  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    Advanced Students Guide



    How to Become te

    TO! STU"E#T

    Witout Stud$in%


    &u'ti('e )'un*

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    Tis +oo* I dedicate to

    THE )RESH&A#

    )or e *nows not wat es doin%


  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    Wat is a co''e%e,

    A co''e%e is an institution o- Hi%H education

    Co''e%e is e'd in i% esteem.

    . +$ tose wo never enro''ed..and te dead'iest curse -or te teacer.

    .is wat is students.

    .tin* o- teir co''e%e.

    A-ter a wi'e.

    .Te$ a'' -ee' te same.

    .-or it is not (ossi+'e.

    .to ide wat te co''e%e unearts/

    A co''e%e is a ome..were one can.

    .Ac0uire a 'ot/

    A 'ot.

    .in a 'ot o- time.


    .and a+ove a''.


  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    W$ to Enro'' at A !ARTICU1AR Co''e%e

    One enro''s at a co''e%e -or a num+er o- sound reasons and at 'east a sin%'e stu(id one

    Sound reasons2You dont need to wor* ard/

    Or at 'east not re%u'ar'$/

    You remain c'ose to ome/You dont trow awa$ te +oo*s.

    . $ou %ot -rom $our e'der +roter/

    Because a'' te i% scoo' +uddies did it as we''/

    Crossin% te street was suc a +ore/Te$ ave a %ood ca-eteria/

    A %ood wa$ to -ind a us+and 3at te Tecnica' Co''e%e4.

    . or a wi-e 3&edica' Scoo'4.

    Your mama enro''ed $ou/Your documents wi'' +e sa-e tere/

    You can (ost(one %oin% to te arm$.. ti'' te wars (ass/

    To %ain te time/

    You %et a nice students +oo*'et/Your -o'*s can %o +ra%%in% around.

    . a+out avin% a student at ome/

    3unti' te -irst e5ams6 o- course4/

    You ad two (otos remainin% -rom ma*in% te (ass(ort.. and te$re not %ood enou% to +e %iven to $our %ir'-riend/

    !ossi+'e stu(id reasons2You 'ove it/

    To 'earn sometin%/

    To wise'$ use.. $our -ree time/

    To +e use-u'.

    . to te communit$/

    To %et inte''ectua''$ en%a%ed/To +e te +est student o- te %eneration/

    To %et ric/

    To +ecame an e5(ert/Yet.

    . te u'timate stu(id reason.

    . is not avin% a sin%'e one.

    . smart reason/

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  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    I- $ou dont +e'ieve te word o- te street

    3And i- $ou do $ou want to cec* it out4

    Wen $ou -ina''$ %et it..$ou'' curse 7ust as +ad.

    ./ Te 'ac* o- conviction and too muc curiosit$/


    Is a coice

    O- tose wo cannot..trave' around te wor'd.

    . at teir own e5(ense/

    Wen te$ (a$ -or a'' te e5(enses.

    ./o- -ree education.

    . te$ wi'' understand.

    . tat it wou'dve +een cea(er.

    . i- te$ went to Hawai.


    Is %ood -or2Cu'tivation/

    )ami'$ roots in te rura' environment/

    Te +ro%ues.. inerited -rom $our %rand-ater/

    )or te "utc -armers do it.

    . and $our nei%+ors son didnt/

    I- $ou 'i*e to sit in te A''e$ o- te Greats/I- $oure orticu'tura'/

    E'ectrica' En%ineerin%Is interestin%2

    I- $ou %ot e'ectri-ied.

    . so teres a sort circuit in $our ead/Because it is eas$ to -ind a 7o+ in Canada.

    . #ew 8ea'and6 Austra'ia6 USA.

    . 'uc*i'$6 not ere/

    9Cos ever since Tes'a 'e-t.. tin%s avent can%ed ere/

    As $ou ave no idea were to turn tese +astards o--/

    Because $ou want to -i5 te iron.. and not trow it awa$/


    Is cosen2

    )or a'' te -orrrrma'''''' '''''''e%a''''' reasons/

    Because $ou want to ave.

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    . enou% time.

    . -or oter tin%s in 'i-e/

    Because $oure -ed u( wit onest$/9Cos 7ustice is s'ow.

    . so $ou ave time to.

    . snatc 'oads o- mone$ -rom tose wo wait -or it/9Cos te$ want o(inions and not *now'ed%e/

    To -inis Ka-*as !rocess/


    Is -or2

    1iterar$ Critics/

    Accountants/Boo* Binders/

    Boo* Se''ers/

    Boo* 'overs/

    Bi+'iomaniacs/Boo* eaters/

    Boo* worms/#ever -or writers/

    )or a'' tose wo wi'' ma*e a 'ivin% on +oo*s.

    . and not tose wo 'ive -or te +oo*/


    is -or $ou i-

    $ou want to +e an e5(ert ust'er/Tat is6 i- $ou want to stea'.

    . witout +ein% cau%t/

    You want to use $ou *now'ed%e o- mat .. in a (ractica' manner/

    Youre wi''in% to 'earn.

    . a+out a'' mista*es weve made so -ar.

    . so tat $ou can do te same in -uture.

    . witout ma*in% te mista*es/

    !s$co'o%$Is -or tose

    Wo o(e.

    . to e5('ain it to temse'ves in -uture/On'$ tere.

    . does te teacer a'wa$s.

    . understand te students.

