  • 1. Dr. Hctor Cuevas Castillejos

2. Respuesta inflamatoria cutnea Eczema Eritema Prurito Ppulas Vesculas Excoriaciones Costras Descamacin Dermatitis World Allergy Organization. Disease Summaries: Contact Dermatitis. (accessed 24 August 2013) Contacto de la piel con alguna sustancia de contacto X alrgica Hipersensibilidad tipo IV 3. Wright RC, Goldman, L. Contact Dermatitis: A historical perspective. International Journal of Dermatology, 1979;18: 665668 Antecedentes histricos Papiro de Ebers (1500 A.C) En el primer da la cabeza es pintada con una locin de frutas de palma y es envuelta, en el segundo da la cabeza se pinta con aceite de pescado 4. Wright RC, Goldman, L. Contact Dermatitis: A historical perspective. International Journal of Dermatology, 1979;18: 665668 Antecedentes histricos Papiro de Ebers (1500 A.C) Antiguo Testamento (900 A.C.) No haris sajaduras en vuestro cuerpo por un muerto, ni os haris tatuajes; yo soy el Seor Levtico 19:28 5. Wright RC, Goldman, L. Contact Dermatitis: A historical perspective. International Journal of Dermatology, 1979;18: 665668 Antecedentes histricos Papiro de Ebers (1500 A.C) Antiguo Testamento (900 A.C.) Celso (45 D.C.) lceras producidas por custicos 6. Wright RC, Goldman, L. Contact Dermatitis: A historical perspective. International Journal of Dermatology, 1979;18: 665668 Antecedentes histricos Papiro de Ebers (1500 A.C) Antiguo Testamento (900 A.C.) Celso (45 D.C.) Paracelso (1491) efectos perniciosos que ejercen algunas profesiones sobre la piel De Morbis Metalicis 7. Wright RC, Goldman, L. Contact Dermatitis: A historical perspective. International Journal of Dermatology, 1979;18: 665668 Antecedentes histricos Papiro de Ebers (1500 A.C) Antiguo Testamento (900 A.C.) Celso (45 D.C.) Georgius Agricola (1556 D.C.) Paracelso (1491) lceras que sufren los mineros De Re Metallica 8. Wright RC, Goldman, L. Contact Dermatitis: A historical perspective. International Journal of Dermatology, 1979;18: 665668 Antecedentes histricos Papiro de Ebers (1500 A.C) Antiguo Testamento (900 A.C.) Celso (45 D.C.) Georgius Agricola (1556 D.C.) Paracelso (1491) Bernardino Ramazzini (1713) enfermedades que aquejan a los artesanos De Morbis Artificum 9. Wright RC, Goldman, L. Contact Dermatitis: A historical perspective. International Journal of Dermatology, 1979;18: 665668 Antecedentes histricos Revolucin Industrial (1750) 10. Wright RC, Goldman, L. Contact Dermatitis: A historical perspective. International Journal of Dermatology, 1979;18: 665668 Antecedentes histricos Description and treatment of cutaneous diseases Psoriasis palmar de los zapateros Psoriasis difusa de los panaderos Eczema de las lavanderas Revolucin Industrial (1750) Willan (1798 D.C.) 11. Wright RC, Goldman, L. Contact Dermatitis: A historical perspective. 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Jadassohn (1895 D.C.) Oscar Wilde (1900) ICDRG (1966) International Contact Dermatitis Research Group. (accessed 24 August 2013) 15. Epidemiologa Peiser M et al. Allergic contact dermatitis: epidemiology, molecular mechanisms, in vitro methods and regulatory aspects. Current knowledge assembled at an international workshop at BfR, Germany. Cell Mol Life Sci [Internet]. 2012 [cited 2012 Mar];69(5):763-81. In: Ovid MEDLINE(R) [Internet]. 