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December 2018

Ogden Presbyterian Church 2400 S. Union Street Spencerport, NY 14559 (585) 352-6802

Oracle Volume XXI - Issue XI

Sisters and Brothers,

As many of you are aware, we don’t sing Christmas hymns in worship before Christmas — we sing Advent hymns. I came across this article written by Ron Klug. I found it to express much of how I feel this time of year, and why I choose Advent hymns during Advent (the time leading up to Christmas):

“Some people I call Christmas Christians. The most important thing about their Christian faith is believing that the Baby Jesus is Immanuel, God with us. Their favorite hymn is “Joy to the World.” Others I’d label Lenten Christians, whose faith revolves around sin, guilt, and forgiveness. Their symbol is the cross. Then there are Pentecost Christians, on fire with the Spirit’s energy and gifts.

I’m an Advent Christian. I appreciate my brother and sister Christians, but I have a different way of seeing and expressing the faith. Advent Christians believe Christ came, but still we sing “Oh, Come, Oh, Come, Emmanuel.” We believe that in Christ the kingdom of God has dawned, but still we eagerly pray “thy kingdom come” because we long for a world that is still to come. Exile, longing, watchfulness and waiting resonate with us.

For the four years I lived in Madagascar I was a “stranger in a strange land.” Now, nearly 20 years later, I often feel like an alien in my own country — a society dominated by economics and entertainment. The biblical words come back to me: “Here we have no abiding city. We seek one to come” (Hebrews 13:14). I’ve lived a good life for more than 50 years, enjoying the blessings of family and friends, the beauties of the earth, the riches of art and music and our spiritual heritage. But at times I still ask, “Is that all there is?”

“If I find myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy,” wrote author C.S. Lewis. “The most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” Our ultimate longing is really for God, for our true home. Advent Christians can’t rest content. We long to be what we are not yet.

A critic of Christianity once said, “I would find it easier to believe in your Redeemer if his followers looked more redeemed.”

Our longing is that what is true for us by faith may become true in experience. We believe Jesus when he said, “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” But we often experience God’s seeming absence. And so in Advent and throughout the year, Advent Christians remain thirsty for God. We know our sins are forgiven, but we want more; we want to become holy. We long, too, for our society to live up to God’s vision, for the kingdom to come in its fullness. The cry of Advent — “Wake up! Be alert! Watch for his coming” — startles me from spiritual drowsiness and apathy. But how do we stay alert when compassion, fatigue, entertainments, and busyness anesthetize us? We can practice some simple — but not easy — disciplines. We can fast from the media to become more alert to the still small voice of God.

I have found, over 30 years, that keeping a journal helps me each day stay aware of what is truly important. I also can listen to that music, watch those movies, read those books, that stab me awake rather than soothe me to sleep. Being awake I can pay attention to the signs of God’s comings.

In Advent we are called to wait for the coming of God and God’s kingdom. Waiting is hard for me. One place I learn it is in my garden. I dig the ground, fertilize, plant the seed, and water. Then I have to wait. No amount of impatience will make the plants grow faster. I wait in the hope of a harvest that I can neither see nor control. As an Advent Christian, God’s promises help sustain me in hope. I can accept my experience of exile and the existence of suffering in the world. I don’t have to pretend that this life is all there is. I can live

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(continued from p. 1) with my longings; I don’t need to deny them. I can be mindful of the reality around me. I can sing of the reality to come.

And I can practice waiting. Then I’m ready to celebrate Advent, now, before Christmas and throughout my life, until the fullness of time, offering always this Advent prayer: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Amen. May your waiting and working bring you to the One. Shalom,

Pastor Tedd

December 2nd First Sunday of Advent (HOPE)

December 9th Second Sunday of Advent (PEACE) — Sunday School Pageant

December 16th Third Sunday of Advent (JOY) — Choir Cantata Service

December 19th Service of Hope, 7pm (Wednesday Night)

December 23rd Fourth Sunday of Advent (LOVE)

December 24th Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols, 7pm


Pastor Tedd is looking for volunteers to read pieces of Scripture for the Christmas Eve worship service. If you would be willing to read a selection,

please see Pastor Tedd. Many thanks in advance for volunteering!


For those of you who requested Offering Envelopes for 2019, I will have them at church beginning December 2nd. They will be available for pickup in the Fellowship Hall.

