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December, 2000

University of Missouri - St. LouisWard E. Barnes Library

Qualitative Research Journals(Health, Education, Social and Behavioral Sciences)

The following notations have been used to indicate publication type or review process:

Abs/Indx = Abstracting/Indexing PublicationA/S = Academic Scholarly PublicationMonogr = Monographic PublicationNewsl = Newsletter PublicationR/T = Research/Technical Report PublicationTr = Trade PublicationRef = Refereed Serial* = Other Manuscript Review Process

These journals have published and/or may publish qualitative research:

A/S Ref Accounting, Organizations and Society (Pergamon Press)UMS TJ HF 5601 .A225x

Action Research Electronic Reader documents in the Action Research Electronic Reader are original contributions brought together with the purpose of supporting and informing students, researchers and change agents in the field.

Action Research International Research International is a refereed on-line journal of action research. It has a distinguished international editorial panel, and is sponsored by the Institute of Workplace Research Learning and Development (WoRLD) within the Graduate College of Management at Southern Cross University, and by Southern Cross University Press. The journal consists of an electronic discussion list to which papers can be submitted for comment, and a further list, which carries the papers on acceptance. You may submit papers, or you may join the journal as a subscriber.

A/S Ref Activities Adaptation and Aging

A/S Ref Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly

A/S Addiction Research


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A/S Ref Administrative Science Quarterly UMS TJ HD 28 .A25

A/S Adolescence UMS TJ HQ 796 .A1 A3

Ref Adult Education Quarterly UMS Barnes LC 5201 .A33

A/S Ref Advances in Nursing Science UMS Barnes RT 1 .A16

A/S Ref Age and Ageing UMS TJ RC 952 .A13

A/S Ageing and Society UMS TJ HQ 1060 .A3

A/S Ageing International UMS TJ HV 1451 .A33

A/S Ref Aging and Mental Health

A/S Ref AIDS and Behavior

A/S Ref AIDS Care

A/S Ref AIDS Education and Prevention

A/S Ref AIDS Patient Care and STDs UMS Barnes RC 607 .A26 A34858

A/S Alberta Journal of Educational Research UMS Barnes LB 1028 .A1 A4 (1970-1985) is a quarterly journal, published in Canada, devoted to thedissemination, criticism, interpretation, and encouragement of all forms ofsystematic enquiry into education and fields related to or associated witheducation.

A/S Ref Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders

A/S Ref Amerasia Journal

A/S Ref American Annals of the Deaf UMS Barnes HV 2510 .A5

A/S Ref American Anthropologist (American Anthropological Association)


A/S American Behavioral Scientist UMS TJ H 1 .A472


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A/S Ref American Educational Research JournalUMS Barnes L 11 .A66

A/S American Ethnologist (American Anthropological Association)

UMS TJ GN 1 .A53

A/S Ref American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease

A/S Ref American Journal of Critical Care UMS Barnes RT 120 .I5 A434

A/S American Journal of Evaluation UMS TJ H 1 .E76

* American Journal of Health PromotionUMS Barnes RA 427 .8 .A43

Internal Review (not blind, not anonymous)External Review (blind and anonymous)

A/S Ref American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care

* American Journal of Managed CareExternal Peer Review

Tr Ref American Journal of Nursing UMS Barnes RT 1 .A5

A/S Ref American Journal of Occupational Therapy

A/S Ref American Journal of Public Health UMS Barnes RA 421 .A41

A/S Ref American Journal of Sociology UMS TJ HM 1 .A7 A/S Ref American Psychologist UMS TJ BF 1 .A55

A/S American Sociological Review UMS TJ HM 1 .A75

A/S Ref Annals of Internal Medicine

A/S Annual Review of Anthropology UMS TJ GN 1. A623

A/S Annual Review of Psychology UMS TJ BF 30 .A56

A/S Annual Review of Sociology UMS TJ HM 1 .A763


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A/S Anthropology and Education QuarterlyUMS Barnes LB 45 .A8