    . and te students understand teir teacers.

    . on'$ a-ter te$ %raduate/

    31uc*i'$6 no one can read te tou%ts 4

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    Is attractive2

    Because $ou +ecome te mem+er o- te Academ$ ri%t awa$/)or no one understands it/

    I- $ou ate savin%/

    I- $oure ta'ented -or an$tin%.. e5ce(t -or te tin%s $ou stud$/

    I- $ou en7o$ castin%/

    )or it is a sma'' ste(.. o- su+7ective wises.

    . and a %iant 'ea(.

    . o- o+7ective ca(a+i'ities/

    )or $ou can see.. tat tose witout ta'ent %raduate.

    . wic %ives $ou %ood cances as we''/

    &atsIs -or te2




    And a'' te oters.

    . wo wi'' on'$ a-ter te studies.

    . +e ac0uitted.

    . due to te lack of evidence/

    Cemistr$Is -or tose2

    Wo 'i*e to sa*e it u(/

    Searcin% -or te -ormu'a o- success.. te (i'oso(ers stone.

    . or at 'east te (otion o- 'i-e/

    Te$ wi'' +e a(($.

    . to -ind a 7o+ in te end/

    Tecnica' En%ineerin%

    Is -or $ou i-2You dont want to %et rust$/

    Since -or te wrenc.

    . one needs not an$ *now'ed%e o- te )renc/Because $ou ave no idea wat to do wit $ourse'-.

    . +ut *now wat to do wit te macines/

    Because oters to'd $ou.

    . it wou'd +e di--erent/

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    Because an$ misunderstandin%.

    . can easi'$ +e sett'ed.

    . wit te e'( o- too's/Because its a mans tin%/

    !i'oso($Is (o(u'ar2

    )or tere are +oo*s.

    . +ut no te5t+oo*s/Te$re a'wa$s te -irst ones to %o on stri*e/

    Teir a''wa$s are wide.

    . and teir c'assrooms sma''/

    )or tere are man$.. consu'tations in te ca-eteria/

    Cause $oud 'i*e.

    . to -ina''$ read te c'assics/

    )or tere are man$ courses.. 'eadin% nowere/



    A -acu't$ wic is not2. cemistr$.

    . matematics.

    . tecno'o%$.

    . trade.

    . er+a'ism.

    . medicine.

    . and ver$ o-ten.

    . not even (armac$/

    One %oes to (armac$.

    . out o- curiosit$.

    . and %raduates.

    . wit a ('easant -ee'in%.

    . tat an$tin% as a (rice.

    . e5ce(t -or te cure/


    Is te coice o-2Se(erds/


    Cow+o$s/And oter mem+ers.

    . o- Associations -or te (rotection -rom umans/

    Te$re te on'$ ones.

    . wo *now ow to.

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  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    Wo 'i*e to +ui'd temse'ves monuments.

    . wi'e te$re sti'' a'ive/

    &ost o- tem wi'' draw teir wo'e 'i-e.. and on'$ tose -ew wit.

    . *nac*.

    . *now'ed%e.. ta'ent.

    . and a+ove a''.

    . connections.

    . %et to +ui'd/

    3O- course6 i- te structure.

    "oesnt co''a(se on tem4


    Is te coice2

    O- tose wo 'i*e to %et ($sica'/

    Tose wo are -ami'iar wit Tes'a.. and do not *now tat its.

    . istor$ tats re(eatin%.

    . not ($sics/

    !i'oso($Is 'i*e2

    Te on'$ ('ace were a student.

    . doesnt answer 0uestions.

    . +ut (i'oso(i

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide



    Is a -acu't$2

    Teacin% students.. tat te$ ori%inated -rom mon*e$s.

    . wic te 'oca' >? (ositive.

    . or even a -ew (ercenta%es more/

    &ore 7ust tan te Roman Code.

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    . not to mention .

    . te &a%na Carta.


    #ever read an$ +oo*s 9cos te$ *ee( it a'' in teir ead/

    Tin* wen no+od$ wou'd do it/#ever %'ance at te watces.

    . -or te$ ave a (recise +ior$tm/

    Wear no weddin% rin%s 9cos te$re too ti%t/#ever watc te weater -orecast.

    . +ecause te$ *now were te winds +'ow -rom.

    . and do watc te "ai'$ #ews.

    . so tat te$ wou'dnt ear -rom te oters.

    . weter te$ sti'' ave teir 7o+/


    Has no a'ternative/#ever dies @ not in te.

    . worst western movies/Bu''ets cant %et im/

    Is eterna' @ unti' e dies/

    Has no ($sio'o%ica' needs.. not even te +asic ones.

    . -or te$ -or%et a+out tem/

    Oters do it -or im.

    . o-ten not as success-u''$/He cannot +e +ri+ed/

    He doesnt %o nuts/

    #ever 'ies/And w$ on eart wou'd e stea',

    !ro-essor2Is God or at 'east St/ !au'/

    And i- es andsome.

    3a(('ies on'$ to -ema'e students4

    . ten even -'un*in%.

    . can +rin% te ('easure.

    . o- anoter meetin%/


    Te %reatest (ro+'ems o- te teacer are.

    . tose man$ tit'es.

    . under te %ra$in% air.

    . and +a'din% ead/

    "r 3er*4 and &r/ 3H$de4

    . o-ten a +ed !rim3Crimina'4

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    Grada+'e6 In%enious.

