

Learning Lab #2: Culture and Structure

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© 2015, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved

© 2015, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved

© 2015, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved

Data Coaching Learning Lab Components

An Overview of

Data Coaching

Establishing the

Right Conditions:

Culture and


Establishing the

Right Conditions:

Access and

Data Quality

The Data



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Data-literate educators…

are comfortable discussing data

in a safe environment…

can freely access multiple sources of data…

have regular opportunities to discuss and

act upon data to make informed decisions…

and use only high-quality data.

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© 2015, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved

Learning Targets for Learning Lab #2: Culture and Structure

Identify the importance of culture and structure in

building a data-literate team

Understand how to build a culture that promotes

data literacy

Understand how to create structures to support

data-informed decisions

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Culture represents the norms, values,

and traditions which establish the expectations for collaboration.

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In other words…

“This is the way we do things.”

“This is what we value.”

“This is how we interact.”

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A Congenial Culture

Preserves harmony and avoids conflict

Works comfortably in isolation

Limits discussions about professional practice

A Collegial Culture

Engages in cognitive conflict

Values sharing practices and decision-making

Maximizes knowledge and experience

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Congenial or Collegial?

Planning a shower in honor of a teacher’s upcoming wedding

Visiting another teacher’s classroom to gather ideas for classroom management

Sharing classroom data with a fellow teacher and comparing instructional strategies

Displaying diagnostic data and thanking everyone for their hard work





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Creating a Culture of Collegiality

Identify and share structures and expectations for

collegial interaction to improve teaching and learning

Showcase and reinforce collegial behaviors

Model collegiality through shared problem-solving

Establish a growth mindset

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Consider this Scenario…

A first year high school math teacher is eager to learn

from the expertise of a respected colleague. The new

teacher asks if she can observe his classroom. The

seasoned teacher politely declines the request and

tells her that he became a successful teacher through

trial and error and recommends this approach.

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Leveraging a Collegial Culture to Build Data Literacy

Consider multiple measures when analyzing and using data.

Use data to identify and act on areas of strengths.

Use data to identify and act on opportunities for improvement.

Identify contributing factors when analyzing and using data.

Model and supporting the appropriate use of data.

Share ownership and model a spirit of collaborative inquiry.

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Unresponsive Emotional Reflective

• Does not believe student learning is improved by data

• Does not believe professional practice can be informed by data

• Protects the status quo

• Does not trust or value the underlying measures that generated the data

• Believes data is tied to labels that indicate professional worth

• Thinks data will be misinterpreted and therefore misused

• Worries that the data might necessitate reflection and change

• Examines data for areas of strength and opportunities for professional growth

• Uses data to identify contributing factors and analyze cause and effect

• Commits to ongoing professional growth in support of students

Understanding Responses to Data

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Consider this Scenario…

The principal is meeting with each teacher to have a

collaborative conversation about data that was

calculated through student growth measures. The

teacher walks into the principal’s office, looks at the

results of recent assessments, and responds


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Structure refers to the opportunities

available to educators to discuss data.

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Creating a Clear Direction

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Teams Time Expectations


teams based on


• Grade-level

• Departmental

• Vertical

• Interdisciplinary

• Operational


scheduled meeting


• Daily

• Weekly

• Every Two Weeks

• Monthly

• Quarterly

Clearly defined


• Processes

• Guidelines

• Agendas

• Monitoring

• Follow-Up

Structures for Data-Informed Decisions

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© 2015, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved

To what extent do you

feel this is happening

in your setting?

Review and discuss


survey results.

Data Coaching Reflection on Culture and Structure

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Complete the activities in the Facilitation Guide

Reflection: Culture and Structure Reflection

Collegial Scenarios

Responding to Data Scenarios

Collaborative Time

Data Team Meetings and Expectations

Begin Learning Lab #3: Data Quality and Access

Next Steps


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