Page 1: December 2015 - Razor Planet · into the Christmas story. The first thing your kids will open Christmas morning is a wrapped baby Jesus to remind them that Jesus is the greatest gift

December 2015

Wednesday, December 2nd the Sisters-in-Christ will

be meeting at The Annex in LaHarpe for a Christ-

mas Dinner Party at 6:30 p.m. Reservations have

been made for the dinner, but ladies, you are wel-

come to come for the party after the meal.

Sisters-in-Christ meet quarterly for a time of fellow-

ship, learning, praying, and just having a good time

together. Snacks, encouragement and rejoicing are

shared each time these Sisters gather. Would you

like to be a part of this group? Please contact Diana

Mohr and let her know you are interested. All ladies

are invited to come and bring a friend.

You’ve heard much about a

Packing Party over the last 2-3

months. Do you know the re-

sults? 135 boxes were packed

for Operation Christmas Child!

Way to go BCC families! That’s

double what you have packed in the past years. Not

only did you double the number of boxes, you had

a great time doing it! There are pictures to show

just that!

Continue to pray for those

kids receiving the boxes and

keep your eyes open for

items to include next year.

It’s never too early to catch a


I ns ide t h i s i ss ue :

● Praise & prayer p.2

● Matt’s Testimony p. 3

● Thank You p. 3

● More from Moore p.4

● Dec. Volunteers p.5

● Calendar p. 6

● Bits & Pieces p. 7

● Youth News p. 7

● Stud Talk for Men p.7

A Tree Lot Christmas is a

“Christmas celebration

that will fill all with the ev-

erlasting hope of the

Lord..... Vibrant songs

that deliver the truth of

God’s word and ... a group of kids selling trees

outside of Mr. Carmichael’s toy store to raise

money for children in need. Join the adventure as

these compassionate and fun-loving kids demon-

strate the powerful love of Christ to the greedy

Mr. Carmichael and invite him into the family of


The kids have been practicing since October and

are ready to share with you, their family and

friends “what it means to revel in God’s love,

grow in our faith, and share His everlasting truth

with others.” Be sure to come!

Parents, do you have kids 4 years to 6th grade?

Would you like to have a day to clean or shop or

wrap gifts without those kids around? There is a

place for them to come - and it’s FREE!

Saturday, December 19th, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the

church, kids will be

well super- vised and

having lots of fun!

There will be games,

crafts, cookie bak-

ing & decorating, a movie, Christmas books to

read, and LUNCH! You may drop your kiddos off

at any time and pick them up no later than 4 p.m.

Questions? Contact Rachael by text or call at

309.333.5104 or email at [email protected].

Page 2: December 2015 - Razor Planet · into the Christmas story. The first thing your kids will open Christmas morning is a wrapped baby Jesus to remind them that Jesus is the greatest gift


Darilyn Coleman re-


McKensey Green re-


Steven Bell-

sentencing was fewer

years than expected

One Family One Pur-

pose fundraisers

Packing Party for Operation Christmas



Bev Lovell-to walk more & encourage-

ment. Now at Assisted Living.

One Family One Purpose building pro-

jects in Illinois-for crews, safety

Carole Crum-recov from broken hip

Cindy Snyder - health

Faith Post - adjusting to health issue

Those persecuted by ISIS

Evela Elrod - health

Bernie & Sally - health

The families of Carol McClintock, Donna


Julie Dombo - recovery

Ed Lionberger-weakness

Tony & Donna Newton

Bonnie McFarland

USA government & leaders

Freedom of Religion

Unsaved family & friends

Defunding Planned Parenthood


Calvin Kuehl

Tony Freeman

Cale Hartrick

Brenda Powell-Allen

Shelby Kite - chemo pill for 1 yr.-

Don Pierce

Becky McBride (B Wheatley’s g-ma)

Active Military:

Casey Stroble; Ty Huston; Shawn

McElyea; T.J. Menn, Devin Dornbush

Missions of the Month:

Good News Productions, International

Haitian Missions

Christian Radio Stations KMDY 90.1FM,

KAYP 89.9FM, WGCA 88.5FM

One Family One Purpose

Burnside Beacon

Page 2


Mark Nichols, Preaching Minister


[email protected]

Brigham Dion, Youth Minister

217.219.2109 cell

[email protected]

Rachael Moore, Children’s Director

309.333.5104 cell

[email protected]

Debby Schmitz, Secretary


Wayne Caparoon 217.755.4378

Mark Pettit 309.333.2961

Wayne Humphrey 217.659.7691

Matthew Churchill 309.221.6610

Office Contact:

217.746.3571 [email protected]

Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Sunday Services:

Sunday School 8:30 a.m.