A/S Anthropology Today (Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and

Ireland) UMS TJ GN 1 .R69

A/S Ref Aphasiology

A/S Appetite

A/S Applied Nursing Research UMS Barnes RT 1 .A66

A/S Ref Archives of Internal Medicine

A/S Ref Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

A/S Ref Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

A/S Ref Archives of Psychiatric Nursing UMS Barnes RC 440 .A1

A/S Ref Arthritis Care and Research

Newsl Aspen’s Advisor for Nurse Executives

A/S Ref Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education

Tr Assisted Living Today

* Australasian Journal on AgeingPeer Review

* Australasian Journal of NeurosciencePeer Review

A/S Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry

A/S Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health

A/S Australian Family Physician

A/S Australian Journal of Rural Health

A/S Australian Occupational Therapy Journal


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A/S Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care and EducationUMS Barnes RG 651 .B54

A/S Ref British Journal of Clinical Psychology UMS TJ RC 467 .B7x

A/S British Journal of Family Planning

A/S Ref British Journal of Guidance and CounselingUMS Barnes LB 1027 .5 .B73 (1978-1988 incomplete)

A/S British Journal of Learning Disabilities

A/S Ref British Journal of Medical Psychology UMS TJ RC 321 .B83

A/S British Journal of Midwifery

A/S British Journal of Nursing

A/S Ref British Journal of Occupational Therapy

* British Journal of Perioperative NursingPeer Review

A/S Ref British Journal of Psychiatry UMS TJ RC 321 .B7

A/S British Journal of Social Work

A/S British Journal of Sociology UMS TJ HM 1 .B75

A/S British Journal of Special EducationUMS Barnes LC 4001 .S7x (1985-1991 incomplete)

A/S Ref British Medical Journal

A/S Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics UMS BarnesR 724 .C327

A/S Ref Canadian Journal on Aging

Newsl Ref Canadian Journal of Diabetes Care

Tr Ref Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership

A/S Ref Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy


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A/S Ref Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation / La Revue Canadienne

E’Evaluation de Programme

R/T Canadian Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education / Revue

Canadienne de l'etude en Petite Enfance

A/S Ref Canadian Medical Association Journal

Tr Ref Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal

A/S Canadian Psychologist UMS TJ BF 1 .A15 (1960-1974)

A/S Ref Cancer Nursing UMS Barnes RC 266 .C35

A/S Ref Cancer Practice: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Cancer Care

Monogr Cardiff Papers in Qualitative Research (occasional papers /Avery Pub Co Ltd.)

A/S Ref Care Management Journals UMS Barnes HV 43 .C27

A/S Career Development Quarterly UMS Barnes HF 5381 .A1 V55

A/S Ref Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal

A/S Ref Childhood

Clinical Ethnography(no notation regarding Publication type or review/refereed status)

A/S Clinical Excellence for Nurse PractitionersUMS Barnes RT 82 .8 .C556

A/S Ref Clinical Nursing Research UMS Barnes RT 81 .5 .C539

A/S Clinical Rehabilitation

A/S Clinics in Geriatric Medicine


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A/S College and Research Libraries UMS TJ Z 671 .C6Tr

A/S College English (National Council of Teachers of English)UMS TJ PE 1 .C6

A/S Ref College Teaching UMS Barnes L 11 .I4

A/S College and University UMS Barnes LB 2300 .C48

A/S Communication Research UMS TJ P 91 .C56

A/S Ref Community Practitioner

A/S Ref Comparative Education Review (Comparative and International Education

Society) UMS Barnes L 11 .C69

A/S Complementary Therapies in Medicine

A/S Computer Assisted Language Learning

A/S Ref Computers and Education

A/S Computers in Nursing UMS Barnes RT 50 .5 .C63x

A/S Ref Contemporary Nurse UMS Barnes RT 1 .C65

A/S Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of ReviewsUMS TJ HM 1 .C65

A/S Counseling and Values UMS Barnes LC 461 .N3 (1971-1974)

A/S The Counseling Psychologist UMS TJ BF 637 .C6 C64

A/S Culture and Psychology

A/S Ref Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry: An International Journal of

Comparative and Cross-Cultural ResearchUMS TJ RA 418 .C96x


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A/S Ref Curationis: South African Journal of Nursing

A/S Ref Current Anthropology (Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological

