

j ,

WESTERLY, R. I., FIFTH-DA¥, 30, 1863.

! /I It wouf. have been bette. to fienee IdIght be, it, was nothing, hour OJ: against Christ is any wrong " Well-timed silence hath more elo-

done) 80, certtflnl) I" replied ther in sinfulness or mil/chief, to the sometimes the~ done to those in whom he dwelfs, quence than speech." Do oue child-~::::.c.::::==:;:::::;::::::::::::;::::::::::;;:;::~:::;:~,I(F're{!lluld,;dee~ly blushing. lie told to conceal it; aud that, but nelli is 'Very kiud them. and whom he makes his representa- ren to us Clamoring for' IIlJme

DAILY HAm. II Yes, fo1' the poor woman to for that lie of fear, tlie effects of his About half-past ten or eleven the tives 1 Me-thinks, when I hear of indulgence? A still mouth r:~~~i~~~~!i!ii~j h ' ;' hwhlllrD<I/sent it, is not only herself in negHgence might have been. receptions begin. The Pope, dressed patient, God-fearing drudge kindly glance rna,. reprove

:learer homo, Dellrer om . i'a;udlicatE) B1tatle-of h I h h . . I:l' t 11 tb . aowever dark; and lonel Ii ea th, but seas m tune. in white, aits in a large arm-chllir, the plantation, beaten with many them more ellec ua \ y a.n The path through which we roam; hueband, unable. to be moved; Bnt he was resolved that he wo,uld with a tahte betore him. He address- stripes, I am ready to say, Ye,.are words. !;:I:h;~~o:!n~l~ro:J~I~h.ed, as, bnt owing .0 no fault of his, not leave-Somerstovr,n till he had SOOIl as you two or three words in the scourging the blessed Jesus in the The" wise man" assures us that

Sbrlnk ball\{ WIth sIgh arld moan, is on the poijlt of bankruptcy, his these poor people settled in a good langnage which you speaK, if it lpE~risc,n of his poor helpless child "whoso ieepeth his mouth and big our camp-fires still are hghted I:"T""I landlord haR declared that, if lodging He therefore hired a con- is Frencb, Italian, ar. Spanish ,- he I read of a pious slave-gill tongue, keepeth his soul from trou-

"A day's march home," C! ill hed th do not pay their rent by to-mor- veyance for them, and superinte speaks a little En,gli~h, but German profaned to the vilest uses of lechery bles." ot "'I1tout - e Nearer home, nearer hom\e I he will turn them out intd the their removal tha.t evening to (the language of Luther) he abhors, to gratify the lust of her profligate Psalmist of Israel must have known

Ob, JOY beyond eIPteaa ni",ll!. ' h- 11 fhat over thorn lind ston.. Hdt,ree:t. and .,ize the very bed they ments full pf every necessary com- and an interpreter is ue~ary. Dur- owner, I am ready to cry out, Ye are the importance of t IS exce ence,

Our feet are homeward preNlng! an I . However, all you put the fort. ing fue8'e' receptions, he sometimes outraging Christ, who redeemed tha.t when he resolved: "I will take heed Feso~~~g:d:~i~~~~ b:~tpot~~- 1'I",H",r into the post yesterday, they "My good friends," said he, "1 signs requests for indulgences which helpless victim of your lust, lnd who to my ways, tbat I sin not with my The sunset Btlll doth lind U8 ilm,not get the fifty-pound note t'1day, cannot recall the mortification lR"e presented to him in writing_ wiil visit her wrongs upon your guil- tongne; 1 will keep my mouth with

" A day's maroh nearer home." they could not; for there is no disgrace which you have Soone of these requestl!;re conceived head. Know ye not that the body a bridle." II I am purpolled tnat my :liarsr home, Dearer homel 11d,elii'PI"vof lettela in London on~un- through my fault j but I 'trust that in the most consecrate forms, im- one of bis dIsciples, however low- mouth shall not transgress!' And • 0 many.maDilII °lbeJi d~\I\lg, know." you will have gained in the end, by pJoring of him .. indul ces a:t Iy, is the habItation of God through Peter, while earnestly exhorting ns, Beneath thy sb D 1"!Iu-. '111 I'" d

No tide. of grief"'8 awelllng; ". ',"rnd very trne," replied ree- leaving a cruel landlord, who JJad no moment of death, for ~hem8elves, the Spirit? Inasmuch as ye do Ihls says: "He tliat WI ove lie an Bce ~nd towards thy fadeless glory "'''OU, iu a tone which he vainlY-1 ded pitv for Y. onr unmeflted poverty_ their children, and other elatives, to abominable thing, ye do it unto good days, let him refrain his wngne

Wltb eager h ... t~ W~ come ,,- .~, " '1 d h' I' th~t they Repeatmg earth's brtef stPry, render steady. Lady Leslie's note will, I trust, the third generation." The "holy Christ. , trom tlVI, 1111 18 Ip8 m

'., A day'. maroa ilearer home:' " Therefore," continued Lady Les- reach you to-morrow; but if not, I father" cheerfulfy compli~8 with these When the poet Wbittier lead the speak no guile."-CongregafWnalu;t. Nearer borne, nellret home I lie, -/I if you had told me, whe we will make up the loss; therefore be requests; he writes at the bottom of narrative of a sale of human

Soon throu&h itI.Dp8Jl.po~ met, that the lettel'w8l!i bot gje, easy I anll when I go away, may I the petiti01l-Firtt.'PiG Ncmo. in New Orleans, and that the auc-The ransomed hosts wm come, I d . To welcome uslillmorUiI.; should have recalled Baynes, and have the comfort of knoWing that the 1&t6 po iticat BVe~-BOme briDg tionecr had recommende a fair-corn-Then be the ~ath hefo~~ us him off by the mail to Lo don; your removal has done you no barm I" him money, and others 'Offer him let- plexioned bondwoman on the stand f.~~t~j;{le~e~U~j~~~r~ ~~~~!: \ would ha\'e reachetl So- He then, but not till then, bad ters of condoTence. He WI'ltes at as a /I good Christian," the mdignant

"A day's march nearer h~me." ~inersto'~n;'_l"~_'~ the Bensons 'lih, in courage to write to Lady Leslie, and the bottom of such letters: .!mpTeal Quaker exclaims: good time j but now, though I own tell her the whole teQth ; conclud- vos dmltimts gr:atia, benedwate te Deus "A (n,rlSU .. n' gomg-gone'

EFFEOT OF A FALSEHOOD. "Are you returoinl!; immediately

to WOIcester!" ljaid Lady Loislier a WI~OW relliding near that City, to you office~ Who was paying her a murDllU1/l viait, I

" I j Can t do anything for you t" I

j you call do me II great kiDd~e811l. ,My confidentIal servant, K.VllP.'II. is out for the day and

do not like to trnst to of whom 1 kuow letter in Ule po~t-

contains a fifty'pounl1

is, a. large Bum W , .

it would be a comfort to me' to I send ing his letter thns : et tuam. famtlidm. Who bIds for God's own Image' for hIS grace him, for fear of accident, I coul/t "ot '" If your interesting proteges bave At two o'clock ilie pontifical din- WhlCh th,s poor vlotlm of the market place ... Hath m her suffenng won' get him back again soon eno~gh', not suffered in their health, I shall ner comes off, The Pope always

I h h .,.,oJ, .> b d' I F th t'll f h My God' can suoh thmgs be'

the~efore, I must let things take their not regret w at .a~'r.'appene" j e- mes a one rom roo lour e Hast 'rhou not saId that what,o'er lS done chance' and as letters seldom mis- cause I trust that It wJlI be a lesson sleeps. Everybody il) Rvme sleeps Unto Thy weakest and Thy humblest one, carry, the o~ly danger is, tbat the to me tbrough life, and teach m"ll from tbree tiII four. If you ask after Is even done to Thee' note may be taken od!." never to tell even the most apparent- a car~in81 at that hour, the reply is, In that sad vlCtlm, then, •


. . H.£ " H" I" SaVlour of pltymg love! I see T~ee stand, She might ha\"e talked au hour Iy trivial white he "gam. ow un- IS emmence seeps, Once more the Jest word of a mockmg band-

without answer or interruption; for impClrtaut this violation of truth ap- The Pope does neither more nor Bonnd, sold, and scourged _gam I" Freeland was too much shocked, too peared to me at the moment I and less than other people At five The poet was right. Chrisl's own much conscience-stricken to reply; Dnd how sufficiently motived 1 as it o'clock he rides ont, always with words warranted hiS rigbteous out­as he foond that he had n~t only told to avoid falling ill your estima· great solemnity, aceompanied by tbe burat of indignation. Jesus and his

falsebooi! but that if he had had tion; but it was, you see, overruled noble guard on horseback, by lxuets members are one. A cup of cold wa­Inoral cOll;age eno~gh to tell the evil ; and agony of mind, disgrace, and lItOl!8tgMrs, and from ter given to them iu hIS name fails truth, the mischievous negligence, of and perhaps tiB~ of hfe, were. th~ his benedictiolls fall in great not of its reward. A wrong done to which he had been guilty. could have of It to Ip.nocent IDdl- abundance. About seven the Pope is an insnlt to the Lord of been repQired j but .now, as Lady not to mentIOn my. o.wn takes sup~er, and then ~es his glory. Leslie said, it was too late! pangs of an upbraIding lit tbe billiard-table. At ten In the light of this truth we are

"Y ClI ; am told it is1the sa(' Bnt, while Lady Leslie became conscience. But forgive me, my dear aU the lights of the Vatican are ex- contemplating, the work of every est It is, however, talkative, and able to perform her Lady I;eslie.- Now, however, I trust tinguished. pastor, every Sunday-school teacher, qUIte necessary a person whom " .•• ,~,~~ to her friends, after she had that thIS evil, so deeply repen!ed ~Ir:l' Such is· the suecesslrEofEStH· Peter. and every philanthropist, catches a I can trust the letter in nnburthened her mind to Free- will be blessed to us all ; but It WI {" . ALL. new beauty and luster. As I sit in the box," ',"UlU"Jltl every minute m~~e be long befor~ I forgive ~yself.". FLQRENCE, Italy. T" my study, this morning, I seem to

WHAT OAN A OHILD DO? Suppose the httle cowslip

Should h .. ng Its golden cup, And say, " I'm such a tiny Hower,

I'd better not grow up ," How many a weary traveler

Would miss lts fragrant smell t How many a lIttle child would grieve

To lose It from the dell I Suppose the ghstemng dIlwdrop

Upon the glass should say, "What can a httle dewdrop do'

I'd better roll away:' The blade on whlch It rested,

Belore the day was done, Wlthout a ~rop to moisten It,

Would wither In tM sul1t Suppose the httle breeze.,

Upon a summer1s day, Should thInk themselves too small to coo 1

Tbe traveler on his way: Who would not miss the smallest

And softest ones that bloW, And thmk they made a great mIstake,

If they were talking so! How many deeds of kindness

A little chlld may do, Althongh It has so little strength, I

.And httle wisdom too' It wa nls a IIvmg spirit,

Much more than strength, to prove How many thmgs a child may do ~or others by lis love.

"Celtainly," i8t:~t,:allu more taciturn' and t~ough Lady Leshe was de\Jgbted With ' • . see a face of divine loveliness look-land. Then, ___ ,._.not eat with' appttitfJ, he this candid letter, though griev~ by DO ALL rO:l ~omusT. ing down on me from the walls and THE mSTORY or OORA'S rAITH. 00 he considCled threw.aown rather than drank, re- its painful details, while sbe Viewed BY REV. THEODOR"I L, CUYL&II. saying-Write all these truths for Last New Year's morning, Cora to be trusted, he peated glll~seB of hock and ~ham- with approb~tion the amends whic~ The celebrated Charles Simeon, of me. Feed rny lambs. Save those Louisa Bigelow tang out upon the HI salety in his IU81!lue.' to enable him to rally hlB. her yOUllg fflend had made, and hiS Cambridge. kept a p trait of Henry souls committed to thee by my Gos- qUIet air of the room, .. A happy leave; promIsmg he bu~ in vain. A naturally modest disregard of his own exer- lIIartyn hanging ov his fireplace. pel and for my glory As the Sab- New Year, papa and malIlma I" Af-dmner the next day, which ing'en1~0~ls and generous lIature can- tions. 0"" It was alwaYII in ght. Looking bath-school teacher lays down tbis ter a response which gladdened her

d shake oft', .the first componctious The note anived in safety; and np at it he used: t say, "There j paper and hurries off to his class, he heart, sbe added, with a softer tune, ur O!'biB lOad, Freeland met ~~~~;~1i~;'Er;~{lf conscience for bav Freeland left the afllicted conple bet- see tbat bleslled man I \Vhat an ex- will meet the blessed Savionr beside "My throat feels bad." She was IllS brother officers, who were an unworthy actionj ter in health, and quite happy in pression of counte Dce 1 No one his seat and hear him say, Whatso- only five years old, and lay in her

enongb for~t;lII'f.Y They went

honse, and Jam'etJ.lne~'er"lajtlf:I~&i~~ tie tree, that grew llIl "".~""-, without thinking what r.~Ii'.;"il; said.

How· vcirv:...pal~ieIll\ Father, and does ,ns UU'WII.'I,D11UI

do not serve himn ;1. 'it!~~J:7::=~ h bas God \1

incildentl ~:~~~~~!! at our Missionary Dacotahlf, doring the cre'pf the white

qur miSSionaries, Hin~an and Mi8il Welt,

Misl!ion HOUle, When'~:!~~~~t.a~ fierce war cry of the hea.r<I, and the awful commenced around the I alarm and

d d h a.180 been the means of i~.;\Jry j as his bounty and Lady Les- looks at me as he es. He seems ever ye do for the least of these im- II'ttle crl·b. But she rOJe, and was t~ pass tbe ay all nig t at " b d I f h h' ~ d . ~1"1 I th All on Ii Budden, bow- a e t t em not IDg to eSlre always to be sayin Be serious j be mortal souls, ye do for me happy during the day, requesting her

r vern; ant aK ey eVEJr:,'\,hi.. countenance brightened in a pecuniary poin.t of vie in earnest " :ao'YI't tri !' Then, slnil- Yea, more. When a Christian mother to sing-/I I have a Father in ~~~~g~'~~he~~ ~rcs8ed ulm to accompany Y f th Wb L d Lid he t h' d d h

h I and as soon,as tbe ladies Ie teen ayes Ie an me, s e IDg all blAVing to t e sweet, ler~ves the sauctuary or the commun- tile proml'sed land," and" Around the wboll.J lorgot t !l etter 1 • d h' h'1 h hi ed I dd Ins calC " and, having despatcb,ed hIe he starteli up, fleft his cumpli- praise 18 VIrtue, w Ie s ~e am thoughtful face, Si on wou d a , ion-table, and goes to his countmg- throne of God in heaven j" with aim-

, _' and; excuses with Lady L~8he's his fault, and they forti ed each /I and I won't-I wo 't trifle!' room, shall be be less a Christian liar songs she had learned in the Sab- A.~~'n~~~i)!~:! ~scrvant tu \Norceste!:, for his sac" L" d I I •

d baclrllllepbelw; who presided at dinner said other m the wIse an mor leBO u- So, fellllw-Vhristil , t\1ete ill hung there than he was in the house of bath·School. Cora W88 a sweet sing- traveled uit and utber things, tur,ne I.· I th' d' . b vali8ed' pressing call to W!orc~ster j tlOn, never to VIO ate trn agam, by the lvine Sp -t, a 'PlctuTe eo God, or at the family altar? No! , and greatly beloved in tbe school. and vi(,1e11oo

