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OracleSales CloudDeploying Sales Cloud for Outlook

Release 12

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Oracle® Sales Cloud Deploying Sales Cloud for Outlook

Part Number E73033-02

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Author: Gowri Sudhindra

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Oracle Sales CloudDeploying Sales Cloud for Outlook


Preface i

1 About this Guide 1Audience and Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 1

Related Guides ......................................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook 3Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook: Prerequisites ............................................................................................ 3

Installing Using Automatic Binary: Procedure ............................................................................................................ 3

Installing Manually: Explained .................................................................................................................................... 8

Configuring the .INI File: Explained ............................................................................................................................ 8

Installing Using Microsoft SMS or SCCM: Procedure ................................................................................................ 9

Installing Silently Using Windows Group Policy: Procedure ..................................................................................... 10

Installing from Windows Command Prompt : Procedure ......................................................................................... 15

Installing Server Certificate: Procedure .................................................................................................................... 17

Can I use Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook over the Citrix server? ............................................................................ 18

3 Administering Deployment Settings 19Updating the .ini File: Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 19

Login Parameters: Explained ................................................................................................................................... 20

Configuring First Run Assistant: Explained .............................................................................................................. 22

4 Monitoring Outlook Clients 23Monitoring Outlook Clients: Explained ..................................................................................................................... 23

Outlook Client Monitoring Settings: Explained ......................................................................................................... 23

5 Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade 25Automatic Upgrade ................................................................................................................................................. 25

Manual Upgrade ..................................................................................................................................................... 28

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6 Configuring Clients to Use STS Authentication (SSO) 39Configuring Outlook to Use STS Authentication: Prerequisites ................................................................................ 39

Uploading the Connector.Config File on Oracle Sales Cloud: Procedure ................................................................. 41

Obtaining the Configuration File: Procedure ............................................................................................................ 42

Installing in STS Authentication Mode: Explained .................................................................................................... 42

Configuring STS Authentication Configuration File: Explained .................................................................................. 43

7 Uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook 51Uninstalling from Windows Control Panel: Procedure .............................................................................................. 51

Uninstalling using InstallShield Wizard: Procedure ................................................................................................... 51

Uninstalling from Windows Command Prompt: Procedure ...................................................................................... 55

Uninstalling using Microsoft SCCM: Procedure ....................................................................................................... 63

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PrefaceThis preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application.

Oracle Applications HelpUse the help icon to access Oracle Applications Help in the application. If you don't see any help icons on your page,

click the Show Help icon in the global header. Not all pages have help icons. You can also access Oracle ApplicationsHelp at

Using Applications Help

Watch: This video tutorial shows you how to find help and use help features. 

Additional Resources• Community: Use Oracle Applications Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the

partner community, and other users.

• Guides and Videos: Go to the Oracle Help Center to find guides and videos.

• Training: Take courses on Oracle Cloud from Oracle University .

Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, see the Oracle Accessibility Program .

Comments and SuggestionsPlease give us feedback about Oracle Applications Help and guides! You can send e-mail to:[email protected].

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Oracle Sales CloudDeploying Sales Cloud for Outlook

Chapter 1About this Guide


1 About this Guide

Audience and ScopeThis guide is intended for anyone who is deploying Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook. The deployment guide describes thedeployment methods for the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook client version 3.06.xx.

This guide provides instructions for the following deployment aspects:

• Instructions for automatic binary deployment.

• Instructions for manual .msi installation in per-user mode.

• Instructions for SCCM .msi installation over the network in per-user and per-machine modes.

• Instructions for the upgrade of application binaries.

• Instructions for package upgrade, including information on compatibility between the package versions deployed tothe client and the server. Compatibility between the new packages and the binaries being used.

• Instructions for automated deployment of user credentials (login parameters), including steps that describe how toconfigure login parameters using STS.

• Instructions for the configuration of First Run Assistant parameters.

• Instructions for uninstalling the product.

The guide also describes the possible approaches for upgrading the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook client to a newer version.It provides theoretical background as well as practical examples and best practices on how to handle the upgrade in specificscenarios.

Related GuidesYou can refer to the following related guides to understand more about Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.

Guide Description

Oracle Sales Cloud Using Sales 

Provides help to salespeople in performing day-to-day tasks. 

Oracle Sales Cloud Customizing Sales 

Describes tools for making changes to your Sales Cloud service to extend and customize for yourparticular needs. 

Related Topics

• Oracle Help Center

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Chapter 1About this Guide


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Chapter 2Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


2 Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook

Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook: PrerequisitesThis topic covers the prerequisites of installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.

PrerequisitesBefore you install Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook:

• Ensure that your configuration meets the system requirements.

• Set up at least one e-mail account profile in Microsoft Outlook.

Note: Although installation is possible even with several email profiles in Outlook, set up only one e-mailprofile in Outlook.

A single Microsoft Exchange account should never be shared by multiple installations of Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.Customers with multiple Oracle Sales Cloud environments must ensure that they use a different Microsoft Exchange accountfor each installation of the Outlook client.

Related Topics

• System Requirements for Oracle Applications Cloud

Installing Using Automatic Binary: ProcedureThis topic explains how to install Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook using automatic binary. Installing using automatic binary isthe most preferred method of installing.

The automatic binary deployment involves two steps:

1. Downloading and updating the Installer_config.ini file by the sales administrator. For details, see the topicUpdating the .ini File.

2. Installing the Outlook client by the sales representative or the sales manager.

Note: You can run the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook installation while Microsoft Outlook is running, but youmust reopen Outlook to apply changes made to Outlook during installation.

To install Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook through automatic binary deployment:

1. Sign in to Oracle Sales Cloud Applications as a sales representative or a sales manager.2. Click the arrow next to the logged in user name, and click Set Preferences.3. Click CRM for Microsoft Outlook Installer.4. On the CRM for Microsoft Outlook Installer page, click the Start Download link next to 32 or 64Bit based on your

system configuration.

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Note: Use the profile options ZOE_ENABLE_DOWNLOAD_LINK_32BIT andZOE_ENABLE_DOWNLOAD_LINK_64BIT to display 32-bit and 64-bit options on the CRM forMicrosoft Outlook Installer page. By default, only the 32-bit installer is visible. If you want the 64-bit tobe visible, set the profile option ZOE_ENABLE_DOWNLOAD_LINK_64 to Yes.

The download files are installed on your local machine as a zip file. It contains the following files:

◦ Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.ini

For more details on setting up the .ini file, see the topic Updating the .ini File.

◦ Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi

Ensure that the .ini and the .msi files are in the same folder so that the installer picks up information available inthe .ini file.

5. Click the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi file to start the installation.6. Click Next on the Welcome page.

If the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.ini configuration file is unavailable, the following warning appears:

7. On the Destination Folder dialog box, select the folder where Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook will be installed.

The default location for the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook installation is C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Oracle\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook\. To choose another location, click the Change button. Even if thedestination folder is changed, some files (\Profile folder) will still be installed in the current user account's folder so

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Chapter 2Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


that when an end-user with limited privileges runs Microsoft Outlook, the application will still be able to download thepackage (configuration) and create, update, or delete logs files.

8. Click Next.

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Chapter 2Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


9. On the Ready to Install the Program dialog box, click Install.

Note: If information such as user name, password, host, and so on were not entered in the .ini file, youwill be prompted to enter these details during the install process.

10. Click Finish.

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On your computer, if User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, the following confirm installation dialog box appears.Refer to the Microsoft web site to know more about UAC.

11. Click Yes.The installation is complete.

12. Open the Outlook client and choose the appropriate profile name on the Choose Profile dialog box.13. In the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook - Login dialog box, enter the user name and password.

Note: The server and port are already populated since these details were available in the .ini file.

14. Click Login.The package is downloaded and it applies the configuration.

15. Once the configuration is complete, set the synchronization filters and start the synchronization.

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Chapter 2Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


Related Topics

• Updating the .ini File for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook: Procedure

Installing Manually: ExplainedYou can install Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook manually, per-user or per-machine.

You can install Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook from the Command Prompt for both per-user and per-machine installations,and also by using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager if it is a per-user installation.

The following list details the per-user and per-machine installations:

• Per-user installation: A per-user installation is the default installation type. Only the user who is currently logged in willbe able to use Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.

Note: Oracle strongly recommends that you use the per-user installation.

• Per-machine installation: With this installation type, all users of the computer can use the Outlook client. A per-machine installation is available only through a command line installation. In a per-machine installation, when a userconfigures the Outlook client, an additional component called profile is also installed.

Microsoft Outlook Profile SelectionOracle Sales Cloud for Outlook prompts you to customize the current profile when you open Outlook after installing theOracle Sales Cloud for Outlook add-in. The profile used must meet the system requirements.

Installation Wizard and User Interface LanguageOracle Sales Cloud for Outlook installation wizard is available in English only. However, Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook userinterface is localized to many other languages, such as Spanish, Italian, Polish, Finnish, and Russian. The user interfacelanguage is the same as the user interface language of Microsoft Outlook installed on the computer.

The Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook help is available only in English.

Note: English is used if Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook is not localized to the language that your MS Outlook islocalized.

