

Digital advertising with a real-world kickHow your small- or medium-sized business can get started with digital out-of-home advertising

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Digital out of home advertising – or DOOH, for short – is where digital meets the real world.

Really, it’s any digital screen that people encounter outside of their homes. This can mean anything from large digital billboards and bus shelter screens, to single displays in retail locations and health clinics. There are countless possibilities, with new and innovative DOOH formats being introduced every year.

DOOH is a powerful marketing tool that gives a real-world kick to any campaign, and funnily enough, some of the largest digital companies

in the world are the biggest DOOH spenders, with Facebook, Google, Apple and Netflilx leading the charge.

But DOOH isn’t exclusive to companies with multimillion-dollar marketing budgets. Actually, any brand, big or small,

can get started with DOOH, and in this ebook we’ll show you just how easy it is for your SMB to prepare and launch your own campaign!

First-things-first: what is digital out-of-home?

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Make your other ad channels more powerfulNow, we aren’t saying that you should ditch your other marketing channels and move your entire budget to DOOH. Each channel has it’s unique strengths and benefits, and each has a role to play in a marketing plan.

Recent industry research has shown that adding DOOH to your marketing mix can increase the reach of your online digital advertising campaigns by nearly 70% and your mobile campaigns by more than 316%.

With DOOH, you have the power to reach your consumer even when they’re offline and away from their devices. This is more than multi-channel marketing: it is the closest you can get to marketing that is truly omni-channel.

DOOH vs. web-based digital advertising

VisibilityAds are everywhere online. This is part of why web-based digital advertising is such an important channel. However, it’s also a channel where you have to fight hard to catch your audience’s attention. According to Forbes, nearly 50% of internet users browse with an adblocker, and this rate is only climbing.

“Ad blindness” among users also means advertisers have to constantly change their creatives to keep audiences from losing interest. With DOOH, ads are always clearly visible to your target audience. Your ad isn’t competing with web content: it’s the star of the screen.

Size and scale All ad channels have trade-offs. Online ads let you reach people on their personal device screens no matter where they are. But these ads are always limited by the size of your audience’s tablet, phone, or computer screen. DOOH screens are much larger – sometimes even the size of traditional billboards! For ads with text, detailed imagery, or that simply demand big screen spectacle, DOOH is the best choice, and the creative impact has huge potential.

DOOH vs. social media advertising

Legitimacy and trustSocial media is often the first advertising channel a new business uses. It’s low cost, a great way to connect with potential customers, and easy to manage. While the personalized nature of social media is essential for building brand trust, it’s often difficult to gain traction on these platforms. DOOH campaigns are a great way to make your brand a part of public life – a name that everyone recognizes both online and off.

Context and relevanceWhile social media is a fairly good indicator of a person’s interests, physical location often is a better indicator of what is actually a relevant part of their lives. A cookware brand could target people who like a certain chef on Facebook, but they could also display their ads on screens in grocery stores across the country. The environment in which an ad plays not only increases the chance of the ad being seen by the relevant audience, but also adds relevance to the campaign.

Why should you take on a new form of advertising if you already use web-based digital advertising or social media advertising? While a comprehensive marketing plan should include many types of advertising, DOOH has unique strengths that you don’t want to miss out on.

Let’s see how DOOH measures up.

Combining DOOH with your other marketing tactics

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There is no right or wrong way to do DOOH, it all depends on your marketing strategy. Whether your goal is increasing brand awareness, driving store visits or boosting online sales; whether you want to reach a national audience or your local neighbourhood; and whether your budget is one thousand or one million dollars, there’s a DOOH formula for you.

DOOH for your SMB

This is made possible with our catalogue of location environments and audience segments – more on this in the next section – that allow you to select only the screens that are right for your business. You can spend your budget strategically and only where and when it matters most.

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Campsite environments Adding context to your campaignAs we mentioned above, a screen’s environment plays a huge role in the impact a DOOH message will have, especially for brands in which current mindset and physical location make a product or service more relevant, and whose target audience is fairly broad. Actually, using the location to add context to your DOOH campaign can increase campaign effectiveness by up to 18%.

