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KEVIN BREWER ORSETT ACADEMIC MONOGRAPHS NO.6 ISBN: 978-1-904542-13-1 PUBLISHED BY Orsett Psychological Services, PO Box 179, Grays, Essex RM16 3EW UK COPYRIGHT Kevin Brewer 2003 COPYRIGHT NOTICE All rights reserved. Apart from any use for th e purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, this publication may not be reproduced, sto red or transmitted in any form or by any means, without pr ior permission in writing of the publishers. In the cas e of reprographic reproduction only in accordance with t he terms of the licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency in the UK, or in accordance with t he terms of licences issued by the appropriate organiz ation outside the UK.

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Dependent Personality Disorder and Other Personality Disorders: A Critical Introduction Kevin Brewer; 2003; ISBN: 978-1-904542-13-1 2

CONTENTS Page nu mber INTRODUCTION 3 HISTORY OF PERSONALITY DISORDERS 4 DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER 8 How many sufferers? 8 Gender differences and Dependent Personality Disorder 1 0 What is Dependent Personality Disorder? 1 2 Overlaps in symptoms 1 7 PROBLEMS WITH PERSONALITY DISORDERS 2 0 1. Personality categories or dimensions 2 0 2. Measurement of Personality Disorders 2 3 3. The distinction between Personality Disorders and mental disorders 2 5 4. Gender and Personality Disorders 2 9 5. "Post-modern self" and Personality Disorders 3 0 FOOTNOTES 3 3 REFERENCES 3 7-42

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INTRODUCTION In the technical terms of psychiatry, mental i llness covers mental disorders, personality disorders, and learning disabilities. The latter two are seen as distinct from the first. This monograph attempts to explore the many aspects of Personality Disorders (1)

generally, and Dependent Personality Disorder specifically. Parker (1988) feels that Personality Disorders have a "lost planet status" in that researchers are unsu re how to classify or measure them. Defining personality disorders generally has been difficult. Schneider (1923), for example, called them "ab normal personalities": "who suffer through their abnormali ties and through whose abnormalities society suffers". L ater Rado (1953) used: "Distress of psychodynamic integr ation that significantly affects the organism's adaptive life performance, and its attainment of utility and plea sure". More formally, ICD-9 (WHO 1978) expanded the definition to: Deeply ingrained maladaptive patterns of behav iour generally recognisable by the time of adolesce nce or earlier and continuing throughout most of a dult life, although often becoming less obvious in middle and old age. The personality is abnormal eithe r in the balance of its components, their quality a nd expression, or in its total aspect. And in DSM-IIIR (APA 1987): "Behaviour or trai ts that are characteristic of the individual's recent (past year) and long-term functioning (generally since adolescence or early adulthood). The constellation of types of behaviour or traits causes either signific ant impairment in social or occupational functioning, o r subjective distress". Subsequent definitions in ICD and DSM have mov ed closer together. Personality Disorders are defined in DSM-IV and ICD-10 as "an enduring pattern of inner experience and behaviour that deviates markedly fro m the expectations of the individual's culture" (Farmer e t al 2002 p153). APA (2000) is more precise: "enduring patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself that are exhibited in a wid e range of social and personal contexts" (p685). The sufferer is seen as differing in terms of:

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a) Cognition - how they perceive and understan d the world, events, and themselves; b) Affectivity - emotional responses: in terms of the range, intensity, and appropriateness; c) Interpersonal functioning - interactions wi th others; d) Impulse control. The individual will deviate from the norm in a t least two of these areas, and that this behaviour i s inflexible covering all situations of their lives o ver a long period with adolescent origins. The behaviour must also cause distress (APA 1994).

HISTORY OF PERSONALITY DISORDERS The idea of enduring characteristics has exist ed since early Greek writings, though terms other than personality have been used, like temperament, constitution, habit, or character (Berrios 1993). In the 19th century, diagnostic categories wer e created which began the attempt to distinguish personality problems from other mental problems. Fo r example, "mania without delusions" ("manie sans del ire") by Pinel in France or "moral insanity" coined by Pr ichard in England (Berrios 1993). But, in many cases, personality "disorder" at that time were seen as th e result of failures in the "will" (Berrios 1993). In terms of the current view on Personality Disorders, Kraeplin (1907) suggested that "personal ity disturbances" were a form of major psychoses, seein g them as a continuum. Whether Personality Disorders are different to mental disorders is still being debate d today, and an alternative view comes from Jaspers (1927), who distinguished between personality developments and disease processes. While Schneider (1923) distinguished between "abnormal personality", which deviates from the ave rage, and "disordered personality", an extreme version of the normal personality. A subgroup of "abnormal persona lity" was called "psychopathic personalities", and had te n variants. It is the term and concept of psychopathi c that has dominated Personality Disorders. Even if the me aning has changed over the twentieth century. The forerunners of modern classification syste ms for mental disorders (eg: "Standard Classified Nomencla ture

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of Disease" 1932) and the early versions of the cur rent systems implicitly used personality disorder termin ology and concepts. DSM-I (APA 1952) listed four categories of psychiatric disorder relating to personality: disturbances of pattern; disturbances of traits; disturbances of drive, control and relationships; a nd sociopathic disturbances. These forerunners of Personality Disorders were "used only when the pati ent did not fit comfortably in other categories" (Lenze nweger and Clarkin 1996). However, explicit diagnostic cri teria did not appear until DSM-III in 1980. It was also in DSM-III that Personality Disord ers were first classified on a separate axis (Axis II) from other mental disorders (Axis I). Subsequent develop ments and debates involved the refining of the criteria f or diagnosis. For example, DSM-III used monothetic categorie s for diagnosis. These are set criteria that are necessar y for diagnosis. Subsequent DSM systems have used polythe tic categories where some of the criteria only are need ed for diagnosis (eg: the presence of five from a list of seven to nine characteristics). Currently ICD-10 (WHO 1992) and DSM-IV (APA 19 94) are perceived as compatible, in the main, in their diagnostic criteria for Personality Disorders (tabl e 1) (2) . DSM-IV divides the Personality Disorders into three common clusters (table 2). The process of classification is never finishe d, and proposals for revisions are continually being discu ssed in committees preparing DSM-V for 2007. There is al so ICD-11 due (Widiger 2001). Livesley (2000) divides the history of Persona lity Disorders into three stages: pre-DSM-III; DSM-III p hase; and post-DSM III era. Livesley (2001) sees a variety of concepts of Personality Disorders that underlie current definit ions. Personality Disorders as: i) Extreme versions of mental disorders; ii) A failure to develop aspects of the normal personality (ie: deficit); iii) A particular type of personality structur e; iv) Abnormal personality compared to the major ity. The relationship between Personality Disorders and normal personality has focused on three key issues (Lenzenweger and Clarkin 1996):

