villicrstown chiirchy;ird , n distanceof about two miles, iu tho following order :—Fir.'toamo 100 of tho lato lonl's tomtits, mounted on tbeirhoreco, and marshalled four abreast—an fino a Ixitl yof yeomen as could bo mustorcd on any estate Theywero nttircd with whim scarves anil h:it lianda.Next carao scvoriil largo bodies of tho tenantry onloot, wearing tho 6amo funeral attire, to tho numberof over GOO. Thoy wero followed by mi immensegathering of tho touants' families—a very respectableassemblage. After theso a largo body of clergymenof various denomination*, followed by a ^'uard olhonour, consisting ol a detachment of tho WaterfordArtillery Staff, of which regiment hia lordshi p hadfor many yoars been Colonel . Then came.

TltK HKAKSK ,Draw n by fourhorses. Tho remains of his lordshi p

wero encased within a suite of coffins, tho outer ofpolished oak, heavily moulded and enriched with giltmountings. Tho brca-itplato bore tho followinginscription underneath a coronet :—

"Tiio Itight Hon.Loim STLAKT m; I) I:. I I N ,

Horn 8th June , 1WI ;Dil-U at Drom:io:t , £[ril Juiiuar/, 1 7 t ,

Ai'iAl TO j - inrr."Two of tho family carriages oamo next the hearse,

with tho following us chief mourners :—In the firstsat tho eoo oftho deceased noMoniun , tho Hon. H.Windsor Villiora Stnnrl., .»j-i:o tfueeoedd to his lord-ship's titlo and estatos, with two of his children ,Masters Henry und Gerald Viltier.-< Stuart , and Mr.R._ U. Power. In the :-eeond curriage wero—SirCharles Wheeler Cuffi;, son-in-law of the deceased,his nophevr , Lieiuenaiit-Colouel Ktuait , W.A. , ofCnatlctown ; Mr. Laurence Dcimchy, of Litureiituiu ,agent ; and Dr. Croly, private physician to \iU lord-ghip. Next followed tho princi ple employees inJ"lacW ,and tho domestic servants at Dromnna in wh'tomonrning habiliments, with 'ibout DIHI hundred oftho labourers on the estate ; behind tliesn cami.1 alargo body of tho magistracy aud other gentry of tli ucouutics of Wnterford and Tippcrary, in:uiy of whomleft their carriages and walked to the Imrhil place.The cntiro procossion was closed with an innumer-able assemblage of the surrounding peasantry, r.\-tending tho mournful cortege, to over ii mile and uhalf in length. It occupied much nmn; than anhour to move from tho house to the church at Villiers-town.. ',' As this great procession left tlm oprrn (j la 'a middefiled through the forest of Dioinanu , tho spvctaclcwas ono of a BiDgularl y imposing character. Now bytho vergo of tho preci pitous nml overliiiiig it iK wnoil.1,a hundred feet over tho river Blnckwater—now alongthrough the broad nud genllu undulating j ilain , itpursucn its onward course until at leuglh \i passedout of the demenso and complclly thronged thovillage naaiod after the Villiora fntnil )', Earls of Orand-ison, upon whom the unforfeited estates of tho Dt-ciiM,belonging to tho junior IVsmnml branch, ilevolvcdsomo centuries post. This sanie family in course oftimo becamo united to tho iiobli : house of Stuart.

Arrived at. tho entranco to tho graveyard , tho ro-mains were received by the Kev. limit Uutlcr , whocommenced tho beautiful ficrricu ol' tlio Church.Every head was uncovered a* tin; body uf his lord-ship was borno past. The interio r of the little church,built noil endowed as it clripclry by tho last IxinlQrandison , u hundred years ngn, was hung withblack drapery on every side. His lordship's pew', thocommnniou-tablc, tho reading desk, and gallery—allpresented the samo pomhro appearance; the onlyrelief being tho cvergrtun coronets and tmibletiiR ofimmortality which , here and there , were seen. 'Phisappropriate decoration wan chiefl y, if not entirel y,tho work of Mrs. Doctor Croly. The latter portion ofthe funeral servico was rend in front of the fumilyrault, which Lord Stuart do Decies erected some tenor twelvo years bince. Into this vault the coflin wasafterwards borne, mid placed lie»ido that containingthe remains of Lady Stuart de Decies, his lordshi p'swife, who died a few years beforo in Wiesbaden. Thoremains of Colonel Wm. Villietn Stuart , of Ca.tlotown, brother to Lord Stuart , had also been placedthere only tbreo Bbort mouths ngo. Tho moniburH oftbo family present entered the vault a* noon as thocoffin had been laid tbero, and rcmuinrd for somotimo in silent ajief. Tbo entire ol tlm vast then returned homewards, deeply impressedwith the sad solemnity of the occasion.

Tho MessrB. Waller, of Dij uzille-slree t , Dublin ,supplied tho oak coflin , and nil the other funeral re.quisilics veto divided between tho local Jirnis of Mr,J. Waljho, Mr. M. CuiTan, Thomus Hayes , mid .Messrs.Smith und .Stanley, ol Cippo<|uin , and .Mr. MichaelNoouau, of Lixtnnrc. Messrs, lluy d, Wil l iams andCo., Clonmol, had the providing ot the Hummingliveries. All tho arrangements wero earned i.:it intho most orderly und efMciVtit wanner tinder lUtBupervision of Mr. Laurence Uumiuliy , his lurdshi p'angent, by Mr. Currali and Mr. Pepper, li'iuse ytewarilat IJromuna, — Clm'.id Chroniclt.

AUV ICE TO MoTiiKith!—Arc you hrokciin yourrrrt nv ¦ ^

tk cli:l.i mil- r «t unli Hi" |i ' nil t u t .' i....|. }Oi» .1' onr^ iu H L- lieuiHi mi'l ift-l A l i oii l , - i.l ^ :r- .\V i.\«: t ,\v 'sNuori i iKO •>vntr. If « i l l ivlii-v ilw |i- '« ¦*«# :v-d m - l). It ¦•¦ prrtrctly hann l iv an I I I I^ . IJU ' t< i t a - t i - . 1|irinluiv»iMlur»l i|il"-t >lr*|' I' .t r eh i 'v inx ui - ir ln l i l In i iu pen,¦«iid tile h t l l e iul. attHLtMl -. " it* I jUK 't t as 11 l iut lo i i ."

It t- 'Uttic* rln- child, it 5Mlten- the ;!ilm>< , allu >. i ji l ji.mi , re-ItrvM winJ , te^ulatcs the buwi-U , rtml is Mi " ht^; knmvn re-medr for dyseutery .111J durilui*.i , wlipth ^r :ir ;sinj tron*teetbing or otlfr ci.uses. Mr*. W'lit '-l- .Vw S nihinj ; Sym|iis sold iiy M-djcin* df»l-- r i» pvt-rywl;<-r", ni 1*» IJ 'l I »T li.inl. .Mauutitctur«l iu New Vurk , «ud «i 1'JJ Ux'uid SICK I, Lon-don.


