Page 1: December 2017 · Sunday, December 3. Decorate And Brunch. 10:15-11:15 AM. A special brunch will follow

December 2017 Newsletter

Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for see

— I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people. Luke 2

357 Walnut Street, PO Box 157 Denver, Pennsylvania 17517-0157 Church Telephone - 717-336-2141

Fax - 717-336-6475 Email - [email protected]

Website - Faith Fully Living

We welcome on December 10th, Pastor Angela Zimmann from the United Lutheran Seminary to preach for Advent 2. Angela is Vice President

of Advancement and Adjunct Professor of Homiletics at the Seminary. She has served at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem.

Celebrate: We have received three (3) $1,000 gifts for Peter’s Porch in the past few weeks. Donations have come from Muddy Creek Lutheran, Matthew 25 Thrift Shop, and Bergstrasse Lutheran. It is their partnerships and benefactors to this ministry that allow more to be done and more food to be given. Updates are coming for the fellowship hall to encourage mutual support and the comfort of the elderly and impaired for those attending Peter’s Porch.

NEXT BIBLE & BREAKFAST Saturday, December 16

th, 7:30-9:00 AM.

since the Christmas Store is on the 9th. We’ll

study the birth narrative of Luke 2:1-20 and his social commentary implicit to Jesus’s coming. Come and bring a friend to study. Helpers are needed to make breakfast. Meet in the large adult classroom in the fellowship wing. You’re invited…deepen your knowledge and share in the Spirit’s work as we study.

Sunday, December 3 Decorate And Brunch

10:15-11:15 AM A special brunch will

follow church. Please sign the chart on the

cabinet to help us plan.

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2017 More Information On Pages 12-13

Christmas Eve On a long winter evening we gather to proclaim the coming of the light. Isaiah announces that the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Paul reminds us that the

grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all. In the familiar account of Christ's birth, the evening sky is bright with the heavenly host singing, "Glory to God in the highest." Amid our broken world we proclaim that the prince of peace comes to us born into human flesh—so that we may be bearers of God’s light to all the world.

7:00 PM 10:30 PM Family Worship With Candlelight Holy Communion Worship With Children’s Sermon Holy Communion Singing Of Carols Special Music And Carols

A Reminder: to be rostered as an active member requires a record of both communing and contributing to the church. Final date for contributions this year is Sunday, December 31. Likewise, if you have NOT completed a communion card, please assure you do so by then.

Thank you for your generous support of our ministries.

Page 2: December 2017 · Sunday, December 3. Decorate And Brunch. 10:15-11:15 AM. A special brunch will follow


Staff Pastor — Pastor Joseph A. Veres

Organist — Caryll Lausch

Assistant Organist — Cynthia Kauffman

Choir Director — Matthew Donley

Assistant Choir Director — Ellen Houser

Family Ministry Coordinator — Lisa Gaskill

Administrative Assistant and

Newsletter Editor — Shirley Sweigart

Social Media Coordinator —

Custodians — David and Kathy McGarvey

Photo Use Practice In attending church events, photos may be taken to help keep shut-ins

and friends of the church aware of the life and activities of Faith United. If you do not wish to be photographed, please let us know so we may honor your wishes. As a practice, we consider the privacy appropriate to people with special circumstances, but may not know of all sensitive situations. Your help is required or we anticipate permission is given.

Church Office Requests Please call the Church Office at 336-2141 when:

You are in the hospital or prior to going to the hospital (or have a relative call for you). In order for the pastor to visit, someone needs to inform the church. In an emergency, call Pastor Joe’s cell 724-255-3323;

You are confined to your home for an extended period of time because of illness or accident;

You are going to a rehab center or a nursing home;

There is a change in your family status (birth, death, marriage, or divorce);

You move to a new home, move out of the area, or go away to college or graduate school;

You schedule a meeting or an event of a group or committee. In an effort to be open and communicative with everyone, we would like to include all scheduling on the Church Calendar and in the Weekly Bulletin.

Offering Envelopes Your 2018 Offering Envelopes will be available for pick up on a table at the back of the Church beginning Sunday, November 26, 2017.

If you were missed, contact the Church Office.

Generic Offering Envelopes are available for use on the cabinet next to the hallway and at the ends of each pew.

A good alternative is “Simply Giving” which automatically remits your offering to the church. Contact the Church Office, 336-2141, Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM—3:00 PM; Friday, 8:00 AM—

1:00 PM for more details.

2018 Altar Flower/Bulletin Sponsor Sign-Up

The Altar Flower Chart for 2018 is posted on the bulletin board inside the front door. Sponsors for Altar Flowers may use the standing order the congregation has with Roxanne’s or

you may use the florist of your choice. Cost is $30.00 per Sunday.

The Bulletin Sponsor Chart for 2018 is also posted on the bulletin board inside the main door. Cost is $25.00 per Sunday.

2017 Open Dates Bulletins: December 10, 17.

Christmas Giving Tree The Social Ministry Committee is sponsoring the Family Giving Tree for another year. We

received five families from Ephrata Area Social Services. As in past years FUEL will provide these families with groceries for Christmas dinner, a Cozy Comforters quilt, gifts for the children, and gift cards for the parents.

Please take a gift card from the Christmas tree and place the gift under the tree by December 17. We will pack the gifts and supplies on December 18. The food supplies, from the grocery cart, donated

during December will be used towards the Christmas dinners.

If you wish, place mittens, gloves, a scarf, or hat on the tree when you remove a gift tag. We will give these to EASS for distribution.

Thank you. Merry Christmas!

Any questions may be directed to Dawn Frees at 733-0240.

