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Tarot Reading for

Astrology Forecast-December 2015

1 Aries – 21 Mar to 20 Apr: Four of Swords


Mars, your ruling planet, left your house of work last month, and you may have noticed a tapering off

in the motivation and energy related to productivity at work. This is a mixed bag: On the one hand, a

decrease in energy isn't such a big deal to an Aries; your sign runs on overdrive and sometimes a bit

less energy is actually a good thing – it can help you be less scatterbrained in your endeavors. But a

decrease in motivation is something to look out for. Your sign becomes extremely gung-ho when

starting a new project or learning a new skill, but you quickly tire of the newness and lose interest,

preferring instead to become obsessed with the next new thing. As such, you'll need to keep your

motivation up no matter what it takes. Doing otherwise could spell trouble for your career.


As we mentioned above, Aries lives and dies by new experiences, and hates getting bogged down in

routine. The glamour of the unknown is always appealing to this sign, and this extends to romance as

well. Traditionally, your sign prefers short-lived flings with multiple partners rather than being stuck in

a committed relationship. But we've already discussed how this year is bringing some changes in that

regard, and while you're still an Aries through and through, there have been periods where you've

become more attracted to the notion of monogamy. This is just such a period, with Mars in your house

of relationships throughout the month. You'll be more proactive in finding someone who you can settle

down with, and before you know it, the meaningless flings will begin to dissipate.

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In Love

As for the Aries who is already in a relationship, you've most likely already caught on to the positive

attributes to a healthy, happy coupling, but there are still times when you prefer freedom, solo time, and

other things that an Aries holds dear. This month, however, will see you eschewing these private joys

for the time spent with your partner, with whom you'll be much more attracted to and devoted to. And

isn't it a great stroke of love that it is during the holidays, when people most want to cuddle up with

someone they love, that you'll be experiencing this joy?


This month you'll be far more generous to your friends and loved ones, lavishing them with gifts,

treating them to pricey dinners, and so forth. On the one hand, this is the holiday season and some of

this is to be expected. But Aries is also the type of sign that, when they care for somebody in a platonic

or romantic way, they do everything they can to show them. We recommend you rein in your

generosity just a tad, enough to keep your head above water financially. And if you simply must treat

your friends and loved ones to good times, try to choose restaurants and gifts that are more moderately



This month continues the year-end streak you've been on wherein you've worked hard to bring your

body back to peak form. Your energy and motivation regarding physical fitness is still strong, and

you've already noticed some significant gains in strength and endurance since around September or so,

when you got back into the game. But this month we want to warn you against pushing yourself too

hard. Aries, when he sees gains and improvement, sometimes becomes a bit too courageous and wants

to power through his goals as soon as possible. But you're not in peak form just yet, and acting as such

can lead you to pulled muscles and other injuries that could set you back even further. Slow and steady

wins the race, Aries.

2 Taurus – 21 Apr to 20 May: XII The Hanged Man


Mars is still in your house of work, giving you more drive and dedication when you need it most.

Whereas your colleagues (providing they aren't Taureans) may be winding down the year or focused

more on the holidays, you'll be firing on all cylinders, showing your mettle and impressing your

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supervisors. And the best part is that Mars will be with you for the entire month, helping you to cap off

2015 with a bang and setting you up to start 2016 off with a similar level of energy and fortitude.


This is typically a difficult time for anybody who doesn't have someone to go home to each night. After

all, it's the holidays and many of us feel more lonely during this time than at any other time of the year.

But luckily the single Taurus will be free of these morose sentiments. The reason? Last month Mars left

your house of love. While you were under his influence, you craved love and wanted somebody to hold

close in the long winter evenings. But now that he's moved on, you find you simply don't care as much

about the idea of love. You enjoy your solo time and the idea of spending the holidays alone doesn't

bother you in the slightest.

In Love

While single Taureans will have a fine and dandy December all by their lonesome, the Taurus in a

relationship may have a bit more trouble. You may find that all the togetherness and warmth of the

holiday season is off-putting. You'll be wishing you had a little time to yourself when you're cuddling

by the fire or surrounded by kids, nieces, nephews, and the like. But remember that this is a blessed

time of year for many people and in many ways this is what the holidays is all about. Try to put your

personal feelings to the side and spend time with those who love you. You'll be happy you did when the

holidays are all over.


