
DarkCity : A Free MMORPG (Browser Game)

Conference as part of the 11th Meeting of the Libre Software

By Philippe Bousquet <[email protected]>

This documment is licensed under Creative Commons By – SA


The speaker : Philippe Bousquet He programs since he was 9 or 10 years old He experienced the Internet in 1995 He experienced Gnu/Linux in 1996 He is a computer engineer since 1998 He writes Free Softwares since 1999

XWine : a graphical user interface for Wine DrkCms : A small Content Management System DarkCity : A Free Browser Game (MMORPG)

E-mail : [email protected] Website :


The Project : DarkCity It's a Browser Game in text mode (MMORPG) Version 1.2.2 (04/05/2010) Writen in PHP and MySQL It's a free game : Gnu General Public License v2 It's a free of charge game Website : E-mail : [email protected]

Part One : Game Presentation

Presentation (1/3)

DarkCity is a Browser Game in text mode, as many others on the web (BiteFight, Gladiatus, …)

It is based on the RPG Cyberpunk 2020 of Talsorian Games

You play the role of a bounty hunter or a gangster in a city of the 2020s (With violence, Lots of weapons, futuristic vehicles...)

Presentation (2/3)

Your mission is to fight the opponent and advance within your own camp (Bounty Hunter or Gangster)

Ranking in the game is over your reputation This game is based on the character

development through skills through your inventory of items

Presentation (3/3)

The home screen of the game

Skills (1/2)

You have 9 skills Shooting : Your ability to use of a gun Fighting : Your ability in fight Fitness : Your defense Searching : The ability to find your target Security : The ability to crack the security of the house of your

target Pursuit : Make a chase through the streets of the city Persuasion : The ability to persuade your opponent that you're not

the right person Repari : The ability to restore your equipment Medicine : The ability to heal yourself

Skills (2/2)

You have several means to develop your skills: By training in the sport room (combat) By working (for all other skills) Perform missions (make a contract on another

player) Doing solo adventures

Inventory (1/2)

The inventory is important, it helps you to use your skills.

Several merchants are in town : The arms dealer (combat skills) The car salesman (pursuit skill) The shop (for other skills)

Inventory (2/2)

As you progress in skill, you will have access to more advanced equipment: Shooting Level 1: Astra Style 6

Small-caliber pistol Damage 1 - 6 Cheap 75 $

Shooting Level 40: Seburo-CX Big-caliber pistol Damage 5 - 20 Expensive 1620 $

Les Aventures

You can make small solo adventures: A story where you must make a choice between a

good deed and a bad action A fight against a Bandit or a Policeman (NPC).

These adventures are not or little risky, but they earn little

Facing another player

Une des meilleure méthode pour faire évoluer votre réputation, est d'affronter un autre joueur : Go to the police or the Mafia HQ Agree to make a contract If you succeed your reputation will rise But beware if you fail...

Other useful places

Other places have a certain interest in the game: The hospital: you can get treatment Airport: go on vacation and have a break in the

game Bar: for a drink, chat or start a fight The casino: to try to win the jackpot The dealer: he sells drugs to boost your skills. City hall: to change your passwords The surgeon : for cosmetic surgery

Some screenshots (1/5)

The City Map

Some Screenshots (2/5)

The arms dealer

Some Screenshots (3/5)

The local pub

Some Screenshots (4/5)

A manhunt

Quelques écrans du jeu (4/5)

Une aventure en ville

Part Two : History and Future

Game history

1998: First desire to develop a game about Cyberpunk 2020

Early 2008: Discovery of the browser games August 2008: Launch of design DarkCity September 2008: Start of development December 2008: Alpha Test February 2009: Beta Test June 2010 : Version 1.0

DarkCity today

Version 1.2.2 since 04/05/2010 Development being put on standby because of

the organization of the LSM Some figures:

870 people registered 150 connections per day 14,281 clicks per day (95 clicks per connection)

Future of the game

Four major lines of developments: Expand the adventure mode like books where you

are the hero Strengthen the team game (Adventure, Fighting, ...) Making collaborative the development of the game Internationalizing the game

Special thanks (1/3)

Thierry Bousquet Design Development Promotion of the game

Patricia and Bruno Larrive Script writing adventures Testing

Denis Julien Game theme

Special thanks (2/3)

Marion Hittos Testing and Proofreading

Alpha Testers : Luc Morpho, Christophe Blondel, Olivier Guerraz, André Bouazis, Stéphane Blondel, Sébastien Vidal

Special thanks (3/3)

Obviously all the players And you for listening to me THANKS.

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