If you did not request any envelopes but find you would like a set, I did order extras and I will be glad to assign a boxed

set to you.

Dennis Dupree, OPC Treasurer (585) 352-1824

[email protected]

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In order for me to provide each of you with a complete statement of your giving during 2018, please be aware of

the following: All pledge monies or other monetary giving must be in my possession before Noon on Monday, December 31st to be applied toward your 2018 giving. Any monies received after then will be applied to your 2019 statement. This deadline is necessary so that I can properly close the financial books for


NOTE: This is also a good time to double check to make sure your pledge will be paid up for the year. If you are not sure of your status, I welcome any questions regarding this matter.

Dennis Dupree, Treasurer [email protected] (585) 352-1824


NEW STUDY FOR WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: FERVENT: A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer

Starting on January 8th, the Women’s Bible Study group will begin a study of Fervent by Priscilla Shirer, star of the movie War Room. She describes the book as

“a hands-on, knees-down, never-give-up action guide to practical, purposeful praying.” The enthusiastic worldwide response to her book earned it the 2016

Christian Book of the Year Award. Join us to consider and discuss ten prayer strategies to deal with your passion, focus, identity, family, past, fears, purity, pressures, hurts, and relationships. If you’ve ever wondered what can be done to make your prayers more targeted, less monotonous,

and more effective, join us… Tuesday, January 8th, 9:30am in the Oak Room.

See Anne Wallace or Pat Rowe for details, sign-up, and books.


Need to do some shopping… but don’t want to bring the kids??? WE HAVE THE SOLUTION!!!

Babysitting Available — by Youth Group/Triennium Participants Saturday, December 8th from 10am to 4pm at OPC

Fun, Games, Crafts (please supply your own lunch/snack for your child(ren))

$7/hr for the first child, $5/hr for additional children in the same family

PLEASE PRE-REGISTER on the Christian Ed Bulletin Board!!!

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GET RID OF YOUR LOOSE CHANGE AND HELP THE HUMAN NEEDS FUND Session has again agreed to allow the Mission Committee to collect spare change in the Coin Jar. All proceeds go to support the Spencerport Human Needs Fund, which is overseen by Spencerport Ecumenical Ministries, and goes to support emergency needs for residents within the Spencerport School District (i.e. if a parent is

laid off, or there is an unexpected death, etc., the fund could support rent assistance, etc.). Your donations are greatly appreciated, and do make a large difference in our community.


The current list of needed items is: Crackers, Coffee, Cocoa Mix, Fruit Juice, Mac n Cheese, Ramen Noodles, Canned Soups, and TOPS Gift Cards (or cash to

purchase them) which are used for purchasing meat and other perishable items like milk or fresh fruits and veggies.

There are over 100 families that depend upon the Food Shelf for assistance. If you know of anyone that needs food assistance and resides in the Spencerport School District,

have them call 277-4917 for assistance. Any other questions, or to give cash donations towards gift cards, please see Jean Schult or Andy Resch.


December 9th, immediately after worship

There will be many great baskets to bid on for that special someone!!!



No time to Bake? We’ve done the work for you!!!

Don’t miss the COOKIE WALK!!!

You will be able to purchase a Cookie Container (various sizes/prices available)

and fill with assorted cookies on display!!!

All proceeds go to support the Youth Triennium trip next summer.

Thank you for supporting our trip to the Presbyterian Youth Triennium!!! (July 16-20, 2019 @ Purdue University)


If you purchased a soup or dessert jar from the Presbyterian Women’s fundraiser, the gift jars will be

available for pickup after the worship service on December 2nd and 9th.

Thank you for your support! ~Presbyterian Women

***Also, after you have enjoyed your goodies, PW will be collecting as many empty jars and rings back as possible for use in future fundraisers. There will

be a collection box in the church kitchen labeled “PW Jars/Lid Rings”

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Deacon News

Thank you to everyone who helped out with the Hanging of the Greens and decorating OPC for the Christmas season! Your help is greatly appreciated.

Please keep continuing to support the Deacon prayer basket.

The first Sunday of every month there is a Deacon envelope in the pews. This helps support us in the work we do. Thank you for being so generous.