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A Moment

NRS Matthew 2:1 In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2asking, "Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage."

I used this same scripture a year ago. Likely, not many care nor would have noticed, but this last year has been a rich experience as we now usher in Year B—the Gospel of Mark. The reason I use Matthew is that I grew in my appreciation of that gospel this year from teaching it at Bible and Breakfast and Sunday’s Adult Study.

Mark doesn’t offer us a birth narrative. Mark starts this way: “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” I love what Luke and Matthew do with Jesus’s birth and their explanation of what leads to that moment when ‘angels fill the sky.’ Mark, however, makes the knowledge of Jesus NOT in his human birth, but his ministry. I know this sounds strange, Mark’s “birth narrative” is encapsulated in that phrase about good news. Unlikely the world where we say: “Do you want the bad news first or the good;” Mark is about the lasting good news of Jesus. You see that by what Jesus does and says; in the healings, meal sharing, and teaching that confound the world.

Where will the good news be this year? I have lived where Christmas shopping has gradually worked its way back into the early Fall. In a way, we could argue that this is working ‘the right direction’ but with the wrong message. Where “Black Friday” (sounds sort of ominous, doesn’t it…even as I know it’s about “being in the black” profit-wise) has become not a day but a way; if the true Christmas permeates earlier each year, how many people more might be cared for when sick, fed when hungry, and learn that the joy and diffi-culties of life are in God’s hands. Christmas spirit would make “giving” a ‘mark on hearts’ that understands good news. While I am extending the imagery in contradiction to the “Christmas sale” behaviors” that define this season, moving the “Christmas soul” behavior into our very nature would make Jeremiah’s prophecy a reality―that God writes the law on “our hearts.” We will know God by God’s own handiwork…a VERY Christmas reality shown in Jesus.

I am heartened in many respects with what is happening at Faith United. Parents have taken on the responsibility to assure our kids have a Sunday School. Lisa Gaskill has generously and inventively been mastering the Family Ministry work where Jim Kreider laid so wonderful a base. Peter’s Porch has taken on its own “being” where God’s abundance come in generosity that always surprises me at God’s power. Bible and Breakfast and the adult Sunday study have a core of people that have opened new doors to our thinking and mission perspective. Council has grappled with who we must become and asking core questions of our future.

Having said that—and what I list above is but a sampling. We still have issues we must engage ‘sooner rather than later.’ For our “good news” work to continue, the church family must grow. We have people who truly care. We must grow our invitation that others see life more fully and richly within serving Christ. Christmas can be the “beginning” of the good news for many who have no firm spirituality. People “church shop.” Think what that could mean in today’s consumer mentality if the reflection of church…the unity of the church…the form and “reform” of the church… begins this Advent by helping them shop at Faith United.

I hope to see you at our Christmas Store December 9th from 9:00-11:00 AM. Bring a family who needs to know CHRISTmas good news. Be here to be a light shining to others.

With blessings…Pastor Joe


CHALLENGE Pastor Joe and Paula are challenging Faith to help the

future of the Lutheran church.

Over the next 10 years, OVER 40% of pastors

will retire. The cost of Seminary is preventing new

students from entering.

We will donate $250.00 for United Lutheran

Seminary if the congregation will raise $750.00.

Include this with your normal offering and show

donation as to “Seminary” on your envelope. So far

$670.00 has been collected.

>> Please Help! <<

Page 4: December 2017 · Sunday, December 3. Decorate And Brunch. 10:15-11:15 AM. A special brunch will follow


Congregation Council Report Council Minutes, October 4, 2017

Members present: Todd Stewart, Scott Gola, Jennie Weinhold, Terri Kilrain, Tim Hegeman, Terry Burkholder, Deb Demler and Pastor Joe. Meeting was called to order by Todd Stewart.

Devotions: Tim Hegeman shared “Seasons In Our Life”.

Consent Agenda consisting of September Council Meeting Minutes were approved pending edits to the Treasurer’s Report

Pastor’s Report Additional Comments: Memorial Garden project was discussed in a prior meeting held Sunday, October 1

st at 8:30 AM, with the following

Council members in attendance: Pastor Joe, Terri Kilrain, Tim Hegeman, Jennie Weinhold and Todd Stewart. The following decisions were made during this meeting: Todd offered to assist in dismantling the church sign, while preserving the stone. All members approved the bid from Diebolt Landscape Company Inc. to supply labor, material, equipment and supervision for the Garden/Scout Project, which includes excavation and installation of concrete pavers to match the garden walkway. All agreed on the installation of two (2) electrical feeds to be installed for the church sign and along outside wall. Memorial funds provided by Schaeffer Family should be sufficient to cover costs of project, since this project is considered extension of Memorial Garden. Pastor was not aware if additional funds were raised by Scouts for project, and if needed, Scott will research Thrivent Funds. Memorial Garden/ Church Sign – Terry Kilrain shared pictures of other church signs for ideas and consideration as current church sign was due to be dismantled. Upcoming Reformation Service scheduled for Monday, October 30

th with OMPH was discussed; Pastor Joe extended

the invitation to other church’s to set the example of unity among all Christian faith.

Treasurer’s Report Additional Comments: Brad Fichthorn starting an audit on the books this month. Scott planning Finance Committee Meeting to discuss 2018 budget.

New Business

Todd led discussion regarding 2018 Budget: Family Ministry and Adult Sunday School were discussed. Assistant Secretary – All agreed to change title to “Social Media/Web Consultant”. Position to include some data entry, website maintenance and design, and Facebook postings. Brad Fichthorn to be notified. Office Technology – needs to be updated. Deb Demler to research three (3) new computers for FUEL staff. Pastor Joe will turn 65 in August, 2018, changing from private insurance to Medicare. FUEL cost should be reduced. Ideas were shared for the upcoming Christmas Store. All agreed this was a worthwhile event, not only for our congregation but to also invite Peter’s Porch and local families to attend.