    . on'$ -or teir -riends/

    Te oters wou'd o(t -or.. Sci

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    !ro-essor B maintains a dia'o%ue wit students

    Our (ro-essor as a dia'o%ue.

    . wit imse'-/

    Tat is te on'$ co''ocutor2e res(ects6

    e trusts6

    wo *nows im we''/Te one e tin*s i%'$ o-.

    . and wo never con-ronts im/

    An i- te dia'o%ue.

    . resu'ts in misunderstandin%.

    . HE wi'' certain'$ +e ri%t/

    !ro-essor C is never 'ate -or c'ass

    Our (ro-essor is 'ate.

    . wic is worse.

    . +ut sti'' +etter tan not sowin% u( at a''/

    Bein% 'ate.

    . is a demonstration o- -orce.

    . and te (roo- o- .

    . te wea*ness o- is (resentation/

    !ro-essor " is interested to ear wat students tin* a+out is 'ecture

    Our teacer.

    . is not interested.

    . as o(inions.

    . are a su+7ective cate%or$/

    HE is smart enou%.. and e *nows wat te students.

    . wou'd sa$ o- im/

    So6 w$ waste.

    . time.

    . (a(er.

    . and nerves/

    A (ure'$ economica' matter/It doesnt (a$ o--.

    . to read so man$ com('aints.

    . to ear so -ew com('iments/

    !ro-essor E as e5ce(tiona' teoretica' *now'ed%e

    Our (ro-essor 'i*e to +e in (o'itics.

    . +ecause tat means.

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    . tat e doesnt ave to +e in teor$/

    Teor$ e wou'd 'eave to teoreticians.. so as not to mi5 te two.

    . and not to %et con-used.

    . wit wat was doin% so -ar/

    !ro-essor ) is a'wa$s ver$ e'e%ant

    Our (ro-essor.. -ee's e imse'-.

    . is a ma5imum onor.

    . -or te auditorium/

    An$tin% more tan tat.. wou'd +e com(etition.

    . a%ainst &oter Teresa.

    . and in is -ie'd.

    . teres no #o+e' !ri

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    !ro-essor H res(ects is co''ocutor

    Our (ro-essor wou'd +e %'ad to.. +ut wats te (oint.

    . wen e.

    . cannot utter a word/

    He is rea'istic a+out te -act.

    . tat te man de-ends +$ si'ence.

    . wic means consent.

    . and (ro-essors %ood manners.

    . disa''ow im.

    . -rom sto((in% is si'ence/

    Our (ro-essor is a -i%ure o- s(eec6 as a'' tat is said.

    . doesnt a(('$ to a'' our (ro-essors/ Tere are some o- ours on teir side as we''/

    Assistant !ro-essor

    Assistant (ro-essor sti'' as no 'evera%e6 even tou% e 'eaves students in ra%e/Assistant !ro-essor is an assistant wo survived.

    . and a -uture (ro-essor @ i- e 'ives to +e one/

    Assistant !ro-essor is a'- wa$ tere/Undecided/

    #ot too $oun%.

    . to do wat e cou'd.

    . and not o'd enou%.

    . to +e wat e cannot +e/

    Watever te (ro-essors do to im.

    . e ta*es out on te students.

    . wit interest/

    AssistantAssistant is a s(ecia' case and at times an accident/

    Assistant is an e5 student.

    . wo 'earned a'' -rom te +oo*s.

    . and notin% -rom e5(erience/

    He remains at te -acu't$.

    . tin*in% it rewardin%.3wic is dou+t-u'4

    . and not

    3wic is con-irmed.. +$ (revious (ractice4/

    Te 'en%t o- te (unisment.

    . is we'' measured.

    . accordin% to is (ros(ects/

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    Head o- te Students Service

    He sure *nows wat es doin%

    Head o- te Students Service.

    . re%u'ates te studentD(ro-essor re'ationsi(/He is indis(ensa+'e.

    . -or te (eace and sta+i'it$.

    . at te -acu't$/I- e %ets cau%t in +etween.

    . es done wit.

    . i- e %ets on to( o- it.

    . te$re done wit/

    Hand'in% te door*ee(er

    Te door*ee(er is te *e$ (erson at te -acu't$

    Hes te -irst one.. $ou'' meet tere.

    . and te 'ast one.// wose (ermit.

    . %ives $ou te student status/

    So6 +e care-u'.

    . i- $ou %et in a -i%t wit a (ro-essor.

    . $ou'' +e 0uestioned +$ anoter one/

    I- $ou %et in a -i%t wit te door*ee(er.. e as*s no 0uestions.

    . e starts +eatin% $ou instant'$/


    )resman is a student wit academic ormona' status/

    He *nows notin%.

    . and es read$ -or ever$tin%/

    Ever$one is sad.. wen te -resman %rows u(.

    . e5ce(t -or temse'ves.

    . wo are read$.

    . to %ive te e5(erience.

    . +ac* wit a ven%eance/

    Student Re(resentative

    Student Re(resentative re(resents

    Te students witout tem *nowin% it/

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    HE used to +e res(ected +$ te students.

    . +e-ore te e'ections.

    . wen e wor*ed -or tem.

    . and +ecomes ated 'ater.

    . wen e starts wor*in%.

    . so'e'$ -or imse'-/

    Te eterna' student

    Te eterna' student is (art o- te -acu't$ -urniture wic doesnt wear o--/

    Te status o- te eterna' student actua''$ is.

