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    CommentaryDysphagia is a common esophageal symptom with nearly 1 in 5 subjects older than 50 years describing this

    symptom in epidemiologic surveys. It is the second most common indication for upper endoscopy in the UnitedStates. There is a myriad list of possible etiologies for dysphagia. Consequently, a systematic approach to the dif-ferential diagnosis resulting in a well planned investigation is important. As described by Drs. Katzka andKochman, a carefully obtained medical history is the initial step. Upper endoscopy is almost always indicated aspart of the evaluation and treatment.

    Grace Elta, MD


    CLINICAL UPDATEAmerican Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

    Editor: Grace Elta, MD ISSN 1070-7212 Vol. 11, No. 4 April 2004


    Michael L. Kochman, MD, FACP

    University of Pennsylvania Health System

     Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Dysphagia is defined as difficulty with swallowing or a sen-

    sation of the ingested food or liquid sticking or pooling at some

    point above the stomach. This is in contrast to odynophagia, or

    painful swallowing. Characterization of dysphagia is accom-

    plished by noting the location of the sensation of food sticking,

    duration of sticking sensation, occurrence with liquids (thinversus thick) and solids (soft versus hard), association with pain

    or coughing, presence or absence of regurgitation, need for liq-

    uids to wash down the food, and the presence of difficulty

    clearing saliva.1

    Depending on the etiology, dysphagia may also be accom-

    panied by nonesophageal symptoms. For example, patients

    with myasthenia gravis who present with dysphagia may note

    greater difficulty at dinner time than with breakfast or have

    other symptoms such as muscle weakness or ptosis. Patients

    with a reflux-induced stricture may have a history of heartburn

    or chest pain before effective proton pump inhibitor therapy.2

    Patients with a proximal esophageal stricture may have a histo-

    ry of pemphigus vulgaris or lichen planus. Thus, a careful his-tory in patients with dysphagia involves not only a detailed

    characterization of the cardinal symptom but also the potential

    associated symptoms. Finally, compensatory symptoms must

    also be elicited.3 Patients with dysphagia commonly eat slowly

    and chew carefully, eat small amounts in the form of snacking

    or frequent small meals, may refuse to go out for meals to avoid

    demonstrating potential symptoms in public, and may follow a

    diet that is calorically adequate but markedly restricted from a

    societal point of view.


    The differential diagnosis of dysphagia is broad and

    includes such varied etiologies as mechanical obstruction, neo-

    plasm, neuromuscular diseases, and connective tissue disorders

    (Table 1). Two general categories are suggested in the evalua-

    tion of dysphagia. The first is an anatomic categorization into

    diseases of the oropharynx and proximal esophagus and those

    of the esophageal body and lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

    The second categorization is into motility or anatomic causes of 

    dysphagia. Thus, four subgroups of dysphagia are described:

    anatomic disorders of the upper esophagus, motility disorders

    of the upper esophagus, anatomic disorders of the lower esoph-

    agus, and motility disorders of the lower esophagus.Generally dysphagia to solids implicates a mechanical

    cause, whereas dysphagia to both liquids and solids suggests

    dysmotility. Almost all chronic causes of dysphagia result in

    accommodation symptoms including slow eating, alteration of 

    diet, avoidance of social eating situations, and learned maneu-

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    Abnormalities of initiation and transfer include attempts to

    make a swallow without success, multiple swallows for a single

    bolus, nasal regurgitation, and fatigue when eating. Problems

    with transfer and airway protection are associated with cough-

    ing while eating, aspiration pneumonia, multiple swallows to

    clear secretions, and hoarseness. Patients with oropharyngeal

    dysfunction have their greatest trouble with thin liquids

    because of the ability to pool and penetrate the larynx more eas-

    ily than solids.Causes of oropharyngeal dysmotility are divided into neuro-

    logic and myogenic causes. Associated symptoms indicating

    more global cranial nerve or muscle involvement such as facial

    weakness, ptosis, dysarthria, nasal or hoarse voice, or neck and

    upper-extremity weakness may be present. Neurologic diseases

    of the cortex affect initiation and bolus preparation (eg, cere-

    brovascular accident, tumor). Diseases that affect the brain

    stem and cranial nerves (eg, tumor, polio, Parkinson’s, Shy-

    Drager, botulism) will affect virtually all aspects of oropharyn-

    geal motility. Diseases of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves

    (eg, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) will interfere with pharyn-

    geal and UES function and abnormalities of striated muscle

    function (eg, polymyositis, myasthenia gravis) will cause pha-

    ryngeal weakness.