NEXT COUNCIL MEETING: Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Meeting adjourned following the Lord’s Prayer.

Submitted by Jennie Weinhold, FUEL Council Secretary

Congregation Council Meeting

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

7:00 PM

Cozy Comforters


Cozy Comforter’s Silent Auction Thank You

Thank You to all who participated in our Silent Auction of comforters and sale of microwave “potholders” and pillowcases.

All funds raised will go to the Lutheran Disaster Response Trips and the United Lutheran Seminary Challenge.

Kid’s Church The children begin in church with their parents and then after the Children's Sermon the kids go with the teacher to Kids Church until communion. The kids will be back to take communion with their parents and stay with them for the remainder of Worship Service.

Teachers are: December 3 - OPEN; December 10 - Mitch and Adrianne Arment; December 17 - Tracey Weidner.

CONGREGATION COUNCIL Todd Stewart — 717-336-4691 — President

Blake Daub — 717-336-3460 — Vice President

Scott Gola — 717-733-4299 — Treasurer

Jennie Weinhold — 717-715-2595 — Secretary

Mike Gable — 717-615-4937 — Property

Terry Burkholder — 717-336-6219

Deb Demler — 717-336-4492

Tim Hegeman — 717-475-3530

Terri Kilrain — 717-201-0099

Traci Krick — 717-336-6238

$814.00 was raised for Cocalico and Ephrata School District needy children and families through the offering at the Reformation Service.

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December 2: Joyce Shober

December 6: John Loeber, Phillip Deibler, Lisa


December 9: Barbara Christ, Emily Reed

December 10: Andrew Luciani

December 11: Harold Martzall

December 16: Denise Hackman

December 19: Kathleen Hafer, Brandon Boose

December 21: Craig Stover

December 23: William Ludwig

December 29: Mary Ann Fichthorn

December 31: Andrew Witmer

Care Of Members Committee

Health Notes

Avoid Holiday-Related Weight Gain

The holiday season does not need to derail a healthy lifestyle. Consider these tips to avoid extra pounds come the holiday season. Eat before you go shopping. Leaving the house hungry may tempt you to make impulse food purchases that can

compromise healthy diets. Make smarter food choices. When visiting a

holiday party buffet line or grabbing an on-the-go snack, think about the foods you choose. Look for low-calorie items that will still fill you up. Proteins, complex carbohydrates and vegetables are good choices. Avoid creamy dips and dressings, and if you want to try something fried or cheese-laden, do so only sparingly.

Be selective with sweets. Sweets are readily available during the holiday season. Rather than filling up your plate with a little “bite” of each dessert you want to try, select your favorite and then enjoy a reasonable portion.

Limit sampling while cooking. If you are entertaining others, cut down on tasting while you prepare the meal. Those calories can add up without you knowing it, and soon you’ve eaten an entire portion even before the festivities begin.

Pack healthy snacks. It’s always a good idea to have healthy snacks at the ready to tame random hunger pangs. Bring a favorite treat with you while shopping or if you will be visiting others. This helps you control your portion size and can keep you from overeating.

Mind your drinks, too. Many beverages, including alcoholic beverages and sweetened soft drinks, are high in calories. A single serving of wine can have anywhere from 200 to 300 calories.

Increase your level of physical activity. Find ways to remain physically active during the holiday season. Park further away from mall entrances so you can walk a greater distance and burn more calories. Take a few extra laps around the mall. Opt for the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. If you’re at a party with upbeat music, get on the dance floor and work off some calories.

Holiday weight gain may seem like an inevitability. However, with some forward thinking and smart choices, holiday celebrants can prevent weight gain this holiday season.

December 2: Lee and Teri Arment

December 4: Bruce and Jamie Carpenter

December 7: William and Ellen Houser

December 21: Matt and Sue Donley

December 26: Tracey and Steve Weidner

December Birthday

Please remember our 80+ member with a card, visit, or phone call:

Caryll Lausch - December 2 - 126 North Fourth Street, Denver, PA 17517

December Food Collection The grocery cart food items from now through December 17 will be given to the five families from Ephrata Area Social Services that Fuel is supporting for a fulfilling Christmas.

Check the list on the grocery cart and deposit the items in the grocery cart.

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Family Ministry At Faith United For Information Contact Lisa Gaskill

Cell: 717-471-2567 Email: [email protected]

Here Comes Faith United’s

Christmas Store for Kids!

We are inviting children from ages 3-12 to shop till they drop looking for great presents for their family members!

The “store” will be open in our Fellowship Hall from 9:00 AM till 11:00 AM on Saturday, December 9.

This includes all children attending Faith United and encourages our families to invite families in need who otherwise will have no Christmas. The focus is our Peter’s Porch families and neighbors.

We will have Shopper Elves to assist the Children with their purchases and Wrapping Elves to assist with gift wrapping (Wrapper Elves may also be heard breaking into some Holiday RAPPING too)!

An array of kid to parent items will be available for the children to choose from.

Holiday refreshments will be available for parents while their children are shopping!

We are asking families to help us by confirming their intent to attend. This will better allow us to ensure the children have a good selection of items to choose from. Please sign up on the form on the cabinet in the back of the Sanctuary.

Please see Lisa Gaskill or Pastor Joe with any questions! THANKS!!!