Configuring the .INI File: ExplainedThe default connection parameters can be read from the .ini file if this file is present in the same folder as the main installer.You must download and update the .ini file before installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook. If the .ini file is not found, theinstallation process can still proceed but you will be prompted with the warning message. You must specify the connectionparameters manually in the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook dialog box later.

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Note: The .ini file settings take priority over command line parameters. Therefore, if you have the .ini file placedin the same folder as your .msi file, and you try to pass the settings through command line, the settings from inifile will be used anyway.

Creating .ini Configuration FileThe .ini file is a simple text file that you can create using Notepad or other similar application. To create new .ini file manually,open Notepad and copy the following content to the Notepad:


You can then edit the parameters as required. Once it is done, save the file with .ini extension.

Ensure that the file name is the same as the distributive name. For example, Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.ini. Whilesaving the text file, ensure that the file extension is .ini and not .ini.txt.

Installing Using Microsoft SMS or SCCM: ProcedureYou can install Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook in silent mode by using Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 orMicrosoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2007.

Note: The per-user installation type is the default and recommended installation.

Per-User InstallationTo perform a per-user installation in SMS or SCCM, create a package as follows:

1. Run setup with user rights.2. Run once for a PC or under each user (depending on your need).3. Run the installer when the user is signed in.4. Include all custom properties in the Windows Installer transform file (.mst file):









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Chapter 2Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook



The following is an example of the command line that starts the per-user Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook installation with thebasic user interface:

msiexec /I "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi" TRANSFORMS="crmdesktop.mst" /qb!

Per-Machine InstallationIn SMS or SCCM, create a package as follows:

1. Run the setup with administrative rights.2. Run once for a PC.3. Run installer only when the user is signed in.4. Include all the custom properties with the required settings in the Windows Installer transform file (.mst file):









5. Include the ALLUSERS="1" property in the msiexec command line. The user must have permission to run WindowsInstaller; otherwise, the installation will not run.

The following is an example of the command line that starts the per-machine Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook installation withthe basic user interface:

msiexec /I "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi" TRANSFORMS="crmdesktop.mst" ALLUSERS="1" /qb!

Installing Silently Using Windows Group Policy: ProcedureYou can install Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook in silent mode using Windows Group Policy (GPO). The per-user installationtype is the default and recommended installation.

Per-User installationComplete the following steps to perform per-user installation using Windows Group Policy:

1. Ensure that Microsoft .NET 4.0 is installed on the client computers.2. Create the .mst file with default connection settings (you can use Orca editor). See the section Creating MST Using

Orca Editor for details.3. Place the .mst file in the same folder as the .msi file.

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Chapter 2Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


Note: The folder that stores the installer and the .mst file must be accessible on the local network forusers for whom installation is run.

4. Set the Deployment type to Assigned.5. Create separated Organization Units for different groups of PCs or users.

6. Create an installation package in the Windows Group Policy (GPO) snap-in in the following branch: UserConfiguration>Software Settings>Software installation.

7. Right-click Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook and select the Properties menu item.

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8. On the Modifications tab, add the path to the .mst file:

Note: Windows installer is disabled for users, but enabled for managed apps.

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Chapter 2Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


9. Restart the user's computer to install the software using Windows Group Policy. See the section Client Side Processfor details.

Creating MST Using Orca EditorFollow these steps to create MST using the Orca editor:

1. Install and launch the Orca editor.2. Click File, Open, Browse to the MSI, Open to open the original .msi file.3. Open the Transform menu and select the New Transform menu item to start a new transformation.4. Navigate to the Property table and modify the following values:

◦ Add the SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_HOST property. For example,

◦ Add the SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_PROTOCOL property. For example, https.

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Chapter 2Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


◦ Add the SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_PORT port number. For example, #443.

5. Open the Transform menu and select the Generate Transform item to generate the transform file.6. Specify a name for the transform file, and click the Save button.

Client-side ProcessThis section defines the process on the client-side.

1. Once the user PC is rebooted, run the client PC under the domain user credentials.

Oracle Sales Cloud installation runs in silent mode.

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Chapter 2Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


2. Open the Microsoft Registry and check the parameters specified in the .mst file:

3. Start Microsoft Outlook.

The Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook profile is installed automatically. The First Run Assistant wizard appears andprompts you to configure the general parameters of Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook (to specify filters, to schedule anautomatic synchronization, and so on).

Per-Machine InstallationCreate an installation package in Group Policy (GPO) snap-in in the following branch: Computer Configuration >SoftwareSettings >Software installation. The folder that stores the installer and the .mst file (if .mst is needed) must be shared andaccessible on the local network for all users, for whom installation is run.

Note: Starting from Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook 3.5.4 and higher, .mst file is not needed anymore for STSdeployment. The .mst file is mentioned here for possible use in the future.

1. Set the Deployment type to Assigned.2. Perform MST Modifications. Add the path to the .mst transform file.

For per-machine installation mode, the .mst file is required, since there is no command-line support when installingthe application using GPO, all properties should be specified through the .mst file.

Note: Users must have permission to run MSI packages. Else, installation will not run when theOutlook profile is created. Administrators often block this parameter.

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Chapter 2Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


Installing from Windows Command Prompt : ProcedureOracle Sales Cloud for Outlook supports silent installation, which is an unattended installation without user interaction.

When you start the installation in silent mode, use the following parameters:

Parameters Description


Installs or configures a product. 


Displays no user interface during the installation, upgrade, or un-installation process. 

/l*v C:\log.txt 

Records installation in the log.txt file located at C:\. You can change the file name and path ifrequired. 


Defines whether the application should be installed in per-user or per-machine mode. If you omit thisparameter, by default the application is installed in per-user mode. You must select 1 to use per-machine installation, as shown below: Per machine: ALLUSERS="1" Per-user is the default and recommended option. 

Note: For versions 3.2.29 and later, you must use # as a prefix for numeric parameters. For example, # ismandatory for the SALES CLOUD_SERVER_PORT and SALES CLOUD_USE_CERTIFICATE parameters.

Per-User Installation and UpdateIf you are performing an upgrade in per-user mode, ensure that the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook that is being upgradedwas also installed in per-user mode.

• New Installation

To start the silent installation in per-user mode, use the following command to run the setup:

msiexec /i "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi" SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_HOST="" ALLUSERS="" SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_PROTOCOL="https" SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_PORT="#443" /qn

• Minor Upgrade

To start the minor upgrade in per-user mode, use the following command to run the setup:

msiexec /i "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi" REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus /qn

• Major Upgrade

To start the major upgrade in per-user mode, use the following command to run the setup:

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Chapter 2Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


msiexec /i "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi" /qn

Per-Machine Installation and UpgradeIf you are performing an upgrade in per-machine mode, ensure that the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook that is beingupgraded was also installed in per-machine mode.

• New Installation

To start silent installation in per-machine mode, use the following command to run the setup:

msiexec /i "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi" ALLUSERS="1" SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_HOST="" SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_PROTOCOL="https" SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_PORT="#443" /qn

• Minor Upgrade

To start the minor upgrade in per-machine mode, use the following command to run the setup:

msiexec /i "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi" REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus /qn

• Major Upgrade

To start the major upgrade in per-machine mode, use the following command to run the setup:

msiexec /i "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi" /qn

Installing Server Certificate: ProcedureInstalling the server certificate is optional. In an elevated security environment where you need a secure certificate-basedauthentication, you might choose to install it.

Note: By default, Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook installs without secure certificate-based authentication.

If you have installed Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook with a setting of certificate = #1, the First Run Assistant (login window)will fail unless a valid Oracle Sales Cloud Public Certificate is installed. If you choose to install the certificate, you can only do itthrough command prompt, as follows:

1. Access the End Point URL for the Outlook Request Handler WSDL. For example: http://<host>:<port>/outlookEditionConnector/OutlookRequestHandlerService?WSDL.

2. Locate the text between the section tagged <dsig:X509Certificate> and </dsig:X509Certificate>.3. Copy this text to a file named certificate.cer.4. Install the Oracle Sales Cloud Public Certificate to the Personal and Trust Root Certification Authorities certificate

store on your computer.

Note: If a version of the certificate already exists on your computer, you must first uninstall it. Searchin the Personal and Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store and delete the certificatesissued to "service".

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In a SAAS environment, the host should be crm-<host>. For example, http://crm-<host>:<port>/outlookEditionConnector/OutlookRequestHandlerService?WSDL. For details on the host name, refer to the article How to determine the Sales Cloudconnection information for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook? (Doc ID 1455670.1) on My Oracle Support.

Can I use Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook over the Citrixserver?Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook isn't certified for use with Citrix.

Citrix Technical Support is responsible for any Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook issues resulting from using Oracle Sales Cloudfor Outlook over Citrix. If Oracle Technical Support suspects that the use of Citrix is contributing to unexpected behavior, theymay request that the behavior be reproduced in an environment without the Citrix server to further isolate the behavior. Thisrefers to an environment that is usually a standard desktop client without Citrix running. If the behavior isn't reproducible inthis manner, then customers may be advised to contact Citrix Systems to assist in resolving the problem. Oracle does notprovide any support if any issues arise from use of Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook on Citrix or Terminal Services environment.