    Dysmotility of the oropharynx, as in cricopharyngeal bars or

    poor UES compliance and opening, may result in the formation

    of a Zenker’s diverticulum.4 A Zenker’s is unique in that it may

    cause dysphagia from both poor UES function and mechanical

    compression of the proximal esophagus by the diverticulum

    itself. Pure mechanical causes of oropharyngeal dysphagia

    include primary malignancies of the head and neck. Therapy

    for the malignancy may lead to stricture formation, which may

    be complicated by marked dysmotility of this area from sec-

    ondary nerve and muscle injury due to dissection and radia-

    tion.5 Extrinsic tumors may also compress the pharynx, partic-

    ularly in the case of thyroid cancers.

    Benign etiologies of pharyngeal, UES, and proximalesophageal stricture formation include webs, vascular compres-

    sion from an aberrant congenital right subclavian artery (dys-

    phagia lusoria), and stricture formation. Strictures of the prox-

    imal esophagus are due to caustic ingestion, reflux,

    eosinophilic esophagitis, pill-induced injury, and various skin

    diseases such as pemphigus vulgaris, lichen planus, epidermol-

    ysis bullosa dystrophica, and pseudoxanthoma elasticum.6  A

    history of skin disease is usually present before stricture for-

    mation, though proximal esophageal stricture formation may be

    the initial manifestation of these dermatologic conditions.

    Dysmotility causes of dysphagia in the esophageal body and

    LES are less frequent than in the proximal esophagus due to the

    reliance on local control mechanisms for distal esophagealfunction. As a result, there is only a short list of primary and

    secondary diseases that cause distal esophageal dysmotility; the

    prototypical disease is achalasia. Achalasia is classically

    defined as a complete absence of esophageal peristalsis in asso-

    ciation with a hypertensive LES that incompletely relaxes;

    recent research has painted a more diverse definition. It has

    become clear that many patients with achalasia will not have all

    the classic criteria but the diagnosis may be based on a compi-

    lation of clinical, radiographic, and manometric findings.

    Achalasia is a disease for which accommodation is the rule and

    patients often describe the compensatory mechanisms such as

    vers to aid bolus passage. Acute causes of dysphagia, particu-

    larly those associated odynophagia, implicate processes associ-

    ated with mucosal ulceration or inflammation. Location of the

    complaints is of variable value; symptoms felt in the upper

    chest or base of the neck may reflect pathology in that location

    but may also indicate referred pain from a distal source. On the

    other hand, dysphagia felt in the lower chest tends to be more

    accurate in pointing to the site of dysfunction. The symptom of 

    dysphagia may also reflect a sensory abnormality within the

    normal parameters of bolus transport and transit such as in

    functional globus.Oropharyngeal dysphagia due to motility problems may

    result in regurgitation or spitting of food. This results from the

    remarkably complex mechanisms involved in moving the bolus

    from mouth entry to the esophagus. Three oropharyngeal phas-

    es of swallowing are present: formation of the bolus through

    mastication and tongue motion, initiation of the swallow with

    transfer of the bolus to the oropharynx, and coordinated pas-

    sage of the bolus through the upper esophageal sphincter

    (UES). Abnormalities of the first phase may be associated with

    drooling, complaints of inability to move the bolus to the back 

    of the throat, and dysarthria due to poor tongue movement.