Tho mode of voting is this. Wbun the voter oomnaup to vote, tbo presiding officer or bis clerk, alterascertaining that he ia ontitled to vote at tbat parti-cular station, will mark tho ballot paper with thoofficial mark, so as to bo visible, on both sides ; callout tho number, namc.and description of the voter, asstated in the copy of tho register ; entor saoh numboron tbo counterfoil of tbe ballot paper ; placo againsttho number of the voter in tho register a ticl^or markwhich will denoto that the voter has received a ballotpaper, bat will uot denoto the particular ballot paperwhich ho has received ; and will tben deliver thaballot paper to tho voter. Tho old law as to thoquestions which may bo asked of tho voter, and thooath which may bo administered to him, remain un.alterod. Tbo voter having recoived his ballot paporis to proceed at onco to ono of the compartments,".•!ti> ro ho will secretly mark his ballot paper, and foldit up so as to conceal the mark which ho hasmade, and leave the official mark on tho baok visible.He will then tako it 30 folded, without showing tbefront of tbo paper to any person, to tbo presidingofficial himsolf , show him tho official mark, placo tbeballot paper at once iu tho ballot box placed oloso totho presiding oQiccr, aud immediately leavo thostation. In iho performance of his dutios the presid-ing officer will SCO that uo person interferes with thovotor whilu giving his vote, or otherwise infringestbe provisions of tbo law ; alBO, that no person patsinto tho ballot box a paper not officially marked ;and thut no person tako a ballot paper out of thestation. Should any person attempt to ofl'ond intheso matters tho presiding officer may order him tobe arrcstod. Provisions are raado to meet tbo caso ofBpoilt votes, or voting in exceptional cases. Witbro-Bpcct to tho former, if a voter accidentally spoils aballot paper ho may return it to bo cancelled, and willbo givou anotbor. In threo casos, and in threo only istbo ballot paper allowed to bo marked by any otborperson than tho votor himsolf. TheBO are—personaincapacitated by blindness or any othor physicalcauso ; Jews, if tho polling takes placo on a Saturday,ami illiternco persons. To deal effectually with tholast class, if a voter declares that ho is unable to roadtho presiding officer may fill up for him a declarationof inability to rct.d, and tben not only read it overto him, but mako him repeat, and put his mark toit. This declaration is attested and kept by theproeidirg officor , and in any of theBO threo cases thepresiding officer , or ono of his clerks, must, in tboprescuco of tho per-onation agents, if thoy are inattendance, mark a ballot paper in tho way directedby tbo votor, place it iu the ballot box, and enter thonamo of tho voter on a list headed " tho list of votesmarked by presiding officer," mentioning npon thedocument iho reason why tho voto bas boon so markedTbo mode of tendering a voto whore a person claimsto voto after auothor person has already voted in hisnauio is so prescribed that no voto can be tendorcdexcept in tho caso ot personation. Tho presidingollicer is not allowed to open tho ballot box, whioh,at tbo closo of tbo poll, is to bo scaled up, so as toprevent tho introduction of additional ballot paporB.After tho closo of tUo pull , a3 EOOU as practicable, tbopresiding officer is, in tbo presencu of the personationagents, il nny nru in uttciulanco, to mako up iutosepa-rate packets tho ballot box and tho several papersthero mentioned, to seal tho packets with hia ownseal, and then , uulnss ho is himself tho returningoDicur to deliver ihe several packets, together withtho ballot paper account , to tbo returningofliccr. In tho uimplcr ca*es where thero is only onopolling statiou , and tho returning officor himsolf actsas presiding olfieer, tho ballot box tieod; not bo ro.moved, because tho returning officer is otnpoworodto proceed at onco with thu counting.

COl'NTIMS THE VOTES.Tho next step is Iho counting of the votes, and in

this necessary operation no time will bo lost by thoreturning officor, after tho poll ia closed. Candidatesare allowed to appoint agents to attend at tho count-ing, but thoy must givu tho returning officer notico oftho urtmo and address of each agent ono clear day be-foro tho opening of tbo poll , and tho ictnrning officeron his side must give notico to tho agents of tho timoand placo of couuting votes. Tho returning officer mayappoint pcrsoosto assist in countiug—not meroolerks,but persons of iho samo class as tho prcaiding officers,if necessary, liowovcr, ho may appoint clerkB, inaddition. Tho namo strictness must bo maintained inthe couuling as in tho registering of votes, and, Bave,tho returning oRiuer , his assistants nud olerks, thecandidates, and the duly appointed agents of tbo can.diales, no ono is entitled to 1M present, except for thopurpose! of assisting the roturuiug officor in tho count-ing. The process of counting ia very simple Beforobeginning to count the votes tho roturning officor willopeL the ballot boxes, count aud record tho number ofpapers in each box, so as to check any attempt atfraud , then mix all tho papers together in such a waythat it may nut bo known which came out of any par-ticular box. In counting tho papers and votes the re-mining officer must keep ttio ballot papers focesjup-wards, and proventany person from seeing thounmborpriuted ou the backs. Any ballot paper which has notou its back official mark, or on which votes aro givouto more candidates than the votor is entitled to voto

for, or on which anything except tho number printedon tbe back is wrirxcu or marked by which tho votercuu IJC identified , is to bo void and not counted. Itis invalid. Tho voter is reqaired to placo a cross outhe right hand side opposito tho namo of each candi-date for whom ho voles. Tho power of deciding onthe validity of votes resta with the returning officeralone, and cannot be delegated ; and ho is required tobe most niiuutu and particular in the classificationol uud reporting upon, rejected votus. As soon as thoresult ol tbo poll is ascertained, the returning ofSooris to declare olected tho caudiduto on candidates forwhom the majority of votes huu been given, and toreturn their names to tho Clerk of tho Crown inChancery. Tho returu, namoly, a certiGaito endorsedon the writ , may bu sent by post, tho indenture bywhich tlio roturu was formerly raado having beenabolished. Thu result of tho election will be publish,ed without delay, both tho names of tho candidateseh cted and of tho total number of votes for each can.didate , being officially g iven. Upon tho tomplotion•jf tl.o counting, thu rcturniug eHicer seuls up iascparulu packets iho counted or rejected ballot paperswithout opening tho packets, containing " tendered"ballot papers, marked copy of register of voters, orcounter foils , but ho will iuthopresuueo of tho agonts,verify tlio ballot paper account so as to seo that alltho ballot papers areaccouutud for, aud that no wrougpapers have been iulioduced. Jiu thuu makes out 11report of his verification. Thu returning officer willfiliall y forward lo the Clerk of thu Crown in Clmu-cery, as tiiupoll books used to be forwnrded, his re.porL and ducuuicuis , taking caro toendorso on eachpacket ih« description of its contents, tho date of thoelection In which tlioy relate, and iho namo ol thoCounty or Boroug h i'ur which such election \\a* held.

.VM.KS.tAK Y LXI 'K.VsKS.The necessary exf/cusus uf election, inrlu'l ing tho

construction of polling HIH I IUUS , payment uf preludingotYiCLTj, ihuir usaiaLJiij lA, aiid clerks, will bo payable ashurulul'oru Ijy the caudidatus , but tho law which for.merly fixed tho amount payublo lo deputy relumingofficers and poll clerks having Ijueu ropcalod,it will bopossible to pay a smaller sum than thut fixed by thurepealed enactment. '1 ho enactments requiring un in.denture fur tho purpose of tho return hnvu also beenrepialed , and consequentl y there is nothiug to inter,feru with the provisions which prohibit , a returningofficer , tinder a penalty of £j00, from taking any feoor reward for the receipt, return , or execution of anywrit.

COURT 01' HAXKIlbTTCY AND INSOLVENCY(lirfnru Judge Harrisou).

In tc l' rcnth-rtjaa 1 .—Tho bankrupt was a boatman,tradiug between Now Ross aud Waterford. Mrl'iirci;lj, I^C , instructed by Mr Jiulas, appeared fortho assignees , and uxamiued tho baukrupt in re.ferenco to tho milo ol a house of which bo hold tholease and as tu other pruporty, alleged to bolong tohim in -Now RUSB . Tho cuso wa« adjourned.

BllKAKFA ST—Kl'l 's's G'oCOA—GllATEFU L AXD ColT-F O H l l N O — " 1!)' a lh.miu.cli knimkili'e ot the natural law»wlii nli cnvi'i u tho nui'mlions of ili gt-iliou and nutrition , andby a rarrlul »p|>l<c<tiuii ot the fina |inipi>rtic» of wel]-««lcct«lcucmi . Mr. K|.p« I I .IH piuviilr.l nut brenlfiMt tahle* with aili'hr.*:''ly tl .wirfil u-vi 'Dwi1, wliic 'j ni.iy suvo us many heiiTjduu fii f * ' hi)'*.. "— Civil Service Oatette. .Made niiopjywith II U :I"IL' Wiiu-r nr Mi lk . K.icli pxclict ii lebelled—" J . \ MSS Krp* & Co., HuitHco pdtliic Chemists , Londun."

( iLKi ; or COCOA — Adopted by

lli ->»i» J.i.iiuii K|.|is la Co., iininlirnctureiH of dieteticHita - l t-- , :il tl 'i-u winks in the Kustou Rund , Londou. —SeeAiiii'li iii <!assell '» lluusihalil (iuiile.

rYoiiiLiNr ; !— For the TEKTII and BREATH.—Af t * ' i l iup- . ol tin.1 l'quul Florillitie, sprinkled OD a wet lootbhru-h , pruiliux'4 a [il^;u;iul uthcr , which thoroughl y cluMiHegt l i uTt ' l h Iruiu nil ui iiupuritien ,Imrden* thegucu ,inuvciit s t a r t a r , <tuu- d.«v, mvvs tu t lm Teeth a peculiarpearly »lj i '< ia »— >, mid a dtl ' th t lu l friigrancn to tha breath.I t r.-ii.ovcs all iiii |il.M> ;ii!t i.donr :iri»ing from di-cayeil teethor tnlj. icen sim.ku. Tin: Fragr ant F-oriltne beinif cnmpotrtlin |i >i 1 lit li .i-ii -y ami MTI-H: in.,),,, i, deliciouito the taste-,:u,<l t he l!:.nlc,t lo i l .t .li.n.viry ol the »^f. Price S». tld.lor ;l e l i qui ' l , all ' l U. p. r jar lor tin: Kluri 'ine " I'oirder ,"nt »ll t ' l i i -mitl . s rf lli i IVil ini . r ik . i'/enarnl by JJ, C. GA J.LUP4'.KI O.vloi.l Mi.vt , l.un.l .in.