Worship & Jr. Church 9:45 a.m.

9th-12th grade Youth Group 6:15 p.m.


6th-8th grade Youth Group 6:15 p.m.


Can Do Kids - 3:30-5:00 p.m.

(September-April afterschool except

December & January plus transporta-

tion provided from school)

Nov. Attendance

11/1 SS ................ 122

Church ......... 219

11/8 SS ................ 123

Church ......... 218

11/15 SS .................. na

Church ......... 232

11/22 SS ................ 105

Church ......... 188

Find treasurer’s reports in

the bulletin or pick-up a

monthly report in the

fellowship hall.

Faith isn’t about knowing all of the right stuff or obeying a list of rules. It’s something more, something more costly because it involves being present and making a sacrifice.

Perhaps that’s why Jesus is sometimes called Immanuel -- “God with us.” I think that’s what God had in mind, for Jesus to be present, to just be with us. It’s also what he has in mind for us when it comes to other people. -- Bob Goff, Love Does

Page 3: December 2015 - Razor Planet · into the Christmas story. The first thing your kids will open Christmas morning is a wrapped baby Jesus to remind them that Jesus is the greatest gift

The Elders at Burnside Christian Church have been asked to share their testimonies with you. Over the next 4 months, you will hear from each of them. Matthew Churchill shares his testimony this month.

While there was a time in my life when I went to

church and knew some of the correct “church” an-

swers, I was never truly committed to Christ. After

graduating from high school, I stopped going to

church altogether and decided to live a life that I

never intended to live. While I could go into detail

about the way I was living, none of that matters any-

more because thankfully, that is not where my story


Everything changed when I finally realized that I

needed Jesus. Once I finally got the courage to at-

tend church again, I was greeted with open arms.

One couple in particular took the time to love me.

They taught me many things but most importantly

they pointed me to Jesus.

When confronted with the truth of Scripture, I saw

how God had been faithful throughout His word and

in my life as well. I decided to submit to Him. James

4:8 tells us that if we draw near to God, He will draw

near to us. Not only that, but no matter how far we

try to flee from God, we always have the opportunity

to repent and come back to Him.

I am not saying that my struggles aren’t still there. In

fact, I battle daily with my former self. The difference

is that God now fuels me and not my past. Only

through Christ can we truly overcome our sin and

the things that weigh us down. I hope that you too

have experienced the freedom that can only be

found in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us,

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation

has come. The old is gone, the new is here!”

December 2015

Page 3

Thank you to our church family at Burnside

Christian Church for the outpouring of love that

you have shown to our family. The prayers for a

healthy delivery for Meghan and Aurora and the

continued prayers for Aurora as she dealt with

high bilirubin (jaundice) levels were so greatly

appreciated. We have also really enjoyed the

prepared and delivered meals! Thank you to eve-

ryone who has helped us out in this way.

Many Thanks, The Wibbells

Dear Friends,

From the first day I was home I started receiv-

ing cards and letters from my church family. It

brightened every day.

I got notes and jokes and assurances that they

were praying for my recovery.

I’m recovering fine just waiting on TIME for the

bone to heal.

Thanks to all of you. Sincerely, Carole (Crum)

Your kind expression of sympathy is deeply ap-

preciated and gratefully acknowledged. “The

blessings that flowed thru God’s people has

touched our lives and we’ll be forever grateful.

Carol had many ups & downs but God used you

to meet our families many needs at every turn.

Your compassion & prayers have blessed us!

Thank you, Larry & Diana (McClintock)

Briana Wheatley says thanks very much for all

your prayers. She appreciates them very much.

She is doing well and enjoying her teaching.