Research) UMS TJ GN 1 .C8

A/S Current Directions in Psychological Science

A/S Ref Curriculum Inquiry UMS Barnes LB 1570 .C9244

A/S Ref Death Studies UMS TJ BF 789 .D4 D395

Ref DCCN: Dimensions of Critical Care NursingUMS Barnes RT 120 .I5 D544

Ref Diabetes CareOnline access v.21 #11 (1998) - free registration

A/S Diabetes Educator UMS Barnes RC 660 .A1 D5

Monogr Disability and Rehabilitation

A/S Ref Disability and Society

A/S Ref Early Childhood Education Journal UMS Barnes HV 854 .D38A/S Ref Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention

A/S Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental

Disabilities UMS Barnes LC 4661 .A1 E3

A/S Education for General Practice

* Education Policy Analysis Archives of Education, Arizona State University. Articles published inEPAA are peer reviewed by members of the Editorial Board. Neither the Editors, their institutions, nor the Editorial Board members are responsible for errors of fact or interpretation that are not normally discoverable through the traditional process of scholarly peer review.


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A/S Ref Educational Administration Quarterly UMS Barnes LB 2801 .5 .E3

A/S Ref Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (American Educational

Research Association) UMS Barnes LB 1028 .E29

A/S Educational Foundations (American Educational Studies Association)

A/S Ref Educational Gerontology UMS TJ HQ 1060 .E3x

* Educational Insights a peer-reviewed electronic journal of graduate student research, published by The Centre for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia.

A/S Educational Leadership UMS Barnes L 11 .E443Tr

A/S Ref Educational Researcher UMS Barnes L 11 .E498x

Electronic Journal of Sociology Electronic Journal of Sociology is a refereed outlet for the publication of scholarly research that makes an original contribution to the advancement of sociological knowledge. The Journal… accepts submissions from a wide range of theoretical traditions and methodological approaches.

A/S Ref Elementary School Journal (University of Chicago Press)UMS Barnes L 11 .E6

A/S English Education (National Council of Teachers of English)

UMS Barnes LA 632 .E52

A/S Ref English in Australia

* ERS SpectrumIn-house Review

A/S Ref European Journal of Cancer Care

A/S European Journal of Oncology Nursing

A/S Ref Evaluation and Program Planning


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A/S Ref Exceptional Children UMS Barnes LC 3951 .J6

A/S Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal

A/S Family Medicine

A/S Family Practice

A/S Family Process UMS TJ RC 488 .5 .A1 F3

A/S Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies

(National Council on Family Relations)UMS TJ HQ 1 .F36

A/S (Family Systems Medicine) Families, Systems and Health: The Journal of

Collaborative Family Health

A/S Family Therapy

A/S Ref Foreign Language Annals UMS TJ PB 1 .F57

Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research is a multilingual online journal for qualitative research… (many) FQS-fulltexts are available for free. The main aim of FQS is to promote discussion and cooperation between qualitative researchers from different countries and social science disciplines.

A/S Future of Children

Ref Geriatric Nursing: American Journal of Care for the AgingUMS Barnes RC 954 .G45

A/S Ref The Gerontologist UMS TJ HQ 1060 .G4

Ref Gerontology and Geriatrics EducationA/S Harvard Educational Review (Graduate School of Education, Harvard

University) UMS Barnes L 11 .H3

A/S Ref Health Affairs

A/S Ref Health and Place


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A/S Ref Health and Social Care in the Community

A/S Health and Social Work UMS TJ HV 687 .5 .U5 H4

A/S Health Care for Women InternationalUMS Barnes RG 1 .H4x

A/S Ref Health Communication

A/S Ref Health Education and Behavior

A/S Health Education Journal

A/S Ref Health Education Research

A/S Ref Health Expectations

A/S Health Libraries Review

A/S Ref Health Risk and Society

A/S Ref Health Services Research

Ref Heart and Lung UMS Barnes RC 681 .A1 H38

A/S Higher Education UMS Barnes LB 2300 .H54

* History of PsychologyMasked Review

A/S Hoitotiede

A/S Holistic Nursing Practice UMS Barnes RT 86 .3 .H6

* Home Health Care Management and PracticePeer Review UMS Barnes RA 645 .3 .J6

A/S Home Healthcare Nurse UMS Barnes RT 98 .H62xTrA/S Ref Hospice Journal: Physical Psychosocial and Pastoral Care of the Dying

