  • SAGE-Hindawi Access to ResearchParkinson’s DiseaseVolume 2011, Article ID 572743, 18 pagesdoi:10.4061/2011/572743

    Review Article

    Differential Effects of Dopaminergic Therapies onDorsal and Ventral Striatum in Parkinson’s Disease:Implications for Cognitive Function

    Penny A. MacDonald1 and Oury Monchi2

    1 Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada2 Unité de neuroimagerie fonctionnelle, Institut Universitaire de Gériatrie de Montréal, QC, Canada H3W 1W5

    Correspondence should be addressed to Penny A. MacDonald, [email protected]

    Received 21 November 2010; Accepted 7 January 2011

    Academic Editor: Antonio Strafella

    Copyright © 2011 P. A. MacDonald and O. Monchi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work isproperly cited.

    Cognitive abnormalities are a feature of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Unlike motor symptoms that are clearly improved bydopaminergic therapy, the effect of dopamine replacement on cognition seems paradoxical. Some cognitive functions are improvedwhereas others are unaltered or even hindered. Our aim was to understand the effect of dopamine replacement therapy onvarious aspects of cognition. Whereas dorsal striatum receives dopamine input from the substantia nigra (SN), ventral striatum isinnervated by dopamine-producing cells in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). In PD, degeneration of SN is substantially greaterthan cell loss in VTA and hence dopamine-deficiency is significantly greater in dorsal compared to ventral striatum. We suggest thatdopamine supplementation improves functions mediated by dorsal striatum and impairs, or heightens to a pathological degree,operations ascribed to ventral striatum. We consider the extant literature in light of this principle. We also survey the effect ofdopamine replacement on functional neuroimaging in PD relating the findings to this framework. This paper highlights the factthat currently, titration of therapy in PD is geared to optimizing dorsal striatum-mediated motor symptoms, at the expense ofventral striatum operations. Increased awareness of contrasting effects of dopamine replacement on dorsal versus ventral striatumfunctions will lead clinicians to survey a broader range of symptoms in determining optimal therapy, taking into account boththose aspects of cognition that will be helped versus those that will be hindered by dopaminergic treatment.

    1. Introduction

    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative illness withprominent motor symptoms of tremor, bradykinesia, andrigidity. These motor symptoms result from degenerationof the dopamine-producing cells of the substantia nigra,leading to dopamine deficiency and dysfunction in the dorsalstriatum. Cognitive dysfunction has long been recognized asa feature of Parkinson’s disease with 20–50% meeting criteriafor dementia [1–5] and a far greater proportion displayingfeatures of milder cognitive dysfunction [6]. Unlike therelatively clear-cut explanation for motor symptoms, debatehas surrounded the locus of these cognitive impairments inPD. While initial explanations focused on cortical degen-eration, which also occurs in PD, particularly at later

    disease stages, studies have repeatedly failed to demonstratecorrelation between cortical Lewy body dispersion andseverity of cognitive impairment [7–11]. Studies in patientswith basal ganglia lesions and investigations of cognitionin healthy volunteers using neuroimaging are increasinglyattributing cognitive functions to basal ganglia [12–17].Some pathological studies confirm cognitive impairment inPD patients even in the absence of cortical compromise [18,19]. Taken together, basal ganglia pathology and biochemicaldeficit might be an important cause for cognitive impairmentin PD. Further complicating our understanding of cognitivefunction in PD, whereas the motor manifestations are clearlyimproved by dopamine replacement medications such as L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa) or dopamine receptoragonists, the effect of dopamine replacement therapy on

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    cognition seems paradoxical. Some cognitive functions areimproved by dopaminergic therapy whereas others areunaltered or even hindered. Our main aim, in fact, is toreview and understand the effect of dopamine replacementtherapy on different aspects of cognition, relating thesefindings to functions of different segments of basal ganglia.

    Previous investigations suggest that individual segmentsof the basal ganglia mediate different elements of cogni-tion. One approach for subdividing the striatum involvesdistinguishing the ventral striatum, comprising the nucleusaccumbens and the most ventral portions of caudate andputamen, from the dorsal striatum, entailing the bulk ofthe caudate nuclei and putamen [20–22]. This distinctionis important in PD given that the dopamine input to theseregions are divergent and degenerate at different times andto varying degrees in disease evolution. Whereas dorsalstriatum, responsible for the prominent motor symptoms,receives dopamine input from the substantia nigra (SN),ventral striatum is innervated by dopamine-producing cellsin the ventral tegmental area (VTA). In PD, the VTA is signif-icantly less affected than the SN at clinical disease onset anda disparity is maintained throughout the disease course [23–26]. Given these differences, functions performed by dorsalstriatum should improve disproportionately with dopaminereplacement therapy compared to those subserved by ventralstriatum. In fact, there is evidence that ventral striatumfunctions worsen with provision of dopaminergic therapy[13, 27–32]. An explanation offered for this medication-induced impairment is that these less dopamine-depletedbrain regions are effectively overdosed by dopaminergicmedications that are titrated to dorsal striatum-mediatedmotor symptoms [13, 28, 29, 32].

    A central objective of this paper is therefore to definethe different cognitive processes mediated by the moredopamine-depleted dorsal compared to the relatively sparedventral striatum, with the aim of providing a frameworkfor predicting and understanding those cognitive processesthat might be enhanced compared to those that will behindered by dopaminergic therapy, at least at the early stagesof the disease. Albeit somewhat simplified in that it does notaddress the impact of, nor incorporate findings related to,other VTA-innervated regions, such as prefrontal and limbiccortex, we will show that this approach accommodates andexplains an impressive array of cognitive and neuroimagingfindings in PD, providing a possible principle to predict andunderstand the effect of dopamine replacement therapy oncognition in this disease.

    We will first present subtle cytoarchitectonic distinctionsbetween dorsal versus ventral striatum, as well as thedivergent regions to which they are reciprocally connected,as evidence of how these regions are differentially adapted toseparate cognitive functions. We will next review the effectof dorsal versus ventral striatum lesions on cognition, aswell as the cognitive functions that implicate dorsal versusventral striatum in neuroimaging studies. As a test of theframework adopted here, that dorsal striatum functions areimproved whereas ventral striatum functions are worsenedby dopamine replacement, we will next compare thosecognitive functions that are known to be improved versus

    those that are impaired by dopamine replacement therapyin PD patients to the pattern predicted by the lesion andneuroimaging studies. Table 1 summarizes these findings.Finally, we will survey the results of neuroimaging studies inPD patients on and off dopamine replacement therapy. Thesestudies provide direct evidence of the effect of dopaminesupplementation on brain activity in PD. Further, theyprovide an additional test of the hypothesis that variableeffects of dopamine treatment in PD on distinct cognitiveprocesses relate to their differential reliance on dorsal andventral striatum.