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Chapter 3Administering Deployment Settings


3 Administering Deployment Settings

Updating the .ini File: ProcedureYou can set up the .ini file with default parameters required to install Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook. During installation, theclient reads values for some of the fields from the .ini file.

To update the .ini file:

1. Sign in to Oracle Sales Cloud Applications as a sales administrator.2. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.3. Search for the Manage Outlook Server Configuration Files task.4. Click the Go to Task icon.5. On the Manage Outlook Server Configuration Files page, select the Installer_config.ini row.6. Click the Export button and save the file locally.7. Open the .ini file as a notepad, and at the minimum fill in the following details:

Parameter Default Value Description


#0  Show or hide Save Password check box in

the Login dialog. Use the following values:

◦ #0: to show the check box

◦ #1: to hide the check box


Sales Cloud server host name. For detailson the host name, refer to the article Howto determine the Sales Cloud connectioninformation for Oracle Sales Cloud forOutlook? (Doc ID 1455670.1) on My OracleSupport. 



Typically does not change 



Server port name. Use hash before theactual number. 



Specify the protocol to use: http or https 



Specify the server to use. 


User name for the login dialog, for example,SALES_ REPRESENTATIVE 

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Chapter 3Administering Deployment Settings


Parameter Default Value Description


#0  Use the following values:

◦ #0: to not use server certificate

Note that this is the default andrecommended option.

◦ #1: to use server certificate


"https://www. salescloud2. com/connector.config" 

Is used for STS deployments to specify theURL (enclosed with double quotes) for theconnector. config file location. 


#1  Use the following values:

◦ #1: to suppress notification aboutsync issues

◦ #0: to enable notification aboutsync issues


#1  Use the following values:

◦ #1: to automatically create crashdumps

◦ #0: to disable crash dumps


#0  Use the following values:

◦ #0: to enable LiveUpdate

◦ #1: to disable LiveUpdate

8. Once you complete updating the .ini file, navigate to the Manage Outlook Server Configuration Files page again toupload your file.

9. Click the Edit icon.10. On the Edit Outlook Server Configuration File window, click Browse and upload the updated .ini file.

Related Topics• Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Manually: Explained

Login Parameters: ExplainedThis topic covers how to use the login parameters when installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook. If you want to specifyconnection parameters and the Oracle Sales Cloud Server URL to which the synchronization engine connects, you can passthem to msiexec as command-line parameters when installing the product. In this case, the .MST file is not needed.

The following command-line parameters can be passed to msiexec:


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Chapter 3Administering Deployment Settings


SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_SUFFIX=<request_handler_path>SALES_CLOUD_METADATA_SUFFIX=<metadata_service_path>SALES_CLOUD_USE_CERTIFICATE= #0 | #1SALES_CLOUD_USER_NAME = <username > (available since binary version 3.05.06 and higher)SALES_CLOUD_HIDE_REMEMBER_PASSWORD = #0|#1 (available since binary 3.05.06 and higher)SALES_CLOUD_APPCONFIG_URL= "<full url>" (available since binary 3.05.04 and higher)

The following table lists the login parameters and provides a description:

Parameter Description


Defines whether the client should use a secure connection protocol (HTTPS) or not (HTTP), withHTTP being the default value. 


The computer name or IP address of the target server. This parameter is empty by default. 


The port number. By default, port 80 is used. 


The path to the Sales Cloud for Outlook request handler, which is outlookEditionConnector/OutlookRequestHandlerService by default. 


The path to the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook request handler, which is outlookEditionConnector/OutlookMetadataService by default. 

1 for the SALES_CLOUD _ USE_CERTIFICATE parameter 

Enables the Use server certificate option, which is disabled by default.

SALES_ CLOUD_ USER_NAME  Specifies the user account to be shown in the Login dialog box.


Hides the Save password check box in the Login dialog box.


Specifies the connector. config file location URL for STS deployments. The URL is enclosedwith double quotation marks. Example URL: https: / / fusovmdmz40-crm-extus oracle. com/outlookEdition/ AppConfigServlet 

Performing an Interactive InstallationThis section provides an example of login parameters during interactive installation.

Use the following example to perform an interactive installation. When installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlookversions 3.05.06 or later, use the number sign (#) to define the SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_PORT and SALES_CLOUD_USE_CERTIFICATE parameters.

msiexec /i "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi" SALES CLOUD_SERVER_HOST="crm-" SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_PROTOCOL="https" SALES CLOUD_SERVER_PORT="#443"

Performing a Silent InstallationThis section provides an example of login parameters during silent installation.

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Chapter 3Administering Deployment Settings


Use this example to perform a silent installation:

msiexec /i "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi" SALES CLOUD_SERVER_HOST="crm-" SALES_CLOUD_SERVER_PROTOCOL="https" SALES CLOUD_SERVER_PORT="#443" /qn

Note: The values of the command-line parameters override the Windows registry values and program defaultvalues. For example, the value of the SALES CLOUD_SERVER_PROTOCOL parameter will override theConnector:Protocol entry in the Windows registry, and this value will be used in the Login dialog box.

Related Topics

• Installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Manually: Explained

Configuring First Run Assistant: ExplainedYou can customize the First Run Assistant for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook using Application Composer.

For details on customizing first run assistant, see the section First Run Assistant in the Oracle Sales Cloud OutlookExtensibility chapter in the Customizing Sales guide.

Related Topics

• Selecting Outlook Setup Options: Explained

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Chapter 4Monitoring Outlook Clients


4 Monitoring Outlook Clients

Monitoring Outlook Clients: ExplainedAs a sales administrator, you can view the list of Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook clients deployed in your organization andmonitor the health and performance of the clients.

Outlook client monitoring enables you to monitor the following for the Outlook users in your organization:

• The client binary and metadata package versions on individual machines

• Client user name and the client host name

• When the last synchronization was successfully completed

• Errors that prevent successful synchronization, due to synchronization issues, duplicates, conflicts, or deletes

• Synchronization conflicts that have not been resolved

Monitoring ClientsYou must access the Monitor Outlook Clients task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to view and monitor the clientinstances.

To monitor clients:

1. Sign in to Oracle Sales Cloud as an administrator.2. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.3. Search for and open the task Monitor Outlook Clients.

The Monitor Outlook Clients page displays the list of clients deployed in your organization with details such as theuser name, binary and package versions, client host name, last synchronization time and status.Only one unique login is possible per deployed Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook client. Therefore, you can detectwhether clients are sharing login user names across different computers. The table lists both hosting computernames and login user names.

4. Click any client that you want to monitor further.The Client Events and Synchronization Details of the selected client are displayed:

◦ Client login user name, user role, metric such as number of synchronization and so on

◦ List of all the synchronization events, irrespective of whether there were issues or not, event type, eventstatus, such as warning, collisions, conflicts and so on

◦ Number of records synchronized to and from Oracle Sales Cloud, total synchronization size and duration

5. Select any row from the list to view additional details of the synchronization event under the Client Errors region.

Outlook Client Monitoring Settings: ExplainedView the list of Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook clients deployed in your organization and monitor their health andperformance. This topic covers the setup steps required to monitor the deployed clients.

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Chapter 4Monitoring Outlook Clients


To monitor client deployments, you must enable the option for client monitoring, and set the number of days you want theOutlook health monitor to retain log history.

Enable Outlook Client MonitoringYou can monitor client deployments in your organization only if you enable the option in the Outlook Setup page.

To enable Outlook client monitoring:

1. Sign in to Oracle Sales Cloud as an administrator.2. Navigate to Application Composer.3. From the Applications list, select Sales.4. Click Outlook Setup under Common Setup.

The Outlook Setup page appears.5. Set the Report Generation Level to Enabling monitoring of the Outlook Clients.

Note: Selecting this option from Report Generation Level does not mean that you cannot select theother options on the list. See the topic Selecting Outlook Setup Options for details of each option.

Set Profile OptionUse the profile option ZOE_OUTLOOK_PURGE_DURATION to set the number of days that you want the Outlook HealthMonitor to retain log history. The default value is 30 days. The purge job uses the duration value that you set here. However,setting this profile option does not purge the records, until you explicitly run the job from Scheduled Processes. If you run thejob once a day, it will remove data that is older than 30 days or the number of days that you set for this profile option.

To set the value for this profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and search for the ManageAdministrator Profile Values task.

Purge Client Events and LogsYou can schedule a repeating job for periodic purging or choose to purge data whenever you want from the ScheduledProcesses page. Search for and run the job Purge Client Events and Logs to purge Outlook data. The job picks the value thatyou defined in the ZOE_OUTLOOK_PURGE_DURATION profile option.

Related Topics

• Selecting Outlook Setup Options: Explained

• Setting Profile Option Values: Procedure

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


5 Upgrading Outlook Binary: AutomaticUpgrade

Automatic Upgrade

Automatic Upgrade: ExplainedThis topic explains how automatic binary upgrade works for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook. During patching, new binariesand packages might be predefined.

In the Outlook client, the AutoUpdate option informs you when a new version is available for use. By default, AutoUpdate isturned on.

Note: You can turn off AutoUpdate. For details, see the topic on updating the .ini file for Oracle Sales Cloud forOutlook.

During synchronization, the installer is automatically downloaded if a new version is available.

After the synchronization, the URL download dialog box appears.