    . a !H" wit cumu'ative e--ect/Com(ared to a !H" it ta*es.

    . more time.

    . more onest$.

    . more uman 0ua'ities.. wit identica' scienti-ic contri+ution/

    It can +e ac0uired +$ $ears o- stud$.. wit an$ (ro%ress.

    . +ein% ard.

    . noted.

    . and a+ove a''.


    He 'in*s %enerations.

    . es indis(ensa+'e.

    . in writin%.

    . te istor$ o- te -acu't$/

    To +ecome an eterna' student.. it ta*es necessar$ recommendations.

    . -rom tose.

    . not in te (ro-essors -an c'u+/


    Gee* is a -irst c'ass student/

    Gee*s are not 'oved2B$ students/


    Oter %ee*s/A'' -or te same reason/

    Te %ee* *nows more.

    . and wat is worse.

    . e *ee(s (ointin% it out/

    Gree*s as -orei%n students

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    Gree*s are +roters wic te o+'i%ator$ visa (roves/

    A'' -orei%n students6 and es(ecia''$ Gree*s.. are o+'i%ed to (ass.

    . a se'ection (rocess +e-ore enro''ment/

    Te se'ection is2

    . tou%.

    . strict.

    . rut'ess.

    . re'ent'ess.

    . and un0uestionin%'$.

    . ne%ative/

    Te smart Gree*s attend.

    . Gree* universities/

    Te ric ones %o to O5-ord or Harvard.. or e'sewere/

    Wat we %et are.. te 'e-tovers.

    . (resent com(an$ e5c'uded.

    . te stu(id and te (oor/Yet6 te$re smart enou%.

    . and wea't$ enou%.

    . to +u$ our.

    . 'ectures.

    . (ractice c'asses.

    . our di('omas and 3trut +e to'd4.

    . our (ro-essors/

    A%ain6 e5c'udin% te ma7orit$ (ro-essors.

    . wo wou'd never.

    . ever do it/

    Because it is.

    . untin*a+'e.

    . disonest.

    . umi'iatin%.

    . same-u'.

    . and a+ove a''.

    . cea(/

    I- some o- te (ro-essors sou'd do it.. its on'$ out o-2

    . %ood wi''.

    . umanit$.

    . so-tness o- te eart.

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    . soutern menta'it$.

    . unit$ and +roterood.

    . os(ita+i'it$.

    . Ortodo5$.

    . consideration.

    . and most'$.. +ecause o- te un(aid +i''s/

    Te entrance e5am

    Entrance e5ams are -irst e5(eriences in ust'in%/

    Some ca'' it a 0ua'i-ication.. some e'imination.

    And te$ a'' *now its neiter o- te two.

    . +ut rater te tird/

    Entrance e5ams can +e ard.. i- $ou didnt stud$.

    . or even more.

    . i- $ou dont *now te dean.

    . or at 'east some o- te (eo('e.

    . (re(arin% te e5am/To ave an$ cance.

    . $ou must +u$ te +oo* wit 0uestions.

    . and te answers.

    . and +u$in% it is more im(ortant tan readin%/Tere mi%t +e some aid -rom a committee mem+er.

    . sittin% at te e5am/

    However6 tese are not to +e as*ed -or so'utions.. As te$ ad -or%otten te answers 'on% +eo-ore.

    . i- te$ ever *new tem/

    Te$ wou'd screw $ou out o- ne%'i%ence/And i- $ou want to ear is answers.

    ./ Be sure not to.

    . circ'e tem on te e5am/

    It is +etter to ave tat (erson.. correct $our test 'ater on/

    )or im to *now $our (a(er.

    . never 'eave com('ete'$ em(t$ (a(ers.

    . or a'' te wron% answers.

    . -or tat is te.

    . most -re0uent com+ination/You must +e more ori%ina'.

    . and do some o- te tas*s/

    Goin% to 1ectures

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    Students attend 'ectures re%u'ar'$/

    E5ce(t2Wen te$re un%r$/

    Wen te$re -u'' o- *now'ed%e/

    Wen %oin% to +e vaccinated/Wen donatin% +'ood/

    Wen te$re +us$/

    Wen teres a -oot+a'' der+$ %ame/Wen te cit$ trans(ortation is on stri*e/

    Wen te$ *now wat is to +e tau%t at te 'ecture/

    Wen te$ ave a 7usti-ication/

    Wen te 'ectures are.. too ear'$ or too 'ate/

    And in students 'i-e c$c'e.

    . too ear'$ is @ mornin%.

    . and too 'ate @ a-ternoon/

    Students attend 'ectures2To en7o$ te +rea*s/

    To -inis o--.

    . a %ame o- ,,,,,cec*ersTo cec* out.

    . i- te assistant.

    . wou'd sit 'i*e se did.

    . te wee* +e-ore/

    Student wi'' +e tere2

    Wen e %ets con-used/Wen e as a drin*/

    Wen e as notin% e'se to do/

    Wen te (ro-essor is si%nin% te attendance records/Wen is %ir'-riend ma*es im.

    . to cec* ow muc e 'oves er.

    . wic is a cor(us de'icti.

    . o- se5ua' a+use.

    . 3o- course6 i- te (ro-essor.

    . acce(ts te ro'e o- te witness4/


    1ectures are not o+'i%ator$.. so act accordin%'$/

    Te 'ecture $ou do attend.