    1.1. Dorsal Striatum. In the dorsal striatum there aredenser dopamine inputs and more numerous dendritesand spines on medium spiny neurons (MSNs) resultingin rapid and maximal dopamine stimulation through awide range of input firing frequency and intensity [22, 33].Due to high concentration of dopamine transporter (DAT),which is responsible for synaptic dopamine reuptake andclearance, synaptic dopamine is rapidly cleared, yieldingshort dopamine stimulation durations [22]. Taken together,this precisely-timed, brief, and consistently maximal receptorstimulation adapts dorsal striatum for rapid, flexible, andmore absolute or binary responding as might be neededin deciding between alternatives. Suggesting an importantrole in performance, the dorsal striatum is reciprocallyconnected to a number of effector brain regions suchas frontal eye fields, dorsal and rostral premotor cortex,supplementary, and primary motor cortex. Dorsal stria-tum projections also arise from and lead to dorsolateralprefrontal, somatosensory, and parietal association cortices,regions involved in executive functions [34]. In addition toan extremely high degree of convergence in striatum, MSNsreceive very few projections from each cortical neuron [35–38]. Dorsal striatum is consequently ideally positioned tosum diverse influences on responding, with vast numbersof cortical neurons each making only small contributions,requiring a concordance among many inputs to influence theexcitation status of a given MSN. In turn, through reciprocalconnections, single MSNs affect numerous cortical neurons.In this way, dorsal striatum coordinates activity in disparatecortical regions. These characteristics would suggest thatdorsal striatum is ideally suited for selecting some stimuli orresponses and suppressing others.

    1.2. Ventral Striatum. Subtle cytoarchitectonic and neuro-chemical differences for ventral relative to dorsal striatum,such as smaller neuron size with fewer and more widely-spaced dendrites and spines, along with less significantdopaminergic input, have as a functional consequence thatreceptor stimulation with a single dopamine pulse is slower,and of lower and more variable intensity than in dorsal stria-tum [22]. This translates to greater differences comparingtonic versus phasic dopamine stimulation in ventral stria-tum, a fact demonstrated experimentally by Zhang et al. [33]who found nearly maximal dorsal striatum stimulation ateven the lowest intensity and frequency dopamine impulsescompared to much more graded, incremental responses inthe ventral striatum. Owing to lower DAT concentration,

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    Table 1: Cognitive functions that are enhanced, unchanged, or impaired by dopaminergic therapy, grouped according to their associationwith dorsal striatum, ventral striatum, or other brain regions.

    Enhanced by dopaminergic therapyUnchanged by dopaminergictherapy

    Impaired by dopaminergic therapy

    Ventral striatum

    ∗Motivation Implicit and explicit learning∗Impulsivity Reversal learning

    Orienting to stimuli

    Dorsal striatum

    Selective attention Complex planning Time estimation

    Selective responding Set shifting

    Complex planning Task switching

    Category judgements

    Time estimation

    Visuospatial processing

    Explicit and implicit retrieval

    Set shifting

    Task switching

    Other brainregions

    Spatial working memory Nonspatial working memory Simple reaction time

    Manipulating contents of workingmemory

    Set shiftingProduction of self-generatedsequences

    Task switchingGeneration of alternate uses ofcommon objects

    ∗Are enhanced to a pathological degree.

    dopamine stimulation is also of longer duration in ventralcompared to dorsal striatum [22]. Together, these character-istics make the ventral striatum well suited for associatingstimuli or events, even across time, in a graded fashion aswould be essential for probabilistic or associative learningand for binding events that are temporally coincident intoepisodes. The regions to which ventral striatum are recip-rocally connected also suggest its involvement in encodingand associating salient features of the environment. Theventral striatum receives inputs from and projects to anteriorcingulate, orbitofrontal, and anterior temporal cortices, aswell as to hippocampus, insula, amygdala, and hypothala-mus. Due to a high degree of convergence, with 10–20 000cortical or limbic neurons projecting to a single mediumspiny neuron in the striatum, representations in basal gangliaare highly sparse relative to corresponding representations incortex and limbic regions [35–38]. This degree of abstractionprecludes storing of memory engrams within ventral stria-tum but given its significant reciprocal interconnectednessto multiple regions simultaneously, ventral striatum receivesinformation about (a) top-down, goal-directed attentionalbiases, (b) bottom-up object and event salience, (c) mul-timodal representations of objects and events, and (d) thecurrent motivational state of the organism [20]. Given per-sistence of stimulation, ventral striatum can further incor-porate response outcome and reward information. Becauseconnections to these diverse cortical and limbic regions arereciprocal, ventral striatum is in a position to harmonizeactivity in these distant brain regions as is needed for associ-ating disparate, temporally coincident features into episodes.These anatomical characteristics suggest that ventral stria-tum could play an important role in learning and encoding.

    2. Cognitive Testing (a) in Patientswith Basal Ganglia Lesions and (b) UsingNeuroimaging in Healthy Volunteers

    2.1. Dorsal Striatum. Lesions in the dorsal striatum havebeen shown to impair set shifting and task switching(e.g., [39–42] but see [43–46]), category judgements [41],and suppression of irrelevant information and responses,particularly when the ignored stimulus is highly salient andthe to-be-avoided response is over-learned (e.g., [39, 40, 44,45] but see [46, 47]). Patients with dorsal striatum lesionshave been shown in one study to have deficits in reversal ofpreviously acquired stimulus-reward relations [48]. Tests ofplanning (e.g., tower of Hanoi and porteus mazes [49]) andvisuospatial processing [50–52] uncover deficits in patientswith dorsal striatum lesions. A number of lesion studies havealso revealed deficits in explicit (e.g., [39, 44, 49, 52, 53]but see [46]) and implicit memory [53, 54] but see [55].Working memory [39, 41, 44, 48], language (e.g., [39, 56]but see [43, 57]), word and face recognition (e.g., [39, 43]but see [58]), as well as explicit [53] and implicit learning(e.g., [41, 51, 53, 59–61] but see [49, 62]), in contrast, tendto be spared.

    Consistent with these lesions studies, shifting set andchanging stimulus-reward or stimulus-response mappings(e.g., [63–66] but see [15]) are associated with increasedactivity in dorsal striatum. Responding to less well learneddimensions such as colour versus word in the Stroop task[12] or with less-practiced responses, as when pictures arenamed in a second language relative to a first language [67],also preferentially activate dorsal striatum. In a similar vein,dorsal striatum is more engaged when responding to a target

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    location that was inaccurately predicted by a cue when cueshad previously been predictive of the correct target location[68]. That is, dorsal striatum is engaged when previouslyinformative stimuli must now be disregarded.

    Dorsal striatum is preferentially activated for learnedrelative to random motor sequences [69], for familiaritems in an episodic recognition test [70], during categoryjudgements [17, 71], especially when there is significantcategory uncertainty [72], for rewarded relative to unre-warded stimuli [17, 73] and responses [74, 75], and indistinguishing and estimating different time durations [76–85]. Dorsal striatum activity remains significantly increasedabove baseline throughout these experiments, well aftersequences, categorization rules, or stimulus-reward andresponse-reward relations have been acquired, suggestingthat dorsal striatum is involved in performance rather thanlearning. Tests of visuospatial processing, such as mentalrotation, further implicate dorsal striatum in fMRI, althoughsignificant increases in activity were noted for male subjectsonly [86].

