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Y2_A1 Exam Weight (Numeric:6:) number corresponds (kg)

Y2_A10 Exam Abdominal skinfold (Numeric:6:) number corresponds (mm)

Y2_A2 Exam Length crown-heel (Numeric:6:) number corresponds (cm)

Y2_A3 Exam Length crown-rump (Numeric:6:) number corresponds (cm)

Y2_A4 Exam Head circumference (Numeric:6:) number corresponds (cm)

Y2_A5 Exam Chest circumference (Numeric:4:) number corresponds (cm)

Y2_A6 Exam Mid arm circumference (Numeric:6:) number corresponds (cm)

Y2_A7 Exam Triceps skinfold (Numeric:6:) number corresponds (mm)

Y2_A8 Exam Subscapular skinfold (Numeric:6:) number corresponds (mm)

Y2_A9 Exam Suprailiac skinfold (Numeric:6:) number corresponds (mm)

Y2_CBP1 Exam Systolic blood pressure (Numeric:3:) 888 Not stated

999 NA

Y2_CBP2 Exam Diastolic blood pressure (Numeric:3:) 888 Not stated

999 NA

Y2_CBP3 Exam Blood pressure state (Character:1:) 0 Sleeping

1 Awake, quiet

2 Awake, actiive/excited

3 Crying

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_CBP4 Exam Blood pressure instrument (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Mercury sphygmomanometer

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B Aneroid sphygmomanometer

D Dinamap blood pressure recorder

E Other elecreonic device (eg Infrasonde)

X Other (eg manual palpation)

Y2_DE1 Develop/Denver Gross motor (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Adequate

F Fail

N Normal

U Uncooperative

Y2_DE2 Develop/Denver Fine motor (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Adequate

F Fail

N Normal

U Uncooperative

Y2_DE3 Develop/Denver Personal/social (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Adequate

F Fail

N Normal

U Uncooperative

Y2_DE4 Develop/Denver Language (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Adequate

F Fail

N Normal

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U Uncooperative

Y2_DM10_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-hair (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Sparse hair

B Alopecia

C Coarse/wiry hair

D Low posterior hair line

E Widows peak

F Double crown

G Hypopigmented/albinism

H Hirsute facies

L Infestation or infection (eg lice, tinea capitus)

M White forelock

O Electric hair

Z Other

Y2_DM11_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-hands (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Small hands

B Brachydactyly (short fingers)

C Arachnodactyly (long fingers)

D Broad fingers

E Clinodactyly

F Other finger anomalies

G Broad thumbs

H Digitalised thumbs

I Hypoplastic thumb(s)

J Other thumb anomalies

K Syndactyly

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L Polydactyly

M Hypoplastic/dysplastic nails

N Single crease 5th (little) finger

O Single palmar (simian) crease

P Short metacarpals

Q Clubbing

R Leukonychia

S Paronychia

Z Other

Y2_DM12_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-joint (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Hypermobility

B Restricted movements/contractures of smalljoints of hand

C Restricted movements/contractures of wrists

D Restricted movements/contractures of elbows

E Restricted movements/contractures of shoulders

F Restricted movements/contractures of hips

G Restricted movements/contractures of knees

H Restricted movements/contractures of ankles

I Restricted movements/contractures ofneck/spine

J Swelling/inflammation of interphalangeal

K Swelling/inflammation of metacarpo-phalangeal

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L Swelling/inflammation of wrists

M Swelling/inflammation of elbows

N Swelling/inflammation of shoulders

O Swelling/inflammation of hips

P Swelling/inflammation of knees

Q Swelling/inflammation of ankles

R Swelling/inflammation of neck/spine

S Absent patellae

T Dislocated hip(s)

U Other joint dislocation(s)

Z Other

Y2_DM13_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-abdo (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Enlarged/distended

B Ascites

C Hepatomegaly

D Splenomegaly

E Enlarged left kidney

F Enlarged right kidney

G Enlarged bladder

H Faecal masses

I Other masses

J Umbilical hernia

K Inguinal hernia

L Abnormal anus

M Abnormal bruit

N Diastasis recti

P Enlarged lymph nodes

Z Other

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Y2_DM14_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-mouth (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Microstomia

B Macrostomia

C Prominent lips

D Downturning corners of mouth

E Lip pits

F Cleft lip

G Cleft lip and palate

H Cleft palate without cleft lip

I Submucous cleft

J Bifid uvula

K High-arched palate

L Ridged palate

M Macroglossia

N Irregular or amputated tongue

O "Tongue-tie"

