
Digital Graphic Narrative


Dan Bell

Shape Task


What did you like about your image?I think that the main qualities of the cartoon type chicken that I have produced are: the way I have managed to get the shadow to go around it, I also think that the colours that I have chosen for each section are suitable to what colour a chicken would really be. Another positive I can take from this is the gradient in the chicken’s eye to give it the shining light effect shown in the real picture. I particularly like the way I have managed to include a “stroke” to each layer. To start with the beak was very hard to make but in the end I think it turned out quite nicely.

What would you improve if you did it again?Despite the positives there are some negatives. If I could re-do this task I would have liked to make the chicken look more chicken like, in my honest opinion it looks a bit too much like an egg with a chicken’s facial features. I would also have liked to get the wattle on top of it’s head a bit neater. Some of the strokes are a little bit too dark as well.



What did you like about your image?I think that the strongest aspects of my image are the way in that I have managed to get the fur to in a way overlap the colour overlay, the way I have successfully managed to get the monkey into the correct shape. To get the monkey into shape I had to get a photograph of a real monkey, and go around his full body with the ‘polygonal lasso’ tool. I then had to click the ‘layer via copy’ option in order to create a new layer which was just the monkey’s body without the leaves in the background. Another very strong feature of my production is the way in which I managed to notice the smaller features of it’s face, for example the colour of it’s gums and teeth. To find out whether my monkey was properly filled in (no white gaps) I had to turn the background off and I feel I have successfully managed to fill in all the gaps to make it look like a cartoon monkey you’d see in books or on the TV.

What would you improve if you did it again?Given the opportunity to repeat this work I would quite like to get some of the smaller features such as the monkey’s nose into a more accurate shape. I would also have liked to have made it more obvious where the darker features of it’s fur were. I think that I could have made the stripe that runs down the middle of his head look a lot more realistic, I am rather disappointed with that small feature of my work. I also believe that I could have made it more obvious where it’s top teeth and where it’s bottom teeth were.

Text Based

Text Based

Text Based


What did you like about your image?I think the main qualities of these images are the way in which I have managed to produce a different style of text for each copy of my name “Dan Bell”. The one I particularly like is the one on the second slide where the photo of the Gateshead players celebrating is. The reason why I like this one the most is because in order for this to occur I had to get the actual image off the internet, make it overlap the text with my name on then press the ‘clipping mask’ tool which put the photo inside of my name. I think that I also like the way in which my text becomes of a higher quality each time I typed it in and tried new techniques.

What would you improve if you did it again?Given the opportunity to re-do this task I would quite like to make the differences between the text on slide 6 a little more obvious. I think I would also have liked to have used a better font on slide 7 in order to make my name that bit easier to read.

Comic Book

Comic Book


What did you like about your image?I think the main qualities of these images are the way I have successfully manage to transform them from a real life image into a comic strip type, the one I am most impressed with is the top image of Big Dave From The Congo. I enjoyed editing the threshold to give it a more comic book like effect, then changing the blending mode to either screen, overlay or multiply. I also like the way I’ve made Adam Sandler have a different type of skin tone.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I could repeat this task I would like to add more effects to some of the images, make Jamie Chandler’s face and George Spurs’ head appear in image number 1 and also make image 2 more cartoon like. If I could have removed the Gateshead website loge that would have also made the image look a lot better.

Photography sad





What did you like about your image?I think the main strengths of these images are the way in that they demonstrate happy, sad, excited and lonely. I also think the photos are well taken.

What would you improve if you did it again?If we could repeat this I think I would quite like to take photos of more objects instead of people. I would also have liked to have taken all the happy ones at the same time and vice versa for sad, excited and lonely.



What did you like about your image?What I like about my illustration is the way it replicates the North Stand (or Sir Alex Ferguson Stand) at Old Trafford. I think the colours I have chosen match the real thing. I think the way I have managed to do letter, stairs, letter like it is in real life also looks very good.

What would you improve if you did it again?if I could repeat this I think I would have taken more time to take in what it looks like, I think that I could also have included the foreground looking into the stand so things like backs of seats on the opposite side and the pitch.

Initial Ideas

Mood board of inspiration

This is a photo of a wolf. When I come to my production I will rotoscope it so it actually looks like a story time wolf.

Here is a cottage. When it comes to production I will find a picture of a real cottage and make it look something like this.