    Dorsal striatum has been associated with risk aversionduring decision making [87] although preferential activationhas been noted when speed is emphasized over accuracy ina motion judgement task [88]. Recent findings implicateddorsal striatum in encoding the joint dimensions of rewardmagnitude and subjective value (i.e., marginal utility) as wellas temporal discounting, supporting a role for the dorsalstriatum in integrating divergent influences on decisionmaking [89, 90].

    2.2. Ventral Striatum. There have been very few exam-inations of cognition following lesions circumscribed tothe ventral striatum, mostly owing to the rarity of suchsmall and strategically placed lesions. In human participants,Goldenberg and colleagues [91] reported a case of antero-grade amnesia for verbal material following a left nucleusaccumbens bleed. Despite an inability to learn new verbalmaterial whether testing memory with recall or recognition,this patient performed normally on tests of retrospectiveverbal memory, divided and shifting attention, Wisconsincard sorting (WCST), tower of London (TOL), workingmemory, language, encoding and retrieval of nonverbalinformation. Taken together, this pattern of deficits andspared functions suggests a critical role for the ventralstriatum in encoding associations, with left ventral striatumlateralized for language. Calder and colleagues [92] revealedanger recognition deficits in 3 patients with left and 1 patientwith right ventral striatum lesions despite otherwise normalvisual processing. Martinaud and colleagues [93] found thatleft ventral striatum lesions, following anterior communi-cating artery aneurysm, were associated with behaviouraldeficits, reduced daily activities, and hyperactivity. Finally,Bellebaum and colleagues [48] looked at acquisition andreversal of stimulus-reward associations in 3 patients withisolated ventral basal ganglia lesions compared to patientswith dorsal or dorsal plus ventral basal ganglia lesions as wellas to control participants. All patients, irrespective of group,displayed deficits in reversing previously acquired stimulus-reward contingencies. There were no specific or consistent

    patterns noted for patients with ventral basal ganglia lesionsin their experiment, consequently.

    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experi-ments have shown that the degree to which a motor sequenceis implicitly learned correlates with ventral striatum activity[69] and that ventral striatum activity is greatest early inlearning, and is preferential for positive feedback relative tonegative feedback during initial learning [17, 74, 94, 95]. Thisventral striatum-mediated, stimulus-reward learning occurseven without intention or consciousness [96]. Ventral stria-tum activity drops off as performance asymptotes [69]. Oncelearning is established, ventral striatum activity increasesover baseline tasks only (a) for unexpected rewards deliveredfor previously unrewarded stimuli or when reward is omittedfor previously rewarded items (i.e., prediction errors; [97–102]), (b) for punishment after errors [103], or (c) in reversallearning experiments when criterion is reversed and selectionof previously rewarded stimuli now elicits negative feedback[17, 65, 104–106]. Ventral striatum is differentially activatedby salient [107–109], valued [107, 108, 110, 111], or novelstimuli [17, 112], and even for passively received monetaryor social rewards [113]. Differential ventral striatum activityreflects both magnitude and probability of reward [114], aswell as probability of a given outcome (e.g., [115–117] butsee [114]). Taken together, the ventral striatum seems to beengaged when a stimulus or event in the environment signalsthe possibility of new learning.

    Heightened ventral striatum activity has been shown ina number of studies to be associated with more impulsivechoices [118, 119] and ventral striatum has not been impli-cated in response inhibition or response stopping [120, 121].Ventral striatum activity is greater for riskier choices [118,119, 122, 123] and for more immediate rewards (i.e., tem-poral discounting; [124–126]). Further, negative functionalinteraction between nucleus accumbens and anteroventralprefrontal cortex was associated with decisions favouringlong-term goals relative to an immediate reward [127]. Thatis, high levels of activity in nucleus accumbens correspond tolower anteroventral prefrontal cortex activity, which in turnwas associated with decisions favouring immediate rewardsover long-term objectives.

    Consistent with findings in patients with ventral striatumlesions, neuroimaging studies have found that nucleusaccumbens activity associates with encoding of facial emo-tional expressions [128]. Mühlberger and colleagues [129]further showed that ventral striatum activity was greaterwhen control participants observed changes from angry tohappy or neutral facial expressions. Finally, Liang and col-leagues [130] found that ventral striatum activity correlatedwith extremes of facial attractiveness.

    2.3. Summary: Cognitive Testing (a) in Patients with BasalGanglia Lesions and (b) Using Neuroimaging in Healthy Vol-unteers. The dorsal striatum is implicated in selecting amongvarious stimuli and competing responses, when divergentinfluences impinge on decision making and particularlywhen selection requires discounting more salient stimuli oroverriding prepotent responses. Dorsal striatum is involvedin complex planning tasks and in distinguishing among

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    groups of stimuli and responses, tracking whether an itembelongs to one category over another, is rewarded versusunrewarded, or is familiar versus novel. The dorsal striatumis implicated in time discrimination and estimation, as wellas in visuospatial processing. From this review, we surmisethat, whereas individual cortical regions might be specificallysensitive to separate aspects of a stimulus, situation, or event,such as salience, preference, motivational value, reward,speed, or accuracy, the dorsal striatum integrates all ofthese influences to yield an optimal, considered criterion,that maximizes and regulates accurate decision making,selective responding, and planning. Conversely, the dorsalstriatum’s necessity is significantly lessened for decisionsthat can be accomplished relying on a single dimensionto guide behaviour—particularly if this dimension is mostsalient [15]. This could account for the inconsistent findingswith respect to task- or set shifting deficits in patients withdorsal striatum lesions and for the occasional finding thatthese tasks do not preferentially activate dorsal striatum inneuroimaging investigations. An aim of future studies shouldbe to better understand these inconsistencies.

    In contrast, both lesion and neuroimaging studies sug-gest that the ventral striatum is extensively implicated inmultiple aspects and forms of learning. Ventral striatumis involved in orienting attention to salient, novel, orvalued stimuli and seems to mediate motivation, facilitatingapproach behaviours. Finally, some evidence suggests thatventral striatum might have a role in facial emotionalprocessing. Both implicit and explicit learning and tests ofimplicit and explicit memory implicate ventral striatum.Unlike hippocampus and associated temporal cortex thatseem specialized for encoding information when memory issubsequently explicitly probed, ventral striatum is implicatedin more generalized encoding function. To our knowledge,no studies have examined this issue as a central aim and weare currently investigating this question.

