

December 1990

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Edited from : COMUNICAZ/ONI OSM - Piazza S. Marcello, 5 - 00187 ROMA (/TAL/A) 1990.4




Ongoing Formation for Friars Professed between 1975-79 . 2 Ongoing Formation Course at Fatima, Argentina .... . .. . . 2 MISSIONS SECRETARIATE

Temporary Missionaries urgently needed ..... .. ... .. . .. 2 POSTULATOR OF SAINTS OSM

A miracle of Fr. Bacclllerl under examination . . . . . . . . . .. . 2 SAN MARCELLO COMMUNITY

Una Flamini, "Godmother" to many Friars . . .. . ... . ...... 2


Opening of Academic Year 1990-1991 .. .... . ........ . . 3 Five Programmes at Marianum Faculty .... .. .... . . .. ... 3 Study Scholarship In Memory of Fr. Salvatore M. Meo . .. . . 3 Planning for the Formation Community 1990-91 ....... . . 3 Recent events at S. Alexis Community . ....... ... . . .... 4



Urgent need for Formation Centres ... . . .. . .. .. ... ... . . 4

Too many Candidates from Uganda? . . ... ..... . ....... 4


More collaboration In Formation and Missions . . ... . .. . .. 4


First Chapter of the Federation

approves the Statutes and elects a President . ... . ..... . . 5 SOUTH AMERICA

Two Vicariates in Chapter together . . ... . .. . .. ... . ..... 6

Coordination in Formation around the Servite Family . .. . . 6


Joint Meeting of Provincials and Prior General ........ . . . 6



Fr. Machado elected Prior Provincial . . .... .. . . . . . ... . .. 6


Feast of St. Philip Benlzi at Todi ..•. . . . . . . •. . ......... 6


A First new Candidate for the Order ... . .... . . ... .. . . .. 7


Equality In Community Life .. ..... . • .•. . . . .. . ...... .. 7

Environmental Awareness .. . . .... . ..... . .. . .. . .. .... 7


Contract with Aysen confirmed ..... .. ... . . . .... . . .. .. 8


Elective Chapter looking at Hungary ..... . .• . . . . ....... 8


Third World Refugees in London Priory ..... . ......... . 8

Silver Jubilee of Ordination of Paul Addison . .. . ....... .. 8 Consecration of Church in Kersal, Salford .. ... . ........ 8 PIEDMONTESE PROVINCE

Biennial Course of Ecumenical Marian Studies . ... .. .... 8 U.S.A. EAST

Marian Saturdays at the Basilica In Chicago ....... . . .... 9


Meeting of Priors on the Province's Finances . ...... .. . .. 9 Festival of Lights . ... . . . .......... ........ . . .. .... . . 9 IRELAND

Will the Vicariate become a Province? ... .. . ... .. . . . . . . 9

Irish Refugee Council . . . . . .... ...... . ...... . .. . . .. . . 9

Ecumenical First ... . ... . . . .. . ... .. . . . ... . . .. . . ... .. 9

Servile Spirituality Week 1991 ..... . . ..... ... . . .. . .. . . 9


Fr. Michael M. O'Shea named Bishop .. .. . . . .. .. . . . ... 10

Vicarial Chapter tackles Pensions . .... .. .... . . ....... 10


Servile Appeal against Violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 INDIA

Dlaconate for Susal Mani and John Roncalli ... .. ....... 10


Fra Ellglo M. Glacomozzl "Master Journalist" .. .. ....... 10



Assembly hopes to see local Joint Servile Secretarlates . . 10


Servile Sisters In India and their Life-Statement . . . . . . . . . 11


School for Development in Kumbalam, India . .. . .. .. . . . 11


Six Candidates for Korean Foundation .. . . .... ..... . .. 11


First Doctorate for Indian Sister at Marlanum . . . .. .. .... 11


Great Contribution of Service at Fatima . . . ... ........ . 12

40 Days helping in Mozambique -like 40 Years! . . . ..... . 12


Litany for Mary of Nazareth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


Prioress General 25 years Professed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


The Institute welcomes Men as well ... .. ...... . . .... . 12

SERVITE YOUTH MOVEMENT starts in Canada .. .. . .. .. 13

SERVITE PUBLICATIONS .. . . . ..... . . . .. .. ... . .. . .. . 13

December 1990




Ongoing Formation for Friars Professed between 1975-1979

The Prior General has written to the Provincials and Vicars on 14 November about a project for ongoing for­mation. The General Council is planning this venture in the light of the 1989 General Chapter Decree, and it is aimed at friars who made Solemn Vows during the last 15 years (1975-1989)- the frrst generation offriars who "grew up in the modern liturgical, communitarian, apostolic climate of the new Constitutions, and who are now moving into leadership positions in the Order, Provinces and Vicariates." It is organized in three stages over the next 6 years, to reach 3 different grol.lps of friars. It involves a fortnight's session for each group. The first session will take place next year and the men invited will be friars who made Solemn Vows during 1975-1979. Monte Senario will be the venue, and the frrst fortnight of August will be the date. In his letter the General asks local provincials and vicars to give full support to the scheme, releasing their men and allowing them the chance to attend this import­ant gathering.

Ongoing Formation Course at Fatima, Argentina

Fr. Edward M. Penonzek, General Regent of Studies, has written to the whole Order about a study opportunity for friars and sisters OSM. It will be an experience in Argentina from July 1- 21. Professors Aristide Serra OSM and Franco Dal Pino will provide the major input Orig­inally this opportunity was aimed at our Latin American OSM friars and sisters, but it is so important that it was decided to open it to all the friars and sisters of the Order who would like to attend. It will be less a course than "an experience of community living in the context of this region of the Order." It will be like an "extended com­munity chapter geared towards deepening those human and religious values which make for more intense frater­nity and apostolic collaboration. Professor Aristide M. Serra will develop biblical themes on Mary, while Profes­sor Dal Pino will contribute a history of the origins of the Order, the generalate of St. Philip, the life of the early Servite community and the reforms of the Order. Spanish, Portuguese and Italian will be used without simultaneous translation".

2 COSM04


Temporary Missionaries urgently needed: The executive of the Missions Secretariate of the

Order met in Rome on 10 November, comprising Friars E. Penonzek, V. Ramasso and E. Ganassin. Among their conclusions were the following: Priority of Formation among the great needs of our missions - we must support any initiative which helps formation. Communications: the Secretariate asks COSMO to keep the Order well in­formed on missionary matters. Finances: the Secretariate reminds the Order to draw as widely as possible on over­seas Aid programmes for local development and social development projects. The Order for its part will be giving priority to specifically Servite activities. We consider it appropriate to send a letter to the elective Provincial Chapters of 1991 to ask each Province to assess its missionary contribution. Finally the Secretariate reminds the Order of the great need for part-time missionaries especially to meet the most urgent needs.


A miracle of Fr. Baccilieri under examination

The study-file on Bro. Gioacchino M. Stevan, friar of the Venetian province, was consigned to the Chancellor of the Congregation for Saints in September 1990. It is not possible to know yet when the theological Consultors will be able to examine the file, because it is one of over 100 files awaiting attention. It will probably take between 2 and 3 years.

