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Sebastian Oddone District Supervisor

Yoly McCarthyCurriculum SpecialistDepartment Chair MeetingSession #42013Goals for This Session8:30 AM WelcomeFisher PresentationDivision of Safety and Emergency ManagementHighs and lows from the year presentationsUpdates from the stateSenate Bill 1076Student Progression PlansFASS Updates on NGSS BreakUpdates from the DistrictSummer PD2013-2014 Pacing Guide(Updates)TextbooksData for accountability throughout the yearHighest and lowest scoring Biology benchmarksLunch 11:30am-12:30pm (Burger King, Gas Station)Lessons to Learn Recommendations for next yearStrategies/Tools for next year Casio presentation - Ileana Gonzalez Raffle and giveaway: Grab a bag when your number is called. Then we will exchange! 222Fisher Scientific,inc.

Chemical Storage and InventoryGreg Mohr, P.G.Project Manager II- Environmental

Miami Dade County Public SchoolsDivision of Safety and Emergency Management305-995-7994 Office305-995-4924 FaxGroup Activity (Best Practices)In groups of 4-5 spend some time answering these questions:What were the greatest moments in science at my school this year?What were the low points in science at my school this year?What are our goals as a department for next year?What were some new best practices started this year?Be ready to present to the whole group.

5Updates: (State) Senate Bill 1076Line 924 939:3. Three credits in science, two of which must have a laboratory component. Beginning with students entering grade 9 in the 2011-2012 school year, one of the three credits in science must be Biology I or a series of courses equivalent to Biology I as approved by the State Board of Education. Beginning with students entering grade 9 in the 2011-2012 school year, the end-of-course assessment requirements under s. 1008.22(3)(c)2.a.(II) must be met in order for a student to earn the required credit in Biology I. Beginning with students entering grade 9 in the 2013-2014 school year, one of the three credits must be Biology I or a series of courses equivalent to Biology I as approved by the State Board of Education, one credit must be chemistry or physics or a series of courses equivalent to chemistry or physics as approved by the State Board of Education, and one credit must be an equally rigorous course, as determined by the State Board of Education.Updates: (State) Senate Bill 1076Line 1216 1222 Describes the Standard Diploma (1003.4282) : (c) Three credits in science.Two of the three required credits must have a laboratory component. A student must earn one credit in Biology I and two credits in equally rigorous courses. The Biology I EOC assessment constitutes 30 percent of the students final course grade. Industry certification courses that lead to college credit may substitute for up to one science credit.

Updates: (State) Senate Bill 1076Line 1394 1397 1003.4285 Standard high school diploma designations. (1) Each standard high school diploma shall include, as applicable, the following designations if the student meets the criteria set forth for the designation:Line 1398 1401(a) Scholar designation.In addition to the requirements of ss. 1003.428 and 1003.4282, as applicable, in order to earn the Scholar designation, a student must satisfy the following requirements: Updates: (State) Senate Bill 1076Line 1409 14123. Science.Pass the statewide, standardized Biology I end-of-course assessment and earn one credit in chemistry or physics and one credit in a course equally rigorous to chemistry or physics.Line 1421 1424(b) Merit designation.In addition to the requirements of ss. 1003.428 and 1003.4282, as applicable, in order to earn the Merit designation, a student must attain one or more industry certifications from the list established under s. 1003.492.

Updates: (State) Lab component RequirementThree credits in science, two of which must have a laboratory componentBeginning with students entering grade 9 in the 2013-2014 school year, one of the three credits must be Biology I or a series of courses equivalent to Biology I as approved by the State Board of Education, one credit must be chemistry or physics or a series of courses equivalent to chemistry or physics as approved by the State Board of Education, and one credit must be an equally rigorous course, as determined by the State Board of Education.