    . wi'' +e e5ce(tiona''$ +orin%/

    Te +est 'ectures.

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    . are te ones $ou s'e(t over/

    Even worse6 ten.

    . a'' te +est cic*s.

    . were in c'ass.

    . te (ro-essor was motivated.

    . e ta'*ed a+out te tin%s.. wic are not in te te5t+oo*.

    . and e was si%nin% te attendance records/


    Wen it rains.

    . it (ours/

    Ta*in% notes

    #otes are ancient E%$(tian iero%'$(s made in students wa$

    I- $ou ta*e notes in c'ass.

    . $ou wi'' as* $ourse'- 'ater on.. weter $ou attended te 'ecture.

    . in te -irst ('ace/"ecodin% wat $ou wrote.

    . wi'' ta*e more time.

    . ten 'earnin% it -rom te +oo*/I- $ou dont ta*e notes.

    . $ou dont %et to 'earn a 'ot.

    . as $ou s(end most time.

    . 'oo*in% around.

    . wo is in c'ass/

    Kee(in% notes or not.

    . te decision is u( to $ou.

    . even tou% $ou'' 'earn 'ater.

    . tat $ou sou'dve done.

    . (recise'$ te o((osite/

    !ractice c'asses

    !ractices are te on'$ (ractica' (art o- te im(ractica' studies/

    !ractices are o+'i%ator$.. wic %ives $ou an e5tra motive.

    . to s*i( tem re%u'ar'$/

    !ractices are (re(ared in advance.. unti' $ou understand it.

    . and wen $ou (rove tat $ou ave no idea.

    . $ou retrace $our ste(s +ac*ward/One 'earns te most.

    . wen te e5(eriment -ai's/

    )irst6 tat te teor$ is one tin%.

    . (ractice sometin% e'se.

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    . and tat someone ere.

    . is %ettin% teir (a$cec* -or notin%/


    Te5t+oo*s are +oo*s students sou'd use in order to (re(are -or e5ams

    Un'ess2!ro-essors are tr$in% to2

    Invest teir ric e5(erience

    Give teir own (ersona' contri+utionBe creative

    &a*e te to(ic more condensed

    "isa+'e (otoco($in%

    &a*e an e5tra e--ort.. to e'( students.

    . and ma*e some mone$ on te wa$/

    In tat case.

    . te te5t+oo* can teac.. a'' a+out te (ro-essor.

    . and notin% on te su+7ect matter/

    Bu$in% te Te5t+oo*

    #ever +u$2A te5t+oo* witout cec*in%.

    . wats inside/

    Te covers.

    . are a'wa$s te +est (art.

    . o- an$ +oo*.

    )or te$re not made +$ te autor.

    . +ut +$ te desi%ner/Wat $ou need.

    . is not in tat +oo*.

    . +ut in te oter one wic is so'd out/Te vo'ume and te (rice.

    . are usua''$ a measure o-.

    . 'ac* o- modest$.

    . me%a'omania.

    . economica''$ -ounded te-t.

    . and not o-.

    . te 0ua'it$ o- te +oo*/

    Used Boo*sUsed +oo*s are so'd +$ o'der co''ea%ues

    Tose are wo'e +oo*s -or a'- te (rice.

    . o-ten even te o((osite/

    Te 'aw o- te o--er and demand.

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    . %overns tis transaction.

    . in its most rut'ess -orm/

    Bu$in% a used +oo*.. means savin% mone$.

    . and %oin% trou% te ordea'.

    . o- tr$in% to memori

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    . -rom te +'ac* mar*et sa'e.

    . o- te (a(ers/

    Stud$in% -rom 'ecture notes means2

    Stud$in% a 'ot.

    . o- untrue nonsense/Ta*in% more time.

    . to (re(are -or te e5am/

    "ama%in% te e$esi%t.. readin% a +ad co($/

    1earnin% tat teres.

    . sometin% worse tan.

    . memori

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    . to measure te immeasura+'e/

    Te outcome is a'wa$s te same.

    . -or (ro-essors.

    . as no one ever cec*s.

    . i- te$ *now wat.

    . students dont/

    Wic e5am to ta*e

    Ever$one e'se wi'' (ass tose e5ams $ou dont ta*e/Te ones $ou ('anned 'ast.

    . wi'' +e te -irst on te scedu'e/

    A(('$ -or a'' te e5ams.

    . and ma*e $our (arents a(($.

    . and $our co''ea%ues worried/

    On'$ ta*e te e5ams.

    . $ou didnt (re(are -or/

    Ten $ou ave notin% to 'ose/

    !ro-essors si%natureCo''ectin% (ro-essors.

    . si%nature//

    . as*s -or te.

    . s*i''.

    . inte''ect.

    . and even im(udence/

    A si%nature can +e ac0uired.. at di--erent ('aces.

    . in di--erent circumstances.

    . 'est o-ten in te c'assroom.

    . and 'east o-ten -or.

    . re%u'ar attendance in c'ass/

    Tere-ore6 a'wa$s ave $our.. students +oo*'et in (oc*et.

    . and +e read$ to draw -irst/

    Attendance con-irmationAt te end o- eac semester.

    . te attendance in c'ass wi'' +e con-irmed.

    . witout an$one *nowin%.

    . te use o- it/

    !era(s to count.

    . te num+er o- su+7ects.