An official enquiry is being made to Sister M. Vincen­zina (Elsa Bovina) and other witnesses concerning the presumed miracle by which she was healed of grace illness through the intercession of the Servant of God Fr. Ferdi­nanda Baccilieri, founder of the Servite Sisters of Galeaz­za. This investigation is being conducted in the Modena Diocese where the presumed miracle took place in 1970. If the required decree of "heroic virtue" is issued for Fr. Baccilieri, then the miracle can be brought before the tribunal and lead possibly to the Beatification of this Servant of God, Founder of one of our Servite Congrega­tions.

After a long study by Madre Valeria Bortone in the Dioceses of Castellammare and Naples, the document on Sister M. Maddalena Starace, foundress of the Servite Compassionist Sisters, was officially consigned to the of­ficial Reporter for her Cause, Fr. Ambrogio Eszer in October last. The study work was accepted and highly commended, and the next step in the process was duly spelt out by Fr. Eszer.


SAN MARCELLO COMMUNITY Lina Flamini, "Godmother" to many Friars

Lina Flamini, famous Thrtiary and member of the Servite Secular Order has died at the age of 97 at the Mantellate Convent in Rome on 14 October 1990. She


loved our Order passionately and has been a professed Thrtiary since her youth. She was a member of the Frater­nity at San Marcello, Rome, and was Prioress of the Thrtiaries for many years. Everyone admired her good­ness, her tact and her great respect for everyone. She was a lover of silence and prayer, and worked for 57 years in ENEL, Rome. It was her wish to finish her days at the Mantellate Convent in Via Calasanzio where she spent the last 20 years. Fr. Luigi M. Sabbadin was especially close to her, and he always delighted in the fact that she called herself his "godmother". Fr. Luigi and many other friars always held Lina Flarnini in great esteem. For her part she was always very generous and kind to all the friars. Her final gesture of devotion was to leave everything she had earned to the the Order. The community of San Marcello wishes to make known its gratitude publicly as it remem­bers such a wonderful example of prayerfulness, kindness, love and devoted work for the Lord.

T. Sartori


Opening of Academic Year 1990-1991 On 14 November the Marianum Faculty celebrated the

beginning of the new Academic Year. Some changes in programme were made from previous years, and we divided the celebration into two part, Liturgical and Aca­demic. The frrst part was held in the Chapel, with prayers, hymns and song followed by the Sung Creed and the Oath of the new Faculty President Fr. Ignacio M. Calabuig made before the Chancellor, Fr. Hubert M. Moons on behalf of all the professors, committing themselves to the Catholic and Apostolic faith in their teaching. The second part was held in the principle Lecture Theatre of the Faculty and was led by the Chancellor and Prior General Fr. Hubert.

The new President gave a short report on the state of the Faculty, with special emphasis on the matter of getting new teachers on the Staff. He spoke too about new pro­jects and courses, and hinted at possible developments for contact with other academic circles. Then there was a Guest Lecture by Tomas Spidlik SJ from the Pontifical Oriental Institute on "The relevance of Mario logy for the Churches in Eastern Europe".

T. Civiero Anyone who would like the President's Report can write

to the Editor of COSMO or directly to the Marianum Fa­culty. The Guest Lecture will be published in "Marianum".

Five Programmes at Marianum Faculty Now that the academic year is under way, the Maria­

num is in full swing. Here is a list of the five programmes of courses available there.

1. Two year course of Servile History and Spirituality (21 Sept - 19 Oct. 1990). this comprises 3 weeks of lectures with 35 people enrolled. A tour of Todi and Orvieto with a Benizi flavour brought the course to completion.

3 December 1990

2. Three year Theology Course for Bachelor Degree (started on 22 Oct. 1990): two semesters, 51 enrolled whom 34 are Servites. The 3-year course is run in colla­boration with the Augustinianum Patristic Institute and includes Servite and Augustinian lecturers, with 1st year studies at the Augustinianum and the following two years at the Marianum.

3. Two year course of Mariology for Marian Diploma, started on 24 October with 84 people enrolled. There are 4 hours of lectures each Wednesday afternoon.

4. 1Wo year course in Religious Sciences (started 27 October with 100 people enrolled). This is mostly at­tended by female religious and has its sessions on Satur­day afternoons.

5. 1Wo year course for Licence in Theology and for Doctorate in Theology with Marian Specialization (started on 6 November with 35 people enrolled, of whom 31 are attending lecture on campus). There are also 22 other people enrolled for a further cycle while working on their Doctorate Thesis. Lecture are given for 3 periods, 4 days a week from November to May.

The Faculty includes the Marian Bookshop and Centre, through which many teaching aids and notes can be obtained as well as a wide selection of books.

Study Scholarship in Memory of Fr. Salvatore M. Meo

T. Civiero

A group of friends, brethren, relations and students of Fr. Salvatore Meo has decided to set up a study Scholar­ship to train 3 future professors from the Servite Order for the Marianum Faculty. Fr. Meo was President of the Faculty and he died suddenly last June ( cf. COSMO 2, 1990 p.5). Fr. Meo spent much time and care in latter years working for the training of new professors for the Maria­num. The new President and Council of the Faculty has agreed to draw up a Charter for the Scholarship, which its contributors wish to be under care the Marianum itself.

Planning for the Formation

Our Formation Community's year was approved by the General on 8 September 1990. The document is a kind of "Directory" the Saint Alexis College. It spells out the basic structure for our daily religious life together. While we were doing our orientation at Ascea we assessed previous planning docu­ments, and we listened to the experience of men who had been in the community for some time. Our new text ended up quite similar to previous ones, especially on daily structure for Prayer, Common Life, Study, Apostolic Ser­vice, Witness to Poverty, Holiday Programmes and Liai­son with our Provinces/Vicariates. There were some new decisions: e.g. Conventual Chapter will now mean only the Solemn Professed, while the full gathering of the house­hold will be called Community Meeting. Also, there will be different groupings according to the different stages of formation. Again, we endorsed the function of our Com­mittees for Liturgy, Culture, Sport, Vocations and Mis-

December 1990

sions, Study and Communications, Finances. We are also looking for real possibilities for Pastoral Service in the local church in Rome. We also added a number of themes for attention during the year: Vows; the 3-fold dimension of each Friar (affective, spiritual and social), particular Servite approach to Apostolate.

Recent Events at St. Alexis College Community

Fr. FrancoM. Azzalli, our assistant Master, defended his Doctorate in Church History at the Gregorian on 6 November. His thesis is "The Restoration in Italy and the Servile Piedmontese Province. A Key Character: Fr. Vittorio Amadeo Pirattoni (1815-1834)". Fr. Franco's Moderator was the famous Jesuit historian Fr. Mm'tina. There were many people present at the Defence, include Fr. Franco's parents, the Prior General, and many other friars who came along to give support.

No one was made a Bishop!..but some received new tasks. Fr. Peter M. Maseko, doing 1st year Licence in Philosophy at the Gregorian, and Bro. Giuseppe M. Bag­gio, in 2nd year Theology, will be the student repre­sentatives on their Faculty Councils. Fr. Lordusamy has been named Leader for Thmil Nadu Indians living in Rome.

Advent is with us, and we shall have some special events connected with the Word of God. On the First Sunday we have a Day of Recollection from Fr. Danilo M. Sartor from the Study Community next door. At different points during the year our Lectio Divina (on Sunday Readings) will be led by Fr. Carlos Ignacio Gonzales SJ, Professor of Christology at the Gregorian Pontifical University. We wish everyone a happy and expectant Ad­vent!