15 20 % de la poblacin mundial 16. Epidemiologa Profesionistas ms afectados Industria metalrgica Estilistas Trabajadores de la Salud Industria alimentaria Trabajadores de la Construccin Pintores Peiser M et al. Allergic contact dermatitis: epidemiology, molecular mechanisms, in vitro methods and regulatory aspects. Current knowledge assembled at an international workshop at BfR, Germany. Cell Mol Life Sci [Internet]. 2012 [cited 2012 Mar];69(5):763-81. In: Ovid MEDLINE(R) [Internet]. 17. Epidemiologa Thyssen JP. 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Tipo I (Anticuerpos IgE) Tipo II (Anticuerpos IgG/IgM) Tipo III (Anticuerpos IgG/IgM) Tipo IV (Linfocitos T) Tipo IVa Th1 Tipo IVb Th2 Tipo IVc LTc Tipo IVd LTh17 Antgeno Antgeno soluble (alergeno) Antgeno celular o asociado a la matriz Antgenos solubles Antgenos solubles Antgenos solubles Antgeno asociado a clulas Antgeno asociado a clulas Mecanismos efectores FCRI o FCRIII activacin dependiente de clulas cebadas, con liberacin de mediadores/citocinas Clulas FCR+ (fagocitos, clulas NK), complemento Clulas FCR+, complemento Activacin de macrfagos Activacin de eosinfilos Activacin de linfocitos Tc Activacin de neutrfilos Ejemplos Anafilaxia sistmica Asma Rinitis alrgica Urticaria Angioedema IIa: o Ciertas reacciones a frmacos o Reacciones a incompatibilidad sangunea IIb: o Enfermedad de Graves o Urticaria idioptica crnica Reaccin de Arthus Otras reacciones mediadas por complejos inmunes o Enfermedad del suero o Endocarditis bacteriana subaguda Dermatitis de contacto Diabetes tipo I Reaccin tuberculnica Inflamacin alrgica crnica o Asma crnica o Rinitis alrgica crnica Sindrome de Stevens- Johnson Epidermolisis epidrmica txica Pustulosis exantemtica Psoriasis pustular Enfermedad de Behcet Uzzaman A and Cho S. Chapter 28: Classification of hypersensitivity reactions. Allergy Asthma Proc 2012; 33: S96 -9 30. Dermatitis de contacto Alrgica Irritativa Frecuencia Etiologa Antgeno Sensibilizacin Concentracin Diagnstico Apariencia Demarcacin Sntomas Latencia Resolucin 20% 80% Hipersensibilidad tipo IV No inmunolgico Haptenos No S No Independiente Dependiente Pruebas de Parche Historia clnica / Examen fsico Herro E. Contact Dermatitis: Part I. Presented at the Conferences On-Line Allergy of the Childrens Mercy Hospitals & Clinicis. Kansas city, Missouri, USA. 2011 (accessed 24 August 2013) Eritema macular, ppulas, vesculas, bulas, y/o excoriaciones Descamacin, eritema difuso, ppulas, excoriaciones. No S Prurito Dolor urente 72 120 horas 48 horas 1 -2 semanas 90 horas 31. Werfel T, Kapp A. Atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. In: Holgate ST, Church MK, Broide DH, Martinez FD (eds.) Allergy. 4th edition. Edinburgh, SCT: Elsevier; 2012. p263-276 24 48 horas > 48 horas 32. Werfel T, Kapp A. Atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. In: Holgate ST, Church MK, Broide DH, Martinez FD (eds.) Allergy. 