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ICD 10 DSM IV Paranoid F60.0 Paranoid 301.0 Schizoid F60.1 Schizoid 301.20 Schizotypal* F21 Schizotypal 301.2 2 Dissocial F60.2 Antisocial 301.7 Emotionally unstable, Borderline 301.83 borderline type F60.31 Emotionally unstable, impulsive type Histrionic F60.4 Histrionic 301.50 Narcissistic 301. 81 Anxious F60.6 Avoidant 301.82 Dependent F60.7 Dependent 301.6 Anankastic F60.5 Obsessive-compuls ive 301.4 Enduring personality change after catastrophic experience F07.0 Enduring personality change after psychiatric illness Organic personality Personality chang e due disorder** to general medi cal condition*** Other specific personality Personality disor der not disorders and mixed otherwise spec ified 301.9 and other personality disorders F60.9 Passive-aggressiv e (negati vistic)**** Depressive**** * = included within section for schizophrenia, schi zoptypal and delusional disorders. ** = included within section for organic mental dis orders. *** = included within section for mental disorders due to general medical condition not elsewhere classified. **** = included within appendix as proposed criteri a. (After Widiger 2001)

Table 1 - Comparison of the categories of Personali ty Disorders in ICD 10 and DSM IV. CLUSTER A CLUSTER B CLUSTER C DISORDERS OF ODD OR DISORDERS OF DISORDE R INVOLVING ECCENTRIC BEHAVIOUR DRAMATIC, ANXIOUS OR EMOTIONAL OR FEARFUL BEHAVIOUR ERRATIC BEHAVIOUR Paranoid Anti-Social Avoidan t Schizoid Borderline Depende nt Schizotypal Histrionic Obsessi ve-Compulsive Narcissistic Table 2 - The three clusters of Personality Disorde rs in DSM-IV.

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i) Are Personality Disorders extreme versions of normal personality traits on a continuum or separat e categories? ii) How to distinguish normal and abnormal personality traits, and the relationship between th em? iii) The underlying structure of personality a nd Personality Disorders (ie: the theoretical basis to personality).

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DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER Both ICD-10 and DSM-IV use the same term: Depe ndent Personality Disorder. It is placed in cluster C of the three clusters of Personality Disorders in DSM- IV. HOW MANY SUFFERERS? Establishing how many individuals suffer from a disorder is not easy, and often depends upon the me thod of study used. Table 4 summarises some of the main studies. The mean rate of Dependent Personality Disorde r is 2.2% (range 0-7.9) in non-clinical samples in studi es between 1985-2003 (excluding Bornstein 1993). The f igures vary for specialist samples (eg: inpatients in psychiatric hospitals) (table 3), and Flynn, Matthe ws and Hollins (2002) found a diagnosis rate of 28% among thirty-six individuals with mild or moderate learni ng disabilities in specialist challenging behaviour in -patient services. In a sub-set of elderly patients with major depression, Abrams et al (1995 quoted in Clarkin an d Abrams 1998) reported a 12% rate of Dependent Perso nality Disorder. NUMBER OF TYPE OF SAMPLE RATE OF DEPENDENT RANGE STUDIES (N) PERSONALITY DISORDER (%) 4 community (4150) 9 0-10 8 outpatients in psychiatric hospitals 4 2-47 6 inpatients at psychiatric hospitals 21 4-51 (DSM-III or DSM-IIIR used)

Table 3 - Summary of studies on rate of Dependent Personality Disorder between 1983-91 reported in Bornstein (1993). The accuracy of figures from the different typ es of samples depends on a number of factors: i) Accuracy of "community" samples depends upo n the honesty of responses to questionnaires, or the accu racy of the measuring devices used;

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STUDY PREVALENCE CRITERIA SAMPLE PERSONALITY DISORDERS (%) Dependent Any Baron et 0 / DSM-III 374 USA random of al (1985) non-ill relatives of patient s with schizop hrenia Black et 2.4 33.1 DSM-III 127 USA family al (1993) members of volunteers to adve rtisements Blanchard et 2.2 / DSM-IIIR 93 USA from adverts, al (1995) or frie nds of motor vehicle accident survivo rs with PTSD Bornstein 5.0 / DSM-III/R 20 729 participants (1993) pooled data from 18 studies (see table 3) Coid (2003) 1.0-1.7 4.4-13.0 DSM-IV summary of 6 studies 1995-20 01; community Coryell & 0.5 14.6 DSM-III 185 USA first degree Zimmerman relativ es of (1989) volunte ers from adverti sements Drake & 7.9 23.0 DSM-III 369 USA males in Vaillant longitu dinal study of (1985) juvenil e delinquents began i n 1940s (not suffere rs) Maier et 1.6 9.4 DSM-IIIR 320 Ger many first al (1995) degree relatives of 109 com munity sample Reich et 5.1 11.1 DSM-III 235 USA responses to al (1989) random questionnaire to 401 residents in mid-wes tern univers ity town Samuels et 0.1/0.1 9.0/5.1 DSM-IV/ 742 34- 94 yrs random al (2002) (3) ICD-10 community sample in Baltimo re between 1997-9 (Data from Coid 2003; Mattia and Zimmerman 2001; Sa muels 2002)

Table 4 - Summary of main recent studies of the prevalence of Dependent Personality Disorder. ii) Individuals with Dependent Personality Dis order may not seek treatment, and thus figures for "outpatients" samples could be underestimates. Individuals diagnosed with other disorders in

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"outpatients" samples, and Dependent Personality Di sorder symptoms missed. Thus underestimate. iii) High rates in the "inpatients" samples ma y be due to "institutionalisation" which produces sympto ms of dependency (Booth 1986). Thus overestimate possible . GENDER DIFFERENCES AND DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER The studies in table 5 show significant gender differences in the rate of Dependent Personality Disorder. Bornstein (1993) reported a prevalence ra te of 11% for women and 8% for men. STUDY SAMPLE RATE OF DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER (%) FEMALE MALE OVERALL Alnaes & 298 outpatients 48 46 47 Torgerson (1988) Hayward & 45 community 0 0 0 King (1990) Jackson et 112 inpatients 25 11 17 al (1991) Kass et 2192 community 11 5 8 al (1983) 531 outpatients 9 4 7 Reich (1987) 170 outpatients 27 16 24 Stangler & 500 outpatients 4 4 4 Printz (1980) Zimmerman & 797 community 3 0 2 Coryell (1989) TOTAL 11* 8** * X2 = 0.0005 ** Male total calculation includes two other studie s which did not give female breakdown: Drake et al (1988) 396 community sample and 10% rate; Poldrugo & Forti (1988) 404 outpatients and 4% rate of Dependent Per sonality Disorder (DSM-III and DSM-IIIR used)

