

Q.1 What do you mean by abstract view of data. Explain different view of data

Q.2 what is dbms. What is the purpose of database management system.

Q.3 What do you mean by relational databases.

Q.4 Write queries for creating a employee table . inserting values in to it and selecting all values and particular

value based on some condition.

Q.5 Explain E.R. Model and basic building blocks of ER Model.

Q.6 Explain features of good relational database design.

Q.7 What do you mean by normalization. Explain different types of normal form with the help of an example

Q8 what do you mean by relational algebra. Explain set operations with the help of an example.

Q.9 Explain different unary operations.

Q10 What do you mean by views. Explain different types of view with the help of an example.

Q.11 Explain different aggregate functions.

Q.12 what is the difference between views and tables .give advantages of views.

Q13 What do you mean by SQL schema. explain data definition (DDL) language and data manipulation

language (DML).

Q.14 What do mean by Nested Sub Queries.

Q15 Explain aliasing or naming in SQL . what are the different types of alias , explain with queries.

Q.16 What do you mean by ORDER BY clause.

Q17 What do you mean by Transaction State Diagram. Explain transaction processing in ATM system.

Q.18 What do you mean by concurrency control.

Q19 Explain different lock based protocols. Give different types of Locks.

Q.20 Define deadlock with the help of some examples.

Q.21 What do you mean by database management system. What are the advantages of DBMS over File

management system.

Q.22 Explain E.R. Model and basic building blocks of ER Model.

Q.23 Explain features of good relational database design.

Q.24 Explain different types of attributes and constraint in ER model. Explain with example.

Q.25 Explain different types of keys.

Q.26 What do you mean by relational algebra.Explain unary and binary operations with examples.

Q.27 What do you mean by Joins? Explain different clauses of joins and different types of joins with

the help of an example.

Q28 Define Nested subqueries. Explain single row subquery and multiple row subquery with the help of

an example.

Q.29 What do you mean by transaction management. What is the need of transaction management.

Q.30 Explain different types of mapping cardinalities in ER Model and what do you mean by mapping


Q31 What is the purpose of database system? Explain architecture of database management system

Q.32 Write short note on subclass , superclass and Inheritance. give example also.


Q.33 Define triggers? Explain different types of trigger operations.

Q.34 write queries for grouping views , to drop a view and to create a View.

Q35 write short note on:

(i) Selection Operation (ii) Project operation

Q.36 Explain any four in Detail:

(i) Inner Join and Outer Join

(ii)Left Outer Join and Right Outer Join

(iii)Equi Join and Non Equi Join

(iv)Self Join

(v) Full Join

(vi)aggregate Functions

Q.38 What do you mean by pattern matching? Explain different types of patterns?

Q.39 Explain different types of transaction?

Q.40 Write different queries to implement different types of joins?


Q.1 Design an ER Diagram for the following details. A publication may be a book or an article. Articles are

published journals .Publications has title and location. Book having year title and category . Articles includes

title ,topi and date. Publication is written by authorsstores name , address and mobile number. Publication also

belongs to particular subject which has their names.

Q.2 Design an ER Diagram for the database that manages information about Publishers, authors and books.

Some information includes:

A Publisher has a name and address for the headquarters. Each publisher has a set of braches,each branch

having an address and two phone numbers. An author is having a name and address.a book is published by a

publisher and has a list of author associated with it. An author can publish several books and a book can be

published by only one publisher.

Q3 write queries for grouping views , to drop a view and to create a View.

Q.4 Write queries for creating a employee table . inserting values in to it and selecting all values and particular

value based on some condition.

Q.5 Write queries for delete a row from table and update a row in table. give example.

Q6 Write Nested subqueries using IN, ALL, ANY Multiple operators.

Q.7 Draw an ER diagram for car insurance company that has a set of customer. Each of whose having one or

more cars. Each car associated with it zero to any number of record accidents.

Q.8 (i) Write a query to create tables student and employee.

(ii) Insert values in to the tables using a query.

(iii) Write a query to delete a row from table.

(iv) Write a query to update a name of student into table.

Write output also.

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