P Hypodontia

Q Enamel hypoplasia

R Dental caries

S Mesiodens

T Other anomalies of teeth

U Hypertrophied alveolar margin

V Epulis or dental cysts

W Mouth ulcers/stomatitis

X Pharyngitis/tonsillitis

Y Crowding of posterior oropharynx/tonsillarhypertrophy

Z Chipped stained or wide gaps in teeth

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Y2_DM15_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-face (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Fat, puffy midface

B Flat midface

C Malar hypoplasia

D Maxillary hypoplasia

Z Other

Y2_DM16_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-neck (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Short neck

B Webbed neck/redundant skin

C Sternomastoid "tumour"

D Cysts

E Sinuses

F Lymphadenopathy

G Goitre

H Tracheostomy

P Enlarged lymphnodes

Z Other

Y2_DM17_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-chest (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Small chest

B Hyperexpanded (barrel) chest

C Pectus excavatum (sunken chest)

D Pectus carinatum (pidgeon chest)

E Harrisons sulcus

F Intercostal/suprasternal recession

G Tachypnoea at rest

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H Deviated trachea

I Unequal air entry

J Wheezing (rhonchi, rhales)

K Crackles (crepitations)

L Other adventitiae

M Widely spaced nipples

N Other nipple anomalies

O Abnormal clavicles

P Stridor

Q Gynaecomastia/breast enlargement

Z Other

Y2_DM18_C Exam Dys screen-male genitals (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Undescended left testis

B Undescended right testis

C Testicular hypoplasia/atrophy

D Hydrocoele(s)

E Short penis

F Hypospadias

G Chordee

H Abnormal foreskin

I Shawl scrotum

J Bifid scrotum

K Ambiguous genitalia

L Circumcised

M Public hair

Z Other - unable to find testes

Y2_DM19_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-neuro (Character:6:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

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9 No exam conducted

A Spasticity - quadriplegia

B Spasticity - diplegia

C Spasticity - hemiplegia

D Hypotonia

E Weakness - generalised

F Weakness - localised

G Muscle wasting - generalised

H Muscle wasting - localised

I Muscle hypertrophy

J Abnormal sensation

K Segmental denervation - arms

L Segmental denervation - legs

M Spinal cord lesion

N Involuntary movements (chorea, athetosis)

O Dystonia

P Muscle fasciculation (incl tongue)

Q Ataxia - truncal

R Ataxia - appendicular (incl dysdiadochokinesis,past-pointing)

S Facial nerve palsy

T Bublar/pseudobulbar palsy

U Extraocular nerve palsy

V Unclear speech (incl dysarthria, oral dispraxia)

W Clumsy (incl motor dyspraxia)

X Seisures (observed)

Y Tremor

Z Other

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Y2_DM1_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-eyes (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Convergent strabismus - manifest

B Convergent strabismus - latent

C Divergent strabismus - manifest

D Divergent strabismus - latent

E Unequal pupils

F Non-reactiuve pupil(s)

G Other pupillary abnormalities

H Corneal opacity

I Cataract(s) or other lens opacity

J Lens dislocation

K Retinal pigmentation

L Abnormal irides

M Other colobomata

N Microphthalmos

O Short palpebral fissures

P Upslanting palpebral fissures (mongoloid slant)

Q Downslanting palpebral fissures (anti-mongoloid slant)

R Hypertelorism

S Hypotelorism

T Epicanthic folds

U Ptosis

V Abnormal eyebrows

W Conjunctivitis

X Tearing

Y Conjuntival haemorrhage

Z Other - black eye

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Y2_DM20_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-feet (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Small feet

B Short hallux

C Broad hallux

D Hammer/claw toe deformity

E Syndactyly

F Polydactyly

G Other toe anomalies

H Pes cavus

I Pes planus

J Short metatarsals

K Prominent heels

L Talipes equinovarus

M Talipes (other)

N Metatarsus varus (adductus)

O Pidgeoned toed walk

Z Positioned talipes

Y2_DM21_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-limb (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Short limbs

B Limb deformity

C Hemihypertrophy or hemiatrophy

D Radial hyopoplasia

E Bow legs

F Internal tibial torsion

Z Other

Y2_DM2_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-ears (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

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9 No exam conducted

A Lowset ears

B Rotated ears

C Pre-auricular tags/pits

D Malformed auricles

E Small ears

F Upward "take-off" of lobe

G Retraction of tympanic membrane(s)

