
DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun



Nerea Aranguren, Irune Biurrun, Itziar Paternain and Alazne Sueskun

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun



1. Justification. ......................................................................... 3

2. Contextualization. ................................................................. 3

3. Curriculum objectives and contents. ..................................... 4

4. Materials. .............................................................................. 6

5. Methodology ......................................................................... 7

6. Sequence of activities. .......................................................... 8

7. Suggestions for variation/catering for diversity. ................. 22

8. Evaluation. .......................................................................... 23

9. Bibliography. ....................................................................... 25

10. Annex ................................................................................ 25

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


1. Justification.

First of all, we want to explain that the topic we have chosen is “Food”. In our

opinion it is a very good choose because is useful for working some different contents and topics. This opens lot of doors for working contents related to English vocabulary and oral expression, but also to healthy habits, healthy diet and some other customs and behaviours very important at this age. Moreover, this topic allows us working different contents that appear in the curriculum, but which are not related to Foreign Language Learning: for example, emotions, sentiments and wishes, considering that every child has preferences about food.

In addition, we are going to integrate learnings we are working in English with

these that we are working in Basque language too (it means that rest of day we will be working and researching around the topic of “Food”). So, the atmosphere we are going to create in our student’s class will have a very good cohesion and coherence, which allows a significant learning, essential for the good comprehension and application of the content.

Finally, we want to clear up that our Didactic Unit is also justified by the

objectives that appear in the curriculum, which are explained in the section of “Objectives and Contents”.

2. Contextualization.

These activities are being carried out at the public school Bernart Etxepare in Txantrea (Pamplona) which has the D model of studying. Although the main language is Basque, it also works Spanish as a subject and English as a Foreign Language (EFL).

We will work in a class with 23 children with the age of 3-4 years old, so it will be their first contact with English. We have to say that one of the students has special needs (dyslexia), this requires that the main activities will be adapted to the needs of this child, in order to get the maximum of our children. We will explain this part in detail in the section of “Suggestions for variation/catering for diversity”.

The classroom is organized in corners, dividing the class in different spaces with materials prepared to answer to all needs and interests of children. All the material has been thought, selected and chosen to help in the development of the children, according to their needs and interests. Material could change and progress according to the contents, so depending on the unit we can choose the most appropriate material to work what we want.

This classroom management allows us to use corners as resource for introducing different games and activities according to the topic. So in addition of different material we will use in this unit, such us: flashcards, songs, games…, corners could be an interesting way to work them in the daily routine.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


We will start working this unit the last two weeks of October, from 19th to 30th October. So before this unit, we will have already worked another topic, “The Body” in this case. This means that children will be used to some vocabulary, and it could be easier to them to work this second unit.

Here is our timetable, which will help us during the planning and organizing of

the different activities, because depending on the hour of the day some activities will be more appropriate to work with children than others.

To encourage a healthy diet, at the beginning of the school year the mid-morning snack is established, so all the children have to bring the same, inviting them to eat different things. Our intention is to make the parents understand that the mid-morning snack is children business too, because we want to promote the participation of the children in the preparation of the snacks.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday






3. Curriculum objectives and contents.

In relation to this area, the aim of our educative intervention will be to develop

the following abilities, which appear in the curriculum as main objectives:

1. Utilizar la lengua como instrumento de aprendizaje, de representación, de comunicación y disfrute, de expresión de ideas y sentimientos y valorando la

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


lengua oral como un medio de relación con los demás y de regulación de la convivencia.

2. Expresar sentimientos, deseos e ideas mediante la lengua oral y a través de otros lenguajes, eligiendo el que mejor se ajuste a la intención y a la situación.

3. Comprender las intenciones y mensajes de otros niños y niñas así como de las personas adultas, adoptando una actitud positiva hacia las lenguas.

4. Comprender, reproducir y recrear algunos textos literarios mostrando actitudes de valoración, disfrute e interés hacia ellos.

5. Iniciarse en los usos sociales de la lectura y la escritura explorando su funcionamiento y valorándolas como instrumento de comunicación, información y disfrute.

6. Acercarse al conocimiento de obras artísticas expresadas en distintos lenguajes y realizar actividades de representación y expresión artística mediante el empleo de diversas técnicas.

7. Iniciarse en el uso oral de otras lenguas del currículo para comunicarse en actividades dentro del aula, y mostrar interés y disfrute al participar en estos intercambios comunicativos

Taking into account that the objectives that appear in the curriculum are much

generalized, we have considered appropriate to take the contents from it and use them like objectives in our didactic unit.