4th edition. Edinburgh, SCT: Elsevier; 2012. p263-276 24 48 horas > 48 horas Infiltrado inflamatorio linfocitario en dermis y epidermis Eosinfilos en dermis y epidermis Basfilos y clulas cebadas Espongiosis importante Infiltrado inflamatorio linfocitario menos prominente Infiltrado de macrfagos Espongiosis leve y microvesculas Diagnstico diferencial Enfermedades vesiculares Imptigo buloso Herpes simplex Diagnstico diferencial Eczema numular Procesos infiltrativos Roscea Sarcoidosis Linfoma cutneo de clulas T Eritrodermia Psoriasis Reaccin a frmacos Sndrome de Szary 33. Fisiopatologa 34. Kaplan DH et als. Early immune events in the induction of allergic contact dermatitis. Nature Reviews Immunology 12, 114- 124 (February 2012) Pre-haptenos Pro-haptenos Haptenos Clula cutnea Especies reactivas de oxgeno (ERO) ATP Otros DAMPs cido hialurnico de bajo peso molecular P2X7 Inflamosoma Activacin caspasa 1 Pro-IL-1 Pro-IL-18 TLR-2 TLR-4 MYD 88 TRIF NFKB IL-1 IL-18 IFN- IFN- IRF3 IL-1 IL-18 IFN- IFN- Nquel 35. Alergenos del Ao 2013 Metilisotiazolinona Castanedo-Tardana 2012 Acrilatos Sasseville 2011 Dimetil Fumarato Bruze et al. 2010 Neomicina Sasseville 2009 Dialquil Tioureas Anderson 2008 Nquel Komik 2007 Fragancias Storrs 2006 Fenil E Diaminas (PPD) DeLeo 2005 Corticoesteroides Isaksson 2004 Cocoamidopropil Betana Fowler J 2003 Bacitracina Sood 2002 Timerosal Belsito 2001 Oro Fowler 2000 Tintes azules dispersables Storrs Herro E. Contact Dermatitis: Part I. Presented at the Conferences On-Line Allergy of the Childrens Mercy Hospitals & Clinicis. Kansas city, Missouri, USA. 2011 (accessed 24 August 2013) 36. Manifestaciones clnicas 37. Lacey A. BBC News Health. (accesed 24 September 2013) 38. Bercovitch L , and Luo J CMAJ 2008;178:23-24 39. Hillen, U., Haude, M., Erbel, R. and Goos, M. (2002), Evaluation of metal allergies in patients with coronary stents. Contact Dermatitis, 47: 353356. 40. L. Host: A case of severe metal hypersensitivity post tibial plating. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. 2009 Volume 11 Number 2. 41. Diagnstico 42. Abordaje del paciente Antecedente de exposicin Localizacin: Pistas geogrficas Prueba de Parche Agente identificado Entorno ambiental Prpados: fragancias, nquel, formaldehd o Mano: Quarternio 15, CAPB Seleccin adecuada de los antgenos 43. Es el nico mtodo prctico, cientfico y objetivo para el diagnstico Prueba de Parche Herro E. Contact Dermatitis: Part I. Presented at the Conferences On-Line Allergy of the Childrens Mercy Hospitals & Clinicis. Kansas city, Missouri, USA. 2011 (accessed 24 August 2013) 44. Escribir Desprender Aplicacin Colocacin Retiro Lectura temprana Clasificacin Lectura tarda 45. Stefan Whrl et al. Copper allergy revisited. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Volume 45, Issue 6, Pages 863-870, December 2001 46. Stefan Whrl et al. Copper allergy revisited. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Volume 45, Issue 6, Pages 863-870, December 2001 47. Pruebas de Parche Estandarizados No estandarizados Herro E. Contact Dermatitis: Part I. Presented at the Conferences On-Line Allergy of the Childrens Mercy Hospitals & Clinicis. Kansas city, Missouri, USA. 2011 (accessed 24 August 2013) 48. T.R.U.E. Test AllergEAZE Trolab - Hermal Dormer 36 520 380 548 Estandarizados 49. T.R.U.E. Test Panel 1.2 1. Nickel sulfate 2. Wool alcohols 3. Neomycin sulfate 4. Potassium dichromate 5. Caine mix 6. Fragrance mix 7. Colophony 8. Paraben mix 9. Negative control 10. Balsam of Peru 11. Ethylenediamine dihydrochloride 12. Cobalt Dichloride Panel 2.2 13. p-tert-Butylphenol formaldehyde resin 14. Epoxy resin 15. Carba mix 16. Black rubber mix 17. Cl+ Me- isothiazolinone (MCI/MI) 18. Quaternium-15 19. Methyldibromo glutaronitrile 20. p-Phenylenediamine 21. Formaldehyde 22. Mercapto mix 23. Thimerosal 24. Thiuram mix Panel 3.2 25. Diazolidinyl urea 26. Quinoline mix 27. Tixocortol-21-pivalate 28. Gold sodium thiosulfate 29. Imidazolidinyl urea 30. Budesonide 31. Hydrocortizone-17-butyrate 32. Mercaptobenzothiazole 33. Bacitracin 34. Parthenolide 35. Disperse blue 106 36. 