TllttOAT A>TX CTI0 . \KAXU UOAIISKXKSS.—All Sllf-f.-li n-' Irmn irnt .i luil i ol t hu ihnmt and lui.irauiif.s , willhr a^ if f l ' l y si ii |iii f . i^ l :it t l t r i i lmu.-it imtni ' i I iHtt* re.iel ult 'ordeilhy th t OT n! " liiowu '.. lli»iK'ln»l Troulirs." Thtn lumous*' li»Z ' -ni;»">" i«n* n i w --«ihl liy ni'isl r .^pi-ctabbj chcul 'Ms inth is c i ' l l l . t iy :.l I* J i - I |.i:r Ins . I'll.J .lc tioilbl .tl wi th H" ha 'k i i i .1 imul i ," .1 " slight CTI.I ," IK- hrniicliml Hlll'diiins,CJIII IOI ny He in '. I D M I- I I , i sMi i i i lu r troul i l is , il iilliuvdril Inpi ' .^n -sH, v.'^ult 111 >eriiMH l'u l iuo i iHiy and Astlunatii: iiflfc.twii-. M'i' t l i 'il 1 be w..r ls " llriiivn '11 llroiicl .ial TrucliM"ar.'-a ll . i- ( i ' iv. . i . i i !Mil Sl i iuuml , n, I, l:os.—Mliunr a e.iu nl y .l"lin I. l i r>.wi .V .».,n r , llui 'iiii , (y iiited St«t«.I).,,.,1 , 111.1 Ds' ii ' .l -M r. r ' , I ...1 .

TIIK M KW U L I I I : for Koilcj isv , or Fits, Fuint-M^ « . I I . S ' l . i . l ' - ^ e . \ , l l i l ' .- ' i i'- , I-M-r-C'JI l ipUit l tH ,I I .- . . .-H . - '- .. , 11... :, . - ..i . . ..¦ Iii ...y- , .... . a l Ner.v. .a- ..ll«ir : I l l .\ ¦ s ,t t . • •,- .1 - :..-, call 111' |i.-rillH-u. | i : iy .11..! i| ii- l%l -. i .1 i 'l ... i l :( iW:. 'f Hi: Kll .il. I! KM Ki l l KS ,mi-1 l u l l |>-.r! L-.I .- I :- , v. !i ^ ..ii. ,.i- i ln - l l i s n t t in-I l l r l lx i l l i' , CHII•,.• l.a l . 1.1- —i ,: , :i..- l 'r.,pri.-.or. I' IO I. O. I'H K M W V . 'J. \\: ¦• - I . - ' , I '.-i .vi i i t . l j .Mi i t ' i i , L'ti .ihit i. Kvely

ii i -. i n . ' t - i i . \ ¦¦¦I- - i n t > •-, .ib '.-li w i l l Im sent on.. i , i • I ' -. -I-u*.i...n- , "> pu=t , iu any mldreiiif

th rgu/Ui 'Ut (i na t Itri t .uii . so.13.onw



largo and respectable meeting at his .CommitteeBooms, Commins* Commercial Hotel, Quay, in supportof his candidature for the representation of the oity.For Borne time prior to the hour montioned in thenotico convening the ussemblage, the seats, of whichthero was on ample sapply, the accommodation fortbe press being also excellent, wero filled,, tho non-olective element predominating, and for several min.ntoa a very general desire was expressed for theappearance oi the candidate. As the olook struckeight, tho HOT. P. Kont, P.P., St. Patriot's, enteredtho room, followed by Mr. Oaborne, who was loudlyoheored, by Dr. Scott, J.P., by his Worship the Mayor(Aid. W. K. Commins), Mr. P. Commins, T.C., Mr. J.W. Howard, solr., conducting agent, and some others,amongst whom was Mr. A. Cadogan, at one time, aleading public man in our oity, deservedly ostoemedfor his thorough patriotism, and at present: on a shortvisit in Waterford. After an interval ot a fow seconds,

Tho Rev. Mr. Kont , P.P., said—Well, gentlemen, Ibelieve I may as well tako tho chair (applause, amidwhich tho rov. gontlemon assumed the chair). Asparish priest of St. Patrick's, I come hero to takethe chair at this Catholio meotieg, and 1 do so with-out the slighest intention, whatever, of wishing todictate to any ono at tho present olootion, overy oneDoing at liberty to voto as ho pleasos (bear, hoar).We do not wish to force anything whioh is not fair,and perfectly legitimate (hoar, hear). Wo dosire thatovory man shall take into conideration the object ofthis mooting, and what is hoped to be accomplishi-dby it. We heartily wish that no sectarian foelingshall ariso amongst ns, or animate us in any way ;wo are all guided, I hope, by tho one grent desire, todo what wo can for tho public good, and by thatalono (hoar, hoar). I now take the chtiir, ready tohear from auy gentleman what he has to say, and, inthe first place, I will call upon Mr. Osborne, ourlato member, and our future ono, to address ns uponpresent contost (hoar, hear, aud ohoors) .

Mr. OSUOBNK oamo forward, amid very warm ap-plause, repeated for soveral seconds. Whon siloncowae restored, the honorablo candidate, who gave evi-dent signs of being in ill-hoaltb, spoke aa follows :—Father Kent, old friends, and now friends—let mehope I seo many now frionds amongst you—I mustthrow myself, in somo measure, upon your indulgencethis evening, as I stand beforo you upon the presentoccasion at somo disadvantage I coma amongst youthis evening from a bed of sicknoss, and I am not,even now, well qualified to speak all that I foel , andmuch that I think at this momoat. As I am hero inthis contest at tbo call of dnty, I feol I coald notturn my b&cic, on this occasion,upon tho constituencytbat bohavud so well to me andor circumstances oftbo most trying character (hear) . I am hero amongstyou again (cries ef " you're woloome," and opposingcries of " yon'ro not"). Gentlemen,I am bore with onofeeling of logitimato ambition in my broast, and thatiB, tho laudable, ono of representing you. in Parlia-ment (hear, hear). At a timo of a goneral ol ectiou,such as the presont, it is well known tbat you musthavo numerous candidates coming before jou profess,ing many things ; some of thoso things possible, per-haps, more of them certainly impracticable, yet allpromised freely by tboso seeking your rotes. Gen-tlomen, lot me tell you thoro was ouco a great French¦writer , who, upon a subject of this kind, wrotoof candidates at un election, " tboy promiso accordingto their hopes, and they perform according to tboirfears" (bear, hear), and of tho truth of that statomenttbero cannot be, in my opinion, any doubt, whatever.For my part, I am proud of novor having put forwardpromises which coald bo said of me I had nover ful-filled. No, gontlemon, I am con ton t to speak on tbosooccasions of tbo practical, and not indnlge in those iuwhich, from their nature, it would be useless to do so.I may say, gentlemen, yon have a largo numbor oscandidates before you ; indeed, I may say, and I sayit with overy respect for my clerical friend in thochair, you bavo a miraculous draft of candidatesbefore you (laughter), and I do not think it toomncbto add, thero aro somo odd Fish amongst them (ro-nowed laughter). At tho samo timo that I aay so,gentlemen, let me assure you that you will not bearono word derogatory to thoso candidates full from mylips (hear, hear). Tboy have an equal'right with meto address tha doctors ou the present occasion ; Icannot complain of thoir doing so; I do not complainof it , and all I ask at yonr hands4 gontlemon, is a clearstage, and no favor, and may God defend tho right(hoar, hear, and warm cheoring) .

At this stage an individul near the chair, and whosonamo was stilted to be Jim Neill , ono who, just asthe moating was oponing, was about having a smoke,and wonld have done so, to tho detriment of tho vorynice room into tho liko of wbiob, onoe in hifl li?e, honovor expected to enter, had not one of Ilis acquaint-ances, fur moro civilized tban himself , threatened toCalcraft his neck for him if he persisted, here inter-rupted tho speaker. Instantly crios rosounded fromdifferent parts of tho room to Jim to " abut up," orif not, he would be strangled; the muu (Mr. 0.) had aright to be beard (bear, boar).

Mr. OsnoRNK—Gentlomon, I think it is but fairto you to say this—I do not know how manycandidates thoro aro beforo yon—I really do notknow—but I miss ono old friend whom I thoughtwould bavo been amongst the numbor.

JIK NKILL—Oh' ! ayo, that'* Mr. Duggau (growlsfrom different quarters of a menacing character).