Elves Needed... If you are willing to assist us as a Shopping

or Wrapping Elf, please sign up on the

sheet on the cabinet in the back of the


Donations Welcome! If you are interested in making a donation to “the store’s purchasing department”, please use an envelope on the cabinet at the back. All money collected will go towards the purchase of the children’s gifts!

Page 8: December 2017 · Sunday, December 3. Decorate And Brunch. 10:15-11:15 AM. A special brunch will follow


Please continue to provide the Church

Office with your email addresses

(changes also) to be used for

Newsletters, Schedules, etc.

Email your changes to:

[email protected]

Thank You!

Orders for Poinsettias to

decorate the Chancel

December 17-24, 2017

can be placed until the

conclusion of worship on

Sunday, December

10, 2017. You can order

Red or White plants. Each

plant costs $7.25.

The order envelopes are available on the cabinet

at the back of the Sanctuary.

Communion Bread Please Sign The Green Chart

On The Cabinet At The Back To

Provide One Loaf Of Bread.

Please Bring The Bread To The

Church By Friday - 9:00 AM—1:00 PM


Sponsor Sign-Up The yellow sign-up

sheet to provide

refreshments following

the Worship Service is

on the cabinet at the

back of the Sanctuary. Open Dates:

December 10, 17, 24, 31, 2017.

Social Media Coordinator Needed

The church is seeking someone to

oversee electronic outreach and do light

financial data input. This job is flexible

but best works with a Monday or

Tuesday morning input. Help on

Friday to finalize the church bulletin

is needed also. Proficiencies: social

media, web, and Office (Word,

Publisher, Excel, etc.)

Interested Individuals Contact Brad Fichthorn - (717) 368-1438

Even though you might not be able to attend Church due to the weather or other circumstances, the Church’s expenses (snow removal, heating, electric, etc.) continue and your stewardship is important. If you cannot attend, you can mail your offering envelope to: Faith United Lutheran Church, PO Box 157, Denver, PA 17517.

WANTED Recipes, inspirational articles, poetry, gardening tips, household tips, etc. to be used in Monthly Newsletters. Please put your items in the Secretary’s mailbox marked “Shirley Sweigart” in the Coat Room. Thank You for sharing your useful items with your Church Family.

The Upper Room Daily Devotional November - December, 2017

Christ In Our Home Daily Devotional October, November, December, 2017 Also, A Large Print Version is Available

Available on tables at both entrance. A Basket is provided for donations.

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Troop 60 - 1,820 lb. food donation.

Cub Pack 132 – 1,387 lb. food donation


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Faith United Evangelical Lutheran Church

357 Walnut Street, Denver, PA 17517

Phone: 717-336-2141 Email: [email protected]

The First Saturday of Each Month December 2, 2017

January 6, 2018

8:00-10:00 AM Breakfast will be served.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

and Tuesday, December 26, 2017

6:00 PM Please bring your Breakfast Donations to the Secretary’s Office on Friday, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.


Third Sunday Of Advent Sunday, December 17, 2017

Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; Luke 1:46b-55; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8, 19-28. “Rejoice always,” begins the

reading from First Thessalonians. Isaiah and the psalmist make clear that God is turning our mourning into laughter and shouts of joy. “All God’s children got a robe,” go the words of the spiritual. It is not so much a stately, formal, pressed outfit as it is a set of party

clothes, clothes that make us feel happy just to put on. We receive that robe in baptism, and in worship we gather for a foretaste of God’s party.

Fourth Sunday Of Advent Sunday, December 24, 2017

2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16; Psalm 89:1-4; Romans 16:25-27; Luke 1:26-38. God keeps the promise made to David, to give him an everlasting throne. The angel tells Mary that God will give David’s throne to her son Jesus. She is perplexed by Gabriel’s greeting and by the news of her coming pregnancy, but she is able still to say, “Count me in.” We who know that Jesus is called king only as he is executed still find it a mystery hard to fathom, but with Mary today we hear the news of what God is up to and say, “Count us in.”

Nativity Of Our Lord: Christmas Eve Sunday, December 24, 2017

Isaiah 9:2-7; Psalm 96:1-13; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14 [15-20]. On a long winter evening we gather to proclaim

the coming of the light. Isaiah announces that the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Paul reminds us that the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all. In the familiar account of Christ’s birth, the evening sky is bright with the heavenly host singing, “Glory to God in the highest.” Amid our broken world we proclaim that the prince of peace is born

among us. God comes to us in human flesh—in Christ’s body and blood—so that we may be bearers of divine light to all the world.

First Sunday Of Christmas Sunday, December 31, 2017

Isaiah 61:10―62:3; Psalm 148:1-14; Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:22-40. In the psalm all the natural world praises God, including all humanity, male and female, young and old. The voices of Simeon and 84-year-old Anna join the chorus today, recognizing what God is doing in Jesus. Simeon’s song is often sung after communion, for we have seen God’s salvation in the assembled community and have held Jesus in our hands in the bread. Then, like the prophet Anna, we speak of Jesus to all who look for the healing of the world.

Lap Robes There are lap robes (made by Traci Krick) at the back of the Church if someone is cold during the Worship Service.

First Sunday Of Advent Sunday, December 3, 2017

Isaiah 64:1-9; Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37. Stir up your power, and come!

The psalmist’s plea in Psalm 80:2 has become familiar to us in the Advent prayers. Isaiah wants God to rip the heavens open. Both cry out for an apparently distant, angry God to show up, to save, to restore. When we hear Jesus describing the coming of the Son of Man

with stars falling from heaven, it can sound dire and horrible, not like anything we would ever hope for. But when we really look at the suffering of people God loves, we can share the hope that God would tear open the heavens and come.