Reminder to leave any donated cards for touch cards in the basket in the “crying room”

If you have a chance to visit someone, go ahead! We are all Deacons at OPC.

Please continue to support our clothes closet. We were able to donate a lot this year, and we are sure many people are very thankful for that.

Our Shut-ins

Judy Pagel at St. Mary’s

Gene Brendel at The Cottages at Unity

Elsie Allyn at The Rochester Friendly Home

Harriett Ireland at Seabury Woods

Bill Ewell At Crimson Ridge, Room E-6

Please remember our military:


APO AE 09173

Our Deacons for 2018

Dennise Webster — Moderator

Harry Pittman — Charity

Cindy Caloritis — Flowers

Diane Dupree — Membership

Sim Mulford—Communion Setup

Ruth Gaskill — Communion Servers

Marilyn Spilberg — Secretary/Cards

Ron Tucker — Treasurer


From the Deacons

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Our next meeting will be December 13th at 10am.

New members are always welcome to join us!



will NOT be meeting in


Have a Merry Christmas!!!


Saturday, December 1st @ 7pm Sunday, December 2nd @ 3pm

Concerts are FREE, and at Spencerport UCC (“The Historic White Church”) — *Note Location Change*

The size of the chorus has grown, so the group needed a larger stage area for their concerts. The group sincerely thanks OPC for hosting the group’s concerts for the past several years, and wishes

everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Session has called a Congregational Meeting for SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd

immediately following worship.

This will be for the sole purpose of electing our 2019 Officers.

Please plan on attending this important meeting.

Thank you!


I want to thank everyone at OPC for their love and support given to me throughout the time it took to assemble our new church directory.

I am so pleased to hear all the positive feedback. All the hours of hard work definitely paid off. And I just love Suzie Ewell’s painting

that she agreed to have as the cover image. Absolutely beautiful! The card and $50 Amazon Gift Card were a great surprise, and very

much appreciated. Thank you for being such a warm, caring group of people. I love my OPC family! ~Brandon

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The OPC Session met on Tuesday, November 20th. Some highlights from the meeting include:

The 2019 Budget was approved. Two Triennium fundraising motions were passed for our OPC Youth. We welcomed the new class of OPC leaders, and thanked those who served faithfully in 2018. Motions were passed to approve another one-year term for the Clerk of Session, Treasurer, and

Presbytery Liaison. Session approved a financial process review (CARE—Church Administrative Review and Evaluation)

in early 2019.

OPC continues to be blessed with many gifts and talents. Thanks be to God!

OPC Session


In response to the fires in California, Session has approved receiving a Special Offering of the congregation on December 9th (envelopes will be in the pews) to be

sent through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Session has also pledged an additional $500 on top of the

amount collected on December 9th. Please make Checks payable to OPC with “PDA” in

the Memo Line. Many thanks.


On behalf of the Worship & Music Committee, I would like to thank all of our 2018 Acolytes (candle lighters) and bell ringers.

Your willingness to serve is greatly appreciated!

I hope that you will consider helping again in 2019!

God Bless,

Carol Quinn


As of December 31st, the Mission Committee will no longer maintain an account at Five Cent Fast Can & Bottle

Redemption. In the new year, please bring all of your cans and bottles to

OPC and we’ll redeem them for you. Funds raised from these goes into our special account. These funds pay for water for

CROP Walk, extra supplies for Christmas stockings, materials for Fostering Hope, and any other minor expenses.

Thank you for continuing to support OPC Missions!

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The Mission Committee would like to thank everyone who filled shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

40 Boxes were filled this year!

Another big thank you to the Deacons for purchasing the boxes for us!


The Christmas Joy Offering is one of four Special Offerings taken each year to promote Presbyterian Mission.

50% of the funds raised goes to support Presbyterian racial ethnic schools and colleges. This support offers an opportunity for young

adults to advance their education. The other 50% goes to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions. This program provides critical financial support to

church workers and their families. Thank you for your generosity.


Six stockings have been filled and returned.

We have more than enough items to fill the 12 - 15 stockings needed (1 for each resident at the Eagle Star Home in the Village).

The remaining items will be put into a nicely decorated box for the residents to be able to take.

As always, thank you for your continued generosity.


Dear Ogden Presbyterian Church,

Thank you for your continued support of Eagle Star Housing!