Let’s say your brand sells fitness shoes. It’s a very large category, and pretty much anyone who goes to the gym needs sneakers at some point – and people who go to the gym are pretty much anywhere. It’s very hard to decide what target audience would be relevant in this case, and simply targeting all screens wouldn’t be an efficient use of your budget.

You also want to reach your audience when they’re in the right mindset. A busy student is likely not thinking about their workout as they rush between classes, but when they’re in the gym, it’s a whole different story – and they might even take note that their current sneakers are worn out!

With Campsite, you have access to 14 unique, desirable advertising environments. Can we link to each one within the ebook?

At the end of the ebook, be sure to check out the key benefits for our environments in the appendix, or if you don’t want to wait, click on the icons on the right to explore each one!

Restaurant & Bar



Convenience Store

Grocery Store


Sports & Rec Centres

Subway & LRT


Shopping Mall


Beauty & Grooming


Street Level

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8 AM 9 AM 12 PM 5 PM 7 PM8:30 AM 3 PM 8 PM

Campsite audiences Reaching your ideal consumerWhile selecting environments for a campaign is a good option, you also have the choice to target your campaign by audience segments. Very similar to how you target ads on social media, this option is great for brands who want to reach a specific segment of the market and whose product/service isn’t affected by context and current mindset.

Let’s say your brand caters to young business women with fairly high income, and you’d like to reach this audience many times throughout the day. Think

of how her day might unfold:

While demographics very often correlate with the screen environments we mentioned earlier, some environments’ host a variety of people based on the day of the week, the time of day, screen locations within the environment and more.

However, by partnering with mobile data companies, we’re able to determine an index of how likely a given audience is exposed to a screen.

The audience tool in Campsite selects screens that have the highest chance of reaching your target audience based on any on over 150 demographic data points for these categories:


18 to 24

25 to 34

35 to 44

45 to 54

55 to 64


< 25K

25K to 39.9K

40K to 59.9K

60K to 74.9K

75K to 99.9K

> 100K

Interests & activities

Arts & entertainment

Food & restaurants

Health & fitness

And more!

Life stage



Family status

Marital status

Real Estate


Automotive shoppers

Home shoppers

Impulse buyers

Daily deal consumers

And more!

She leaves her condo, takes the subway, gets to the office in the morning. At noon, she goes on a business lunch, grabs a coffee in the afternoon then hits the gym after work. On her way home, she stops to buy a new work outfit.

This business woman heads to many environments throughout her day, so building your campaign by audience segments is a much more efficient way to run your campaign, and takes the manual labour out of a well-targeted strategy.

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First things first, consider your campaign goal

A clear and focused goal is the key to a successful campaign and is the backbone of great DOOH creatives. Whether your goal is brand awareness, store visits or app downloads, this needs to be top of mind during every step of the creative process.

Keep messaging short and sweet

A catchy tagline and a simple call to action is best for DOOH ads. Don’t forget, in many cases the audience won’t be in front of the screen for very long, so you need to get your message to be understood as quickly as possible.

Focus on visual appeal

While DOOH ads do have strong visual impact, it is quickly lost if the ad doesn’t pack a punch. Keep visual elements bright, clean and large enough to be seen from a distance.

When possible, make it a video

While definitely not necessary for a great DOOH campaign, full motion videos are much more eye-catching than static images. Video also gives you the chance to add a bit more messaging or context to your ad, as content can change as the ad plays.

Multiple audiences or multiple environments = multiple creatives

If you have the leeway to create different versions of your creatives, use the audience or environment to add context to your campaign. This makes the message more relevant to the viewer and will increase how well your ad is perceived.

Make a vertical and a horizontal version

We’ve all seen how a vertical image looks on a horizontal screen – think a video someone took and uploaded to YouTube. It doesn’t look great. The same goes for DOOH. It’s best to have your creatives ready in both orientations so you aren’t limited by screen types.

When you build your campaign in Campsite, it will generate a list of the specs your creatives need to be, so you can quickly modify your two creatives to fit your campaign. The most common are 1920x1080 and 1080x1920.