    3. Effect of Dopamine ReplacementTherapy on Cognition

    A number of studies have investigated the effects ofdopamine replacement therapy on cognition in PD. Atfirst blush, these results seem paradoxical. Whereas incon-sistencies in this literature surely owe, at least in part,to differences in sample size, diverse methodologies, dis-crepancies in patient characteristics, such as age, diseaseduration and severity, PD-dominant side, and even geneticprofile, we postulate that the differential reliance on thedorsal and ventral striatum of the cognitive function underinvestigation, accounts for most of this variability.

    The dorsal striatum is significantly depleted of dopamineat all stages of clinical PD. The ventral striatum, in contrast,is substantially less dopamine deprived, especially early inthe disease course. Because dopaminergic supplementationis titrated to dorsal striatum-mediated striatum motorfunctions, it is suggested that ventral striatum is overdosedand its functions are impaired whereas dorsal striatumbecomes dopamine replete and operations that it mediatesare improved. We test this explanation for the effect of

    dopaminergic therapy on cognitive functions in PD, byrelating (a) the pattern of cognitive improvements andimpairments subsequent to dopamine replacement in PD, to(b) the cognitive functions that seem attributed to the dorsaland ventral striatum outlined above.

    3.1. Cognitive Functions Improved by Dopamine ReplacementTherapy in PD. A number of studies have shown thatadministration of dopamine replacement therapy improvescognitive function in patients with PD. Impairments for PDpatients in switching attention from one stimulus dimension[131–135] but see [29], or one response to another [134,136], as well as in selecting between alternatives withhigh response conflict [137] are redressed by dopaminereplacement. Similarly, although maintenance and retrievalof nonspatial information in working memory per se seemsto be unaffected by dopaminergic therapy ([138–140] butsee [141, 142]), medication improves manipulation of thecontents of working memory [138, 139]. Patients wereimpaired on a measure of verbal fluency compared withnormal controls when tested off medication but there wereno group differences on medication [29]. Remembering toperform an action at a specified time, so-called prospectiveremembering, was impaired in PD patients tested off butnot on medication [143, 144]. Impairment in generatinglines of varying lengths—an action planning deficit—inPD patients was improved with dopamine replacementwhereas a deficit in repeatedly producing lines of only twolengths in the simple figure replication condition was not[145]. Also suggesting motor planning improvement withdopaminergic medication, PD patients on dopamine med-ication demonstrated better and normalized chunking ofmotor movements [146], despite normal sequence learningboth off and on medication. In a similar vein, althoughlearning simple stimulus-response relations was unaltered bydopamine replacement, chaining these learned associationsto achieve a long-term goal was impaired in PD patientstested off medication. Chaining these events to achievethe end goal was improved when patients were tested ondopaminergic therapy [147]. Whether these results owe toa medication-remediable deficit in planning, learning, orretrieval, is unclear, however. Together, the findings surveyedabove dopamine repletion improves cognitive flexibility,planning, and possibly long-term retrieval.

    In contrast to nonspatial working memory, spatialworking memory deficits have been shown to improvewith dopaminergic treatments [148–151], perhaps relatedto improvement in visuospatial processing. Consistent withthe latter interpretation, category-specific (i.e., animals)object recognition using degraded images has been shownto be compromised in de-novo PD patients relative toPD patients receiving dopaminergic therapy and healthycontrols. This deficit was remediated with introduction ofdopamine replacement medications [152].

    Finally, a number of studies have demonstrated impairedbehavioural performance on time estimation and motortiming tasks in PD patients relative to controls. These deficitsimprove with dopaminergic medication ([153–156] but see[157, 158]).

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    3.2. Cognitive Functions Unaffected by Dopamine Replace-ment Therapy in PD. Some studies have revealed no effectof dopamine replacement therapy on cognitive function.Shifting to a previously irrelevant dimension was impairedin PD patients relative to controls but was not improved byadministration of L-dopa [27, 138, 139]. PD patients wereimpaired compared to controls in generating proper namesbut this impairment was not improved with dopaminereplacement [159]. Nagano-Saito and colleagues [160] foundno improvement on performance of the TOL on dopamineagonist relative to off medication.

    3.3. Cognitive Functions Impaired by Dopamine ReplacementTherapy in PD. Learning was most commonly impaired inPD patients tested on dopamine replacement therapy. Anumber of studies have revealed deficits after dopaminereplacement in probabilistic associative learning, althoughPD patients off medication performed equivalently tocontrols [29, 140, 158]. Shohamy and colleagues [161]found that dopaminergic medication impaired learning ofan incrementally acquired, concurrent discrimination task,whereas off medication PD patients performed as well ascontrols. Sequence learning was reduced for PD patientson medication [146, 162–164]. Dopamine supplementationin PD patients yielded reduced facilitation for consecutive,consistent stimulus-stimulus pairings in a selection taskcompared to normal implicit learning and hence facili-tated responding when tested off medication [137]. Oncestimulus-reward associations have been learned, reversingprobabilities of stimulus-reward associations is also impairedfor PD patients on dopamine replacement therapy [27,32, 40, 104, 165–167]. Finally, dopamine therapy impairedlearning from negative feedback [168].

    Another frequent deficit in PD patients on dopaminereplacement therapy is in impulse control [27, 169]. Asan example, impulsive betting despite appropriate anddeliberate decision making was noted following L-dopaadministration in PD patients [132, 140]. L-dopa therapyin PD patients has been shown to increase the tendency tochoose earlier relative to later rewards, regardless of rewardmagnitude (i.e., temporal discounting) compared to decisionmaking on placebo. Dopaminergic therapy, particularlydopamine agonist use, in PD has clearly been shown toincrease a number of impulse control disorders such aspathological gambling, compulsive sexual behaviour, com-pulsive buying, and binge eating [170, 171]. The dopaminedysregulation syndrome in which PD patients overuse theirdopamine replacement medications is a further exampleof enhanced motivation toward rewarding behaviours withtherapy [172].

    Simple reaction time was increased with administrationof L-dopa [173] and apomorphine [174]. Time estimationin the seconds but not millisecond range was impaired inpatients on relative to off medication and healthy controls[155, 175]. Finally, impairment in generation tasks suchas subject-ordered pointing [29] or production of alternateuses for common objects [167] have also been noted in PDpatients on medication.

    3.4. Effect of Dopamine Therapy in Healthy Controls. A num-ber of studies have investigated the effect of dopaminergicmodulation on cognitive function in healthy volunteers.Breitenstein and colleagues [176] found that administering adopamine agonist significantly impaired novel word learningin healthy volunteers compared to placebo. Similarly, Pizza-galli and colleagues [177] and Santesso and colleagues [178]found that reward learning was impaired in healthy humanvolunteers after administering a single dose of pramipexole.Probabilistic reward learning relies on the ventral striatum[74, 94, 96] and consequently these findings strengthenthe contention that impaired learning in PD patients onmedication results from overdose of VTA-innervated ventralstriatum. Pine and colleagues [90] showed that in healthycontrols administration of L-dopa increased temporal dis-counting in a decision making task, with more numeroussmaller but sooner reward choices relative to larger but laterreward options, compared to performance after receivingplacebo or haloperidol. Schnider and colleagues [179] foundthat L-dopa, but not risperidone or placebo, increasedfalse positive responses, without altering overall memoryperformance, in healthy volunteers tested in a memoryparadigm that had previously been shown to be sensitivein confabulating patients. These findings suggest a lessconservative response criterion compatible with increasedimpulsivity seen with dopamine replacement in healthyvolunteers, paralleling findings in PD. Finally, Luciana andcolleagues [180] found that bromocriptine, a dopamine ago-nist, facilitated spatial delayed but not immediate memoryperformance in healthy volunteers.