Your tax deductible donation of $300.00 will assist many Veterans who rely on Eagle Star while they are getting back on their feet. Each year, we continue to serve even greater numbers

of people in need. Your contribution will help enable Eagle Star to continue providing high-quality services.

As a not-for-profit organization, Eagle Star is grateful to receive donations from organizations and individuals who care. Your donation, for which no goods or services were received in return, is truly appreciated and will

make such a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Thank you for joining us in our commitment and bettering our community. On behalf of Eagle Star and those we serve, I extend our heartfelt gratitude.

Sincerely, Zach Fuller, Executive Director

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On November 4, 2018, we were happy to have Dotty & Dave Everhart, Terry & Ellen Carpenter, Rhonda & Paul (missing from photo) Russo, Sherry & Jamie Bigelow,

and Lisa & Don Dugan join our OPC family! We are truly blessed at OPC. Congratulations, and welcome to the OPC family!


The OPC Family is a wonderful group of people… I believe we can all agree on that. But there are a LOT of people that work tirelessly

throughout the year to make that happen. Pastor Tedd, our Staff members, Session members, Deacons, Elders, Trustees, Missions

Team, Finance Team, Office Helpers, and other committee and board members and volunteers are truly a group of dedicated individuals,

willing to share of their time, talents, and treasures to make our various ministries not only come alive, but thrive.

To those who are finishing up their terms on their boards or committees this month, we thank you. And to those who are about to

take leadership positions in 2019, we thank you, too. Here’s to another great year ahead of us in 2019!

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GREETERS: December 2 Alice Brendel 9 Glenn & Resielyn Ewell 16 Kelly, Jonathan & Jackson Hinett 23 Diana Inman 24 Sandy & Jim Frieday 30 Sharon Pittman

USHERS: December 2 Cindy & John Caloritis 9 Sharon & Harry Pittman 16 Anne & Bob Wallace 23 Sandy & Jim Frieday 30 Lisa & Don Dugan

LITURGIST: December 2 Carol Newman 9 Molly Howlett 16 Cindy Anderson 23 Roger Howlett 30 Sandy Frieday

FELLOWSHIP HOSTS: December 2 Suzie & Lyn Ewell & Julia Ryhal 9 Carol Clarke (Sunday School Pageant) 16 Fellowship Team (OPC Christmas Party) 23 Tim & Pat Rowe 30 Roger & Bonnie Howlett


NURSERY CARE: December 2 Michelle Rosipayla 9 Anne Wallace 16 Bonnie Howlett 23 Cindy Anderson 30 TBA



TRUSTEE OF THE MONTH: December: Jim Frieday — 260-0175

One trustee is assigned per month to take care of any building issues that may arise. Please call the

designated Trustee if you have something that needs to be addressed. Thank You!

Ronald Glor 12/02

Scott Gaskill 12/09

Marilyn Spilberg 12/09

Harriet Ireland 12/11

Dottie Everhart 12/12

Cynthia Anderson 12/14

Judy Rynne 12/14

Rebecka Resch 12/20

Jenna Alvarez 12/21

Caitlin Meabon 12/23

John Caloritis 12/24

Anne Wallace 12/25

Nicholas Rosipayla 12/26

Karen Mandarano 12/28

Susan Wheeler 12/28

Zachary Caloritis 12/29

Cindy Caloritis 12/30

Marlene Dyer 12/30

Marie Pearl Ryhal 12/31

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Newsletter Deadline: Articles for the January 2019 issue of The Oracle are due in the Church Office no later than Monday, December 17th by 10:00 a.m. All contributions are subject to editing with regard to the subject matter and space requirements.

The Oracle is the newsletter of the Ogden Presbyterian Church of Spencerport, New York, a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The newsletter is sent to members and friends of the congregation to keep them informed of events, activities, and people in the life of the congregation. Sunday worship is at 10:00a.m. Church school is offered for all ages. Coffee Fellowship immediately follows worship. All guests are welcome!

Ogden Presbyterian Church 2400 S. Union Street Spencerport, NY 14559 Telephone: (585) 352-6802 Office email: [email protected] Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. Website:


OPC Mission Statement: Our purpose is to equip ourselves and others to be Disciples of Christ as we seek God’s will for our church and beyond.

December 2018

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