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Introduction To Internet Marketing (READ FIRST!)

The actual term “Internet Marketing” is a blanket term which refers to any

method of making money online (at least, in my opinion).

With that in mind, that means that you have a TON, literally a TON of options for

the route you choose to make money working online (for yourself, from anywhere

you want to work).

It may seem like quite a daunting venture to explore but it's really not. There's

just a few things you should consider or at least “know” before you get started.

In this report, I'm going to give you just a few “tips” if you want to call them that,

which you can use to get started with “Internet Marketing” as soon as today.

Having said that, know that making money online (everyday) even if it's $20

every day, is a HUGE step, and it's really not as difficult as it may seem.

Especially when get started. So read along and absorb as much as you can now

and in the future.

The following content is meant to give you food for thought. You should apply

your own methods and spin to everything you do, not just with this, but with

everything you do in life.


Start Researching Your Approach

There are seriously hundreds upon thousands of ways and approaches to making

money online. What you need to do is find something you can do and then find

what works for generating traffic (and sales) for that “something” and scale it up.

Here are just a few ideas for making money from a computer (online):

• Writing / Copywriting

• Proofreading / Spell-checking / Text Editing

• Data Entry

• Affiliate Marketing (Promote products from Clickbank, Amazon, etc.)

• Selling Your Art, Craft, or Service Online

• Become a Virtual Assistant (Online assistant that does digital tasks)

• Sell Something On Fiverr (Product, Service, Art, Digital Product, etc.)

• Do Voice Over Work

• Create a blog and post content, monetize the content with ads & offers

• Graphic Design Work

• Become a Service Broker (Service Arbitrage)

• Create your own product (eBook, video series, software, etc.)

With any of these ideas, you will have to expand and add your own twist and

personality to them. But these should just give you a few ideas for how you can

start doing at least ONE thing online to make money.

Do some research on any of the above subjects to learn more.


Do Some Market Research

This is seriously a GIANT topic and it's always changing, so I won't be able to go

too much into it. However, just knowing some of the basics and what the term

“Market Research” even means will help you out a lot.

Essentially, market research refers to analyzing the market of your product or

service to determine if it's profitable and worth the effort. There's a lot more that

goes into it but this is the basic premise.

Generally, market research will consist of any of the following or even a

combination of the following most times:

• Deciding on product / service / what's being offered

• Determining target demographic and market (size, who, where, what)

• Checking on potential competition

• Keyword research (finding out what terms to target SEO rankings, etc)

• Traffic strategies

• Delivery method

• Anything that pertains to analyzing the (profit) potential of a product, etc.

As you can see, it's not limited to just the above topics / fields, and while it may

seem intimidating and like a lot of work – it's really not.

You just need to research a bit on market research. You can use Google to

determine information about your target demographic, your competition, and

even to dig up keywords that might be profitable. A little research and learning

will lead you to the know how for doing some simple but business and profit

changing market analysis for any approach or product you may have.


Determine A Business Plan (Market Strategy)

They talked (and still talk) about the “Business Plan” in colleges and business

schools / classes all around the world. That's because it really does have a huge

impact on the success and entire process of implementing a business as a whole.

This “plan” doesn't have to be extremely complex, especially when it comes to an

online business or smaller venture. Especially when just starting out with making

money online and Internet marketing.

This kind of business plan (or game plan / approach plan) usually consists of

things like, but not limited to:

• Creating the offer or choosing an offer (market research)

• Product / service sales / squeeze page (offer)

• Traffic generation (free or paid)

• Delivery method (if it's your own, if affiliate, it should be done for you)

• Customer Support (if necessary)

• Monitoring conversion rates and other statistics

Of course, this is just a few of the things that you should include in a strategy for

your online money making venture.

Quite honestly, this is mostly what it consists of, aside from how much time you

invest and if you invest any money towards it (if hosting a website or having work

done for you).

You can just open up a text document or use notebook paper in real life to draft

out your ideas and your business plan. It's that simple.


Determine Your Budget

As you should know by now, when it comes to making money on the Internet,

you don't NEED to have money to get started. You really don't.

You can generate traffic for free, you can do affiliate marketing for free (for the

most part), you can sell your own products or service for free (fee from the

provider if it's digital, etc).

So at the end of the day, it comes down to things like “time” and if you have

money already coming in from your current job (if you have a job).

How much time can you invest how frequently towards working on internet

marketing and this job? Because, yes, it IS a job, not a hobby. The time goes

towards coming up with ideas and brainstorming, investing effort and time into

researching, and so on.