A/S Ref Housing Studies


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A/S Human Communication Research UMS TJ P 91 .3 .H85

A/S Ref Human Organization (Society for Applied Anthropology)UMS TJ GN 1 .H83

A/S Ref Human Relations UMS TJ H 1 .H8

A/S Ref Humanistic Psychologist

A/S Ref Infant Toddler Intervention: The Transdisciplinary Journal

A/S Ref Instructional Science UMS Barnes L 11 .I54 (1975-1990)

A/S Ref International Journal of Aging and Human DevelopmentUMS TJ HQ 1060 .A33

A/S Ref International Journal of Drug Policy

A/S International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry

A/S Ref International Journal of Health Promotion and Education

A/S Ref International Journal of Inclusive Education

A/S Ref International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders

A/S International Journal of Nursing Practice

A/S Ref International Journal of Nursing Studies

Ref International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology

A/S Ref International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE)

UMS Barnes LB 1028 .I554

A/S International Journal of Social Research Methodology

* International Journal of Sport PsychologyUMS TJ GV 706 .4 .I58

"Editorial board, section editors, external and special reviewers…qualified in their fields"

* International Review of Sport Sociology


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UMS TJ GV 706 .I54 v.2-12(1967-77)"Manuscripts reviewed by specialists, and only in the case of positive evaluation will they be published, or otherwise returned to the author"

A/S Ref International Journal of Technology and Design Education

A/S Ref Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric NursingUMS Barnes RJ 245 .I75x

A/S Ref Issues in Mental Health Nursing UMS Barnes RC 440 .I757

A/S Ref JAMA: Journal of the American Medical AssociationUMS Barnes R 11 .A48

A/S Ref Journal of Adolescent Health

A/S Ref Journal of Advanced Nursing UMS Barnes RT 1 .J62x

A/S Journal of Advertising UMS TJ HF 5801 .J59

A/S Ref Journal of Aging and Health UMS TJ HQ 1060 .J5

A/S Ref Journal of Aging and Social Policy

A/S Journal of Aging Studies UMS TJ HQ 1060 .J59

A/S Ref Journal of Allied Health

A/S Journal of Applied Behavioral ScienceUMS TJ H 1 .J53

A/S Ref Journal of Applied Gerontology UMS TJ HQ 1061 .J66

JBSP: The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology

A/S Ref Journal of Business Research UMS TJ HF 5001 .J62x

A/S Ref Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse

A/S Ref Journal of Clinical EthicsTr

A/S Ref Journal of Clinical Psychology UMS TJ RC 321 .J74


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A/S Ref Journal of Community and Applied Social PsychologyA/S Ref Journal of Community Health UMS Barnes RA 421 .J86

A/S Ref Journal of Comparative Family Studies

A/S Ref Journal of Computer Mediated Communication

A/S Ref Journal of Consumer Research UMS TJ HF 5415.3 .J68

A/S Journal of Contemporary Ethnography

A/S Ref Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy

A/S Ref Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions

A/S Journal of Counseling and Development (American Counseling

Association) UMS Barnes HF 5381 .A1 O45

A/S Ref Journal of Counseling Psychology (American Psychological Association)

UMS TJ BF 637.C6 J6

Journal of Creative Inquiry

A/S Journal of Cross Cultural GerontologyUMS TJ HQ 1060 .J593

A/S Ref Journal of Development Studies

A/S Journal of Early Intervention UMS Barnes LC 4019 .2 .J68

A/S Journal of Educational Administration

* Journal of Educational ThoughtBlind Review

A/S Ref Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect

A/S Journal of Environmental Psychology


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A/S Journal of Family Issues (National Council on Family Relations)

A/S Ref Journal of Family Nursing UMS Barnes RT 120 .F34 J68

A/S Journal of Family Psychology (American Psychological Association)