Sharon Wheatley via a phone call with Briana

Page 4: December 2015 - Razor Planet · into the Christmas story. The first thing your kids will open Christmas morning is a wrapped baby Jesus to remind them that Jesus is the greatest gift

Burnside Beacon

Page 4

Keep Christ in


This Christmas season can be filled with Christ or can be filled with so many other dis-

tractions. Your to do list is a mile long, which can include shopping, wrapping presents, decorating, baking/cooking, holiday parties and much more. As parents we set the tone in our homes to place Christ in our presence. Here are a few ideas to keep Christ at the center of the holidays.

Moving Nativity

Start this tradition 12-14 days before Christ-mas. When you start depends on how many figu-rines your nativity set includes. The empty manger is placed under the Christmas tree. Each day hide one of the figures and have the children find it. After it has been found, place it in the manger and talk about the importance of each figurine and how it fits into the Christmas story. The first thing your kids will open Christmas morning is a wrapped baby Jesus to remind them that Jesus is the greatest gift we could ever receive!

Watch a movie to remember the life of


Everyone loves a movie night! Grab the kiddos, pop some popcorn, grab a blanket and snuggle up to-gether on the couch. There are several good films that focus on the birth, death and life of Christ. I rec-ommend Jesus of Nazareth, the film, Jesus, or for mature audiences, The Passion of the Christ. Or for a change, watch Ben Hur, a movie that begins with Jesus’ birth and ends with His death and tells the story of a man who was transformed by Jesus’ for-giveness and love.

By watching movies that focus on other aspects of the life of Jesus, the Christmas celebration of His birth is put into proper perspective. This can be an excellent opportunity to talk to your children about why Christ came in the form of a baby. Another key to this fun night is to pray before the show for your child’s heart and mind to understand God’s plan for us through Jesus.

Use decorations to show the life of Jesus

Christmas is a time that usually emphasizes the birth of Jesus, but decorations can also celebrate the remainder of His life on earth. In addition to the basic nativity set, angels and stars, you may want to include crosses and verses that talk about the life of Christ. If you search online for free printable Christian symbols, you can find an abun-dance of symbols to print, color and cut out to hang on your tree, fireplace and/or walls. These symbols are a reminder of Jesus and who He is and what He has done for us!

Read the Christmas Story

After finding Jesus and unwrapping Him to be placed in the manger, try reading the account of Jesus’ birth before opening presents. It can be found in the Gospel book of Luke 2:1-20. Read-ing directly for God’s word has the power to trans-form our hearts and minds!

Attend the Christmas Eve Service

Each year our church has a special Christmas Eve celebration. You can make it a part of your family Christmas tradition to attend this special time. This service is filled with familiar Christmas songs, partaking communion and reading from God’s word. It is shorter than a typical church service, but filled with impactful emotion to focus on Jesus; the reason for the season!

Christmas Eve Service

6:30 p.m.

Hear a shepherd’s monologue about that

first Christmas when the angel

appeared to him.

A family service, no child care will be


Page 5: December 2015 - Razor Planet · into the Christmas story. The first thing your kids will open Christmas morning is a wrapped baby Jesus to remind them that Jesus is the greatest gift

December 2015 Volunteers

Page 5


Dec. 6 Matt Churchill Brumbaugh

Week of Dec. 7-11: Dennis &

Sharon Pettit, Mark & Lindsay

Nichols, Mike & Toni Carlisle

SS: Gladys Huston 0-2 yrs: Tera & Madison Cole 2-3 yrs: Kim Deitrich & Megan Doyle

Dec. 13 Jim Jefferson Pettit

Week of Dec. 14-18: Brian &

Sherry Bliss, Alfred & Gladys Hus-

ton, Shane & Rachael Moore

SS: Christmas Program/No Nursery 0-2 yrs: Sara & Aubrey King 2-3 yrs: Amanda & Kelsey Grotts

Dec. 20 Mel Roth New

Week of Dec. 20-25: Chris &

Darcy Adams, Doug & Michelle

Jacob, Tami Carroll, Gail Schulte

SS: Diana Shults 0-2 yrs: Brooke Lafrenz, Pam Jefferson 2-3 yrs: Chelle & Brianna Grotts