2-Bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3- diol (Bronopol) 50. Seleccionar Desprender Aplicacin Escribir 51. T.R.U.E. Test AllergEAZE Trolab - Hermal Dormer 36 520 380 550 Estandarizados 52. Dormer 1. European Baseline Series 2. International Comprehensive Baseline Series 3. Bakery Series 4. Corticoesteroids Series 5. Cosmetic Series 6. Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reaction Series 7. Dental Screening 8. Dental Materials Patients 9. Dental Materials Staff 10. Epoxy Series 11. European Photopatch Baseline Series 12. European Photopatch Extended Series 13. Fragrance Series 14. Hairdressing Series 15. International Standard Series 16. Isocyanate Series 17. Leg Ulcer Series 18. Medicament Series 19. Metal Series 20. (Meth) Acrylate Series [Adhesives Dental & Other] 21. (Meth) Acrylate Series [Nails Artificial] 22. (Meth) Acrylate Series [Printing] 23. Oil & Cooling Fluid Series 24. Photographic Chemicals Series 25. Plant Series 26. Plastics & Glues Series 27. Rubber Additives Series 28. Scandinavian Photo Patch 29. Shoe Series 30. Sunscreen Series 31. Textile Colours & Finish 32. Various Haptens 28 80 19 9 56 29 31 24 10 14 19 33 42 28 21 7 27 14 43 15 13 24 35 16 14 25 26 20 23 20 33 65 Trolab Hermal 1. Baseline Series (European) 2. Irritant control 3. Antioxidants 4. Bakery Allergens 5. Cosmetics 6. Cutting Oils I (current) 7. Cutting Oils II (historical) 8. Dental Materials 9. Disinfectants 10. Epoxy Resin Systems 11. Hairdressing 12. Industrial Biocides 13. Medicaments I - Antibiotics 14. Medicaments II - Antiseptics, Antimycotics 15. Medicaments III - Miscellaneous 16. Medicaments IV - Local Anaesthetics 17. Medicaments V - Corticosteroids 18. Medicaments VI - Ophthalmics 19. Metal Compounds 20. Methacrylates 21. Perfumes, Flavours 22. Photoallergens 23. Photographic Chemicals 24. Plants 25. Plastic Materials 26. Preservatives 27. Rubber Chemicals 28. Shoe Allergens 29. Sunscreen Agents 30. Textile and Leather Dyes 31. Vehicles, Emulsifiers 32. Miscellaneous 28 1 6 14 14 27 11 20 6 12 9 15 9 5 5 5 7 5 7 9 45 16 14 2 12 22 18 8 9 13 9 5 AllergEAZE 1. Antibiotics / Antimycotics 2. Corticosteroids 3. Eye Medicaments 4. Local Anesthetics 5. Medicinal Substances (various) 6. Antimicrobials / Preservatives 7. Dye Colorants 8. External Agents / Emulsifiers 9. Food Aditives 10. Metal Compounds 11. Natural Origin & Plants 12. Perfumes & Flavors 13. Plastics / Glues 14. Rubber Chemicals 15. Supplemental Allergens 16. Core Allergen Series 17. Supplement Core Allergen Series 18. Australian Baseline Series 19. British Baseline Series 20. European Baseline Series 21. Japanese Standard Series 22. Minimum International Baseline Series 23. North American Standard Series 24. Supplement North American Standard Series 25. Bakery 26. Cosmetics 27. Cooling Lubricants (Metalworking) 28. Dental Screening Patients 29. Dental Screening Technicians / HCPs 30. Eyelid Dermatitis 31. Footwear 32. Hairdressing 33. Leg Ulcer 34. Metal Implants 35. Photoallergens 36. Photochemicals 37. Sunscreens 24 21 25 11 31 74 26 34 22 53 21 57 55 36 3 80 50 60 41 28 24 32 70 42 20 64 40 29 25 30 30 33 34 29 26 19 10 53. Dormer 1. European Baseline Series 2. International Comprehensive Baseline Series 3. Bakery Series 4. Corticoesteroids Series 5. Cosmetic Series 6. Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reaction Series 7. Dental Screening 8. Dental Materials Patients 9. Dental Materials Staff 10. Epoxy Series 11. European Photopatch Baseline Series 12. European Photopatch Extended Series 13. Fragrance Series 14. Hairdressing Series 15. International Standard Series 16. Isocyanate Series 17. Leg Ulcer Series 18. Medicament Series 19. Metal Series 20. (Meth) Acrylate Series [Adhesives Dental & Other] 21. (Meth) Acrylate Series [Nails Artificial] 22. (Meth) Acrylate Series [Printing] 23. Oil & Cooling Fluid Series 24. Photographic Chemicals Series 25. Plant Series 26. Plastics & Glues Series 27. Rubber Additives Series 28. Scandinavian Photo Patch 29. Shoe Series 30. Sunscreen Series 31. Textile Colours & Finish 32. Various Haptens 28 80 19 9 56 29 31 24 10 14 19 33 42 28 21 7 27 14 43 15 13 24 35 16 14 25 26 20 23 20 33 65 Trolab Hermal 1. Baseline Series (European) 2. Irritant control 3. Antioxidants 4. Bakery Allergens 5. Cosmetics 6. Cutting Oils I (current) 7. Cutting Oils II (historical) 8. Dental Materials 9. Disinfectants 10. Epoxy Resin Systems 11. Hairdressing 12. Industrial Biocides 13. Medicaments I - Antibiotics 14. Medicaments II - Antiseptics, Antimycotics 15. Medicaments III - Miscellaneous 16. Medicaments IV - Local Anaesthetics 17. Medicaments V - Corticosteroids 18. Medicaments VI - Ophthalmics 19. Metal Compounds 20. Methacrylates 21. Perfumes, Flavours 22. Photoallergens 23. Photographic Chemicals 24. Plants 25. Plastic Materials 26. Preservatives 27. Rubber Chemicals 28. Shoe Allergens 29. Sunscreen Agents 30. Textile and Leather Dyes 31. Vehicles, Emulsifiers 32. Miscellaneous 28 1 6 14 14 27 11 20 6 12 9 15 9 5 5 5 7 5 7 9 45 16 14 2 12 22 18 8 9 13 9 5 AllergEAZE 1. Antibiotics / Antimycotics 2. Corticosteroids 3. Eye Medicaments 4. Local Anesthetics 5. Medicinal Substances (various) 6. Antimicrobials / Preservatives 7. Dye Colorants 8. External Agents / Emulsifiers 9. Food Aditives 10. Metal Compounds 11. Natural Origin & Plants 12. Perfumes & Flavors 13. Plastics / Glues 14. Rubber Chemicals 15. Supplemental Allergens 16. Core Allergen Series 17. Supplement Core Allergen Series 18. Australian Baseline Series 19. British Baseline Series 20. European Baseline Series 21. Japanese Standard Series 22. Minimum International Baseline Series 23. North American Standard Series 24. Supplement North American Standard Series 25. Bakery 26. Cosmetics 27. Cooling Lubricants (Metalworking) 28. Dental Screening Patients 29. Dental Screening Technicians / HCPs 30. Eyelid Dermatitis 31. Footwear 32. Hairdressing 33. Leg Ulcer 34. Metal Implants 35. Photoallergens 36. Photochemicals 37. Sunscreens 24 21 25 11 31 74 26 34 22 53 21 57 55 36 3 80 50 60 41 28 24 32 70 42 20 64 40 29 25 30 30 33 34 29 26 19 10 54. Dormer 1. European Baseline Series 2. International Comprehensive Baseline Series 3. Bakery Series 4. Corticoesteroids Series 5. Cosmetic Series 6. Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reaction Series 7. Dental Screening 8. Dental Materials Patients 9. Dental Materials Staff 10. Epoxy Series 11. European Photopatch Baseline Series 12. European Photopatch Extended Series 13. Fragrance Series 14. Hairdressing Series 15. International Standard Series 16. Isocyanate Series 17. Leg Ulcer Series 18. Medicament Series 19. Metal Series 20. (Meth) Acrylate Series [Adhesives Dental & Other] 21. (Meth) Acrylate Series [Nails Artificial] 22. (Meth) Acrylate Series [Printing] 23. Oil & Cooling Fluid Series 24. Photographic Chemicals Series 25. Plant Series 26. Plastics & Glues Series 27. Rubber Additives Series 28. Scandinavian Photo Patch 29. Shoe Series 30. Sunscreen Series 31. Textile Colours & Finish 32. Various Haptens 28 80 19 9 56 29 31 24 10 14 19 33 42 28 21 7 27 14 43 15 13 24 35 16 14 25 26 20 23 20 33 65 Trolab Hermal 1. Baseline Series (European) 2. Irritant control 3. Antioxidants 4. Bakery Allergens 5. Cosmetics 6. Cutting Oils I (current) 7. Cutting Oils II (historical) 8. Dental Materials 9. Disinfectants 10. Epoxy Resin Systems 11. Hairdressing 12. Industrial Biocides 13. Medicaments I - Antibiotics 14. Medicaments II - Antiseptics, Antimycotics 15. Medicaments III - Miscellaneous 16. Medicaments IV - Local Anaesthetics 17. Medicaments V - Corticosteroids 18. Medicaments VI - Ophthalmics 19. Metal Compounds 20. Methacrylates 21. Perfumes, Flavours 22. Photoallergens 23. Photographic Chemicals 24. Plants 25. Plastic Materials 26. Preservatives 27. Rubber Chemicals 28. Shoe Allergens 29. Sunscreen Agents 30. Textile and Leather Dyes 31. Vehicles, Emulsifiers 32. Miscellaneous 28 1 6 14 14 27 11 20 6 12 9 15 9 5 5 5 7 5 7 9 45 16 14 2 12 22 18 8 9 13 9 5 AllergEAZE 1. Antibiotics / Antimycotics 2. Corticosteroids 3. Eye Medicaments 4. Local Anesthetics 5. Medicinal Substances (various) 6. Antimicrobials / Preservatives 7. Dye Colorants 8. External Agents / Emulsifiers 9. Food Aditives 10. Metal Compounds 11. Natural Origin & Plants 12. Perfumes & Flavors 13. Plastics / Glues 14. Rubber Chemicals 15. Supplemental Allergens 16. Core Allergen Series 17. Supplement Core Allergen Series 18. Australian Baseline Series 19. British Baseline Series 20. European Baseline Series 21. Japanese Standard Series 22. Minimum International Baseline Series 23. North American Standard Series 24. Supplement North American Standard Series 25. Bakery 26. Cosmetics 27. Cooling Lubricants (Metalworking) 28. Dental Screening Patients 29. Dental Screening Technicians / HCPs 30. Eyelid Dermatitis 31. Footwear 32. Hairdressing 33. Leg Ulcer 34. Metal Implants 35. Photoallergens 36. Photochemicals 37. Sunscreens 24 21 25 11 31 74 26 34 22 53 21 57 55 36 3 80 50 60 41 28 24 32 70 42 20 64 40 29 25 30 30 33 34 29 26 19 10 55. Internacional Grupo Internacional de Investigacin para la Dermatitis de Contacto ICDRG Europeo Sociedad Europea de Dermatitis de Contacto ESCD 56. ICDRG Trolab - Hermal Budesonide 0.01% Budesonide 0.1% Formaldehyde 2% Formaldehyde 1% Mercapto Mix 2% Mercapto Mix 1% Methylisothiazolinone 0.01% Methylisothiazolinone 0.05% Quaternium 15 2% Quaternium 15 1% Tixocortol-21-pivalate 0.1% Tixocortol-21-pivalate 1% Patch Test Allergens