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


The Windows Installer dialog box appears and displays the status of the installation.

After the installation completes, you may be prompted to close Outlook. Windows then configures Oracle Sales Cloud forOutlook.

After the configuration completes, the Outlook client opens automatically.

Note: For a major upgrade, a complete resynchronization of data occurs at this point. For a minor upgrade,resynchronization is required only when there are data schema changes. The First Run Assistant prompts you torun synchronization.

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


Related Topics

• Updating the .ini File for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook: Procedure

Automatic Upgrade: ScenariosThis topic explains the various upgrade scenarios for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.

Full Resynchronization Not RequiredThis scenario explains the package and binary upgrade process when a new package and binary are predefined and doesnot require resynchronization of data, since it is not a major upgrade. For example, fields reordered on the form in ApplicationComposer. This would not require a full resynchronization as there are no structural changes. The new package can beapplied on the existing structure.

During synchronization, you will be notified if there is a new package to be installed. The new package installation beginsautomatically. You see the following two notifications:

• Binary compatibility and preferred binary version (depending on the info.xml settings).

• Package update status.

This completes the update to a new package. After the new package is updated, the binary download starts automatically.Once the new binary is downloaded, the binary download dialog box disappears and the installation begins.

Note: Under certain circumstances, you might be asked to restart Outlook after the package is updated. Forexample, if you are using Outlook 2013 or if the binary is locked and therefore Outlook needs to be restarted.

1. Select the Automatically close application and attempt to restart them after setup is complete option andclick OK.

The UAC (User Account Control) dialog appears if UAC is enabled on your computer.

Note: You will be required to provide administrator credentials to continue with the installation.

If the UAC is not enabled, the installation completes without having to enter credentials.2. Enter your credentials and click Yes.

The binary installation completes. The new package and binary are now successfully installed.

Full Resynchronization RequiredThis scenario explains the package and binary upgrade process when new package and binary are predefined and theupgrade includes structural changes, such as new custom fields created in Application Composer. This would require a fullresynchronization as the package needs to be removed and installed again.

During synchronization, the binary download will begin when there is a new binary available. Once the new binary isdownloaded, the dialog box disappears and installation begins.

Note: Under certain circumstances, you might be asked to restart Outlook after the package is updated. Forexample, if you are using Outlook 2013 or if the binary is locked and therefore Outlook needs to be restarted.

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


1. Select the Automatically close application and attempt to restart them after setup is complete option andclick OK.

The UAC (User Account Control) dialog appears if UAC is enabled on your computer.

Note: You will be required to provide administrator credentials to continue with the installation.

If the UAC is not enabled, the installation completes without having to enter credentials.2. Enter your credentials and click Yes.

The binary installation completes.

After the next synchronization, the new package will be detected3. Click Yes.

The package installation begins. You will see the following two notifications:

• Binary compatibility and preferred binary version (depending on the info.xml settings).

• Package update status.

This confirms that the package and the binary have been successfully installed.

Manual Upgrade

Manual Upgrade: ExplainedThis topic describes the manual upgrade steps for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook binary files.

There are two types of Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook binary files upgrades:

• Minor upgrade: An update that contains small changes and does not require installing the product again. Minorupdates can be installed on top of the current version. For example, an upgrade from version 3.06.04 to 3.06.05 is aminor upgrade.

• Major upgrade: A comprehensive upgrade that removes a previous version of Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook andinstalls a new version. The major upgrade is usually required when there are significant changes in the product orwhen there are changes in the way CRM data is stored in MS Outlook (due to Platform upgrade). For example, anupgrade from version 3.06.02 to 3.07.02 is a major upgrade.

Performing a Minor UpgradeWhile performing a minor upgrade, consider the following:

• A minor upgrade is supported only within the same major version of Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook for MS Outlook.For example, you can perform a minor upgrade from Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook 3.06.03 to Sales Cloud CRM3.06.04, but you cannot perform a minor upgrade from CRM Desktop 3.05.06 to Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook3.06.04.

• A minor upgrade does not change any user data that was not synchronized with the server.

To perform a minor upgrade, run the following command from the command prompt:

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


msiexec /I "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi" REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus /L*v C:


Performing a Major UpgradeWhile performing a major upgrade, consider the following:

• Since the product changes are significant, you cannot perform a major upgrade from Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook3.05.xx to Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook 3.06.xx without first uninstalling version 3.05.xx.

• During the major upgrade, the following warning message appears:

To perform a major version update, for example, from version 3.05.xx to version 3.06.xx:

1. Ensure that you have performed full synchronization and backed up your data.2. Uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook 3.05.xx.3. Install Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook 3.06.xx.

Customization Package Update Compatibility: ExplainedThis topic explains the compatibility aspects of customization packages during a package update.

Compatibility between Particular Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook VersionsThe two Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook versions during an upgrade must be compatible.

In most cases, each product build consists of two components:

• Binary Installer in MSI format

• Customization Package in ZIP format

Note: Compatibility check between the MSI installer and the customization package is performed only in thesynchronization phase. Compatibility check is not performed, for example, after a minor upgrade.

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


Patch bundle releases may require only customization package updates, and sometimes they might require the updates ofbinary files. If binary is updated and the package update is not required, then the package-binary compatibility section ofthe package should be updated. For information on how to update the compatibility rules in the package, see the sectionInfo.xml Overview. When planning an upgrade strategy for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook, you must consider the followingcompatibility aspects:

• Compatibility between two subsequent versions dictates the upgrade strategy of binary files, that is if each particularupgrade is conducted as a major or minor upgrade.

• Compatibility between two subsequent versions: Dictates the upgrade strategy of binary files. This compatibilityaspect dictates whether each particular upgrade is conducted as a major or minor.

• Compatibility between customization package and binary files: Dictates whether you can use the updatedcustomization package with the binary files currently installed. Each time a new package is uploaded to the serverand downloaded as a part of the next synchronization process to the client, special logic is used to distinguishbetween possible compatibility scenarios and to execute all the required actions.

The <products\> section in the topic Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Customization Package Update Compatibility:Explained along with the preferred_product attribute defines product and package compatibility.

• Compatibility between data schemas of two subsequent customization packages:

This type of compatibility dictates whether:

◦ Synchronization using the previous package will be allowed even if the updated package is not compatiblewith the current binary files. If synchronization using the outdated package (even when the updated packageis available on the server) is still allowed, then there were no data structure changes on the server between thepackage updates.

◦ Full data synchronization is required when a new configuration package is installed on the client.

Package-Product Compatibility Scenarios: ExplainedThis topic explains the different scenarios of product-package compatibility for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.

New Package Is Compatible, but a Full Resynchronization Isn't RequiredThis is a lightweight package upgrade scenario, and has two criteria:

• The Info.xml file of the new package identifies the current product version and the new package as compatible.

• The hash values (checksum) of the sales_cloud_basic_mapping.xml files of the currently deployed and newlydownloaded package are equal.

This scenario is applicable to situations where changes to the customization package are relatively small and the datastructure remains intact. The infrastructure prerequisites for this scenario include:

• The user has Build 1 (B1) and Package 1 (P1) deployed on the computer.

• There is a new Build 2 (B2) and Package 2 (P2) available.

• Package P2 defines B1 as compatible and sales_cloud_basic_mapping.xml hash values are equal between P1 andP2.

• Package P2 defines package P1 as incompatible.

• Package P2 is deployed to the server.

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


The steps in this scenario are detailed below:

1. Start the synchronization.

The new package detected notification appears.

2. Close this notification.

Another notification appears to confirm that the package has been downloaded and installed successfully.

3. You can now perform synchronization using a new package till new binary files are installed.

The Info.xml of Package P2 Configuration example for this scenario is:

P1, B1 =; P2, B2 =

<package_info> <product> <name>Oracle Sales Cloud CRM for Microsoft Outlook</name> <version></version><product> <compatibility preferred_product=""> <products>;</products> <schemas></schemas></compatibility></package_info>

Note: In some scenarios, no new binary files are available and only the package update is required. In thisscenario, you must apply the package level hotfix as described in the next section..

New Package Is Compatible, and a Full Resynchronization Isn't RequiredThis section describes the scenario where the new package is compatible and a full resynchronization is not required.

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade



• The user has Build 1 (B1) and Package 1 (P1) deployed on the PC.

• A new Package 2 (P2) is available.

• Package P2 defines B1 as compatible and sales_cloud_basic_mapping.xml hash values are equal between P1 andP2.

• Package P2 defines package P1 as compatible.

• P2 is deployed to the server.

The steps in this scenario are detailed below:

1. Start the synchronization.

The new package detected notification appears.

2. Close this notification.

Another notification appears to confirm that the package has been downloaded and installed successfully.

The notification appears only if the package was updated on the server side.

The Info.xml of Package P2 Configuration example for this scenario is:

P1, B1 =; B2 =; P2 =

<package_info> <product> <name>Oracle Sales Cloud CRM for Microsoft Outlook</name> <version></version> </products> </compatibility preferred_product=""> <products></products> <schemas></schemas> </compatability></package_info>

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


New Package Is Compatible, but a Full Resynchronization Is RequiredIn this scenario, the new package is compatible, and full resynchronization is required.