In the early part of 2016 there will be some minor shakeups in areas related to your finances. Some of

them will be good, some of them not so much. Luckily, there won't be anything too disastrous that will

befall you, but even these minor hiccups will be weathered much more easily if you have a nice safety

net to fall back on. This is why we recommend you avoid dipping into your nest egg this month. It will

help you to avoid stress down the road, should it come to you.


Issues related to your bones have a chance of creeping up this month, so we recommend you visit a

doctor around this time to check the levels of bone density. For most Taureans the problem of low bone

density shouldn't be a problem, but we do recommend getting a checkup just to rule it out. This is

doubly important for female Taureans who are over the age of 40. Aside from that, try to avoid any

risky behaviors or physical activity that could result in broken bones. And for those of you who live in

climates where December means icy sidewalks and slippery roads, we advise you to walk carefully and

wear boots that help prevent you from slipping and falling.

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3 Gemini – 21 May to 20 Jun: Knight of Wands


Boredom will creep up this month at the workplace, so be aware of that and do what you can to battle

the ennui that looks to assault you at every end. And the worst part is that the boredom won't be a result

of there being nothing to do. On the contrary, there looks to be plenty on your plate to sort through, but

whether you're bogged down with tasks or ahead of the game, the soul-crushing tedium of it all will be

at the forefront of your mind. There are few remedies for this, so try to power through and look forward

to 2016, when things become much more interesting once again.


Around this time of year, many of us enter a relationship just so that we don't have to be alone during

the holidays. It's short-sighted, yes, and nine times out of ten these relationships barely last into the

New Year, because it's often not only us but our partners who know that all it amounts to is a winter

fling. And Geminis can be guilty of doing this more than many other signs in the Zodiac. But though

Mars is still in your house of love this month, and you'll be more dedicated to find love and cherish it,

you will be far less likely to fall into the trap of a brief winter fling. This is because much of the latter

half of the year has been focused around you holding out for a real, true, lasting love. And though your

body and emotions tell you to pair up with somebody, anybody, you'll still fight off these urges until

you know you're settling down with someone who's in it for the long haul.

In Love

Geminis in a relationship have it a bit easier than their single counterparts. In many ways, you get the

best of both worlds. You already have somebody whom you love and get the chance to spend the

holidays with them. And on top of that, you get the influence of Mars, who will help this love to

blossom and grow during a time when many things around you are dying and rotting. This is a great

month for the two of you to grow closer together, and if you've been standoffish with one another

lately, you'll find that December brings plenty of opportunities for you to reconnect with your partner.


We don't usually say this very often to any sign, but this month you shouldn't be too concerned about

money. Now, of course, if you happen to be saddled with debt and living paycheck to paycheck, you

should definitely keep your finances at the forefront of your mind, but if you've got a decent sum stored

away for a rainy day, we're happy to report that you can dip into it just a tad for holiday shopping

without feeling too guilty about it. The reason? Well, as we turn toward 2016, there will be some very

positive action related to your finances that will make you quite a bit more comfortable, monetarily

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speaking. Don't use this as an excuse to blow through your savings, though. Just keep in mind that

things are going to get better in the coming year.


You run the risk of overdoing it with the sweets and sugars this month, so do keep an eye on that.

Granted, many of us will be delving into the boxes of christmas cookies, munching on candy canes, and

raiding our stockings, but your sweet tooth just might trump us all. Sugar can do a number on your

energy levels and metabolism, but really the focus here is more on your teeth. We recommend you

wash your mouth out with water after every candy binge, and brushing shortly after. Doing this will

make the next dentist visit much more agreeable.

4 Cancer – 21 Jun to 20 Jul: The Fool


Though the days are considerably shorter in December for much of the developed world, it will be of

no consolation to you this month, because each day at work will seem to drag on forever. You won't be

“bored,” exactly, like your Gemini peers. Rather, you'll just hate being stuck at your job for the better

part of each workday. You still get on with your coworkers and superiors, and your productivity isn't

suffering either. This is all well and good, but it won't change the fact that every waking second at the

office will feel like a fortnight. There are several reasons for this, but the main one is that you'd much

rather be home with your loved ones during this time, and we understand and sympathize. Do the best

you can to make it through, Cancer, and January will be far more enjoyable at the workplace.