F. Bosin



Urgent need for Formation Centres The ISAC Formation Committee met at Mobamba on

2 September to confront problems of the numbers of new members joining the Order in Africa. Fr. Mel M. Loftus spoke on the pre-Novitiate now in Lesotho and judged it very positively, both for location and for input. There were problems just the same, mainly of diversity of mentality between Uganda students and Southern African students. The Committee was also disturbed by the large number of students in the pre-Novitiate, because present struc­tures cannot cope with such numbers. Perhaps another reception community is needed.

Plans for 1991: only Mozambique will defmitely have a candidate, while Zululand and Swaziland do not. For Novitiate, the team noted the problem of entry visas for Ugandans and therefore recommended Florence Mission in Swaziland for the 1992 Novitiate.

4 COSM04

Some were talking about 15 young men wishing to come from Nigeria to join the Order. We are unable to receive these people, and the Committee refers this mat­ter to the wider concern of the General Council.

Too many Candidates from Uganda? Fr. Stefano M. Papini visited the Uganda foundation

in October with Thscan Frs. Boriosi and Tanganelli. The Ugandan foundation dates back to 1988. Fr. Stefano re­ported to the ISAC Meeting on 24 October about the hopes and problems of that new foundation. Kisoga - he said - is the parish entrusted to the Order in 1989 by the Archbishop of Kampala. It is 40 km from the capital and is in the care ofFrs. Biagioli, Lutaya and Thssari (aged 74). Rapid growth took place immediately: the Formation house was built, the church is under construction, and the Secular Order is flourishing. But the large number of young men asking to enter the Order presents difficulties. Seven of them are already in Lesotho studying Philosophy and preparing for the 1992 Novitiate; 11 others are doing pre-Novitiate at Kisoga and should go on soon to Philos­ophy. Over 20 more are seeking admission. Where to put them, if Lesotho is already full and Kisoga has not the space or the personnel to deal with them?

ISAC replied that we cannot receive any new candi­dates from Uganda in Lesotho before the end of next year, and before then the Lesotho experiment must be properly assessed. In the meantime their formation must be done in Uganda, along lines to be spelt out by ISAC in conjunc­tion with the Swaziland Vicariate and the Thscan Prov­ince, whose immediately responsibility they are. ISAC also reminded people that the criteria for acceptance in Uganda must be the firm ones laid down by the Order and the local church.


More collaboration in Formation and Missions

The North European Conference met at Dusseldorf, 25-29 October 1990, with two representatives from each of France/Belgium, English Province, Germany, 'JYrolese Province, Irish Vicariate, as well as General Councillor Fr. Bernard M. Barlow. The following items were dealt with: Assessment of the Professed Students' Gathering at Monte Senario last summer. This was seen as positive from every point of view except cost. Secondly, a report from the student Masters who met at Monte Senario called for a common Novitiate for North Europe. Some reticence by the German speaking friars, who preferred post -novitiate collaboration, led the Conference to seek greater investigation before the next meeting in March 1991.

Thirdly, a report on Hungary was given by Fr. Barlow, mentioned elsewhere in COSMO. Fourthly, a future Con­gress of 10 days was planned for friars in pastoral work, to share experiences of Servite Spirituality. Fifthly, a 6-monthly Newsletter was planned, and a Directory of priories and people in Servite North Europe. Finally, further collaboration was sought by the Conference espe-

COSM04 5 December 1990


Firs t Chapter of the Feder;rution approves the Statutes

and elects :m President

With the celebration of the first interprovincial Chapter, which took place in the Priory ofSS.Annunciata, Rovato, from the 16th-29th November 1990, was born the Federation of the Provinces of Italy and Spain.

The 53 capitular friars with the right to vote, who represented the seven federating Provinces (Thscan, Roman, Bolognese, Venetian, Piedmont, Southern Italy and Spain), discussed and approved the Statutes of the Federation and outlined a programme for the three years 1991-1994.

The Prior General, fr. Hubert M. Moons, presided at the Chapter, and present also, without right to vote, two of the General Councillors, R. Casagrande and M. Aldrovandi, one representative of the students of Italy and Spain from the formation community of S. Alexis in Rome, and the Secretary of the Chapter, fr. Silvano M. Danieli. In charge ofthe liturgy was fr. Ermenegildo M. Zordan. With the agreement of the Presidential Board of the Chapter, the novices from the novitiate house at Isola Vicentina, who were at Rovato to give practical help to the community, were allowed to attend the general assemblies.

The experience of this first interprovincial Chapter was extraordinarily intense for several reasons: the commit­ment of the friars, sometimes with deep feeling, to the work and debates of the Chapter; the good sense of brotherhood which was expressed among friars from seven different Provinces; the dignity of the community liturgy; the generous and attentive service offered by the community of Rovato; the cultural and social events (concert from the choir of Monte Berico; concert from the company of the Laudesi; open day for the Servite Family).

The Federation, an agreement among seven different juridical and autonomous groups, is regulated by a Statute, that is, a normative text which determines the objectives of the Federation itself, determines the parameters of the collaboration between the sewn Provinces, establishes the structures of government and its competence, and sets up those committees which are necessary to animate and coordinate the common activities.

The interprovincial Chapter, which will meet every three years, is the highest authority of the Federation, and its tasks are both legislative and in the area of programming. The realization of the programme decided upon in common is entrusted to a President, elected by the Chapter itself, and assisted in his work by the seven Priors Provincial of the federating Provinces, who form the Council of the Federation.

The frrst elected President of the Federation i$ Fr. Clemente M. Nadalet, 58 years old, Licensed in Theology at Lou vain, with pastoral experience in Milan, former Master of St. Alexis College in Rome, Prior Provincial of Venice since 1982 and President of CONPRIS since 1984.

The collaboration among the seven Provinces will be expressed on two levels: the coordination of some activities which the individual Provinces will continue to promote within themselves, and the direct management of other activities like, for example, initial formation. The motivation behind these common actions of the seven Provinces are both of a contingent nature, as, for instance, the diminishing number of friars which creates a need to unite forces, and of a more profound and spiritual nature, such as the fraternity, the common life, and hence reciprocal help and the search for collaboration figure among the absolute fundamentals of the religious experience of the Servants of Mary.

The decision to establish a Federation of the seven Provinces ofltaly and Spain was taken at the General Chapter which was celebrated in Rome in October 1989 and arose from the efforts at restructuring, which for many years the whole Order had been examining in order to re-discover our primary values and original inspirations. Beyond the decision to put in common some specific activities, the birth of this Federation of seven Provinces brings with it many new perspectives:

-to give new vigour to the life of the Order in Italy, where is found the greater part of those traditions of religious experience which are unique to the Servants of Mary;

-to carry towards a solution those emerging problems which are beyond the capacity of any single Province to solve;

-to encourage among the friars a more interprovincial mentality; -to arrive at a more practical renewal of structures, which will include a revision of our presences in specific

areas; -to welcome the challenge consequent to the opening ofthe frontiers of Eastern Europe, where the Order, before

the second World War, had a significant presence. The birth of the Federation will certainly allow the friars of those Provinces involved to look to the future with

more confidence, because problems shared can be resolved with less difficulty, and projects shared have the possibility of being realized with more efficiency and continuity. However, above all, the birth of the Federation should lead to a growth in fraternity and of mutual knowledge beyond the confines of a given Province, bringing with it a sense of new life.


December 1990 6

cially in Formation, but also in Vocations, Missions, Wider . Servite Family and Marian Spirituality.