Mr. OsnoRNE—No, sir, I miss from tho crowdtho " Poor man's fiiend ;" I thought I wouldhave seen him horc (groat laughter). But, genilu-men, I think you havo quite enough withouthim ; and sow allow me to say hero, I am quite ready,at this moment, or at any othor, to go through withthose gentlemen a competitive examination as to thopast (hear, hear). I will ask you this—Is it fair toforget tho votes and tbo acts of a man: for twentyyears giron and done for Ireland, and take men whollynutried, and from whom you have nothing but pro-miaea (hear, hear) PNEILL—Iroland a huudred years ago Crash wuut

tho yells at tho disturber, was not quite certainwas not going to interrupt with a soog. Tho Mayornow cautioned Jim to bo ijuiot , but Mr. Oabornointorforod, and begged that bis friond, ,Jim, wouldbo let alone.

Mr. OSHOKNB (referring to tho interruption)—Ihofirs t quality to bo a member of l'urlinmoutis patience, and if I bavo not patiooco with a good-humoured Jooking fclloiv such as Jim Neill theitf , howcan I cxpoct that you will havo patience with niu(hear) ? Gentlemen, over twenty yearn of my lifohave been spent in iho service of this country, iuL'flbrts to icdrcss your wrongs, aud that, too, wheu itwas uot either fashiouablo nor politio to do so. ltu-membcr that this was dono at n timo when I had uopolitical connection with this country ; wheu I wasunder no immodiato obligation to do so; wheu I sutfor un English Borough, whoro bigotry was far iundvance of information. I thoro voted " Ireland fortbo Irish" (bear , hear), and got sent iibout mybusiucRS for doinir so.

J IM N KILL—Yes, Mr. Osborno was often iu tho'Lobby. Oh ! you're only an Englishman (cries of' out with him," " put out that follow.") Jim, cooll y

survey ing tho surgiog crowd, " indeed, you'll donothing of tho kind ; I'll not go out for any one. Putme ont, indeed." Tbo Chairman called Jim to order,but he caught a Tartar, for Jim called out, " I'll notheur your ruroronca. 1'oa cnlled me Molly Dunloaonco (laughter) , but now I'm as good an: Iri airman asyoursolf ; but I light all tho samo for you,, begob, knee deep iu blood." Mr. OSUOUME : Wo don'twuut yunr blood, wo only want your silence (bear,bear, and laaghtor). It yoa aro for Homo Kulo(chocrs) show by your oxaaiplo that you are fit forit, aud hear mo (hour, hoar). Mayor : Conduct your-self, or you'll leave this qnickly. Mr. Howard, solr. :Coudact yourself or ont you'll go," and Mr. Howardnodded significantly to tbe window at Jim's back. Jim,all this time, looked at one gentleman, then at thoother.Jwith a grin, and coolly assured them and thomooting, that ho wouldn't badge for auy two ef them.He had a right to spoak at a pablio mooting.

Mr. Otfiiatt.TE—Gentleman, Jet him alone ; we won't,if you pleoso, have any patting oat. I'If not turnmy back ou him, boliovo me, and if he. can answerme wheu I'm done, I'll listen to him with pleasure(bear, hear) . Mr. BUCKLEY : He can not onuwer lyou,but ho ought to give you ahoariug (hoar, hour) , plr.OSIIOHNE : I thank yoa, sir, that is buc ftiir. Jira wasnow silent for u time, and Mr. Osburuo proceeded.Gentlemen, romembor tbie—Tho first voto wjhichwhich I over gave, yearn ago, when X had uo c LUSOto bo particularly anxious about an XriBh cons itn-oncy, WSB to havo fivo millions of tho public mfnoyexpended in Ireland in tho construotiou of railways(hear, hear). Tbat was a vote which cost mo mysoat in England , and tbo last voLo which I gavo wasfor a vote of censure on Mr. Lowo for hnvinu-mis-managed tho public funds iu tho perfection of thoZanzibar contract (hoar, bear). Mr. BCCKUEY ; 'jVlmtabout tbo matches (hear, hear, Jim's lung* now agaiuin full play) 't I am glud you mentioned about thematches. It was in consoquauco of one of myspotchuB that tho mutch proposition uf Mr. Lowowas thrown usidi) (hear, hear). 1 aui very glud thatyou struck tbat match (laughter).

Jim—Jlolloo, Mr. Osbornu Mayor ; Hold yourtongue, uir. Jim : No sir, I wnu't hokl my tongue,nir ; if I did I would slobber my fingore (laughter).I want to know , sir, what did Mr. Oabovno par Dug-gau fur his tenth (roars of laughtor, _Mr. Osborno ,himself, joining hearti ly).

Mr. OSUUKNK —Wo havo hero a match which is con-stantly lizzing, hut no how wilil it go o£f (laughter).I muko thoso observations so that I juuy ask you,K'utluniou , is it a fair thiug no'w to tako two caudi-datus who hayo not had an opportunity to distiDguianthcmst'lvox, nud, on tho muro utrongtli of promises,get rid of an old and tried aurvant—one who hasscrvod you iu trying times, ouu who has worked foryou in tho heat of day ; will yoa ta'io them upontrust , and send mo abont my business ((hoar, boar) FThat (iuostiou 1 pnt thus broidly ac|i fall; before

yon. SenUemen, ! bare moro than one* responded camo laero j ight to .now that 1¦ ™ ™Jic?lfor the cause of Ireland, and I may just say a fe«r <*PP°«™ V hS^SCanvassed a single voter, and I

=^.'3Sri1ssaaasra«2 sfSrStfsfflMrssSssrr-. s'S^v-sS'-iS S=WS"fhas to bear so many interruptions as I. have ''

0Ta "w

' ,a° 5^

that those

who oppose him

here on my right hand (alluding to Master before,"" •«£ f their own In doing so (empha-Jim). Gentlemen, thoro is an old Scotch story re- ™" ?Jp °DJ

n0.. from the body of tbe meeting) .lated of one who was giving his experience to a tio cr.esidf jj^

0 ^

r°ue8tion o/Home Rule (criesnnmber .of friends, and who said he was » the I don t nndBrstena tne q

Henryforemo8tplacewhen hisopponents then wero "greetin Oh! oh! wo to, ana so B for their parritch," and I cVn tell you now that I was Sargent

^Mano r, was >»£• «£ ' to and tate it

reformer when tho Major was greetin for his parntch. »tenapt »•. ™»£5> \a j Ioofc £„ tho Home(loud laughter, the allusion being nnderstood to

JriL t^eit I mSrt «7 I h«e

no confident inrefer to Mr. O's gallant and eloquent opponent.). Bale "°»°™enM ""„'£ (criea of "Dr. MaoHalo").Commission, were given in those d»y. to infants » f ^^^Z ^nXmen

amongst them, but

the cradle. I have .upported household suffrage. 1 Knoll^ re


Ba" .,, d in . U will terminate in(A Voico rromtheoornorof tho room : And coercion)

XTlinirVv and another cabbage (start-jwsj tfii^firw-ii Srt£EM3rar:srsS3 IJSTS^ Vli.'-X Z .?.-! KSiS£.,»,,. o~. *», ... ~„ ¦ . i,_. . i ._ :,u .;i... .„>« in its ones of " No, no ). . . .(hear, hear). Not content with silont Totes in its one*> or *£

n° £ . NdU her0 JMI ed up> anrt

^ Tl * ? ™™ Km p rnnin, cheers restedevents-thai I nm not advanced enough for you (hear to ""> call.

B „hear). I havo spent my youth and my fortttn.. ineh Mr.»E My Tt*nO *M

^] M a iJ!y

£. Bei ij STni show ^.Jiir. O^ORNE": a dissentient voice to this vote of thanks (bear, hear,



[ «t power to hi3 reverence, yard of

^r^u"ta^lL^hSL',fSISciS ^ MrorR^- ly manhero who seemsaverse

hoTd your tonsuo (ories of " put him out"). Mr. to Dooominational Education appears to bo my friend

OAORNE Onfno W I don't wish that > I am from Balljbrickon. (Jim opened wide hu eye. at

suro he wiH bo quiot. Mr. Osborno here crossed this) . Let us hope if ho has a family (" Begob tn 1

over to where Jim sat, and had a short conversation have," said Jim, amtd roars of langfater ; "an didn tuk- r »« llnl tn nromiso " I'll say no you know that beforo ? Arrah ! man, whero wero you

m^odfc ^^tarnlriThi.JllIee.J.j. f ^n^^^^^ ^ ^ -inn—An TriAman'. word ii »s Rood as »ny other dron will be brought up in n. better school than he

mln^La ±n he ghes it ho wioTeep to il (hear, has been, and more on tho silont system (laughter) .

hear).' Well my friends, we wero just talking I will now movo our best thanks to Father Kent for

of the Boltot Lo me toll you that I supported his kindness in presiding this eveuing (hoar he»r) .