In order to make little red riding hood I will have to find a real life picture and rotoscope it.

I will rotoscope this image or one similar for the Grandma in my story.

I will use this font as the text in the book.

Here is a picture of the woods. I chose this image because I thought it was a suitable image of the woods. Also Little Red Riding Hood is in the picture. When I come to making my woods image(s) I will get a photo of some real woods and rotoscope it or even comic book effects.

This is one of the fonts that I may use for my writing. I think that I will use this font for my title on my book.

Idea Generation

Mood board of chosen idea


10 pages, A3 size.

Story Overview

My story is ‘little red riding hood’ which will be targeted at young children of both genders who are English speakers (aged 4-7) who are interested in outside life. In my story Red Riding Hood leaves her mother’s house with a basket of food to give to her grandmother, she walks through the woods and when she arrives Grandma is in bed. Little Red Riding Hood thinks she looks different and says “oh grandma what big teeth, eyes, nose you have.” The wolf gets out of bed and chases her down the woods but a woodcutter hears her screams and chases after the wolf. When the wolf gets hit by the axe he sicks out grandma. She goes back to the cottage with Red Riding Hood and the woodcutter.

Export Format


Advantages: Anybody will be able to read it.

Disadvantages: You have to change format.


18th December 2014


Children of both genders aged 4-7, English speakers, outdoor life, so it appeals to parents there will be no deaths involved and instead I have added some humour when the wolf regurgitates Grandma.

Production Methods

In my story I will combine rotoscope and comic book because these were the 2 methods I was best at. The comic book will look good in background while rotoscope is good for the characters.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

It is easy to follow and well thought out with descriptions and reasons of why things have been chosen.

Add more text to some areas and go more into depth about some things like the audience

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

There are clear annotations as to what images and techniques will be used, why and what for.

Add more to the mood board and mind map to get more ideas of what the same characters have looked like in other books of the same story.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Your proposal is well detailed and you have spoke about some interesting ideas.You have talked about the size and number of pages well.Your story overview is well detailed.

You have talked about your audience in the story overview so if you copy that part into your target audience bit you should be fine.I would recommend talking about why you didn’t choose some of the other production techniques for example shape task in your production methods part.You could add more about the advantages and disadvantages in the export format section.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

Your idea generation is good. I like how you have talked about certain pictures and how you are going to use them in your book.

I would recommend getting a few more image to annotate for example the basket little red riding hood has.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

I really like the way the story overview has been written. It briefly includes what the age range is and then carries on to the story and what happens.

Although I like the way the story outline has been written, I think too much information has been shared. It should be brief and quick to read. In my opinion I think the audience part of the proposal could have gone in to a lot more detail. I think it was too brief and needed to be spoken more as if you know them really well.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

All topics have been covered e.g. the text, the images, how this person will undertake the tasks using the rotoscoping method.

There isn’t enough information on here. This person needs to share why they will rotoscope these images. Is it in their opinion the easiest method? Again the same with the text. This person has only spoken and chosen one text style for their title and hasn’t analysed it. Further detail could be needed here to get an understanding of. More pictures could be looked at when saying what they will use and personally I think the rotoscoping method won’t work on some of the scenes e.g. the forest.

Feedback Summary

Sum up your feedback.

I think everyone is entitled to their opinion. I am pleased with the positive feedback everyone has given me. However on the negatives there is both feedback I do agree with and some feedback that I disagree with.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?

I agree that my feedback “is easy to follow and well thought out with descriptions and reasons of why things have been chosen.”

I also feel that I could have added a bit more text into my work.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