Single Cancers don't stand much of a chance of finding that someone special before the major holidays

begin, and while that would typically be a problem for Cancer, who loves having someone to love, it

won't bother you so much this year. The reason is simple: Mars is still in your house of family and

home, and you're putting more stock in spending time with your loved ones rather than going out and

finding someone new to love. And to be sure, you'll enjoy yourself more putting up holiday decorations

with your siblings or shopping for gifts for your parents, rather than forcing conversation with a

stranger at a pub.

In Love

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This month you'll be dealing with in-laws and extended family, not least of which is due to the fact that

we're now in the holiday season. And it appears as if the bigger focus will be on the family of your

partner, which can often be a source of huge stress for you, the outsider. But this year it won't be so

bad. Whereas in other years you may have bristled at your mother-in-law's judgmental leanings, or

taken umbrage from your drunken brother-in-law, you'll have the influence of Mars' in your house of

family and home, and you'll actually enjoy spending time with the in-laws. Not a bad deal, eh Cancer?


Our advice this month is to avoid making any major changes in your bookkeeping or portfolio this

month. Of course, that being said, if you're forced to work on your finances for extraneous reasons, you

shouldn't put it off, but chances are that you won't be forced to deal with any outstanding debt or have

to consolidate any bills during this time. Whatever the case, the big issue here is that you lack focus in

this area right now and it will be very easy to overlook figures or make errors that could spell doom for

your finances down the road. Keep the budget in the desk drawer until January, when your focus

returns and you'll be better able to take stock in your money matters.


Nosebleeds and sinus issues have the potential to arise and put a damper on your festive spirit this

month. Cold, dry air is one of the bigger offenders that could render your sinuses kaput, so those

Cancers that live in such a climate are forewarned. Headaches from congestion are also something to

look out for, and if you suffer from migraines you may wish to have your medication on your person at

all times. Sadly, there are some factors here that you can't take control of, like the weather. But a little

bit of preparation and evasion could help you to minimize these issues, if they creep up.

5 Leo – 21 Jul to 21 Aug: VII The Chariot


This month you stand a great chance of making new friends at the workplace. Now, it should be said

that Leo is one of the most affable signs in the Zodiac. You make friends easily, and few signs,

Sagittarius notably, can compare to you in the fraternizing department. So it may be a surprise that

there is anybody left at the job site to make friends with, but you'd be surprised. It might be a new temp

worker or two, hired for the holidays, or it could be a transfer from another department. Whatever the

case, be prepared to add a new number or two to your phonebook.


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Any Leo who isn't in a relationship at this time stands the chance of being very grumpy and

standoffish, not only to people who have already found that someone special, but to everybody in

general. Yes, this is a far cry from the chummy Leo mentioned above, but the same reason that you're

so easily sociable is the reason why you feel envious when you don't have anybody to socialize with at

home in bed. Try to keep these feelings in check, though: It isn't the fault of anyone else that you're

alone, so why should they have to suffer? And look on the bright side: Not having a significant other

during this time means you'll be able to save a bit of dough on gifts this holiday season.

In Love

Since you're in a relationship, you won't have to feel the angst that single Leos may experience this

month. You're more thankful and appreciative of your lover, and that can help the two of you to grow

even closer to one another. But there's one caveat: These feelings of goodwill won't arise unless you're

with a partner that you truly care about and one that is good for you in all ways. If your relationship

isn't up to snuff, and you don't feel like this person is “the one,” you may exhibit the resentful attitude

of your single peers, and it will be directed at your partner.


Mars is no longer in your house of money, having left around the middle of last month. As such, you

may have noticed that your interest in things related to finances has waned, and in truth you could care

less about such matters as balancing your checkbook or diversifying your portfolio. But the bright side

of all of this is, while you may not have any motivation in learning about finances, your financial

situation will nonetheless remain healthy, thanks to the fact that Jupiter is still looking out for you in

this area.


This is a split bag for Leos. There will be some who will remain jovial, happy in their relationships, and

enjoying the camaraderie at work. But a select few Leos will feel a miasma of self-pity all around them,

and will descend into a “woe is me” attitude. Keep in mind that nobody likes a person who acts this

way, and you could turn off some new friends by exhibiting these emotions. And also try to remember

that things are not as dark as they could be. Sure, this is easier said than done, so we'll leave you with a

final consolation: Next month these feelings will wane remarkably and you'll have a much better

opinion of yourself and your status in the world. If you can hold out until then, you'll be just fine.