Table 5 - Summary of studies showing gender differe nces in the rate of Dependent Personality Disorder 1983 -91 reported in Bornstein (1993). Do the gender differences in the prevalence of Dependent Personality Disorder imply "something inh erent about females, something about the way women are socialised in our society, and/or something about t he biases that diagnosticians bring to this personalit y

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disorder" (Peterson 1996 p399)? Pilgrim and Rogers (1993) offer three possible explanations for the differences in rates of mental illness between men and women: i) Society causes female mental illness throug h, for example, sex role expectations; ii) Methodological weaknesses in the collectio n of the data. This is discussed below in relation to Dependent Personality Disorder; iii) The labelling of traditional female behav iour as mental illness. This is explored later in the "Problems with Personality Disorders" section. Methodological Weaknesses a) Observer bias. Where gender differences are measured by questionnaires rather than diagnostic interviews or observer ratings, the size of the difference is red uced. This would suggest observer bias in the diagnostic interview or observer rating (Yeger and Miezitis 19 85). In other words, in the minds of clinicians and clinical researchers, femininity may be so str ongly associated with dependency that when a person appears feminine, dependency is "automatically" (ie: unconsciously and reflexively) attributed to t hat individual (Bornstein 1993 p131). Widiger and Spitzer (1991) call this process "diagnostic sex bias". ii) The setting of the data collection. Widiger and Spitzer (1991) noted that the characteristics of the setting can influence the findings; eg: Veterans Administration (VA) hospital compared to State psychiatric hospital or private facility. iii) Gender bias in the diagnostic criteria. A "criterion sex bias" (Widiger and Spitzer 19 91). The concern that "some Axis II diagnoses reflect no rmal

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sex-role related behaviours that have been inappropriately labelled as pathological" (Bornstei n 1993 p131). WHAT IS DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER? Pre-DSM-III The concept of dependency as a problem has exi sted throughout the twentieth century, but it was not formalised until DSM-III (1980). Fromm (1947) had pointed out that sufferers "f eel lost when alone because they feel that they cannot do anything without help" (p62), and Millon (1981) not ed that the dependent persons' "centres of gravity" li es in others: To protect themselves, dependents quickly subm it and comply with what others wish, or make them selves so pleasing that no one could possibly want to abandon them (p107). Bornstein (1993) offers a "working definition" of the dependent personality type based on four compon ents: i) Motivational - the need for guidance, suppo rt, and approval of others; ii) Cognitive - the perception of the self as powerless and others as powerful; iii) Affective - anxiety about being independe nt, or being evaluated; iv) Behavioural - seeking help and approval fr om others, and thus yielding to them to maintain it. In DSM-I (APA 1952), "dependent personality disorder" was included as a subtype of the "passive -aggressive personality", "passive-dependent type". This was characterised by "helplessness, indecisiveness, and a tendency to cling to others as a dependent child to a supporting parent" (p37). In DSM-II (APA 1968), it was included in "other personality disorders of specifi ed types", but there was no description of the symptom s of "passive-dependent personality disorder".

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DSM-III and After DSM-III (APA 1980) defined Dependent Personali ty Disorder based on three broad symptoms: (i) passivi ty in relationships, and an inability to function independently; (ii) the subordination of own needs to others; and (iii) a lack of self-confidence. Really it was not until DSM-IIIR (APA 1987) th at clear symptoms of "a pervasive pattern of dependent and submissive behaviour, beginning in early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts" (p354) were descr ibed. Five or more of nine symptoms were required for diagnosis: 1. Unable to make independent decisions 2. Lets others make important decisions 3. Excessive fear of rejection 4. Difficulty in initiating events and activit ies 5. Volunteers to perform unpleasant tasks in o rder to please others 6. Feels helpless when alone 7. Devastated when important relationships end 8. Preoccupied with fears of abandonment 9. Easily hurt by criticism or disapproval Symptoms 1, 2, 4 and 5 are behavioural, and th e others are affective. Application 1 shows an exampl e of the use of the diagnostic criteria.

APPLICATION 1 "CASE 1" (Benjamin 1996): Married woman with c hild. Application of DSM-IIIR criteria in diagnosis: 1. Unable to make everyday decisions without h elp of mother, who lives nearby, and husband. 2. Also for important decisions. 3. Agreed with others when thought wrong - eg: agreeing with mother to keep happy, or telling cousin's story of child sexual abuse when grou p therapist wanted more details. 6. Upset when alone - eg: found sobbing by hus band late at night: "I want my mommy". 8. Could not imagine surviving without mother or husband. 9. Can't handle criticism - eg: upset when mot her criticised her for always asking for help.

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Bornstein (1993) noted a problem with the DSM- IIIR criteria, and it is also relevant to DSM-IV. The cr iteria are not completely independent. For example, sympto ms 1 and 2 are clearly related, and it is difficult to s how one without the other, as are symptoms 7 and 8. DSM-IV removed symptom 3 from above, and defin ed Dependent Personality Disorder as: A pervasive and excessive need to be taken car e of that leads to submissive and clinging behaviou r and fears of separation, beginning in early adulth ood and present in a variety of contexts.. (DSM-IV-TR APA 20 00). For diagnosis of Dependent Personality Disorde r, DSM-IV requires the presence of at least five of th e eight symptoms (applications 2,3 and 4): 1. Has difficulty making everyday decisions wi thout an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others. 2. Needs others to assume responsibility for m ost major areas of life. 3. Has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because of fear of loss of support or approv al. 4. Has difficulty initiating projects or doing things on own (because of lack of self-confidence t han motivation or energy). 5. Goes to excessive lengths to gain nurturanc e and support from others, to point of volunteering to do things that are unpleasant. 6. Feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone because of exaggerated fears of being unable to car e for self. 7. Urgently seeks another relationships as a s ource of care and support when a close relationship ends. 8. Unrealistic preoccupation with fears of bei ng left to take care of self (DSM-IV APA 1994 pp668-66 9).