Second Sunday Of Advent Sunday, December 10, 2017

Isaiah 40:1-11; Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13; 2 Peter 3:8-15a; Mark 1:1-8. John called people to repent, to clear the decks, to completely reorder their lives so that nothing would get in the way of the Lord’s coming. The reading from Isaiah gives the context for this radical call: the assurance of forgiveness that encourages us to repent; the promise that the coming one will be gentle with the little ones. Isaiah calls us all to be heralds with John, to lift up our voices fearlessly and say, “See, your God is coming!” We say it to one another in worship, in order to say it with our lives in a world in need of justice and peace.

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Congregational Meeting Sunday, December 10, 2017 Following 9:00 AM Worship Service

Agenda Invocation

Reading and Approval of December 2016 Congregational Meeting Minutes.

Election of Congregation Council Members.

Returning Council Members are:

Terry Burkholder Deb Demler

Scott Gola Tim Hegeman

Terri Kilrain Jennie Weinhold

Retiring from Church Council are:

Todd Stewart

Blake Daub

Mike Gable

Agreeing to Serve on Church Council are:

Bruce Carpenter

Traci Krick

Keith Main

Lori Stover

Nominations can be made from the floor, but anyone nominated must have given prior consent to serve if elected.

2018 Budget and Approval (See Page 13 for 2018 Proposed Budget.)

Any Other Business


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By each entry door there are salt/de-icer containers in case of slippery conditions during this season of the year.

If you come to church and see that there is a need to clear an area, please feel free to make it safe for other people entering the church. Thanks

The Pathways Center for Grief & Loss 4075 Old Harrisburg Pike, Mount Joy

offers a wide variety of support programs for adults, teens and children impacted by serious illness and loss.

For information call (717) 391-2413 or (800) 924-7610 and visit

The Pathways Center Resource Library offers a wide variety of books, journals, videos and DVD’s about grief for free rental for children, adults, clergy, teachers, and medical professionals. Hours: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.


Groups are led by Masters level counselors and volunteers who have experienced the same type of loss. They provide time to share experiences and ask questions. Groups are designed for those within the first two years following the death of a loved one. You are welcome to bring a supportive person with you. No registration is needed. For more information on any of these programs, call the Pathways Center at (717) 391-2413 or (800) 924-7610.

COPING WITH THE LOSS OF A CHILD (of any age): Wednesday, December 27 from 6:30-8:00 PM at the Pathways Center for Grief & Loss, 4075 Old Harrisburg Pike, Mount Joy.

NEWLY BEREAVED PROGRAM (a 3-week series): Tuesdays, December 5, 12, 19, 2:00-3:30 PM; Pathways Center for Grief & Loss, 4075 Old Harrisburg Pike, Mount Joy. If your loss was recent, this free series provides an overview of common grief responses and will help you to begin to identify coping tools. Space is limited and registration is required. If interested, call (717) 391-2413 or (800) 924-7610. Registration Deadline: One Week Prior To Start Of Program.

COPING WITH THE HOLIDAYS: Tuesday, November 28, 6:30-8:00 PM: Living For Today; Tuesday, December 12, 6:30-8:00 PM: Ways To Remember; Tuesday, December 19, 6:30-8:00 PM: What Are The Gifts? Hospice & Community Care, 685 Good Drive, Lancaster. Tuesday, November 28, 2:00-3:30 PM, Coping With The Holidays. Pathways Center for Grief & Loss, 4075 Old Harrisburg Pike, Mount Joy. After a loss, many find it helpful to meet with others and talk about how to get through the holidays. Weekly opportunities to connect with others are available through the holiday season. Attend one group or attend them all. Call the Pathways Center, 717-391-2413 or 800-924-7610 to register.

COPING KIDS & TEENS: INDIVIDUAL GRIEF SUPPORT: The Coping Kids & Teen program provides individual or family sessions for children impacted by the serious illness or death of a loved one. Call the Pathways Center, 717-391-2413 or 800-924-7610 for more information or to set up an appointment.

COPING KIDS & TEENS: FAMILY SUPPORT SERIES: Thursdays, January 11 - March 1, 6:00-7:30 PM. Peer support groups are offered through the school year for children and teens who are grieving a significant death. During this series, families gather for a light supper before each group session. Children and teens meet in peer support groups and participate in activities to help them cope with their grief, while adults learn how to manage the challenges of parenting grieving teens and children. Families meet with a Coping Kids & Teens counselor to complete an assessment prior to attending to determine if the group will be helpful for your grieving child(ren). Call the Pathways Center, 717-391-2413 OR 800-924-7610 for more information or to set up an appointment. Registration Deadline: December 29.

LIGHT UP A LIFE TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY: Wednesday, December 6, 7:00 PM (Music begins at 6:30 PM). The Essa Flory Center, 685 Good Drive, Lancaster. For a gift of $20, we will place a light on an evergreen tree in memory of a loved one during this annual outdoor ceremony. To order, call (717) 295-3900 or visit By purchasing a light, you are also providing the gift of care for patients and families facing end of life. Sponsored by Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home and Crematory.

SOCIAL DINE-OUT OPTIONS Do you feel as though your social environment has changed after the death of your loved one? Does it seem as though the only people who truly understand what you are going through are others who are also bereaved? The Pathways Center offers a variety of social options to choose from. Each participant pays for their own meal. These gatherings are facilitated by trained bereavement volunteers who have also experienced loss in the past.

LADIES LUNCH: Wednesday, December 20, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM, Mick’s All American Pub, 2201 Strickler Road, Mount Joy. No registration needed.

MEN’S BREAKFAST: Tuesday, December 19, 8:00-9:30 AM, The Centerville Diner, 100 South Centerville Road, Lancaster. No registration needed.