This scenario has two criteria:

• The Info.xml file of the new package identifies the current product version and the new package as compatible.

• The hash values of the sales_cloud_basic_mapping.xml files of the currently deployed and newly downloadedpackage are not equal.

This scenario is applicable to situations where changes to the customization package are relatively small, but the datastructure has gone through some changes that are reflected in Sales Cloud_basic_mapping.xml. The infrastructureprerequisites for this scenario include:

• The user has Build 1 (B1) and Package 1 (P1) deployed on the PC.

• There is a new Build 2 (B2) and Package 2 (P2) available.

• Package P2 defines B1 as compatible.

• Package P2 defines package P1 as compatible with the new data schema.

• Package P2 is deployed to the server.

The steps in this scenario are detailed below:

1. Start synchronization.

When the synchronization completes, the reinstall data structure confirmation window appears.

2. Click Yes.

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


The data structure update procedure starts. During the update, the following notification appears:

When the data structure is updated, the First Run Assistant appears along with the second notification.

The package is downloaded and applied successfully. The data structure is updated. All custom Control Panel presets arepreserved. The Sales Cloud data is downloaded to MS Outlook again The Info.xml of Package P2 Configuration example forthis scenario is:

P1, B1 =; B2 = P2 = with sales_cloud_basic_mapping.xml modified.

<package_info> <product> <name>oracle sales cloud CRM for Microsoft Outlook</name> <version></version> </product>

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


<compatibility preferred_product = ""> <product>;</products> <schemas>;</schemas> </compatibility></package_info>

New Package Isn't Compatible, but a Synchronization Is Still AllowedThis scenario represents a transient state, when users and IT can update their binary files while being able to perform fullsynchronization.

This scenario has two criteria:

• The Info.xml file of the new package identifies the current product version and the new package as incompatible.

• The Info.xml file of the new package identifies exiting package as compatible with the data schema defined in a newpackage.

The infrastructure prerequisites for this scenario include:

• The user has Build 1 (B1) and Package 1 (P1) deployed on the PC.

• There is a new Build 2 (B2) and Package 2 (P2) available to the IT.

• Package P2 defines B1 as incompatible and sales_cloud_basic_mapping.xml hash values are equal between P1 andP2.

• Package P2 defines package P1 as compatible.

• P2 is deployed to the server.

In this scenario, you start synchronization, which completes successfully. When the synchronization finishes, the followingnotification appears:

The Info.xml of Package P2 Configuration example for this scenario is:

P1, B1 =; P2, B2 =

<package_info> <product> <name>Oracle Sales Cloud CRM for Microsoft Outlook</name> <version></version> </product> <compatibility preferred_product=""> <products></products> <schemas>;</schemas> </compatibility></package_info>

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


New Package Isn't Compatible, and a Synchronization Isn't AllowedThis scenario typically takes place when significant architectural changes were introduced between two subsequent productversions or a data schema change occurs. This usually occurs only during a major upgrade.

This scenario has two criteria:

• The Info.xml file of the new package identifies the current product version and the new package as incompatible.

• The Info.xml file of the new package identifies exiting package as incompatible with the data schema defined in anew package.

The infrastructure prerequisites for this scenario include:

• The user has Build 1 (B1) and Package 1 (P1) deployed on the PC.

• There is a new Build 2 (B2) and Package 2 (P2) available to the IT.

• Package P2 defines B1 as incompatible.

• Package P2 defines P1 as incompatible.

• P2 is deployed to the server.

The steps in this scenario are detailed below:

You start the synchronization, but it stops and the following notification appears:

The Info.xml of Package P2 Configuration example for this scenario is:

P1, B1 =; P2, B2 =

<package_info> <product> <name>Oracle Sales Cloud CRM for Microsoft Outlook</name> <version></version> </product> <compatibility preferred_product=""> <products></products> <schemas></schemas> </compatibility></package_info>

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


How can I avoid data loss in Oracle Sales Cloud for Desktop whileupgrading Microsoft Office?If you have Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook installed on your computer or laptop, and you want to upgrade Microsoft office,you must take preventive measures to avoid potential data loss.

During Microsoft Office upgrade, the Exchange Outlook Data File (ODT file) containing the Sales Cloud data might be lost.When you run synchronization after the upgrade, it may result in the Sales Cloud data getting removed as deletes arepropagated to the Sales Cloud Server.

To ensure that you have no data loss while upgrading Microsoft Office:

Run synchronization with the Oracle Sales Cloud server to ensure that all changes are synchronized. Uninstall the OracleSales Cloud for Outlook add-in. If you do not uninstall the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook add-in before upgrading MicrosoftOffice, you might lose data. Upgrade Microsoft Office. After the upgrade completes, install the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlookadd-in.

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Chapter 5Upgrading Outlook Binary: Automatic Upgrade


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Chapter 6Configuring Clients to Use STS Authentication (SSO)


6 Configuring Clients to Use STSAuthentication (SSO)

Configuring Outlook to Use STS Authentication:PrerequisitesThis topic explains the prerequisites required for configuring Outlook to use STS authentication.

Before configuring Outlook to use Security Token Service (STS) authentication, your Oracle Sales Cloud environment must beset up to support STS authentication.

Setting Up Your Environment for STS AuthenticationOracle Sales Cloud for Outlook supports the STS authentication mode. If configured to use STS authentication, Oracle SalesCloud for Outlook uses a special configuration file called connector.config. This file stores login information, authenticationendpoint URLs, and other required information. The connector.config file is provided by a Sales Cloud CRM server.

Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook supports two STS-based Federation Services for SSO (Single Sign On):

• Oracle Security Token Service 11g (OSTS 11g)

• Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 (ADFS 2.0 STS)

RequirementsUsers must be authenticated at runtime.

The authentication happens through one of the following scenarios:

• STS-Based Federated SSO is disabled: In this scenario, the end-user credentials are sent in the SOAP messages (byWeb Service Security) to the relevant Oracle Sales Cloud Web Services.

• STS-Based Federated SSO is enabled: In this scenario, the end-user credentials do not exist in the Oracle SalesCloud environment and the use of on-premises STS is required. In this scenario, the authentication takes place asfollows:

a. The Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Add-in contacts the on-premises STS through SOAP, and provides enduser credentials to get a SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) Assertion.

b. The Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Add-in sends the SAML Assertion through SOAP to the Oracle SalesCloud Web Services to get authenticated.

Setting Up STS Identity ProviderYou must set up the STS Identity Provider.

Depending on the STS-based Federation Service you are using, you must refer to the applicable MOS article for more details:

• STS 11g: Integrating Oracle Security Token Service 11g with Oracle Fusion SOAP Web Services (Doc ID 1584173.1)

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Chapter 6Configuring Clients to Use STS Authentication (SSO)


• ADFS 2.0: Integrating Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 with Oracle Fusion SOAP Web Services (1584171.1)

You must ensure that you have registered the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Web Services as Replying Party URLs in ADFS.See the section Register the Web Service as a Relying Party in ADFS in the Integrating Active Directory Federation Services2.0 with Oracle Fusion SOAP Web Services for details.

Note: To complete the setup documented in the above KM articles, you need to engage your Active DirectoryAdministrator or Oracle STS Administrator. If you need assistance with any of the steps in either article, loga Service Request (SR) with the Product as Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook Cloud Service andProblem Type as Technology Management - Fusion Security. The new SR is assigned to the Fusion ApplicationsTechnology team.

After the STS Identity Provider has been configured, you must have the following:

• A file containing an export of your STS Signing certificate.

◦ Oracle STS 11g: You can access http(s)://oam-host:oam-port/sts/servlet/samlcert?id=sts-sign-id to retrievethe signing certificate.

◦ ADFS 2.0 STS: The steps to export the STS Signing certificate are documented in section "4. Export ADFS2.0 STS Signing Certificate" of Integrating Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 with Oracle Fusion SOAPWeb Services.

Note: Check and note down the expiry date on the STS signing certificate. Provide Oracle with a newcertificate before the current certificate expires to ensure continuation of service. If the certificate importedto your Cloud environment expires, users will not be able to connect to Oracle Sales Cloud using OracleSales Cloud for Outlook.

• The certificate Distinguished Name (DN) obtained from the signing certificate. For ADFS, it is CN=ADFS Signning

Note: This DN name must be exactly as it is in the certificate. To check, save the signing certificate toa file, for example, sts_signing.cer and double-click to open. Click Details, Subject Field to see thevalue.

• The STS SAML Assertion Issuer URL:

◦ Oracle STS 11g: The STS SAML Issuer is defined in the section Creating an Issuance Template of IntegratingOracle Security Token Service 11g with Oracle Fusion SOAP Web Services (Doc ID 1584173.1). The issuer,for example, is in the form

◦ ADFS 2.0 STS: The STS SAML Issuer is always in the form http://<adfs location>/adfs/services/trust andhttps://<adfs location>/adfs/services/trust.

You can use the STS SAML Issuer URL to determine the STS EndPoint.

• STS EndPoint:

◦ Oracle STS 11g: the STS EndPoint is defined in the section Configuring the OSTS Endpoints of IntegratingOracle Security Token Service 11g with Oracle Fusion SOAP Web Services (Doc ID 1584173.1) STS EndPointis in the form: https://oam-host:oam-port/sts/untssl.