I think I do have a respectable amount of images


StoryboardsHello Gran

Original Script

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a very beautiful blond girl who lived in a village near the forest with her mother. One day her grandmother gave her a very nice red riding cloak, that is why everybody in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day…Little Red Riding Hood: Did you call me, mother? Mother: Yes, Little Red Riding Hood. Your grandmother is very sick. I want you to go to her house and take her this little basket with some bread and honey. Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, mother. Mother: But don't stop in the forest, and don't talk to stranger. Do as I say, and get soon to your grandmother's house. Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, mother. Narrator: And Little Red Riding Hood went through the forest with the little basket for her grandmother who lived in a nearby village. Along the way, she saw many beautiful flowers in the forest. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, what a beautiful flowers! I will take some to my grandmother. Narrator: She left the little basket in the ground to pick up some flowers, when suddenly…Wolf: Good morning Little Red Riding Hood! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Mr. Wolf. Wolf: Where are you going so early? Little Red Riding Hood: I am going to my grandmother's house to take her this little basket with some bread and honey. Wolf: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha… and does your grandmother live far from here, Little Red Riding Hood? Little Red Riding Hood: Oh no, Mr. Wolf, she lives just across the forest in the first little house in the village… the one with the white door. Wolf: Good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood. I hope she gets better. And look, do you see that road? Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, I do. Wolf: Just follow that road and you will get soon to your grandmother's house. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, yes I will, thank you! Wolf: Good-bye, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood kept looking for flowers disobeying her mother who told her not to stop in the forest and to get soon to her grandmother's house. Meanwhile, the wolf knocked at Little Red Riding Hood grandmother's house. Grandmother: Who's there? Wolf: It's me grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood, and I brought you a basket with some bread and honey. Grandmother: Come in my little daughter, push the door. Narrator: As soon as the wolf

Original Script

entered he gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother. Then he put on a nightgown, jumped into bed and waited for the little girl. A few minutes later Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her grandmother's house. She knocked at the door. Wolf: Who's there? Little Red Riding Hood: Grandmother, it's me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood. I came to bring me a little basket with some bread and honey. Wolf: Come in my little daughter, push the door. Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood entered the little house. She went straight to her grandmother's room, and in the bed there was the Wolf dressed with her grandmother's clothes. Wolf: Come in, my little girl. Rest for a while Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood sat in a chair, and looked at her grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandmother how large arms you have! Wolf: They are to hug you better, darling. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandmother, how big legs you have! Wolf: They are to run faster, sweety. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, how big ears you have, grandmother! Wolf: They are to hear you better, honey. Little Red Riding Hood: And how big eyes you have! Wolf: To see you better, Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandmother, and why do you have those big teeth and that big mouth? Wolf: They are to eat you better! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Narrator: And the Wolf gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood. Then the wolf fell asleep. Meanwhile a woodsman was passing by the little house, when he saw the door opened. He entered, looked for the old lady, and then he saw the wolf. Woodsman: Oh! The wolf is sleeping! And he's so fat! I hope I am on time! Narrator: Then he took the wolf by the neck and made him spit out the poor Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood who were still in one piece. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, thank you, good woodsman. Grandmother: This will be a lesson for you, Little Red Riding Hood. Now you will never disobey your mother again. The End Author: Brothers Grimm

Final Script

One day Little Red Red Riding Hood is leaving her mother’s house and going to her Grandma’s house baring gifts.Before Little Red Riding Hood leaves her mother says to her “now go straight to your Grandma’s house Little Red and don’t talk to any strangers”, “I won’t mother” replied Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood wanders happily down the woods.When she walks down the woods she meets a very friendly wolf who asks her “where are you going Little Red Riding Hood?” “I am going to my Grandma’s house, which is just down the other end of the woods. It’s the house with the blue door” the wolf replies “that road over there will get you there quicker” so Little Red Riding Hood gullibly believes him and says “thanks Mr. Wolf” the wolf then goes in the direction she normally goes.*knock knock* “who is there?” said grandma “it’s your granddaughter” replied the wolf “oh come in dear” said Grandma. The wolf goes in and gobbles her up.*knock knock* “Grandma it’s me” yelled Little Red Riding Hood “ok come in dear” said the wolf.“Hello Grandma’ said Little Red Riding Hood. “My goodness what big eyes you have.” they’re for seeing you better” said the wolf. “What very large ears you have” gasped Little Red Riding Hood, “they’re so I can hear you better” replied the wolf. “And what massive arms and hands you have” “they’re for hugging you better” said the wolf“You also have a very large mouth and teeth” said Little Red Riding Hood nervously. “They’re so I can eat you better ha ha ha!!!.” That’s when she realises the wolf had swallowed grandma so makes a run for it.The wolf chases Little Red Riding Hood down the woods until they meet a woodcutter.The woodcutter hits the wolf with his axe causing him to sick Grandma out.They go back to Grandma’s, have tea and cake and live happily ever after

Digital Flat Plans

My text for this side of the page will go here

My text for this side of the page will be up here

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