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APPLICATION 2 "Matthew" (Spitzer et al 1994) 34-year-old sin gle man living with mother. Application of DSM-IV criteria in diagnosis: 3. Unhappy and angry with self because mother had told him not to marry girlfriend, and he had o beyed. 5. Turned down promotion to remain near to two very close friends. 6. Has lunch with two friends every workday an d feels lost if friends miss day. 7. Wants to find new girlfriend as soon as las t relationship ended. 8. Has not left mother's home except for one y ear at college, but returned because of homesickne ss; also separation anxiety as a child.

APPLICATION 3 "Mr.G" (Millon 1969). Application of DSM-IV criteria in diagnosis: 1. Worked in father's tailoring shop, but moth er made sure he did no "hard or dirty work"; only son of six children, mother kept watch and limited his responsibilities as child; also 19-year-old so n of first marriage guided his father's affairs. 2. First marriage arranged by parents to "stur dy woman". 4. Lost job when factory closed, and then stay ed at home waiting for something to happen. 5. Teased at work, but willing to run errands and buy cigarettes for work-mates. 7. Married second time to "motherly type".

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Non-clinical definitions Gelder et al (1996), in their textbook of psychiatry, include two paragraphs about Dependent Personality Disorder. These are the main points the y made: i) Weak-willed and "unduly compliant with wish es of others"; ii) Lack vigour and "little capacity for enjoy ment"; iii) Avoid responsibility and lack self-relian ce; iv) Can achieve their aims by persuading other s to help them while protesting their helplessness; v) If married, a "determined spouse" can make decisions etc; vi) "..left to themselves, some drift down the social scale and others are found among the long-te rm unemployed and the homeless" (p117). While Alloy et al (1993) emphasised the depend ence on others, and the handing over of decisions to oth ers. They see these symptoms as manifestations of the fe ar of abandonment, which can lead to mistreatment by thos e in control. The authors tend to see the sufferers as f emale. Brown (1992) would rather see the cause in soc iety than in the individual. Ussher (2000) summarises th e feminist critique of mental illness among women:

APPLICATION 4 "Sarah D" (Carson et al 1998) Married mother o f two children. Application of DSM-IV criteria in diagnosis: 1/2. Reported to "crisis centre" after physica l abuse by husband needing to know what to do. 3. Not critical of husband's regular abuse. 4. Attempts to leave husband in past failed be cause of fear of "not being with M". 5. Physical abuse by husband with addiction pr oblem, who then left. Her main concern about return o f husband, and played down abuse. 6. Great concern about surviving on her own, t hough in well-paid job. 7. Similar relationships with first husband.

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Within a heterosexual matrix, the traditional script of femininity tells us that women live their l ives through men. To have a man, and keep him, is t he goal of every girl's life.. The "good girl" is inev itably self-sacrificing, but she always gets her man. . the sexual woman is always deemed to deserve all t he condemnation she gets.. Women are taught to ga in happiness through relationships, invariably wi th men. They are also taught that it is their fault if these fail (p220). Sadock and Sadock (2003) note the characterist ics of pessimism, self-doubt, passivity, and fears of expr essing sexual and aggressive feelings: "An abusive, unfait hful, or alcoholic spouse may be tolerated for long perio ds to avoid disturbing the sense of attachment" (p814). Comer's (2002) emphasis is upon the pattern of clinging, obedience, fear of separation, and the ne ed to be taken care of. Overholser (1996) noted the depen dency on a parent or spouse for where to live, what job t o do, and which neighbours to like. Sufferers are sad, lo nely, and dislike themselves. Recently, an internet-related version of Depen dent Personality Disorder has been noted, characterised by "excessively depending on a cyber-being and on nume rous fellow users, ever seeking their company, guidance, and reassurance, and fearing separation (Comer 2002 p43 3). Such individuals can spend up to sixty hours per we ek in chat groups. However, this behaviour has also been linked to "substance-related disorder" or "impulse-control disorder" patterns by other researchers. There is also the situation of a shared psycho tic disorder ("folie a deux") where the submissive memb er of the pair (with Dependent Personality Disorder) take s on the delusional system of the more assertive other ( Sadock and Sadock 2003). OVERLAPS IN SYMPTOMS Comer (2002) notes a number of prominent and c entral features of Dependent Personality Disorder which it has in common with other Personality Disorders, "leadin g to frequent misdiagnoses or to multiple diagnoses for a given client" (p409) (table 6). The symptoms of Dependent Personality Disorder do overlap with other Personality Disorders and mental disorders, like all categories of mental illness. T he key is to differentiate in diagnosis.

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PROMINENT FEATURES NUMBER OF PERSONA LITY DISORDERS DEPENDENT PERSONALITY WITH SAME FEATURE (out of 9) DISORDER suspicious/distrust 6 controlling/ manipulative 4 sensitive 5 depressed/helpless 8 PERSONALITY DISORDERS WITH 4 PROMINENT FEATURE S IN COMMON WITH DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER Borderline; Histrionic; Narcissistic PERSONALITY DISORDERS WITH 3 PROMINENT FEATURE S IN COMMON WITH DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER Paranoid; Schizotypal PERSONALITY DISORDERS WITH 2 PROMINENT FEATURE S IN COMMON WITH DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER Anti-Social; Avoidant; Obsessive-Compulsive PERSONALITY DISORDERS WITH 0 PROMINENT FEATURE S IN COMMON WITH DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER Schizoid CENTRAL FEATURES OF DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISO RDER relationship problems - feature in all other P ersonality Disorders self-critical - feature in 4 other Personality Disorders anxious/tense - feature in 6 other Personality Disorders WHERE DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER DISTINCT self-absorbed: Dependent Personality Disorder only one not having this featu re aloof/isolated: one of 4 Personality Disorders not having this fe ature hostile: one of 4 Personality Disorders not ha ving this feature (Data from Comer 2002)

Table 6 - Comparison of prominent and central featu res between Dependent Personality Disorder and other Personality Disorders. Many individuals display dependent personality traits. Only when these traits are inflexible, maladapted, and persisting and cause significa nt functional impairment or subjective distress d o they constitute dependent personality disorder (DSM-IV APA 1994 p668). The characteristic of dependency can also be f ound in mood disorder, panic disorder and agoraphobia, o r mental disorder caused by general medical condition , according to DSM-IV. But for Dependent Personality