6 Virgo – 22 Aug to 22 Sept: Five of Swords

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Mars is no longer in your sign, so the energy you've been feeling in the last month and a half or so may

start to wane, but this shouldn't be a cause for alarm. After all, Jupiter remains in your first house,

which is helping you to be much more optimistic and cool-headed. If any issues creep up at work,

you'll find them easy to handle, and even the most hectic work day won't seem as stressful as it may

have several months ago. Not a bad way to end the year, wouldn't you say?


Unfortunately, there is very little in the cards this month for the single Virgo. If you're unattached

during this time, the chances are quite good that you'll remain so. But if there's any consolation, it's that

being alone won't bother you in the slightest. This is again due to Jupiter bolstering your self-esteem

and your general outlook. You'll learn to appreciate the solo time you're given, and you'll be able to

accomplish a lot more tasks as well. Really, this month is something of a win-win for a single Virgo.

In Love

Virgos in a relationship actually might appear to get the short end of the stick. Whereas single Virgos

are given the chance for reflection and self-exploration, you'll have a spouse or significant other to take

your attention away from your inner growth. But on the same token, a partner who truly cares about

you can in fact help you to explore the depths of your psyche and teach you things about yourself that

you never knew. And since that “great purge” that occurred a few months, it's a foregone conclusion

that you do have such a partner by your side.


While December seems like a pretty quiet month for Virgos, and indeed it is, your financial standing is

one area where you'll definitely see some action. This is due to Mars, who is now fully in your house of

money. You'll find it easier to accrue income, and you'll be smarter about saving it. This is as good an

end-of-the-year gift that anyone can ask for, and we'd be hard-pressed to find a sign more deserving of

it. With any luck, you may actually negate all the costs of the holiday shopping you're no doubt in the

midst of.


If there's any sector of your life that could benefit the most from being quiet and uneventful, it's that of

health. And sure enough, December looks to be a very innocuous month in this regard, a month in

which you'll be free from any of the negative machinations that could put a damper on your spirit. Sure,

there isn't anything especially GREAT forecasted either, but many would say the simply fact that you're

not unhealthy is the greatest news of all. What more could you ask for, really?

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7 Libra – 23 Sept to 22 Oct: Three of Pentacles


Those Libras who use public transportation to commute to work may find that they have trouble in this

area throughout December. If you ride the bus, for instance, you may end up running late and watching

it drive off without you. If you take the metro you might lose your card or just experience a higher level

of frustration about your fellow passengers on the ride to the workplace. Libras who drive themselves

to work will avoid much of these problems, and the reason is that Saturn is working his difficult magic

in your third house, which rules local and public transportation among other things. But don't take it too

much to heart: He's trying to teach you some lesson or instill some value within you, and soon things

will become clearer. Let's hope you can hold out until then.


It's been a very eventful last few months for Libras, with some major shakeups in the relationship

sector occurring in September, partly related to the Lunar Eclipse. There has also been plenty of action

in your twelfth house, ruling the subconscious, as of late, and during that time there was a general

purging of your old ways and habits. But here we are in December, and all of that is behind us. These

major events have helped you to fully shed the parts of your past that you've clung onto for the last few

years, and have also taught you how to be more mature in approaching relationships. And now that

you've come out of the other end, it's time for you to start looking for love. You're in a much better

position emotionally and mentally, and the next lover you find just might be the one you keep for the

rest of your life.

In Love

Libras in a relationship have also experienced the same shaping and growth that their single

counterparts have gone through, but they might actually be even better off in the end. The reason is

pretty obvious: You've already found that partner that you can see yourself spending the rest of your

life with, otherwise the two of you wouldn't be together right now, after the events of the last couple

months. And now that you're a bit wiser and more mature, the chances of you staying together and

avoiding the mistakes that couples sometimes make are much greater. Enjoy a 2016 full of cheer and

love, Libra. We all know that you've worked hard for it.


This month you'll want to keep an eye out for little expenses that, while seemingly so innocuous that

they are scarcely worth mentioning, can add up and take a decent-sized chunk out of your savings. It's

understandable why this happens: Small micro-payments don't seem like they matter at all, but they're

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so small that you think nothing of going back to the same well and pulling out another tiny thimble of

water. You'll be more susceptible to this in December, so try to be careful. Avoid playing cellphone

games that ask for a bit of coin in order to advance you to the next change. Be wary of programs or

schemes that ask for small donations. And above all else, try to avoid any form of gambling.