◦ ADFS 2.0 STS: The STS EndPoint is always in the form http://<adfs location>/adfs/services/trust/13/username or https://<adfs location>/adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed.

Note: The STS EndPoint is added to the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook connector.config.

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Chapter 6Configuring Clients to Use STS Authentication (SSO)


Service RequestCloud customers: In most cases, you would have already logged a Service Request (SR) with Oracle Hosting Servicesrequesting for SSO enablement for Desktop or Simplified UI, Mobile Sales, and Outlook. Oracle then requests you to confirmif Outlook SSO enablement is required. If it is required, Oracle Hosting Services creates a follow-up Oracle Fusion CRM forMicrosoft Outlook Cloud Service SR.

The new SR is assigned to the Oracle Sales Cloud support team who collaborate with Oracle Cloud Operations to completeyour Oracle Sales Cloud environment setup. The Sales Cloud Support Engineer then works with Oracle Hosting Services oryou to obtain the STS SAML Assertion Issuer URL and a file containing the STS Certificate.

On-premises customers: Log an SR with the Oracle Sales Cloud Support Team (Product: Oracle Fusion CRM for MicrosoftOutlook and Problem Type: Security) and Oracle provides detailed steps to complete the setup. After these steps, you mustconfirm the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook add-in to enable STS-based Federated SSO.

Related Topics• Secure Token Services (STS) Federated Single Sign-On (SSO) enablement for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook

• Integrating Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 with Oracle Fusion SOAP Web Services

Uploading the Connector.Config File on Oracle SalesCloud: ProcedureYou must use the predefined connector.config file, edit the file, and then upload the file on Oracle Sales Cloud.

To download the predefined connector.config file:

1. Sign in to Oracle Sales Cloud as a sales administrator.2. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.3. Search for the task Manage Outlook Server Configuration Files, and click the Go to Task icon.

The Manage Outlook Server Configuration Files page appears.4. Select App.configuration, and click the Export button.5. Save the file on your computer.

To edit the sample files:

1. Open the predefined connector.config file.2. Update the following:

◦ Search for the host name, and replace it with your on-premises STS server name.

◦ Search for the host name and replace all three instances with yourCloud URL. For example,

◦ Update [ADFS_STS_SAML_ISSUER_URL] with your ADFS server name. For example, https://<adfs location>/adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed.

◦ Update [ADFS_SERVER_URL] with your ADFS server name.

To upload the file on Oracle Sales Cloud:

1. Navigate to the Manage Outlook Server Configuration Files page.

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Chapter 6Configuring Clients to Use STS Authentication (SSO)


2. Select App.configuration, and click the Edit icon.3. Browse to select your connector.config file from your computer and upload the file.

If you need assistance with enabling STS for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook, log a new SR with the following details:

• Cloud Customers: Select Product as Oracle Fusion Sales Cloud Service and Problem Type as Sales for MicrosoftOutlook>Authentication, Authorization and Single Sign-on.

• On-premises Customers: Select Product as Oracle Fusion Sales and Problem Type as Sales for MicrosoftOutlook>Authentication, Authorization and Single Sign-on.

Related Topics• Secure Token Services (STS) Federated Single Sign-On (SSO) enablement for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook

Obtaining the Configuration File: ProcedureOracle Sales Cloud for Outlook uses a configuration file called connector.config when it's configured to support SecurityToken Service (STS) authentication. This topic explains how to obtain the connector.config file.

To obtain the connector.config file:

1. Sign in to Oracle Sales Cloud as a sales administrator.2. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.3. Search for the task Manage Outlook Server Configuration Files, and click the Go to Task icon.

The Manage Outlook Server Configuration Files page appears.

4. Select the App.configuration file, and click the Export button.5. Save the file on your computer.

Note: To upload a new version of the App.configuration file, click the Edit icon on the Manage Outlook ServerConfiguration Files page, and click the Browse button to select the file to upload.

Installing in STS Authentication Mode: ExplainedTo install Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook with Security Token Service (STS) authentication mode, you must pass theSALES_CLOUD_APPCONFIG_URL parameter to the msiexec command, where SALES_CLOUD_APPCONFIG_URL is theURL to the remote connector.config file, for example, :msiexec /i "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud CRM for MicrosoftOutlook.msi" SALES_CLOUD_APPCONFIG_URL=[URL path to the remote config file]

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Chapter 6Configuring Clients to Use STS Authentication (SSO)


During the installation, two keys are created in the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Oracle\Oracle Sales Cloud forOutlook\Connector:

• UseSTSMode: The possible values of the key are:

◦ 0: without STS

◦ 3: automatic choice

• AppConfigUrl: Indicates the path to the remote configuration file, specified in the command prompt duringinstallation.

After you complete the installation with the STS authorization mode enabled, the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook - Logindialog box appears.

Enter your login credentials and sign in to Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.

Configuring STS Authentication Configuration File:ExplainedThis topic explains the configuration file structure and provides steps to configure the Connector.Config file.

Configuration File Structure and General SettingsThis section explains the structure of the configuration file and the general settings.

The connector.config file has the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><configuration>

<configSections> <sectionGroup name="WebServiceConfiguration"> <section allowDefinition="Everywhere" allowLocation="true" name="WebServiceProfiles" type="FusionWebServices.CustomAppConfig.ProfileSection, SalesCloudWebServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=723e55cb011efbe4"/>

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Chapter 6Configuring Clients to Use STS Authentication (SSO)


<section allowDefinition="Everywhere" allowLocation="true" name="TockenCaching" type="FusionWebServices.CustomAppConfig.TokenCacheSection, SalesCloudWebServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=723e55cb011efbe4"/> </sectionGroup> </configSections>

<system.serviceModel> <behaviors>...</behaviors> <bindings>...</bindings> <client>...</client> </system.serviceModel>

<WebServiceConfiguration> <TockenCaching/> <WebServiceProfiles> <Profile>...</Profile> <Profile>...</Profile> ... </WebServiceProfiles> </WebServiceConfiguration>


The following table describes the connector.config parameters.

Parameter Description


Default ICRM part that does no change as a rule. 


A set of endpoint behavior. This section specifies which service certificates to use. 


A set of bindings that describe the method (and corresponding properties) Oracle Sales Cloud forOutlook should use to connect to the service. 


A set of endpoints that contain URLs of services, binding names, and behavior names. 


Security token caching settings. Caching only applies to STS configurations. 


A set of Web Service configuration profiles. Describes endpoint names to use as well as thereadable information that is shown in the Credentials dialog box. 

For more information on how to configure behaviors, bindings, and other nodes, see the Windows CommunicationFoundation Configuration Schema topic in MSDN.

Configuring Connector.ConfigThis section explains the steps to configure the connector.config file.

To configure connector.config for deployments with STS authentication:

1. Configure the Web Services profiles section.2. Configure the Endpoints section.3. Configure Bindings and Binding Behaviors.4. Configure Security token caching (Optional).

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Chapter 6Configuring Clients to Use STS Authentication (SSO)


Configuring Web Service ProfilesA set of Web Service Profiles is defined within <WebServiceProfiles> under <Profile> nodes. The profiles will be displayed inthe Credentials dialog box in the same order as declared here.

The Profile node structure is the same as shown in the example below, where the text given inside the CDATA [] tagrepresents the description shown to the end user in the Login dialog box:

<WebServiceProfiles> <Profile Id="HttpProfile" Caption="Profile 1 (Http)" RequestClientEndpointName="DirectSales CloudRequestEndpoint" MetadataClientEndpointName="DirectSales CloudMetadataEndpoint" ManagementClientEndpointName="FusionOverSTSManagementEndpoint" CredentialsType="UserName"> <Description> <![CDATA[Profile details: Sales Cloud Web Service URL: Sales Cloud Web Service Security: User Name]] > </Description> </Profile>

<Profile Id="HttpsProfile" Caption="Profile 2 (Https)" RequestClientEndpointName="DirectSales CloudRequestEndpointSSL" MetadataClientEndpointName="DirectSales CloudMetadataEndpointSSL" CredentialsType="UserName"> <Description> <![CDATA[Profile details: Sales Cloud Web Service URL: Sales Cloud Web Service Security: User Name]] > </Description> </Profile>

<Profile Id="STSProfile" Caption="Profile 3 (STS)" RequestClientEndpointName="Sales CloudOverSTSRequestEndpoint" MetadataClientEndpointName="Sales CloudOverSTSMetadataEndpoint" CredentialsType="UserName"> <Description> <![CDATA[Profile details: Sales Cloud Web Service URL: Sales Cloud Web Service Security: Security token STS configuration: Bearer Key STS URL: STS Security: User Name / Certificate]] > </Description> </Profile></WebServiceProfiles>

In the Profile section, you will find the following attributes:

Note: All the settings listed in the table are required.

Attributes Description


Unique internal profile name. This name is used to store the user-selected profile. 

Caption  Text shown in the Select Web Service Configuration Profile combo box in the Credentials dialog



A name of an endpoint out of a set of declared ones in the <client> section to use for theRequestClient attribute in the current profile. 