Dec. 27 Doug Jacob Chelsie

Week of Dec. 27-Jan. 1: David

Pettit, Diana Shults, Janie Long,

Herman & Barb Hanks, Brigham &

Jamie Dion

SS: Donna Kleopfer 0-2 yrs.: Pat Briscoe & Tami Carroll 2-3 yrs: Amelia Russell & Amy Eddings


7 Cassie Grotts

14 Michelle Jacob

21 Caparoons

28 Darcy Adams


2 Hollie Hutchins

9 Pam Jefferson

16 Wilma Snyder

23 Sharon Wheatley

30 Toni Carlisle


1st Sunday: Mark Pettit


Sunday: Wayne Caparoon


Sunday: Wayne Humphrey

4th Sunday: Wayne Caparoon


Front: Robert & Jane Menn

Sanctuary: Wayne & Barb



Jenny Quesenberry

Melinda Smith

Carol Lemley

Melissa Kerr


Kathy Brumbaugh


Linda Jacob


Jane Menn


Kevin Driskell

Kyle Adams

Bob Lemley

Jacob Deitrich

Larry Smith

Junior Hitz

Al Frakes

Todd Grotts



& 4TH

SUNDAYS: Bob Eddings

Page 6: December 2015 - Razor Planet · into the Christmas story. The first thing your kids will open Christmas morning is a wrapped baby Jesus to remind them that Jesus is the greatest gift

Page 6

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Sign up to prepare

communion in

2016 at the table in

the fellowship hall.


Ladies Bible Study

9:30 am

2 Sisters-in-Christ

Christmas Party 6:30 Teen Study 7am

Study @ Esther’s


Jr Hi MYM 6:15


4 5

NO Men’s



Christmas Practice


Sr Hi MYM 6:15

Board Mtg 5 pm


Elders Mtg

6:30 pm


Ladies Bible Study

9:30 am

9 Jr Hi MYM 6:15

Teen Bible Study 7am

Ladies Study @

Esther’s 5:30

Work day at LaHarpe

Nursing Home 10am




Dress Rehearsal 9:-11 am


Christmas Program


Sr Hi MYM 6:15



Ladies Bible Study

9:30 am

16 Teen Bible

Study 7am

Ladies Study @

Esther’s 5:30

Jr Hi MYM 6:15

Beacon deadline




Kids’ Day Out

9-4 at the church


Sr Hi MYM 6:15

Christmas Party



Ladies Bible Study

9:30 am



Christmas Eve Service







29 30

Sundays 6pm with Kevin Deitrich/


Tues. 5:30pm with Brian Bliss

Wed. 7pm with Hutchins or 6pm with

Nelson’s at the church

Jr. Hi MYM and Teen Bible Study will not meet

Dec. 23 & 30. Sr. Hi MYM will not meet Dec. 27.

Ladies Study at Esther’s will not meet Dec. 23 &


December 2015

2-Kyle Smith 3-Zach Schulte, Miles Lafrenz, Pam Jefferson 4-Junior Hitz, Jenny Quesenberry 7-Larry McClintock 9-Susie Schulte 10-Mike Carlisle 13-Gracyn Whitaker 14-Laura Thomas 15-Skye Hjellming 17-Mary Jo Scanlan 18-Frank Hutchins, Brayden Carroll, Ryan Adams

19-Kathy Brumbaugh 20-Becky Smith 23-Dylan Adams, Rachael Moore 24-David Pettit 30-Lawrence Derks, Kory King 31-Calvin Quesenberry

12-Gene & Sharon Wheatley 16-Mel & LaRae Roth 19-Alfred & Gladys Huston 20-Mark & Allison Jacob 22-Brian & Sherry Bliss, Keith & Heather Mohr 24-Bob & Peggy Lemley 27-Herman & Barb Hanks, Terry & Janie Long, Mark & Lindsay Nichols 30-Mike & Toni Carlisle

Page 7: December 2015 - Razor Planet · into the Christmas story. The first thing your kids will open Christmas morning is a wrapped baby Jesus to remind them that Jesus is the greatest gift

December 2015

Area Men’s Fellowship will not

meet in December.

Men’s PK Breakfast will not

meet in December

Beacon deadline for Jan. issue is Wed.,Dec. 16

Food Pantry suggestions for December are

dish soap, cleaning products (sink, tub/shower,

stool, floor), bleach

Workday at LaHarpe Nursing Home every 2nd

Wednesday. Meet about 10:00 a.m.