H Middle ear effusion

I Inflammation of tympanic membrane(s)

J Scarring of tympanic membrane(s)

K Prominent/bat ears

L Grommets (tympanostomy tubes) in situ

M Creased lobes

O Abnormal helix

Z Other

Y2_DM3_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-skull (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Abnormal shape - scaphocephaly

B Brachycephaly/flat occiput

C Prominent occiput

D Plagiocephaly

E Wide sutures

F Raised sutures

G Frontal bossing

H Wide fontanelle

J Cranial bruit

K Macrocephaly

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L Microcephaly

Z Other

Y2_DM4_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-skin (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Pallor

B Plethora

C Cyanosis (central)

D Cyanosis (peripheral)

E Jaundice

F Thickened skin/ichthyosis

G Hyperpigmentation (generalised)

H Cafe au lait spots

I Naevi

J Albinism

K Depigmented patches

L Pityriasis versicolor

M Haemangiomata

N Telangiectases

O Other cysts/tumours/hamartoma

P Bruising/petechiae (incl bites causing bruising)

Q Hypohidrosis

R Eczema (atopic dermatitis)

S Seborrhoeic dermatitis (incl cradle cap)

T Miliaria

U Psoriasis

V Napkin dermatitis

W Other erythematous rash

X Acne/pustules/contagious infection

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Y Hersutism

Z Other anomalies (eg skin tags, dimples, scars,burns, sunburn)

Y2_DM5_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-spine (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Scoliosis

B Kyphosis

C Lordosis

D Abnormal swelling

E Spina bifida

F Sacral dimple/naevuis/haemangioma/hairy tuft

G Pilonidal sinus

H Mongolian spot

Z Other

Y2_DM6_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-heart (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Hyperdynamic pulses

B Absent brachial pulse(s)

C Weak/absent femoral pulse(s)

D Cardiomegaly/displaced apex

E Abnormal heart sounds

F Thrill

G Murmur - innocent

H Murmur - other

Z Other

Y2_DM7_C Exam Dys screen-female genitals (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

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A Hypoplastic labia majora

B Clitoral hypertrophy

C Short recro-vaginal distance

D Labial adhesions

E Abnormal hymen

F Labial public hair

G Vaginal tags

Z Other

Y2_DM8_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-nose (Character:5:5) 8 NA - no anomalies detected

9 No exam conducted

A Rhinorrhoea (not crying)

B Nasal obstruction/mouth breathing

C Low nasal bridge

D Broad nasal bridge

E Small or short nose

F Bulbous, large or prominent nose

G Anteverted nares

H Hypoplastic nares

I Scarred nares

J Long philtrum

K Short philtrum

L Prominent/deep philtrum

Z Other

Y2_DM9_C Exam Dysmorphology screen-jaw (Character:5:5) 8 NA

9 No exam conducted

A Micrognathia

B Prognathism

C Fine/pointed jaw

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Z Asymmetry

Y2_ECO1 Examiners comments (Character:30:)

Y2_ECO2 Examiners comments (Character:30:)

Y2_ELM1 Early Lang Milestone-expressive (Character:2:) 88 Not stated

99 No exam conducted

Y2_ELM2 Early Lang Milestone-receptive (Character:2:) 88 Not stated

99 No exam conducted

Y2_ELM3 Early Lang Milestone-visual (Character:2:) 00 Visually impaired

88 Not stated

99 No exam conducted

Y2_LLA Teeth Lower L) central incisor (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

Y Present

Y2_LLB Teeth Lower L) lateral incisor (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

Y Present

Y2_LLC Teeth Lower L) canine (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

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N Not erupted yet

Y Present

Y2_LLD Teeth Lower L) first molar (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

Y Present

Y2_LLE Teeth Lower L) second molar (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

Y Present

Y2_LRA Teeth Lower R) central incisor (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

Y Present

Y2_LRB Teeth Lower R) lateral incisor (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

Y Present

Y2_LRC Teeth Lower R) canine (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

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9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

Y Present

Y2_LRD Teeth Lower R) first molar (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

Y Present

Y2_LRE Teeth Lower R) second molar (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

Y Present

Y2_N1 Neurology Tone R) arm (Character:1:) 0 Marked hypotonia

1 Mild hypotonia

2 Normal tone

3 Mild hypertonia

4 Marked hypertonia

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_N10 Neurology Plantars left (Character:1:) 0 None

1 Downward

2 Uncertain

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3 Upward (babinski)

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_N11 Neurology Sensation R) arm (Character:1:) 0 None