Drowsiness is something to be aware of this month, because your eyelids will seem a bit heavier

throughout December. A crude joke could be made about how those Libras who ride on public transit

may actually have the upper hand on their peers who drive, but the fact of the matter is that you're not

really in any risk of falling asleep at the wheel or losing consciousness in the middle of the day. Still,

studies show that being sleepy does affect your performance and your motor skills, so this really is no

laughing matter. And with much of the world in a climate where it gets dark early at this time of year,

you're definitely not going to get any help from Mother Nature. Try to up the caffeine in the mid-day if

you can take it, and do your best to power through December.

8 Scorpio – 23 Oct to 22 Nov: Four of Cups


This month is quite an interesting one for Scorpio, because it revolves around both the past and the

future. And the reason why is due largely to Mars. As for the future, Mars is in your twelfth house.

Among other things, this sign rules dreams. Now, while actual physical dreams when sleeping can fall

into this area, the larger meaning is the dreams and aspirations you have for yourself. If any of these

aspirations are related to your career, you'll have a great chance of coming across an opportunity that

will help you work toward these dreams. Keep your eyes out for it, Scorpio.


Now for the past. While the twelfth house indeed rules dreams and aspirations, it also is indelibly tied

to your subconscious, and all the baggage and memories that bog you down. But this month Mars will

be helping you to shed off all this dead weight and look onward to happier days to come. If there have

been subconscious machinations within you that have kept you from finding happiness in a

relationship, you'll be thrilled to know that Mars will help you work toward ridding yourself of these

stumbling blocks. All you have to do is let him.

In Love

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Just as with single Scorpios, those Scorpios in a relationship should be proactive about ridding

themselves of the baggage and past drama that may have hampered the natural growth between you and

your partner. You won't be as willing to dwell on mistakes made and things said, and instead you'll be

focused on how the two of you can strengthen your bonds and make a happy future together. A

Scorpio/Scorpio pairing has the greatest potential for growth this month, and if you fall into this

category you can be assured of a very satisfying December.


If your dreams or goals revolve around a better station in life and more financial comfort, keep your

eyes peeled for anything that may help you in that regard this month. You may come across an exciting

stock tip, or an opportunity to increase your standing at the workplace. Remember that Jupiter is in

your eleventh house at the time, and that house rules networking and professional associations, among

other things. And since Jupiter positively exudes luck and fortune, this might be the arena in which to

pay attention.


This month your immune system is in tip-top shape, and for those Scorpios who live in an area where

cold winters prevail, you'll no doubt be thankful of this fact. It will be harder for bacteria and viruses to

penetrate you, but we should caution you: This is not a free ticket to be careless about hygiene and

contagion. If you shake hands with a sick person and don't use antibacterial soap, you can still get sick.

Sure, there may be a bit more fortitude in your body against the invasion, but if you let your forces

become slack, there will definitely be breaches in the wall.

9 Sagittarius – 23 Nov to 20 Dec: Seven of Wands


Positivity still abounds at the workplace: Your attitude and outlook is healthy, and stress levels are at a

minimum. Now, that being said, you likely will notice a bit less energy and dedication this month when

compared to October and November. During that time, Mars was in your house of careers, and he was

giving you a sharper focus and making you more driven to succeed. But even without his influence,

and even though you aren't firing off on as many cylinders as before, you can still get a lot done this

month. A bit more of that energy may have to come from within, but we know you're up for the

challenge, Sagittarius.


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While physical attractiveness is naturally one of the most important components in whether or not we

find suitable partners in the dating scene, even the most good-looking people can come off as less so if

they don't exhibit other attributes. Chiefly among these is confidence. Men and women alike notice

confidence, pick up on it, and are drawn to such people. This month you'll be exuding confidence, and

you can bet that others will see this within you. It'll be a much easier month as far as dating goes, and

whether you want to act on all the options you're given is solely up to your discretion. But at least those

options are there.