    . to record te (assa%e o- time.

    . or to *ee( te students a--aires o--ice.

    . +us$/

    Students A--aires O--ice

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    Students A--aires O--ice is tere.

    . to e'( students.

    . +ut someone as to te'' tem tat/

    It o(ens wen.

    . $oure in te ca-eteria.. and c'oses.

    . wen its $our turn to enter/

    .Students usua''$.

    . demand wat te O--ice.

    . cannot %rant tem.

    . and %et -rom it.

    . wat te$ dont need/

    "rawin% e5am 0uestions

    "ont ta*e te 0uestion on to( o- te (i'e.. -or tose mi%t +e te re('aced.

    . 0uestions o- a (revious student/"ont ta*e tem -rom te midd'e.

    . -or its im(ossi+'e to -ind te midd'e/

    It wi'' a'wa$s +e.. c'oser to te to(.

    . or c'oser to te +ottom.

    . and $oud end u( wit.

    . te 0uestion $ou didnt want/I- $ou ta*e it -rom te +ottom.

    . $ou'' %et te worst ones.

    . as tose dont %et su--'ed/I- $ou tr$ to re('ace te 0uestion $ou too*.

    . wos to %uarantee tat te new one wi'' +e easier/

    I- te (ro-essor cooses -or $ou.. $ou'' +e on tin ice.

    . academica''$ s(ea*in%/

    I- te$ 'et $ou cose te 0uestion.

    . te$'' a'' wonder.

    . i- tats te wa$ $ou ta'* a+out wat $ou *now.

    . wou'd $ou need a 'o%o(edic.

    . to state $our name and address.

    . or ma$+e a trans'ator.

    . to trans'ate wat $ou said/

    So6 ta*e an$ 0uestion.

    . -or te easiest ones.

    . wou'd +e ta*en +e-ore.

    B$ students wo ad.

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    . a'read$ -inised te e5am/

    Co($in%Co($in% +i+'ica' te5ts +rou%t a+out modern universities/

    #ever co($ te answers o- te +est student.. tose are motivated.

    . to %ive $ou wron% answer/

    Teir aim is to +e te +est.. wic is (ossi+'e.

    . on'$ i- e is %ood666

    . or i- te rest are +ad/

    "ont co($ -rom te +ad students.. te$ wi'' screw $ou over.

    . so tat te$ ave someone to *ee( tem com(an$/

    "ont co($ -rom te mediocre students.

    . -or teir wron% answers.. wi'' seem $ou ri%t/

    On'$ co($ -rom $our -irst dra-t.. and $ou'' ave %ood re'ations wit tem a''/

    Cec*in% u( te answersTe 0uestions $ou tou%t.

    . $ou did correct'$.

    . wi'' on'$ +e so (artia''$/

    Tose $ou tou%t were (artia''$ correct.. wi'' +e com('ete'$ wron%/

    Te -act is tat $ou can no 'on%er.

    . increase te num+er o- correct ones.

    . or decrease te num+er o- wron% ones/

    So6 te +est o(tion is.

    . to save $ourse'- -rom worr$in%.

    . and save te mone$ -or tran0ui'i

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    Once te wist'e +'ows.

    . te re- wont can%e is mind/

    How a -ema'e student (re(ares -or te e5am

    Same as ma'e students @ 'earns te su+7ect/

    I- se as er ands -u''.

    . te o(tion o- usin% 'e%s.

    . is sti'' o(en/&a*eu( is necessar$.

    . i- teres te need to ma*e u( -or sometin%.

    . +ut c'otes.

    . can +e 'e-t at ome/)'asin% e$e'ases.

    . Seductive (ositions.

    . Bendin% over.

    . ta'*in% sensua''$.. tat a'' can contri+ute to.

    . a +etter resu't.

    . or at 'east to overcomin%.

    . te -irst urd'e/

    E5ce(t in one case2

    I- on te oter side.

    . te student con-ronts HER/

    Se wou'd not understand a'' tat.. -or it is too 'ate.

    To remem+er ow tin%s used to +e.

    . and its too ear'$.

    . to -or%et.

    . te e5(ectations se ad/

    Te (romises o- $esterda$.. wou'd overcome te -acts o- toda$/

    A-ter te e5am te$'' +ot -ee' e0ua''$ sorr$/

    Eac -or er own reasons/

    How to -'un* an e5am

    :er$ easi'$/

    Act dea-mute.. or at 'east mute/

    "e-end $our views/

    As* -or te (ro-essor to +e e5em(ted/

    You ave to *now as 'itt'e as (ossi+'e.

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    . so as not to +e tem(ted/

    Its not a +ad idea.

    . to ave some idea o- wic e5am is tat da$/Know wat $ou dont *now/

    "ont -a'' -or.

    . te (rovocations.. suc as additiona' 0uestions/

    Be coo'/

    #ever surrender/Re-use to s(ea*.

    . witout te (resence o- $our attorne$/

    An$tin% $ou sa$.

    . can +e used a%ainst $ou.

    . and cause +ursts o- 'au%ter.

    . in te auditorium.

    . wic wou'd 'eave $ou.

    . out o- te com(etition.. -or a c'ean -'un*in% te e5am.

    . and 0ua'i-$ $ou.

    . -or te 7o*e o- te $ear/

    GradesA %rade is a measure o- *now'ed%e/


    Wen te (ro-essor decides.. to +e o+7ective/

    Ten it +ecomes a mere -i%ure.

