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DANGEROUS FREEDOM The Way of True Manhood

Session Outlines, Discussion Questions and Personal Applications

Dr. Pete Alwinson

Pastor Emeritus, Executive Director, FORGE Man in the Mirror


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SESSION 1……………………………………………………………………………4

SESSION 2 ............................................................... 11

SESSION 3 .............................................................. 14

SESSION 4 .............................................................. 19

4 Week Discussion Guide ........................................ 23 WEEK 1 ............................................................................ 24 WEEK 2 ............................................................................ 25 WEEK 3 ............................................................................ 26 WEEK 4 ............................................................................ 27

6 Weeks Daily Appointment With God .................... 29

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DANGEROUS FREEDOM The Way of True Manhood

INTRODUCTION: The State of Men in America at the Beginning of the 21st


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THE QUEST FOR TRUE MANHOOD What Motivates You More Than You Know



“All men were once boys, and boys are always looking for ways to become men.” James Dickey

2 Samuel 23:8-10; 18-22 How Do We Feel About These Men? The Risks We Take


Who Has Let Us Down... Genesis 1:26-27

26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

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Romans 5:12

Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned —

Can we find the right trail to manhood by ourselves?


What is a real man anyway? Table Discussion

Types of Men Our Culture Promotes:

Your View: I believe (as of this moment) a real man is: Thoughts on Manhood:

o Our Operational_____________________

o One of the most important influences...

o A Crucial Question...

o The Origin of Our Code

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IV. REWRITING YOUR MANHOOD CODE-GOOD NEWS FOR LOST BOYS A New code: A real man is free and dangerous. He is a Son, a Leader, a Worker-Provider and a Warrior John 1:12-13 Romans 5:6-11 2 Corinthians 4:16 2 Corinthians 5:17 John 8:32: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Seminar Inspiration text: MATTHEW 10:34-39

******* Table Talk Questions:

1. Besides those stories brought up earlier in this seminar, what do you remember doing as a young boy to try and become a man or prove that you were a man? What were your most funny and dangerous exploits?

2. What are some of the things men do these days in order to feel manly?

3. Were you intentionally developed by a godly/mature man into manhood? Who helped you develop? What did they contribute to you?

4. How has coming to Christ caused you to grow as a man? In what areas would you still like to grow?

5. Is it ever too late to pursue manhood? Why or why not?

Manhood Inventory -Think through tonight after the seminar- Building on the above discussion:

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1. How have you been let down by men who should have led you well but did not? How do you

think this has marked your life?

2. How has your father shaped your manhood? Did you react against his style of manhood, adopt it, or improve on it?

3. Think about writing your own code of manhood: What male figures did you look up to early in life? Include extended family members and people in movies, books or sports. Who did you want to emulate?

4. Which of these role models are still important and motivational for you today?

5. Many women say to their husbands: ‘You’re just like your father!’ Would that be true of you? In what ways? Later on ask your wife if you are like your father, and in what ways. {The above thinking is crucial to coming to a deeper understanding of who you have become. Who you are now doesn’t have to be who you will be in the future, but you have to start with why you are the way you are before you can move to what kind of man you want to become.}

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THE ROADBLOCKS TO TRUE MANHOOD What Hinders Men From Their Quest

I. What Life Can Do to a Man

II. Roadblocks to True Manhood-Defective Codes


i. Philanderers

ii. Contenders

iii. Controllers



4. THE MYTH OF MALE SIMPLICITY Male Complexity Index:

Natural Temperament Talents Home environment and socialization and how you have learned to cope with early life

experiences Birth Order Education Religious/Spiritual Background Sin- The most complicating factor of all; Jeremiah 17:9 Addictions Life Decisions Life events out of your control Conversion to Christ

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Spiritual Gifts Calling Growth as a Christian


SYLLOGISM: Premise # 1: Christians are good

Premise #2: I’m not good Conclusion: I’m not a Christian

Psalm 32:1-2

1 HOW blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered! 2 How blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute

iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit!


1. Violation-Done something wrong 2. Recognition/Experience of Guilt 3. Punishment 4. Release/Freedom


1. 2. Recognition/Experience of Guilt 3. Punishment-internal 4.


Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

But we often feel like failures. Why men fail: 1. 2.

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Psalm 51:5

Behold I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin did my mother conceive me.






Table Talk:

1. Which Roadblocks do you believe are most typical for men? 2. Why?

3. What true-to-life stories have you seen of men who have tripped up in their manhood? 4. Do you find yourself in any of these descriptions of the roadblocks to true manhood?

5. Why do we men sometimes keep tripping over the same roadblocks?

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Four Pillars of Free & Dangerous Men

I. SON: OUR CORE IDENTITY-Genesis 1:1,26 1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them

have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the

livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the


A. Our Identity Unglued-Genesis 3

B. Our Identity Restored- John 3:16 (ESV) 16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not

perish but have eternal life.

John 10:10 (ESV) 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it


John 17:3 (ESV) 3 And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have


John 1:12-13 (ESV) 12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of

God, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

Galatians 4:3-7 (ESV) 3 In the same way we also, when we were children, were enslaved to the elementary principles of the

world. 4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under

the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And

because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So

you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.

Receive…Believe…Accept…This is True Freedom FOCUS: How Being a Son Makes us Free & Dangerous:

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A. The Second Pillar of Manhood: Genesis 1:26/2:15- 26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Genesis 2:15 (ESV) 15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.