Cookies, Cocoa and Conversation Thursday, December 7, 2017

1:30 PM Enjoy a festive gathering with the Sales Counselors in the Towne Center Community Room. Have some delightful cookies and learn more about the vibrant lifestyle at Luther Acres.

RSVP by Friday, December 1, 2017

600 East Main Street, Lititz, PA 717-892-5287

Page 15: December 2017 · Sunday, December 3. Decorate And Brunch. 10:15-11:15 AM. A special brunch will follow


I would like to Thank everyone that donated to our collection drive for the Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster. It was a tremendous success due to all of you! DVS would also like to extend special thanks to everyone for

the blessings they received. All of the items donated were exactly what they needed to continue helping the women and children that are so desperately in need. They are especially appreciative for the seasonally correct clothing for both the women and the children.

I would like to continue this collection drive two times a year to provide the seasonal and constant items that they always need. Once in October for the fall/winter seasons and then again in April for the spring/summer items.

Thank you for your generous outpouring of love. To know that we are able to help soothe and clothe a scared child, to know that we can help alleviate the worry of an abused woman, is truly a blessing that would not happen without all of you!

Blessings To All, Traci Krick

Page 16: December 2017 · Sunday, December 3. Decorate And Brunch. 10:15-11:15 AM. A special brunch will follow




Thrivent Action Teams Want to do something positive to strengthen your community? Think you can organize a team to help bring it to life? If you said “yes” to both, simply gather a team, submit an application to Thrivent and—once the idea is approved—you receive $250.00 in seed money to help cover promotional, production and material expenses. We have a possibility of getting 30 - $250.00 gift cards at FUEL.

For further information contact Tim Hegeman, 717-475-3530.

Lutheran Church Of The Good Shepherd

750 Greenfield Road Lancaster, PA 17601


Page 17: December 2017 · Sunday, December 3. Decorate And Brunch. 10:15-11:15 AM. A special brunch will follow



December 14, 2017

6:00 – 7:00 PM Trinity United Methodist


420 Main Street, Denver

Hosted by Local Churches

Handicap Access Available

Come and Enjoy a Free Meal!


Music At Jerusalem Jerusalem Evangelical

Lutheran Church 36 Church Street, Rothsville

Sunday, December 3 3:00 PM

Lancaster Chamber Singers

Tickets Required

Call 717-330-9025 For Info

Church Building Is Handicap Accessible.

For More Information

Please Call The

Church Office At


Denver Elementary

Holiday Baskets Each year Denver Elementary PTA and school staff members volunteer to make baskets of food, which are delivered to neediest families with kids in our community.

Faith United participates in this effort. Each week for

the next five weeks we will collect items for the holiday baskets:

Turkey/Ham (We have a Thrivent grant to buy the meat.)

Gravy 2 Large Cans of Veggies

Stuffing Mix Bag of Potatoes

Rolls Cranberry Sauce


You don’t need to buy everything…buy one item. If again you are able, add to our collection. We need these for each of the 25 baskets we hope to prepare.

Place Your Items On The Table Marked For Holiday Baskets.

COMMUNITY EVENTS Communion Bread Please Sign The Green Chart On

The Cabinet At The Back To Provide One Loaf Of Bread

Each Sunday. Please Bring The Bread To The Church By Friday -

9:00 AM—1:00 PM

Christian Symbol

Branch (Tree) of Jesse - Isaiah used the image of a new tree growing from what appears dead to foretell God’s redemption of Israel: “A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit” (Isaiah 11:1, NIV). During Advent, this prophecy assures us of the coming of the Messiah, de-scended from King David, and thus his father, Jesse.

Cheddar Meatloaf 1 egg

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

1/2 cup chopped onion

1 lb. ground beef

3/4 cup milk

1/2 cup quick cooking oats

1 teaspoon salt

In a bowl, beat the egg and milk. Stir in cheese,

oats, onions and salt. Add beef and mix well. Shape into loaf and place in a greased loaf pan.

2/3 cup ketchup

1 1/2 teaspoon honey mustard

1/2 cup packed brown sugar

Combine ketchup, brown

sugar and mustard, then

spoon over the meatloaf.

Bake uncovered at 3500

for 45 minutes or until the

meat is no longer pink.

Serves 8

Page 18: December 2017 · Sunday, December 3. Decorate And Brunch. 10:15-11:15 AM. A special brunch will follow


Members to Remember At christmas

Ethel Newman

Ephrata Manor Room 111

99 Bethany Road

Ephrata, PA 17522

Traci Krick

501 Pine Street

Denver, PA 17517

Helen Shirk

Ephrata Manor PC 109

99 Bethany Road

Ephrata, PA 17522

Kathryn Miller

Ephrata Manor Room 202

99 Bethany Road

Ephrata, PA 17522

Gene Heft


Muhlenberg Room 415

600 East Main Street

Lititz, PA 17543

Viola White

Apartment 511

300 St. Mark Avenue

Lititz, PA 17543

Pauline Knauer

Pleasant View Retirement Community

257 Terrace Gardens

544 North Penryn Road

Manheim, PA 17545

Ethel Ross

Landis Homes Manheim House #41

1001 East Oregon Road

Lititz, PA 17543

Evelyn Leisey

717 Pine Street

Denver, PA 17517

Eleanor Lynam

Apartment 412

300 St. Mark Avenue

Lititz, PA 17543

Fern Martzall

Apartment 130

250 Parkview Heights Road

Ephrata, PA 17522

Charles Miller

Apartment 210

250 Parkview Heights Road

Ephrata, PA 17522

Florence Rutt

Keystone Villa Apartment 311

100 North State Street

Ephrata, PA 17522

Peggy Dewald

31 Bill Drive

Denver, PA 17517

Michael Roseboro

JF 6037—Mahonoy

301 Morea Road

Frackville, PA 17932

Page 19: December 2017 · Sunday, December 3. Decorate And Brunch. 10:15-11:15 AM. A special brunch will follow


Adamstown Area Library December Events We Process Passport Applications And

Take Photos By Appointment Only. Please call 717-484-4200.