SOUTH AMERICA Two Vicariates Ch together

1\vo South American Vicariate- Rio-Plata and Chile­Bolivia- will be sharing a joint Chapter next month, 14-19 January 1991 at Puerto MonH, Chile. Knowledge and appreciation of the Constitutions in the light of Latin American life will be the theme of the Chapter. Helping the Chapter on our Constitutions will be Bishop Friar AI do M. Lazzarin, and he will give a spiritual rather than technical presentation on Collegiality. Fr. lticcardo M. Casagrande, General Councillor, will spe~ on develop­ment in the Constitutions from 1983 to 1987 in matters of Collegiality, Common Life, Apostolate, Formation, Gov­ernment and Clericalisation. Each Vicariate will be able to put items on the Agenda through their respective Vi­cars and Councils.

R. Casagrande

Coordination Formation around the Servite Family

Not only are the three friars jurisdictions working together in Latin America, but also the Sisters' branches and Secular Institute are involved as well: Brasil Congre­gation, Florence Sisters, Galeazza, Nocera, Ravenna, Nocera and Reparation Servite Sisters. And so a Joint Servite Spirituality Course is being planned, with History of the Order, Marian studies and other aspects of aca­demic formation for young religious. A three year pro­gramme is envisaged, with two weeks in February each year, beginning in 1991. a similar venture was tried in 1990, with very results. The first session in 11991 will be at Thrvo, 4-17 February. On the programme will be The Rule of St. Augustine (Fr. Clo­dovis M. Boff and Sr. Filomena Servite Li­turgy (Sr. Maria Zingaro and Fr. Alecio M. Azavedo); History of the Order (Fr. Pedro and Women's Movements in the Order (Sr. Fabia Farias).


Joint General

B. Zanella

The Inter-provincial in USA re-affirmed its commitment to collaboration in Formation. Although Austin Morini Priory, St. Louis remains the normal site for pre-novitiate the current use of Sarpi Priory, Berkeley, will continue for next year. A novitiate program will be offered next year 1991-1992) with fr. Paul M. Gins as Master. Our of Sorrows, Chicago is designated as the site. This program is open to other provinces.

Frs. Brennan and Stano will investigate, plan and pro-pose a 2-3 day program prayer and reflection for the recently ordained and solemn professed.


The leadership reviewed, adjusted and accepted the inter-provincial contracts of frs. Jack Topper, Thomas Duff, Ignatius Kissel, Thomas LoCascio and David Kon­dik. The situation of friars residing outside community were reviewed. Frs. Carl Feil, Larry Calkins and Michael Doyle are Eastern Province friars living in the West. John Dowd is a Western Province friar living in the East. All situations were acceptable and mutually agreeable.

They confirmed the meeting of North American Prov­incials for Jan.23-25, 1991. The meeting is proposed at Sarpi Priory, Berkeley Ca.This meeting brings together the provincial leadership of the two USA provinces as well as the Canadian and Mexican provinces. The leadership of both provinces reaffirmed their intention to celebrate provincial chapters simultaneously at the same location in 1992. This event will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the present American provinces. A proposal to this effect was made for consideration at both provincial chapters of 1991.

After consultation with Fr. General it was agreed that General Visitation of the American provinces will take place in 1993.

Fr. General described the recent work of the General Council. Fr. Ed Penonzek added a few words on the Centenary of St. Anthony Maria Pucci which could be integrated into the simultaneous chapters proposed for that year.

The leadership of both provinces expressed to fr. General their concern related to the "problems" en­countered when seeking dispensations for friars who have left our fraternity. Both provinces expressed the financial "burden" placed on their provinces by the current level of taxation by the Order. All agreed the proposed meeting of provincial treasurers should review "taxes" in the Order.




Fr. Machado elected Prior Fr. Nivaldo M. Machado, 53, was elected Prov-

incial on the 1st ballot in the Province on 23 October. He was ordained priest in holds a Licence in Theology from the Marianum, and succeeds fr. Jose M. Milanez as Provincial. Fr. Jose suffered heart trouble recently. Fr. Nivaldo is Parish Priest in Rio de Janeiro at present, and will t~e up his new task the Provincial Chapter, 3-11 January 1991 (d. COSMO 3, 1990, p. 6).

ROMAN PROVINCE Feast of St. Philip at

Since the 7th Centenary of the death of St.Philip in 1985, the local celebration of his feast has grown immense­ly in popularity. A number of traditional usages have come back into vogue, bringing St. Philip back into the limelight ofTodi. The bells are rung once again for his feastday, and the whistles are blown as a reminder of the children of


Todi who all cried out together at the death of St. Philip on 22August 1285. Other children in the early 1400's cried out miraculously again, alerting the townspeople to the raiders from Florence who were stealing the saint's relics to take back lo their own city. A street feast took place in Via Piana, in the Priory courtyard, recalling similar festi­vities in the old St. Mark's Priory in the days of St Philip, when his generosity helped the people of Bargo Nuovo. And there was a public reading this year of a dialect poem from the last century called "The bells of St. Philip", by Paolo Bravetti (1854-1895). This poem also tells of the attempted theft of the relics of St. Philip.

'll:aditional practices are fmding their way back into the liturgical celebrations as well: a special Mass prepared for Thdi by the Servite Liturgy Commission (CLIOS) spe~s of St. Philip as "humble messenger of the Gospel and tireless worker for peace". He is also called "the defender and propagator of the Order of Servants of Mary". The sermon drew on the ancient chronicles or "Legends" of the early days and origins of the Order, as well as later docu­ments uncovered and explained for us 5 years at the great Centenary Festival. Indeed both the Order's archives, and the Diocesan and Town archives are full of references to St. Philip Benizi.

The Mass in honour of St. Philip was formally con­signed to the clergy of Todi, beautifully printed by the Secretariate of the Roman Province. The people all re­ceived an illustrated booklet on St. Philip, including two attractive prints discovered in the city archives. The Prior of Thdi was responsible for the booklet, and included a short biography of St. Philip with a brief description of the dealings between St. Philip and Thdi during his life, at his death and in the centuries to follow.

R. Fagioli

HUNGARY A First new Candidate for the Order

Fr. Bernard M. Barlow, General Councillor, returned to Hungary at the end of October to help our first Servite candidate since the Order's suppression in 1950 on his way to joining the Servite community. J6zsefFekete was a seminarian from Budapest and he met the Prior General and Fr. Bernard during their visit last February. He at­tended the Monte Senario gathering of North European professed during the summer, and then formally asked to join the Order. He was accepted on the recommendation of the Rector of the Seminary. With all his papers suitably in order, he took emotional leave of his parents, and flew to London on 2 November to be welcomed into the Beg­broke Priory, where he has set about immediately doing English courses prior to pre-novitiate and eventual novi­tiate.

While he was in Hungary Fr.Bernard also met the three senior friars who remain there from our old Hunga­rian Province; Fr. Agoston M. Csete, 77, who in spite of partial paralysis from a stroke is working in the parish of Piliscsaba about 27 NW of Budapest. He will only retire next year "if a new community of friars is there to take his place". Fr. M. Vary is seriously ill and lives in a retirement cottage on the outskirts of Budapest, assisted

7 December 1990

by three retired Servite Sisters. He hetps with confessions in the local parish. Fr. Elek M. Poka, 76, lives in a house which belongs to his sister at Gyngyos, about 130km north of Budapest. He helps in the local parish, especially with confessions. He has asked to received publications from the Marianum, and copies of the Servite Constitutions.