    Conversely, others have investigated the effect ofdopamine receptor antagonists on cognition in healthy vol-unteers with the aim of simulating the dopamine deficiencyin PD. Set shifting impairments have been induced by thismanipulation, consistent with performance of PD patientsoff medication [30]. Similarly, Nagano-Saito and colleagues[181] showed that after consuming a drink deficient in thedopamine precursors tyrosine and phenylalanine, post-setshift response times were increased in the WCST comparedto when they performed the task, after consuming a drinkbalanced in amino acids. Finally, the effect of dopaminereceptor antagonism on working memory in healthy controlshas been inconsistent [30, 182, 183].

    3.5. Summary: Effect of Dopamine Replacement Therapy onCognition. Based on our review, the pattern of improve-ments and impairments in PD patients following dopaminesupplementation are well accounted for by differential base-line dopamine innervation of the dorsal and ventrals stria-tum, with very few exceptions. Consistent with conclusionsabout cognitive functions ascribed to dorsal striatum arisingfrom lesion and neuroimaging studies, selecting among alter-native stimuli and responses, particularly when there is highconflict or when enacting a decision requires disregardingpreviously relevant stimulus dimensions or responses, isimproved by dopamine replacement in PD. Also consis-tent with lesion and neuroimaging studies, dopaminergictherapy remediates long-term memory retrieval, planning,visuo spatial processing, as well as time estimation and

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    motor-timing deficits. Providing convergent evidence fordopamine’s modulatory role in these executive functions,dopamine antagonists in healthy volunteers have been shownto impair set shifting.

    Numerous studies reveal impaired learning in PDpatients on relative to off dopamine replacement therapyas would be expected in reviewing lesion and neuroimag-ing studies of ventral striatum function. Impaired simplereaction time in PD patients on medication, which couldowe to impaired orienting, also would not be inconsistentwith functions ascribed to ventral striatum from our surveyof lesion and neuroimaging studies. Further bolstering thedopamine overdose hypothesis to account for deteriorationof some cognitive functions in medicated PD patients,dopaminergic therapy in healthy volunteers actually impairslearning, exactly paralleling the pattern observed in PDpatients. To reiterate, the central contention of the dopamineoverdose hypothesis is that because the VTA is relativelyspared and hence ventral striatum dopamine is adequate,especially early in PD, dopamine replacement, dosed toremediate the dorsal striatum-mediated motor symptoms,effectively causes an over-supply of dopamine to the ventralstriatum, interfering with its function.

    Not consistent with the view that dopamine overdose dis-rupts ventral striatum-mediated processes, increased impul-sivity in PD patients on dopamine replacement actuallysuggests an enhancement of ventral striatum function. Lesionand imaging studies have shown that ventral striatum medi-ates motivation, approach behaviour, and impulsive choices.Also paralleling findings in PD, dopamine replacement inhealthy volunteers increases impulsive choices and enhancesfalse positive responses in a memory paradigm, consistentwith greater impulsivity. While still in line with an account ofventral striatum dopamine over-supply, these findings can-not be explained by the claim that dopamine excess interfereswith functions of ventral striatum. We submit that a possibleexplanation for opposing effects of dopamine replacementon these ventral striatum-mediated functions could owe totheir differential reliance on phasic or relative, versus tonicor absolute dopamine receptor stimulation. In reviewingbiological features of the ventral striatum, low tonic, withgraded phasic dopamine responses, sensitive to frequencyand degree of stimulation, are characteristics that render theventral striatum particularly suited for encoding associationsbetween stimuli, responses, outcomes, or events. If thesegraded dopamine signals convey strength of association thenadministration of bolus dopamine therapy could conceivablyinterfere with this encoding. Further, decreased DAT forclearing synaptic dopamine makes the ventral striatum evenmore vulnerable to disruption by bolus dopamine admin-istration. In contrast, those functions of ventral striatumthat depend on absolute dopaminergic tone and not uponextracting information from degree of dopamine receptorstimulation or from relative signal-to-noise ratio might beincreased, albeit to a pathological level, by dopaminergictherapy. Impulsivity, an inclination to act prematurelywithout adequate consideration of relevant determinants ofbehaviour, might depend on absolute dopaminergic tonein the ventral striatum. Administration of dopaminergic

    therapy and consequent ventral striatum dopamine overdosemight enhance this tendency to a detrimental degree.

    Some studies have revealed no effect of dopaminereplacement therapy on cognitive function. Possibly reflect-ing bias against publishing null results, there are far fewerexamples of functions that are neither helped nor hinderedby dopaminergic therapy in PD and hence a clear trenddoes not emerge. Given a variety of reasons for statisticalequivalence, such as true equality between conditions andpopulations, inadequate power to detect differences, as wellas a 20% Type 2 error rate compared to a more acceptable5% Type 1 error rate, interpretation of null results can beproblematic and should be done cautiously.

    Remediable deficits in verbal fluency and in manipulat-ing the contents of working memory with administrationof dopaminergic therapy are not clearly predicted by thedorsal striatum lesion and neuroimaging studies. Further,time estimation has been attributed to dorsal striatum[14, 15, 39–42] and therefore impairment in this processwith dopamine replacement would not be explained by thesimple framework applied here. Finally, decreased responsegeneration with medication is not predicted by the lesionand neuroimaging literature reviewed here. These few incon-sistencies might relate to effects of dopamine replacementon other brain regions, particularly those that also receiveinput from the relatively-spared VTA, such as prefrontaland limbic cortices, that we have not discussed in thisreview. Alternatively, a more complete understanding ofthe functions of the dorsal and ventral striatum mightresolve these discrepancies. Overall, however, the frameworkadopted in this review accommodates a significant numberof findings, despite the few inconsistencies encountered.Next, we review neuroimaging studies in PD patients on andoff medication.

    4. Functional Neuroimaging in PD

    4.1. Neuroimaging in PD Patients off Dopaminergic Med-ication. Neuroimaging studies of patients with PD haverevealed differences in regions of activation and de-activationat rest. A number of investigations have shown increasedactivity in the thalamus, globus pallidus, pons, and primarymotor cortex compared to reductions in lateral premotor andposterior parietal areas [184]. Those patients who were notdemented but performed abnormally on neuropsychologicaltests relative to controls additionally revealed reductions inmedial prefrontal regions, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, pre-motor cortex, rostral supplementary motor area, precuneus,and posterior parietal regions along with relative increases incerebellar cortex and dentate nuclei [184].

