Page 1: David R Hamilton Affiliate

Placebo School is David R Hamilton PhD’s signature mind-body program. It's an online course where you learn all about the mind-body connection and how to harness it for health and wellness. The purpose of the course is to give a thorough understanding of the mind-body connection - from the 6 different ways that the placebo effect actually works, through understanding how the mind is like a force that shifts biology, how visualisaton shapes the brain and affects the body according to where you point your mind, to learning how to construct a visualisation process, and much, much more. Here's what's in the course: * 28 videos split into 5 teaching modules * 28 audio versions of the videos * 21 worksheets * 5 live webinars over 5 weeks for Q & A and coaching * You also get private e-mail access to David for the duration of the course * And you get lifetime access to the Placebo School website, which includes all future system and video upgrades. This is all information that you can use for yourself or use in your own health or holistic practices. The videos will be on the site permanently, allowing you to draw upon the content time and time again. If you’re interested in learning more, or if you want to register for Placebo School, you can do so with this link. If you have any queries please feel free to contact me on: +44 (0) 161 821 1217 or +44 (0) 7837 658 376 or [email protected] / [email protected]

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