    Table 1. Differential diagnosis of dysphagia

    Mechanical obstruction

    Reflux-induced strictures

    Schatzki ring

    Drug- and caustic-induced strictures

    Dysphagia lusoria or aortica

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors

    Zenker’s diverticulum


    Eosinophilic esophagitis


    Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

    Esophageal adenocarcinoma

    Gastric carcinoma

    Lung cancer

    Breast cancer

    Neuromuscular disease

    Cerebrovascular accident

    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

    Myasthenia gravis

    Parkinson’s disease

    PolymyositisCricopharyngeal bar





    Shy-Drager syndrome

    Connective tissue disorders


    Dermatologic disease

    Epidermolysis bullosa

    Lichen planus

    Pemphigus vulgaris

    Pseudoxanthoma elasticum

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    slow eating, avoidance of social eating, or getting up and walk-

    ing around during a meal.7 Development of esophageal diverti-

    culi may be associated with LES dysfunction. Although diffuse

    esophageal spasm (DES) has been viewed as a distinct entity

    from achalasia, some investigators feel that it may be within the

    spectrum. This appears true in certain patients and explains

    their response to achalasia therapies. In contrast to DES and

    achalasia, patients may develop dysphagia in association with

    LES and esophageal body hypomotility, which is aperistalsiswith a wide open LES. This may be seen both in gastroe-

    sophageal reflux disease and diseases that systemically affect

    esophageal motility through smooth muscle and/or enteric ner-

    vous system injury such as scleroderma, hypothyroidism, and


    Mechanical causes of dysphagia in the distal esophagus and

    LES include both malignant and benign causes. Benign causes

    of stricture formation are common, with gastroesophageal reflux

    being the most common cause. These patients may present with

    solid food dysphagia with or without an antecedent history of 

    heartburn or other typical reflux symptoms. Another common

    cause of dysphagia is Schatzki rings, thin membranous excur-

    sions of squamous mucosa into the esophageal lumen at the gas-

    troesophageal junction. Eosinophilic esophagitis, an emerging

    disease most likely secondary to food allergy, caustic ingestion,

    or medication-induced injury (eg, potassium, tetracycline), may

    also account for benign strictures. Extrinsic processes may

    result in dysphagia including aortic or right atrial compression,

    mediastinal adenopathy, and lung cancer. Malignant causes of 

    mechanical distal esophageal dysphagia are most likely adeno-

    carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.8,9


    After the history, a detailed neurologic examination, partic-

    ularly of the cranial nerves and upper extremities, should be

    performed, particularly in patients with suspected oropharyn-

    geal causes of dysphagia (Table 2).10 The neck should be exam-ined for thyromegaly and adenopathy. Chest auscultation is

    essential for evaluation of signs of pneumonia or asthma asso-

    ciated with aspiration. One of the neglected aspects of the phys-

    ical examination is asking the patient to eat or drink during the

    examination. What is often described by the patient as normal

    eating may be an amazingly abnormal process when witnessed

    personally by the physician.

    The next step of the evaluation is often a barium study,

    though this is increasingly replaced by endoscopy in selected

    cases. Often a simple barium esophagram may suffice, but fre-

    quently a video barium esophagram should be ordered, partic-

    ularly if there is concern for oropharyngeal dysphagia. This

    allows for an anatomic and motility evaluation of the orophar-ynx and esophagus. The video swallow may also be performed

    in the presence of a speech therapist to better plan potential

    treatment options as therapeutic maneuvers may be performed

    during the time of the study. It needs emphasis that in this era

    of magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography,

    performance of excellent-quality barium radiography is becom-

    ing a lost art. As a result, the ordering physician must be aware

    of the technical expertise of the radiologist performing the

    examination and potentially alter one’s evaluation.

    Often referral to a gastroenterologist should be pursued

    early in patients with suspected mechanical causes or non-neu-

    rologic causes of dysphagia, both to aid in diagnosis and man-

    agement and to exclude malignancy. Many experts support a

    role for esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) as the first test

    for evaluating dysphagia. In some situations, this is valid, such

    as in patients with a suspected Schatzki ring or peptic stricture.