With IllS cOlllpanipns, there u:..tlIe LoIJdorl mail even on the slightest occasion j as" wr e,ee. It.. the heavenly For'there.ii..a:n hwisible Sav~our be- She grew sicker every day, but had he reached ort RiidgelejrJ~e:'i6l'~ r •• t of the dllY lin bl! thYu,,;- him8a"lf ihto a when told. however unimportant countenance of our blesJred Saviour. si<!e bu!! there, say!ng,. "Provide no fear of death. Ollen would she molested. but amusing 'idleness, IfOit:e and set off for Sdmers- may at the time appear, is like an The traces of the SOl/oW m me-gar- fIilllgS bonest in the sIgut of all men" stop ber mother while reading of hea- But it is \Bore pa·ritc~l~'f mente, Vlfthich may be reckone Leslie had named arruw shot over a housc, whose den of the ,agony on.. the crOSB, are -" Let not your good be eVIl spoken ven, and ask her questions about it. fmence to Miss , . .,.,,'"" para/we y virtuQus, ,if it lead$ to of Mary Benson_ is unseen, and may be unin- yet 'written on that visage, "marred oIl" yon are my representative Do Sbe said at one time, /I Shall I have write to yon. It 8eemti.~· .. , .. .., forgetfulness of little duties At least 'lliaid Freeland to hh:nself, t~ntinnl\lly t hI' cause, to Bome one, of more than any of t sons of men." Cbr';istian men of busmes8 always a Iillrp in heaven, mamma 1" beginni~g of the 19 not attended .. , ...... fltimeqed heart, 4' I .haUlDow agony or death. The serenest patie e sits on that remembe.t this? Do they always 60 Not long before she died, she in- to the h<mse of ~~tllUtti~~ tbi~'hnportant letter l'iavEt.tbe eatiafaotiQn of doing I all 1 faue j and it year B with a love keep tbm ledgers tbat they would quired, "Papa, are you willing Ito to try to SlIve the post, as he had clin to ~ep~it my fault." But, owing H1>W THE POPE LIVES AT HOME. stronger t!mn death. Holiness dwel}s be willing to have theIr Master audIt let me go to beaven 1" from ,th\~DlOr:de:rerl!' Freeland violated a ' to the delay occasioned. hy want of there, whICh canno look upon sm tb€' accounts? When a cburch-mem- Her father replied, "Yes, Cora, if with he might have put it in at horses !I.Iid by finding the ostlers at Your readers may be intelested save with abhorretlc ber wrings out the last dime from a God calls YOll, I must let you go; cape, a had not the rencounter inns in bed, lie did not :reach in knowing somethmgpof the TPhrivateh And that face of J sus seems Bver poor debtor, does he do it for C?,rist? but I would hke to have you s\ay paint ther officers bauished tbe Dnd the place of his destin a- life of the present ope. oug to be saying to U8 "Live for me. When he rents his property for a,am- with me." \ them given him entirely from his till the wrewhed family had beeu in these dayds h~e is. a .VP.~:rk~UblttO Wbatever ye do, d it unto me." sbops or brothels or haunts of vice- She said, /I Yes, I must go, papa, inmates ".". U"9U

Nor did he remember i dIslodged; while the unhappll wI.fe character, an IS reign IS ley 0 When we sit alone apd dejected, the when he drives a sharp bargain with and I want you to corne, too." as the In ~~~~~ii9i d was weeping, not only over t~e dlS' mark an epoth in the history of pol- countenance comes up near to us, misfortune or inexperience-does he The moruing of her departure she

~~o:D1~I;,O~~~h!fre way of being so temoved, a~d for itics and brel~igiodD il.l ~tatIY'tand ~bougb, and says, /I Let not your heart be do it for the hODor or for the shame looked steadily and earnestly toward8It~;~~~rl~'~ they met Ladv Leslie walking in own and her husband's increased ahs a pll hlCt a mlhn:8 ra °tr, e malYd troubled. Lo I I anj with you aJ- of his Sabbath professions? Ah I the ceiling, and with a glO~ing face Ii wad. J, ilIucss in consequence of it, but from ave muc 0 vex 1m, ye as an 0 ways_" When we are tempted tQ aiQ, my friends; it is not only from the exclaimed, /I Don't you see m, mam-

recc,lIectf the agonizing suspicion that tlie mis- bachelor at home he evidently enj the face rebukes U9 with the words, study-walls of pastors, but from the rna' dor,'t you see hl'm' W 0 is it'" At sight of her, Freeland I" d h " d t' " w, ., , I ed, with shame and confusion, tre8!l and friend, ,whom she bad so lie, an abs a k goo Ime ""PI""'''' .. Wound me not in the house of my walls of every shop, every counting- Her mother answered, II Perhaps it is

he had not fulfilled tlIe charge long loyed, and relied upon, bad dis- hIt mhust ~ nown aSt t f friends." And when we have corne room, and every hall of justice and Jesus." Instantly she 'said, witti joy, mitted to him " and faill regarded, the tale of her sorroVl1S, and Vt at. t e pnbvatet~fpalr maen s 0 r' h back ashamed snd disgraced from a legislation, that tbe countenance of .. Yes, it is Jesus, come for me I"

.,. had-refused to relieve ller necessities I atlcan are eau I u an very IC, cowardly desertion 1f hi .. cause in the all-holy Jesus is looking dowu She ~alled the phY81'cl'a", par-llave passed her unobserved I d d 'th Id d 'Ik Th ~ u I " ~ound a conductor to {lver oa e Wl go an 81. ere tbe hOllr of trial, oh bow that look saying-Do all fior me t d t d th W h S Ie was a woman of hIgh I' b' II en s, gran paren s, an 0 Ter est I t lie'" great lalents, and somll' severit .. , ,~~f~~i;:~~~f:~fe~~e;whiCh theBensons are, o~evder, OccdaslOnah ~ seen. a npbraids us as he seema to; say, Whether ,ye eat or drink, whether to her bedSide, and kissen them a and told ~\ie

"J • ~or they! were pamte woo en c alrs, ve.y .. Could ye not watch with me one ye buy or sell, whetber ye labor or db d k' t l' ttl l~~::!tt::~~r:rH was afraid ,tbat hiK I I I • bl goo - ye, sen mg a ISS 0 a I e had promised to 1l"rrotecl;!1Klt avowed, would not only cause their hard iate was simple, not to say. mlsera . e, sonv- hour?" Sometimes la poor, needy pray, whether ye rejoice or snffer, do brother not present. She then deeir- and the little ,{lU,IIU.

r b ~ b ' " but it wasi Borne enirs of the apostohcal plamnes8 of servant of God (lomes to us for a all for my glory !-Independent be carried to her mother'8 bed would do 00. "elf';ill:o*eat;v 10 orfeit efI"aV,or, ,u,' expose, th Th ay be said ,eu,'1[) ~ ... to her powertul 8arcasm. he could speak, a8 he anoherQa~~. I ce St'lmeGm d If d word or dee'd of sympathy or for a to dIe. Aod so she fell asleep. lives were;,BJ)IIre<jj

To IIvold,"being recog"ni~ed by their bedside) he Wi chok· of t «1 ulrma'fl' als e.dan 0 0, an gift to his necessities. SelfishnlJss What a bistory of faith in a child Miss .wherA' however, imp08sible j and QS Boon ed wilh painful emotiol\lj at lfirst- other pontI ca reSl enceS. . begins to mutter about interruptions, five years old'l What little child, Lady Leslie Haw him, IIbQ wuh plelt.Bing emotions afterward The Pope usually rises at SIX and the" many calls;' and the .. no then, cannot or will not be a Chris-


" Oh I C\IOPta.i.a,E(eelaocl, I iaoi his consCIence smote him for the o'c10ck in the mornlDg ; about seveu end to cases of charity." But the tian ?-'f1ract Journal. there, because they g ad to see Y,ou I , I bee~ pain he had occasioned, and spplaud· he says n:ass in a chapel which joins down lookin!l" Jesus Bays, .. Do it u!l- wily to that 'Vet;' houle uneasy concernitl ed him for the pleasure whICh nis sleepmg-room. The cardmals to me;, He Ill. one QI nJ:~ I'IlO.t"J ~1:III· WAITING FOR rRUIT. people tbat livett in gave I't to your blllitow. • - and: ROlDan bishops generally bave dren ~ give hIm for my sake." There ber 1I)0reo er hit

R .... h . h h h k k It was James' bl·rtb-day. He I v, w sucb " said lie, at lengtb, wbile the same habit. At orne, .. en a not astrugghngc nrc t at poc s take to avoid da.lna:.~r. into waited in almost prelate rents a furnished our heart, or a bungry beggQr that years old. His sister left ,her. She ,T""i'~}

r~t~~:::::t;;'lll;C~:~~:~·~j;:1~ hear his reaiOD for he places iu a closet a at {lilr door. for relieflj I him da .pretty. pursef, anbdl d d WbIOO:bop~~a~~8~~I:i,~~:~;:iN::'~:~~. lier~I~LYI,H .. ~~~~~~~ on theJll'o:--1/1 1 CQa'\e .Itar, where he says mass. Isn -.. pit- ha given 111m a our· a e d,b y",ur kind fdelld, of the apartments now rented to- t .. nce frame, witH a small silver plate on ,e f bl d

fOJlyilW'~ strangers, the remains of these tern- or a rags and his initials )lllltked 0 00. madam, ... ~ •. \,!"

oommallds _ II Tblnk; i;oDlI thank, y:ou 1"

ahe. II HQw you bave, relieved mind I"

He Jiad 80 i but he had ll~~~~u"l!.lhl~.2~~1 burtbenlid bie own'_ To be', Was oDly 'el wbite H~tbe lie of'fe.~;1 ShU he lIiM.aotj llsed; io lIlter hood j and • rel~ ~ : ~ellnDIl'SI \degradation, ()r this. earn that it' wall- m,r:~!~t~~i and Done tin tn' .. !lev·

p01ary altars and vestiges of these and broken on it. masses are found. The valet-de- But nothing pleased him so much

makes the resp<JDses on as a garden spade, and he had been these occasions; for the Pope, this digging at a famous l"a~e in the

liD(~apa:lvnlet is a-prelatt', a priest, ot a dea den all the afternoon. Alter ~"n"" con. '.t.,rt",d

r In the Vatican tbere are ten pri­t .... ",d'vate Valetg-de-c/wmbre; the most in·

chE!ek:s, atil are classed accordiug. to age, passing from the eldest to tbe young­est. Monsignors Stella, de Merode, I gr.I!~:El',

an Enghshmlln,) and mcci, foqr!pllrsclD@always near him.

company, and amus.e him laugh, which is

not a thing, for in prj vate life Pius IX. is always langhing and


At eight o'clock the" holy fatber" takes breakfast, which consists of aD<IHiC,·{lid coffee and some very simple acOOn:i-

paniments.' At tbat time Monsignor ~!~~~*~;~~:;t~t~:~!\~~~:~~~ Stells alone i8 present; be opens un- correspondence, reads it or gives

blit.~r.eC(lV- summary of it. It is the most vate moment of the day "At o'clock, breakfast being reads his private COl~rel!PO,nd<~n Tben Cardinal Antonelli 'Comes from biB rooms aoove, and enters • .nonlI ..

~tment of tbe Pope j he is very, ~t1e, very humble, a real . -bb addresses tbe Pope sometimes

Al.riidp".las II holy father," sometimes II

course the Pop8', and his wo:nde,rtll bles8ed.father/,-he praises the l[eIII-,a~:;[~~:5~;~~~~~1;~t~l[;j;i. k~~:::;I\~~:O:f~:II~:Jrair8 j he is inde'id h very servant. This'Jl'Olit-

a~~!~~r~~~l~~~~~r~~:~~~~~~~i:~~~~~inr'1I1!iIlf.:!'l!·~iiil~ring conversation, this labor ,of (~:~~!~~I~~~:11~lft~~~f:~~~;b1, b l1elrll'l~og:lnla' tbe minister, continue!! 1!1

• •



• J ~


... ') \ ..


lilt la&&at1l Ittordtr. I therefore, who believe in the Power; for however limited may be others. This done, he has the riglt him with all our hearts. , I of prayer, not fail to join in the number of slaves emancipated, to expect the earnest attention of ren aud sisters felt with more corifi-

our nation may be tbe power which holds them in bond- every hearer, and that no one will dence to adopt the Bentimen~, WISTEllLY, lL I" FInH·DAY, APRIL 80, 1868

thorough repentance, and may age is hroken, all its prestige is tntrude to prevent what this branch .. The glorIOUS time IS comIng In , forth fruits meet for repentance. gone of the service is designed to effect. :rile ~raCioUi work IS now be~,,,

The following very appropriate. I do not propuse to nutlCe the ob. The haul' for commencing arnves for whICh they had so long l waited, • -A PBO(IU'MATION H . . d h dh d d d S L th ymn for the NatIOnal Fas~ was JectlOns raIse to t e Proclamation One-thIrd or one.halfhis audience are an ope, an praye. OOD, () ers

J~?~~;~l~~~~~~~~;'~;f.~~~~'1 written by Rev. John Pierpont, and of Emancipation, snch as the impos- present He rises to read, expect~ng obtained. hope in ~hriBt, andlreq~est-........ II.~ published in a recent number of the sihllity of in places now to be disturbed His own inspira. ed baptism. April 4th, I baptrzed ,.,-_._." Wa~hmgton Chromcle. It IS really beyond the reach of our laws, or the tron, and often much of his self-con- two more; and on April ll~h, 'four-

lY.I!!~lJ~'~. C~)Z_ZlmS, Uover.i! a fast day prayer, in the spirit 6f the unconstitutionality of the measure trol, is gone. Doors clatter, boots teen othe:s. were ad~ed to ~he num-

.thol'st.t.tli ~;~~]~~!!:i~1:rii~~i~l~te::x!t found in ~Sa1ah: "Is it ~uch a Where our armIes penetrate, the shuflle half attentive ones look at ber of wl11mg candIdates tv fOllow

sub~ue th~ us the WIS

reSIst these upon

the ever devised by mall. The miseries of thIs wretched war bave pervaded every household, laId waste our oountry, saorlftced the lives of oUr pea. pIe carrymg dIstress and angUIsh In Its train, _b'os!des, handing down, as it will, through 1001 years ofsufforing, multitudes ot mutll.Ltt· ed forms of noble manhood l to meet us at every sooilin the journey or hfe, sad memo­rl&l8 of this terrible conllict. May we not IlOpe that God's good favor may again smIle upon UB, conquertng every element of eVIl. ChAD&iDIL the heart ef the rebel In arms, !tnd thul stop this cruel war. And while depend Ing upon God's bleSSing, let us be sure that we do rIgbl-let us save ourselves: from the fatal here8y at mistaking our pohtics for mir loyalty, our prejudloes or our self.lnterest for justice; and let us also 'remember, thllt among tho enomies of our peace are many of God's good olilldrel\, now suffering In angUIsh at their unhappy,l helpless condition, 10)'111 and devoted, it msy be, to "God and our ooun· try,lIO far as they! aro permitted or dare to exprell tb~lr sentiments. May we not aleo uIr. God's favor to aid them, and sav.e tbem from 80 much sutrorlng, and give them ho~e In a day of deliverance'

These, and all things else that we need In tbls day of our sorrow and trOUble, may G~d In mercy grant us, through Jesus ChrIst onr Lord anti Bavlour. ;

In testimony whereof I halve hereunto ~et my hind and aftlxed the seal at the State (at Newport this thtrteenth day of April. In tbe year of our Lord one thouSand eIght hundred and IIny-three, and of Independence ~e etahty46venth. WI(. C CO.ZEN"!

By tbe UoTernor : JOJlll R. IlARTtIlTT, SeOJetary of State


that I have chosen-a da:lf for a slaves are free; and be it near, or in and those who would lis- their Lord in this delightful ordi-man to afflict his soul; to bow down far off, the time will come when our ten are disturbed, whIle all seize up- nance. Of th~ eighteen whob I have his head lIke a bulrush, and to spread armies WIll possess the whole land on this opportumty to "get well already baptIzed, seventeen have sackcloth and ashes nnder hIm? Is Those who are so fearful of transcend- fixed" and do their coughing and been received mto our church Truly, not thts the fast that I have ctsen: lUg the Constitution, are somewhat whis~ering Thus surrounded the God has done great things for us,

190se the bonds of wickedn f~ss, to lIke the l'ories of the Revolution, mimster reads feehng that It i~ half for which we adore his blessed name, undo the heavy blll dens, to et the who wero very much exercised lest a farce, and glad when the lesson IS A n~mbCl of others are r~ady for oppressed go flee, and that yelbreak the Bntish Constitution should be through. To hIm and hiS hearers, it bhaPtIsm, w~o are soon ~o ~ollow. in every yoke 1" damaged by our War of .Independ- is a failure The impressions he had t e profeSSIOn of theIr falt~ IU Chnst.