GAGE PERSONNEL JOB FAIR – Friday, December 1st from 2:00-4:00 PM. Are you creative? Local business is hiring seasonal basket assemblers. First and second shifts; full or part time hours. $10/hour. Gage Personnel will be at the Library for on the spot interviews. You must apply in person. No resume needed, but bring ID.

DROP-IN BLOCK PARTY – Saturday, December 2nd, from 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon. Children learn engineering, language, and social skills by making their own creations and building with others. Plus, it’s fun! Join us for a morning of building with Magna-Tiles, Legos, and more. For ages 6 and up.

STOUDTBURG BAVARIAN VILLAGE CHRISTMAS EVENT – Saturday, December 2nd from 3:00-9:00 PM. Benefits the Adamstown Area Library Building Fund. $7.00 per carload donation to the Library. Location: Stoudtburg Village, Route 272 and Stoudtburg Road, Adamstown, PA (near the Black Angus Restaurant and Microbrewery). The event includes: Christkindl Mart vendors; live decorated and lit trees and festive decorations throughout the village; horse-drawn carriage rides (driven by Santa); Father Christmas and his elves strolling the village; carolers from Albright College and a German Choir; wine, cheese and microbrewery beer tasting. All village shops and the Café will be open for this event.

PRESCHOOL STORYTIME every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 AM. Stories and an easy craft for ages 2-6 with adult caregiver. Please register.

BOOMERS and BEYOND – Tuesday, December 5th from 10:15-11:15 AM. We will play Christmas bingo.

READER’S CHOICE CHILDREN’S BOOK CLUB – First and Third Tuesdays, December 5th and 19th from 6:30-7:30 PM. Join us on a discovery of “Super Series”: December 5th: Hank the Cowdog; December 19th: The Wizard of Oz. Please register.

TECHNOLOGY NIGHT - Wednesday, December 6th at 6:30 PM. This monthly program will be dedicated to helping our patrons cope with the ever-changing world of computers, mobile devices, and technology. Each Technology Night will be divided into two parts. Registration is required.

LAPSIT PROGRAM - Every Thursday at 10:00 AM. Simple stories, rhymes, songs and fingerplays for babies up to age two with parent or other adult caregiver. Please register.

TODDLER STORYTIME – Every Thursday at 10:30 AM. Stories, songs and fingerplays, followed by an easy craft. For two and three-year-olds with parent or other adult caregiver. Please register. SANTA CLAUS VISITS THE LIBRARY – Saturday, December 9th at 12:00 Noon. Children may pose for photos with Santa, enjoy some treats and do a couple of simple holiday crafts. At 1:00 PM we will read “The Night Before Christmas”. For families. The CHI ST. JOSEPH CHILDREN’S HEALTH “Brush Twice-a-Day Challenge” continues through December 11th. All participants who take the Challenge are eligible for prizes. December 11th is the final day to drop completed Smile Counter Cards into the Hank mailbox at the Library. MAKE YOUR OWN HOLIDAY CENTERPIECE – Monday, December 11th at 6:30 PM. Make your own evergreen centerpiece for your holiday table! Esbenshade’s Garden Center will provide materials and instruction to make your own beautiful holiday centerpiece. They will provide fresh evergreens including fir, cedar, and boxwood, and decorations of winterberry, pinecones, red velvet ribbon, and candles. There is a $10 charge for materials. Bring your own pruners if you have them; tools will be provided for those who don’t. Come and join us for an evening of holiday fun! Please register. BEDTIME STORIES – Wednesday, December 13th at 6:30 PM. Enjoy stories, a craft and snack. Don ’t forget to wear your pajamas!! Please register. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING – Wednesday, December 13th at 6:30 PM. GENEALOGY INTEREST GROUP – Thursday, December 14th at 6:30 PM. The group will be led by genealogy researcher Ken McCrea. For older students and adults. Registration is required. WALK-IN CRAFT – Children may stop in at the Library any time between 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM on Friday, December 15th to make and take home a seasonal craft. No registration needed. The Library will be closed on Monday, December 25th and Monday, January 1st.



ADAMSTOWN, PA 19501 717-484-4200

Page 20: December 2017 · Sunday, December 3. Decorate And Brunch. 10:15-11:15 AM. A special brunch will follow



Page 21: December 2017 · Sunday, December 3. Decorate And Brunch. 10:15-11:15 AM. A special brunch will follow