Fr. Bernard also went to visit the Seminary at Eszter­gom and was warmly welcomed by the Rector, Bishop Vilmos Dekany. Here he was able to meet with some seminarians who would like to know more about the Order. "Only one," he writes, "was particularly interested in the Order. He asked for a copy of the Servite Constitu­tions in Hungarian. Tkis was Attila Bodnar. The others, Gabor Juhasz, Janos Karlovitz and Oszcar Szab6 wanted to receive the Jerusalem Bible in Italian and Ger­man to help them with their studies. I think it was a very fruitful visit, at least for keeping in good contact with the seminary and with some students who are going to be the future clergy of Hungary."


Equality in Community Life During this year's Provincial Chapter (25-28 June) the

Common Life Commission put forward a proposal that readers may find interesting. "So as to give witness in the modern world to real fraternal life, and so as to achieve real equality among all friars, the Commission invites all friars to refer to themselves as 'brothers' in every title. Should it be necessary to make any distinctions, we should use such expressions as 'Brother Priest', 'Brother Dea­con', 'Brother Bishop' etc. The proposal acknowledges that "in our society people do not know what a Brother is any more. Even if we fmd it difficult to get the people to call us Brothers, it is still possible with time to m~e this a way of increasing an awareness and spirit of fraternity in the world around us".

Ongoing Formation directed by a Sister? The Canadian Province's Formation Committee

under its Secretary, Fr. Luc M. Marsolais, organized its 1990 annual meeting with guest speaker Fr. Ermes M. Roncbi. The Committee has also arranged to invite Fr. Clodovis M. Boff to its next annual gathering, 4-9 August 1991. He will spe~ to the Wider Servite Family on the theme of "Following Christ". He will also address the Laval University. For the 1992 programme, the Committee has invited one of our Servite Sisters to t~e charge of that year's Congress for the Wider Servite Family.

Environmental Awareness The September issue of "Vie Servite", the Canadian

Province's monthly magazine, is dedicated to the Environ­ment. Under the heading "Do not strike the Earth", there are articles by L. Barrette from the Environmental Pub­licity Office and Fr. Michel M. 'Iremblay on "Nature - a Way to reach others and Other". In the editorial the Servite publications group writes, "Go through these pages and you will learn how a healthy environment can lead to a healthy spirit in those who live there. We should ask if we

December 1990

ever pray for our brothers and sisters to be more sensitive to safeguarding the enviromnent. Do we ever ask them directly to become more caring in these matters, to defend their environment and ours?"


Contract with Aysen confirmed The Vatican Congregation for Evangelisation has en­

dorsed the agreement between the Vicariate Apostolic of Aysen and the Venetian Province OSM for the next 5 years in its Letter of 27 September 1990. This Contract states in its preface that "The Aysen Mission is entrusted by the Holy See to the responsibility and zeal of the entire Order of the Servants of Mary, and by this Order to its Venetian Province. The Province assumes primary responsibility for the Mission, with the purpose of founding the local Church and to send personnel and assistance there." In the contract the Province is committed to having at least 11 religious and 2 communities (Puerto Aysen and Coy­haique) in apostolic activity there. Likewise they will send new missionaries of the Order, and will seek out diocesan clergy and other religious for the Vicariate. They will support the mission with an annual contribution of $40,000 and other contributions.

AUSTRIA TYROLESE PROVINCE Elective Chapter at Hungary

The elective Provincial Chapter of the 1)rrolese Prov­ince will take place at Innsbruck, 4-9 february 1991. The convocation letter touches on a number of points to be dealt with: a pre-novitiate community to be set up; voca­tions work; the Province's contribution in personnel and kind to rebuilding Servite presence in Hungary; 1989 General Chapter and Servite Restructuring in North Eu­rope, collaboration in Missions and new fmmdations. The agenda also includes revision of the provincial Directory~ A preparatory Commission is working to get the Chapter ready.

R. Casagrande

ENGLISH PROVIN Third World Priory

The Fulham Road in London has agreed to host third world refugees into the as part of an emergency hospitality programme. local people are very much involved in the scheme. "The response from the parish was overwhelmiag and more than 150 people came forward to offer their services in areas such as welcoming, making beds, providing panying over London, cleaning up, uu,,14 .. ,.a14c>::.,

giving donations ... our first group a group of youngsters from and were most grateful when we them with prayerbooks to say Evening Prayer. .. Then we were asked to take two Eritrean families and a Somali who had been stranded at Gatwick They were all Muslims and so one problem that we not foreseen was 'Where is

8 COSM04

Mecca?'. With the aid of a compass we found the right direction ...

So far this venture has not seriously disrupted the ongoing life of the Parish. Indeed, it has been something that has brought people together ... We keep the names of all our guests in a special book which we place on the altar and we tell them that we will continue to pray for them even when they have gone from us."

Silver Jubilee of Ordination of Paul Addison

N. Martin

Fr. Paul M. Addison, former General Councillor, cel­ebrated the 25th Anniversary of priestly ordination this year, being ordained in Rome on 19 April1965. At his jubilee Masses there were friends, friars, relations and many local people. He wore a vestment with an em­broidered Marian Icon which he had made for the occa­sion. The Provincial and other friars joined the celebra­tions, including Fr. Peter M. Conniffe from the Dundee Community who has also been celebrating his Silver Jubi­lee of ordination this year.

Consecration of Church in Kersal, Salford

On the Vigil of Our Lady of Sorrows this year the Servite Church in Kersal (Salford) was consecrated by local Bishop Patrick Kelly. The church had been com­pleted just at the time of the Vatican Council's Liturgy Constitution, and so needed re-ordering. Plans for this had been talked about for a long time, but the enthusiastic hard work of Prior and Parish Priest Fr. Tom M. Connolly has brought the ideas to fruition at last The design is truly uplifting and does not look at all like a renovation. Nearly all the old marble has been incorporated into the new scheme, giving a pleasing sense of continuity.

The Altar is the original one, and there is now a matching Lectern to the north, a Thbernade to the south and a dignified Baptismal Font forward of the Sanctuary area, presenting a harmonious and dignified focus for the Sacraments of God's People. The retro-choir has now been revealed and incorporated into the overall plan of the sanctuary. The whole church is now brightly lit and painted, and the Seven Holy Founders (splendid painting) with Our Lady of the Servants watches over the com­munity in prayer.

P. Addison


Biennial Course of Ecumenical Marian

The "two-year course of studies on Mary for 1990-91 was launched on 4 November by Archbishop Giovanni Saldarini of Turin at the church of St. Charles Borromeo. The course is organized by the local Ecumenical Marian Centre run by the Order. People with a reasonable basic education can attend the course, which is aimed at "pro­moting greater knowledge of the Blessed Virgin in the History of Salvation" and at "formation of personnel for


catechesis and ecumenical dialogue." The programme is especially geared towards ecumenical dialogue among Christians. Qualified staff give special lectures leading to a Marian Diploma endorsed by the Marianum Theology Faculty in Rome for those who pass the exams and present a written dissertation.


Marian Saturdays at th.e Basi&li~a ~R Chicago

The Servite Center at the Om Laey of Sorrows Basili­ca has circulated local people and the wider Servite Family inviting them to Marian Biblical talks during Advent for the Marian Saturdays. On 8 December there is the follow­ing programme: 10 am: Fr. Lawrence M. Choate on Ma­rian Devotions; 11 am: Fr. Walter M. Brennan on "Are Apparitions Real?". Discussion time will follow, and a shared lunch.