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Disorder, the dependency has an early onset, and is stable over time. Table 7 gives examples of overlap ping symptoms among Dependent Personality Disorder and t hree other Personality Disorders. SYMPTOM DEPENDENT PERSONALITY OTHER P ERSONALITY DISORDER DISORDE RS fear of respond with submissiveness Borderl ine - respond abandonment with em ptiness/rage need for leads to docile behaviour Histrio nic - produces approval flamboy ant active demands for attention hypersensitive maintain relationships Avoidan t - leads to criticism to with draw from relatio nships Table 7 - Comparison of overlapping symptoms betwee n Dependent Personality Disorder and three other Personality Disorders. Comer (2002) notes similar symptoms of Depende nt Personality Disorder with Separation Anxiety Disord er, and Dysthymic Disorder (table 8). SEPARATION ANXIETY DISORDER DYSTHYMIC DISOR DER 1. Common features with Dependent Personality Disorder - "persistently and - low self-esteem excessively fearful or reluctant to be alone - feelings of hop elessness or without major attachment figures at home or without - difficulty maki ng decisions significant adults in other settings" (DSM-IV APA 1994 p113) - emphasis on separation fears 2. Differences to Dependent Personality Disord er - physical symptoms related - motivation of a bove due to separation in Separation to depression in Dysthymic Anxiety Disorder Disorder - Separation Anxiety - other depressiv e symptoms Disorder usually (eg: eating and s leeping associated with children problems) in Dyst hymic Disorder Table 8 - Similarities and differences between Depe ndent Personality Disorder and Separation Anxiety Disorde r and Dysthymic Disorder.

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PROBLEMS WITH PERSONALITY DISORDERS Livesley (2001) admitted that a "consensus see ms to be emerging among clinicians and researchers that t here are fundamental problems with the DSM classificatio n of personality disorders" (p16). Parker (1998) noted that: "The DSM three-clust er argot of 'eccentric', 'dramatic', and 'anxious and fearful' types has been widely accepted, despite th e lack of empirical support.."(p125). The problems with Personality Disorders can be explored through five areas. 1. Personality Categories or Dimensions DSM-IV sets out criteria for the diagnosis of each Personality Disorder. But each description is "an idealised typical case" which is not found in real life (Farmer et al 2002). These are based on the idea of types or traits (4) , which goes against the current view on measuring personality as dimensions (eg: Costa and McCrae 1992; Five-Factor Model; FFM) (5) . But the use of dimensions would assume that th e characteristics are present in all individuals, but exaggerated in those with Personality Disorders (Ma rlowe 1996). The use of types or prototypes means that ther e has to be a cut-off point. Who decides the cut-off poin t for inclusion or exclusion within the category? Often a panel of experts (Widiger 1993). If the cut-off point is the presence of five characteristics from a list, how to view the indivi dual with four of those characteristics, and how do they compare to an individual with one (Widiger and Corb itt 1994)? The alternative approach would be to link Personality Disorders to the theories of personalit y dimensions. Trull (2000) sees the idea of "dimensio nal" models of personality and Personality Disorders cov ering a number of approaches: i) Quantify each symptom to show the degree of presence (eg: Widiger 1993); ii) Identify traits that underlie Personality Disorders. For example, factor analysis of the Personality Disorder criteria to reveal the dimensi ons underlying them (eg: Livesley and Jackson 1986; fou nd 18 trait dimensions);

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iii) The use of personality traits as the basi s of Personality Disorders independent of the DSM-IV cri teria. Cloninger et al (1993) suggest that Personalit y Disorders may be extremes of specific dimensions of personality rather than all dimensions. They divide personality traits into "temperament traits" (eg: novelty-seeking) and "character traits" (eg: co- operativeness). It is the extreme version of the la tter that would define Personality Disorders. Cloninger (2000) refined this idea to argue th at Personality Disorders could be defined by two of th e following four "character traits": low scores on se lf-directiveness, co-operativeness, affective stabilit y, and self-transcendence. While a cluster C Personality Disorder would l ink to the FFM as high scores on Neuroticism, Agreeablenes s and Conscientiousness, and low scores on Extraversion a nd Openness (relationship unclear) (Farmer et al 2002) . Recent research has concentrated on the link b etween personality trait models and Personality Disorders, particularly the idea of a continuum between normal ity and abnormality on specific traits. Mulder and Joyce's (1997) factor analysis of t he Personality Disorder symptoms of 148 patients produ ced a four factor model: "anti-social", "asocial", "asthe nic", and "anankastic". This last factor was separately l oaded by Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, and challenges the cluster C home for this disorder in DSM-IV (Parker 1998). After the factor analysis, scores on the Struc tured Clinical Interview for DSM-III (SCID) (6) were correlated with "normal" personality questionnaires - Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) (Eysenck and Eysenc k 1975) (7) and Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ) (Cloninger et al 1991) (8) (table 9). Parker (1998) feels that Personality Disorders are the "extremes of normally distributed human temperament measures". FACTOR MODEL EPQ TPQ anti-social psychoticism (P) novelty -seeking asocial psychoticism (P) reward dependence asthenic neuroticism (N) harm av oidance Table 9 - Correlations between personality factors and two personality questionnaires found by Mulder and Joyce (1997).

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Blais (1997) looked at 100 patients with Perso nality Disorders and the FFM. The Personality Disorders li nked best to the three dimensions of Neuroticism (N), Extaversion (E), and Agreeableness (A). Developing from this, Saulsman and Page (2003) note that the FFM reveals: the general personality traits underlying personality disorders, but (as) it does not ac count for all variance in personality disorders and appears to have difficulty differentiating spe cific personality disorders..(p85) Common to all Personality Disorders, except Dependent Personality Disorder, with the FFM are hi gh N (Neuroticism) and low A (Agreeableness). Extraversi on (E) and Conscientiousness (C) are linked to Personality Disorders but as associated variables, and Openness (O) has no association with any Personality Disorder. T here are patterns for some specific Personality Disorder s (table 10). PERSONALITY DISORDER FFM DIMENSIONS Paranoid high N; low A Anti-Social low A; low C Avoidant high N; low E (After Saulsman and Page 2003)

Table 10 - Examples of relationships between specif ic Personality Disorders and FFM dimensions. Duggan et al (2003), used for their study, 34 men with an offending history and a Personality Disorde r in UK regional secure units. The researchers correlate d the scores on the NEO-FFI (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness - Five Factor Inventory) (Costa and McCrae 1990) with the International Personality Disorder Examina tion (IPDE) (Loranger et al 1994). Table 11 shows the significant correlations found. The sample used in this study was small and biased (ie: offenders). In other words, it is possible to distinguish normal from disordered personality as deviation from the n orm, extreme elevation, inflexibility, distress, and impairment in functioning (Saulsman and Page 2003). But such an idea "seems to embrace an ideal co ncept of normality" which would blur the distinction betw een