In deep humlILty, ence. It is enough, that our Gov· hoped to make-are not made, and an The good work stIll contillues, a.nd WorshIping only Thee, Prostrate we fall, ernment bas buldly taken up the unfavorable colormg- IS given to the as It progresses further, I WIll 'WrIte

And wILUe Thy name we bless. tl t h h'l h ~ . And own Thy rIghteousness, gaun e, so aug tl y t rown down whole service thereby. The same is you agam. LOo~'±h:eu~:o~~lf~stress, by the rebels They say, .. We 6ght true of the singing The selectIOn Your brother III Chnst,

to raise a national edifice whose ' 0 M LEWIS. I

Our great sm we bemoan­Our fathers' anei onr own;

We cloak no more The hnndred years of wrong 1

We've nursed and made so strong;' The SID we've loved so long I

We now deplore. As soverelgD, on Thy throne Vengeance SIts not alone

To scourge our land, Mercy comes nearer Thee, And, on her bended knee, Holds back, with her strong plea,

TLy ohastening hand. Beneath the tempest'. tread The bulrush bows its head;

But when the blast That humbled It IS o'er, It IIfts.ltself once more As proudly as before

The storm o'erpassed. So be it not with us' But, whlle we bow down thus

Beneath Thy frown, I,et us, with penance meet, LIe lowly at Thy feet, And ne'er the sin repeat

That broullht us down

has been carefUlly made; but as for


W.l.R." I


.lldRIC.l. ! I f h h h f I

head corner stone is slavelY" Alld its effect, It might as well be one we say, "We fight for the sacred thing as another The soul and rights of humanity, which God gives power of the utusic of praise is lost alike to all men" It IS enough that III the confusion. Some SlUg, some onr Government, at last, acknowl- examllle bonne;tB, and thus the hymn edges what uur Constitution affirms, IS gone througb. And now, as the that" all men are created flee and mimster leads in that part of the equal." It is enough that our pea- worshIp, of all others the most sul­pIe are S:1 far enfranchised from a emn, and which ought to be the most great error, that they can willingly heart-subduing and soul-absording, acquiesce in a measnre, that two years If the same thing IS continued, what ago would have caused a revolution must be the result? Reader, ask Generations tu come will look back your pastor what the effect is upon to the noble men who have lifted the his own soul HIS words of prayer banner of biberty, with the same ought to form the center around reverence and admiration that we which every heart should bow to of­feel tor those who drew the sword for fer its own sacrifice. This he feels Independence. The prospect seems If the same disturbing influences dark for our country now. Reverses continue, he is CrIppled in his com­have come upon us where we least munion with God, and the prayer expected them. Those in whom", e ends With his own soul half warmed, trusted to deliver us have been tried if warmed at all, and the souls of and found wantiug. Enemies in the his hearers devOld of warmth in thc

If, as we have shown in II former article, there was no "Christian method of acting the soldier,"1 dur­ing the first century of the Christian era, and Jesus Christ did not ,,11ow hIS disciples to serve as sold(er~ dur­ing that period; the question' may anse, and should be seriously c~nsid­ered, Has he, at any subsefluent time, authorized Irs disciple$ to place themselves under martial faw, and become suhject to any milit~rYllead. er? This question must, uba~oida­bly, be deCided in the negatIve, if it can be made to appear that there i8 the least dIscrepancy betwee* the req!lisitions of martial law ana the commauds of Jesus Christ. TI say, Itre least dIscrepancy, for Jesus {lhrist does require entire and contiouous obedience to each and all of hi~ eom­mandments. ThIS statement 006S not

WIIBU.lB, tbe Senate of the United St:tt~s, n uture years, t e t oug t u devouUy recognizing the Supreme authorIty student of history will pause in won­and just Oovernmlmt of Almighty God, in I'll the alfolirs of men and of natIOns, has, b~ a der and admiratIOn over the record resolution, requested the President to des}!!, of the CriSIS through which our coun­nllte and set apart a day for national praJ(er and humiliation' , try IS passmg In the rapId whirl of

And wbereas It Is the duty of nations, 'liS well as of men, to own theIr dependence upon events around us, we are apt to over­the overrulIng power of God. to confess tholr louk much {hat is instructive', we

garb of frieuds are everywhere busy, same ratIO But we are on the right track. We What now of the Godward sidc of

. f I require proo to any careful reader

and disclose thE' portrait of child and .pouse, The center",",ual.,( lion eovers a miniature or couple. The medallIons, when cover.

ered, are of enameled gold, lOud i~~~~~W~~~~~~~ resent the sun-at its rise, mf'ri<liA,.l·~ and setting. At the back of medalhon IS a portrait of the old couple, while at the baek of their mmlatures is a frame comainmg the photographic hkene8ses of all the

grandchildren The medallions ure !!!il\~r!~~l&;~:,~~~~~I~~:;~i fastened 011 a gold ehain of tusl81el ~ links, l~ped up with cirllalar gold plates, respecttvefy inscribed with an inscriptIOn In Hebrew :e" F()r the Old Folks. Isaau Bernstein, J. Pe· care, and J. Herman." There were other presents, cand scveral speeches by pro Raphall and others, and the festival cLosed wi~h a ball.

• SPURGEON'S FIRST SERMoN.-On a re- Ut~he; 8':d=~: ~"('!0IJ4ed

cent occasiun, the printers of Mr. And ltay thT. SOUlr.PO:~m\{a:J~n~;~i~~~ The motber 8 grle , tbe Spurgeon's Sermons, in London, gave The stricken wIdow'S

Rising to Heaven on a tea and supper to tbeir fdends, to prayer, celebrate the publicatiun of his five Oh, Saviour, hear, and Bave spalr hundredth discourse, and to obtain These bleeding hearts I

• try's cause, funds in aid of the eminent clergy- And bind tbe nation's man's" Ool1ege for Trainmg Young Pour once "lIaln from "nt.t~r Y· t " '1 S d Lo.e'BpeaNifulstream lUIS ers "r. purgeoll ma e an Calm tbe wild tumuit address of some length, during which roar 1 he gave SOllie interesting scraps Let peace and frlendsblp bide

more ! mformation conoornmg hiS life. Thir- Bid brother$.Y the blo~~'lltl!lneIJ.~.01'd'4M'B teen "ears ago, he said, he was les.en-I To hail the dawning ing ~hool lU II country place j it was an occupation for whIch be was not quahfied, and which wall uncongenial to his taBtett. When he became CHINE -In a recent httle popular as a Sunday-School Home Journal, teacher,he was invited on a certain Morris and N casion to go to a place a few miles the following notice and give ont the hymns for a Grover & Baker man who he supposed was going to preach. When he had finished his chinp., which will part of the work, the young man told all of onr lady readers: hIm that he had never preached, and Everyone regard8 the 1l,,,111';~'''' dId not tlunk he ever euuld ; certain· chine as a bleBsing' to Fome:nl Iy nut that day; Le therefore called has been the saving of on Mr. Spurgeon to continue and do misery, and probably the preaching as well as he had done The" Song of the Shirt the reading. The latter assented, solete; the tnore; etilliv*!D.I~g. 1I&IIali and preached his first Set mono He" The Song of the !¥.lrin said his later discourses were rough has taken Its enough, no doubt, but they were 8U- through our la~ly.frriEmd.s, perfine compared with the earlier that would sti1;cb, ones of the series. The fact Iwas, one that could ma,ke he said, he had used a homely oyster hole in a garment. klllfe where a razor would have been ed that perfection had of no servIce. reached, knowing that

ments performM all the *11881ities alns and transgressions, In humble sorrow, I, yet With assured hope that genUIne repellt fail to look back along the track of

Rnce Will lead to mercy and pardon, and to

are doing justice, at least, to those who, however oppressed and debased

may be, are stIli our brethren, and we have the sure promise of God, that he WIll bless those who " break every yoke, and let the op­pressed go free" So let us thank

the questIOn? Have the importance, the sanctIty, and the holy solemnity of His day, His courts, and HIS wor­ship, no claIm upon us? Can a need­less disregard of propriety ot duty in these respects be less than a dIS­regard for HIm ~ It must be It is true everywhere else It is a uni­versal reqUlremeJt, that no person shall needlessly hsturb any public gathering which te will so far coun­tenance as to attend This is doubly true of gathenngs for the worship of God, on His day, and by His du ec­tion It IS m attect a want of re­spect for God's l'ord to disturb Its pnhlic readmg. it evinces a lack of regard and interett to take no part, either in word or SPIrit, in the songs of praise; and It approaches sacrt­lege to interrupt the communings of God's children "Hfu Him III prayer Now, I appeal to my readers, if all this is not done m~re or less by every one who IS not in hIS seat on the Sabbath at the hour for commencing service? How many who read this ale 1Il the habtt of waiting, eIther at home or about he doorway of the clmrcb, until time for the sermon, as though the open ng exerCIses were of too little account to be attended I


It seems to me, that If th~ !premi- ~Ir. A .S Beck.with,. of H~rtford, ses I have now laid down are ~dmit- C.onn, dIed at hiS reSIdence In that ted to be trne, the points of 4iscre, City, one d~y last week, in his 65th pancy between the requisitians of year, ~f dIsease of the heart. Mr martial law, and the la'Ws of Ghrist, BeckWIth was I?orn I.n Hartford; are so obvious that the decision of commenced busmess III the book

sewing Bot it seems the .. accomplishments"



\ I I


recognize the sublIme truth, announced ID years for the causes of these events, the Holy Sorlptures and proven by all hls h . I .. torlrthat those nations only are blessed wlldse or forwal d to note t elr IgItlmate re-Go 18 tbe Lord: It I Ii t I f And, II/somuch as we know tbat, by HIS ill SU s presume ew rue overs 0 vine law, nations, like IndIvIduals, are s1)b· our cuuntry are prepared to dellY jectod to punlsbments and ohastlsements In tbls world, may we not Justly fear that tbe that Slavery has been the principal awful o .. lamlty of olvll war wblch now de~o f t t b" It , late. tbe land, ma .. be but as a pUnIshmqnt cause 0 our pre1len rou ,es Inftloted upon us tor our presumptuous SIM, follows then that if we rid our-to the needful end of our natIOnal reforma'l ' , tlonasawholepeople' We bave been tlie selves ofthe cause, we shall also rId reolplents of the chOIcest bountIes of He~,· I h tr d en. We hl\ve been preserved these many oUlse ves of t e euects. How to 0 rears, In peaoe and prosperity. We have tbis has puzzled many wise heads

I grown In D1.'mbers, wealth and power, as no J

othr n.tion has ever grown. But we have and honcst hearts. Fur many sears forgotten God. We have forgotten the g~a .. ' olou~ hand which preserved us In pMce and Emallclpatwn was con~mplated by multiplied "ud enrlcbed and strengtbened us; h 'd I S ~, b­and we h .. ve vainly IlIIag\lled,1O tho deceit t e 01 er s ave tates, as" a !ery pro fulnel!8 of our hearts, that all these blesBlngs able and desirable event· hut of were produced by some superior wisdom and ' virtlle-6f our own. Intoxicated WIth unblo, late, one avenue after another has ken IUOCeRS, we have become too self SUffi~l' bId '1' d I ent to feel tbe necesslly of redeemlDg and een C ose ,u.ntJ It seeme a most

I preserving gr.lce, too proud to pray to Ute an impOSSibilIty The slave was so God who made us! .

It behooves us, then, to bumble oursel~es hedged III by unjust and Illfamous before the offended Power, to confess our OR • tlOnslslns, and to pray for clemency and enactments, tbat, III law, he ceased !orlllveness. 1 t b h b t t '1 Now, therefore, In compliance WIth thIS .e. 0 e a man- e was U an ar 10 e quest, and fully concurring In tbe vle,,",of But now when man had made it well the Senllte, I do, by- thiS, my proclamatwn,. ' designate aDd set apart Thursday, the 3~tb mgh ImpOSSIble for man to lemedy day of April, 1863, as a day of natIOnal "4u h I G d h h d hI' mlllatIon,llIljtlng and prayer. I do ber<iby t e eVI, 0 as touc e t e save s reque. all tbe people to abstain on that "'''y chains and they drop asunder as flax unite at their several places of publIc wbr in the fire What seemed so very

God and take courage s


",Ve ought to get to meetmg on the Sabbath earlwr A loitering habit is too common among all peo­ple, oUlselves not excepted If there was any necessity for thiS, or even a plausible reason for It, it would be less reprehensible. The more prom­ment causes are, probably, a negli­gence as regards time in making our preparations, and a disregard for the- openmg servIces. Some of the objections to thIS habIt, as regards the earthward side of the question, are:

Ftrst, with reference to the hear­ers The effect of the habIt of 10lt-

• from their ordinary .",cular pursUIts. an<\'to I ' ship and their respective homes, In kGepll1g tbe day holy to the Lord, and devoted t<i a I hard, I" now so very easy, that we ering m preparing and startmg, IS humble dlsoharge of the religIOUS dutIes pta· can scal cely creul t uur senses "Ve d • pel to that solemn occasIOn. r . too patent to need Iscussion The

All this being done,ln sincerity amI trn,b, can hardly reahze that now-this opening servICes are usually readmg let us tben rest hUillbly In the hope aulh9r. ized by the Divine teaohlngs, that lhe Nallon very hour-a whole race is belllg of the Scriptures, singing, and pray-wiD be lIeard On high, and answered With t f f tl I I blelJ8Jn~, no leS8 than the pardon of our na, se ree rom Ie VI est s avery on er. "Te no doubt far underrate the tlcnals ns..!. and restoration of our now dlvld· earth for our slave system bad value of these upon our hearts, both Now, a fight con~eption of the duty ad aM Hunrlng country to Its former happy' , , condition ot ulllty aud peace. enough in itself, is rendered a thous- as hsteners and 1Corsh~pers. Few Of. hea. rers to ~hentsel. '!les., would se.t

In wItness whereof, I have hel'euDto set my. .. th ht th bl t t th handandcausedtbesealoftheUmledStates and tImes worse, m that we claIm to portions of Scripture can be atten- IS rrg ; elr olga IOns 0 CIr to be dud • b tl f d t . t II' pastor would If all ed t DODe at the lIlty Of Waslnngton. this 3Utb e Ie teest an mos III e Igent trvely listened to, without much ,,ow 0 govern

day of )Iarch, In the year of our Lord people iu the world. good being rccelved. Often, each them, forbid all SUcl.l lateness; and ODe thousand eight hundred and sixty" th d d G d f

[L.8.] Ilirr"' and of the Independence'lfthe And when we look forward, what verse is a mine of wealth, fnll of in- e more sacre utles to 0, lone-Un ted Ststes the ~~~ir;!!Vt~~~LN. a day of glory dawns on our vision I struction and reproof, and these im- half conceived aDd lived out, would

B,. the President: Th f' t h.k pressl'vely read, and heeded, become c6nstrain us to always be i.n our WILLI.lX H. S.W.UID, Secretary of State. e progress 0 our coun ry, s ac -

led and ruled as it has been by the a most efficient means of grace. places, befOIe the hour of HIS ser-FAST DAY. slave power, has been unprecedent. They are drawn from the fountaw, vice, If we cannot do this, let t~cre

The ·N ational Fast, recommended ed. What will it be now that the and in purity and power; and must, be given an opportumty for entermg, in the Proclamations which we print chains are knocked off? Never be- therefore, surpass the best efforts of when serVIces shall be suspended, this week, is lIkely to be observed fore did any government hold in its the sermon; and none of us read so and let no one enter other than then. with more than ordinary solemnity. hands snch momentous issues-such much at horne, that we do not need GLEANER. Circamstancell have conspired to im- noble destinies, as ours does at pre- to avail ourselves of the bene6t of preBII'tbe publil: min~ with the p~o- sent. The del!tiny of a great l1aiion this branch of Sabbath exercises REVIVAL IJ WALWORTH, WIS. PIietl of the appointment, and to hangs on its acts, and upon the fu- Singing is a part of wor8hlp, and The following letter was probably erea\e a deep interest in the servicell ture of this nation hinges the destiny every heart that can feel the spirit intende,il to commun!cate mforma­of tlJe day, Although we of the of the world; for no other recognizes of prayer and praise, ought, as a tion to U8 personally; but the mat­Northern States are comparative so Jully the rights of Humanity. duty, to enter mto thIS, in spirit, if ter is of suchgeneralinterestthat we strallgere to the severities of civil Men may cavil as they please-they not with the voice It is especially take the liberty of printing it . w"-"';et there is a general feeling may complain that the Government 6tted to warm and arouse the heart, WALWORTH, /iVIS , April Wh, 1863. th~t the judgments of God are abroad does too much, or too httle-that It and prllpare it for the coming ser- I am in Walwol:th, endeavoring to in the land, an~ that it becomes us usurps the power belonging to the vice If this be true of reading and labor for the advancement of the to bumble oorselves under His mighty J: 'Ople; or that it waits untIl driven sllj'ging, what shall we say of prayer, cause of Christ. God has added his hand. \ If we are. not greatly mls- by the people; the fact stall~ opt "the Ohristian's VItal breath ?"-that blessing to the efforts of his people, taken, thJ feeling is almost univers~l clearly, that no other ever acco\J:t- part of worship in which belieVing and we are enj~g II reVival of re­~lIt Slav"r,. iii the cause of oar pre- plit!-hed 80 much in so short a space hearts are m duty bound to unite? ligion I spent ,ome weeks in visit­selIt troubles, and that, as a natiolJ, of time. Nobly indeed has it come The hour of prayer is doubly holy- ing our families and holding prayer we bne merited all we ha-ve suffered, up to the work appointed for it. Ak~ the hour in which we seek forgive- meetings from house 11) house, with by our'diBregard of the rights of the noble are the results of its promb~ ness for past sin, and blessings for occasional evening preaching. The colored man, and Our gradual depart- Q.ction. I pass by the immense army future life-hour in which the soul interest fina.lly reached such a poil1t ure Cfom t6e principles of Freedom raised, and equipped, and sent forth ascends by faith to communion with in our meetings, that the church re­ap-on wbich our Government was ~o speedily; tbe navy, created as if God-moment when earth should commended 1101ding extra ones, as II!' t .' I