1. Identificar y responder adecuadamente a las expresiones y fórmulas de las lenguas del currículo: saludos, peticiones, agradecimiento, expresiones de gusto, preferencia, preguntas…

2. Comprender cuentos de forma global. Manifestar la comprensión de diferentes maneras, por ejemplo: Señalar el dibujo del personaje que interviene en cada momento. Descubrir errores o cambios llamativos al recontarlos. Completar frases inacabadas de la historia.

3. Identificar los personajes de un cuento, poema o canción breve. Secuenciar las escenas de un relato oral sencillo por medio de ilustraciones.

4. Relacionar los títulos del cuento con las ilustraciones y los personajes. 5. Escucha y comprensión de cuentos, relatos, leyendas, poesías, rimas o

adivinanzas, tanto tradicionales como contemporáneas, como fuente de placer y de aprendizaje.

6. Conocer el vocabulario y las expresiones de los temas. Procedimentals

1. Seguir instrucciones, explicaciones y relatos reaccionando adecuadamente a lo que se le pida hacer (identificar, señalar, actuar...).

2. Desenvolverse en las situaciones desarrolladas en la clase, así como en juegos, explicaciones, etc.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


3. Uso de habilidades y procedimientos tales como repetición, memorización, asociación de palabras y expresiones con elementos gestuales y visuales, observación e imitación de modelos, para la adquisición de léxico, formas y estructuras de la lengua.

4. Participación creativa en juegos lingüísticos para divertirse y para aprender. 5. Reconocimiento de algunas señas de identidad cultural del entorno e interés

por participar en actividades sociales y culturales. Attitudinals

1. Interés por participar en interacciones orales en otras lenguas del currículo, en rutinas y situaciones habituales de comunicación.

2. Interés por compartir interpretaciones, sensaciones y emociones provocadas por las producciones literarias.

3. Toma progresiva de conciencia de la necesidad de un uso moderado de los medios audiovisuales y de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.

4. Valoración positiva y respeto por las diferencias, aceptación de la identidad y características de los demás, evitando actitudes discriminatorias.

5. Aceptación de las normas de comportamiento establecidas durante las comidas.

6. Manifestar diferentes emociones a lo largo de la escucha de un cuento (sorpresa, miedo, alegría...).

4. Materials.

The activities that we have prepared in this unit will be worked by using different materials, such us; flashcards, songs, the supermarket game, fruit and vegetables cards…

We will use some materials prepared and personalized by the teacher, always trying to make them attractive to children. We can find these material on the last pages of this didactic unit, in the annex.

One poster to work fruits and numbers

Cards with fruit and vegetables photos and names


Some prepared shopping lists (in Basque and in English)

Some cards with a photo and the name of the food

In addition, we could find different materials in the school which will be very useful to work our topic, as we are going to see in the activity sequence.

School dining room menu

Computer or CD room and CD player


“House” corners material

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


Different material to do the customs Moreover, we could find interesting songs, videos and stories on the internet,

which will allow us to work our topic in a ludic way. It is important to select them well, taking in account our objectives and the values that we want to transmit to the children. Here there are the links of the material that we are going to use in the activities:


The very hungry caterpillar book:

The very hungry caterpillar video:


Hello song:

Tidy up song:

Good bye song:

How's The Weather:

Song: Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat?:


Halloween song. Who Took The Candy?:

Do you like…?:

5. Methodology

Our principal goal is to develop and create interest and pleasure about English in

the preschool children. To achieve that, we need to believe in children’s potentials and competencies and give them the option to decide and participate in different decisions. It is very important that child feels sure and secure about himself, such being able to make decisions. In this way, we will educate responsible, critical, curious and active children.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


From these considerations, all the activities will be proposals, so participate in

them or not will be in their hand, because we think that lack of motivation could create hatred to English and the different experiences that they have with English will influence their behaviour towards this discipline. In the same way, we will try to create attractive and motivating proposals to children, approaching them with pleasure to English. Our main aim is to start with pleasure and end up loving English. We will make the evaluation using the activities and also we will have an evaluation table, one peer child, which will allow us to know if they have achieved the objectives defined before.

6. Sequence of activities.

We are going to explain all the activities one by one, but here we can see all the

activities we are going to do, to have a general idea of our project.