Updates: (State) Student Progression PlanDistrict will maintain current graduation requirementsState requirements minimum; each county has its own course requirementsAs it stands students who graduate from MDCPS with current requirements will automatically meet general graduation requirementsAll students ready for scholar designation due to the physical science requirement

Millard E. Lightburn (Ph.D.) Science SupervisorMs. Mary Tweedy and Ms. Keisha Kidd Curriculum Support Specialists Science Department, Miami Dade County Public Schools

FASS Updates: NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS (NGSS)Goal of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)The overall goal is to help all learners in our nation develop the science and engineering understanding that they need to live a successful, informed, and productive lives and that will help them create a sustainable planet for future generations.On June 1, 2013 FLDOE will request public input on your thoughts on NGSS. Florida will need to adopt new standards and NGSS is an option.NGSS Lead State Partners

Conceptual Shifts in the NGSS1. K-12 Science Education Should Reflect the Interconnected Nature of Science as it is Practiced and Experienced in the Real World.2. The Next Generation Science Standards are student performance expectations NOT curriculum.3. The science concepts build coherently from K-12.Conceptual Shifts in the NGSS Contd4. The NGSS Focus on Deeper Understanding of Content as well as Application of Content.5. Science and Engineering are Integrated in the NGSS from K12.6. The NGSS and Common Core State Standards (English Language Arts and Mathematics) are Aligned.

A Framework for K-12 Science Education: NGSSThe framework consists of a limited number of elements in three dimensions:(1) Scientific and Engineering Practices,(2) Crosscutting Concepts, and (3) Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI) in science.It is designed so that students continually build on and revise their knowledge and abilities throughout their school years. To support learning, all three dimensions need to be integrated into standards, curricula, instruction, and assessment.

Three Dimensions IntertwinedThe NGSS are written as Performance ExpectationsNGSS will require contextual application of the three dimensions by students.

DIMENSION 1: SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING PRACTICESGINEERING PRACTICES 1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)2. Developing and using models3. Planning and carrying out investigations4. Analyzing and interpreting data5. Using mathematics and computational thinking6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)7. Engaging in argument from evidence8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

DIMENSION 2: CROSSCUTTING CONCEPTS THAT HAVE COMMON APPLICATION ACROSS FIELDS1. Patterns 2. Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation 3. Scale, proportion, and quantity 4. Systems and system models 5. Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation 6. Structure and function 7. Stability and change DIMENSION 3: CORE IDEAS IN FOUR DISCIPLINARY AREASPhysical Sciences Life Sciences Earth and Space Sciences Engineering, Technology, and the Applications of Science Physical Sciences PS 1: Matter and its interactions PS 2: Motion and stability: Forces and interactions PS 3: Energy PS 4: Waves and their applications in technologies for information transfer Life Sciences LS 1: From molecules to organisms: Structures and processes LS 2: Ecosystems: Interactions, energy, and dynamics LS 3: Heredity: Inheritance and variation of traits LS 4: Biological Evolution: Unity and diversity Earth and Space Sciences ESS 1: Earths place in the universe ESS 2: Earths systems ESS 3: Earth and human activity Engineering, Technology, and the Applications of Science ETS 1: Engineering design ETS 2: Links among engineering, technology, science, and society

25BreakWhy we Need Common Core Video

Updates: (District) Summer PDNo longer in JuneWill be held 7/9/2013-7/16/2013 Two sessions, 3 days each 8:30am-3:30pmLocation Miami Senior HighClasses will be available for:BiologyChemistryPhysicsPhysical science

Updates: (District) Summer PD BiologyDay 1: (Using Data Effectively in Biology)EduSoft and Data AnalysisDifferentiated Strategies to target dataDay 2: (Common Core Strategies in Biology)Exemplar lessons 1 Ecology and 2 Classification/EvolutionExemplar lessons 1 Mitosis/Cancer and 2 Genetics/BiotechnologyDay 3: (Increasing Inquiry and Rigor in Biology: Effective Use of HOT Labs)Inquiry in Biology: HOT labs from years weakest contentIncreasing Rigor: Creative and Project based learningUpdates: (District) Summer PD Physical Science Focused on improving teacher content from the weakest benchmarks during the yearSupports the revised pacing guide for physical science using the CPO labs as the essential lab contentLabs covered will be different than labs done in previous professional developmentOnly teachers who are scheduled to teach Physical science will be approvedUpdates: (District) Summer PD Chemistry or PhysicsBoth the Chemistry and Physics professional development will be based on the modeling methodCoursework will support the updated pacing guides in both coursesModeling strategy will be incorporated into all the labsSupport for state lab mandate will be provided

Updates: (District) Data for accountability throughout the year

Updates: (District) Data for accountability throughout the year

More benchmarks went up than went downBenchmarks that went up are from part of the year that has greater weight on the EOCMost of the benchmarks that went down had not been taught yet due to pacing guide changes; same goes for other side. Graph shows reflective nature of pacing guide33Updates: (District) Highest and Lowest Scoring Benchmarks