, trade; but he Boon removed to Prov-thIS qnestlOn UlI~ht be safpl)'] referred Idence, R. I, where he carried on the to the reader, WIthout further largu- book trade for several years success­ment Is it pussible, that IllIt dis- fully He returned to ¥artford about cernlllg mind, acquainted witij this 30 years ago, and smce then has matter, can f~ll to percei~e: tbat operated larlFely m stocks. and rail-

. . . ,". road secnrItIes, accumulatmg a for-many of the req u lSI tlOns of mjBrtlal tune estimated at one and a quarter

We are Jed to make having recently seen cloaks elaborately em:broifl this Sewing Machine. seemed to excel by hand labor. rapidly and cheaply work has a more regul quently a much more pearance. What is ble al-out this novelty chiDe which execultes ful is the in all other reapecits--',t1llc'l ing :quality pd€litic'n its malIY other hemming, etc.


law are antagonistic to tile Spirit mIllion dollars. Mr B. was not only and' teachings of J esus Chri~t r; Mar- wealthy, b:ut liberal and public spir­tial law req uires implIcit obedience Ited, especIally III promptIng the wel­t th . ffi . fare of' the soldier. One of the last o e supenor. 0 cer. Tbls officer acts of his life was iIjtended to give

may be a Cathohc, a Protestant, or $50,000 as a trust fuJid for the bene- spreads a botl~iful and Infidel As to his life, fi~ "nd r"li"f of sioilc, wOlmded and The prlDcip .. l '''''t:in1,eR

HE,,'OON:TINIE*,lL :M'OIrr*,y for May

be moral, or religious, or dIsabled Connecticut soldiers A Prairie State, hy fane and wicked destitute days ago, findmg that he was failing land; A Winter pnnciple aurl' reckless rapIdly, he sent for q:ov,. Bucking-

, hAm. to consult WIth him In regard Hammond; In means used for the to the best mariuer or 1Ip](Jl'·fDJ5-~;"_"i-s .. uLcllT-,Jp,>H.~ . .:A of any desirable end. He m a donatIon. The papers were all by Edmund f.:.ll~~:b,IWII loyal or dIsloyal a friend t<1 drawn up in legal form, but Mr. tonia, by Carlton' Edwards

. '.' Beckwith was too far gone to be able stitutlOns, or'an enemy to affix h' . t It"d th tine of To-day; National • . • . . IS SIgna ure. IS sal a and a traitor III dlsgmse his heirs will allow his manifest wish Surrender of Forts Jaclli:sp'n positIOn, he may be mild, and intent to be fully carned out. Philip, on the .Mississi.ppI sympathetic, or he may Rhyme and Rhythm; and morose, despotic and ov~~~ble*lrjn,g. PROGRESB" AliONG THE METHODI8TS - the Union, by W. H. M!!llE~r Whatever may be the COIHaCte'!'. The New York Conference of the Song-Earth's Lalit na'ttlc'l; principles, or the purposes Methodist Episcupal Church closed Testimony; The Destiny itary leader, there is no alt!mJiative an interesting session 011 Fourth-day can Race in the United for the soldier but implicit ob'~d\i,en(:e of last week In matters pertaining Rev J. M. Sturtevant; to his mandates Thus we "PI';-'P;V<> to the welfare of the country, this ceslfol? Tbe Union, the soldier is reqUIred to another as his master, Christ; but Jesus said to pIes, "One is your Ohrist." How plain it is, requisitions of martial law I

tagoniIitic to the Gospel law_

Conference be.ars away the palm from Walker; The Oauses and ~salt8 all predecessors. It has pll8sed a tlie War, by Lieut. patriotic series of resolulions, each Great Heart; Literary N()ijc:eB. one having the true ring of loyalty l:li1Ibed'by John F. Trow, in it. There were but. two ,oices New York, at $8 a year, POiltll~re raised agaiIlst these clear, end emphatic resolutions, and they were drowned in hisses of disappro­bation. A man of doubtful loyalty,

inspired apostle enjoins, " enemy hunger, feed him; if give him drink" Martial quires that the supplies of shall be cut off, and every

re- who applied for 'Admission to the Con­ference, was rejected by a majority

SET, in connection with running through Pittsburg,' Pa .• DOW form 1

Central Route to Oilllcin11llr.t!i'J and the Far West-a growing in popularity

of vote. comfort withheld, leaving no 1.1IiP.rlo,,-tlve for the suffering foe, I sion or death. The gospel "Recompense to no man evil" And again it is not, I will d& so to him as done to me." The martial law, oC frequent occ~urrj:!tlCe, are in direct oppositIOn to precepts AZOR -'l'""p'''.

The leading Jews of New eently had a good time in bration 01 a Golden W"U1Jlll,g City Assembly Rooms. pair were Zion and Louise Helrnsteiln, and one of the attractions of

I • a processIon

becollIe acquainted ges. It passes country rich in aglrtC~lltulrtl chanical imlpro,velnelltll,

LllIER.lL OFFERs.-The Lawrence University, a Methodi8t College in the State of W 16consin, 16 in debt $21,0-00. The Hon. Amos Lawrence, of Boston, who has already besto,,­ed munificent donations on the Uni- ing iD loman~ic .cen~rJ', I 'EJtpr,ess Tram for the versity, now offers to pay $10,000 of N Y II: t 'J l' the debt, provided the other friends t' ew or a cd of the College will give $1l,000. ~nnee I:ns BOd ~rrang And then the Hon. Ii. Claflin offers, hours ar sat"l!hh.1 y talting

. ave never ~~ when the above amount 18I1eenred,. .1. t to to bestow $10,000 more as an endow. palltlng ovboer ::-a rou i

t perlonl w ",ave men. b 'ved h , 80, we ave reeel t e

MISSIONARY OPJ:IUTIONB.-The ing reports of itll I

utive Board of t,he Seventh-day Bap ment aod attractiveness.

roJiAA84. n Buch cucumstauces, a by magic; othe enormous loans, 80 become oblivious, and nought but long as the state of feeling might N~al Fatt is most appropriate, quietly and readily raised among thoughts of God possess the heart. justify it. On th~first of March, we and a amllhould be cOllscientiously obsen- ollrselves But, let the freed slaves Such an hour should be marked by commenced holding meetmgs every Bons daughters

tist Missionary Society, lit a meeting hp.ld on of last week, voted to employ Eld. James R. Irish to labor SIX months among the feeble

el- churches in Allegany Co., N. Y., IUId AB- Potter Co., Pa. Tbey also voted to off Bend Eld L. M. Cottrell on a six. elf! of the District of Colnmbia answer. that speaking silence which tells of evening in our Academy, for preach- ROoms were

;fn what manner to observe the day, Let the Territories, freed forever from the humility and earnest supplica- ing, followed by exhortation and and other pe'cuiiar-Iyf weeks visit to Olifford, Pa.

80 *bat it lIIay prove in the highef\.t the curse of slavery, answer:' Let tion of the creature in the presence prayer. We have continued them PJ'9priate decorationsI:fr~~n:~~!~~IO~~ cies, and nearly 300 \depee~ptable to. God and useful the tens of thousand of r!ljoicing of the Creator, All this, in the na- nearly every evening since, and with them the prtll(;ipal CIIRlSTIANA, WII,~A ietter from ~,m'II, Is a question upon which freedmen answer. No mother will be ture of the case, is demanded of a growing importance in the esti- city-witnessed the novel spl!ctj~clle, Christiana, Wis, dated April 21st, the", .' be differences of opinion. compelled to see her child sold to the every attendant on worship. mation of the people. Backsliders The little Louis HL~e;l:b:~rtO~n~'r:~~~~J;~~: says: "It is :quite sickly about here Fo&::o~rlart, we dQ not con8ider th., buyer oi:.souls, beneath the shadow Now consider the question, as re. from God and duty have been re- ~~hPr:S:~:~d~~ g at present. Prof. Cornwall's wife it prelllUt 1 time for confes8ing in the of the Cllpitol-no human chattel lated to the minister. He has Be- claimed and revived, and sinners con- made a very grElat-grilndlilJ:al ~IPeecbl to be buried to-day.l' KIIIlU:80U i, abltraot oar depravity and shorti- will be scourged withiu the sound of lected with care a portion of the verted. -by proxy. ar,all1,.toe~"IHI coUiijr{l ; it ill a t.ime rather for con; the voices boasting of ou.r free gov- "word" whioh suits his subject, and On the ath of March, we repair"ld their parents a memorial THE FIIENCH are having a hard time , te._JilI a. nd I fro. m that pal'r er.nment-no gang of cham. ed slaves by the reading of which he hopes to to Genen.lake, our p1ace of baptism which is entirely unique. It in Mexico,!if the reports from that lDqttackehldmll'!h'or • 1 b b J d h II be t th t 'he lier, representing a trunk . be d the loath .ICU at liD" I~ Is aum~tte to av, WI sen ence o. r~ce 8wamp prepare the minds of his auditors for for the Walworth Church, where and its branches The LrU,U", regIon can ere ited. The lateat . ii!,lin"j'~~-tqldiler b.l1Iu,bt UPOI1 Q' our nlltJonal calamll- or cotton field. There Will be no what is to follow. He has studied baptized two young ladieslnto Christ solrd gold, with the imtials Ii report is, that they Buffered a total River, I ~1~,I'~llrbt h". j n '11 ~!-lIIIant t~ know(~h.~ \'nore Kansas wa~l!, nor any ~ore to become familiar with both its let- It was & beauiiful Sabbath, and the in dia.monds, in the center; defeat on March ntb, 108t 60~ ]"ii!°!anL:oldjij_"id~ "AIO-",,,,,,,I),' our ~""nmeijt I. taklllg the I1ght .chemes fur obtai411lg slave terrItory ter and spirit that he may read it rich b1eS8ing of -oM 'lloJIpeared to trnnk five stems branch off, and 8,000 men, and have given up -tMt'P/ie 4t!~r~~ tbat sin, aiid that at our noighbor's expense. Nor will the more im;ressivel~ He seeks rest on the congl:eptton:". indicating whIch re8ts O? a medal-lion. further pperatiOllI! agai. Puebl .. ..,en "1 n~. 'COnaUtteDCY in ukiDg our country agai~ be J'nled by the for his own heart tho, power of its thAt thll Savjo)lr :waS, ~ lIJl).d wil- th~ ,:.e~alho~ r. can be THE LEG18LAfulR OF ~~,,: YoJl1t

• to be deliyereid fJ'om it. Let th08e~ greedy and unscrupnlous Sla..e inspiration, that he may inspire ling to do Cor ~, if we would seek ;~esel m:d:Ui::s o;~~ ~ith a ~p*ing fourned, April 25th, sine die,

I· • ,


LY -:;::::::- ;.i lr-' lit down from Mllhken B Bend. , ... nM ~ .... , _Stitt. ng that mornmg the rebel wharf

L 0 battery VICksburg came float

GreenVIlle MISS (one hundred and twenty five m les ahove Mllhkens Bend) and the ICglOn of the Great Sunflower rver has met WIth re markable success 1 avmg captnred twelve or fifteen I nnred head of cat tIe three or four huudred n ules and se leral thaI Rand bushels of corn III

add tlOn to destroy ng ten or t"elve tl ousand busbels belongmg to the foe The retjels In theIr retreat he­fore our fo ces burned large quanti ties of cotton along the great Sun flower wh cl I ad been disposed

sterdam through North Holland to­war~ the sea to be thIrteen mIles long two hnndred feet WIde and twenty fonr deep ThIS canal WIll shorten the d stance from Amsterdam to London and all portB south of the Texel by about e ghly m lei! 80 that vessels w 11 soon be enabled to reach tbe sea III a feF hours whereas the prEsent JO Jrney over the Simluger and tl e North Holland Canal now oc "uples several days and sometImes weeks

.,TaB Seventh day Baptist In AY ER B BARSAP ARIL LA the Cit,. of New York Rev Wm B M:a:~01", THIt WORLD a OBE"" BEXl<DY FOB




JoniK J: MERRITT bath In the Hall of the From Emery Edes a well known merchant 11 0 clock A M on the corner Oxford Ma ne Avenue and E eventhStreet 1 have Bold large quantities of your Sa-

111'''' ""'WS OF THE WEEK. g down tl e stream she had been "JlD .l1.u and uBandoned dr fted

lh s week opeuR w th fiue w~atb ashore and was butnt by the rebels 1 every thl g ndlCales tI at we themselves the next mght On the

a II e eve f 8tll I ng mlhtary 31st the SWItzerland and Albatross fe Gel Hu k r who hllB been gunboats Jomed the Adm ral s ves reI tl e R Ippahaun ck 8el and thc three proceeded down


SJ.PUILU but never yet one bottle which fa led of the deIHred ellect and full Batisfae t on to those who took t As f""t as our peo petry It they agree there has heen no

Il:lPORTER W~OLE3A.LE STA,TtOll(flIQ, AndjSolo Agent for


Ashes Pots S8 25 I;'earls nom na med e ne 1 ke t before In our oommunlt}

=~x,;tSM~:'~ iIo:u~~~0@6 90 for va E~~t~~~tci~P~~:El~~1cft~ Dr~s

MIUJl PAPERS Cons "t ng of Commercial Notes

B Vagal and ~ooll Caps

r ous grades N Y Smte 6 60@1 0 fo~ West EASES OF THE SKIN ern extra 7 05@7 25 for sh pp ng Oh n 1 30 I d @8 00 for trade brands 7 20@9 50 fo" St From Rev Robt. Stratton Bristol Eng an

the fiver They looked for the wreck NO 18 BEEKMAN

Near ~ Ii III before I UD and of tI e Ind anoia but were told that

he hast J IRt d H vered and uro 1t had shd off mto deep waM and LOU18 extras Rye lor 3 i5@5 4Q Qorn Ion y do my duty to you and the publio Mea 4 10 for Jersey 4 60 for Brandy'" nil when I -add my testimony to that you publ1sb

Also Propr at a d So 0 Allent

gra d rebel arrang€ment d sappeare 1 GOing on to Grand Feathers-Me for prime Wes ern of the mad e nal VIrtues of your S"RBAPABIL SUMMARY OF liEWS Ora n-Wheat 1 S8 for red Westerh 1 48 LA My daughter aged ten had an alii cting

low ng new and uselularllclH OLIVERS PUElff ERABIVI

g early news flom h s Gulf the Adm ral trIed tbe rebel ll'at f l ta terles thel(, consIsting of two or

to tI e Confederacy III exchange for boud~ of the RIChmond gover I K d be ff @I 58 for Ch cago Spr Dg 1 55@1 60, for humor n he ears eyes and hair fot years,

napp ng negroes to run 0 M Iwauk e Club 1 8@1 90 for wh te 0" 0 wh cb we were uDable to cure unt I we trlea This is di!li~relit v.~t~~~I: made To

adqu te s by n ea S ofJ a subma th ee heavy guns and a field battery n6 tel "rllpl between Falmouth and Our boats were struck a few t mes

F de cksb I" Of e IIllportaut 1m and ODe man was kIlled tl18 was t I ~ s Iccess s remuved Gen only dam 1ge 'II e boats anchor

d a 110 I as been !hud bound Grand Gnlf for the n ght R S caB W n AplII 1st they went dow I to tl e

r n 8 ce IS uut agilll proof of th of Red Rver destroy ng a w cl S 8~C III tl e late g~l1al1t and many flatboats on tl e route

f I dash 11 McMlIlllvllIe blockaded the Red RIver nnt I aU e,~ 6tl tl t t It s Ie IS m Kentuck), Icady ) w no Irnpor an res

B n d th Y weI toto Bayou Sara lak tl e field III person lin re e they fed the fish of the M BS S

ment IUto Kentucky has been practiced Rye 1 05 for Jersey 1 08 for N Y St)!. e your BAllBAPl.R LL.I. Sbe has heen well for KE~T(,CKY on an extensive scale \U St LoUIS Barley 1 45@1 60 Barley Malt 1 56@1l 60 some montbs