    Changes in patterns of activation are also described in PDpatients off medication performing cognitive tasks. Investi-gating the effect of retrieval and manipulation of workingmemory contents on default mode network in PD patientsoff medication, van Eimeren and colleagues [185] found thatPD patients only appropriately deactivated medial prefrontalcortex and in fact increased activation of precuneus andposterior cingulate cortex. The default network involvesprecuneus, medial prefrontal, posterior cingulate, lateral

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    parietal, and medial temporal cortices and is characterizedby deactivation during the performance of executive tasksin healthy volunteers [186, 187]. Connectivity analysis alsorevealed that medial prefrontal cortex and the rostral ven-tromedial caudate nucleus were functionally disconnected inPD, further supporting disturbance of the default network inPD. Others have found that hypometabolism and decreasedendogeneous dopamine in dorsal striatum, as measured by[18F]DOPA PET, [11C]-raclopride (RAC) PET, or fMRI, aredirectly correlated with poorer performance on the WCSTand on tests of working, verbal, and visual memory in PDpatients [188–190]. Schonberg and colleagues [191] furthershowed decreased prediction error signals in dorsal striatumin a reinforcement learning study using fMRI in PD relativeto controls. Finally, dorsal-striatum-involving tasks (e.g.,set-shifting under uncertainty in card sorting tasks) alsoreveal decreased activations in striatum-associated corticalregions such as posterior parietal regions, ventrolateral anddorsolateral prefrontal cortex when planning a set shift,as well as in premotor cortex during set-shift execution[14, 192].

    In contrast, activity in the ventral striatum and corticalregions to which it is reciprocally connected, is comparableor, rarely, is enhanced in PD patients off medicationcompared to controls in neuroimaging studies. As previ-ously noted, medial prefrontal cortical regions—reciprocallyconnected to ventral striatum and innervated by VTA—appropriately deactivate during an executive task in PDpatients off medication [185]. Prediction error signals in areinforcement learning study using fMRI, were normal inthe ventral striatum in PD patients tested off medication,despite impairments in the dorsal striatum. Sawamoto andcolleagues [190] found that the same contrast of spatialworking memory versus visuomotor processing that yieldedhypometabolism in dorsal caudate for PD patients relativeto controls, showed comparable between-group activity inanterior cingulate, a region reciprocally connected to theventral striatum and receiving dopamine input from VTA.Finally, PD patients revealed increased activations relativeto controls in prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex forcognitive processes that did not implicate caudate nucleus,such as in conditions that required neither planning norexecuting a set shift in a card sorting task [14, 192].This enhanced cortical activity was associated with poorercognitive performance, however.

    4.2. Summary: Neuroimaging Results in PD Patients offDopaminergic Medication. Overall, these imaging studiesare consistent with the notion that decreased cognitiveperformance in PD relates primarily to dopaminergic deficitand dysfunction of the dorsal striatum. Functional impair-ments owe to dorsal striatum dysfunction per se as well asto consequent deregulation of cortical networks involvingdorsal striatum. These investigations further support that inundemented PD patients, ventral striatum and its corticalnetworks are unperturbed in the off state, which we attributeto preserved VTA dopaminergic function. On occasion,increased cortical activity is noted for PD patients offdopaminergic medications relative to controls, although

    this does not necessarily translate to improved cognitiveperformance [14, 149, 192]. Increased number and extentof some cortical regions recruited by PD patients whileperforming cognitive tasks off medication, could owe toaberrant up-regulation of regions that are normally opposedor inhibited by dorsal striatum and its cortical networks.Studies aimed specifically at contrasting dorsal versus ventralstriatum-mediated cognitive functions in PD patients offmedication relative to controls using neuroimaging arelacking. These studies are needed not only to directly assessthe differential metabolic impairments of the dorsal andventral striatum in PD but also to understand the impact,if any, of dorsal-striatum dysfunction on baseline ventralstriatum metabolic function, independent of medication.The section that follows summarizes the effects of dopaminereplacement in PD patients and dopamine modulation inhealthy controls on patterns of brain activity assessed byfunctional neuroimaging.

    5. Effect of Dopamine Modulation onBrain Activity

    5.1. Normalization of Neuroimaging Patterns with Dopamin-ergic Therapy in PD Patients. In the resting state, Wu andcolleagues [193] found that PD patients in the off statehad significantly decreased functional connectivity betweenthe supplementary motor area, left dorsolateral prefrontalcortex, and left putamen, along with increased functionalconnectivity among the left cerebellum, left primary motorcortex, and left parietal cortex compared to normal subjects.Administration of L-dopa normalized the pattern of func-tional connectivity in PD patients with degree of restorationcorrelating with motor improvements as assessed by theUnified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) motorscore. Similarly, Feigin and colleagues [194] and Asanumaand colleagues [195] revealed at rest, a decrease in activationof the globus pallidus and subthalamic nuclei and an increasein cortical motor and premotor activity with administrationof L-dopa, constituting a correction in the Parkinson’sdisease related motor pattern.

    Investigating the effect of dopamine replacement onneuroimaging patterns in PD patients performing cog-nitive tasks, Cools and colleagues [196] found that L-dopa effectively normalized cerebral blood flow in PDpatients compared to controls, decreasing activity in theright dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during performance ofboth planning and spatial working memory tasks comparedwith a visuomotor control task, and increasing cerebralblood flow in the right occipital lobe during a memorytask relative to a control task. Mattay and colleagues [149]found that dopamine replacement increased activity inmotor brain regions and decreased activity in the prefrontalcortical regions, constituting a correction of the PD patternand correlating with decreased error rates on a workingmemory test. Fera and colleagues [197] showed that PDpatients off medication had increased Stroop interference-related activity in anterior cingulate and presupplementarymotor cortex compared to controls. L-dopa administrationattenuated responses in these regions and increased activity

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    in prefrontal cortex, which correlated with more accurateStroop performance. Jahanshahi and colleagues [158] foundthat in PD patients off medication, motor timing tasksactivated bilateral cerebellum, right thalamus, and leftmidbrain relative to a control, reaction time task whereasfor healthy volunteers this contrast revealed significantlyincreased activity in left medial prefrontal cortex, right hip-pocampus, bilateral angular gyrus, left posterior cingulate,and left nucleus accumbens and caudate. Administration ofa dopamine agonist increased activity in prefrontal regions inPD patients and was associated with improved performance.In PD patients, administration of apomorphine duringperformance of the TOL revealed greater deactivation ofventro-medial prefrontal cortex, a region belonging to thedefault network, as a function of task complexity [160].Finally, Jubault and colleagues [198] found that treatmentwith dopaminergic therapy had no effect on brain activityin regions implicated in planning a set shift (i.e., caudatenucleus, ventrolateral, posterior, and dorsolaterlal prefrontalcortex) in PD patients but increased activity in the premotorcortex, essentially normalizing the pattern observed for set-shift execution.