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normality and clinically significant impairment eve n more, and "trivialising the disorder by creating a conception that would apply to a sizeable proportio n of the population" (Liveley 2001 p25). PERSONALITY N E O A C DISORDER (No of sample) Paranoid (9)* (high) (low) (low) (low ) low Schizoid (4) low Schizotypal (5) low Anti-Social (26) low Borderline (21) (high) low low Histrionic (6) low Narcissistic (3) Avoidant (11) low Dependent (4) high (low) Obsessive- Compulsive (3) low Passive- aggressive (15) high low Sadistic (7) (low) Self- defeating (3) (high) * = dual diagnosis means totals greater than 34; si gnificance = 0.05 or (0.01) (After Duggan et al 2003)

Table 11 - Summary of significant correlations betw een Personality Disorders and FFM found by Duggan et al (2003). 2. Measurement of Personality Disorders Whether the questionnaire is self-reported (eg : Personality Assessment Inventory; PAI; Morey 1991) (9) or part of a diagnostic interview (eg: Personality Dis order Interview; PDI-IV; Widiger et al 1995) (10) , the assumption is that personality types will show a pattern of responses to a series of choices. The scores will be compared to established nor ms. Well known general personality tests, like the Minn esota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) (Hathaway and MacKinley 1967) are well researched, and have estab lished

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validity and reliability scores (11) . But, in practice, this focus on reliability, validity and norms has i gnored the fact that the underlying assumptions for their design have problems. i) The assumption that personality is stable. Tickle et al (2001) admit that: Fluctuation in the expression of traits is exp ected: personality traits seem to be stable over time , but they do undergo slight state fluctuations in t he short term. In other words, traits provide a b asic personality framework which remains stable in the long term and allows patterns of responses to be established. There exists, however, a range of behaviours and other trait expressions that oc cur within this framework of stability (p246). Wetherell and Maybin (1996), taking a social constructionist position, argue that the personalit y is the product of social situations. It is "the sum an d swarm of participation in social life" (Bruner 1990 ), and thus tends to change based on the situation. The personality (or self, as preferred by soci al constructionists) is "always located in the situati on in which the individual is existing. Identity is multi -faceted, but based on key relational settings" (Bre wer 2001a p33). The concept of a stable personality is completely challenged, and so is the idea of a stab le Personality Disorder. The method of assessing personality will also influence the findings of stability or not of the personality (Heatherton and Nichols 1994). For exam ple, self reporting scales of 1-5 tend to find stability because individuals who choose one extreme are unli kely to choose the other extreme next time. Maybe a chan ge from 4 or 5 to 3. Or individuals may select the mid dle position each time. ii) The assumption that certain patterns of respons es show certain personality types. It assumed that the views expressed are fixed attitudes which are linked to underlying personalit y traits. Billig (1991) challenges this idea: for him , attitudes are not "individual evaluative responses towards a given stimulus object. Instead, attitudes are stances taken in a matter of controversy: they are positions in arguments" (quoted in Potter 1996 pp16 0-

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161). The upshot is that individuals express differe nt views depending on the situation, and what action i t is the want to achieve with that attitude (Potter 1996 ). Thus different responses will be given to personali ty questionnaires depending on the situation, who is administering the questionnaire and so forth. iii) Often the psychometric questionnaires are base d upon the assumption of a normal distribution of answers. iv) These questionnaires are able to detect pattern s of symptoms, but are these patterns really a Personali ty Disorder? The official answer is yes, because that Perso nality Disorder is shown by those symptoms. And so the arg ument goes round. Specifically, Bornstein (1993) admits that the internal validity of the Dependent Personality Diso rder symptoms is "reasonably strong", but not the extern al validity. Internal validity relates to clusters of symptoms together as predicted by the classificatio n system. While external validity is the relationship between Dependent Personality Disorders symptoms an d specific independent behaviours. Bornstein (1993) i s particularly concerned about symptom 4 in DSM-III: difficulty in initiating events or activities. Usually this situation can be resolved by establishing the validity of the criteria by correl ation with expected independent behaviours. For example, a high score on an IQ test should positively correlate wit h intelligent behaviour in everyday life (eg: doing crosswords, answering quiz questions). There are no clear independent behaviours for Personality Disord ers - no "gold standard" (Lenzenweger and Clarkin 1996). This is important to note because the reliabil ity of measurement methods for Personality Disorders can a nd have been established. Reliability and validity are two different concepts, and gaining one does not automatically mean the other is achieved as well (Coolican 1990) (12) . 3. The distinction between Personality Disorders and mental disorders Foulds (1976) attempted to establish possible models for the relationship between Personality Disorders and mental disorders. Three of the models are important to

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mention here (figure 1).

(After Freeman 1993)

Figure 1 - Three possible relationships between men tal disorders and Personality Disorders. DSM-III was first to make the distinction betw een Axis-II (trait-related) problems of Personality Dis orders and learning disabilities, and Axis-I (state-relate d) mental disorders. This would suggest model 1 in fig ure 1, or is it model 3? "Psychiatrists, and perhaps British psychiatri sts more than most, are ambivalent about whether to reg ard personality disorders as mental illness" (Kendell 2 002 p110). Mental illness, or more specifically mental disorder, is not an exact term, in the sense of all owing it to be used as for deciding what is and is not a mental

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disorder (Kendell 2002). In fact, DSM-IV has a 146-word definition of m ental disorder, which sets up the existence of a "clinica lly recognisable set of symptoms" (Kendell 2002). But thus can be typical of psychology (and psychiatry), it i s easier to spot a behaviour than to define it. Kendell (2002) argues that the problem with establishing the relationship between Personality Disorders and mental disorders relates to the diffe rent concepts of "disorder" generally used in medicine a nd psychiatry. There are four main concepts: a) Socio-political - a disorder is a condition that is accepted as undesirable; b) Biomedical - an abnormal phenomena that pla ces the species at a "biological disadvantage"; c) Biomedical and socio-political - a disorder is a biological dysfunction (ie: the failure to perform a natural function), and thus accepted as undesirable ; d) Ostensive - disorder as a prototype categor y. It seems clear.. that it impossible.. to decid e whether personality disorders are mental disor ders or not, and that this will remain so until the re is an agreed definition of mental disorder (Kendell 2002 p113). Gelder et al (1996) emphasised the role of unu sual behaviour in making this "not always easy to make" distinction between Personality Disorders and menta l disorders. If the personal has previously behaved normall y and then begins to behave abnormally, he is sa id to have a mental disorder. If the person has always behaved abnormally, he is said to have a personality disorder (p105). Siever and Davis (1991) suggest that there is a continuum between Personality Disorders and mental disorders based on four behavioural processes: cognitive/perceptual; impulsivity/aggression; affec tive instability; and anxiety/inhibition. As to whether Personality Disorders and mental disorders are on a continuum or are distinctly diff erent has always remained a question throughout the classification of mental illness.

