
Definition of Expert

One who knows a lot about a subject


One who has a powerpoint

If you treat an individual as he is he will stay as he is, but if

you treat him as he ought to be, and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could

be.~ Goethe

What Do We Know?

What Do We Know?

If the Child and Family Outcomes are the Dependent Variables

Personnel Are the…………

• Independent Variable• Mediator• Moderator• All of the Above

The Conclusion Being:

Personnel Can Have a

Powerful Impact....or NOT

About one in six children

in the U.S. have one or

more developmental

disabilities or other

developmental delays.

•Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

•Autism Spectrum Disorders

•Cerebral Palsy

•Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

•Fragile X Syndrome

Early Childhood Challenges

• Changing characteristics of families

• Changing characteristics of children

• Changing characteristics of communities

• Changing characteristics of early childhood programs

• Changing responsibilities of early childhood systems

Science of Learning

The brain is adaptable and can be influenced by positive experiences;

The brain is vulnerable and can be harmed by negative experiences

Needs of Young Learners in Early Childhood:

Enough to EatConsistent Family/Caregivers A Safe and Consistent Place to LiveMedical HomeMental Health/Behavioral Strategies for Self RegulationLearning Opportunities

Larger Society

Early Intervention/ ECSE Programs




Home Routines

Community Activities

Program Practices

Cultural Beliefs/Values

Model for Viewing Different Ecological Settings as Sources of Learning Experiences and Opportunities

And, changing roles for early childhood professionals:



Qualified Personnel who provide early intervention services include …

•Special educators

•Speech-language pathologists and audiologists

•Occupational therapists

•Physical therapists


•Social workers


•Registered dietitians

•Family therapists

•Vision specialists, including ophthalmologists and optometrists

•Orientation and mobility specialists

•Pediatricians and other physicians

General Role of Service Providers

• Consulting with parents, other service providers, and representatives of appropriate community agencies to ensure the effective provision of services in that area;

• Training parents and others regarding the provision of those services; and

• Participating in the multidisciplinary team’s assessment of a child and the child’s family, and in the development of integrated goals and outcomes for the individualized family service plan.

To the extent appropriate, service providers in each area of early intervention services included in paragraph (d) of this section are responsible for:

Implications for Services

• Family-Centered Philosophy

• Collaborations/Teaming

• Evidenced Based Practices

• Measurable and Functional Outcomes

Family-Centered Philosophy

Care that recognizes and respects the pivotal role of the

family in the lives of children. It supports families in

their natural caregiving roles, promotes normal

patterns of living, and ensures family collaboration and

choice in the provision of services to the child.

Team Process


1. to work together, especially in some literary, artistic, or scientific understanding;

2. to cooperate with an enemy invader.


Collaboration Between People:

The process whereby two people

create something each thinks is his


Frank A. Clark

DEC Recommended Practices: Interdisciplinary Models

• Teams including family members make decisions and work together.

• Professionals cross disciplinary boundaries.

• Intervention is focused on function, not services.

• Regular caregivers and regular routines provide the most appropriate opportunities for children’s learning and receiving most other interventions.

Definition of EvidencedBased Practice

Practices that are informed by research, in which the

characteristics and consequences of environmental variables are empirically established and the relationship directly informs what a practitioner can do to produce a desired outcome.

(Dunst, 2010)

• Evidence is not value-free.

• There are no universal solutions or quick fixes.

• Evidence is often incomplete or equivocal.

• Evidence can be quite complex.

Early Childhood Research Paradigms

• Families have powerful impact (Family Engagement)

• More is not necessarily better (Redefine Intensity)

• Intervention has different effects(Fidelity Measures)

• Outcomes depend on……

Measurable Outcomes as Evidence of Effectiveness

We can collect data on the effectiveness

of different interventions with different

children and then use these data as the

basis of future interventions.

Ysseldyke & Algozzine, 1982, p 258

Are Personnel Prepared?