Most importantly, make it fun

While it’s easier to stand out in DOOH than on some other marketing channels, engagement is key. As you would on social media, focus on informing or entertaining the audience. This will make your campaign more engaging and ultimately more memorable.

What’s great about DOOH ads is that they are pretty simple to create and can easily be a repurposed version of your other marketing assets. Here are some things to consider:

Getting your DOOH ads ready

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It’s time to make DOOH happen Let’s recap.

With high visibility, legitimacy, interactivity and impressive ad sizes, DOOH has the right features to complement and strengthen your existing advertising strategy, or even be the building block of a new one! To go beyond the limits of conventional advertising – to reach customers where they live, work, and play – DOOH is a must.

Digital out-of-home advertising is intricate, high-tech, and precise. Despite this complexity, with Campsite, the power of DOOH is at your fingertips. Our platform’s catalogue of environments and audience segments makes it easy for you to launch a strategic and targeted ad campaign without much hands on effort.

And if you want to check out just how easy it is, check out how small brewery, People’s Pint, launched a super targeted DOOH campaign to grow visits by 12.8%.

If you made it this far, you’ve already given DOOH advertising some serious consideration. Perhaps something stood out to you and inspired a campaign idea? If so, head to to open a free account.

Or maybe you feel overloaded with information and want more insight about how DOOH advertising could support your SMB’s marketing objectives? We’re ready to guide you forward in your out-of-home advertising journey no matter what stage you are at. Get in touch at

Make today the day you unleash the power of DOOH advertising

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Office TowerRestaurant & Bar

Office towers contain the highest concentration of a very desirable advertising audience: business professionals. Digital screens in office towers are a premium ad location that integrates your brand message with information that business professionals pay attention to, like breaking news, local weather, and building notices. Business professionals know their time and attention is valuable, so it can be difficult to capture. Screens in lobbies and elevators let you take advantage of the rare moments when this fast-paced audience is forced to wait – and perhaps even seek out a distraction. After all, even executives may prefer to check out a screen than engage in elevator small talk.

Why choose the office environment?For the professional audience. This audience includes everyone from young, new professionals to executives leading major companies. DOOH ads in Campsite’s Office environment help you reach career-focused professionals right where they’re most at home – at work. You can also refine your targeting to specific industries or professions, such as accountants, pharmaceutical reps, or lawyers by selecting specific tenants of your chosen office tower.

For the premium spenders. High-end labels need high-end budgets. Business professionals tend to have a lot of disposable income and are motivated to spend it to make the most of their time away from the office. They’re often early adopters of tech and lifestyle trends and are drawn to exclusivity, making them an ideal target audience for premium and luxury brands.

For the repeated exposure. The average office elevator rider makes six trips daily, which means your ad can get six times as much of their attention as it would in another setting. To prevent boredom and ad blindness, you can choose to change your ad throughout the day or only display it at certain times of the day. Your audience might be interested in a new coffee machine first thing in the morning, while Friday evening is the time to suggest a weekend travel package.

People come to restaurants and bars to be social and enjoy themselves. This means that the restobar environment is full of potential customers in a good mood, which is a great state of mind to receive positive brand messages.

The restobar environment lets you double-down on precise market segmentation. If the brand of a restobar complements your product – for example, a high-end steakhouse or a fine jewelry brand – then the restobar has already filtered a relevant audience for you to target.

Why choose the restobar environment?For the diverse targets. The Campsite Restobar environment has locations for every taste. Each location is carefully evaluated so that you know exactly who will be seeing your ads. Are you looking to reach the business lunch crowd, vegan brunchers, or game night fanatics? Campsite’s network of Restobar ad displays can connect you with any demographic that goes out for food or drinks. (In other words, almost anybody.)

For the captive audience. Most Restobar displays are in washrooms. Here, consumers have few distractions and low mobility, giving you the opportunity to seize 90 to 120 seconds of their undivided attention. This makes view-based metrics very reliable, and is the ideal opportunity to roll out longer, more informative video ads.