1 Reduced

2 Normal

3 Hyperaesthesia

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_N12 Neurology Sensation R) leg (Character:1:) 0 None

1 Reduced

2 Normal

3 Hyperaesthesia

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_N13 Neurology Sensation L) arm (Character:1:) 0 None

1 Reduced

2 Normal

3 Hyperaesthesia

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_N14 Neurology Sensation L) leg (Character:1:) 0 None

1 Reduced

2 Normal

3 Hyperaesthesia

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

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Y2_N2 Neurology Tone R) leg (Character:1:) 0 Marked hypotonia

1 Mild hypotonia

2 Normal tone

3 Mild hypertonia

4 Marked hypertonia

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_N3 Neurology Tone L) arm (Character:1:) 0 Marked hypotonia

1 Mild hypotonia

2 Normal tone

3 Mild hypertonia

4 Marked hypertonia

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_N4 Neurology Tone L) leg (Character:1:) 0 Marked hypotonia

1 Mild hypotonia

2 Normal tone

3 Mild hypertonia

4 Marked hypertonia

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_N5 Neurology Reflexes R) arm (Character:1:) 0 None

1 Depressed

2 Normal

3 Hyper-reflexia

4 Hyper-reflexia with clonus and/or crossedresponse

8 Not stated

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9 No exam conducted

Y2_N6 Neurology Reflexes R) leg (Character:1:) 0 None

1 Depressed

2 Normal

3 Hyper-reflexia

4 Hyper-reflexia with clonus and/or crossedresponse

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_N7 Neurology Reflexes L) arm (Character:1:) 0 None

1 Depressed

2 Normal

3 Hyper-reflexia

4 Hyper-reflexia with clonus and/or crossedresponse

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_N8 Neurology Reflexes L) leg (Character:1:) 0 None

1 Depressed

2 Normal

3 Hyper-reflexia

4 Hyper-reflexia with clonus and/or crossedresponse

8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_N9 Neurology Plantars right (Character:1:) 0 None

1 Downward

2 Uncertain

3 Upward (babinski)

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8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Y2_STY1 Stycar Near vision (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Abnormal

N Normal

U Uncertain

Y2_STY2 Stycar Visual fields (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

H Homonymous hemianopia

N Normal

T Bitemporal hemianopia

U Uncertain

Y2_STY3 Stycar Distance vision (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Abnormal

N Normal

U Uncertain

Y2_STY4 Stycar Hearing (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Abnormal

D Delayed response

N Normal

U Uncertain

Y2_ULA Teeth Upper L) central incisor (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

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C Carious

N Not erupted yet

R Restoration

Y Present

Y2_ULB Teeth Upper L) lateral incisor (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

R Restoration

Y Present

Y2_ULC Teeth Upper L) canine (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

R Restoration

Y Present

Y2_ULD Teeth Upper L) first molar (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

R Restoration

Y Present

Y2_ULE Teeth Upper L) second molar (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

Page 24: Dataset Coding Guide - Raine Study (Pregnancy Cohort Study ... · Page 2 Dataset Coding Guide - Raine Study (Pregnancy Cohort Study) - Raine Year 2 Examination February 19, 2008 Varname

Page 24February 19, 2008Dataset Coding Guide - Raine Study (Pregnancy Cohort Study) - Raine Year 2 Examination

Varname Variable Label Datatype:Length:Repeat Value ValueLabel

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

R Restoration

Y Present

Y2_URA Teeth Upper R) central incisor (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

R Restoration

Y Present

Y2_URB Teeth Upper R) lateral incisor (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

R Restoration

Y Present

Y2_URC Teeth Upper R) canine (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

R Restoration

Y Present

Y2_URD Teeth Upper R) first molar (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

Page 25: Dataset Coding Guide - Raine Study (Pregnancy Cohort Study ... · Page 2 Dataset Coding Guide - Raine Study (Pregnancy Cohort Study) - Raine Year 2 Examination February 19, 2008 Varname

Page 25February 19, 2008Dataset Coding Guide - Raine Study (Pregnancy Cohort Study) - Raine Year 2 Examination

Varname Variable Label Datatype:Length:Repeat Value ValueLabel

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

R Restoration

Y Present

Y2_URE Teeth Upper R) second molar (Character:1:) 8 Not stated

9 No exam conducted

A Absent

C Carious

N Not erupted yet

R Restoration

Y Present

Y2_XDAT Examination date (Numeric:8:) If complete date not given take 1st of month

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