In Love

This is a great month in which to reconnect with your partner physically. Your sex drive is higher, and

the inhibitions that the two of you may share together will be much easier to push aside. Raw,

passionate lovemaking is something that you'll be much more interested in, and you'll have a better

level of stamina and energy to make it possible. While sex is just one small part of many facets that

make up a healthy relationship, this in no way makes it any less essential. Luckily, there won't be any

shortage of it on your end this month.


Be careful about making purchases online or at retailers that have a history of fraud and/or stolen debit

card numbers. You'll be more susceptible to credit card fraud and identity theft this month, and the last

thing you need is to have your bank account frozen during a time when holiday shopping is a must for

many of us, and something that must be done within a time frame. Change your passwords regularly,

and only shop online if you fully trust the company. This should help lessen the chances of your

information being stolen.


Ulcers and other stomach-related problems have a higher possibility of arising during this time, and any

Sagittarius who has a history of these issues should take heed: It isn't so much that your stress levels

will be higher, which is often a cause for ulcers. Rather, levels of stomach acid look to be a bit off at

this time. And if ulcers don't strike you, remain vigilant, because you'll also be more at risk for

heartburn, acid reflux, bloating, and gas. As bad as these last ailments are, though, they aren't as

dangerous as an ulcer. You might consider yourself lucky if all this month requires is an extra antacid or

two after a spicy meal.

10 Capricorn – 21 Dec to 19 Jan: Three of Cups

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This month Mars is fully in your house of careers, and as we discussed last month, this is the perfect

way to cap off a very healthy year for Capricorn in this area. Really, you've experienced some healthy

growth in every facet of your life, and your sign is among those who have had a really great 2015. Mars

will help you to retain the energy and dedication that many of your colleagues will be lacking as we

wind down this year and look forward to the next. And while 2016 will bring its own challenges, there

will also be plenty more good times as well.


Last month was most likely a pretty quiet one as far as romance goes. You were more inclined to spend

time with friends and family, eschewing the dating scene for one more platonic and comfortable. This

month you'll be a bit more inclined to go out and seek love, but only a bit. You'll dip your toe back into

the water and might come up with a flirtatious conversation or two. But the prospect of really

connecting with someone on a romantic level isn't overtly in the cards. That being said, you're

gradually slipping back into the dating scene, and that is indeed a sign of progress.

In Love

Capricorns, for all their attributes, can sometimes fall short when it comes to openness and honesty in

relationships. You're inclined to withhold your feelings and emotions, often to the detriment of the

health of your relationship. But this month you'll feel a burden lifted off in this area, and you'll find it

much easier to express yourself. You'll talk about your fears, hopes, dreams, and so forth and you'll

enjoy doing it. And your partner may in fact enjoy it even more. This more transparent “You” will help

the two of you to grow closer and more intimate, allowing your relationship to enter the new year on a

stronger and more secure footing.


Your impatience with money matters has the potential to come to a head this month, so it may behoove

you to put off the various aspects of handling your finances (balancing the books, investing, and so

forth) to next month, when you have a better grasp of monetary issues. That being said, if there is

anything extremely pressing, such as paying debts or bills with a deadline, you'll have to buckle down

and take care of it. You may not enjoy it, but do try and keep a cool head about it all.


Your memory is a bit weaker this month, so be on the lookout for that. You may find yourself asking

people to repeat themselves. You also will have trouble remembering simple checklists and tasks. This

isn't ideal, of course, but at least if you find yourself forgetting things, you'll know that it isn't a

symptom of early-onset Alzheimer’s or dementia. That is, if you even remember reading this section. A

ginseng supplement may help you ward off the worst of it this month, but regardless, by the end of the

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month you'll see that this short-term memory loss is itself short-term.

11 Aquarius – 20 Jan to 18 Feb: III The Empress


This month you'll want to address any issue or problem that comes you directly and immediately. You

run the risk of getting bogged down with a plethora of little miscellanea that in and of themselves are

no big deal but when comprised as a whole can slow down progress and set you back. But taking on

each minor challenge the moment it comes to you will help you to cleave through the month with

minimal stress and maximum productivity. Put your laser focus on whatever crosses your desk and

blast it into oblivion straightaway.