For the reliable return. While shopping and media may be moving online, there’s no way to digitize a dinner date or meeting for drinks. Access to audiences in public beyond their devices is essential for a successful DOOH campaign. In the midst of an unpredictable digital revolution, the restobar environment is a safe bet for out-of-home advertising.

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Convenience StoreResidential: Apartments and Condos

Convenience stores virtually attract everyone. Whether it is university students buying snacks, a senior buying lottery tickets, or a professional buying coffee, if someone needs an item on the go, they are part of the Convenience Store audience. Convenience is a habit – customers visit their local store up to ten times a month. With Campsite, you can make your brand part of this habit by taking advantage of the opportunity for repeated ad impressions with your audience. An average convenience store has 500 people visit on a daily basis. There are 23,000 convenience stores in Canada, and 1 in 3 Canadians shop at one every day! That’s a lot of habits to shape.

Beyond the day-to-day benefits of the Convenience Store environment, you can also tap into specific areas and days with particularly high traffic and dwell times. Did you know, for example, that people look at convenience store ads for longer on Lotto Day? In this environment, you don’t need luck for a successful DOOH campaign.

Why choose the convenience store environment?For the ongoing exposure. Convenience store customers are repeat visitors, which means they make repeat ad impressions. While in line or at the cash register, customers are exposed to ads that do not appear intrusive but are still difficult to avoid. Repeat impressions improve ad recall – they make your campaign memorable. With every purchase, convenience store customers remember more about your ad and brand, ultimately improving brand recognition and conversions.

For the trust and familiarity. Repeat customers aren’t just good for increasing the quantity of ad impressions. When customers see your brand’s ads in an environment where they feel comfortable and familiar – such as the convenience store where they stop multiple times per week – the quality of your ad impressions also increase. A familiar environment inspires trust, which makes your audience more receptive to your brand messaging.

For the neighbourhood reach. If you want to advertise to a broad audience, or to multiple specific audiences, there is no better place than a convenience store. Since a convenience store has a loyal customer base, target marketing can be carried out based on the demographics of a neighbourhood. You can seek new immigrants, young professionals, families, professionals, artists, and more – there is a convenience store for every demographic.

The Campsite residential environment lets you slip your ads inside locked lobby doors. It’s the closest that out-of-home advertising gets to, well, being inside the home. Ads in this environment are displayed alongside local weather, news, and other timely, around-the-clock building-specific information in strategic, high-traffic areas of high-rise buildings. As you will find out, good things happen when you tailor your messaging to your audience’s daily schedule. Ads in this environment help your brand become a part of the respectful familiarity and safety tenants feel among each other and at home. This is more than just brand recognition – it’s brand integration.

Advertising in an environment where there’s a strong sense of community can be quite effective for a company. Whether you’re looking to promote a small local business or make a local impact as a global brand, you’ll get a massive head start by reaching consumers during their daily routines. Not to mention that you can get extremely specific in your targeting. Beyond their home address, you can select your audience based on their household income, education level, and primary occupation.

Why choose the residential environment?For the local crowd. Almost all of the people who see your advertising will be locals or people looking to live like locals for the time being (like AirBnB guests). Your business can not only advertise to nearby potential customers but can also develop new habits among this audience. For example, a strong residential DOOH campaign might influence its audience to pick up milk or toilet paper at a particular store on the way home. What if you want to speak to the newcomers in the neighborhood? The Residential environment is a great place to introduce them to your business and let them know where to look for you.

For the custom strategy. Apartment mailrooms often have bins full of discarded flyers. Campsite’s Residential screens cut through the clutter of traditional residential advertising like flyers, newspapers, and direct mail for a fraction of the cost. Advertisers can easily update their ads in real time without the hassle of reprinting and redistribution. The screens provide added value to tenants by allowing them to catch up on news, local weather, and building announcements. With Campsite, your brand becomes associated with this added value.

For maximum engagement and visibility. Digital signage is a very effective way to harness an audience’s attention while making the atmosphere livelier. In any environment, being able to command attention to content is valuable; in the residential building, it’s all the more valuable, as there are no other sources of advertising or entertainment in the area. So, on top of creating an engaging experience, the Residential environment allows you to take a subtle approach without the competition of loud surroundings.