I I h d~1 Wh e Beans 3 20@3 65 From Mrs JaDe E R ee a we known Gen Burns de telegraphs to tl e ate y The plan IS to n" e ne Hay-75@90c t r East aDd Nor h R ~en much es eemed lady of Dennisv h

War Department an acco nt of the groes claimed as runaways IUtO the HOps-I6@25c M to qua ty Cape May Co N J destrtlCllon of the towu of CelIna calaboose and then carry them over Lumber-Eastern Sprnce 18 00@20 00 My daugb er has suffered for a year Pro~\StOns-Pork 13 12 for pt me 13 M@ WI h '" scrofulous erupt on wb ch Wall WIth 100000 pou ds of bacon 10 tie river by the omn bus load at mId 1525 for mess Beef 9 50@1l 70 for ~an troubesome Noth ng affor<\ed any 000 busl els of wheat 10000 bushe s mght keep ng them n the railroad mess 12 OO@13 50 for extra mess Lar" 9i nD I we tr edyour SARSAPARILLA wh ch soon f d I h t @10 c Butter 17@20c for 0 d New 1]0 k comp ete y cur~d ber

o corn 100 bal rels of wh skev 100 epot ute rnorDlng It aID s arts Sta e 19@22 or new 2 c for OraDge Co From Cha es P Gage Ji:sq of the widely barrels of flour a cons derable quan wben tbey are sh pped off to Evans n pa s Cbeese 100ac fo var ous grafles known Gage Murray &, Co manufaotur t t f fii I d VIlle by raIlroad Several contra Potatoes 150 1!l bb for Peach Bows 12 12 e so eDame ed paper n Nashua N H

Y 0 sugar co ee tca rna t an h b @2 25 for Mercers ~weet p ota oes 4 ¥O@ I had for several years a very troub e otber stores and 40 boats wh cl had bands holdwg frec papers ave een 4 75 some humor D my faee wh ch grew oon beEn uSi'd ID transportwg goods from re-enslaved ntis manner On ons 3 OO@ 50 stan) vo se unU t d sfigured my felltures

Tal ow ll@ll~ "e and became aD nto erab e alii ct on I tr ed Burksv He and other po nts on the An Immense copper nugget 1 as CI\lt a most eve y h Dg a man con d 01 both ad C 1mberland 'II e rebels Ieport a been dlBcovered at tl e MIDnesota Voo o@ tiC r Oh 0 a d co and med c De but W thout any re ef loss of n nety k II d but Col Gra 1m ue Lake Super or About th rty F oece wha ever un I I took your SARSAPAB LL.l

Ise a J attempt uf th lCueld to w tl tel thousand sacks of re P k II at S atc Gel Gra! t con ..

A ew and usef I artlcle oO:lIlb1trIDltl· tbe use~ of two Ind .pensable tlung.

00 v g od base t opel atro s agaIDst It s U8se ted on offio al author 'cksl rg I a, ng plaQed a ~ rce at Ity tl D t tl e fleet of Adn lral Porter

It rnrned a e y made my flicf' worse as you PLATT 1:\ PATENT PORTABLE "'n.o;"VI! PRESS.

... f I and tl e a my or a COl SIder able por \\a renlO with a vIe'! u approac tou of the a ny of Gen Grant

I am tl e con mander f the expe to s I ave already been taken from d me t m ght for a t me but in a few dJt on s of the op m n II at tt e Dum the;S and low much more I WIlli :MARmD I weeks tbe new sk n began to torm under the

Id I Ston ng on CODn Apr 191M3 by b 0 ches and on nued unt 1 my face s IUl ber IS greater \\ e halo e wou d Yle uo olle can co Jectnre as It Rev S S Gr swo d Mr PH NUS \\ DA S Emoo has aDybody s and I am w thOut any

Al gh cheap and usefuf artiCle MERRITT AND BROWN S

n~ f om tl e S utI ha~e succeeded 111 pass ng the rebel B tIl e best and most Inlportant battenps of v cksb lrg aud ure now uS of tl s" el'k " from Gen Banks soutb of that strong bold and be

f M d tween It and Port Hudson that IS 1\ seen ~ I on the papers 0 on .. y to say III a pOSItIOn from which tbey morn g tbat Ie haR been vIctor ous can attack ether place as may seem U II S cess 0 f batlles has forced most adv sable and call have the co lee n Y t lestroy three gunboats operatIOn of Gcn Banks ID case tl ey

a 1\ Ie transports and a large quan sbould prefer to take Port Hudson first

t tv of I vIsIons and mUll tlODS has

ed and ne m ss ng d ps at an angle uf say forty degrees I and M sa COaDEL .I. CARPENTER both of G 0 symptoms of the disease that I know I to the t d hIt tOD Conn en Y pe fect hea th aDd W thout " d01.1b~,lw·it.h

\ spec al d spatch from :stanford, I eaB an el ce a :lrge por IOn In Ston ngton CODD Apr I 22d 1863 by owe to yonr SARSAPAR LL~ Ky says Capt Hurgl of the 44th of the overlaYing bdt has to be mill the sanle Mr Jo EPH R PECK of Grot D and ERYSIPELAS-GENERAL DEBILITY Ob 0 With 150 men attacked a body ed before the mass can be reached 1M SS BJ.1U1I SAUNDI!Rl3 of S or. ogto R FY THE BLOOD of the euemy below Rockhold on the I Eh Tyler hung h mself 1D MIddle I FromDr Rob SaW n Houston Bt Sew York W II b d h 23d d b C A 1 15th A h DIED DR AYER I se dom fa I to remove Erup

ams urg roa no t e an ury onn rn ne g t ons and ScrofulOUS Sores by the persevering kIll ug 4 and captur g 9 drove tI e bor named Hayes started to Illform In testeJlY Apr I if~ IBG3 oJ co b 1mPf u e at your SARSAPAR ~L.l and I hltvejust enemy ac OSS tl e r ve We susta n a relatIve of the fact when hIS horse b~~ I.!~c CTB!':,d EMa yURBu~d cfUgllg~d 19 DOW cureNn an & aCtl< of Mal gnanl Erys Psethlas

d h h f .. w h t 0 a era va we p08seas aqua e ed DO loss ran away liD e was rown rom years She was endeared to a a ga c,rc e SA'" APAR L A you have s pp ed to the pro

b d f t II d S I of acqua DtaDces by her spr gh n~SS and £ t the peop e ~ SCELL.DIEOU8 lTlill, s wagon an a a y IDJure as am ab I y but they are comfor cd n her es on as we as 0

ake I 5Q!! r m< re pTlsoner~ has Important results w II undoubted Iy follow tl e passage of the VIcks

Ir ve tI e tebels 0 It f the Teche burg batter es by i\dm ral Porter s a le~ hilS probably de nollsbed al fleet uf gunboats The Imme I ate

lDost II e whole rebel strength In that fr ts must be first to g ve R el t r~

O f h h tb b I Tuttle started on borseback to sum Idea h by he assuraDce tba fo het to d e From J E Johnston Esq Wakeman 0110 nc source rom w IC e re e s r !If H h was a n For tjle ve years I had the ye ow Ery

h d I ~ tlO f mon a Burgeon .or r ayes w en g s pe as on my r ght arm dur ng which time ave rece vc ear y In orma n 0 lIS borse feII wltb hi" and be re In Wa wor h W S OD he 1st of Ai? I ed al the ce ebrated pbys clans I could All ord. s w reoe va prompt oarefa\

IDtended Un on movements seems to d f t f th b 1863 of d sease of the lungs M ss EL ZABETH reach aDd took h ndreds of do lars worth of aUeDt OD Ca and exa.m ne. one o~~~~~,"~tr:~ IInol. have been d scoverel James LAd ce ve a rae ure a ~e r s E COVEY aged 42years Sheob aned~ope medenes Theucerswere.o bad that the

d son for th rly yea 8 a clerk III the Job K Sweet of ~w ~ton I11 I n~b bot ~fh~blsO ~~~~ ~:~:ntJ!'~:yec~~pe cords became v s ble and the doctors I dec d best assorted stock. of S' th,

Id h h d I r "'110 a em er e P ed hat my arm must be amputated began Un ted StateR

P t f Lou sana weBt of the control of the M ss SS ppl bctween

V!CkJiburg and Port Hudson ena d pp and has taken p a POSIt on at bhng us to cut off tbe rebel comm I

t Couptle tluteel m les above I !CatIOns and 8uppl es from Texas ort Hudson thollgh on tI e opposIte and the Red Rver country and se

s de of the rIver and thus establish cond to faClhtate tl e transportatIOn el commun caholl WIll Grant anu of troops to the mouth of the B g

Black river up wh ch they can pro­I a ag II \I d opened tl e way to tl e ceed to the rear of V cksburg and I d vc wllCh he can ('as Iy com cut the I ue of commun catIOn from

\, e need not say how Impor that str nghold to Jackson and tbe


1I b I pl~n of dllv ng tI e

utet or of rebeldom Th s J ackBon Railroad has h therto formed one of tbe most mportant of the Bon hern ave I ue~ f 01 IOUDlcatlOn and should t1 e I d" cove deB g Back rver be destro~cd thus break ng Is con

ect ons t s easy to see tI at V cks burg depr ved of suppl es also b) tl e Red Rver m 1St II ev tably cap t ulate lit no a ,.tunt datp

\Var Department and recently ch ef so H 0 nestea rece t y lor i' t st C urch of Brookfield N Y n Ue ~em ml< ng your !!.l.RSAPAR LLA Took two boft es clerk In the Adjutant General s office over aud above ncumbra C~R ThIS bers h p of WhCCh she re ma ned ~g Ilher I a"lld some of your P LLB Together they have

d h h ey b II h h ded I Tl f ded h S ster ovey was a v ng r s an cured me I am now as we 1 and sound as at \Vasl ngton an hIS brot er w 0 mon n 8 e an 0 s WI e and bore es mony to the exce ency 0 the an) body Be Dg n a publkl p ace my case IS cl ef clerk \U tl e PensIon Bureau who hId It III the shaw bed After re g on of Cbr sl n ts ab y ft> g vQ re s I<nowD 0 everybody n th s commun Iy

d h t ' t th s gDa OD to s ckDess and dea hand to! an I d t tb d of aU ale-the suspected part es \Vlth the war s n C ang ng Ie 8 raw W mate the soul w th a bope of a g or ouS ro an exc es e won er hel p f J 01 n Ma tm a mllllster of out th n king of what she had h dden sa rec on f 0 m be grave Her funeral w s From Hon TIenry Monro M P P Of ~ew the gospel and h$ daughter (who there n she corum tted the wI ole to aL tended at t he house of her brother tiilhea cas e C "lranad a~at:l :mee~rer 0 t e

h fI d 'f l ucian L Covey where a arge c TC e a er has for a lover a rebel capta n ) tlI8 t e ames re uc ng t Ie am Y f e ds showed by he sympathy and at I ha e usen your SARSAPAR LL.I. ID my V lla nous treachery bas gone on for beggary endance ho w much hey 10 ed her f;:"mb ~oJor~e~e~~r~\en~1I~~d !o:s~~fYa~ two yea sWord comes from al quarters of A~n ~ h S 18~~tS~ t~~p~eaJ !! :;nO~thHE~;Y feel erMence n eommend t to the af

F f(&en retugees all fore gners the North \Vest that tbe long cont n MCNCY a pr va e n C mpaDy H 44 h neg 11 c e k d 80 1 d W the ued favorable weather 0 wh cb far N Y S V. and son of Jesse and Lucy Mun ST ANTHONY aFIRE ROSE SALTRIJEUM

were pIC e up m es 0 n cy ot L ncklaen N 1 ged 2 eah s 3 SCALD HEAD SORE EYES Potoma and brought to \Vasbmgton mers bave bad no mter uptlOn of the mOD hs and 6 da)s or e day last week They had con I bo 8 commo to tl e seas n has n Wes e Ap 9 b vel ted tl e r fllnds uto gold and State ns Ired the sowmg of a area ID son of Frane. D aDd Har stocks and appeared very a XIOU~ to wheat greatly IU exces~ of II at put m=n=h===-==-========::; go fDlll er nort! They pa d $;) n mto small gral a year agv " LETTERS I-

rebel money for $1 In gold and ~3 50 It IB saId tbat mechllll CB aud la F C d 2 <f> G b b f C ad ICC Soewe ank rna ($ ece v for '1'1 m reen aeks ormg men rom an i are comIng ed Feb 10 pay Dg to Vo 19 No 6) I'm M

pR 0 t,of North Carohna has col lapse I 11 e teuels tl eruselves have

I TI e first medal for gallant and acrOSB the hnes III COll!< derable nnm Jones Be ford E Dav s Gao J C aDdal (a o er lor ous cond ct n the face of the bers seek ngempluyol<'nt The t mes g~~-;"ii'~t::EmLe~ BE EN~?Crdan;Ja E(:

EW ORLEt cneo y ssued n purs lance of a re are very hard for these classes ID Can right) Wm C Wh ord H W R",nd ph C I ate reports from New Orle ns ceut act of Cono-ress was presented ada now where all tb ev IB 1:)f the I A Ba d ck (pa d to eDd \ 18) Wm C

trente I fro tI e v cm ty of '" ash I llandoue I nn theIr bat.

Ihelr earth

,., I d h" I d Kenyon R (] Burd ck (w k nt he md cate tl It Ge.u Banks s n mo to a pr vate of tl e 33d OblO who war are rea ze Wit, t t c atten matter) -to that I e I as I ad a small fight w tb I s twenty; cornpamons was sent mg benefits REOEIPTS w tI Magrnder west of the M ss S8 pot by Gen i\I lchel to destroy south The bridge over th~ Huds'Jn rver A paymen s for tbe SARBA B REeo DER • e

.. e n raIlroads at Albany IS to be b It at nce The ackDOW edged f om "eek a week n e pI and that 1 e IS udvanc ng towalds I b d t b ri.>d b If b paper Pc sons send ug m ney he re The number of Amencll vesse sin ge IS e oW T one- a y ee pt of wb ch 0 t du know edged

WIth the movemel ts from VICksburg e crht-eleven of them by the !o<uruter one-q larter each by t e Hudson RIver s on ~




tl e Red Rlt'er COUI try to co operate captnred by rebel pr vateers B s xt~ the New York centrf: Ra Iroad and sboudg ve e. ce be am

From rebel reDorts we hear of the t\~enty nme by the Alai am ~ a I and Western (Mass roads 19 5 final destruct on of lie ram Queen of seven by the F lor da J "V Osborne th!PlOncer farmer ~ ~ the West '1 be rebels had got her n i\Ir A M nard of Lockport N Y of Cal form.a was re ently k lied by 10 52

mJIE CAROL-A .J. and se ected use of Sabbath Bcliioo~'~-I MeetlDgs and Fam e •• .,._:_._..,.~ price 25 cents. ng e Or ;;~~;;.r~ first rate tr m and run ber down from offers $20 bo nty to eacb able-bodied a laborer lately m hi employ at bu' I~ 52

Red Rver tl ough the Atchafalaya colored man that WIll r.nhstlll the \ farm In Napa Valle$! Mr O.horne }~ 5i tnto Grand L"ke tIere she Wag ~erv co of the U filled States III any I was a brother of the ;Pre~ dent of the 0 car A KeDyon 20 16 found by t1 e B:lI k~. Exped tlOn wh ch colored reg ment now bemg formed llImo s Central Rallrgad ~r Crand g 2 snow explo I g~he Bayo I Tecl e We have news of a v SIt of rebels The New Albany Ledger saYd that I R Bu d k 19 reg on st e I ad got Bg ound and to TomDkmsv lie Ky wbere they Mrs Magee of Rowena Wells Coun was attacked by 0 r gnnboat Cal k lied liTe 0 8 X r DIan men and ty Ind bas pre8eU~d hel spouse I G R 0 \ E R & B A KEn s J, L. ,,11 nuid LlJe gooa lortune to burnt the co Ht louse and 011 er bl1t1d dUrIn~ It e last three ears and a halt CELEBRATED tl row ~ sbell HltO her and blow her ngs w th no less than tw .e eh Idren all FIRST PREMIDM

P One hundted ads x rebel PrlS I f hIs E 11 I li 0 .r A a II I • E A rebel aha psi ooter near Suffolk 0 w om are a lve 'u "