Updates: (District) Highest and Lowest Scoring Benchmarks

35Updates: (District) Highest and Lowest Scoring Benchmarks

36Updates: (District) Highest and Lowest Scoring Benchmarks

372013-2014 Pacing Guides (Updates) Physical Science

2013-2014 Pacing Guides (Updates) Biology

2013-2014 Pacing Guides (Updates)Chemistry

2013-2014 Pacing Guides (Updates)Physics

Updates: (District) TextbooksTo request assistance with the replacement of defective textbooks, schools must do the following:Provide the textbooks FSBD item numberProvide the original purchase order number used to order the textbooks in questionTotal quantity of textbooks in need of replacementBrief descriptionciting the reasonthe textbooks need to be replaced School name and work location numberContact person at the school Only those requests including the information described above will be considered. Requests must be sent to Stores and Mail Distribution (S&MD), via email at [email protected] Updates: (District) TextbooksThe request must either a) come from a school site administrator or b) have a school administrator copied on the email. Emails from clerical personnel or Department Chairs will not be considered if the school site administrator is not copied on the email. School staff must not contact sales representatives from the various publishing companies to report defective textbooks. For a list of all textbooks adopted for use during the 2012-2013 school year, please refer to the document titled, 2012-2013 DIML (attached in the weekly briefing) Updates: (District)Geoscience Camp available this summerThrough FIU2 weeks longLook for weekly briefingTropical ConnectionsNeed for more booksPut name on sign in sheetLunch timePlease be back an hour from nowTry to carpool to avoid congestionFast food restaurants around

Lessons to Learn:Recommendations for next year-Geography of content teachers (floor, building, etc.) to encourage collegialityCommon planning or common lunchLimit sixth period supplements; encourage planning timeMinimize the number of teachers teaching specific content matterLessons to Learn:Recommendations for next year-Geography of content teachers (floor, building, etc.) to encourage collegialityCommon planning or common lunchLimit sixth period supplements; encourage planning timeMinimize the number of teachers teaching specific content matterNo more than 2 preps; if possible Biology onlyEmbed regular instructional focus meetings within department meeting timeSpread honors classes throughout; share wealth

Strategies/Tools for next year:edGenuity: formerly e2020 (Biology)FCAT Explorer (Biology)FOCUS Achieves (Biology)GIZMO activities on line (all subjects)Teachersdomain.orgPBS.orgCrashcourseNBClearn (in portal)Learner.orgDiscovery videosBozeman scienceKhan AcademyHHMI.orgpHET coloradoEscambia countyHippocampus.orgEtoscience.orgRemind101 Text reminders

Strategies/Tools for next year: edGenuity (formerly e2020)

Strategies/Tools for next year: (Create a Class- (FCAT EXPLORER) in using username and password (Provided)Click on My ClassesClick CreateChoose Science mission-biology from the pull down menu and name your class. Example; 1st periodType student last name into search box, then click the correct student name for that classDo this for all students in that periodWhen completed go back to My classes and repeat for all periodsGo back to the Home pageClick View All my classes; click select for a particular period and click on Student Log in Handouts. PRINT THIS PAGE TO GIVE TO EACH STUDENTRepeat for all classes

Strategies/Tools for next year: (Create a Class- (FOCUS ACHIEVES) the small heading under FCAT Explorer title that says FOCUS Achieves and click on itUse the same log in from FCAT Explorer and log onto the FOCUS Achieves site (on the right side)Click on Import Class in order to bring class information from FCAT Explorer that you just set up from instructions aboveFrom the pull down asking for select a class from the FCAT Explorer Teacher Desk, select a class you wish to importFrom the pull down asking for select a program for this class, select the Biology program Enter a name for this class. A good idea would be to give it the same name as the FCAT Explorer classClick on Import ClassThe same username and password for the FCAT Explorer will be used by students for the FOCUS Achieves website as wellStrategies/Tools for next year: Bozeman Science

Casio PresentationIleana GonzalezRaffle and Give AwayGrab a number out of the bagChoose a bagShow everyone what you haveTake note of what others haveBargain and trade!!!Reflections/ AssignmentFollow up assignment: (TURN IN BOTH BEFORE YOU LEAVE)Write a summary (now) on how materials will be usedFeedback form (turn in before you leave)Email: [email protected] a restful and fun filled summer with your family and friends.Thank youFeedback

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