UMS Barnes RC 488 .A1 J68

A/S Ref Journal of Family Psychotherapy

Journal of Family Studies

A/S Ref Journal of Genetic Counseling

A/S Ref Journal of Gerontological Nursing UMS Barnes RC 954 .J67

A/S Ref Journal of Gerontological Social WorkUMS TJ HV 1451 .J68

A/S Ref Journal of Health Care for the Poor and UnderservedUMS Barnes RA 418 .5 .P6 J68

A/S Journal of Healthcare Management

A/S Ref Journal of Health Communication

A/S Journal of Health Psychology

A/S Journal of Humanistic Psychology UMS TJ BF 1 .J645

A/S Journal of Individual Psychology UMS TJ BF 1 .J65

A/S Journal of Instructional Psychology

A/S Journal for a Just and Caring Education

A/S Journal of Management UMS TJ HD 28 .J597

A/S Ref Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics

A/S Journal of Marital and Family TherapyUMS TJ HQ 1 .J47

A/S Journal of Marketing (American Marketing Association)


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UMS TJ HF 5415 .A2 J6

A/S Journal of Marketing Research (American Marketing Association)

UMS TJ HF 5415 .1 .J6

A/S Journal of Marriage and the Family (National Council on Family

Relations) UMS TJ HQ 1 .J48

A/S Ref Journal of Medical Humanities

A/S Ref Journal of Men’s Studies

A/S Ref Journal of Mental Health (UK)

A/S Ref Journal of Mental Health and Aging

Ref Journal of Multicultural Social Work

A/S Ref Journal of Narrative and Life History (L Erlbaum Associates) / Narrative


A/S Ref Journal of Nonverbal Behavior

A/S Journal for Nurses in Staff DevelopmentUMS Barnes RT 76 .J6

A/S Ref Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education

A/S Journal of Phenomenological Psychology

Journal of Police Science and AdministrationUMS TJ HV 7551 .J68 v.1-11,12(inc.),13-17(1973-90)

A/S Ref Journal of Popular Culture UMS TJ P 87 .J6

A/S Ref Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the CommunityAbs/Indx

A/S Journal of Professional Nursing UMS Barnes RT 1 .J68x

Journal of Qualitative Research (Sage, April 2001)

* Journal of Research in Computing in Education


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Blind Editorial Review

A/S Ref Journal of Research and Development in Education (College of Education,

University of Georgia) UMS Barnes L 11 .J85

A/S Journal of RetailingUMS TJ HF5001 .J65 v.41-60(1965-84), v.61-66(1985-90)

A/S Ref Journal of School Leadership

Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Tr Ref Journal of Social Behavior and PersonalityUMS TJ BF 698 .A1 J7

A/S Ref Journal of Sociology and Social WelfareUMS TJ HM 1 .J62x

A/S Ref Journal of Special Education UMS Barnes LC 4001 .J6

A/S Ref Journal of the American Geriatrics SocietyUMS TJ RC 952 .A1 J687

A/S Journal of Thought UMS Barnes L 11 .J86

A/S Ref Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness

A/S Journal of Vocational Behavior UMS Barnes HF 5381 .A1 J68

Journal of Voluntary Action

A/S Ref Journal of Women and Aging

A/S Ref Journal of Women's Health and Gender Based MedicineUMS Barnes RA 564 .85 .J68

A/S Journal of Women's HistoryOnline access v.11 #2 (1999) --- Journal of Women's History is the first journal devoted exclusively to the International field of women's history

A/S Language Arts (National Council of Teachers of English)UMS Barnes LB 1576 ,A1 E6


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A/S Language and Education

A/S Language Testing

A/S Learning Disabilities Research and Practice

A/S Ref Library Quarterly UMS TJ Z 671 .L713

A/S Medical Anthropology Quarterly

A/S Ref Medical Education

A/S Ref Medical TeacherA/S Ref Modern Language Journal UMS TJ PB 1 .M47

* Mortality"Sent anonymously to independent referees"

A/S Multicultural EducationA/S Ref Narrative Inquiry (formerly: Journal of Narrative & Life History)

A/S Ref New Jersey Journal of Communication

A/S Nurse Education Today

A/S Ref Nursing Ethics

* Nursing Research UMS Barnes RT 1 .N8 "Manuscripts reviews anonymously by members of an expert panel"