Session 1

- Present the topic to the children (food and Halloween). - Watch a video about the story called “The very hungry

caterpillar”. - Work fruits and numbers using a poster.

Session 2

- Classify fruits and other foods according to the colour. - The helper will share out the mid-morning snack, taking a

bag and asking “Whose is this?”. - Classify the fruits of the mid-morning snack in the same way

we have done before.

Session 3

- Work the routines. - Read “The very hungry caterpillar” book. - Classify the big fruits and the small ones by using flashcards.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


Session 4

- Analyse the menu of the day and discuss about it, speaking

about their preferences (what they like or not). - Hear “Healthy food” song and give them some advices

about a healthy diet.

Session 5

- Put a shopping list in the “House” corner to use them when

they want. - Make a theatre simulating a real situation, in this case,

when we go to a shop to buy whit the shopping list. - Introduce a Halloween song called “Who took the candy?”

to work it next days.

Session 6

- Learn the Halloween song “Knock knock, trick or treat?”,

and do the gestures while we listen to it. - Make a small theatre of trick or treat. - The helper will share the mid-morning snacks.

Session 7

- Work the routines (weather, emotions…) - Learn “Who took the candy?” song. - Work vocabulary by using flashcards. - If we have enough time review the trick or treat theater.

Session 8

- Listen to the Halloween song. - Go to primary rooms singing and asking for candies.

Before explaining in detail the sequence of activities, we want to clarify that all sessions will have some details in common. All sessions will start with “Hello song” and also, they will end with “Good bye song”. Both songs appear in “Bibliography” part. In addition, each time that we will have to tidy up the classroom, we will profit to help this moment with “Tidy up song”. Thanks to using this three songs, we will improve the knowledge of different vocabulary and expressions useful in daily moments. Also, they will be a good way for making this moments more amusing. However, as this unit is the second topic we have worked in this year, children have already known this songs, so they will be familiar to them.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun



1. Aims

- Listening and comprehension of stories, as a source of pleasure and learning.

- Be aware of the necessity and moderate the use of the audio-visual and

information and communications technology.

- Identify and recognize the characters of a story.

2. Duration

Around 30 minutes. The time we spend on each activity could change depending

on the interest and questions of the children.

3. Material

“The very hungry caterpillar” video.

Poster to work fruits and numbers

4. Grouping

In this activity is not necessary to make different groups. We will work these

activities with all the children at the same time because it is the first contact with the

new topic and it is an introduction to the activities we are going to do next days.

5. Activity

First of all, while we are sit in a circle the teacher is going to explain the new

topic. It is necessary to explain what we are going to do, to give them an idea about

what we are going to work the next days.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


After, we will watch “The very hungry caterpillar” video and then, we will talk

about the story to see if children have understood the story, answering all the

questions they have, because we want to avoid comprehension problems that can

influence the next activities. If it is necessary we will put the video again, and stop it


Later we will work with the poster, emphasizing in numbers and fruits names

that appear in the story. For this, we will use the phrases with the same structure, to

be easier to repeat them, like:

6. Evaluation

Taking in account that is the first day working with this topic we are not going to

evaluate the activity, but it is going to be a good exercise to know where our children

are, observing what they know and what they need to improve. So it is going to be a

first contact, which will allow us to see the process from this first day to the last one.


1. Aims

- Recognize and record the vocabulary and expressions of the topic.

- Show interest by participating in oral interactions in English.

- Be able to manage in the class situation, like games, explanation…

- Creative participation in linguistic games.

2. Duration

Around 30 minutes. The time we spend on each activity could change depending

on the interest and questions of the children.

3. Material

Cards with fruit and vegetables.

On Monday the caterpillar ate one apple. But he was still hungry so…

On Tuesday the caterpillar ate two pears. But he was still hungry so…

On Wednesday the caterpillar ate three plums. But he was still hungry so…

On Thursday the caterpillar ate four strawberries. But he was still hungry so…

On Friday the caterpillar ate five oranges.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


Poster board.


4. Grouping

In this activity is not necessary to make different groups. We will work these

activities with all the children at the same time.

5. Activities


The principal aim of this activity will be to create a poster about fruit and vegetables for the class. To achieve this objective, everybody in the class will be around the poster.

Children will have to put each card in its same colour. Working this activity, we

will learn vocabulary related with food and we will improve our knowledge about colours.

We will divide the poster in 5 groups of colours (red, yellow, green, orange and

blue-purple) to classify the fruit and vegetables cards.