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Chapter 6Configuring Clients to Use STS Authentication (SSO)


Attributes Description


A name of an endpoint out of a set of declared ones in the <client> section to use for theMetadataClient attribute in the current profile. 

CredentialsType  A type of credentials used with profile endpoints. The allowed values are:

• UserName: Prompts the user to enter a user name and a password manually in theCredentials dialog box.

• NTML: User credentials are taken from the domain, and the user is asked to authenticate (ifthe user is not logged on).

<Description>  A multiline description of the current Web Service configuration. The entire value must be wrapped

into <![CDATA[...]] > as shown in the example above the table. This description is displayed in theProfile details area.

Configuring the Endpoint SectionTypically, you will need to add or update endpoint information for STS only.

A sample configuration is provided below. More details about parameters and their configuration can be found at

<client> <!--Endpoint for OutlookRequestHandlerServiceClient over STS--> <endpoint name="Sales CloudOverSTSRequestEndpoint" address="http://<host>:<port>/outlookEditionConnector/OutlookRequestHandlerService" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="Sales CloudOverSTSBinding" contract="OutlookRequestHandlerService.OutlookRequestHandlerService"> </endpoint>

<!--Endpoint for OutlookMetadataServiceClient over STS--> <endpoint name="Sales CloudOverSTSMetadataEndpoint" address="http://<host>:<port>/outlookEditionConnector/OutlookMetadataService" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="Sales CloudOverSTSBinding" contract="OutlookMetadataService.OutlookMetadataService"> </endpoint>

<!--Endpoint for ClientManagementService over STS--> <endpoint name="FusionOverSTSManagementEndpoint" address="http://<host>:<port>/outlookEditionConnector/ClientManagementService" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="FusionOverSTSBinding"contract="ClientManagementService.ClientManagementService" behaviorConfiguration="secureBehavior_to_slc02qhd_STS"> </endpoint>


Configuring Bindings and Binding BehaviorBindings are not editable in most scenarios.

You must retain the bindings that are available by default:

<bindings> <customBinding> <binding name="Sales CloudOverSTSBinding"> <security defaultAlgorithmSuite="Basic128" authenticationMode="IssuedTokenOverTransport" requireDerivedKeys="false" securityHeaderLayout="Lax" includeTimestamp="true" keyEntropyMode="CombinedEntropy" messageSecurityVersion="WSSecurity11WSTrust13WSSecureConversation13WSSecurityPolicy12BasicSecurityProfile10">

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Chapter 6Configuring Clients to Use STS Authentication (SSO)


<issuedTokenParameters keyType="BearerKey" tokenType=""> <additionalRequestParameters> <trust:SecondaryParameters xmlns:trust=""> <ns6:KeySize xmlns:ns6="">256</ns6:KeySize> <ns7:KeyType xmlns:ns7=""></ns7:KeyType> <ns8:TokenType xmlns:ns8=""></ns8:TokenType> </trust:SecondaryParameters> </additionalRequestParameters> <!-- issuer ADFS STS--> <issuer address="" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="STSBinding"> </issuer> </issuedTokenParameters> <localClientSettings cacheCookies="true" detectReplays="true" replayCacheSize="900000" maxClockSkew="00:05:00" maxCookieCachingTime="Infinite" replayWindow="00:05:00" sessionKeyRenewalInterval="10:00:00" sessionKeyRolloverInterval="00:05:00" reconnectTransportOnFailure="true" timestampValidityDuration="00:05:00" cookieRenewalThresholdPercentage="60"/> <localServiceSettings detectReplays="true" issuedCookieLifetime="10:00:00" maxStatefulNegotiations="128" replayCacheSize="900000" maxClockSkew="00:05:00" negotiationTimeout="00:01:00" replayWindow="00:05:00" inactivityTimeout="00:02:00" sessionKeyRenewalInterval="15:00:00" sessionKeyRolloverInterval="00:05:00" reconnectTransportOnFailure="true" maxPendingSessions="128" maxCachedCookies="1000" timestampValidityDuration="00:05:00"/> <secureConversationBootstrap/> </security> <mtomMessageEncoding maxReadPoolSize="64" maxWritePoolSize="16" messageVersion="Soap11" maxBufferSize="5048576" writeEncoding="utf-8"> <readerQuotas maxDepth="65536000" maxStringContentLength="65536000" maxArrayLength="65536000" maxBytesPerRead="65536000" maxNameTableCharCount="65536000"/> </mtomMessageEncoding> <httpsTransport manualAddressing="false" maxBufferPoolSize="65536000" maxReceivedMessageSize="65536000" allowCookies="false" authenticationScheme="Anonymous" bypassProxyOnLocal="false" hostNameComparisonMode="StrongWildcard" keepAliveEnabled="true" maxBufferSize="65536000" proxyAuthenticationScheme="Anonymous" realm="" transferMode="Buffered" unsafeConnectionNtlmAuthentication="false" useDefaultWebProxy="true"/> </binding>

<binding name="STSBinding"> <security defaultAlgorithmSuite="Basic128" authenticationMode="UserNameOverTransport" requireDerivedKeys="false" securityHeaderLayout="Lax" includeTimestamp="true" messageProtectionOrder="SignBeforeEncrypt" requireSignatureConfirmation="true" keyEntropyMode="CombinedEntropy" messageSecurityVersion="WSSecurity11WSTrust13WSSecureConversation13WSSecurityPolicy12BasicSecurityProfile10"> <secureConversationBootstrap/> </security> <textMessageEncoding maxReadPoolSize="64" maxWritePoolSize="16" messageVersion="Soap12WSAddressing10" writeEncoding="utf-8"> <readerQuotas maxDepth="32" maxStringContentLength="8192" maxArrayLength="16384" maxBytesPerRead="4096" maxNameTableCharCount="16384"/> </textMessageEncoding> <httpsTransport manualAddressing="false" maxBufferPoolSize="524288" maxReceivedMessageSize="65536" allowCookies="false" authenticationScheme="Anonymous" bypassProxyOnLocal="false" hostNameComparisonMode="StrongWildcard" keepAliveEnabled="true" maxBufferSize="65536" proxyAuthenticationScheme="Anonymous" realm="" transferMode="Buffered" unsafeConnectionNtlmAuthentication="false" useDefaultWebProxy="true"/> </binding> </customBinding></bindings>

You must configure the Binding Behavior for each corresponding Web Service type.

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Chapter 6Configuring Clients to Use STS Authentication (SSO)


Note: Behavior is not used for STS authentication unless a customer has configured STS to use certificate-based authentication.

<behaviors> <endpointBehaviors> <behavior name="DirectSales CloudBehavior"> <clientCredentials> <serviceCertificate> <defaultCertificate x509FindType="FindByThumbprint" storeLocation="CurrentUser" storeName="My" findValue="df 38 f5 b3 d2 80 ae 7d ab ec da 5d bf 44 d3 2a 00 48 94 c7"/> </serviceCertificate> </clientCredentials> </behavior>

<behavior name="DirectSales CloudBehaviorSSL"> <clientCredentials> <serviceCertificate> <defaultCertificate x509FindType="FindByThumbprint" storeLocation="CurrentUser" storeName="My" findValue="e1 de 77 18 be 27 8b 2e fb 8b a2 b3 2f 8d a9 e2 80 1e 03 14"/> </serviceCertificate> </clientCredentials> </behavior>

<behavior name="secureBehavior_to_slc02qhd_STS"> <clientCredentials> <serviceCertificate> <defaultCertificate findValue="OWSM" storeLocation="CurrentUser" storeName="My" x509FindType="FindBySubjectName"/> </serviceCertificate> </clientCredentials> </behavior>


Configuring Security Token Caching OptionalThe <TockenCaching> section configures the security token caching in Federated Security scenarios. This is a required tag.

In cases no STS authentication is used in binding, these settings have no effect on the functionality. The following attributesare valid for the <TockenCaching> tag.

Attributes Description


Enables or disables token caching. Supported values are True or False. 

ExpirationPolicy  Describes token expiration policy that allows Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook to determine whether

to use a cached token or, if it has expired, request a new one. This decision is based on the issue orexpiration date. This is used in conjunction with the Time attribute. Supported values are:

• NSecondsAfterTokenIssueTime: Defines a policy to request a new token when a specifiedamount of time passes after the token issue date.

• NSecondsBeforeTokenExpirationTime: Defines a policy to request a new token if the amountof time left before the token expiration date is less than specified.


The amount of time in seconds to use for the expiration policy defined in the ExpirationPolicyattribute. 

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Chapter 6Configuring Clients to Use STS Authentication (SSO)


Attributes Description


A file name of a token caching log file. If an empty or invalid value is specified, logging is disabled.System environment variables are allowed. None of the above attributes are mandatory, but the tags are mandatory. Here is an example of howto configure the <TockenCaching> section: <TockenCaching EnableCaching= "True" ExpirationPolicy= "NSecondsAfterTokenIssueTime"Time="10"/> 

Related Topics

• Configuration Elements on MSDN

• Windows Communication Foundation Configuration Schema on MSDN

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Chapter 7Uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


7 Uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook

Uninstalling from Windows Control Panel: ProcedureThis topic explains how to uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook from the Windows Control Panel.

To uninstall using the Windows Control Panel:

1. Open Start, Control Panel, and Programs and Features.2. Select Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook in the list and click Uninstall.