U.S.A. WEST Meeting of Priors on th.e Province's Finances

On 22-23 October the Prior of the Western Province met for two days at Servite Priory, Anaheim, California to discuss the Order's situation on both local and Provincial levels. The Priors found this meeting (third annual) most beneficial. They have come to look upon this gathering as a "Prior Support Group" and are enthusiastic that this annual meeting be continued. Special concern for the :rovince's serious fmancial situation was a paramount ISSUe.

Festival of Lights The Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother, "The Grotto"

in Portland will continue for the third year a grand "festival of lights" to mark the Christmas season from 13-30 De­cember 190. Set in a magnificent grove of pines, firs and other trees, replete with gardens, the Shrine is trans­formed into a wonderland oflights in the trees. Thousands of people are expected. Other festive events such as art exhibits, choir presentations (Catholic, Orthodox, Protes­tant), preparing food for the poor, dramatic presenta­tions and strolling singers will be part of the festival marking the Birth of the Lord.


Will th.e Vicariate bec~me a Province? At the meeting of the Irish Vicarial Council of the

16th-18th October the Council spent time discussing, among other things, the future possibility of moving to­wards becoming a Province. An important preliminary to this was a wide-ranging discussion of each one's vision of the future of the Vicariate over the next ten years, the resources of the Vicariate, and the ways in which the Council can both help and hinder the achievement of this vision.

B. Barlow

9 December 1990

Irish Refugee Council "Concern only becomes effective when put into ac­

tion". In the light of these words, Irish concern for the numerous refugees throughout the world is being put into action. An "Irish Refugee Council", a company limited by guarantee, has been formed this year 1990 in Southern Ireland. The Irish Servites are involved from the outset, through the Servite Missions Secretariat (Damian Kil­bride and Gabriel Bannon).

The IRC's object is: a) to promote the cause of refu­gees, displaced persons and asylum seekers; (b) to seek protection for and provide assistance to refugees, having full regard for their human dignity; (c) to promote the adoption of progressive and humane refugee policies, to uphold the right to seek asylum, and to secure observance of the U.N. Convention (1951) and Protocol (1967) relat­ing to the status of Refugees; (d) to create awareness of refugee situations and their causes.

D. Kilbride

Ecumenical First Fr. Sean M. Lennon, a member of the Benburb com­

munity, made ecumenical history recently when he par­ticipated at a "Harvest Festival Service" in a recently op­ened Nursing Home, The Chestnut Lodge Benburb on lOth October 1990. Also in attendance were clergy from the Church of Ireland, the Presbyterian and Methodist churches together with residents and staff.

D. Kilbride

Servite Spirituality Week 1991 The Irish Vicariate is pleased to give advance notice

that 1991's Servite Spirituality Week will be conducted by Fr. Anthony M. O'Connell in the Servite Priory Benburb, 25-30 August 1991. Further details will be given in due course.

D. Kilbride

December 1990

ZULU LAND Fr. Michael M. O'Shea named Bishop ~Osservatore romano of the 25.11.1990, made

public the following two decisions of the Pope: "The Holy Father has raised the Apostolic Prefecture of Ingwavuma (KwaZulu and the Republic of South Africa) to the status and dignity of an Apostolic Vicariate, maintaining the same name and geographical territory, and attaching it to the ecclesiastical province of Durban"; "His Holiness has named as Vicar Apostolic of Ingwavuma the Very Reverend Michael M. O'Shea, of the Servants of Mary, till now Apostolic Prefect of this missionary territory, and at the same time naming him as Bishop of the titular Church of Ath Thuim".

Fr. Michael M. O'Shea, 60 years of age, comes from southern Ireland, a member of the USA Eastern Province, and went to Zululand immediately after his ordination to the priesthood. Vicar Provincial from 1970 to 1976, he was named Apostolic Prefect in 1976. On receiving the news of Fr. O'Shea's nomination as Bishop, the Prior General immediately sent him a telegramme of congratulations.

Vicarial Chapter tackles Pensions The Zululand Vicariate held its annual Chapter on

27-2B August 1990 with the following them~s: (1) The importance of community life; helping ~ac~ fnar to grow; the importance of apostolate; (2) publications for Voca­tions work; (3) economics, highlighted in the Vi~ar's ~e­port (Fr. Bob Kucera) which led to a. ~ong discussion especially regarding increased fund-r.rusmg fo~ Form~­tion; ( 4) the problem of Pensions, partic~arly. difficult m a country overshadowed by troubles and mflation; (5) the situation of ISAC after the changes agreed last May ( cf. COSMO 1, 1990, p.6); (6) the problem of inter-community meetings proposed by the Constitutions but not happen­ing very often.


Servite Appeal against Violence Bishop Reginald Orsmond of Johannesburg wrote a

pastoral letter on 17 September called "Violence in the Suburbs" and he called for prayer for peace and justice in South Africa. In response the Servites in nansvaal made a public declaration on 2 October which states, "We Ser­vants of Mary welcome Bishop Reginald Orsmon~'s a~­peal with joy ... our life ideal is to grow to perfectiOn m Christ and to radiate only sentiments of peace, mercy, justice and constructive love towards all cre~tures, by which we desire to be close to our brothers and siSters who are suffering on account of violence and hatred." Bishop Orsmond sent a personal letter of appreciation to the friars which concluded, "the Friar Servants of Mary are very dear to my heart."


INDIA Diaconate for Susai Mani and John Roncalli


On Sunday 2Bth November, Bro. A. Susai Mani and Bro. B. John Roncalli were ordained deacons by Rev. Arulappa, former Archbishop of~adras-Myl~~ore, dur­ing the celebration of the ~ucharist. T.he fa~.ihes of the two friars and the parish pnest of Susru Mam braved ~he heavy rain that lashed down at Madras and surroundmg areas, to be present for the liturgy and to shar.e the joy an~ happiness of the two friars. The commu~ty of Jyothi Matha was in festive mood to see two of Its members making their fmal steps towards sacerdotal ordination.

The bishop in his brief homily insisted that the proper task of the religious should be the preaching of the Gospel and not mere social service. During the sumptuous break­fast that followed the Liturgy the community greeted the two deacons and wished them "Buon Lavoro". In fact the Indian Servite foundation expects much from these young friars who will be ordained to the priesthood before the end of May 1991.

The day climaxed with a get-together prepared by the community for the families of the two friars. The bisho~ appreciated very much the structure of the chapel (Jyothi Matha Alayam) and the formation house. Certainly the house has to inspire those living in it!


Fra Eligio M. Giacomozzi "Master Journalist"

Local journalists in the Sante Fe region decided to honour Fr. Eligio M. Giacomozzi, 79 on this year's Day for Journalists at Las Toscas. They called him "a real pioneer for journalism in the north ~fSanta Fe", and "a te~ch~r f~~ many people now involved m the art of commumcahons . These words came from his former students who had gathered together to pay him their respects. Special ref­erence was made to his weekly Bulletin "Buen Amigo" which has kept local people well informed for years, ever since Fr. Giacomozzi started it on 2 January 1938. Many present-day key figures in national press and television passed through the "Buen ~go~ experi~n.ce in their early days as journalists. Besides this, Fr. Eligto has been a beloved pastor in Las Toscas for many years".