Each child will have a card and one by one they will stick the card in its colour.

Teacher’s guideline:

- This fruit is green, so I will stick it with the green ones.

Once the poster will be done, we will name all fruit and vegetables on it.


Learning always happens in a context, usually during interaction with other

people. In the classroom, students can learn from interacting with the teacher or with

other learners.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


So after our English class, it is mid-morning snack time and we will split up the

bags. We will take advantage to revise the name of the fruits, because on Tuesday

children have to eat fruit.

The helper will split up the bags with this question:

- Whose is this?

- It’s mine

- What do you have for mid- morning snack today?

- Today I have an apple.

To continue with the game of fruits and colours, we will do different groups depending on children fruits. They will have to sit with his/her classmates with the same colour of fruit, when each child has his/her bag.

6. Evaluation

Finally, we will have to assure that all objectives and contents have been

achieved and, for that, we will use a specific “Evaluation table” (attached at the end)

for each student. These activities, so, will be evaluated by this resource.


1. Aims

- Identify and use appropriately the expressions in English: greetings, requests,

thanks, preference, questions ...

- Understand stories in a global way and show its comprehension by different


- Listening and comprehension of stories, as a source of pleasure and learning.

- Use of abilities and procedures like repetition, recording and association of

words and expressions.

- Show interest by participating in oral interactions in English.

- Express different emotions while they listen to the story.

2. Duration

For about 30 minutes.

3. Material

The very hungry caterpillar book:

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


How's The Weather:


4. Grouping

In this activity is not necessary to make different groups. We will work these

activities with all the children at the same time.

5. Activities


First of all, we are going see who the helper of the day is, and she/he is going to do the rest of the activity, even though the others could help her/him. The helper must put in day the calendar, mark the number and say the days of the week. In addition, the helper must look at the weather and say how it is like.


We are going to read the book trying to take children into the story, interacting

with them.

3- FLASHCARDS. We are going to work with flashcards of fruits and different foods. This is a good

way to know and repeat the vocabulary of the topic. We can use expressions like:

- What is this? - What is this? Showing it slowly. - Riddle: I have here a red fruit, what it is? Apple! No, this is smaller, try again!

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


6. Evaluation

Finally, we will have to assure that all objectives and contents have been

achieved and, for that, we will use a specific “Evaluation table” (attached at the end)

for each student. These activities, so, will be evaluated by this resource.


1. Aims

- Positive valuation and respect for the differences, accepting our identity and

the characteristics of the others, avoiding discrimination.

- Demonstrate the knowledge about behaviour rules during lunch.

2. Duration

Around 30 minutes. The time we spend on each activity could change depending

on the interest and questions of the children.

3. Material

School dining room menu

Healthy diet song

Computer or CD room and CD player

4. Grouping

In this activity is not necessary to make different groups. We will work these

activities with all the children at the same time.

5. Activities

First of all, we will look at the schools menu and look at the food proposed for

each day. As we have said before, the menu will be in Basque, so teacher must

translate all the words that appear on it.

Later, we will discuss about children preferences, and for this we are going to

use expressions like:

- Question: Do you like _____?

- Possible answers: “Yes, I like ____” or “No, I don’t like ____”.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


After, we will listen to “Healthy food” song and we will sing it all together.

According to the song, we will give them some advices about a healthy diet too. These

are some advices we could give them:

6. Evaluation

Finally, we will have to assure that all objectives and contents have been

achieved and, for that, we will use a specific “Evaluation table” (attached at the end)

for each student. These activities, so, will be evaluated by this resource.


1. Aims

- Identify and use appropriately the expressions in English: greetings, requests,

thanks, preference, questions ...

- Connect song titles with the images and the characters of the video.

2. Duration

We are going to put some papers with a shopping list in the “House” corner,

some in Basque and others in English, so it will be available for them all the day, and

children could use them during all day.

Other activities duration will be around 30 minutes.

3. Material

Some prepared shopping list (in Basque and in


Some cards with a photo and the name of the food.


It`s important to eat breakfast every day, and as complete as possible.

Make 4 or 5 meals a day and try to avoid snacking.

It´s essential to stay hydrated by drinking water. It´s also necessary to

limit the consumption of sugary drinks.

Emphasize that a healthy diet is important as long as it´s combined with

active life, for example walking or practicing sport.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


Prepare the class simulating a shop, using the “House” corners material

Halloween song:

4. Grouping

Except the shopping list activity that can be individual or in group, depending on

the children, all of these activities are going to be completed in the big group, all


5. Activity

We will put some prepared shopping list in the “House corner” and some cards

with a photo and the name of the food, to stick them in the shopping list.