RQDiIA oners mcJudlUg seven corum sSlOned drew the first blood of the Eleventh A fi~e occurred at New Br ta n 495 B adway Ne Y k

officer'l IS Cupt Turner the com ddl d IMPORTANT FACTS FOR THE PUB [J ere s a s lenc~ m legald to officers were capt r d Among tbe Rhode Island Reg ment on the nIght Conn on tl e 23d ~estroYlng tbe LIC

peral us I 'rg n a wh cl n any mander cf the rebel fleet At the of the 19th April haVIng wounded a sa ery bar ware e abhsl ment of co 8 der"ludlCat ve (I at samet! ng same t we the rebels be ng ha;d member of Company B n the leg 0 B North & Co n wt!Ch one hun s t be done • p~ssed vol nlar Iy bu nt the r gun The Med cal Department stat stlCS dred hands were et ployed I08s

b ~ D ana show the nnmber of rebel pr soners I $80 000 \ I spalcl from the Headq larters who have d ed III Un on hosp tals Mr WIll am Remington and bls II A f tL P t d t d Fife arms enuugh to equ p five o e rn y 0 0 0 umac a e s nce the con mencement of the war I WIfe of Exeter R I celebrated tbe r

Ip I 2ath says tbat two or thrae hUl dred men were recently seIzed III to be over 5000 Illstead of 2000 as golden wedding on the 18th AprIl III a louse m New Orleans The prac tb fi

Jays pre V OU8 a purty of our sold ets t ce of carrymg conceale I weapon8 prev ously reported company w ve ch Idren twenty p~ I a v SIt to Purt R yal on tile s mcreasmg there Durmg the progress of the tak ng two grand cn Idren and two great Rappal annock and captured fr m ]5 of Fort Huger at Suffolk Va WII grand-cbIldren and nnmerous guests

TENNESSEE I am Reed of the Hawk ns ZonaveB The Pittsburg Chronu:le says the to 20 pr soners a mllll and 8cvera 0 I Saturday :\.pql 18th three 9th New York Volunteers and MISS 011 trade 18 exceed ngly br sk 1m borses Thlly also destroyed a flu an Umon regIments of nfantry and one Sarah Holland of Suffolk were un t mense quantItIes of tbe art cle are tlly of forage and some army W&gol\~ of cavalry started from Memph s for ed III marrIage by the Rev D Henry shIpped from that CIty every day ap

Another telegram says that tI e e:li a reconnOissance down the hlISS1S$ p Miller Clmplam of tbe 15th Connec parently wltbout ser ously reducIDg I d G EI t Cut Volunteers the 8upply

pe t on on er el IOtt S a sue pi and Tennessee Railroad rnnnJDg I cess It c~plnred about 20 pnsollllrs f " h d tl h b t Dahlgren guns are to be removed Thomas S ms the fuglt ve slave

rom lUemp IS rec y sout a Oll from all the Irou-clads and an entIre who was returned from Boston to and some SO borses N me rebels 100 m Ie t G ftd Tb t ft I d s 0 ren" a a mg Iy new 13 nch guu substItnted wh ch 8 avery some years 8JDce arr ve k lIed We lost two III kIlled they had a small figbt With Blytbe 8 IS capable of U811 g 75 ponnds of back Apr!l2Uh hav ng escaped f om

Tbe Navy Depar&ment bas received cavalrv repulslllgtbem On Sunday powder at a load the rebels at VIcksburg a dispatch datfld AprIl 23d from Ad they again attacked the rebeTs k lied The daughter of John C Calhoun I It IS proposed III England now nJral Lee off Newport Newli statlDg 20 wounded 40 captured 80 and reSIdes n secur ty on a farm WIth n to ass st tbe suffer ng operatives of tliit on the prllVIOUS day Lieutenant louted tbe rest who fled aeross the 8 ght of tbe dome of our national Lancashire to em grate H tberto C~»lnng W lb I mety 0 eu and a haw Coldwater R'Vel 31 miles below cap tol public and pr vate char ty has aimed tzCl.: went to the VIllage of Chocpa Meinph 8 Her~ the rebels got help I I to support them at borne

tnck whll1'll he encountered f(/tty 10 and drove 0 If men back to Hernan DEFEATS OF ARl!IES AND NAVIES - At Leavenworth Kansas one Col leI c'lalry men He defeated thenJ do 9 miles At that pOIDt oor men The awf I cannonade III Charleston onel Cantwell a dw,jlrf IS on exblbl k Ihlfg two •• d capturmg three of wore re-enforced by a detachment harbor whose terrIble grandeur no tlOn He IS llIneteen years old forty the r borae. fnlly eqll pped Cushing wblch attacked the rebels from tbe words can describe suggests a ra IDches h gb and weIghs tblfty two lost one man kIlled oppo!llte s de of tbe Coldwater and markable d fference between warfare and a half pounds

VICIBDURG the fight lasted unt I sunset at wh cb by armIes and by navIes Com Du The North RIver steamboat DICta On the nlgbtof Apnt16 SIX Umon tIme our mel held a strong DOS hon pont after recelv ng the wrathful tor the largest river boat III the

-enbre loss 5 k lied and 15 wound fire of 300 converg ng guns dehver world was launehed last week at the gunboll'8 1I1chidmg the lmment!e Iron ed 109 theIr volleys upon hiS vessels at foot of Tenth street. She 18 401 clads Benton and Tuscnmhla With The attack on ltfcM nuv lie Tenn the rate of 200 balls a m nnte retlr feet long 83 Wide and 10 12 deep tb t On th V k b cd w tb 1 s gallant comrades out of

• ree ranspor .... ran e IC s nrg and tbe capture of that place by that mouth of hell W th a loss of one A cle k In Earle'1t- Hotel New batter es and are III a pO.ltlon to Gel eral Rey olds nd Colouel W Id man k lie 1 " d lesil tI an a score York allsconded early on Tnesday aId 10 bloekadlOg the Red RIver e on Wednesday AprIl 22d waB a wounded In the army a p1Ckelr no n ng of 13st week wltb the easb One of the transports was destroJled hrllhant affaIr While Gtneral Rey guard often loses more men III taking contents of tbe safe about $1l0 000 and one man was kIlfed nnd two nolds kept the enemy at ~ay outSIde an unimportant observation while nearly all belonging to guests

wounded on the Beuton There. are 1t ond touk possesillon e then de- ed by thousands and the maImed by SPEOIAL :lOTICES

Til BD Exper eDce proves that the e are on y wo

valuab e sew ngmaeh ne st tches-THEGRO VER &, BAKER STITCH and THE SHUTTLE STITCH by some ca ed LOe:K STITCH Tbese st tches bave each be r pe~ ar mer

Band exce enc as For some purposes tbe ODe st Ich s be ter adapted aDd for some purposes he 0 her a.nd a se ee on ShOll d a ways be mllde accord Dg y

FO!:BTU The Grover &, Baker S M Co mll.llufac ure

D add OD to the r ce ebrated GROVER &; BAKER STIT"H mach neB tbe most perfect SHUTTLE or LOCK STITCH mach nes in he market aDd afford purt>hasers he op

por UD tr of se ectiDg after tna lind exam nation 0 both the one best su ted to the r wants Other camp an es maDufac UTe but one k nd of mach De each and can at offer th B opport n ty of se ec n 0 be r cus tumers..

FIFTII The Grover &, Baker S M Co are the on y

parties who manufacture and se I Des which both SEW PERFECTLY and EMBROID ER PERFECTLY pRINTING IN ALL ITS V ARIETJj}S



Power Presses large and sma and an IX tenslve assortment of Job Type most Y new aDd of modern styes enable us to do work eConom ca Iy aDd t the sa sfact on of tb. most fastid ons ta&es


Spec &1 attention g .. en to Prlllt Dg n Col OrB and Bronze

Ordera by ma I Will meet w th prompt at tent on Address

J HUTTER &; CO We.terly R I

From he we kDOWD nd w de v ce ehrated Dr Jacob ~[orr of C DC nnat

I ha e found your SARSAPARILLA an ex ce ent a erat ve n d sease. of femoles Many cases of Irregular y Leueorrhroa In erDa U cera on and IDeal deb I ty arising

from the sc ofu ous d athes!l bave pelded to t and thero are few tbat jlo not when ts effect a properly a dod by local treatment A ad,. un, 11 Dg to a low the publicat on of

ber name wr tea My daughter aDd myse f have been cured

of a ve y deb atlDg Leneo rhala of ong sand ng by two bo ties of your SARSJ.PUIL LA.


RA~A when cauBed by Scrofula n the sy. em are rap dl, euredoby th s EXT SARSAPJJ! LLA

AYER S CATHARTIC PILLS p Siess 80 many advantage.8 over the other purga ves D the market and their supeno~ VIr nes are 80 un versa y known that we need not do more than to assure the pub 10 the r quality 8 ma nta Ded equal to the be.t t ever has beeD aDd that the,. may be 1Ie pended OD to do all that they have ever done

Prepared by J CAYER M D &; Co Lo we I Mass and so d by Potter aDd Champl n A B Col ns and B F Thompsoill Westerly


AWUT.A.NT GID-"I:BA.L S OPF CR ~ Providence April 2' 1863 r

GENERAL ORDERS No 9 Tbe organ zallon of Beg ments Battal ODS

and comraules to be raised under the l\( 1 till Lay; w be as fol Ow8

[Elect ons for Company olllcers to be bold en <>n tbe second Monday of May)

REG ~T OF INFA;TRY TEN cOJlPANIB8 1 Co onel 2 Ass stant SurgeoDs 1 L eut Co onel 1 Chaplain 1 Major 1 Serge"Dt Ml\lor

of the town Colonel W 11[, r entered III a great battle the slam are connt

now eleven gunboats between VH~IiS- stlOyed the brrdges s x hundred many thonsand~ more Iron clad ., MDiISTIIBULCoI!FEBltNCI WlIITBlIlIAs burg and Po~t Burllon blankets tlnrty thousan pounds of shIps 1 ave rendered war ternfic yet BOCUTIOIf -The following i. a programme ot

Th T j" k '-,. bacon two I ogsheads of sugar three f I A t d' t a e • t" t ssion of the Min ate e movement!! arounll .Ie suurg h h d f rIce e ght barrels of merC! u grea e.ea m y com enrc SOB ,or "e nex se are suppOlcd to be )11, p¥rsuanc() of oge ea 8 0 WIthout bring ng great mourn ng rial Conferenoe of the Western Association tbe foil w ng plan Par.f!.. of Gr~t s wllsjey two hnndred ~alCl! of cot Let tbe motbers of SOIiS thank God to be he d with the eh~eh &t 11 chburg on army lome tllne ago ~t to Mern tOD one large cotton factory two for Iron shIps I-Independent the1ln;tTh rd day of the Atth month oClB6S pb 8 18 pU8hlOg louthward 1OtO ~IS mIlls one camp at Charley s creek Ofay 5th) at 7 0 clock P M S S81Ppl toward Grenada auokher and subsequently one at LIberty AN ILLINOIS FA\lli _ The largest ~ W:~t~c!"s!'!n~~~nsa~~tJo",ie'kThen~"¥! part lias gone down to craBS tile river and took three hundred prIsoners farm m III no S IS that of 18aac Fnnk, Brown


an H storlcal Sketch of the Seventb day Bap tists shoWing the origlD and oca on of the r .(Jhurohas in England and Amer CR WI hast 01 preachers andthesmt stl'cs of the church es to whioh is appended a br ef statemeDt of Re ... ODl tor EfdphlLS z ng the Day of the Sabbath It 18 neatly bound n muslin "Dd sold at 115 cents per copy AddresB

GEO B UTTER Wester y R I

1 Ad)u (an ex Lt)1 Quartermast r Ser§ t 1 Q rmas r(an ex L )1 Comm ssary Serg t 1 Surgeon 1 Hosp tal Steward

BATTALION OF INFA.NTRY , VB (!OVA-JIlES 1 Major 1 Sergeant MlIJor 1 Ad)u I (an ex Lt ) 1 QuartermlUl rBerg t 1 Q rmas r (an ex Lt ) 1 Commiss"ry Serg ~ 1 Chap anI Hospital Steward

1 dapta n 8 Corporais OO!(PANY OF tNF4NTBl' I

1 INrst L eutenaDt 2 Mus olane

at New Carthage and ascend the L eutenant Colonel Martm rebel was near Bloomlllgton McLean (ounty s ~~el~~°Jl:~~~ th~~~i~f t~rth~ ;pn; B g Black In conoort wltn tbe fI et mortally wounded The total nnmber of acres owued and tual M ss E E Kenyon and tbelr JOInt de811!:D IS to mee at lIlSSISSIPP[ occupIed by hIm IS 39 OOO-one farm ,What was the Nature of Chr st s SujJer G ad h ings In the Atonement' Eld J C West

ren a and take Vlcbbnrg 101 t e New8 bas been receIved that Gen ot 21 000 acres sa d to be worth $80 5 IsPhyaio&1 Death the Besult of the Fall' relll It 18 also leckoned that If Dodge commandlDg at Corinth at per acre and tbree pastnre fields Eld L AndrUl! Bra hid k d th d d h 00 6 Our Plan of Churcb OrganIzation as com gg S ou d try to move loltar tac e e enemy an rove t em con tam ng respectIvely 8 000 3 0 pared with the Gospel P an Prof J VIcksburg or send many troops fr()m Bear Creek to Crane Creek and 1 000 acres HIS great crop 18 Allen thIther Rosecrans, whuld m8t~nt1y Our loss was 100 kIlled and wound corn all of Wllich he consumes at Church Disoipi ne Eld Ii V Rull 38 I h ' Th 1 I 8 The necess ty of a radic&! reform In our

ean t 1m ed e rebe 08S IS not stated howe and IS thus able to market manner of koJeplng til, Sabbath Eld An offiCial acconnt of the o"erl' The Bear Creek ment oned ID thl8 aimut .75 000 worth or cattle per VarnUlIl Rull t t' d t h th tId 9 IS the Ministry an otlloe or an order'

IOU8 on the LOwer MI8ijl1S1Ppt has Ispa c" 18 111 a BOU wes er y year at New York HIS stock on Prof D E HaDon been received by tbe Navy Depart rectlOn from COrJnth near the hne hand of horses mules hogs and fat 10 Tbe Worship Element In our Sabbatb ment It sppears that on March I!~th of Alabama and 1118S SSlppl and IS cattle 18 saId to be worth $1 000 000 11 ~:tio~~J ~dSW~t~re of the Tree of Adllllral Farragut ID bls fll'$lisblp crossed by the Memph s and Charles ~ Life and the Tree .fKnowledge I>f Good Bart(ord. ellg'ged the batteries at t n Ra Iroad Crane Creek IS s l\: or GREAT CANAL PRO~ECT -The pntch anll EVIl Eid 11: Wardner W'tteilton.tIrr~ DllleS below Vicks eIght milel! from COrinth have set on foot a gIgantIC work of J C WUT Seoremr) Illltg P88liDi iafelt 011: The expedltlOu of Genrral Steele'll canal Improvement It 18 ploposed ", ELI>. B. G JkwlWXI poit.olllceaddrell till 118"1 • -.-(loIIeD With .a~J!lte. dIVISIon In the neIghborhood or to conalruct a sblp canal froln 41J1 II "\l:Uca Daile Co. .WIS

CHRISTIAN l'S.!LMODY tbe Bymn Book used by the Seventh day Bap t st

Chnrches 8uppl ed at the follow ng rat.-Bound n foan plain edges $ 75

g t edges I Den paper 1 00 morocco' 1 25

Address the Publisher GEO BUTTER Wes terly R. r Or apply to either of the persons IU'med below

o SU Iman Westerly R I JOIhJll't:larke Ropklaton R. I L )[. Cottrell RookVllle R I J amea Ba.i ey Pia n1leld N J W B Gillette Shiloh N J Cha.rles Potter Adams N Y Asa Jo( west! Leonardsville N Y Jasoo 8 We Is DeRnyter N Y John C BurdIck Alfred N Y L Green &; SODi Alfred Center li Y E R. Clarke N Ie N Y E.1l Crandall Little GeMBee N Y Wm C Whitford linton WIR T F W 8it Aibion WI.

1 Second LieuteDaQt 1 Wagoner 1 F rst Sergeant and 164 pr vates min , BergeaIlt. 8~ max

COllPANY OR TROOP OF CAVALIIY 1 Capta n 8 Corp"r .. ls 1 F rst L entenant ~ Teamsters 1 Second L euteDan 2 Far rs or B'ksmttha 1 First Sergeant 1 Saddler 1 Q rmas r Sergeant 1 Wagoner "nd 1 Commis y Berg t 78 Pri ate. 5 Sergeant.