    Other indications for EGD as the first diagnostic test include

    acute pill-induced esophagitis and suspected gastroesophageal

    malignancy. Nevertheless, an endoscopy as the initial study in

    some cases of dysphagia may not be the best choice for the fol-

    lowing reasons: 1) motility is poorly assessed; 2) the orophar-

    ynx and proximal esophagus are not well seen; 3) inadvertent

    perforation of a diverticulum, particularly a Zenker’s diverticu-

    lum, may occur; and 4) therapeutic procedures may be planned

    in advance rather than repeating the procedure, such as endo-

    scopic ultrasound for malignancy or pneumatic dilation for

    achalasia.11,12 Nevertheless, endoscopy is typically an essential

    part of the diagnostic evaluation and therapy, especially for dis-

    orders of the esophageal body and LES.13

    Esophageal manometry has been used to evaluate dysphagia

    for several decades, but its clinical utility is declining. It is a pri-

    mary diagnostic test for those patients with normal-appearingbarium or endoscopic studies in the context of potential DES,

    achalasia, or marked esophageal hypomotility. Commonly, it is

    used in conjunction with endoscopy and barium esophagram to

    confirm achalasia or UES and pharyngeal dysfunction.

    Manometry is also operator dependent with accuracy improv-

    ing with number of studies performed on a regular basis; when

    technicians or physicians perform esophageal manometry less

    than several times per week, its reliability and reproducibility

    may be questioned.14

    Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing has become

    a valuable tool in the evaluation of oropharyngeal causes of 

    dysphagia. Through this technique, a nasopharyngeal laryn-

    goscopy is performed and a video obtained while the patient isswallowing various foods and dyes. Esophageal scintigraphy

    by radionuclide tracer may also add supportive information to

    primary studies. It is most useful when corroborating symp-

    toms objectively, since food rather than barium is administered.

    It is also used in many studies as an objective measure of 

    improvement, specifically achalasia. An emerging tool for dys-

    phagia is esophageal impedance measurement.15  By measure-

    ment of the conductance time between electrodes on a

    transnasal esophageal catheter, esophageal transit time may be

    measured and the occurrence of retrograde bolus movement

    may be seen. Although it is still primarily used as a research

    Table 2. Diagnostic evaluation

    1. History to elicit nature of dysphagia and accompanying


    2. Physical examination to exclude neuromuscular, dermato-

    logic, and connective tissue disease.

    3. Consideration for referral to gastroenterologist dependent

    upon suspected etiology and care plan.

    4. Barium swallow and possible video study with speech

    pathologist for cases of suspected oropharyngeal disorders.

    5. Endoscopy may be performed as first diagnostic and thera-

    peutic step in those with suspected mid- or distal-

    esophageal lesions or after barium study.

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    Statements and opinions expressed in the articles and communications are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Editor orPublisher. The Editor and Publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such material.

    tool, it may replace many of the indications for esophageal

    manometry in the evaluation of dysphagia.

    Other complementary studies include chest radiography,

    computed tomography of the chest and upper abdomen, and

    endoscopic ultrasound, particularly for extrinsic or intramural

    lesions. If a neurologic cause is suspected, electromyographyand magnetic resonance imaging of the brain may be needed. In

    selected circumstances, specialized testing such as anti-

    cholinesterase antibodies and single-fiber electromyogram for

    myasthenia gravis may be helpful. Specifics of the endoscopic

    therapies and medical management of the myriad disorders is

    beyond the scope of this monograph.16,17


    Although the differential diagnosis of dysphagia is large, sim-

    ple classification into mechanical versus dysmotility causes and

    oropharyngeal versus esophageal locations will make diagnosis

    easier. A careful history with attention to the food consistencies

    that provoke dysphagia, the chronicity of the complaint, and theassociation with respiratory or neurologic symptoms helps to

    focus the differential. Objective evaluation may start with a video

    barium swallow with or without a speech therapist. Endoscopy

    may be primarily performed in certain clinical situations, but it is

    almost always performed, often for confirmation or characteriza-

    tion of the diagnosis and for therapy. Other complementary test-

    ing including manometry, cross-sectional imaging, and neurolog-

    ic evaluation will be dictated by the specific details of the case.


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