We will prepare a small theatre, simulating when we go to a shop to buy with

the shopping list, and we need to ask the shopper to give us different foods. For that,

collaborating all together we will build a shop and prepare a small script, which will

allow us to work food, numbers and emotions.


SHOPER: Good morning.

CONSUMER: How are you?

SHOPER: I’m ______ and you? (Happy, sad, angry…)

CONSUMER: I’m _______.

SHOPER: What do you want?

CONSUMER: I want one/two/three/four/five _______. (Apples, ice cream…)

SHOPER: Here you have. Something else? CONSUMER: Yes/no SHOPER: ____ pounds please

CONSUMER: Here you have. SHOPER: Thank you. Have a good day. CONSUMER: Good bye.

6. Evaluation

Finally, we will have to assure that all objectives and contents have been

achieved and, for that, we will use a specific “Evaluation table” (attached at the end)

for each student. These activities, so, will be evaluated by this resource.


DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun



1. Aims

- Follow expressions, explanation and stories giving the correct answer to that

we ask for.

- Use of abilities and procedures like repetition, recording and association of

words and expressions.

- Recognize some cultural identity signs, contextualized on children environment

and interests.

- Show interest for sharing interpretations, sensations and emotions provoked

by stories.

2. Duration

For about 30 minutes.

3. Material

Song: Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat?


4. Grouping

We will make small groups of 4 children.

5. Activities

Children love songs and the repetitive nature and rhythm make them an ideal vehicle for language learning. Songs are particularly useful for practicing pronunciation. 1. KNOCK KNOCK, TRICK OR TREAT?

We will start the class listening this song. We will hear it more than once. We will divide the children in small groups of 4 people (ghost, cowboy, witch, monster, ballerina and pirate) and then, we will play a small theatre to perform the song: Key Gestures Trick-or-treat - Place one hand out palm up and then your other hand out palm up, as if offering two choices. Ghost - Place your hands in front of you like a floating ghost.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


Cowboy - Pretend to spin a rope over your head. Witch - Make a witch’s hat over your head by forming a pyramid with your hands. Monster - Raise your hands like claws above your head. Ballerina - Bend at the knees like a ballerina. Pirate - Cover one eye with your hand to make an eye patch. Halloween - Cover your face with both hands and then open them, as if playing peek-a-boo. Song: 2. SNACK TIME

After our English class, it is mid-morning snack time. So we will split up the

bags. We will take advantage to revise the name of the fruits, because on Tuesday

children have to eat fruit.


Knock knock, [Pretend to knock on a door.] trick or treat? [Trick-or-treat gesture.]

Who are you? [Shrug your shoulders and then point forward.] I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost. [Point to yourself. Ghost gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat? Who are you?

I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost.

Knock knock, trick or treat? Who are you?

I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy. [Point to yourself. Cowboy gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat? Who are you?

I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy.

Knock knock, trick or treat? Who are you?

I'm a witch. I'm a little witch. [Point to yourself. Witch gesture.] Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you? I'm a witch. I'm a little witch.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


The helper will split up the bags with this question:

- Whose is this?

- It’s mine

- What colour is your fruit?

- My fruit is green.

To continue with the game of fruits and colours, we will do different groups depending on children fruits. They will have to sit with his/her classmates with the same colour of fruit, when each child has his/her bag.

6. Evaluation.

Finally, we will have to assure that all objectives and contents have been

achieved and, for that, we will use a specific “Evaluation table” (attached at the end)

for each student. These activities, so, will be evaluated by this resource.


1. Aims

- Identify and use appropriately the expressions in English: greetings, requests,

thanks, preference, questions ...

- Listening and comprehension of songs, as a source of pleasure and learning.

- Use of abilities and procedures like repetition, recording and association of

words and expressions.

- Show interest by participating in oral interactions in English.

- Express different emotions while they listen to the song.

2. Duration

For about 30 minutes.

3. Material

How's The Weather:



DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


4. Grouping

In this activity is not necessary to make different groups. We will work these

activities with all the children at the same time.

5. Activities


First of all, we are going to see who the helper of the day is, and she/he is going to do the rest of the activity, even though the others could help her/him. The helper must put in day the calendar, mark the number, and say the days of the week. In addition, the helper must look at the weather and say how it is like.