B.4.TTERY OF ..lBTILLUY 1 Captain 12 Corpor" s 2 First Lintflllant. 2 Io{u.lciana 2 Second Lientenanta, 2 Art IIcerl 1 F rst Sergeaat 1 Wagoner Ilnd 1 Q rmas r Sergeant In Pr vates 6 Sergeants

By order of W){ 0 OOZZENS Governor aDd Comm&nder In-OhieC

En" C Mi.t'Rl.N Adjutant General Papers In the Smte wlll copy the abot'a

three times aDd •• nol. paper and bll to tbl. om'O.

A.,tdress J H

penons In the CIvIl mIlItary /laval one thIrd It wIll readdy be seen their gardens WIth: the fondest care or other service of the UnIted States whwh of the two varlt es I~ most for when then Idvers who have gone for servIces rtmdered prIor to tbe profitable f<¥ wool tor generally, to the \far for tbe UDIon and the saId date as such d vldends and pro It WIll be found that the weH bmIt COll8tltutlOn shall bave redeemed the portIOns of salaruls were bot subject close and compact SpanIsh sbeep of dear old flag from the d sgrace whICh

The Income Tax goes to deductIOn or aasessment Interest eIghty pounds weIght WIll produce he&rtles8 traItors and rebels wonld tl e 1st of May next receIved fr0m or due by trust com more pounds of wool:than. the Leice~ heap Upon It snd return to theIr gen IDg regulat ons for pamcs savmgs IUslItulIons Dsur tershlrcs or SuuthdoWllS of une btn tIe embrace covered WIth the glory Just annonnced by tl e ance brIdge express steamboat dred and twenty pounds If thIS and dost of battle WIll they not of Internal Revenue be ferry boat and ra Iroad C6mpanIeS be true It requ res one thIrd more merit garlands cbo oor than ever useful for reference corporatlOns or as'80C at ons prlOr to feed to produce a pound of wool graced the brows of Roman vIctors

The assessor and the same date must also be taxed from a LelCestershlre or Southdown or adorned Grec an heroes floshed sots of each collectIOn lntere!!t pI! d by him on encumbran sl eep than It does from a SpanIsh W th tbe tr nmph of the r claSSIC aSlles8 the IUcome tax on the oos Ipon tbe d wellIog house or es Mer no whIle at the same t Ine a arms? of May next upon tate IU wh eh the assessed person re SpanIsh MerIno IS worth and WIll sell SldlDl(' wlthID the s des may deducted from Income for at least one thIrd more thao the THE OHARLESTON FIGHT ~ to Each person. wIll also I s payments for necessary re- other return hIS totallUcomA NU1lBER OF SHOTS FIRED

" pa rs Farm produce whIch the The wool of the Span ah Mermo IS Th f h fi d t fymg the sources {10m d e number 0 sots re a ~ ducer has on han on the 31st generally very compact and clOse I I d b r t d b tt derlve.1 ail to enable the 8 ron-c a If from t e lor s an a er \I of December 1 62 must he apprals and belDg OIly as well protects the Ch I h b d th

seS80r to deCIde what de(ioctiolDSI ed at Its n arketable value on that bodIes of the ammals from the IU les IU ar eston ar Ir 7 hr ng e 8hall \Je made day The IUcome tax shall be m clemenCIes of the weather whIle brief engagemeDt Apn t IR esh whose Income does not tbe h II mated at not less tban two thousand .,. cluded n t e annua 1st and appe .. ls the loose open and I ght wooled va d b h fi th sum oC·10 000 and who tbe d h d d an Y some as 19b as our ous

" an ot er procee I~gs hel as pro- netIes when exposed to the ra ns d lIt d h t f tb United Statea WIll be sub'ect·o add b I an t IS a so estIma eta 0 e " "~VI e y aw and storms the wool becomes sat h d duty of three per cent on 8uch nOI mne vessels engaged eac receIve t' urated tbe water finds Its way to I h fif h t hI th tIOn tbereof as IS hable to taxat on AB' '"'O'lTT'D the skill the an mal takes cold and not ess t an ty s 0 s wee

PrOVIded however that lIpon the In lUlU..... PLANTATIONS., Keokuk wab struck at leaMt a hun ml Ii 11 h perbaps u es from exposure d d Of b b f h COllie derIved from 11 terest upon ,~e 0 ow ng IS a synopsIs of t e re t mes t e num er 0 sots

notes bonds or other stcurlt eS' of plan of emplOYIng negroes on aban SpanIsh or S0me other Mermos fired from the fleet the correspondent tbe UUlt"d States a duty of one and doned plantat ons on the MISSISSIPPI herd together m large Bocks better of the Baltimore Amel'tcan says

~ b than Lelcestersh res Cots wolds or 0 II II d a half per cent WIll be I VIed Fer as announced y AdJutaut General ur mOUltors were areca e Bons whose Inr.omes exc ed $10 boo Thomas Southdowns They are perhaps tbe from before Sumter after hav ng eo

T th 1 1 f most qUIet and doc Ie var ety of t d h f II r f th wJ!1 be subject to a duty of five 0 secure e sa e yo commerce con I ere teD JOrce 0 e eDe-~"nt on the portIon the of 8U and the navigatIOn of the MISSISS p- sheep of all others Th s IS a great my s guns an~ tIred out the r gun "" conslderat OD h h fi to taxation prOVIded h wever p the government has determuned ners so muel fSo t at t e r re IJIa-

upon the Income derived f om to locate along and OD ts banks a ' ter ally slackeded Most of the t me upon notes bonds or oth r local pupulat on that wIll protect the EXTBAORDINARY IMPOSTOR tl ey we e nnder fire was occup ed of the UDlted Btatee a uty freedo n of Its commerCIal mter A story goes the rouDds of the for u gelt ng n poB t on and they were and a halt per cent WI I be coursc George B FlCld Captam A elgn papers of what IS properly styl lecalled al U06t as 800 as they com CItIzens of the Un ted 1tates re~Id E Stnctlc and Rev D S L vermore ed An Extraordmary Imposto It I menced act ve work They were IlIg abroad lind not lU he emp oy are appomt~d commIssIoners to su tbat on a receDt occas 00 s gnalled back and fo ward dUrIng ment of the govornmont 0 the Un ted per ntend the lcttmg f plantatIOns a ra Iroad n ght tra n reached I the whole act 0 lU BUc! a manner States wIll be subject t a dut of so that tbe mutual obI gattons be a place Called$trood lU England a that they were kept die most of tbe five per cent on the m ome of any tween the negroes and theIr employ woman was fo nd m one of the car t me they were under fire The Pa property seCUrItIes or stbcka owned ers be f:uthfully performed and to nages ent reI unCunSClOUS Re I tapsco Capt j\.mmer fired tweDtr m tbe Umted States and hot exe.mpt carry out the pol cy of the govern storat ves were n va n appl ed and seven shot and tt eN aotnckett wenty cd from He mcome tax prOVIded ment regard Dg negroes that [ay be at last the patIent was removed to one t! e Wce*wktn fired twenty however that upon the lUcome de employed n Dgncnltural purSUIts the dead house Tbere reDewed ef. seven t mes Ue Nahant I belIeve rIved from the Interest pon notes Th:e plantat ons are to be placed IU forts were made to recover the wo fired n oeteen aud was m pos t on bonds or othel secur t es f the U D1t posseSSIOn of sucb persons as the mau and afrer two hours she dId lU wlthlD four hundred yards of the ed States a duty of Olle and a half commISSIOners deem qualIfied and re fact revIve W heu she conld speak fort 'Ihe other mOnItora fired from fer cent will be leVIed very farm spons ble and a tax IS to be collect she told a lamentable stOly to the Iseveu to PHenty gills Tbe Iron er or planter WIll be eqUlred to ed upon the Ilroduct of the land effect that ehe had been drugged aud SIdes fi ed b t SIX guns at Fort make return of the value of the pro 'Ihe negtoes Will be furn shed robbed by a respectable looklllg lIIoult e and was at 0 t me nearer duce of hIS farm or plant tlOn WIth WIth enough cloth ng for the r com woman on board the tra n The sta I than eIghteen huodred yards of Sum out deductIOn for tfi~rlab r or selVI fort n advance of theIr earn ngs III t ou master gave the womau a free ter The Keo~1 k fired but tl ree ces of hIlllself and hu_ fa I1y or for consequence of theIr extreme lest pass back to LondoD an I £5 n mon g illS the r ddlihg she receIved hav any portIOn of such prOddrce con sum tutlO! and In no case w n tbey be ey and she went on ber way resus ng s Ie ced I r g ns aDd rendered cd by himself and fa'!ulyj.! subjected to c rporal pun shment by c tated and reJo c ng In a few days os ape necessa almost as s 0 as

The followmg deilull,"ons WIll be tl e lash or III other croel nodes In tl e same unfortunate was heard of she got nd r fire made from the aggregatiliIDcome of spectors wIll VISIt each plautat OD aga nand aga n each t me IDscns ble 1\ AT ~ WA ;rED

prevent crowdmg Tall varlettes STATE O~ RHODE ISLAND AND sbould be neatly staked to'nrjev~'ntl PROvmgNCE PLANTJ.TIONS Injury from wmd or ra n -E:r;ahange

COllMON SENSE EXTRAOllDINARY -A captaIn In an Iowa l'eglment haVIng been Informed that h s com pany had snbscflbed a handsome sum for the purpose of presentlDg blm WIth an elegant sash and sword called hIS men together flnd del v ered h mself of tbe lo!lowmg model speecb It IS full of straIghtforward common seDse and pure d smterested patrIot sm combmed

Boys If you have any money to spare seod It home to your fam I es If they need t If not keep It untIl you lJeed t yours h es I WIll buy my own sword Should yO\! do t and should It come to d sgrape m my hands you co lId bDt regret the g ft or should I accept t from you a! d some day find It ny 1m perI lIve duty to k ek some one of the lonora out of th s compan) t m ght be npleasant to th nk that I was under obhg'\tlOns to that perso I as a cODtnb Itor to the elegant sword f IOd For tmese rea sons I must firmly and k mdly de cl ne the favor wh ch YOllr loyal hearts prompt you to bestow ,\ a t untIl the wa s over walt unt I the tIde of battle sball have beell stayed -t II tberag ngb Hows of th s w ck ed rebell on shall have been rolled back walt untIl I I a..-e proved my self worthy to rece ve so 1I0ble a gIft -untIl you I ave sbowl youraelves by deeds of dar ng alld feats of blavery worthy to bestow t upon me then percl aoce I may be happy to accept at your hands Rome last g teslImon al of your confidence aud es teem T Il then wa t


each person ~nd the tax )lssesed up al d take an IDventory of all proper aud apparently dead moreover she I In Its com melts upon our fa lure on the remaInder VIZ Sfute and 10 ty Ungathered crops w II be tu ned at one t me was fo nd w th n arks at Cbarle"tu tl e Boston Traveler Powlddedr n

tg the ha bW th d a~onhd

clll taxes assessed m the calendar over to the lessees on such terms as of ~ olenee upon he t oat In ex I k or go s saga n eCJmIng las year preced ng th s assessment to w II secure the government Iti fa r planat on she asserted tI at some re~~~at we Ill'ed lJOW It S clear I onable n New York cIty At a WIt from January 1 1862 to De- share wh Ie all moveable propelty young meD 1 ad attempted to strau f tl I d bt d sOIree not maDY eveu ngs S nce a cember 31 1862 mcluslve salanes W II be taken possessIOn of by the gle her Aga 0 she was fouDd SpIt I~O: s :::p:r dos~e :t~:~ ~a~s a:~h youdng lalldYk

the dau~hter of wealthYd

\. woman was arrested at Sher burne m Cbenango county N Y some two weeks smce for passll1g several altcre:! drafts on bauks m that VIC nIly Two of the or glllal drafts were respect vely for $9 38 and $9 75 and were lI1g'en oU81y altered to $90 38 and $90 75 and promptly paId by the banks where they were offered Tbe n oney however was suhsequeDtly recovered The woman was p aced III custody of the deputy 81 erlIT of tI e county f om whom af ter some days she managcd to es cape though v g laDtly watcl ed

ofoffieers or paymeuts to persons ID governmeI\t and sold to the lessee tlDgblood It was dl"covered that she fib d th an WI> nown parents appeare power u eng D un ncum ere WI th tit I d d d fift tbo servIce or employment of the and If des red payment w II be re: had Inti cted tI e wounds 0 her own armament but tted w th shar rou I WI a eas one uu re an y

UnIted States flom wh ch a deduc cmved f om the proceeds of the plant throat and that tbe blood she ra sed b h 11 t I k p Id dollars worth of gold dust on her tlOn of three Der cent has been at ou came not from the IDngs but f om I Phrowsl W IC h cUtl e a co h tastefully arranger! ha r-and th S

C se or per s WI some sUc t h th II made by tl e dlsburslDg officeJ s of After the lessee has taken posses her arm whence she drew t by suc b ffi d th d 00 w en e prem um on ye ow f th I -' h h th b t f mac ue a xe em as IS use ou specks was at fifty and thereabout the government IDterest or d v s on 0 e p ant .. t OD as many ne t on w t t e mou testa e 0 our ra Iroads a WIth whIch a wan I

dendlt of stock capItal or depOSIts In groes as he way des re WIll be turn ImseDs b 1 ty was a cunn ng and cuts a bar of ra oad Iron as eaSIly The St LoUIS Repub/ can states as any bank trnst company or savlOgs ed ovel to b m upon the order of the most lemarkable ,oluutary bus ness as Ie c ts I b be fsteak on h s dmner 0 e of tl e facts lIustrat ng tl e mag lnstltutlOn Insurance bridge ex Cumru sSlOnerS' the lessee g v ng The final result to the womau was a platc n tude of the wal tl ~t 31 14S horses

ress steamboat ferrylioat ra Iroad bonds to employ tbem uutIl the first sentence of mpr sonD ent for II ree Sucl a nac De would take any and 19 1<>1 n ul B were purchased 0

ompan, or corporat on from whIch of February 1864 and feed clotbe months luant tv of cha cables 10 Its mon tl at cIty for the year ena ng March mtere!!t or dlvltleuds a duty of three and treat humanely all neg oes t rn WORKMANSHIP OF IVORY strous Jaws aDd on open a passage 31st Tbey cost $5911 000 Most per cent shall have been deducted: cd over to 11m If It IS fouud Impos Stcam rams of t s cbaracter are the of the ammals were brought from II I:>y the officers of such s ble lJ consequence of the lateness None of our manufacturers I ave only hoge m ss es w tl low veloe I no s and the northern partSlQf Iodl corporat ons or assoc alIolls of tI e season to fio I pc SOlJ8 suffi yet reached the consummate sk 11 ofl t es wh ch Sh~ be hurled agaInst an3. a d Of 0 M s.oun 1 avmg beeu from: any 1l0nds 01 other ev dences c ently respons ble to g ve employ the Ch I ese art sts m the workman tl e enemy 8 v~ • and rIver obstlUc I exhausted early III tbe struggle IDdebtednessof any raIlroad company ment to a I negroes CODI ng w th n ship 01 vory cbleBy remarkable 10 tons WI ere t \l&nuells obstruct The debt of the Oonfederate Gov or other corporatIOn from whICh a theIr lInes tl e Comm ss oners may the r COltCeDtr c balls chess p ecea ed w tl pis the mIght be broken ernmellt IS e ght hundred m lhons of duty of three per cent shall bave appo ntsupCl ntendeDts under whose aDd models Yet the adaptal10n to or sawed off U),. jIIe power or ma dollars and the Cbarleston jlercury been deducted bv tbe officers of such superv s on tbe so I may be cult vat useful purposes of thIS valuable sub cl nery of the tids: As to war ves est mates the yeorly current Qxpens company or corporatlOn and receJp~ ed for tl e exclus ve benefit of the stance S fully understood by those sels the desideralUm IB an armature es of tbe government III the future at derIved from advertIsements on governnlt!nt 'II e wages to be paId who do not undertake to nval the wh ch WIll allow a powerful broad e ghty fa Ir m II ons or about seven whICh a duty shaH have been as~ess for the labor are as foHoWB Able exqUIsIte mmuteness of Eastern art 8 de and there IS mDch yet to learn dollars a year to eaoh m .. " woman ed and pllld also the sum of $600 Jjod ed men over fifteen years seven The manufacturers of surg cal III Ion thIS subJec~ Of the two we pre- and ch Id whIte and black m the except In t~oBe cases where the dollars per month able-bod ed wo struments are m the habit of reudel fer the rebel pIa of roofing to tbe twelve m II ons of populat 0111 e ght whole or any part of the saId $60~ men five dollars ch Idren between Dg Ivory Bexlble for use as tubes &'luare turret asaffordmg more room or n ne tImes as muc! as any tax e~ IIhall have :been deducted from the twelve and fifteen half pnce faml probes &c b"7 actmg on the well for guns and m re comfort for the er lev ed m South Carolma salirid or pay of officers or persons I es to be kept togetber f known fact tbat when bones are sub- meu workmg tbtm My good fellow qner ed a law ID the servICe or employment of the sIre The troops are requ red to g ve Jected to the act on of I ydrochlor c yer of h s prospect ve cl ent for UnIted States the ampunt actually protect on wheu It can be done wltb ac d the phospbate of I me wi ch BUY 1Ifr IMAGES what have tbey set you III the paId for the reDt of every dwell ng out mJury to tbe servIce and It s forms one of the r eomponeDt parts stocks? For slander But CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW honso or estate whIch s the reSIdence confi~ently beheved that the m I tary IS extracted and thDS bones retalD Gal1gna t s lfI, ssenger relates the they can t set you m the stocks fOT SEY -From footot Court and of the persons assessed and the organ zat on of the negroes w 11 af. theIr org nal form and acqUIre great followmg as aD actual occurrence slander remonstrated the attorney ~~~~eci,."cgl<~~!a':::Pi0n"d J*~~~eor~ .Ralilrol.d:l Dmount paId by any farmer or plant ford all tbe p otect on necessary flex bll ty After g vlUg the p eces Leon Gozlap saId one even ng I dOD t say tl ey can JrespolJded and at Easton WIth Lehigh Va. ey '''''ArU ••• er for hued labor and necessary re Commanders of tbe army wIll render of Ivory the reqlllred form and pol u the greenr~ m of the TI eater hIS cl ent I only know they I ave and ts Connections form ng ia d rect pat~8 IipQIi hIS farm or plantatlOn assIstance WI hout III Ish they are steeped lU ac d ether FrancaIs tbat beIng perplexed at done It and here I am ~l~i~:URGANDTHEWESTw thoutchan,. IllIlTlIdmg the subSistence of the la any manner W th tbe pure or dIloted nntIl they become seemg the Ital an Image sellers eter GREAT MIDDLE ROUTE TO THE WEST boretl! Returns lire to be made supple and elastIC and of II slIghtly ually hawk ng theIr tray of statuett Tbe follow og epItaph ou a gIrl SPa N, ARRJ.NGDKNT.....commencln, Apnl