and Devices. TROLAB. produkte/epicutantest/TROLAB-brochure.pdf (accessed 24 September 2013) 57. Dormer Concentracin % Vehculo Adeps lanae cido Abitico Dibutyl phthalate Ammonium Persulphate Acid Yellow 36 Arnica Montana Extract Amcinonide Alantolactona 30 10 5 2.5 1 0.5 0.1 0.033 Petrolato Propylene Glycol Dimethylol dihydroxy ethylene urea Cocamidopropyl betaine Amidoamine Methylisothiazolinone 30 4.5 1 0.1 0.01 Agua Shellac 20 Alcohol Benzyl alcohol 10 Soft drink (benzoato de sodio) Patch Test Products & Reference Manual 2013. Dormer. (accessed 24 September 2013) 58. Nomenclatura Internacional de Ingredientes Cosmticos Ingredientes Cosmticos Trolab-Hermal Hydroabietyl Alcohol Abitol Lanolin Adeps lanae Amyl Cinnamal alpha-Amyl-Cinnamaldehyde Amylcinnamyl alcohol alpha-Amylcinnamyl Alcohol Lanolin alcohol (and) Parafinum Liquidum Amerchol L 101 PABA 4-Aminobenzoic Acid M-Aminophenol 3-Aminophenol P-Aminophenol 4-Aminophenol Ammonium Persulfate Ammonium Persulphate Anise alcohol Ansyl Alcohol Patch Test Allergens and Devices. TROLAB. produkte/epicutantest/TROLAB-brochure.pdf (accessed 24 September 2013) 59. No Estandarizados 60. Concentraciones para Pruebas de Parche no estandarizadas Agente Concentracin Cosmticos (Maquillaje, Perfume, humectante, barniz de ua) Igual Cosmticos transitorios (Jabones, Shampoo) 1:10 1:100 Productos de limpieza (detergentes, limpiadores, solventes) 1:100 1:1000 Medicamentos tpicos - Antibacterianos, Esteroides - Tretinona, perxido de benzolo -Igual - 1:10 1:1000 Ropa, zapatos, guantes - Igual - Humedecer en solucin salina Plantas y alimentos - Igual - Cebolla y ajo diluidos al 50% Productos industriales Precaucin Fonacier L. Contact Dermatitis. Presented at the Conferences On-Line Allergy of the Childrens Mercy Hospitals & Clinicis. Kansas city, Missouri, USA. 2012 (accessed 12 September 2013) 61. Jacob S. Contact Dermatitis. Presented at the Conferences On-Line Allergy of the Childrens Mercy Hospitals & Clinicis. Kansas city, Missouri, USA. 2011 (accessed 12 September 2013) 62. Indicaciones para Pruebas de Parche Confirmar el diagnstico de DCA Identificar a los alrgenos Determinar la causa de una dermatitis ocupacional Demostrar la ausencia de sensibilizacin a una sustancia especfica Incluir o excluir el diagnstico de DCA para aspectos mdico-legales Identificar problemas de salud potenciales Fonacier L. Contact Dermatitis. Presented at the Conferences On-Line Allergy of the Childrens Mercy Hospitals & Clinicis. Kansas city, Missouri, USA. 2012 (accessed 12 September 2013) 63. Contraindicaciones para Pruebas de Parche Dermatitis aguda generalizada y severa Utilizacin oral de corticoesteroides Utilizacin de esteroides tpicos en el rea donde se aplicarn los parches Descontinuar esteroides tpicos 5 7 das previos Paciente inmunocomprometido Quimioterapia Los pacientes con VIH frecuentemente presentan positividad ante los alergenos de contacto Quemaduras solares Fonacier L. Contact Dermatitis. Presented at the Conferences On-Line Allergy of the Childrens Mercy Hospitals & Clinicis. Kansas city, Missouri, USA. 2012 (accessed 12 September 2013) 64. Tratamiento Preventivo Farmacolgico 65. Contact Allergen Replacement Databse. Preventice. 