Parents-Kids -- Christmas Program DRESS RE-

HEARSAL is Saturday, December 12, 9-11 a.m.


Sr Hi MYM is youth group for 9th-12th graders

meeting on Sundays at 6:15 p.m. Will not meet

Sun., December 27.

Jr Hi MYM is youth group for 5th-8th grades

meeting on Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. Will not

meet Wed., December 23 & 30.

Teen Bible Study for all 6th-12th graders meets

before school on Wednesdays at 723 S. Washing-

ton, Carthage. Study will meet December 2,9, and

16. No meeting December 23 & 30. See you next

on January 6, 2016.

Christmas Party for

Sr. Hi. MYM on Sun., Dec. 20, 6:15 p.m.

Jr. Hi. MYM on Wed., Dec. 16, 6:15 p.m.

Page 7

No Sunday School Classes on December 13

because of the Christmas Program.

Quarterly Board Meeting is Sun., December

6 at 5 p.m. 2016 Proposed Budget among other

items on the agenda.

Ladies Study Group meeting at Esther’s

home will not meet Wed., December 23 or 30.

Did You Know? Mason Roth is a part of the

Student Leadership at Campus Students for

Christ at WIU.

Printy Funeral Home will host “A Time to Re-

member,” a service which is dedicated to the

memory of loved ones deceased, on Sat., Dec.

12th at 7 p.m. at the Warsaw location of Printy

Funeral Home. This service is open to the public

to help people deal with the grief that can be

experienced during the holiday season.

Stud Talk for Men - Turning Macho into Man-

hood with Dr. Lew Sterrett

“The stallion is one of the most majestic and capa-

ble creatures alive and is recognized world-wide

for its strength and passion. Using this picture, Dr.

Lew Sterrett will work with his three stallions to

teach on the topic of male responsibility, potential

and influence….Each of these four chapters in this

series will be illustrated by horse and trainer.

1) Male Foundations-learn how to establish

young men on solid footing. Understand the

physical, relation & territorial drives of men.

2) Attitude is Everything-...turning angry defiant

behavior into cooperative partnership & award

winning performance.

3) Growing Strong-unique tensions & exercis-

es...Learn how to embrace the training & re-

sponsibilities that produce men.

4) Act Like Men-is testosterone a blessing or


This video is found in the church library.

Page 8: December 2015 - Razor Planet · into the Christmas story. The first thing your kids will open Christmas morning is a wrapped baby Jesus to remind them that Jesus is the greatest gift

Burnside Christian Church

2088 E. County Road 2110

Burnside, IL 62330-4019

Presort Standard U.S. Postage

PAID Carthage, IL 62321

Permit #27

(2 Corinthians 9:8) - Just what you need

for a merry little Christmas! And all year

long, too. The supply is abundant. One size fits all.

(1 Thessalonians 5:8) - Take advantage

of our fresh supply. No matter if you re-

ceived this last year, your stock may be wearing

thin. This is a most durable item.

(Luke 2:14) - Just the thing for

those long winter evenings and

short tempers. Your family, friends, and neighbors

will be delighted to have you share this with them.

(Luke 1:14) - Did you think this is only for

kids alone? Why should grown-ups miss

out on all the fun! This is the genuine old-fashioned

kind - nothing plastic. Guaranteed not to shrink!

This superior product available only from our com-

pany. Accept no substitutes or imitations.

(1 Corinthians 13:13) - Not to be hung up

when Christmas is over. The more you

use it, the better it gets. We are not responsible for

tarnishing due to neglect. Packaged with a handy

pour spout for liberal use where needed.

(Matthew 5:9) - Christmas just wouldn’t

be Christmas without this! A traditional

time for untraditional people. Exceptionally fine

craftsmanship. You will be satisfied! Specify heart

size when ordering.

(Hebrews 10:22) - Order now even

though the supply is inexhaustible.

Loosely packaged to allow room for


If you are in need of additional items not listed

here, please see our big General Catalog (The


Free delivery in time for Christmas by special

messenger. Call night or day, toll-free.

The Real Christmas Givers, Inc.


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