    . wic te statistics wi'' 'ater.

    . trans-orm into.

    Wat no %rade is/

    O+7ective measure o-.. su+7ective measurin%/

    A student wi'' a'wa$s tin*.

    . tat e demonstrated a 'ot.

    . and te (ro-essor tat more was needed/A (ro-essor wi'' a'wa$s tin*.

    . tat e %ave a 'ot.

    . and te student tat more was needed/Actua''$6 te$ +ot c'aim te same.

    . its on'$ te word order tats te (ro+'em ere.

    . and te -acu't$ records.

    . were tis 'in%uistic issue.

    . %ot its -ina'.

    . numerica' outcome/

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    !rover+ia' %rades2

    ) @ #o (ain no %ain/

    " @ Ever$ (at as its (udd'e/E @ Ta*e one ste( at a time/

    C @ Ever$ do% as is da$/

    B @ &ind is over matter 3wen co($in%4/A @ To Err is uman/

    :er+a'"i%ita' trans'ation o- te %rades2


    ) @ "ead+orn" @ )ina''$ a +o$;

    E @ Unwanted/

    C @ Une5(ected

    B @ !er-ection/A @ Caesarean section/


    ) @ Sit" @ Know'ed%e

    E @ Co($in%

    C @ Overdoin% it

    B @ Bri+eA @ "ou+'esit 3F F4

    Avera%e %radeTe avera%e %rade 5Dn/

    Te avera%e %rade was invented.

    . +$ te statistics de(artment.

    . to ma*e stud$in%.

    . ever more dis%ustin%.

    . and create 7o+s -or teir (eo('e/

    ust one 'ous$ %rade.. irreversi+'$ satters te i''usion.

    . o- $ou +ein% (er-ect.

    . and +rin%s $ou +ac* to rea'it$.

    . o- +ein% 7ust %ood/

    Its a corn$ stor$.

    . o- an A as un unattaina+'e.

    . and $et attained avera%e %rade/

    And it is un7ust.

    . tat te avera%e %rade at E.

    . remains a ta+oo to(ic.

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    . even tou% no one actua''$ as it/

    Strivin% to increase te avera%e %rade2

    &eans renouncin% $our -ree time/

    Acce(tin% di--erent -orms o- umi'iation.. +e%%in% someone wo is worse tan $ou.

    . -or sometin% $ou didnt deserve/

    1osin% te 7o$ o-.. %ettin% an A.

    . -or te terri+'e -ear o-.

    . %ettin% a B/

    Wi''in%'$ con-ront.. one YES wit a tousand #Os/

    Handica((in% $ourse'-/

    And wat is worse.

    . e5(eriencin% te disa((ointment.. u(on -inisin% te studies.

    . -or e5ams are one tin%.

    . and 'i-e sometin% e'se/

    Tere-ore2"o not discriminate.

    . te %rades.

    . -or tat wa$.

    . $ou'' tric* te (ro-essor.

    . and e wi'' tric* $ou/

    1eave te avera%e %rade.

    . -or te statistics.

    . *nowin% tat it is.

    . a scienti-ica''$ +ased 'ie/

    Wat &ar5 said

    3a(('ica+'e -or te -acu'ties in transition4

    &ar5s +ar+er died on is +irt/

    Wenever a (ro-essor 0uoted.

    . wat &ar5 said.

    . it seemed tat.

    . e imse'- was a witness to it/

    I- 'ater.. we read it -rom te +oo*.

    . we wou'd understand.

    . tat te two were not on s(ea*in% terms/


  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    . te same (ro-essors -or%ot a+out &ar5.

    . and turned to God.

    . wic can +e -ata'.

    . -or te surviva' o- re'i%ion/

    !rover+s!rover+s are te smart (art o- a (eo('e/

    Stud$6 stud$ and stud$.

    . said te man.// wo never was a student/

    Tree %reatest +'unders

    Te man $ou addressed to as* a+out a (ro-essor.

    . turns out to +e imse'-/

    To do te test.

    . and ta*e it ome wit $ou/To sa*e ands wit te assistant.

    . wi'e o'din% te ,,,

    Ru'e #o/ J

    Te -irst mane.. $ou meet at te de(artment.

    . wi'' 'oo* 'i*e a (ro-essor.

    . +ut wi'' +e te ('um+er/

    Ru'e #o/ =

    #ever enter te (ro-essors o--ice.

    . carr$in% a ('astic +a%.

    . un'ess $ou ave.

    . so'id reasons -or tat/

    Once e understands tat te +a%.. o'ds notin% -or im.

    . e'' %ive $ou te same/

    )ater'$ advice to -uture doctors

    Cure $our (ro-essors.

    . 'i*e te$ tau%t $ou/Tat wa$ ever$one wi'' %et.

    . wat te$ deserve/

    Te$ wi'' %et te ('easure.. o- a (ro-essiona' and.

    . (ain'ess treatment.

    . and $oun% ($sicians.

    . wi'' %et a new 7o+/

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    )i''in% out te teacer eva'uation -orm

    Te anon$mous assessment o- teir wor*.

    . is sometin% usua''$ conducted.

    . +$ (o(u'ar (ro-essors.. wic is understanda+'e.

    . a'tou% te oter ones.

    . sometimes do it.

    . wic sometimes is madness/

    Yet6 it on'$ seems tat wa$.