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Health: Clinics & PharmaciesGrocery Store

You probably aren’t a fan of spending time in clinic waiting rooms. However, there is an upside to long wait times for advertisers: extended dwell time. In the Health environment, audiences are typically exposed to your ad for about forty minutes. This is the ideal scenario for “optimum message repetition” – the audience is exposed to your ad for the perfect amount of time to hear, understand, and remember your brand messaging. Where else can you capture forty minutes of a Canadian consumer’s time and attention?

Ads displayed in this environment engage consumers by educating them on a wide variety of topics, such as nutrition, women’s health, lifestyle products, family health issues, and financial services. The audience is primed to be receptive to these messages. First, they are in a doctor’s office or pharmacy, which conveys an atmosphere of trust and authority. Second, they are likely thinking about their own health and the health of their families and friends.

Why choose the health environment?For the receptive, engaged audience. Some patients may be present for annual check-ups while others are looking to remedy recently developed symptoms. Regardless, all individuals in the waiting room are part of an audience of Canadian consumers, ready and willing to act. Research shows that over 56% of the Health environment audience reacts to a call-to-action from information seen in the waiting room.

For the long dwell time. Customers have no choice but to patiently sit down and wait for their appointment. Whether they are nervous or bored, your vibrant ad is a welcome distraction. Not only is the waiting room an excellent opportunity to offer information to a captive audience, but it also allows you to take advantage of higher levels of engagement and build brand recall. For the fully dedicated screen. The vast majority of screens in the Campsite Health environment display ads full-screen with no other intrusions on your valuable paid space. This ensures that your information – and only your information – is received and absorbed by the audience. The remaining content to close the video loop is relevant, contextual information about personal health and welfare that does not distract or detract from your ad messaging.

Campsite’s grocery store environment displays a well-balanced loop of entertaining ads and branded content to a captive audience: customers waiting in the checkout line. 95% of Canadians visited the grocery store one or two times last week (1.6 times on average), and they all had to stop at the checkout. Whether your brand is looking to drive impulse purchases, reinforce a product’s user-friendly image, or simply gain notoriety, this is a location where people will line up to see your ad.

When asked if watching the content on our screens helps pass the time more effectively, 84% of shoppers said yes. This in itself is a great opportunity but remember – customers can also see these strategically-placed screens throughout the shopping trip. That’s right; an IPSOS study revealed that shoppers see an average of 2.5 screens during a grocery store visit. An eye-catching wall of HD screens is impossible to miss, even during a quick single-item purchase. Your ad can greet customers in line and suggests products before grocery store staff ever have the chance to.

Why choose the grocery store environment?The decision-making mode. A consumer in “grocery shopping mode” is planning and actively making selections. The screens are a direct communication tool for brands, products and services to reach the primary grocery shoppers (and, chances are, the household decision makers) right in the middle of the decision-making process. There is no time for the viewer to forget about your product or get distracted by a competitor – they see your ad and can act instantly. The local crowd. When it comes to grocery shopping, most people have a preferred location and more often than not, is close to their primary residence. Advertising in this environment not only allows you to stand out during the shopping experience, but also gives you the opportunity to do so in a community setting of familiarity and trust. Familiarity, trust, and repetition: a perfect recipe for brand recognition if there ever was one. The inevitable weekly exposure. Grocery shopping isn’t going anywhere. This environment offers multiple opportunities to consistently communicate with primary grocery shoppers, since every customer who enters the store must go through the check-out to exit, often doing so several times a month. The virtual guarantee of repeated ad impressions gives you the chance to build strong, ongoing relationships between your brand and your audience.

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Subway & LRTSports & Recreational Centers

Subway and light rail (LRT) stations are home to a massive, predictable audience. Every day, commuters rely on screens to keep them informed while they wait for the train. With Campsite, your ads become part of the essential information that transit users take in. These commuters are diverse in profession, income, culture, and neighbourhood, though they are most often aged 18 to 44. They may be transit users out of necessity or by conviction. Either way, one thing is clear: they all have time to connect with your brand during their commutes.