24 September 2013) 66. Tratamiento Farmacolgico Tpico Sistmico 67. Tratamiento Tpico Shamps Lociones / Suspensiones Geles Tinturas Emulsiones Cremas Emolientes Pomadas Ungentos Pastas Polvos Baos coloides 68. Tratamiento Tpico Antimicrobianos Antihistamnicos Inmunomoduladores Glucocorticoides Inhibidores de la calcineurina Otros 69. Alergenos del Ao 2013 Metilisotiazolinona Castanedo-Tardana 2012 Acrilatos Sasseville 2011 Dimetil Fumarato Bruze et al. 2010 Neomicina Sasseville 2009 Dialquil Tioureas Anderson 2008 Nquel Komik 2007 Fragancias Storrs 2006 Fenil E Diaminas (PPD) DeLeo 2005 Corticoesteroides Isaksson 2004 Cocoamidopropil Betana Fowler J 2003 Bacitracina Sood 2002 Timerosal Belsito 2001 Oro Fowler 2000 Tintes azules dispersables Storrs Herro E. Contact Dermatitis: Part I. Presented at the Conferences On-Line Allergy of the Childrens Mercy Hospitals & Clinicis. Kansas city, Missouri, USA. 2011 (accessed 24 August 2013) 70. Alergenos del Ao 2013 Metilisotiazolinona Castanedo-Tardana 2012 Acrilatos Sasseville 2011 Dimetil Fumarato Bruze et al. 2010 Neomicina Sasseville 2009 Dialquil Tioureas Anderson 2008 Nquel Komik 2007 Fragancias Storrs 2006 Fenil E Diaminas (PPD) DeLeo 2005 Corticoesteroides Isaksson 2004 Cocoamidopropil Betana Fowler J 2003 Bacitracina Sood 2002 Timerosal Belsito 2001 Oro Fowler 2000 Tintes azules dispersables Storrs Herro E. Contact Dermatitis: Part I. Presented at the Conferences On-Line Allergy of the Childrens Mercy Hospitals & Clinicis. Kansas city, Missouri, USA. 2011 (accessed 24 August 2013) 71. Producto Parabenos Aceite Fragancia Acrilatos Esteroide Propilengli col Planta Otros Cremas Cetaphil Crema Metilparabe no No No letiAT4 Metilparabe no Propilparabe no -Omega 6 - Acidos grasos esenciales - Ceramidas - Maz S S - Linum usitassimum - Manteca de Karit Fisiogel Vegetal No - Coco - Manteca de Karite Fisiogel A.I. Vegetal No - Oliva - Palma Trixera No - Semilla de crtamo - Aceite de coco - Oenothera biennis - Semilla de glicina - Soya Nutratopic Rx - Aceite de semilla de girasol - Cera de abeja Algunos ejemplos de productos disponibles en Mxico 72. Producto Parabenos Aceite Fragancia Acrilatos Esteroide Propilengli col Planta Otros Cetaphil locin humectante - Butilpara beno - Metilpara beno No No S Cetaphil locin ultrahumect ante No No S - Semilla Macadamia Lociones Ureadin Rx 30 S S S Salicilatos Geles letiAT4 (gel de bao) - Metilpara beno - Propilpar abeno S Fisiogel - Acido caprilico - Triglicridos - Ceramidas - Goma Xantano - Coco - Manteca de Carit Trixera gel - Coco - Ricino - Oenother a biennis - Soya Nutratopic S - Aceite Rosa Damasce na Barras Cetaphil barra Metilparabe no S - Almendra de Palma Emulsin Aqua Soap + 73. Alergenos del Ao 2013 Metilisotiazolinona Castanedo-Tardana 2012 Acrilatos Sasseville 2011 Dimetil Fumarato Bruze et al. 2010 Neomicina Sasseville 2009 Dialquil Tioureas Anderson 2008 Nquel Komik 2007 Fragancias Storrs 2006 Fenil E Diaminas (PPD) DeLeo 2005 Corticoesteroides Isaksson 2004 Cocoamidopropil Betana Fowler J 2003 Bacitracina Sood 2002 Timerosal Belsito 2001 Oro Fowler 2000 Tintes azules dispersables Storrs Herro E. Contact Dermatitis: Part I. Presented at the Conferences On-Line Allergy of the Childrens Mercy Hospitals & Clinicis. Kansas city, Missouri, USA. 2011 (accessed 24 August 2013) 74. Gracias! [email protected]

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