  1. 1. Isyours&yourmom's skincareregimen same...? Timetochange...!
  2. 2. Asweallknow,ourskinisthebodys firstdefenseagainstinjury,infection. Skinisbody'slargestorgan.Skinexists inaconstantstateofgrowth,withold cellsdyingasnewcellsare forming.Hence,needstobeprotected.
  3. 3. Whataboutyou...? Areyoustillusingthatoil freecleanseryourmomgave youwhenyouwere13?
  4. 4. Asweage,ourskin changes.
  5. 5. So,willyouagreewithmeon thefactthattheskincare regimenshouldtoodifferfor thedifferentagegroup.
  6. 6. Ifyouareatthesameoldpath ofskinroutinethenItshigh time,youmakeitrightor appropriateforyourself accordingtoyourskin'sneed.
  7. 7. Wantsomehelp...?? That'swhatIam herefor...
  8. 8. Whatworkedinour 20swon'tdousany favorsinour30sor 40s.
  9. 9. If you are in your 20's: Skincare routine should be: Step 1: Use a gentle foaming cleanser . Step 2: For day, use a light moisturizer that contains sunscreen. Step 3: Use a spot treatment containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Step 4: If you are one to stay up all hours of the night drinking and smoking, use an antioxidant. Step 5: At night, cleanse follow with a basic light moisturizer. It is okay to use the best eye cream from Revitol and other anti- aging products as long as they are not too harsh.
  10. 10. If you are in your 30's: Skincare routine should be: Step 1:Women in their 30s need a cleanser that does a little more than the ones you used in your 20s. Step 2:Use an eye cream both day and night to hydrate the skin around the eyes and increase suppleness. Step 3:For day, before applying sunscreen, use an antioxidant-rich moisturizer, serum or lotion. Step 4:Add a retinoid to your regimen to help improve the overall texture and tone of your skin. Step 5: If your skin feels like it needs additional moisture after applying a retinoid, use a basic hydrating cream that doesn't contain additional retinol.
  11. 11. If you are in your 40's: Skincare routine should be: Step 1: Cleanse using a basic non-foaming, non-drying cleanser . Step 2: Use SPF daily to prevent further damage. Step 3: Retinoids and peptides are two ingredient groups that you should add into your routine. Step 4: Use an anti-aging product specifically formulated to remove the wrinkles such as dermology phytoceramides wrinkle repair complex . Step 5: Use a moisturizer that has a high level of glycerin or hyaluronic acid .
  12. 12. If you are in your 50's: Step 1: Use a cream cleanser that will hydrate skin while it cleanses. Step 2: Choose a moisturizing cream that contains SPF. Step 3: For day, apply a peptide- rich serum under your SPF daily to help build collagen. Step 4: At night, apply a retinoid before your moisturizer. Step 5: Though it sounds too simple , a petroleum jelly is a great way to lock in the moisture from your moisturizer.
  13. 13. Some general skincare tips Good skin care including sun protection and gentle cleansing can keep your skin healthy and glowing for years to come. Protect yourself from the sun. Don't smoke. Treat your skin gently. Eat a healthy diet. Manage stress
  14. 14. Thankyou Presented by: Dermology for skincare and beauty. To know more visit:

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