    . -or +ot %rou(s o- (ro-essors.

    . wi'' on'$ demonstrate te documents.

    . (raisin% teir wor*/

    Te on'$ di--erence is.. tat te 'atter.

    . ad to destro$.

    . most o- te documentation/

    So6 -i'' out tose (o''s care-u''$.

    . and +e sure not to 'eave $our -in%er(rints/

    Best )riend

    Your +est -riend.

    . needs to ave tose 0ua'ities.

    . $oure missin%/

    He is a'so a student.

    . +ut is identit$.

    . $ou'' -ind out.

    . once $ou sto( seein% eac oter/

    Its not te one $ou s(ent most time wit.. +ut6 as in an$ tri''er.

    . te one.

    . $ou 'east sus(ected/

    Autonom$ o- te universit$

    Ever$one is in -avor o- universit$ +ein% autonomous.. on'$ te autonom$ is di--erent'$ seen/

    Te ones in i% ('aces.

    . tin* it means./// to decide autonomous'$ on te

    . 'en%t o- teir mandate/

    As 'on%6 and as autonomous.

    . as (ossi+'e/

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    )or tem6 te autonom$ is.

    . wat it rea''$ isnt.

    And -or wat it tru'$ is//. te$ wi'' start advocatin%.

    . once te$ +ecome te o((osition/

    !ro-essors in te o((osition.. tin* tat tere is.

    . no autonom$ at te universit$.

    . and te$re com('ete'$ ri%t/Te$6 owever.

    . do not mind te -act.

    . as muc as te *now'ed%e.

    . tat te$ cose te ri%t universit$.

    . +ut te wron% (art$/

    Ever$one e'se.

    . *now ver$ we'' wat autonom$ means.. +ut te$ wi'' never.

    . +e a+'e to demonstrate it in (ractice.

    . +ecause o- te mentioned two %rou(s.

    . o- (ro-essors/

    )acu't$ !o'itics

    !o'itics sou'd +e +anned a te -acu't$/

    !o'itics o- a'' te (arties sou'd +e +anned.

    . e5ce(t -or mine/

    As 'on% as teres (o'itics at te -acu't$.. te -acu't$ is on o'ida$/

    GraduationGraduation e5am is ta*en2

    To -ind out te studies end date/

    )or te (ro-essors to -ina''$ ave a drin*6 o--icia''$/

    To add to $our norma' name.. an incom(reensi+'e tit'e/

    To tr$ on $ou (rom suit.

    . once more.

    . +e-ore $ou %et married/

    To remind (eo('e.

    . o- tat time 'on% a%o wen $ou started stud$in%/To +rin% on env$.

    . in tose wo c'aimed.

    . $ou'' never do it.

    . and dis%ust.

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    . in tose wo'' sa$.

    . A; Te (eo('e wo %raduate nowada$s.

    Students +oo*'et

    Students +oo*'et is a (ersona' document wic unconvincin%'$ sows te attaced(oto/

    A'' te irre'evant data.. can +e -ound in te students +oo*'et.

    . and notin% o- te tin%s $ou are (roud o-/

    On ever$ (a%e wit sometin% (ositive.

    . tere is a'so sometin%.

    . same-u'/

    "urin% te studies.

    Te +oo*'et is *e(t in order to.

    . do semester c'earance .. and 'ater on.

    . not to 'et $our ci'dren see it/


    A di('oma is te evidence o- %raduation/Tat $ou s'i((ed/

    Tat no+od$s (er-ect/

    Tat te wo'e -acu't$.

    . can +e ('aced.

    . on a sin%'e (a(er ro''/

    Tat $ou were more (ersistent.

    . tan inte''i%ent.And more (atient tan ardwor*in%/

    A %raduate *nows ever$tin%.

    . e5ce(t wat to do wit is di('oma/A di('oma can +e2


    . +ut itd +e a waste o- -rame.

    . and it wou'd increase.

    . te oterwise (oint'ess.

    . costs o- stud$in%/

    It can +e sown to $our re'atives.. +ut $ou do not deserve te s$m(at$/

    You cou'd ta*e it to te em('o$ment a%enc$.

    . and %et ever$tin% tere.

    . -rom cic*en(o5 to (ertussis.

    . +ut not a 7o+/

    Brain activit$

  • 8/12/2019 DEKANOVA KNJIGA Advanced Students Guide


    Te students +rain is.

    . a sin%u'ar or%an.

    . +ut considerin% is actions.

    . and te -act tat its not visi+'e.

    . one -ee's tat it doesnt e5ist/

    It is ard'$ credi+'e.. tat durin% te studies.

    . a'' tose +oo*s cou'd -it into it.

    . +ut one sou'd not -or%et.

    . tat ,,,

    . are (ut in a'' te di--erent ('aces.

    . and never inside te ead/


    #euro($sio'o%ica' students +rain centers

    Board %ames


    )ee'in% o- 7ustice

    Ceatin% centerS(eec center

    Wis(erin% center

    &otoric activit$

    3%et te e'' outta ere;;;4


    Ar$tmetics center3dream and rea'it$4

    Te center -or stud$in% cannot +e sown -or te -act tat tose -ew ce''s se'domdemonstrate an$ activit$/ A''er%ic reaction to some (ro-essors cause ,,, in students wo

    ad not +een vaccinated/ Te internet center Searc and Esca(e +ecomes dominant on'$

    a-ter %raduation/

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