Lector Greeters Nursery Acolyte Sound Sponsors Counters

December 3 First Sunday Of Advent

Paula Veres

Joyce and

Robert Fischer

Adrianne and

Mitch Arment



Janice Daub

Flowers Lee and

Teri Arment Bulletins Lee and

Teri Arment

Matt Luciani Skip/Lorna Buohl Mae Raudenbush

Gloria Shober

December 10 Second Sunday Of Advent



Lori and

Craig Stover

Lisa and Kyle


Ethan Gola



Flowers Diane

Schantz Bulletins


Tracy Nissly Lois Geist

Craig/Lori Stover June Wolf

Marlene Fritz

December 17 Third Sunday Of Advent



Teri and Lee


Tim Hegeman

and Tracey






Flowers Poinsettias Bulletins


Todd Stewart Jim and Mary Stewart

Ann and Ralph Roseboro

David and Kathy McGarvey

December 24 Fourth Sunday Of Advent

Tracy Nissly

Barbara and

Vernon Boose

Kathryn Voler and Terri






Flowers Poinsettias Bulletins Rob and

Terri Macker

Mitch Arment Janice Daub

Mike/Lisa Gable William Ludwig

Dawn Frees

December 24 Christmas Eve 7:00 PM


Jamie and

Bruce Carpenter

Lori Stover

and Andrew


Ryan Gola

Blake Daub



December 24 Christmas Eve 10:30 PM


Mary and Jim


Lisa and Mike Gable







December 31 First Sunday Of Christmas

Robert Fischer

Lisa and Mike


Adrianne and

Mitch Arment



Janice Daub

Flowers Deb Demler Bulletins

Deb Demler

Tim Hegeman Cynthia Hegeman Bruce Carpenter

Nina Mayhew

Ushers Communion Ushers

Communion Assistants

Children’s Sermon

Communion Bread

Altar Care

Coffee and Refreshments After Worship

Open/Close Building

3rd Lee Arment Teri Arment

Angela Stewart Terry Burkholder

10th Mike Gable Lisa Gable Scott Gola

Nicholas Gable 17th

Harold Martzall Linda Riddell

Chris Weinhold John A. Luciani

24th Matt Luciani Tim Hegeman

Dave Brumbach William Ludwig 24th - 7:00 PM

Bruce Carpenter Jamie Carpenter William Ludwig Gerry Phillips

24th - 10:30 PM Jim Stewart

Blake and Janice Daub Jeff Hartman

31st Lee Arment Teri Arment

Angela Stewart Terry Burkholder

3rd Lee


10th Mike


17th Harold Martzall

24th Matt


24th - 7:00 PM Bruce


24th - 10:30 PM Jim


31st Lee


Communion Table Usher

December Jim


3rd Tracy Nissly

Harold Martzall

10th Todd Stewart Paula Veres


David Brumbach Karlene Cook


Blake Daub Adrianne Arment

24th - 7:00 PM

Deb Demler Kelly Lesher

24th - 10:30 PM

Grady Daub Dawn Frees


Mike Gable Angela Stewart

3rd Janice Daub


Pastor Joe

17th Dawn Frees


Pastor Joe


Angela Stewart

3rd Teri


10th OPEN



24th OPEN



November 28th-

December 11th Mary

Stewart and

Joanne Phillips


Jamie and

Bruce Carpenter

and Ethan Gola


26th- January 8th

Lori Stover

and Ann


3rd Hanging Of The

Greens Brunch



17th OPEN



31st OPEN

December Open Deb



3rd Matt


10th Tracy Nissly

17th Todd


24th Mitch


31st Tim


Page 22: December 2017 · Sunday, December 3. Decorate And Brunch. 10:15-11:15 AM. A special brunch will follow


IN THIS ISSUE Congregational Meeting ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Next Bible & Breakfast ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Christmas Eve Candlelight Services ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Highlights - Pastor Angela Zimmann, December 10, 2017; Celebrate ................................................................................................................................................................... 1 A Reminder .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Hanging Of The Greens ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Christmas Giving Tree ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Church Office Requests ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 2018 Offering Envelopes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 2018 Altar Flower/Bulletin Sponsor Sign-Up ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Photo Use Practice .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Staff .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 From The Pastor - A Moment .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 United Lutheran Seminary Challenge ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Congregation Council Report - October 4, 2017 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Congregation Council Meeting ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Congregation Council .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Reformation Service Offerings ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Kid’s Church ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Cozy Comforter’s Corner - Cozy Comforter’s Silent Auction Thank You ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 December Birthdays ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 December Anniversaries ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 80+ December Birthday ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 December Food Collection ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Saying ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Care Of Members Committee Health Notes - Avoid Holiday-Related Weight Gain ............................................................................................................................................... 5 December Calendar Of Events ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Family Ministry At Faith United - Christmas Store For Kids! ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Poinsettia Orders... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Communion Bread. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Refreshment Sponsor Sign-Up ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Email Address Changes .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Your Stewardship Is Important ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Social Media Coordinator Needed........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Wanted ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 The Upper Room Daily Devotional and Christ In Our Home Daily Devotional ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Romans 16:27, ESV ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Photo Collage - Memorial Garden Extension, All Saints 2017, Thank You ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 Photo Collage - Reformation Unity Service, Thank You Veterans........................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Peter’s Porch ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 December Worship ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Lap Robes .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Congregational Meeting ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Greeting ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 2018 Proposed Budget .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Hospice & Community Care And Pathways Center For Grief & Loss Programs .................................................................................................................................................. 14 Cookies, Cocoa And Conversation At Luther Acres ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Winter Preparedness ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Sing Praises To The Lord ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Guiding Eyes For The Blind Thank You Letter ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 We Are Synod ReNEWing Together ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Community Events - Mellingers Youth Community Night At Isaac’s, Lessons and Carols At Lutheran Church Of The Good Shepherd, Thrivent Action Teams .................... 16 Community Events - Denver Elementary Holiday Baskets, Free Community Meal, Music At Jerusalem ........................................................................................................... 17 Communion Bread ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Cheddar Meatloaf .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Christian Symbol .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Members To Remember At Christmas .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Adamstown Area Library December Events ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Kid’s Page - Pop-Up Card, Journey To Bethlehem Puzzle ................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Serving This Month - December ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21 January 2018 Newsletter Deadline........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21


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