After uninstalling,, all Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook folders along with the local CRM data is removed. Thiscompletes the un-installation.

Uninstalling using InstallShield Wizard: ProcedureYou can uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook using the InstallShield Wizard by running the same Oracle Sales Cloud forOutlook.msi file that was used for the installation:

To uninstall it using the InstallShield wizard:

1. Run Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi.

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2. On the Welcome page of the InstallShield Wizard, click Next.

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3. Select the Remove option and click Next.

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4. Click the Remove button to start uninstalling.

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Chapter 7Uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


5. When the uninstalling completes, click Finish to close the InstallShield Wizard.

Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook is now uninstalled.

Uninstalling from Windows Command Prompt: ProcedureYou can uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook using a Command Prompt. This topic explains the process to uninstallOracle Sales Cloud for Outlook for the per-user and per-machine modes.

Per-User ModeTo uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook installed in the per-user mode:

1. Click Start, Run, and type cmd to open the command prompt.2. In the command prompt, run the following command:

msiexec /x "Disk:\...Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi"

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Chapter 7Uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


3. On the uninstall confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

4. Click Yes again to start uninstalling.

After the uninstalling completes, all Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook folders along with the local CRM data is removed.

Per-Machine ModeThis section explains uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook installed in the per-machine mode.

Note: When uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook installed in per-machine mode, uninstalling the profileonly removes files of the current user. But if you uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook, then all users will notbe able to work with the application and must uninstall their profiles themselves.

To uninstall the user Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook profile:

1. Click Start, Run, and type cmd to open the command prompt.2. In the command prompt, run the following command:

msiexec/ x ":\CUsers\<username>\AppData\Roamin\gOracle\Oracle Fusion CRM for Microsoft Outlook\Bin


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3. On the Welcome page of the InstallShield Wizard, click Next.

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4. Select the Remove option and click Next.

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Chapter 7Uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


5. Click the Remove button to start the uninstall process.

6. When the uninstalling completes, click Finish to close the InstallShield Wizard.

After uninstalling, all Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook folders of the current user along with the local CRM data is removed.

To uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook:

1. In the Command Prompt, run the following command:

msiexec /x "Disk:\...\Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi"

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2. On the Welcome page of the InstallShield Wizard, click Next.

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3. Select the Remove option and click Next.

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4. Click the Remove button to start the uninstall process.

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5. When the uninstalling completes, click Finish to close the InstallShield Wizard:

After uninstalling, all Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook folders along with the local CRM data is removed.

Uninstalling using Microsoft SCCM: ProcedureThis topic describes how to uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook using Microsoft (MS) SCCM.

Follow these steps to uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook using MS SCCM:

1. Find an Upgrade Code of Profile.msi.2. Identify computers with Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Profile installed.3. Collect all Product Codes on the network.4. Uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Profile in per-user mode on the computers.5. Uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook installed in per-machine mode.

Identifying Computers with Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Profile InstalledThis section describes how to identify computers with Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook profile installed.

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To identify computers on which CRMD Profile is installed, use the native SCCM reporting service:

1. Before using this service, enable Software Inventory Client Agent in the Configuration Manager Console:

a. Right-click Software Inventory Client Agent item under the Client Agents node in the System CenterConfiguration Manager, and select Properties from the context menu.

b. On the Software Inventory Client Agent Properties dialog box, choose the Enable software inventory onclients option.

2. Generate native SCCM report with inventoried software titles.

a. Expand the Reporting tree node of the Configuration Manager Console, and select New and then select theReport command from the context menu.

b. In the New Report Wizard, add the report name, choose the Software - Companies and Productscategory, and other required parameters. You can also use SQL parameters for detailed reporting.

c. Click Next to go through the wizard and generate the report.

This report contains the list of all workstations and software installed on these computers. Sort clientcomputers, find computers where Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook is installed, and then move these computersto the separate collection.

Collecting All Product Codes at the NetworkProduct Codes on the client computers may vary as different versions of CRMD Profiles may be installed on thesecomputers.

When UpgradeCode is available, you can get the list of product codes for the products you want to uninstall.

1. Create .vbs script with the following content:

Option ExplicitPublic installer, product, propVal, RelProd, prodFound, arg

For Each arg In Wscript.Arguments set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") set propVal = installer.RelatedProducts(arg)

For Each RelProd In propVal For Each product In installer.ProductsEx(RelProd, "", 7) WScript.StdOut.Write product.ProductCode Next NextNext

2. Use the Installer.RelatedProducts property from msi.dll to find Product Codes using Upgrade Codes.

The read-only RelatedProducts property returns a StringList object showing the set of all products installed oradvertised for the current user and computer with a specified UpgradeCode property in their Property table.

3. Save the .vbs file to any shared directory on the SCCM server and assign Write permissions for user accounts.4. Run .vbs script to collect Product Codes from client computers. To do this with SCCM package, run the following

command from the command line:

cmd.exe /c cscript.exe /nologo network_path_to_.vbs_script "{UpgradeCode}">network_path_to_output_file

The network_path_to_.vbs_script is a network path to the .vbs file created earlier, and thenetwork_path_to_output_file is a network path to the output text file to collect Product Codes for futureadministrative use. For example:

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Oracle Sales CloudDeploying Sales Cloud for Outlook

Chapter 7Uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


cmd.exe /c cscript.exe /nologo \\dc\CRMD_Codes\get_product_codes.vbs "{BF277E04-E06C-411E-A55A-C0015A170CB0}">\\dc\CRMD_Codes\product_codes.txt

Uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Profile Per-User on the ClientsThis section describes how to uninstall the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook per-user profile on clients.

To uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook profile per-user on clients:

1. Create the Uninstall package for this collection to uninstall all versions of CRMD Profile using the msiexec commandline:

a. On the Configuration Manager Console, navigate to Software Distribution, Packages node and create anew package.

You do not require any more parameters in this step, except Security: select SCCM and workstationadministrative account for package.

b. In the New Package Wizard, specify name and any other required data.

Note: Do not select This package contains source files check box on the second page ofthe wizard.

2. On the Access Accounts menu for this package, add SCCM administrator with Full Control privileges and domainaccounts of the users that work with Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.

3. Select the current SCCM Server as Distribution Point.4. Create a new program:

a. Right-click the Program tree node and select New, and then the Program command from the contextmenu.

b. In the New Program Wizard, specify the program name and the following WMIC command:

msiexec /x {ProductCode}

ProductCode in this command is the Windows Installer ProductCode from the output file of the .vbs script.See an example below:

cmd.exe /c cscript.exe /nologo \\dc\CRMD_Codes\get_product_codes

5. On the Environment tab of the New Program Wizard, select The Program can run: Only when a user is loggedon option and select the Allow users to interact with this program check box.

6. On the Advanced tab, Run once for every use who logs on is selected by default, do not change it.7. Do not modify the default settings on other tabs.

Create and run different packages for all product codes simultaneously or one by one.

The command Msiexec.exe /x will run in the interactive mode that allows customer to close Microsoft Outlookcorrectly and follow the uninstall MSI wizard. It also allows to cancel the uninstall process. It is recommended to runan inventory report again to be sure that all software was uninstalled. Refer to the Identifying Computers with OracleSales Cloud for Outlook Profile Installed section of this topic to see the instructions.

You can also use /q key with n parameter to specify the user interface level. It will hide the user interface of theuninstall wizard and run uninstall in silent mode.

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Oracle Sales CloudDeploying Sales Cloud for Outlook

Chapter 7Uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook


msiexec "Disk:\...\Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi" /x /qn

Oracle recommends that you do not run uninstall in silent mode. If Microsoft Outlook is running during the uninstall, itfails and no other actions will be performed.

8. Right-click the Advertisements tree node of the Configuration Manager Console, and create the Advertisement forUninstall package to make the packages active.

9. Choose the collection of the clients where Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Profile is installed and assign it to run Assoon as possible. The Advertisement will start as soon as you click Finish.

SCCM runs every package only once, if you do not reactivate it.10. Run advertise per-user uninstall of Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Profile using SCCM Advertisement for the


Oracle recommends that you run native SCCM report with inventoried software titles again to ensure that all versionsof Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Profile were uninstalled correctly. If CRMD Profile was not uninstalled on anycomputer in the network, repeat the uninstall procedure from the beginning.

Uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Installed in Per-Machine ModeIf Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook is installed in per-machine mode, you must uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook profilesfor all Windows users before uninstalling Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook. If you want to uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud forOutlook that has been installed in per-machine mode, you could follow the same steps as for uninstalling the Oracle SalesCloud for Outlook profiles.

If you want to uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook that had been installed in per-machine mode, you could use the samemethod if Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook uses the MSI installation package, and not EXE.

Note: The UpgradeCode and ProductCodes properties for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook.msi package differfrom Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Profile codes.

The only difference between the two un-installation packages is in the configuration of the Advanced tab where administratorshould choose the Run once for the PC option. If you need to uninstall Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook per-machine andOracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Profile per-user at the same time, do the following:

1. Create package with the uninstall program for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook per-machine. Create theAdvertisement for this package.

2. Create package with the uninstall program for Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook per-user profile. Create theAdvertisement for this package.

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