and voted for such a measure long boforo it was The M MO* proposed that Mr. Anthony Uadog.o. do

takon up Mr. Gladstone. I was voting for tho Ballot »ako the second chair (bear, hear)for years Gentlemen, bavo I not a right to refresh Mr. CADOGAN-I thank you, Mr. Mayor , for the

your memories upon theso questions (hoar , hear) ? kindness wbicb prompts you to do mo that honor,Have I not a right tho samJ as tho soldier bas to but I must respectfull y beg leave to u>clmc. am

point to tbo insignia on his colours ? Uavo I not a not now, as you aro aware, a resident in Waterlord ;

nght, liko him, to point to tho crosses on his breast, I am merely stnymrr m tho hotel on a short visit to

to refresh your memories us to what I havo dono tbo city, aud only attended this meeting lor iho pur-

for tho people, and to point to my services in thoir poso of hearing ouo of Mr. Osborno soloqaeutiipoe.ihes.

behalf (hoar hear) ? Long, long ago, did I uot fight In that object I havo uot been disappointed, and that

for tho removal of overy ban, of no mutter what desiro gratified, my connection with tho proceedings,kind npon tho religion of ray fello*man (hear, hoar)? if it cau bo called 80 much, ceased. 1 beg again loLong, long ago, did I not rise up in my placo and thank yoa, sir, and tho meeting for tho honor youdeclare I would nover stand quietly by, and see u proposed to confer upon mo (hear, hear),man debarred from his just rights, becauso ho did Dr. SCOTT, J.P., was then unanimously voted to tho

not beliovo in tho sauo dogmas that I held , or be- v.ce-chair, and then thero were peremptory cal U; that

onnso ho believed in moro than I believed in (hear, ho should address tho meeting. .Soc.ntf ho could nothear) ? Gentlemon, I believed ihon, as I believo no>v, refuse, Dr. Scott proceeded to comply, and just as lieand as I always will believe, tbat politics aro open was about to do so somo young scapegrace, rushingto nil men no matter what may bo their religion from tho room, roared out, in (somo outlandtsh verna-(hear hear) but whilst I say that much, I havo cular, " Fatso cm pibio ," creating another burst ofnovor yet shut my eyes to tho necessity of not laughter. Whon silonco was restored tlio chairmandivorcing tho religious element from tho education said—I havo been pained and pleased much at thoof tbe people (hear, hear). I am told I am uot sum- proceedings horo to-night. I have been pained at thocientlj explicit. I will be so explicit now that no frequent interruptions which indeed, I had muchono can mistake what I mean, and without rather h«d been avoided, and I havo bcon also pleased

Bay ing more, I declaro now that National Kdu- at tho good humor which , after all , has prevailed ,cation cunaot succeed without tho relig ious ele- marked, as it has beeu, by tho wit characteristic ofmoot, nod I declaro further, tbat if returned to Par- my countrymon (hear, heur) . Tho question of Ilumuliament, I will bo prepared to support any measuro ttulo has boon alluded to horo to-oigbt (hear, heur).of dducation whioh will full y consult theconscionces If it were true tbat Mr. Osborno was not favorable toof tho Catholic people of this country (hear, hear, that policy, iu a modified, just sense, I would not buand cheers) . I hopo that statement is explicit fonnd amongst his supporters (hear, hear) . The onlyonough (hear, hear). I havo done so beforo, and I poiut of differcDCO between him and thoso advocatingwill not now, in my advanced ago, turn my back tho present movement iB tho want of a truo definitionupon those principles which I advocated and sup- of that movoment itself (hear, hear, from Mr. Osboruc).ported in tho zenith of my youth (hear, hear) . Thoro I confess, without going into a discussion upon theis one question, perhaps, above all others just now question now, that my ardent wiah is to see such :iand that question I will not shirk (hear, boar) . I policy of Homo Rulo advocated aa would bo comp;\.mean tho question of Homo llule (renewed crios of tiblo with tlio duo security of my uativo countryhear hoar, and shouts of "Homo Kulo for over" (hear, hear) . Mr. Osborno has said the same. liewith' approving cheers). I can understand thoao goes for such a system of local governmont as will buCheers but to entor iuto a consideration of so consistent with the safoty or tho Empire, and I askimportant a proposition, under present cireum- you now, do you desiro to go any further (no, no) ?stances at this moment, would not be becoming If you do I, for one, will not go with you. If you doin mo and if I was to swallow ovory pledge put go further yoa will bo pursuing an end which , asto mo upon matters which I did not understand I Mr. Osborno has told you, will bring degradationwould bo wholly unworthy of tho high position of your upon tbo country as it did before, to its very great,representative. Bofore I could bo called upon to be, and, perhaps, permanent injury. When I think ofand beforo I could bo, a Homo Ruler, I must bo told tho present stato of this conutry ; when I reflect howhow far you mean to go in such a movement. So much has been dono, and bow much is doing by a re-loilK as 7OU shull ask for things practicable, and BO sidont gentry, and sympathetic lunded proprietarylODK OB auch things aro for tho good of tho public at for our general advancement, I turn lo Mr. Osborii -ilargo theu I am with you ; but, when you como to nod I aeu all that lias been dono, by his family andseek for impracticable measures then I toll you, by himself, at. Nowtown Annor, in that beneh'dal direc -tho non.success ol your efforts, in tbat particular t'on- I find there schools lor the poor childrendirection, you will bo casting this country into thodepths of degradation , but I, as a friend of tho nil.tiou—I, as tlte possessor of a cosmopolitan soul , dosir.oas for tho wolfuru of all mankind, 1 say to you ," thus far sbult thou go and no farther." Do notlet it be said that 1 am throwing dual in your eyes,I am not doing anything of tbo kind. I know that agreat improvement can bo made in tbo system ofgovernment in this country (bear, hear) . Ho far asthat improvement cau be obtuincd with , at tho sametime, presorving tho well-being, tbo prosperity andthe iutegrity of this great empire, so far will I go,but no farther. Let local matters do disposed ofhero, if such a system can be adopted in thu way Ihavo set forth, but I cannot udopt a movement whichI do not understand. I do not confine myself toWaterford when I am thus speaking ; I do not intendto (jo iuto the Water Bill , or iuto tho supply of waterfor this city ; I Bpoak now for all Ireland , and bclicvome, do not bo deceived by tho speeches of thoso menwho BWallow tho cumel , hump aud all (laughter) .No man is a friond to thiscouurry who , oarolcss ofcoDBcqucucca , arrays tho nationality of Iroland againstthat of England (hear, henr). Their interests aro tbosame (bear, hear) . Get a full , fair mcosuro of reform,and you will bo benefitted by tho change (emphaticcrios of uo, no, from tbo loner end ot tho room). Igive every fair latitudo to those who differ from mo iupolitics ; I claim tho samo ri^bt for myself, but 1novor will g ivt} , I ucvor yot consented to {f ive, a votoon false premises (hear, hear, aud cheers, iu thevicinity of tho chair). I feel I ain ns good a. HomeRuler an Imlf tho men who come buforo you. I do notank yon to bo of my opinion (crios of "you needn't").All 1 Bay is, if 1 di> not satisfy you, lot mo go in peace,but whether I do or do not, I say I would be unworthyof tho position ol being your representativu if I didnot tell yoa plainly how far I would go in this move.raont for Homo Kale, and where I would atop (heur,hear, and a roar from Jim Neill, "Then we'll notelect you,we'll nover have a monkey to represent us.")Ah ! Jim, my friend, your breaking your promise.Now, aa to another important matter : I am in favor—and not now for tho first timo—of a full Bcnnustyfor the unfortnnato mou in prison for politicaloffences (cheers). I think tho timo has como whoawe should have a clear ticoro in their behalf (hear,hoar) . Mcroy I hold to be tho brightest attributeof tbo Crown, and I do think tho timu h»i fully ar-rived for its exorcise (hear, hear). Geutlemcn, youmny believo me when 1 toll you, the greatest enomiesto any and to every country aro thoso men who uroever rash ing iuto political extremes (boar, bear). Wosaw in this country, for fifty years, from 171)2, allprogress stopped amongst tbe people ; tbe laws wuroagainst her people righting thomsolves in any consti-tutional form, and tbo reason nu, because of thoexcesses of tboso who, iu tbo namo of Liberty, com-mitted such eiccsfios as to bring upon us this degrad-ing form of government (hear, bear), Tboso whoneglect tbo substanco for tbo form aro suro to pull acountry down to degradation, and are equally cer-tain to onkindle a firo in which all truo liberty willbo consumed (bear, hear). I am avcrso, gontleraon,to giving wholesalo pledges. Jf the practice of apublic lifo, which is beforo you all , is uot enough,then on what havo you to dopend (hear, hear) '( Ihave no object in going into Ptriiument—uouo of apecuniary nature 1 havo but one ambition in doingso, und tbat ambition is, lo represent my fullow-citi-zetiB in Parliament (hour, hettr). I uovor askod nfavor for myself, but I havo asked fuvors for others.In tho words of the poet, I am