Roles of the Infant Early Intervention Specialist

• Facilitator/Consultant

• Infant Specialist

• Parent Educator

• Team Collaborator

• Program Developer and AdvocateGeik, Gilkerson & Sponsetter, 1982

1. Child-related competencies (cognitive, social, and affective development; skills in developmental assessment; design of learning environments; strategies to promote engagement and interaction; skills in data collection and evaluation)

2. Family-related competencies (strategies for including family members as partners in planning and implementing intervention, strategies for promoting interaction between parent and child)

3. Team-related competencies (skill in integrating the knowledge and recommendations of multiple disciplines into the child’s and family’s daily routines)

4. Agency-related competencies (knowledge of community resources, developing blended service plans)

Common Infancy Core

Thorp & McCollum, 1988


Family Involvement

Program Implementation


Program Administration

Program Planning

Typical Development

Atypical Development

Evaluation of Program Effectiveness

Case Management

Medical Management


Breakdown of Early Intervention Competencies

Bruder & McLean, 1988


The Center’s Completed Projects• Study I: The National Landscape of Early Intervention and

Early Childhood Special Education

• Study II: The Higher Education Survey for Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education Personnel Preparation

• Study III: The Analysis of Federally Funded Doctoral Programs in Early Childhood Special Education

• Think Tank in Simsbury, CT September 11-12, 2006

• Study IV: The Impact of Credentials on Early Intervention Personnel Preparation (Credentialing Part C)

• Think Tank in Washington, DC May 24-25, 2006

• Study V: Analysis of State Licensure/Certification Requirements for Early Childhood Special Educators (619)

• Think Tank in Washington, DC June 11-12, 2007

• Study VI: Training and Technical Assistance Survey of Part C & 619 Coordinators

• Study VII: Confidence and Competence of 619/Part C Service Providers


The Center’s Projects• Study VIII: Alignment of ECSE Higher Education Curricula

with National Personnel Standards

• Study IX: Parent Perceptions of Confidence and Competence of 619/Part C Service Providers

• Study X: Case Studies Highlighting States from Study VI on Training and TA


Web Site Information

Center Information

Data Reports

What Do We Need To Do?

You cannot satisfy hunger by drawing a cake

A paradigm is a set of rules and regulations that:

• define boundaries• tell us what to do to be successful within

those boundaries

The world we have created is a product of our thinking.

It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.


21st Century

• Change is the Constant

• Technology

• Instant Gratification

• Viral Communication

• Personalized Learning




ed·u·ca·tion   /ˌɛdʒʊˈkeɪʃən/

1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.

2. the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.

3. a degree, level, or kind of schooling: a university education.

4. the result produced by instruction, training, or study: to show one's education.

5. the science or art of teaching; pedagogics

The Purpose of Education

• Self Realization

• Human Relationships

• Economic Efficiency

• Civic Responsibility Education Policies Commision, 1938


Social institutions established by society to

instill in children its belief and knowledge

base and, that, school instruction is both

systematic and deliberate. Ysseldyke &Algozzine, 1982, p 7

Education in the 21st Century

• Still Racing to……..• State Common Core Standards• Growing Diversity in Students • Different Family Structures• Huge Achievement Gaps and Disparities• RTI• Learning to Learn

Life Long Learning

When Will We Know What We Don’t Know?

Evidenced Based Practices in Adult Learning

• Needs assessment

• Multifaceted strategies

• Sequencing

• Interaction

• Commitment to Change Van Hoof, 2004

Meta-analysis of the Effectiveness of Adult Learning Methods

The findings refute claims that self-directed learning and self-discovery in the absence of instructor guidance or feedback are effective

Dunst,Trivette, & Hamby, 2010, p107


The findings support…..the importance of instructor guidance and feedback, learner reflection and critical thinking, real world relevance and immediate applicability, and the use of performance standards for having learners assess their progress.

Even More……

The more actively involved learners were is mastering new knowledge or practice and the more instructors or trainers supported and facilitated the learning process, the better were the learner outcomes. Dunst, Trivette, & Hamby, 2010

Adult Learning

You'll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind." --Irish proverb

Can We Shift the Paradigm?

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