UNIFAS Assembly hopes to see local Joint Servite Secretariates


UNIFAS is the international Union of the wider Ser­vite family organized in 1987 to bring t~gether :'Generals of all the different branches of the Sernte Family aro~d the world". UNIFAS held its 2nd Plenary Assembly m Rome recently (31 Oct- 5 Nov 1990). 24 Voting members were present, people in charge at general level ar~un? the Servite family, as well as about 10 helpers. Some highlights


include: the humility of the 75 year old Prioress General from Hungary; the youthfuhtess of the National Secular Order leader in the Philippines; the promotion of women encouraged by the General from Ladysmith ("why can't the presi~ent of l!NIFAS be one of th~ wom~n," ~~e ask~d, "if there IS equality around the Servite family? , the WIS­dom of the Reparation Sister's General; the strong sense of security in the group gathered around our abundant Prior General Hubert M. Moons.

This Second Assembly of UNIFAS strengthened what was already going on- a great general cooperation around the Servite family. But it also urged the Order to generate local Joint Servite Secretariates between the branches of the Order at local, regional and provincial levels. This was stated to be one of the priorities of the new Council of UNIFAS, made up of Hubert M. Moons (Friars' General and President for UNIFAS), Rosanna Marchionni (Reg­nom Mariae Institute, Vice-president), Sr. M. Bonfiglia Chevalier (Italy. Enclosed Nuns), Sr. Mary Alice Haley (London-Cuves Sisters), Sr. M. Alfonsina De Matteis (Naples Sisters), Livia Augusta Cota (Italy, Secular Order National Prioress). The Statutes were updated to allow for the presence at Assemblies of national Joint Se.cret~riate leaders, which opens up greater scope for SerVIle lruty.

The UNIFAS Assembly also work on initial and on­going formation, with a lecture from Sister Bar?ar~ Gia­comelli. Collaboration was always to the fore m discus­sions, as well as the question more women in Theology and Mariology, and matters of Justice and Peace.


Servite Sisters in India and their Life-Statement

The 22nd General Chapter of our Congregation of the Mother of Sorrows, Servants ofMarywas celebrated from 2nd to 17th May 1990. Prior to that there was a week long preparation during which Sr. Corona OSM, ~he then as­sistant Superior General of the Congregation led the capitulars through an experiential learning of the metho­dology of discernment in Chapter.

On the second morning, Fr. Mariano Martinello OSM celebrated the Eucharist invoking the assistance of the Holy Spirit. In his inspiring homily he brought to focus the significance of General Chapters in the history of a relig­ious congregation.

Mother Ladisca Mary was re-elected as the Superior General. The great event in the Chapter was the clarifica­tion of the vision of the congregation for the years ahead. From January onwards the entire congregation had been prepared through thought-provo~gseminars. The ~ther items on the agenda were: updatmg the Book of Direc­tives· Problems sisters are facing in medical and com­munity development; work and ongoing formation pro­grammes, etc.

Mary, Queen of Servites, had a ~lace of honour ~.all the activities of the Chapter. So fittmgly, a thanksgiVIng Marian Service brought the two week celebration to con­clusion. All the capitulars remained content and they went back to their communities with clearer vision and greater

11 December 1990

enthusiasm to realize their Servite vocation in the fast­changing world.

Sr. Corona OSM and Antony M. Xavier


School for Development in Kumbalam, India

A new college was started on 2 July 1990 called "Holy Mary's". A solemn inauguration was attended by leading local dignitaries: the Bishop of Cochin, Kerala, the Mayor of Kumbalam, the Parish Priest of Aroor, and many tea­chers and students. There were also numerous priests and sisters present, and a large congregation of the faithful. The Bishop recalled the recent and rapid development of this wonderful apostolate, describing how the Prioress General Angela Lenzi reacted positively to his invitation to come to Kumbalam. Our house was only started there last February 1990, and immediately we set up a pre-de­gree course for local people.

Everyone agreed how good it is to have this urgently­needed school in Kumbalam. Previously young people were denied the chance to pursue higher studies because of great distances and the shortage of places in State schools.

Kumbalam is as island in Cochin, now accessible across the waterways, but very isolated until recently. A bridge was built four years ago and the island is beginning to be heavily populated. There are great problems for sanitation and education. Our College is already attend by 80 students and the people of Kumbalam see it as a great and attractive step forward in the cultural and social development of them all.

Maria Kunjamma Pennnilatbil


Six Candidates for Korean Foundation There are now 18 in our Korean communities. Things

have been changing rapidly. Last year it was decided to open a house in Seoul for the young professed to attend college. On 17 February two professed and three second­year novices began Theology and Catechetics with Sr. M. Carmela directing them. On the same day 4 postulants from last year started their novitiate. 6 new candidates arrived in March. And we had joy of 3 First Vows on Assumption Day, for Sisters M. Thresina Kang, M. Thresa Cho and M. Elisabetta Yun. Our chapel is very small, and so we held the celebration in Sachang Dong, with the local Bishop presiding. This is where we first set up house when Sr. Susanna and I arrived in Korea in 1982.


First Doctorate for

M. Hildlegung Becker

Indian Sister at Marianum Sister M. Rita Azhikkal from our Pisa Servite Sisters

became the first Indian sister to receive Doctorate in Theology (Marian Specialization) at the Marianum in

December 1990

Rome on 26 June 1990. Her extensive thesis was moder­ated by Fr. Aristide M. Serra with 3 reviewers, Frs. E.Per­etto, E.Toniolo and S. Maggiani. It is entitled, "History and Spirituality of the Servile Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows of Pisa". A first extract has been arranged for publication in Studi Storici OSM 1991, prior to publication of the entire work.


Great Contribution of Service at Fatima Our Reparation Servite Sisters celebrated the 90th

Anniversary of the congregation with great festivity in our Portuguese communities of Fatima and Jucteira. Numer­ous friends and fellow religious joined with parishioners from Junceira and San Pedro to make it a very ecclesial celebration. The Bishop of Santarem led the Mass accom­panied by the Rector of Fatima Shrine and other priests. The Bishop and the Rector both asked the people to thank God for the presence and work of the Reparation Servite Sisters in the shrine and local Christian community.

Before Mass ended we brought a red rose to the Statue of Our Lady of Sorrows as a sign of union with our sisters in Italy, Brasil, Argentina, Ivory Coast, Portugal and Boli­via. At the same time one of the sisters sang the Magnificat while the people chanted "My spirit rejoices in God my saviour". A souvenir holy-picture was handed out to everyone, with some text about our Servite spirituality.

Finally, we are happy to announce that Sister M. Mirta Favero has been named to the Preparatory Committee for Fatima's 75th Anniversary of the Apparitions in 1992. Sister Mirta is also on the Council for planning and ad­ministration in Pastoral Liturgy which the Portuguese Bishops Conference has established at the Fatima Shrine.

M. Rosangela Baccan

40 Days helping in Mozambique -like 40 Years!

1\vo Reparation Servite Sisters recently spent 40 days in Mozambique to help and to share with the friars and sisters there. "Above all we shared their common life," said their reporter, "especially with the Servite Sisters of Xai­Xai. We undertook Marian studies with them, and Con­stitutions, Human Development, Structures for New Con­gregations like the Xai-Xai congregation. During free time we learned some new crafts like embroidery, local diet, local medicine, etc. We met with the local bishop, seminarians and others from Mozambique." Lastly the sisters' reports states, "Some people told us that the few days we spent there seemed like years for their religious development. Well, we have to admit that we too have been very much strengthened in our vocation by our visit there."