11 Mora skilled tu raise the wretchedThan to rtoo"

(cheers). I am satisfied with tho position that I oc-cupy in pablio estimation. I am qaito satisfied tohavo uo othoi appondugo to my namo than M.I'.—not always tho least expensive, by tbo way (hoar,bear, and laughter)—but with that I am quito cou.tonted. I havo never eougha for anything for myself jI havo alwuys stood by tho peoplo, and if yoa aro ofopinion that hitherto I havo dono my duty, is it toomuch for mo to ask that 1 may go on doing the Buinuin tho fuluro (hear, hear) ? If you think I am a iminto be trusted you will do so, mid, indeed, I do notknow tho man ivho can put his finger upon any ouonet of my lifo of which |I need he ashamed (hear,hoar). 1 may havo beou foolish ; I may havo beeniodiscreut , and I may havo been too daring ; but Ihave tho heart in the right placo whether 1 sitfor Waterford or whether I do not (hear, hear).Whilst that heart vibrates it shall vibrato for Ireland(hear, hear) , and I can, nnd I will still bo your friondwhether [ win or loso tho gamo (warm chcrs, andrepentoij crios of " bravo," amidst which tho eloquontgcntlomnn resumed his Bi'at) .

Rev. Mr. KK.VT—As chairman of this meeting, I begto »uy I think tbat tho speech of Mr. Oaborno is moat.satisfactory, and is enough for us to hear to-night.Tho room is cow so close, and tho atraosphoro sooppressive, it would not be good for yoa to remainauy longor. Mr. Oijborne'a very eloquent speech youhave heard with deep attention , and. I m»j toll yoa I

maintained by Mrs. Osborne, attended by Callmlicteachers; I find every caro given to tliosn wluj areliving under, or councctud with , the family, nudsure ly actions such as these- descrvo tho praise, audnot tho censure of my fellow countrymen. I did uotmean to say a ward here to-night, but wheu UOUMRulo w;is mentioned I felt allied upou tu siy n (ewwords, aud set you right a3 to Mr. Osborno's addressupon that particular point (hear, hear). Kxpressinghis regret thut anything like noiso or confusionshould occur at tho incetiug, yet admitting that sueta thiug was usual at assemblages as thu present , Dr.Scott then congratulated Mr. Osboruo ou thu fact u{his bcimr connected iu this coutest with the priestsof Waterford , aud concluded with a fervent hope thatas in the dark days, happil y gouo by for oivr, thepriests and tho people would always bo firmly united(obccrg) .

Tho voto uf thanks hero passed by ucctaination ,and tho llev. Mr. K E.NT acknowled ged it. In doiu^so tho Rev. GouttemiiQ impressed upon thu electorsthat , under the ilullut , they wero now Irc-o to vo-.i -according to their couuciunccd, and hu earnestlyhoped they would exorcise their privileges tu iho i:i-lisfactioti of thoir conscience, uud thu goud uf l lnircountry (hear, hoar) .

Mr. OSIIOK N'E also returned his bestilinuku for tlmkind rcceptiou ho had received. Ho did not imi .-ml—ho was not able—to call upon the electors person-ally; ho would only earnestly ask them to w. 'i^hwhat hu said, and if they believed that one , who hnlnever deceived tlio people, had dono his dutv , hewould imk them for a renewal of their confluence.Ho inijfbt suy ho was ouo of themselves ; he wasone of themsolves, aud a secret ho had never toldthorn until noiv might weigh with them more thananything else, and that was, his mother was an Irinh-woman (hear, hear and laughter) . He sincere lyhoped tbat on tbo present occasion they would givehim tho benofit of what his mother had dono for him(renewed laughter) .

Tho proceedings theu terminated, Jim Xi'ill and alargo following retiring from tho room, cheering for" 0'Gorman," " Homo Rulo," aud " Auld WniorfordCity."

THE SITUATIONTho premier in his address to his cuii.stitucni.-i

at Greenwich, a lengthened and most able docu-ment, treats of the situation in a very minuteand cogent manner. Mr. Gladstone, aniunjjMtother tilings, writes : -

" That authority which was, in 1,S(5S, amp ly conli-ded by tlio nation to the Liberal l'nrly anil its lo-i.derB ; if it bas now anuk below tho point necessaryfor the duo defenco and prosccutiou of the publicinteroBts, can in no way bo so legitimately and cHcu-tually restored as by ac appeal to the people, wiio ,hy their reply to such an appeal, may placo beyond'all cballcngo two great questions—the first, whatthey think of tho mannor in which tbe commissiongrontod ia 1868 bad been executed ; the second—whatfurther commission they now think fit to (,'ivo to theirrepresentatives, and to what bands its fulfilment ,-n>. |tho administration of tho Government aro to bu on-trnsted.

" In tho month of March last , the Governmentwero defeated in thoir effort to suttle , upon just anilenlarged principle!), tho lonjj-ilisputod question uftbo Higher Education in Iroland, if uot by u com-biued, yet by a concurrent effort of tho Leader oftho Opposition und uf tho Roman Catholic I'rolacyof Iroland. Upou suffoi ing this defeat , the Govern-ment, according to tho piactico of cur Constitution ,placed thoir resignation in tbo bands of tbo Sovereign.Hor Majesty, in tho just aud wise excrciso of hi;rhigh office , applied to tho Leader of tho Opposition.He, however , declaring that he was not preparedwith a policy, und conld not govorn iu tho existingParliamcut, declined to fill tho void which hu hadmade.

" Undnr tbeie circumstances, wo thought our.-clvosbound by loyalty to tbo Queen Dot to declino thoresumption of our offices ; but this xtcp wu tunkwith un avowed reluctance. We felt thut in of what .hud huppenod, both tho Crownand the country wero placed at a dismlvautugo, as itwas established that during tli« existence of theproBOnt Parliament one party aaty could govern ,and most, thereforo govern without uppeal.

" Wo also felt that a precedent had beun set whichboth diminished our utrongth and weakened th.:general ignamntce* for tho responsibility nn,l ;;1.ten"'y °f Parliamentary opposition.

" Of this diminution of strength wo were pain-fully and sonsibly reminded during tho session bytho summary and rapid dismissal in tho House ofLords of measures which had cost much timo uu.llabour to tha House of Commons, Hut K0 re-mombered that in the years lb'lifcj and 1870, whentho mind of tho country was unambiguously ox-pressed, the House of Lord* bad, much to its honourdeferred to tbat expre-Bion upon matters of greatmoment. Thu state of things, whioa wai not

o«f.i«ftirf/>r» at tho closo of last Session , nntl whioh

has not admitted of remedy by tho method of rcsig)

nation and a chango of Government, bas net improved

during tho recess, especially tho latter part of thd

recess, and tbo time hns vow arrived when thej

Administration, nUlo to anticipato and survey the

principal parts and tho general character of th<^

Work which awaits it, has been called on to cousiden

whether it could reasonably undertake such worH

wi thout a fresh access of strength, and to framo its)

advicos to her Majesty accordingly. The question

whether Ministers ouj»ht to retain or to abandon]

office should bo decided by n General Klaction , wi ththo opportunity which it affords for broad dcclsiruJ

tions of policy and issues truly national ; anil cannot!

bo satisfactorily solved by isolated contests , of which

tho issue is, in a greater degree, dependent, on clow]

disciplino and finished aud concentrated or^;mi^;M

tiou." I

" I como now to the questions of ]-.,xp.:iiiliuir i- snul

Finance. It may bo slated with truth , thai next!

to tho groat Irish questions of Churc h and l.:ii»lj

now happ il y disposed of , tl"< <;l i-cli»nx of I - s i .

turned , in no small degree, upon expenditure. I i.'J

not deny that wo charged our predecessors wim

improvidence in tho stewardship of thu public fnt i'iv .