Why choose the Subway & LRT environment?For the high potential reach. In large urban areas, public transit is often the preferred mode of transportation for commuters. It’s also a preferred environment for advertisers. After all, getting your message out to more than a million daily commuters is a pretty great start to reaching your target audience. Add multiple subway rides per day to the equation and the odds of having a successful, effective campaign get even better. For the commutes. Having to make transfers or wait for a train might be bad news for commuters, but it’s great news for advertisers. Savvy advertisers can make a 5-minute wait fly by with a little transit info and a lot of entertainment. For the predictable exposure. Many commuters use the subway several times—and at very specific times—throughout the week. Not only can you customize your messaging based on the time it’ll be viewed (think rush-hour mindset vs. Saturday-night brain), but you can be assured that a consumer will see your messaging at multiple points during the week and weekend.

The Sports and Recreational Center environment attracts a large and diverse audience of enthusiastic consumers. Every day, coaches, supportive parents, competitive kids, and recreation-seeking adults spend hours of quality time in these facilities. The typical visitor comes at least twice per week for more than an hour each time, and facilities often operate seven days per week from early morning to late at night. This audience is excited to be there, and with the right campaign they’ll be excited about your brand, too.

There are a wide variety of screen locations to choose from in this environment – lobbies, viewing galleries, snack bars, and more. This means your brand can be a part of every step of the recreation experience. Never underestimate the power of community advertising; being present in your community is a great foundation for business.

Why choose the sports & recreational centres environment?For the high exposure frequency. Many recreational center visitors go several times a week and at very specific times. Not only can you customize your messaging based on the time they’ll be viewed (think children’s after school activities, daily workouts or weekend classes) but you can be assured that a consumer will see your messages at various points throughout the entire week. For the high dwell times. The typical recreational center visitor spends more than 60 minutes at a facility during each of their many visits. This is an excellent opportunity for extended and repeated exposure to your advertisement. Long dwell times mean that visitors will have many opportunities to come across your messaging, even if they are busy attending a fitness class or dropping off their kids at practice. For the massive reach. The Sports & Recreational Centre environment often has traffic spikes on top of its regular loyal audience. Large community activities, tournaments, and celebrations often take place in this environment, bringing in both local attendees and fresh eyes for your ads. In this environment, your target audience can include both local regulars and special event guests.

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Shopping mallAirport

Did you know that 87% of the population has visited a shopping mall during the last 4 weeks? Or that the average amount of time a shopper spends there is over 70 minutes? With statistics like these, the Shopping Mall environment is a prime advertising location for brands that want high traffic and frequent impressions. Although shopping is the main event, consumers visit the mall for many other reasons like browsing, socializing, and eating. This means that, even as online shopping rises, there are still compelling activities that draw Canadians to the Shopping Mall environment on a regular basis.

Advertising in the Shopping Mall environment allows you to reach your audience at multiple points in the shopping experience. The audience is already prepared to enter a retail location and spend money, so your media campaign can effectively add items to your audience’s mental shopping lists. With screens near checkouts and points-of-sale, you have many strategic options to encourage impulse purchases and upselling, all while boosting brand awareness.

Why choose the shopping mall environment?For the decision-making moment. A consumer in shopping mode is constantly in the process of making selections. The screens are a direct communication tool for brands, products and services to reach shoppers at the critical moment of that decision-making process. Well-integrated communications enhance shoppers’ experience and improve your campaign’s performance, ensuring that when customers choose a product, yours is always top-of-mind.

For the local crowd. When it comes to shopping, most people have a preferred location. More often than not, it is close to their primary residence. This means that advertising in the Shopping Mall environment not only allows you to stand out during the shopping experience, but it also gives you the opportunity to do so in a community setting. Whether you are looking for suburban thirtysomething individuals or a downtown student, you can reach them where they feel right at home.