Whenevel the total Illcome lor two weeks by the Commlss OD yellow color In the COOfse of dry es on tI e r heads through the who dIed bloken hearted from the 20 1863 Leave New Yorl< as fol o .. ~ any person exceed8 $10 000 and ne the Secretary of War mg tbe vory retUrDS to Its orIglllal streets WIthout a buman creature Span sh of CadalllO s not to be p ck Re'!t~:bUp~~:rI:,". a~!r~ :tu!;' E;:'~:h auet~Qnlf are made therefroD;l upon hardness but Its Bexlbii ty can be ever appearIng to bargalll for any he ed up every day Chunk WI amsport olc the ground that a port on of Buch In GRAPE VINES FOR PLANTING eas Iy restored by surround ng It asked one of thase venders If he had g~d ~~~~n~~~~~~l~nell S • one G~a kc~~fo:t G8re~t Be:~r :~ro~ '1~~ come bas been subject to a tbree per When youog v nes have beeu WIth wet lInen It IS now ascertalll exerc sed that profeSSIOn long Tb r Fear nolt approch oh I1I'sser bv- ham!!)n W Ik08barre &c cent du&y upon diVidends or mterest ralSed. from cutt ngs IU the open ed that the decay of artICles In Ivory ty years replIed the man And Of nought contag ous Ii d she d e WI? :m;~~~'~~'i,:or:;~~o,.nl!ll.~~~~~ PaId by compan es corporat ons or d t Id b bl h can be effectually checked even when d d you ever cuotInued tile autbor The first weeplog w How IU Eng burg &c

d groun wo years 0 pro a y IS t e thad d f of tbe Medun de Pec happen to land was planted by Pope the po t. 350 p " for Easton assoClatlOns 8S before enumerate best age to select for plantlDg out. s progress as vance so ar as q e town and Mauch sn.t:li person WIll be RubJect to a tax Plants one year from the cuttlUg to cause tbe speCImens to crumble sell oue of your figures? Never HavlUg lecelved some figs from Tur 4050 p )[ for '80~;::'~~iiie. of ..... n fer pon· additIonal upon so hid ffi away nnder the hands Some of the s r Gozlan refiected for some tIme key and observmg a' tWIg m the 610 P 11 for ,~W~ ~ '" ave rare y ma e su clent roots to th f h b k d t b .• hId 7 ()() l' " WA"A,m ElJ:p!'ess, mneli 0 hiS Income as may have b I II d works m Ivory forwanled by Mr on e strangeness 0 t e answer as et rea y D Uu e p ante It m

II ear transp antmg we an at a L d th d \r d d h d d Ii lentown .~'~~~~jin"g'L(!~~~ p ..... sub,'ected to n duty of h h ayard from Nmeveh were found an en S31 my goo man 0 me IS gar en an It soon ecame a fi the West .... ~ " .. greater age t an two years t e roots h I th f 11 h h t F h t k 11 I th ........ fte" .... nt by tlie of I h h 11 ou t eIr arflva to be lU a state of e avor to te me w y you ave ree rom t s s oc ate W€:CP'.,I through to ~"" r • "" are so ong t at t oy genera y re d b h II,. b ~ hIt II E I d hrigiulatt~d. Cn"'panles. co·poratlons or "~s:OGl:a-1 h t I....... t k rapId ecomposltlon P 01 Owen een t us wa I' og a out lor teas mg WI ows m ng an v, ......",.. ,. • .. ' cerve muc mu I a,,.,11 m a mg up- I I t h bid tlonl betior" n"med I h fib was consu ted on the sub'ect and he t Ir y years WIt t at oa upon your The Count de Grasse bemg wound " • thus oSlDg t elr most rons Dnd d " h d? I b d ~·<h.rdlan~ and trustees valuable part v z tbat at the ex 8uggeste a remedy wh cI on tr at, ea s It n 0 e ence to a vowed by a musket ball tile surgeons Boob trustees are 80 by VIrtue tremlt es on course. older VIlles proved to he m the h ghest degree you have made? No SIr certa n made many Ine S\oDS Los ng pa-their ofllce as executors admIUlI1 carefully taken up and as carefnlIy successful CoucludlDg that the de- Iy not It IS to get my I vmg-that tlenee at last, he a ked them why tratop o~ otber fidUCIary capacIty plauted w II come Into beaflDg ID a cay was owmg to the loss of gela IS the only reason But yorr say they cut aud carved so cruelly We 11M reqUIred to make a retmn of the shorter t me than younger plants t ne In tue Ivory he recommendl)~ you never sen Rn1ttilDg I never seek for the ball sa d they Why meorne belongmg to romors or otlier and thus gIve more sat sfactory re that the artIcles sbould be botlefr.'. t sell anyth ng It s troe: retnrned d d you not speak before? saId the RailrOlLd-·wit,b.,no t~c\~~1:n~:;t~ persons wblch may be held In trust sults where expenllle 18 no ohJectlOn a solutlOu of gelat ne and tbus treaf>. the man but "there are so many count I have It In my pocket. ~~~~:~~~~~ all aforesaill and the mcome tax w II but wbere a large number of VlDes ed they betlame firm and sol d ~Iumsy people 0 tha

h world that a S re one word saId a soldIer ;'

M' mlle8Aed upon the amount return are to be set out t~o years old plants ay never passes WIt out some one ne day to Freder ck the Gr t ed: after dednctlng such sums as are as above stated or oue-year old OULTIVATE FLOWERS runnmg agamst me and upsett ng when presentIng to h m a requ:_ e:letDp~d from the mcome tax as plants raIsed from eyes m tho sprIng Tbe love of Bowers IS qmte um my board My figures are thus bro- fot the brevetofheuteoMt If you a(Q~sald , prOVided that tl e exerqp and grown all summer III the versal and the man or woman who ken aud a crowd collects and makes say two" IlUswered the klDg I w 11 tlOb of '600 under sectIOn 90 of the aIr have deCIded advantages on finds no pleasure 1Il tbe beauty of a the person pay for them have yon hanged S gn rephed Eieille hlow shall not, be allowed on score of ecoDomy and ease of plant- mDst be deservlUg o( severer the sold er The k ng stared wh s-account of any mmor or other belle mg Indeed we sllould prefer plaID censure even tban that denounced by SOWING FLOWER SEEDS tIed and SIgned fici.ry of a trust except the cuttIngs planted!Wo to each stake Shakspeare on hun who hath no In order to be soccessfnl ID raIsmg Bnffaloes have been lately shot 8ta;teme.~ of the guardIan to one-year old VIJ)e~ ra sed musIc m hIS soul The SIUIpJo 8Ight flowers from seed It WIll be neCOllsa wlthm sIxty mIles of St PaDI Mil! made nnder oath that the mInor cuttmgs In tI e open groDnd l' of a flower IS more than pleal\ant ry to bear In mmd that the smaller nesota The lnd an ma~sacres ben~l&r~ha8 no other mcome raIsed from eyes m pots early In It IS .efinmg It most ofteJl. hfill the tbe seed the leS$ deeply should It be have rendered the regIOn so umohab w~ ... t amount of $600 may sprIng and transfer ed III summer thought to that wonderful Power covered wltlttbo earth Some seeds Ited that blsons wolves &c roam ellit\WP~d nd deducted to theIr final locatIOn do very well - which 18 ahke dIsplayed III the tIny Qre BO small that they reqUire only freely where they have not before

f Wben er perllons hable to Phln plant that bioolllll alone III the depthll to be sprinkled over the gtound and b(en seen for ye~rs IIClIIment of moome tax shall neglect of the forest and the countIes!! starll PI"eJ!sed mto the sO\I and should the The fact IS stated that Connect cut or ""UIe to make the hsts reqUired WlIIOR ARE THE BEST SHEEP? that crowd the firmament above IlS weMber prove very dry It. tbIn layer IS the wealthiest State m the UDlon bil~W, or .lien the hsts made aud From the answers to mqDIrIeS sent Hence the cultivatIOn of flowers of damp moss ought to be placed ID proportIOn to the number oflnhabl tendered to lIuch persons shaH not out by the Oh 0 State Boald of Agrl ought to be pursued wher~ver tbere over them tIll they germInate when tants there bemg an average of 8990 be .ccei.tet by the assessors or ~ culture we extract the f0110wlDg. IS It. f(lOt of ground large enough to care must be taken to hllove It remov to each person m the State wh Ie Sllltant 880lI as Just and proper Items III regard to the question of admIt of It whether m the country ed There are few seeds that requIre N Y k hi. h It liball be the duty of such assessor the hest sheep or the c ty In the cours!) of an ad such extreme attentIOn h~~tan~r as on y ",480 for eae m 01' iijIIiIata.nt 3iJ8esaor to make IIstli Th s questIon may have as many dress delIvered a few wl'ek8llgo at an .small .sceds, as Petuula, POI; ulaca (or 8uch persofis Bccordmg to tlie Illfferent answets as men have dIffer agncultural faIr ID tbe State of New &c sow about on&elghtb of an mch ~t lnformatlOn he can obtaI\! ent not ons and oplDlonll To the York Mr RIchard C McCorm ck ID m depth those of larger sIze as POl'lOna 80 1t.lI8Ilssed may take oath flock master who breeds and keeps the culture of flowers on !bgnonette Sweet Alyssum &c or .fIltmatloft as to the ameunt of In sheep for tbe wool the every said r about one quarter of an Inch In deptb COllie ud dQllU\ltlon therefrom Jlgree ~paDlsh Mermo 19 esteemed Lafayette Vlslttng the D)other of shU larger as :n~18am MornIng ubJ1. to 8ec'lOn 93 \ any other Some of the reasops for W ashmgton a~ FrederICksburg Va, Glory &c three quarterll of an Inch

II P4rM91lik reeelvmg rent Glat WhICh are all follows found her bus Iyengaged ID weedlDg in depth, and seeds of tbe largest duet. tbemfrom the amount paId The SpanIsh Mermo produceli a her flower garden, aud the IDCldeut s ze all LuplIle N astnrtlDw &e nece.pary repaIrs: Insurance greater quantIty of wool In propor suggests that the falC sex can find no fally one mcb m depth Tliey must ~tl~, ellcumqrance upon tlOn to tIie 81~ of the carcass than more wholesome pastIme than that be covered WIth finelY plll'en108d reD~ property The cost of any other 'VarIety of sheep It IS a gIven to BOllcultnre They may do SOIl or leaf mould IIhgbtly prel8ed Itt""lIIreil 9E Improvements to generally admitted fact that all ani much 10 the traIniDg of tbe rose to down and /ihould be.kept moderately iIllI 8IW~Dot be deduoted mals consume food In proportIOn to br ghten theIr own cheeks WIth lis meLit hy shadmg or II 81Ight sprlDk I~:il'l'~ tax mUlt be leVletJ the weIgbt of carcaSB ThIS belllg blush ng hnes and In tbe sweet aIr IIDg of water until they make their .lCii'"'' declared prIor to the case and the dlft'erencelD we ght of the garden find an IDvlgoratlOn appearance When aboat one IUch ..... 11/ tNt and npon '600 between a SpanI8h MerInO and LeI WhIC'h no other source can prOTide n height the pllbtl! mullt be tblDned .&J.,re. of oBleara or payment8 cestershlre or Sonthtlown beIng about Onr maidens sbould at thllttlme tend ont from one to two IncheS apart to

A cotemporary states Talt was run over and kIlled Cleveland Toad the oth r adds that a slm lar mil,fol~tull1e" cu.rred to him about two years

foverty IS often despair fellow went to hang: hinoself] fiDdmg a pot of gold went !ll~rrilly hOIDe Bnt he 'who had." U!aqE!1iI pot went and hung himself

Tbe man that forgets a gflla" deal that has happened has a better melmo­ry than he who rememherS' a l!:rt~at deal that never happened

When a lady IDteDds gIVIng ber beau the UIltten she beglOs by Kmt tmg her brbws

E RIE RAILWAY -PASSENGER TRAINS leave 'fIa Pavon a ~ erry fro ..

foot.of Chambers street Nell' York al fol lows VIZ

7 ()().l " Express for Buffalo and prinCipal mtermed ate stat ons

9.o0.l " M Ik dally for Port Jervla and Intermediate stations

12 15 l' " Accommodation dally for Jervis and pr nclpalstations

3.30 p " Wa1 for Middletown Newbur~h Warw ok and utermedlate stilt on8

600 P If NightExpre8. dally tor.Dul~~irk,1 Buffa 0 Cananda gua and prlnclpal.tatlon. The train of Saturdayrn!l8thrcugh to Bufl'& 10 but does not run to Dunkirk

600 P ]I(. Em grantforDnnklrk and prfncl pal atation.

The Ei:presl Traina pO!lnecl

viI e with ra road !~f;;~~.~~?:]~1 tbe Cananda gua ~C -'-.~.- c~~~;

at B nghamton with atC rnng wth the and Buffalo at for Scranton "'~..'~~~~:f~~~.~

aod Great'" .""''''''''' BUII"Llo

Trains leave the foIIow1ni' stat ODI at t11' t lUei nd cated

BORNE,LLSVILL. Goiog East Uolni'

2 07 P m Ma 1 7 27 .. m Nlpt I:r 8 98 Stock 1 2. P m )[a I H7 N g'ht Ex 815

.lLI'UD 654 p m Way Fre t 1.59 P m )[all 130 ~~II 630 .. m Way Fr, t

II'&LLIVILU 12 28 P m Mall 8.32 a m 1I1,ht Ell: 510 Way Fit t H2 P .. )[&0 8 " Night Ex 10 17

ral1lllDlBr!' U Sla 'DI JlaU 3 U, lU .all; 3 2~ p m 'fay FA t 10 44 a lU Frtl,bt

OOavll. ar. TirO Dollar. III advanoe

all: month. from le d:;it~!!I;D! wtI1 be lll.ble to all! ..

10 a. to lodicate the reach Adverti.ement~ of a clll1/'a':tor

i staDt wltllthe objeots ot In •• rled aHh. rat~ ollv,,·II.mb Ihe lInt In •• rtloD aDtl for each .UbaeqUenl_~~~t'!I~.~:

Jlystlo Bndge_S Watnford_OHver

Hebron-Geo W '[BG~

Lost Creok-Wm ~:~~~rlb. Nell' )[ Iton~ F 11


Soillhampton-Trumab "IU'uu'.n, • 101l'.l

Welton-CI arl •• A BUI'41clk. KoI.NB.lS

Thomas E Babcock )(l1l1l.SOU

Alfred B Burdick

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