Upon ft review of tho finance of the last. 1'ivo yc.'inl

wo aro enabled to stato that , iiotwitlisiamliii!? sh 'Ipurclmso of tho telegraphs for a .--urn csi:>:o'lm^

£0,000,000, tho arjgreKalo nmoiiii '. of thu Ni-. t ional

Debt hns been reduced by mom I ban .Cili .nui. i .Oi'O ; ' '¦ '¦' 'taxes have been lowered and nliolisi '. il ( <>v. - r J""tabove any amount imposed) to this i. x l en lo f .C l - , -'"", '000 ; that during thu prc-cnl year ih>- Aiab""'*indemnity has liuen paid, ami tin: r 'i.'jr or J i . 'f

Ashnntcc* war will he met out of n-venm: : :n:il ¦.';

in estimating, as we can now vci i tnn- t'i 'lo , > '" ' "¦•

come of tho coming year (:it:'l for ih': ni'»m- :n ! :i-:-T.m.

ing tho genera l scalu of ch:iru"--i t'i '- 1'1"'""" !l" '¦'

was fixed during thn last. s''s.=i 'm), w<: ¦! l |l ':'" '¦¦>-¦

antici pate, as the probahlo -'i mv. :i .-nv p iu.-f I've" ¦ -

in» nuh-r thau fall ing short of .LT., I )I I O,UI .H .I . •'• 1 nnw turn lo a SU I M .- I 'I of a i>— < roinp.i". ''i. :i-

ractnr, but. even of gn ati'i' i i i iw.rinno " ¦ I i'""1'1 ''¦¦'

Iucomo Tax. Acroriliiig to t in: .. '.1-r Ij nnr: ' .'. :.!

traditions tl io income T.-i.v «';is a >vir I M . \ . I < > ¦' ¦- '' ::

ti purpose it is invaluable . In I M - '¦¦¦'¦ '¦'"¦¦••i - >

Tax was employed by Sir I! . I '—l P- " ' '¦>' '" '' ', '*[ r 'serious deficit in tin- rnviMiuc , lull prmi 'i


allow of important advanc.'S in s 'i. .." i l i n.'i 'tl oll <> ' '• "¦ '¦

trade. Sine; 1S0U it. !IM I K J U I I L-I-:IM I ' - I by •¦':> a/iua::]

act. During a long linn- , tin- country irl>i.'n-i. "'l ,together with tin; desire , tho expectation or hop" '.f

it3 extinction ; but tin; sum annually drawn from ::

formed so heavy an item in t!"' riccoi i i i i .- trom y.- :.r

to year, thai it appeared to hav: grown imma!:: . .

geable. Il has, however. 1 J -- '-- H ihc l.ap|iy l o r t u n . - . fMr. Lown to bring it down , lir .-'. :v.,m s:\p-i.i:" :-i

fourpeocc, and then from foiir|>i:in:e M liii ' '"'i>" '"'" ¦'¦

the pound. The proceeds of the Ineoni': Tax I '.r i ; ..:present year an: expected t" In .- I n : " . i n •; -» .*" ¦•» . ¦ "-J

and .C(; ,dOO,rj(J(J, and at a !:ieri:ii:- i r i : . e :n.:ni ''i.:

year of something lu-^ than 'Sj , '> <) ¦ ' ,"¦ "' • ' tr.' niu.v .ry

may enjoy tlm :idvant:ig« aii'l r« - .: i«- ! ' ¦' - - ioi;n !¦¦•peal. , , - ,

" 1 do unt. he s i ta t e t o a l l i rm :'- ' :". ¦''¦ > I ' "'"-

¦¦¦'' ¦¦' •

now l ie tnaih: t u a i l a i i : t h i s :iih' ; i u : : i u'' " ';' < ' ' ' '' '' ''¦'¦• '¦•'¦

that, according to my jud gment. K i-i '¦'¦> :"'"' '" ''}''¦'•' "> 'stances praclicalih: : and yui , w h i h : laaiiin : .' ' * • < • ¦ '¦ ¦

commendat ion au 'l avowal. I h : 'v - - l:: - ; < - to a i j i l . .'

wi l l hr.Vf; bi:eu oli .-crv.'.l t h a i . '!:¦• pr.j p ' .s .' - I l a v

meii l io t iud contempla t e pnm ' i ' . i -v n.'- '¦•¦¦• ••; •/

rateable and ol l ior p roper'y , al : l .o: i-.'i. l i i u r . - i . i -n .v

among the pay..-r.s ol ' l i :et .mu "';.:< t h " .'iv-.i.' i : i t l' . l l '.i

whom w i t h t in : l e r m sei-ms a l i n o s '. :¦¦ tnoek thi -m

but it is manif i'Fi. t l . a t ivr o:i^-!.: w> : r . ' .a i i l l l n - l it w

and remove thu I ixoni 1: l a x « i 'n - . -i' g i v n :^ to :w

general consumer, j gi v i n-.' :nin • • i i i i i i . : an . :o : i - .y

some marked rciief in the '.- !a>s ol art ic les "t popa.arconsumption. I c may be oliM.-rvr 1 t a i l the chaiivi-I havo imlirati ./l woithl ili.< |io- , e of more, ;i i i l i .'i!'l ':'.'.¦

sidcrab l y more, tha^ tin: surp lus 1 l .avi- namci , :t:. :that I am not i-nuiiod to aniiei pat': any !ai-^. .-r i..i. .

auce of availabii: revnue <luri : i4 t }> • • (.¦'.mir.g tu;a )c:

year from tho present snurcs as t!s ' -y artr !:v, -, i :

l.iw ; but I havi; .-aid nothing to nn-e lii 'lc she l iovcrmenc from a>ki/ig I' uriiu tnvtit to (¦-• ; . - i h ,-i* , in i .o nj uztion with tho=i: ^'i-cat. romi- .-.i', :;- . what liwl. - r;.afsi 'taiice could inj had from jii ' l ic -ons ailju-tnv.-t^.-icxidting taxe > , and it is >e:.rci.'tv m-f's-ary lor in*:add that , admitting as I do admit, ih" ih.'ula i . itn.i . -ISIiS on this snl.j.-c: , I wi l l l'ia!o:i y nii .,w t"Sa'. -.question is , for the moment , < :i:o < I' i i id.- ix.- . Tpolicy of the ( i 'jv i - rnm i - u t tor t is- - !:¦— . .'iv.- •.- ¦•:ir > .])arlicular l.he chara-jc-r :u;'l t.ii ;:;i ' »ns of niv ¦- .leogues , and tie: l i t ia ncial and uomuiv i ' ici/ i -il :i::-wilh which I may 5:iy tiiat .s iac- IMli I havi: I M.-.nsiociatcil , are li"fuiv you. I L a:i o i . iv aihi ti.:/.havo not spokl.-n li ghtl y, hut i l-- ;: i i "rutt:iv. a:i> i -.v.full per.sua.iiim.

'* Ther e h:iH '-inp s.-ii a |>- :r. 'i i o; l -n iy or mr->-exact l v I'o r ty-th i '-e - -vears ^i ,, , ,. t ; ;,. 1.1!K -I-..! JI ::; T

ac'iuired to l l n.' tua in i l i n-c t ion o!" j i ab l i -j a t l . i i r -. \\. -followed anot h e r j vrK'l of a l t t .n ; l o r ty yt -ar^ . ¦-•

gi n n i n ij w i t h t h e n u t bi e a k ol* t i ; - i i \' > ! u t i t» : .^ ; wd u r i ng wh ich then .* h :td been :-. ?i a l m n - it u.MirKV:rule cf the i r oppotr - t i t s . who e l a i m- p| l. and wrri: n:;:ted , to hu t h u gr.-aL [ii-o.- :i : rveis i .: ' !;'• i:^ 1 iMi' :o!i-'.:the c n t i i i t r v ; l ui t I ask vou tu it . - i-j -- th" meii hy :!q':(K'ra ' result .-. I t'.- .-H - U '- m t i - ' - i - l - - :'- - t::; i: > ) ...¦ t-.rr.of forty years of Tot v nt i e , iv lni -j r\ ¦- > l in 1 ^.;i' , wh ich vou are i n v i t » - t l lo ri ' i i i n . • ; : ' i.r itis .r i:;t ions of i l l" eo i i i it i v we;ii-: [ 1 - a *. ¦ . ¦

¦.¦:! in i t s JH - ;:-and oniei less .- i t i i i" - - L i n - ¦' : •¦¦¦• < ¦ - - - *; * 11 - ne . -i i i ' - : . *. -.'t h e p."i iod i t had !¦ i in - 1 : i i . - i : i . 1 : , i . i •.- . .mii li n '. ti , -it ' now t h e pre.-i.-nt ( .ovori . t .:' l;t ¦ " <::-: : : . ,s- . - .' ir u l l l t L -survicL- of t ho i r L'1-i.i' i . .tt s i i i i ^ t i - -^ - .< :;¦! . : • Ii" i .-, .u :.:.r-t h o Liberal p a t ty , w h u'h t h e } i - : - : ¦ - - - i , ' , u ;av at \\'\:'cha l lenge u o i i i i a i l i c t i o n v . h' i: ;i . i -v .a v . t l i n t t t . -.-.'term ot for ty y i a i s h-avir s i h e 'i :.!,,:.¦ , : l , . - laws, a::t h u i n s t i t u t i o n s i,f t h e c o u i . t i v . :. .- w-al;cr , t 1.:stronxcr, than it foun.l them.