For the precise demographics. Since a shopping mall usually has a loyal customer base, target marketing can be carried out based on the demographics of the mall’s neighbourhood. With demographic segmentation already done, you can refine your targeting even further with strategic placement and timing in the Shopping Mall environment.

Campsite screens are available in major airports – if you want your brand to make an impact on high flyers, this is the environment for you. Altogether, nearly 20 million passengers pass through our selected terminals each year, producing over a million ad views per week.

Screens are strategically positioned near key locations such as departure gates and premium lounges to hit two essential audiences: passengers waiting to board their flights, and the airline employees helping them do so. Positioned side-by-side, one screen displays advertising, while the other attracts eyes by delivering real-time news, weather, and entertainment – 24/7. In an environment where waiting is the norm, customer engagement and brand recall is at an all-time high. Multiple screens throughout the airport create a domination effect, giving you the ability to inform and entertain all travellers whether they’re coming or going, waiting or lingering.

Why choose the airport environment?For the waiting. The airport environment is unlike any other when it comes to dwell time. Travellers are forced to spend hours in the same environment waiting for their flights. And, as any seasoned traveller knows, boarding is boring. Customers can stand quietly by their gates or wander around the terminal – no matter what, they will have repeated exposure to your ads.

For the high income audience. Airport travellers often include the most desirable audiences for advertisers: they boast higher-than-average incomes, have access to higher education, and are likely to hold a managerial position. This group includes executives travelling for business, families on vacation, and child-free couples and singles sneaking a getaway. Each group possesses immense spending power that can be directed toward your brand.

For the local and the global. The airport environment is suitable for ad campaigns of every scale. Domestic brands can reach people going on vacations (who will inevitably come back), while international brands can influence travellers to try their products once they’ve reached their destinations. With the Airport environment, you can influence customers’ buying decisions in many locations from a single screen.

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Beauty & GroomingCampus

Beauty and grooming locations present an ideal opportunity for brands in this sector to reach their target audience. With appointments of an hour or more, often with wait times beforehand, salon visitors spend a lot of time with little to do but look around. With Campsite’s well-positioned screens, your ad can be the first thing to catch the customer’s eye. Because salon visitors are already tending to their personal care needs, the are very receptive to on-screen messaging that is relevant to this subject. For beauty and lifestyle brands, the beauty & grooming environment is the perfect contextual setting to convey highly relevant brand messaging in a relaxed and soothing atmosphere.

Why chose the beauty & grooming environment?For the offline spotlight. With hands tucked under a cape or nails being tended to, customers in this environment are often away from their devices. DOOH extends your campaign’s reach even during these offline moments to reach your target audience with brand messaging. It is rare not to be competing with your audience’s mobile devices for attention – don’t let the opportunity go to waste!

For a targeted audience. Each location – hair salons, barbershops, nail salons and more – has its own particular customer base. This gives brands the opportunity to deliver the right message to the right audience by bidding on only the appropriate gender, income level and interest categories. This is especially useful for brands who offer products that can be used for the same services. For instance, a nail polish brand is sure to connect with customers through DOOH ads in a nail salon.

For captive viewers. Screens in beauty and grooming locations often mix advertising messages with informative and entertaining content, keeping the audience interested and engaged throughout their appointments. A well-targeted and contextual creative will definitely catch the audience’s attention, and maybe inspire a new look or style.

College and university campuses are the best place to reach a notorious, up-and-coming advertising audience: Generation Z. Millennials are old news; on the other hand, Gen Zs (those born between 1996 and 2010) are growing into their spending power. And oh, do they spend.

Between heading to class, socializing with friends, and working part-time, these young adults spend a significant amount of time on campus. With screens strategically installed in high-traffic areas, campuses are an ideal location for lifestyle, entertainment and food brands to share their marketing messages with a captive audience. Students may not have the most disposable income, but they place a high value on entertainment, recreation, and personal image.

Why choose the campus environment?For the Gen Z reach. Gen Z is tech-savvy, wary of advertising and oftentimes hard to reach via online and mobile ads – they were born into a digital world, so they can spot ads a mile away. Yet, research has shown that this generation is more receptive to DOOH than any other channel, making campuses an ideal location to reach an educated segment of this audience. A subtle, unobtrusive DOOH campaign could be the key to this generation’s hearts (and wallets).