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There are difficulties with Gelder et al's distinction: i) Problems of defining "normality". Brewer (2001b) noted the problems with establi shing what is normal or abnormal using a continuum (figur e 2).

(After Brewer 2001b)

Figure 2 - Normal-abnormal continuum. Some abnormalities are slight (area A in figur e 2) and fall within the range of normal variation, whil e area D is clearly abnormal. The problem relates to point s B and C, and which is normal or abnormal. This may va ry depending on circumstances, culture, or the individ ual involved. In other words, the division between norm al and abnormal is not fixed. Table 12 gives examples of these problems for Dependent Personality Disorder. POINT ON FIGURE 2 APPLICATION TO DEPENDENT PE RSONALITY DISORDER A need advice from others bef ore major career change (no rmal) B/C need help to decide which u niversity to attend. Whether this is a p roblem depends on the individual being a t eenager or middle aged, for example D cannot make ordinary decisi ons, like getting dressed without hel p of others on what to wear Table 12 - Dependent Personality Disorder and examp les of positions on the continuum of normality and abnorma lity. ii) Unusual behaviour not spotted before. iii) How to assess if unusual behaviour is permanen t or temporary?

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iv) Some behaviour changes are slow (eg: onset of s ome forms of schizophrenia). v) Dependent Personality Disorder is sometimes clas sed as an "immature" Personality Disorder, which means tha t it improves over time (Tyrer et al 1993). This challen ges the idea of a stable and enduring pattern as distin ct from mental disorders. 4. Gender and Personality Disorders There is concern that the diagnostic criteria for Personality Disorders are biased towards a particul ar gender. Frances et al (1995) argued that the inclus ion of stereotypically feminine characteristics in the diagnostic criteria will lead to a bias towards the overdiagnosis of women. Dependent Personality Disor der is one such disorder. Kaplan (1983) argued that the DSM-III criteria for Dependent Personality Disorder are quite similar to the traditional female sex-role, and "singles out for scrutiny and therefore diagnosis the ways in which women express dependency but not the ways in which men ex press dependency" (p789). For example, the financial dependence of the n on-working wife on the working husband is symptomatic of Dependent Personality Disorder, but not the depende ncy of that husband on the wife to maintain the household and perform the child-rearing tasks (Bornstein 1993). Studies with college students have found that the DSM-III and DSM-IIIR criteria of Dependent Personal ity Disorder are viewed as traditional feminine behavio ur more often than traditional masculine behaviour (eg : Landrine 1989). But in studies with psychiatrists and fictitio us case histories, females were not more likely to be diagnosed with Dependent Personality Disorder than men (eg: Adler et al 1990). On the other hand, Corbitt and Widiger (1995) argue that the differences in diagnosis rates of Personal ity Disorders may just be the gender differences in cer tain personality traits. Using the overdiagnosis of wome n with Histrionic Personality Disorder as an example, Widi ger (2001) points out that the solution is not to make the criteria more masculine, but to increase the "behav ioural specificity of the diagnostic criteria" (p76). In other words, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the Personality Disorder categories, it is jus t a

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question of tinkering with the diagnostic criteria. Throughout the history of DSM, there have been criticises about the gender bias of disorders. For example, Masochistic Personality Disorder in DSM II I was changed to Self-Defeating Personality Disorder in D SM IIIR, and placed in the appendices. It was then rem oved from DSM IV because of pressure from feminist group s (Kirk and Kutchins 1992). To counter the inherent gender bias towards gr eater female diagnosis, Caplan (1991) "invented" Delusion al Dominating Personality Disorder (DDPD), which was rejected by the APA DSM committee. There would be fourteen symptoms of this disor der, including "A tendency to feel inordinately threaten ed by women who fail to disguise their intelligence" or " a pathological need for flattery about one's sexual performance and/or the size of one's genitalia". To some degree, DDPD was a spoof, but there was a serious p oint about DSM and the pathology of women (Griffin 1997) . 5. "Post-modern self" and Personality Disorders "Post-modern" is a commonly used term today, b ut it is an "amorphous thing": "The term itself hovers uncertainly in most current writings between - on t he one hand - extremely complex and difficult philosophica l senses, and - on the other - an extremely simplisti c mediation as a nihilistic, cynical tendency in contemporary culture" (Docherty 1993 p1). Polkinghorne (1992) lists the themes of "post- modern thought" as: i) Foundationlessness - there are no universal s; "no sure epistemological foundation upon which knowledg e can be built". ii) Fragmentariness - reality is "a disunited, fragmented accumulation of disparate elements and e vents. iii) Constructivism - there is no world "out t here" to discover, all knowledge is constructed; "human experience consists of meaningful interpretations o f the real". iv) Neopragmatism - the criteria for understan ding are not whether knowledge corresponds to reality, b ecause this cannot be known in the "post-modern" world. Ra ther it is whether knowledge "functions successfully in guiding human action to fulfil intended purposes".

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From a social constructionist point of view, t he self is a product of culture and society. Thus the type of society will influence (even determine) the self . As people live their lives they are continuall y making themselves as characters or personaliti es through the ways in which they reconcile and w ork with the raw materials of their social situati on (Wetherell 1996 p 305). Gergen (1991) sees the condition of "multiphre nia" being at the heart of the "post-modern self". This is a "new constellation of feelings and sensibilities, a new pattern of self-consciousness involving the splitti ng of the individual into a multiplicity of self-investme nts" (pp73-4). What happens in practice is that the self beco mes "an open slate... on which persons may inscribe, er ase, and rewrite their identities as the ever-shifting, ever-expanding, and incoherent networks of relationships invites or permits" (p228). Gergen (2000) expands on this aspect of the "p ost-modern self". Individuals are "fractionated beings" because of: a) "Polyvocality" - "the plethora of conflicti ng information and opinion". b) Plasticity - rapid change and throwaway relationships, which leave the inner life as a luxu ry. c) Repetition - individuals echo the media; eg : saying "I love you" to someone comes from romantic novels. d) Transcience - many and varied roles. The key notions, then, are uncertainty and cha nge (Stevens and Wetherall 1996). For some writers, this experience is negative or even pathological: today's self is "a mixture of disillusionment, boredom, confusion and celebration " (Thomas 1996). Frosh (1991) sees "narcissistic personality disorders" as a direct result of "post- modern society". These are a product of ego defence mechan isms that overevaluate a self that is threatened by the insecurity of the "post-modern". Gottschalk (2000) takes the idea of the "post- modern self" being one of pathology further:

