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Digipac Analysis Bridie Lacy

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Digipac OneLittle Comets- In Search Of Elusive

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The in search of elusive digipac by the little comets has been produced to a very simple colour palette, they have used very minimalistic colours with a pop of the light orange colour within the middle to draw attention, it is unsure of what the imagie in the middle is but it makes you want to look further into the digipac. The in search of elusive digipac front cover has got very messy looking font as the header of the digipac this instantly draws attention to the person looking at it, also with them using unusual fonts it portrays the type of music that they produce as it isnt for everyone but certain individuals will love it

The back of the digipac carries on with the unusual font and they have a list of the songs that are sung on the track written in the same capitalized lettered font, also they have decided to include extra information at the bottom of the digipac, by including who all the songs are written by, the is respectful for the artists as they aren't fully taking credit for everything as many artists would they are showing the reality to a band and that not every song they write themselves.

Again they have carried on with the simple colours this time only including black and white, the white writing on the black background allows the boldness of the capitalized letters to stand out without anything taking attention away from it

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Digipac Two Haim- Days Are Gone

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Haim decided for their digipac to use a bold bright colour as the main center of their front digipac cover, the bright colour green stands out but allows the three band members who are perched on the bench in the middle of the bright grass to stand out in their blacks and white, the way in which the colours contrast within this digipac really works as nothing is drawing attention away from the three band member.

They have placed the band name and the album name in the top left and right hand corner in a small font but in capital letters so it still stands out and with the white on the green it really works to stand out

Haims CD is a vibrant yellow to add another pop of colour to their digipac, also the CD includes a list of the songs which are included, it is a very simple yet statement look which features their band name and the album name on the very top with the list of songs situated blow

On the back of the digipac it includes a very simple list of the songs included, they are all categorised in sections ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C’ and ‘D’ this could indicate the quirky-ness to the band and the way in which they do things differently so they wanted to include a bit of them onto the back of their digipac.Although it is very simple it still stands out as they have used the same font throughout the front and the back of the digipac which makes the digipac flow with style from front to back

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Digipac Three Crystal Fighters- Cave Rave

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This digipac is very different as it has a lot going on,on the front of it. Firstly we have the bold outline of what Is like bull horns and a skull in the middle of the horns with dotted red on the outer ring and we have a center at the top of the digipac with a circle of different colours. This digipac instantly draws you in, which is what they aim to do with their music; they have based their digipac off what they want people to register their music as. In the four corners they have included four smaller images of different things, it’s a digipac with a lot of detail and depth to it whilst only using the most simple of colour palettesof white greys and blacks with the tiny pops of colour dotted around the front of the digipac

On the back of the digipac again they have followed through with using the pop of colour in this case it being red, with every other song title being the colour red, this instantly stands out of the blank canvas of white.They have put the title of the album in the colour white whilst sitting on top of a very bold black border. It is a very simple back of a digipac but with the use of the colour of the song titles it makes it have a twist to go with the complexity of the front cover

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Included on the front of this poster is the band logo in the classic font, so people can instantly register their title and instantly know who it is whilst maybe skim reading the poster

They have included the name of their new album with what the new album features in bold font, and the dates that these songs where or are being released on, Also it is stating how it includes footage to a documentary to draw people in

Here they have used a very strange image of a cat with sparkling eyes wearing some form of crown, this image will instantly register with people and make the poster memorable to them as it is different and stands out to the audience so it is non forgettable

Including tour dates of which people could try and get tickets to even though they have sold out, They have placed a big SOLD OUT sign over the top, this indicates popularity of the band and how people are reacting to the new album which is the main focus of the poster

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A black border around the whole of the poster creates a classic but bold look to their poster Including their classic font of their band

which is used on everything with their name on it, this indicates to people that it is really ‘The Vaccines’ and it is a legit poster with the use of the font and the way in which they have used it

Chosen a bold image with a red background, they have chosen the image of the band member all looking casual up against a bold backdrop with whilst wearing casual clothing, the red background of the photo makes it very eye catching to the audience and instantly draws them in to want to look a lot closer to see what else the image is holding within it

Tour dates and ticket sales times included on the black border background, tour dates being in white and the ticket sales being in red, the ticket sales being in red indicates to people the urgency the band feel for you to buy the tickets in which they do not want you to miss out on. Everything on the poster flows and fits together as they have used the same font style and the same colour palette throughout

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Again they have decided to place the name of the band at the very top of the poster in the font style that they are used to brand them, to indicate to people who they are

A very odd but cool looking image which instantly draws ones eye closer to the image as you have an old car and four guys standing buy it all dressed in very different clothing and one placed with his hands on his knees in sunglasses, it instantly makes the eyes want to have a closer look

On their poster they have included the release date of their new album in which they have included the name of it to, by announcing it on the poster they are able to show people what could be up coming in their next events, in which they aim to draw people into, by the usage of this poster

Including their next date of where they are playing and the address in which this is at and where they can get the tickets from, this is all useful information to anyone who is reading the poster and wanting to go and see them play their live music

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