For strategic campaign frequency. Most students are on campus five days a week, and many show up on the weekend for study sessions and extracurricular activities. Advertisers can easily reach their audience multiple times, and even coordinate a location-based mobile campaign for added touchpoints.

For long dwell times. Whether studying in the library, eating in the cafeteria, or lounging outside, students have time to kill between classes. A DOOH campaign can not only catch the audience’s attention but, when combined with a strong CTA, it can also drive results – particularly for online shopping and social media engagement.

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Street-level digital billboards let you make a big statement on an intimate level. Strategically placed in high-traffic areas across Canada, these screens have high eye-level visibility to connect quickly and effectively with pedestrians and street traffic. These ad locations give you a range of opportunities for you brand to become a part of the local landscape, from dayparted programming to targeted neighbourhood storytelling to specific location-based campaigns. No matter what your strategy, digital posters and billboards are a safe bet for meeting customers at their level.

Campsite’s high-resolution screens, rich visuals, and interactive technology options can help you give your ad campaign a life of its own. By building a narrative, providing opportunities for cross-platform interaction, or inspiring fun, you can use Street Level DOOH advertising to build stronger brand-customer relationships than ever before.

Why choose the street level environment?For the urban vibrancy. Bring some brilliance to traditional street level advertising with digital posters that illuminate and capture the attention of audiences during their daily commute or while they are out exploring the city.

For the flexible creatives. Keep your message fresh and customize your creative with endless possibilities. Capitalize on diverse and high-population areas within a city’s busiest regions where people will see evolving messages on the striking displays of street level digital.

For the location-based CTA. Use ads in high traffic areas to bring your audience right to your doorstep. From creative and promotional flexibility, to minimal lead times, quick-and-easy real-time contextual messaging, and round-the-clock monitoring, our screens offer advertisers responsive solutions that break through the noise of the street to connect with customers.

Billboards are natural attention-grabbers, and large DOOH displays are no exception. Positioned to catch on-the-move crowds along the country’s busiest roadways, business intersections, and urban centers, Campsite’s Billboard environment screens provide great visibility and rich high-resolution images. Not only does their size naturally catch the eyes of drivers and pedestrians, they also give your brand a high-end, cosmopolitan image. Some say “Bigger is better”; in this case, we completely agree.

Digital Out Of Home creates an opportunity to customize a message on a flexible and dynamic medium that can be altered in real time to best reach your audience. They are large, vibrant, and engaging, yet non-invasive and safe. The Billboard environment is the perfect setting in which to make your big-impact brand a landmark in your customer’s everyday routine.

Why choose the billboard environment?For the diverse audience. Getting your message out to more than one hundred thousand drivers every day is a pretty great start to spreading your message. Although it is difficult to define a specific audience for large formats, the key word here is quantity. Here, we can guarantee that a lot of individuals will be in their car and will look at the billboard.

For the high creative potential. The beauty of digital is its flexible nature; it’s no longer just a simple static linear narrative, creatives may be adapted to precisely fit the environment they will play in. The possibilities are close to endless when it comes to engaging consumers with large digital screens. Creative domination? Dayparting strategy? Real-time contextual messaging? It’s possible to show relevant content based on time, weather, and vacation (anything really, you’re the boss).

For the high frequency. In the urban areas, there not a day goes by without us hearing about rush hour road conditions on the radio. It is no secret that a majority of professionals are stuck in traffic twice a day, every day. Not only can you customize your messaging based on the time it’ll be viewed (think rush-hour mindset vs Saturday-night brain), but you can be assured that a consumer will see your messaging at various points during the day on the week and/or the weekend.



About the Campsite self-serve platform and Broadsign

Campsite’s self-serve programmatic platform is a marketplace for premium digital out-of-home inventory. Campsite is part of the Broadsign family and is helping make it easier than ever for publishers, agencies, brands and business owners to harness the power of out-of-home and connect with audiences, both local and across the globe.

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