12 COSM04


Litany for Mary of Nazareth Mary, wellspring of peace Be our guide Model of strength .. Model of gentleness .. Model of trust .. Model of courage .. Model of patience .. Model of risk .. Model of openness .. Model of perseverance .. Woman of mercy Empower us Woman of faith .. Woman of contemplation .. Woman of vision .. Woman of wisdom .. Woman of grace and truth .. Woman, pregnant with hope .. Woman, centered in God .. Mother of the liberator Pray for us Mother of the homeless .. Mother of the dying .. Mother of the nonviolent '' Widowed mother .. Unwed mother .. Mother of a political prisoner .. Mother of the condemned .. Mother of the executed criminal .. Closing Prayer: Mary, Queen of Peace, we entrust our lives to you. Shelter us from war, hatred and oppression. Teach us to live in peace, to educate ourselves for peace. Inspire us to act justly, to revere all God has made. Root peace firmly in our hearts and in our world. Amen.

This in a condensed version of the litany distributed for the Marian ~ar 1987-88 by Pax Christ USA

SWAZILAND Prioress General 25 years Professed

Our Prioress General, Sister Mary Stephania Ngwe­nya has celebrated the 25th Jubilee of her profession in the Swaziland Servile Sisters. Sr. Stephania is also a direc­tor and teacher in an Institute for the Blind. When she addressed the UNIFAS Assembly in Rome last month, she spoke of her hopes for her Mrican Congregation of Ser­vite Sisters, especially now that they have opened up to other countries, and given some help to the new members of the Cenacle Servite Sisters at Xai-Xai in Mozambique. Also there are new vocations coming to Swaziland from elsewhere in Africa. There is a novice from Zambia and two Postulants from Uganda.


The Institute welcomes Men as well The presence of men in the Servite Secular Institute

started when Jean Pierre Chatelain from Chaumont in France made his Prayer of Admission into the Period of


Preparation for the Vows early in the 1980's. Then, after the General Assembly of the Institute of 1984, when the Constitutions were sent to the Congregation for approval "ad experimentum", Rome insisted that the SSI include, as the first sentence of its Constitutions, that "it is a Secular Institute of pontifical right for women".

And so, after consultation with the Congregation, the SSI set up a Branch for men and, together with Jean Pierre, wrote a Statute (reflecting the charism of the Institute) for what is now known at the St. Philip Benizi Group of the SSI.

Jean Pierre made his First Vow and Commitment in 1985, which he renewed during the UNIFAS Assembly in Rome on 4 November 1990. The St. Philip Benizi Group now has men in England and Australia.

Audrey Butler SSI


A "Servite Group" in Canada 1\vo Servite Friars made their Solemn Vows in June,

and at the same time seven young people started a new branch of the Order in Canada called "Jeunesse Servite" (Servite Youth). In their charter they declare, "this frater­nity is for people between 18 and 30 who want to make a yearly commitment to grow in spiritual life, looking con­stantly to Mary. They fraternal life and spiritual activities will be combined with individual and group acts of service of others." This group will be officially autonomous, but linked with the Servite Family and part of the UCFAS, Joint Servite Union in Canada. Their charter has been endorsed by representatives of Canadian Servite friars, Compassionist Servile Sisters and Naples Servile Sisters.


Listening to the Word, , "Lectio Divina" for Sundays and Feastday Liturgies: Study aids edited by Mario Masini OSM, Padua, Messaggero Publications, 1988. Liturgical Cycles C & A (8 vols.) and Cycle B (vol.l-). Mario Masini is well known in Italy as a Bible scholar for his study aids for scriptural texts in the Feast day Lectionary. From 1969 to 1977 he was in charge of the Quiriana Publications PAF Series on Feast day readings which came out in 77 volumes over the years. These were partly a translation from "As­semblee du Seigneur",(Du CerfEditions, Paris), and part­ly an Italian extension of the original. In the extended work, for example, there is exegesis the Responsorial Psalms as well as some pastoral applications of the text. The study aids have been a great help to understanding the new Lectionary and many people use the for preparing homilies and liturgy celebrations.

The new dimension in his latest book is "Lectio Divi­na". Fr. Masini has already published an introduction to "Lectio Divina" in "Iniziazione alia Lectio Divina", Mario Masini, Theology, Method, Spirituality and Practice" (Padua, Messaggero Publications, 1988). In this work there is a letter from Cardinal Carlo Martini stating that "Lectio Divina is one of the most effective means that all the faithful can use to benefit from the Word of God in the Liturgy, to make it effective in their lives. The writings of Fr.Masini are of great practical value and give something

13 December 1990

of a method which starts with the written Word, moving to the Word that is read and reflected, leading eventually to personal contact with the Lord Jesus." The author's aim is to bring the old usage of Scripture reading back to life. In his later volumes, as he takes each Sunday through the Liturgical Year, he presents the Word of God with articles of exegesis and spiritual insight. He calls for Meditatio, Collatio and Oratio, with a concluding stage of Operatio - this last is always a text from a holy Bishop. Then the editor himself gives a panoramic view of the Bible passage in question. Contributions include articles by friars and nuns of our Order.

The immense amount of material on offer is always good, even if there are some weaknesses, which can be expected in an eclectic work. It offers a solid base for fruitful Scripture reading in community and also by indi­viduals. The series will reach 12 volumes, 4 for each Liturgical Year in Cycle: Years A and C are ready, while Year B is under way. A 13th Volume will deal with the Feast of the Lord and of Our Lady, along with a complete Index. This is the ftrst attempt at anything of this kind and deserves attention for this very fact.

S. Danieli "Las Fiesta de Ia Virgen, Notas Hist6ricas y Litll.rgicas

para una Celebraci6n Participada", Danilo M. SARTOR OSM, Madrid, Claretian Publications, 1990.

This is a Spanish translation by Ricardo M.Lazzaro of Fr. Danilo's 1988 book on Marian Feasts published in Bologna by Dehoniane Publications. The writer deals with the presence of the Blessed Vrrgin in the Liturgical Year, especially in the Great Times of Advent/Christmas and Easter. Then he takes the various Marian solemnities feasts and memorials one by one, giving the history of th~ feast and the basic message incorporated in the liturgical texts. In his preface to the book Fr. Ignacio Calabuigstates that "this is a pastoral book in the fullest sense of the word, that is it brings good doctrine and good prayer-life prac­tice of the Church to the faithful so that they can draw fruit for their lives. The scholarship is strict and serious, with precise references throughout. Real attempts are made to confront modern liturgical problems, and the bibliog­raphy is most helpful. This is a real treasure for pastoral workers."

"Diario di un Pellegrino Carnico" Albino M. CANDI­DO OSM, Udine, Segno Publications, 411 pp.

The jacket of this abundant journal of Fr. Albino Candido, a Servite from the northern Italian Carnia re­gion, shows a friar pensively walking in the woods in the foothills of the Alps. There follows 400 pages of very personal notes, forming a dialogue with the reader cover­ing 16 years from 1973 to 1989. It is a very original piece of work, drawing on old and recent memories with hints of where the future may be leading. How could we de­scribe this personal journal? Perhaps it is a description of his life and loves. Perhaps it is a rosary of reflections on the journey of life. There are personal battles and secret thoughts with people and with God all on view here. The writer, at the end of the book, says that each section is just like "the last leaf at the end of the branch". The book is available from Udine Priory.

S. Danieli

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