A/S Ref Nursing Science Quarterly UMS Barnes RT 1 .N878

A/S NWSA (National Women's Studies Association) JournalUMS TJ HQ 1101 .N3

A/S Ref Occupational Therapy Journal of Research

A/S Ref Omega: Journal of Death and Dying UMS TJ BF 789 .D4 O4

Online Journal of Ethics online journal of cutting edge research in the field of business & professional ethics (DePaul University, Institute for Business and Professional Ethics)


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Ontario Action Researcher Ontario Action Researcher is a refereed electronic journal intended for elementary, secondary, and university teachers. It is made possible through a partnership of the Grand Erie District School Board, the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario, and Nipissing University… The Ontario Action Researcher promotes the development of educational knowledge through action research by elementary, secondary, and university teachers. Within this context, the journal strives to support personal and professional growth by: providing models of effective action research; enabling teachers to share their action research; supporting teachers who are beginning action research; demonstrating classroom connections between practice and theory; informing educational practices in elementary and secondary schools and in universities.

Oral History Review official Publication of the Oral History Association since 1973, the Oral History Review explores the recording, transcribing, and preserving of conversations with people who have participated in important political, cultural, and economic social developments in modern times. Articles, book and film reviews, and bibliographies deal with the documentation of human experience and findings of research in oral history. This journal considers a broad spectrum of different social groups, cultures, and countries through the use of interviews, songs, photos, diagrams, and storytelling.

A/S Palliative Medicine

A/S Ref Patient Education and Counseling UMS Barnes R 727 .3 .P374

A/S Phenomenological Inquiry (World Institute for AdvancedNewsl Phenomenological Research and Learning)

A/S Professional Nurse

Progress: Family Systems Research and Therapy Journal (Phillips Graduate Institute, Encino, CA)

A/S Ref Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

Ref Psychiatric Services UMS TJ RC 443 .A1 M4

A/S Ref Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological ProcessesUMS TJ RC 321 .P96 (1938-1991)

A/S Psychological Medicine

A/S Ref Psychology and Marketing


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A/S Ref Psychology of Women Quarterly UMS TJ HQ 1206 .P76

A/S Ref Psychopathology

A/S Ref Psychotherapy UMS TJ RC 475 .P73

Public Health Nursing UMS Barnes RT 97 .P8

Qualitative Family Research: Newsletter of the Qualitative Family

Research Network of the National Council on Family Relations

A/S Qualitative Health Research UMS Barnes RA 440 .85 .O35

A/S Ref Qualitative Inquiry

The Qualitative Report (School of Sociology and Systemic Studies, Nova

Southeastern University)“… A peer reviewed, online journal dedicated to writing and discussion of and about qualitative and critical inquiry. The Qualitative Report serves as a forum and sounding board for researchers, scholars, practitioners, and other reflective-minded individuals who are passionate about ideas, methods, and analyses permeating qualitative and critical study. These pages are open to a variety of forms: original, scholarly activity such asqualitative research studies, critical commentaries, editorials, or debates concerning pertinent issues and topics; news of networking and research possibilities; and other sorts of journalistic and literary shapes which may interest and pique readers.

Qualitative Research

Monogr Qualitative Research Methods

A/S Ref Qualitative Sociology

A/S Qualitative Studies SeriesMonogr

A/S Ref Quality and Quantity: International Journal of Methodology

UMSL Depository H 61 .A1 Q3 v.3,4(inc.),5-7(1969-74)

A/S Reading Horizons UMS Barnes LB 1049 .9 .R38


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A/S Ref Reading PsychologyUMS Barnes BF 456 .R2 R34 (1979-1988)

A/S Ref Reading Research and InstructionUMS Barnes LB 1050 .J63

A/S Ref Reading Research Quarterly (International Reading Association)

UMS Barnes LB 1050 .R42

A/S Ref Reading and Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties

UMS Barnes LB 1050 .5 .J65

A/S Ref Research and Teaching in Developmental Education

A/S Ref Research in Higher Education

A/S Research on Aging UMS TJ HQ 1060 .R38

A/S Research on Language and Social Interaction

A/S Ref Research in Nursing and Health UMS Barnes RT 81 .5 .R46A/S Research in the Teaching of English (National Council of Teachers of

English) UMS Barnes PE 1001 .R4

A/S Ref Residential Treatment for Children and Youth

Resources for Feminist Research (Centre for Women's Studies in

Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of

Toronto) is one of the oldest feminist Publications in Canada. Each issue is bilingual and contains articles, reviews, abstracts of published and unpublished works, work-in-progress reports and bibliographies, making it a comprehensive research tool in the field of Canadian women's studies.