We are going to listen to the song more than once, for knowing the rhythm and

the melody. Then, we are going to learn the letter little by little, repeating with good pronunciation and having conscience of the meaning of the song.


We are going to work with flashcards of fruits and different foods. This is a good way to know and repeat the vocabulary of the topic. As it is the second time we do this activity, we are going to use it for evaluating the contents it works.


If we have some extra time, we could profit it for rehearsing the theatre of Halloween.

6. Evaluation

Finally, we will have to assure that all objectives and contents have been

achieved and, for that, we will use a specific “Evaluation table” (attached at the end)

for each student. These activities, so, will be evaluated by this resource.


1. Aims:

- Show interest by participating in oral interactions in English.

- Express different emotions while they listen to the song.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


- Identify and use appropriately the expressions in English: greetings, requests,

thanks, preference, questions ...

- Listening and comprehension of songs, as a source of pleasure and learning.

2. Duration

For about 30 minutes. 3. Material

The customs we have already done.

4. Grouping

First we will work all together and then we will make small groups of 4 children to make the last activity.

5. Activities

We will take the costumes that we have done the days before and we will dress

them. Then, we will review the Halloweens songs all together. After that, we will visit

primary classrooms, for singing them our songs. We could do small groups of 4


Finally, we will join the other classmates and have fun in the party that we have

prepared. There will be some food (that we have already worked) and different music

and materials. In the same way, we will profit to play the theatre learnt during these

last days.

6. Evaluation

Finally, we will have to assure that all objectives and contents have been

achieved and, for that, we will use a specific “Evaluation table” (attached at the end)

for each student. These activities, so, will be evaluated by this resource.

7. Suggestions for variation/catering for diversity.

First of all, we want to clarify that, in case of having extra time for doing the

activities, in case of lack of time, or maybe in case of having technical problems, we are prepared for changing our plans and adapting them for new needs. For this, we have different resources like flashcards; some theatres (on the house corner or for Halloween day, for example) and also we can spend more or less time making costumes for Halloween. We have flexibility for extending or shortening the activities, so we will be able to adapt our work to unexpected changes of plans.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


In the other side, as we had said before, in our classroom we have a child with special needs, because he/she is dyslexic. Before preparing this didactic unit we knew that the activities that we will have to prepare would be adapted to any need. This child doesn’t need curricular adaptation, because his/her needs are not significant in the time of having to integrate in the class.

Our main goal is to prepare sessions for every child can do everything without problems, but if there were any child with special needs, the teacher would have to be aware of it and she/he must try to get the maximum normality as possible, being inclusive every moment.

Seeing the needs that this child has, he/she doesn´t need any adaptation in the activities, but he/she needs some adjustment in the teacher-student relationship.

Taking into account all we had said, these are the educational responses we are going to give him/her regarding his/her needs.

Material adaptation

We are going to adapt the flashcards in size and colour. Furthermore, wanting to use the new technologies we will mix the visual and auditory information to facilitate him/her the comprehension.

Methodology adaptation

When we are sit down in the circle we will try to be near him/her, making easier to him/her to understand better our instructions. For that, we are going to speak him/her more slowly, with clear messages, strengthening his/her behaviour and repeating if it is necessary. In addition, it is recommended not to give him/her much work and if the work is hard for him/her, give him/her the chance to rest from doing it.

8. Evaluation.

As we have said before here is our evaluation table, which we will use during the



Name : ______________________


The pupil is able to: YES IN PROCESS

Identify and name fruits and vegetables

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


Express preferences and opinions

Value the importance of a healthy diet

Identify and name the breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch and

dinner, and the food they eat in each one.

Name the days of the week.

Identify and name elements and habits of Halloween.

Know and be able to say the numbers in English: 1,2,3,4,5 (one,

two, three, four, five).

Recognize and use the vocabulary of the topic.

Understand a story in English

Show comprehension using the physical and oral answer.

Follow simple instructions in English.

Recognize and use the colors that we learnt before.

Is able to sing songs in English.

Participate in learning games and activities.

DIDACTIC UNIT: FOOD Aranguren, Biurrun, Paternain and Sueskun


9. Bibliography.


The very hungry caterpillar book:

The very hungry caterpillar video:


Hello song:

Tidy up song:

Good bye song:

How's The Weather:

Song: Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat?:


Halloween song. Who Took The

Candy? :

Do you like…?:

10. Annex.

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