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post-modern selfhood proceeds across a landsca pe constantly radiating with 'low-level fear' and saturated by compelling media voices which obsessively recite stories of permanent catast rophe, random brutality, and constant dissatisfaction (p37). Thus "insanity" can be seen as a normal respon se to "post-modern society". Gottschalk lists the characteristics of "post-modern society", along wit h "low-level fear", that "normalise, celebrate, and m ake acceptable psychosocial dispositions that... are fundamentally unhealthy" (p38): a) "Telephrenic maps" - the intrusion of the m edia into the self, and the construction of reality thro ugh the camera. b) "Tense ambivalence" - for example, borderli ne dispositions, which "oscillate between complete indifference and passionate involvement" (pp28-9). DSM-IV provides the label for such behaviour as "borderlin e personality disorder". Borderline patients often struggle to maintai n coherence in their selves against forces of excessive splitting of aspects of reality. It may be that their selves have already begun to collapse (Thomas 1996 p328). c) "Reasonable suspicion" (or even paranoia in some cases). d) "So fast so numb" - gratuitous images of de ath and dying. Writers have called this "necrophilic television" (Robbins 1994: "the catastrophic and th e banal are rendered homogeneous and consumed with eq ual commitment") or the "pornography of dying" (Burgin 1990). e) "Sociopathic" characteristics including car ing for the self only.

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FOOTNOTES 1. Personality Disorder is written with capitals to refer to specific categories used by psychiatrists. When written in small letters, it refers to the concept of personality problems or disorders. 2. The categories of Personality Disorders in ICD-1 0 and DSM-IV are developments from earlier categories in ICD-9 and DSM-IIIR, for example (table 13). ICD-9 DSM-IIIR Paranoid Affective Schizoid Schizoid Schizotypal Explosive Anankastic Obsessive-Compuls ive Hysterical Histrionic Asthenic Dependent Personality disorder with Anti-social predominantly sociopathic or asocial manifestation Other personality disorder Narcissistic Avoidant Borderline Passive regressiv e Unspecified Personality disor der not otherwi se specified Table 13 - A comparison of the categories of Person ality Disorder in ICD-9 and DSM-IIIR. 3. Samuels et al (2002) found cluster C Personality Disorders were greater in non-married individuals ( 6.6 adjusted odds ratio), and in those with high school education only (5.0 odds). 4. The trait and type theories of personality assum e a hierarchical structure for personality based on lev els of traits (eg: surface or higher order) (figure 3) (Th omas 2002). 5. The Five-Factor Model (FFM) sees personality as based on the interaction of the positioning of the indivi dual on five trait dimensions, Each one is subdivided in to six facet traits (Livesley 2001) (table 14).

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Figure 3 - Example of hierarchical structure of personality. Neuroticism - anxiety, hostility, depression, self- consciousness, impulsivity, vulnerabi lity. Extraversion - warmth, gregariousness, asserti veness, activity, excitement seeking, positiv e emotions. Openness to experience - fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, ideas, values. Agreeableness - trust, straightforwardness, al truism, compliance, modesty, tendermindedness . Conscientiousness - competence, order, dutiful ness, achievement striving, self-discipline , deliber ation. Table 14 - Facet traits of FFM. 6. The latest version is Structured Clinical Interv iew for DSM-IV Axis-II Personality Disorders (SCID-II) (First et al 1997). 7. EPQ measures three dimensions of personality:

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introvert-extravert (E); neurotic (or emotional)-st able (N); and psychoticism (P). 8. TPQ measures "temperment traits" of novelty-seek ing (eg: "seeks thrilling adventure"; "spends on impuls e"); reward dependence; and harm avoidance (fear) (Depue and Lenzenweger 2001). 9. Personality Assessment Inventory contains 344 it ems with a 4 point scale that takes 50 minutes to compl ete (Clark and Harrison 2001). 10. Personality Disorder Interview is based on 93 i tems scored by the interviewer as 0 (absence), 1 ("at-or -above threshold level of criteria"), or 2 (prominent characteristic) during a 90 minute interview (Clark and Harrison 2001). 11. "Good" psychometric tests will have established reliability and validity Reliability - consistency of the test. i) Test-retest: consistency over time by corre lating the score on the same test by the same individual a t two points in time. ii) Parallel forms: correlation between two ve rsions of the same test. iii) Internal: consistency of the test (eg: sp lit-halves correlation of odd number and even number qu estion scores). Validity - degree to which the test measures what i t claims to measure. i) Face/content: questions appear to measure w hat they claim to measure. ii) Construct: relationship between a theoreti cal construct and the test. iii) Convergent/concurrent: correlation betwee n scores on two independent tests of the same constru ct. iv) Criterion: correlation between the scores on the test and a predicted independent behaviour. v) Discriminant: this aims to find correlation s between different measures of the same behaviour (e g: test scores and observations of behaviour). Sophist icated

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techniques like Multi-Trait Multi-Method (MTMM) (Ca mpbell and Fiske 1959) also establish behaviours that shou ld not go together. Table 15 shows the most important aspects of reliability and validity in the diagnosis of Depend ent Personality Disorder. RELIABILITY DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISOR DER test-retest same diagnosis or test scor e at two points in time VALIDITY face/content dependent behaviour seems l ogical to expect from Dependent Perso nality Disorder construct dependency is a theoretical personality construct and will be made up of behaviours, like the need f or others to help, and difficulty making own decisions convergent two scores on different tes ts or two independent diagnoses criterion predicted independent behav iour eg: indecisiveness unless other s help make decisions discriminant measures of Dependent Perso nality Disorder from a test correl ated with diagnosis by an observer or interview MTMM expected behaviour not exp ected - need others to - make own decisions make decisions - need others to - care for self care for them - afraid of being - happy to be alone alone Table 15 - Reliability and validity and Dependent Personality Disorder. 12. For example, Personality Psychopathy (PSY-5) (Harkness and McNulty 1994) has an average test-ret est reliability in 0.70s, but the limited studies on convergent and discriminant validity "suggest that certain scales may tap somewhat different construct s" (Clark and Harrison 2001 p293). Median test-retest reliability varies from 0.52 for Personality Diagno stic Questionnaire (PDQ-R) (Trull 1993) to 0.90 for Cool idge Axis II Inventory (CATI) (Coolidge and Merwin 1992) (Clark and Harrison 2001).

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