A/S Ref Review of Educational Research (American Educational Research

Association) UMS Barnes L 11 .R35

A/S Review of Religious ResearchUMS TJ BL 1 .R485 (1961-1988 incomplete)


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A/S Ref The Roeper Review UMS Barnes LC 3991 .R64

A/S Rural Sociology UMS TJ HT 401 .R8 (1936-1990)

A/S Ref Salud Mental

A/S Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences

A/S Ref Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research

Ref School Psychology Quarterly

A/S Ref Sex Roles UMS TJ HQ 768 .S4

* Sexual and Relationship Therapy"Independently Refereed"

A/S Ref Sexuality and Disability

A/S Ref Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and SocietyUMS TJ HQ 1101 .S5x

A/S Ref Social Forces (Southern Sociological Society)UMS TJ HN 51 .S5

A/S Social Psychology Quarterly UMS TJ HM 1 .S8

A/S Social Research Update (Department of Sociology, University of Surrey) at Surrey is one of the leading sociology departments in the UK concerned with developing and teaching methods of social research. We run part-time and full-time Masters' courses in Social Research that train graduates in social research as a career. We offer full-time, part-time and a unique 'Collaborative' PhD programme for those who are employed in research posts. We also regularly offer two and three day courses on aspects of social research methods. We teach quantitative and qualitative methods, and use them ourselves on a wide range of policy related and basic research problems.

A/S Social Spectrum

A/S Ref Social Science and Medicine

A/S Ref Social Science Information/Information Sur Les Sciences Sociales

A/S Social Work UMS TJ HV 1 .S65


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Ref Social Work in Health Care UMS TJ HV 687 .A2 S6

A/S Sociological PerspectivesUMS TJ HM 1 .P33 v.26-27(1983-84), v.28-32(1985-89)

A/S Ref Sociological Quarterly (Midwest Sociological Society)UMS TJ HM 1 .S69

Ref Sociological Research Online"Publishes high quality applied sociology, focusing on theoretical, empirical and methodological discussions, which engage with current political, cultural and intellectual topics and debates…"

A/S Ref Sociological Review UMS TJ HM 1 .S7

A/S Ref Sociological Spectrum (MidSouth Sociological Association)

A/S Sociology UMS TJ HM 1 .S65

A/S Sociology of Education (American Sociological Association)

UMS Barnes LC 73 .S6

A/S Ref Sociology of Health and Illness

Studies In Qualitative Methodology

A/S Ref Substance Use and Misuse

A/S Symbolic Interaction (Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction)

UMS TJ HM 1 .S96

A/S Teachers College Record (Teachers College, Columbia University)

UMS Barnes L 11 .T4

A/S Teaching Sociology (Am Sociological Association)UMS TJ HM 1 .T43

A/S TESOL Quarterly UMS Barnes PE 1128 .A2 T454


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A/S Theoretical Criminology

A/S Ref Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics

A/S Ref Theory and Psychology

A/S Theory and Research in Social Education (National Council for the Social

Studies) UMS Barnes H 1 .T47

A/S Ref Theory into Practice (College of Education, Ohio State University)

UMS Barnes LB 1028 .T42

A/S Ref Urban Education UMS Barnes LC 5101 .U7

A/S Ref Violence Against Women UMS Barnes HV 6250 .4 .W65 V5565

A/S Western Journal of Nursing Research: An International Forum for

Communicating Nursing ResearchUMS Barnes RT 1 .W4x

A/S Ref Women and Health UMS Barnes RG 1 .W64

A/S Ref Women’s Studies International Forum

A/S Written Communication

A/S Youth and Society UMS TJ HQ 793 .Y6


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