    5.2. Impairment of Neuroimaging Patterns with DopaminergicTherapy in PD Patients. In some cases, administrationof L-dopa is associated with abnormal patterns of brainactivity in PD. Feigin and colleagues [162] found thatadministration of L-dopa reduced sequence learning and wasassociated with enhanced activation in the right premotorand decreased activity in the ipsilateral occipital associationarea compared to controls. Argyelan and colleagues [199]showed that L-dopa diminished learning-related ventrome-dial prefrontal cortex suppression in a sequence learningtask compared to unmedicated PD patients and healthycontrols. In PD patients, administration of L-dopa correlatedwith greater attenuation of the dorsal striatum, insula,subgenual cingulate, and lateral orbitofrontal cortices fordelayed relative to more immediate rewards, paralleling thebehavioural result of increased impulsivity and temporaldiscounting relative to placebo [90]. Steeves and colleagues[200] found decreased binding of the D2 receptor ligandRAC in the ventral striatum in PD patients with pathologicalgambling relative to PD patients not known for patho-logical gambling, following administration of a dopamineagonist during gambling and control tasks. Along similarlines, using H2[15O] PET to measure regional cerebralblood flow as an index of regional brain activity duringdecision making with probabilistic feedback, van Eimerenand colleagues [201] compared PD patients with andwithout DA-induced pathological gambling before and afterapomorphine administration. Pathological gamblers evi-denced a dopamine agonist-induced attenuation of impulsecontrol and response inhibition brain regions such aslateral orbitofrontal cortex, rostral cingulate, amygdala, andexternal pallidum whereas nongamblers revealed increasedactivity in these brain regions with administration of adopaminergic agonist. These results suggest good correlationbetween the general behavioural effects and changes inneural activity precipitated by dopamine replacement, but

    highlight that individual differences can also augment ormitigate these correlations. Finally, Delaveau and colleagues[202] investigated the effect of L-dopa on brain regionsassociated with facial emotion recognition. They found thatL-dopa decreased task-associated amygdala activation in PDpatients.

    5.3. Effect of Dopamine Modulation in Healthy Controls. Inhealthy elderly volunteers, administration of apomorphine, adopamine agonist, resulted in improved performance on theTOL task [160]. Performance on TOL produced deactivationin ventro-medial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulatecortex, regions belonging to the default mode network,both on and off medication. On apomorphine, there wasan inverse correlation between task complexity and ventro-medial prefrontal cortex [160]. In this example, a dopamineagonist improved performance and enhanced connectivity ofunderlying brain networks. Given that these patients wereelderly, the authors speculated that as aging is related todopamine cell loss, apomorphine could have corrected aclinically nonmanifest dopaminergic deficit in their controls.

    In most cases, however, dopamine modulation in healthycontrols produces impairments in patterns of brain activ-ity. L-dopa administration increased functional connectiv-ity among the putamen, cerebellum, and brainstem, andbetween the ventral striatum and ventrolateral prefrontalcortex activity. It disrupted ventral striatum and dorsal cau-date functional connectivity with the default mode network,however [203]. Delaveau and colleagues [204, 205] showedthat L-dopa administration reduced bilateral amygdala activ-ity, a region reciprocally connected to ventral striatum, inhealthy elderly volunteers performing a facial emotionalrecognition task. Finally, Nagano-Saito and colleagues [181]found changes in brain activity, which correlated with per-formance of the WCST, in healthy controls after consuminga drink deficient in the dopamine precursors tyrosine andphenylalanine compared to after they consumed a drinkbalanced in amino acids. Following the balanced drink,greater connectivity occurred between the frontal lobes andstriatum, correlating with faster set-shift response times, anddeactivation was noted in areas normally suppressed duringattention-demanding tasks, including the medial prefrontalcortex, posterior cingulate cortex, and hippocampus. Follow-ing the dopamine precursor-depleted drink, fronto-striatalconnectivity was abolished and deactivations in medialprefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate, and hippocampuswere no longer observed, associated with longer set shiftingresponse times.

    5.4. Summary: Effect of L-Dopa Administration on Neu-roimaging Results. Overall, these results are consistent withthe notion that dopamine replacement normalizes activity inthe dorsal striatum and cortico-striatal networks that impli-cate dorsal striatum, both at rest and during performance ofcognitive tasks. These changes consist of increases in somecortical regions and decreases in others, correlating withimproved performance on a variety of cognitive tasks such asspatial working memory, selective attention, planning, andset shifting.

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    Dysfunctional patterns of brain activity precipitatedby dopamine replacement in PD are noted exclusivelyfor ventral striatum-mediated processes. Although onlySteeves and colleagues [200] observed direct dopamineenhancement in the ventral striatum with dopamine agonistadministration, abnormal patterns of activity produced bydopaminergic medication in PD patients solely implicatedbrain regions that are reciprocally connected to the ventralstriatum. That is, reduced learning-related suppression inventromedial prefrontal cortex occurred during sequencelearning, increased activation of amygdala was noted ontests of facial emotional recognition, and greater attenuationof impulse control and response inhibition regions suchas the dorsal striatum, insula, cingulate, and orbitofrontalcortex, were observed during more impulsive decisions inPD patients treated with dopaminergic medications. Thestudies reviewed here replicate the behavioural studies ofdopamine replacement in cognition and confirm that thosecognitive functions impaired by dopaminergic therapy in PDare related to changes in the ventral striatum and corticalnetworks that implicate the ventral striatum. The effect ofdopamine supplementation in healthy controls on neuralactivity in the ventral striatum-associated cortical networksexactly mirrors the changes noted in PD, in line with theventral striatum dopamine over-supply account of cognitivefunctions that worsen with treatment in PD.

    We found rare direct but significant indirect evidencethat dopamine replacement improves some aspects of cog-nition by remediating dorsal striatum function and worsensothers by inducing pathological activity in ventral striatum.Studies are needed that directly contrast dorsal versus ventralstriatum-mediated cognitive functions and associated neuralactivity in the same PD patients, on and off medication.Contrasting changes in brain activity noted for patients earlyin the disease course relative to those observed with moreadvanced disease will also enhance our understanding ofhow the relation between dopamine replacement and thesedivergent cognitive functions evolve in PD.

    6. General Discussion

    Cognitive dysfunction has long been recognized as a featureof PD. Cognitive functions are increasingly attributed to thebasal ganglia [12–17, 19]. Dopamine replacement therapyhas contrasting effects on different cognitive functions. Inthe current review, we present evidence that improvementswith dopamine replacement arise for cognitive processesthat are mediated by the dopamine-depleted dorsal striatum.In contrast, cognitive operations that are impaired bydopaminergic therapy are supported by the relatively sparedventral striatum.