" riuch is tin: i<« in: placi-l l - . . - :oi . ::. . ¦ i. - ii ion , :V:your decision. I t ihi; trn.-t '.f t h i - A I m i n i - ! ratio:: --hy thu effect of the pirr-' l i l '¦:, c ; t - , : i . - . v: i l i i : i !i y re-newed , I , tor ( lie , w i l l .- i-r vt * y i ' i i :- , r whn ' i . -m :i :nstniv t ime f . i i thf'u l i y . I t ' th< - <• ' .:.!:-l'- :.r ¦ i .-: ri . r i-uiii iinbu t:lken JVom ns ani l h;;::<l - < l ..i- - .- ; < > ¦/ i . i-rs whonyou mny jii'li.'i' more w o r t h y. 1 , I 'or '¦ : .", :i.i!l acc>.';<'chi'crfuliy my i l i-m i s s ii" .

)IK . |I |- I :A I M s •, : -1:1 . .I ll his :nldri"!S to i h i - <¦ !¦ i r . i - , . : < %,: : L- ',, ¦ t!.» leaJ-.:

of thn opposition .-ays : —"The I ' riu i '- .Mim- t . - r l a i :. ! . r - -- i t . . l . i s c.)iu:i-

t I K -l l t s il p ro l ix n a - i a t i v . - . in v.- n i", I. .' l ie :,-.!.,ns mil;O t l l l l ' t l l e : i -U : i - t in t i.;. «. - - . , .' .. ii tj r tll ; .V ol'CU j 'Jp uh l i e a'.l i i i : :' .:i. d::: in -.v!. , - :. i 'u. ¦ :;¦,: :;:r:

^- . l^t i t:'.*.«'

as to iho i io.i i-y he «- ..ii:. l |.- r u , .- .. .. - ;. . t ' i ;—tni:h a v i ng ihe [i: . . -p - i -*. m" a t .i .- ¦ ~. * r t . 1:; -. i> • w i l l . ".:retained in puwei . t!. -v -» ; e ¦) :: ., .:p i - \.i L ..*: r en i '-siou ol

1 t a .N a l i o l :, wi . a l . v..; a . -: ; . :;. , * i- u:;r :' .1:1

puny or any .. i n n . :, r. l ! - i : >v:::.: :- reni.u :,.. !», .¦, : :hi s proposals i - i h . i i . o;. : . , - • , , . . .. |,:i ,,i|, ; i , , v ;,,- ,• ;, L- .cumpameil hy t i : , . . i : .- . , . 1 :. -r ; - . _^ i nfy.-mati. , ::

' • • . , : :su ip l n s , in HI . I r to n.ak" i ; .1 1-q.ui- . ma- : :,.- I L .lari;. .'ii by an ' .n lj i i s i ine n; , ' wi i - i - h mils: m. .. .¦. . , ¦! IL .cri'as,. of i 'x i> t ing l:,.v , .s . ;„„! _ <;: , t |lt . ot!:. r !..,„.I , |:ll])rini'ipal ineasiiieH ,,r lv l i ef w i l l be the i l i M i . i . u t i o i i c:Local Taiation an.I i l . e a l i . . .i t ion of tin- l i . i oiu- I':u—mi'asiirus which the l 'i.i,.c.-v.-it i i>i part v have al-ways favoured, ami whi i ; i i the Prime M ln i - T r r aiichis friends havo a lways o|.|, ,,eil. I sh.-i l l . u i,e -.her iior uu t ol " ollice, i.-o i i i i ir i , ; i h o oiiil . '.-i tour 1 . . pr,,|,(,.vor support ail n i.- a -u, . . - L.:, c,,::lI.,.,| t , , i . , , | . i . , v e tincondition uf the |. . - , ,j , ; o ,,1 : .,is k. nj .l . im ; i.11: I do ink t h i s jjrcai '• !..( 1.. :,,; V:,ni.v,l l y itnv,,:,nt auil iairassii.g li'L'is a : i, , , , . I >l Ml uld say rf tin.- admini.-nation of tin: last l i v e year, , ihat i fwouM l,av>: bt.':better fur us a l l ,, - .'i,,. ,.,. |, .,,| iJCl.,, :l |;tlu- ,,1 L Kenergy in our l or,-i L..., p, , i; t.y, ami a li t t l e '•¦>* m ej:ilomuntiu k'nisl.ilh.ii.

" Tku iiuestion of u further reform of the |[,,:. 38 0:Common.-, is again su^-usu d by tho M inister — | ii,;!: ,unwiM.-!y. The :u\-umt.|,i ior extu'iiding to ih- - C,JU >.'.ics thu househul.t ir.uiehiso ol the 'own, wn \Ugiouml on the v\i<u ni . .,_vau,m l,ei,ig aiioiiulou, ., ii i:itself fallacious. Ti,, .ri. iMi alway s l>ei - n a ¦liUVreiii. 'i-between the fraiu lu.....^ of the two i l iv i s i .m, ,,f ihicountry, and no on..- has argued num.- .-. t roi.^iv tb:.::the prudent 1'rnn.; j litii klur again.-l the c-uim-inp-ati- iiiduiility of Hu:!':,-. .. 'J'ho Conaervntivu |,arl v vi..-wthis 'luestiuii witho ut pivjudiee. 'I'l.i-y hitvi- provi-vlthat ihi-y are not al'rajii of popular righti , but ti i-JInto Uuform Act w.-,s ;t rcry largu nua-ure , whiib ,in conjunction wall thu Hallot , has ,e:,rci:lv l.i'i-ntested by cNp'.i iu- .e,. , !ln ,i t |iey will p:n,.<e before tb. -vsanutiun further Ii s,.,liition, which will inevitablyinvolve , among oti, ur COii!.iduriible chan-es tin- dii-fraiichiaciiiem at lt,,, t of ;ii | hoioug i.s iu the kin;;,ilum , comprising i,,, |r,s ,|, ;ill |m,w jud^biunts.

" The iiupeiHu, .. K1.nL., a| olw.ion i.H one or no im-.-.i:importance for ti.e imil , - u c|i;u'ilc iL.,- of this king dom.lhere is ivasuu u, [,„,„. ,,- ,„„ ,|ie .lJJrtV!, [ , f , \ IClimit: Minister , Vu u i u) . usil|u ann|l) „„,;,„„„. ,. s.previous which n cu,l l i l l l ls as ly lhc ,.xpeilieiiL-v ot :ilocal uud Sub.,nli, .;i lL. u^isiam,^ tU at he i» not ,eerlainl y al j.res.'i ,i , ui ,|m.,,.tj ,„ ,,ur Dllt ioual in,tii u .linua or tu the maintenance of the integrity of thobinpire ; 1111 , ui.l ,, ri,, ll i lU.1y i .imovg his adliLiunts ,some assail tin : .Monarchy, others impugn the imk-pendence of the ||,,U M. of '|,0,da , while there aro thu.-owho would rela .vu I'arliaiaent altogether iron, anysnare in thu Kov, :i,,, n.. ia of „„„ portion of the LiiileJkingdom. 0,1,,:,, , ..1K!lill i urK0 bim tu ]mrsui. hijpeculiar, |,y , I1 H.s^ulis|liog tbe Anglici.n as henus.Ui.-8pui.eil tne ], .j s|, (jliurch ; while '.rusted collea-gui .-.H lu lll!i L'.ihuiet opunlv cuncur with them iu th.:ii 'desu-u alioK,.l |,,. 1. , „ ,l.t - une. relig ion from the j. lacoW ..''¦ .'¦ "" °Uf;l '1 '" '".enpy iu nutional education.

lhesij an: aulemii issues, ood thu imi>i-nili:iggenera l ch eiii .n „,„, ,. .U-cido thuin. Their .solutionmust be arrive.! at, wheu Kuropo U more deep lystirred th im al ullJ . j)t!rioj flinc8 thu Jtelorm.-.liu n,and when t i K. t..lusu of ciyj i ,ibortT ailll r,.] ; ^^irecilom mainl y i] ( .||.,m]H 011 tho strength and nal.iiiiyof Eng land. I u,k y01, t0 return me to thu lluuse utLomnion.s to resist cvo y proposal which may impairher stre ngth aud to support by every m.jui.o herIniperinr KWiiy.

'n • " * **" ~' "'-• irnlj il . L- is ofmixod drilll". '•'¦at nee< l a lilt 0

S1'B- " in tlieui to render tham palatable , now .step up'o the |,:ir and ask for « " protocol."

"AttaroKU ;—t' nnted and Poblinueii \>y K D WX B US'BPng.x KESHKT , at The Wattrlord Xevi Oeoeriltintiog. Book Binding, aod Macbine-Baling Kit bl»!:-meat, a Kjig.itrwt, Is th» Finbot Tiiaity Wi'.hin,

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