Aquarius is the kind of sign that makes friends very easily. Really, everybody seems to like you, and

the reason is simple: You're gregarious and you have a wide array of interests. You love talking and

chatting and when you converse with others, you make them feel as if they're the only ones that matter

right now. But the funny irony is that when it comes to romance and courtship, your skills are

diminished. The reason is that often Aquarius isn't interested in starting up a relationship with a

stranger, and usually when you begin dating someone, it's someone who you've known for a while, and

who you've gotten to know as a friend. But this month you'll be a bit more inclined toward strangers,

and you actually will exhibit the gift of gab when it comes to flirting and romance. It will be very

interesting indeed to see how this turns out, Aquarius!

In Love

As for Aquarians in a relationship, we have a word of warning: This month you may feel more inclined

to stray from your partner and prove unfaithful. There will be temptations abounding throughout

December, and it is of the utmost importance that you refuse them when they cross your path. This has

the potential to spell doom for you, and the stars predict that any new romance started at this time is

doomed to fail. Essentially, you're looking down the barrel of a gun that will destroy the happy

relationship you currently have, only to put you into a worse position that will end in further heartache

and remorse.


Page 16: December Astro Forecast 2015

Aquarius is a sign that loves to dream. Your head is so often in the clouds that regular, everyday matters

are often overlooked. Your sights are simply too lofty. But this month you'll exhibit an analytical side

regarding finances that is somewhat abnormal for your sign. You'll be more savvy and grounded in

your approaches to bookkeeping and anything else related to your money. As such, this is the perfect

time to handle your finances. It's a period in which you'll be realistic and sober-minded, and the

idealism that your sign is sometimes guilty of won't come into play.


Depression has a chance of wreaking havoc on your mental state this month, so do whatever you can to

ward off the daily blues. The problem is that your planetary motions are running smack dab into the

seasonal changes. The days are shorter, and science shows that reduced sunlight alters our mood and

makes us more susceptible to sadness. And how much more so when your sign is already traveling

along that trajectory? Then, of course, there is the holiday season, which often makes us angry,

irritable, annoyed, and morose. Remember the good things about life during this time, and try to get up

earlier to enjoy more of that essential sunlight. With any luck, you'll remain in high spirits throughout


12 Pisces – 19 Feb to 20 Mar: Four of Wands


If possible, we recommend you step up your productivity, even when the day is going slow and there is

very little to see to. The reason for this is that there is a high likelihood that small, unforeseen events

and appointments will arise at the most inopportune time. There may be an unscheduled, mandatory

meeting, or a power outage, or anything else that can attack when you think you're ahead of the game.

But remaining productive and finding work to do even when things are lax will help you be prepared

for any surprises that may creep up.


Mars is in your house of intimacy this month, and by this time we're pretty sure you know what that

means for you and your romantic life. You'll crave a connection with someone and you'll put forth more

energy and dedication toward finding that person. Expect to go out more and be generally more

proactive about courtship. That being said, this month doesn't necessarily promise any results from

your endeavors, but there is the chance that someone you meet during this time will play a role in your

life and love may blossom from this friendship a bit later into 2016.

Page 17: December Astro Forecast 2015

In Love

You'll crave intimacy and togetherness with your partner, and for many Pisces this will be easily

reciprocated. You're given the potential for a month in which the two of you can make passionate love

and then lay together awake, holding one another close, deep in love. But that's only if your partner is

receptive to your increased desire for intimacy. If he or she is standoffish or evasive for various

reasons, you'll take it much more personally than you would otherwise. You'll become paranoid,

argumentative, and moody. As such, this month can really go either way. The deciding factor will come

down to whether or not your partner is willing to give you the intimacy you crave so much at this time.


Last month we cautioned you against doing too much shopping, because during that time your

purchasing power and your ability to find great values and discounts were compromised. But this

month you'll have a much easier time sniffing out great deals, so we recommend making up for lost

time and acquiring everything you've put off buying since last month. It may be hectic, considering

many a Pisces is in the throes of the holiday shopping season at this time, but that's just how the dice

rolls sometimes. Besides, we know you're up for the challenge.


This month will be something of a dour one, due to the fact that your own mortality will be at the

forefront of your mind. You'll try to think of other things, but at the end of the day the harbinger of

death will return to your subconscious. On the one hand, this is natural. We're all going to die, after all,

and musing upon it can sometimes help us contextualize this universe in which we're thrown. But on

the other hand, isn't living for the living, and death for the death? You'll have plenty of time to think

about death when you're dead, so in the mean time, why not enjoy this gift we're given?

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