    Selecting among alternative stimuli and responses, par-ticularly when there is high conflict or when enacting adecision requires disregarding previously relevant stimu-lus dimensions or responses, is improved by dopaminereplacement. Dopaminergic therapy also remediates long-term memory retrieval, planning, visuo-spatial processing,as well as time estimation and motor-timing deficits. Thesecognitive functions are ascribed to the dorsal striatum in

    studies of patients with dorsal striatum lesions and ininvestigations of healthy controls using functional neu-roimaging. Neuroimaging studies in PD confirm the notionthat dopamine replacement improves cognitive functionsmediated by dorsal striatum. Dopamine replacement nor-malizes activity in the dorsal striatum as well as in corticalnetworks involving dorsal striatum both at rest and duringperformance of cognitive tasks. These changes in neuralactivity are associated with improvements in cognitiveperformance.

    In contrast, numerous studies reveal impaired probabilis-tic, associative, and sequence learning, decreased attentionalorienting, as well as poorer facial emotional recognition inPD patients on relative to off dopamine replacement therapy.Impulsivity is enhanced to a pathological degree in PDpatients on dopaminergic therapy. Studies of patients withventral striatum lesions and neuroimaging investigationsin healthy volunteers demonstrate that these behaviouralphenomena are mediated by the ventral striatum. Imagingstudies in PD on and off medication are therefore also con-sistent with the framework presented here for understandingmedication effects on cognition in PD. Neuroimaging studiesin PD patients in the off state confirm that ventral striatumand its cortical networks are unperturbed. Administration ofdopaminergic therapy produces abnormal patterns of brainactivity, with an increase in ventral striatal dopamine havingbeen noted and alterations in levels of activation of corticalregions that are reciprocally connected to the ventral stria-tum being frequently observed. These neuroimaging changesare associated with behavioural impairments in ventralstriatum-mediated cognitive processes. In line with claimsthat the ventral striatum receives adequate dopamine inner-vation early in PD and that dopamine supplementation over-supplies this region resulting in abnormal ventral-striatummediated behaviour, the neuroimaging and behavioural con-sequences of dopamine supplementation in healthy controlswith respect to learning, facial emotion recognition, andimpulse control, exactly mirror those obtained with PDpatients.

    Although ventral-striatum mediated cognitive processesand their neural correlates are consistently adversely affectedby dopamine supplementation in PD, medication-inducedeffects in learning, orienting, and facial emotional recogni-tion suggest reduced, whereas increased impulsivity reflectsenhanced ventral striatum function. We speculate that thesecontrasting effects of dopamine replacement on ventralstriatum-mediated cognitive functions relate to their differ-ential reliance on graded versus absolute ventral striatumdopamine levels. Whereas dopamine replacement resultingin excessive dopamine concentration in ventral striatumconceivably disrupts processes that are informed by subtlerelative or phasic changes in dopamine level—perhapslearning, orienting, and emotion discrimination, it mightpathologically enhance processes that are governed byabsolute or tonic dopamine signals. We submit that rapiddecision making, guided by heuristics rather than completeconsideration of all determinants and consequences ofbehaviour (i.e., impulsivity) is enhanced to a detrimentalextent by dopamine replacement in PD.

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    The cognitive profile in PD has many determinants.The importance of each of these factors evolves over thedisease course. Some cognitive deficits owe to dopaminedeficiency in the dorsal striatum, which are at least partiallyremediated by optimal dopaminergic therapy. In addition,dopamine overdose of the ventral striatum reduces somefunctions and heightens others to a pathological degree inPD patients receiving dopamine replacement. As functionalneuroimaging studies demonstrate, dopamine deficienciesand excesses in the dorsal and ventral striatum, as a functionof medication status, correlate with aberrant patterns ofneural activity in cortical networks that are directly oreven indirectly regulated by these respective brain regions.Although not addressed in this paper, cognitive dysfunctionin PD also results from degeneration of cortex and otherneurotransmitter systems, especially with advancing disease.Further, cortical regions receiving dopamine input fromVTA, such as prefrontal and limbic regions, are also likelyoverdosed to varying extents by dopamine replacement inPD, impacting cognitive functions that they mediate. Finally,dopamine agonists and L-dopa have distinct mechanisms ofaction with somewhat different consequences on cognition[206], an issue glossed over in this paper. In light of numer-ous variables interacting to produce patterns of cognitivedysfunction and sparing in PD, given that these variablesare differentially affected by dopaminergic therapy in generaland by type of therapy specifically, and finally, becausethese interactions evolve over disease course, the frameworkadopted in this paper is clearly an over-simplification.That notwithstanding, it accommodates and explains animpressive array of cognitive and neuroimaging findings,providing a basic tenet for predicting and understanding theeffect of dopamine replacement therapy on cognition in PD.

    6.1. Controversies and Areas Warranting Further Investigation.Our review brings to light a number of inconsistencies as wellas areas that warrant further consideration. Although dorsalstriatum is implicated in selective attention and decisionmaking, the specific aspect of these situations that dependsupon the dorsal striatum remains somewhat unclear. Occa-sionally these executive functions are unimpaired in patientswith dorsal striatum lesion or PD, and are not associatedwith preferential activation of the dorsal striatum usingneuroimaging. We submit that decisions requiring integra-tion of multiple dimensions, particularly those that requireresolving conflicting influences on responding, depend to thegreatest extent on the dorsal striatum. We predict that theseinstances will be most improved by dopamine replacement.Further investigation, however, is required.

    With respect to the ventral striatum, whether this regionmediates encoding for implicit or explicit uses of memorydifferentially has not yet been directly investigated althoughour survey of the literature does not suggest such specificity.Further, although the effects of dopamine replacementare consistently adverse with respect to ventral-striatummediated behavior, some functions are reduced whereasothers are pathologically enhanced. We argue that this relatesto whether a function derives from graded, phasic dopamineresponses, which bolus dopamine treatment will interrupt,

    versus absolute dopaminergic tone that will be heightenedby dopamine replacement. Direct empirical investigations ofthis hypothesis are needed.

    Finally, studies aimed specifically at contrasting dorsalversus ventral striatum-mediated cognitive functions in PDpatients on and off medication relative to controls usingneuroimaging are lacking. These studies will provide agreater understanding of the changes within the dorsal andventral striato-cortical networks that occur in PD and howthese are modulated by dopamine therapy. Investigations ofhow these interactions evolve over the disease course willalso improve our understanding of the effect of dopaminereplacement on cognition in PD.

    7. Conclusion

    This review highlights the fact that currently, titration oftherapy in PD is geared to optimizing dorsal striatum-mediated motor symptoms, at the expense of ventralstriatum-mediated operations. This consequence is onlybeginning to be recognized and the impact fully appreciated.Enhanced awareness of the differential effects of dopaminereplacement on disparate cognitive functions will translateto medication strategies that take into account both thosesymptoms that dopamine replacement might improve versushinder. Ultimately, this knowledge will lead clinicians to sur-vey a broader range of symptoms and signs in determiningoptimal therapy based on individual patient priorities.


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