Next, you can invest money towards having people set things up for you like a

website, sales page, creating a product, squeeze page, and professional training

on various topics (highly recommended).

You can also invest money towards buying traffic, but with that, you have to be

very careful and know exactly what you're doing. I won't get into that right now,

but it's definitely something you will want to thoroughly research, should you

decide to go the paid traffic route.

With all of that in mind, you don't need any money to start off. The only real

budget to invest is your time and efforts towards learning and setting up shop.


Set Goals And Work Towards Them

It's important to set clear and realistic goals. More importantly, you should be

setting both short term and long term goals as well.

Writing down (on paper or digitally) your goals and detailing them, can often be a

task that will greatly help you set things into perspective and clear you head.

This also plays into effect with writing the “business plan” in that once you have

the foundation for everything you're going to do, you can expand upon the

foundation. Write as many ideas and details as come to your mind in order to

make things more seamless when you actually sit down to do “solid” work.

Regularly check up on your goals and your progress to ensure that things are

moving along. This is when you can further detail and update your goals and

your overall plan too.

Something that helps is to set weekly goals and then monthly goals. You can set

daily and bi-weekly goals as well, but start simple.

Doing this will allow you to decrease the overall amount of stress involved with

the whole learning and experimenting process of making money online.

Furthermore, if you don't achieve some of your goals, don't panic. Take that time

to review the goal(s) and see how you could have improved. Use that experience

to make your future goals more attainable, and perhaps further your ability to

successfully plan out your strategies.


Don't Jump From Idea To Idea

You've probably heard the expression “don't spread yourself too thin” and that's

exactly what I'm about to tell you.

When you're marketing online, it's really easy to get caught up in “make money

now” and fast / shortcut methods. It's even easier to start more projects than

you can handle, in an attempt to see results as fast as possible.

In reality, there's no rush to get to the end goal (if you've set attainable and

realistic goals). Perhaps you may be rushed to make money or pay bills, but

remember that panic and rushing will never get you anywhere.

Pace yourself and analyze every step you take along the way to ensure that you

learn as much as you can and never waste your efforts OR your time.

Making investments towards your business or your strategy is also a good idea,

but ALWAYS consider if you truly need something before you buy it. It's common

to end up buying things based on the hype and then you end up with a bunch of

software, scripts, or products that you don't truly need.

Above all, try to only focus on one or two “ventures” at a time, or just enough

that you can handle everything that's going on during the present.

You owe it to yourself to see your projects out to the end and don't give up on

them early. The biggest mistake you can make it not finishing things that you've

started or at least taking from them what you can.


Practice Resilience (Get Back Up!)In the event that you fail, and you very well may your first time, don't give up

and call it quits. That's probably one of the biggest reasons why so many people

don't succeed at making money online and even more so why it gets a bad rep.

One of your business ventures hasn't panned out how you would, if you didn't

take a big risk – then there's a few things you can do from here. And you really

shouldn't take a HUGE risk on your first (few) times around.

First of all, you want to review your entire game plan, strategy, and the business

in retrospect. Determine what went wrong, what gave you the most trouble,

what you could have done better, just a full over analysis of everything.

You should learn a lot from every experience, not just with Internet marketing,

but with everything you do in life. So don't become discouraged it something

doesn't work out the first, second, third, or any time at all.

Treat everything as a massive learning experience and use what you can to

improve the next one and make it easier on you.


In Closing...Internet marketing and making money online is not difficult at all. It doesn't cost

anything to get start (most times), and anybody can do it.

Don't make the mistake of treating the actual job part of this like it's just a hobby

though. Reading up on things and researching can be a hobby but when it comes

to the work part, you need to remember that it is work.

Above all, you should always be having fun doing what you're doing. Because if

you're not having fun and enjoying doing this, then what's the point? You should

find something that you love to do, enjoy doing, and won't sick get of doing.

Like anything, it does take a lot of time, effort, and trial and error. You will fail,

and you will succeed if you keep at it long enough and don't give up.

Remember that even if you do love doing something, work will always be work.

So the most important thing is to find that special thing that you can enjoy doing

even when it gets tough and tiring. Something that you can always find new light

and inspiration while experiencing.

Never be afraid to take risks and chances. The biggest mistake you can make is

not trying something and giving yourself that experience and knowledge.

Lastly, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this report and I hope

you've learned a thing or two and gained at least some insight into the topic and

world of Internet marketing. To your success!

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