B. Leadership Proper: Genesis 2:18-25/ Ephesians 5:22-29

C. How Do Men Become Leaders? FOCUS: When a man begins to grip by faith his identity and role as a leader it makes us free and dangerous…

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A. WORKER- Biblical Authority- Genesis 2:15 (ESV) “The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”

John 5:17 (ESV) 17 But Jesus answered them, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.”

John 15:1-5 (ESV) 1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in me that does

not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it

may bear more fruit. 3 Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken

to you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it

abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5 I am the vine; you are the

branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart

from me you can do nothing.

2 Thessalonians 3:10 (ESV) 10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not

willing to work, let him not eat.


1 Timothy 3:4 (ESV) 4 He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children


1 Timothy 5:8 (ESV) 8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his

household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.


FOCUS: When a man becomes a worker-provider, he is free and dangerous…

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A. Biblical Basis:

Genesis 2:15 (ESV) 15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.

Matthew 10:34-39 (ESV) 34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring

peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter

against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a

person’s enemies will be those of his own household. 37 Whoever loves father or

mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more

than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is

not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for

my sake will find it.

B. Clarifications on being a Warrior Today FOCUS: When a man becomes a Warrior he is free and dangerous

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Discussion Questions for Seminar 3

1. Over all, how do you respond to the four-fold clarification of a man’s identity? How is it helpful for you? Do you agree with it?

2. How is the focus of “Son” as a man’s “core” identity helpful to us as men? How does it affect

our other roles as men?

3. Do you see yourself as a leader? Why do some men see themselves as leaders and other men

do not? How can we men help each other become better leaders in leader-worker-provider identity?

4. How is the core role of worker-provider so crucial to us as men? What happens when a man is not able to fulfill that role? How is being a worker-provider different from having a career?

5. Many men are motivated by their identity as a “warrior”, and many are not. Why is that?

How does American Culture affect this image as a man as a warrior? How do we keep this role in perspective Biblically?

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THE ADVENTURE OF TRUE MANHOOD Mapping the Life of a Free and Dangerous Man

Adventure and Manhood

A. A Definition of Life:

B. Danger in the Adventure:

C. Restoring the Adventure:

D. Our Grace Based Identity:

E. Mapping The Adventure:

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F. Daily Appointment With God/DAWG: Begin the Adventure-20 Minutes A Day For Life

TACTICAL POINTERS FOR A DAILY APPOINTMENT WITH GOD: 1.Do in the morning first thing in the morning. Your mind and heart need direction for the day from your Father who is available 24-7-365. Take advantage of the resource you have in Him!

2. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier in the evening.

3. Get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning- Do not look at your Cell Phone

4. Tools: Bible (ESV Study Bible would be good), Pen, Notebook/Journal, Caffeine delivery system. A quick walk around the block can help get your blood pumping and your mind thinking.

5. Place: Get a place where you can read and write and drink coffee (or whatever), and not be interrupted. Ex: Dining room table; home office; back porch patio. Ask your family to not interrupt you for these 20 minutes.

6. Begin with Prayer: “Open my eyes that I might behold wondrous things out of Your Law.” (Psalm 119:18) or “Spirit of Truth open my mind and heart to hear you speaking to me today for today.” Or “Revive me according to Your loving kindness, so that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth.” (Ps. 119:88)

7. Have a “Distractions Notepad” to write the tasks for the day which pop into your mind while you’re doing your DAWG. Write them down and ruthlessly ignore them for the next 20 minutes.

8. Go to it…listen to and enjoy your Father’s voice! 20 minutes a day for life, for life. “A discipline that becomes a desire”.

I. Read the Text - Read it again -5 Minutes

II. Observation: (Meditation-hagah-wrestle, chew)-5 minutes

What words do I not know? (Look up) What words seem significant?(Underline in red) What phrases seem important?(Bracket { } in Red)

III. Interpretation:5 Minutes

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What is this paragraph really saying? What does this teach me about God’s Greatness and Grace? What does this teach me about manhood, marriage, fathering and impact?

IV. Application:5 Minutes

How can I apply what I’ve learned today, today? Who will I tell today what I’ve learned today?

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The Way of True Manhood

4 Week Discussion Guide

Pete Alwinson FORGE, Man in the Mirror


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Review notes from Seminar 1 together, following the flow of the seminar: What do we men invariably pursue? Why? Is that Biblically appropriate? Swapping Stories: What risks did you take as a boy to prove you weren’t a little

boy but a big guy? Earthly Father Experience: Talk about your relationship with your father [if you

are open to that]. What was it like? How well did he prepare you to be a man? Point out his strengths and a few weak spots. [The goal of this is not blame, but analyze your dad’s impact on your manhood. Analysis precedes growth.]


Going around your group, how do you answer this question:

A real man is_______________________________________________________ Talk about this for a while...and see if you can come to some consensus. MANHOOD TRAIL...{Where we’re headed}

Since Jesus is the standard of real manhood, read through Mark chapter 1. What do you learn about being a godly man from observing Jesus in these verses?


We really do want to become real men! We have been tremendously shaped toward manhood by the most important man in our life: our earthly fathers. We therefore need to understand the nature of their impact. As Christians, we’re not trying to play a blame game and pin all our present miseries on our fathers. John Mason put it well:

“Don’t consume your tomorrows feeding on your yesterdays. The more we look backward, the less we are able to see forward.”

True. True. True! But looking back for a short time always helps me get my bearings when I’m hiking, and it can help us as we seek to grow as men. We are trying to understand how we have been shaped by our dads for good or for not so good, so that we can take responsibility for who we have become and then, with our Lord Jesus’ power in us, work with The Father for our continued growth. Steve Brown said that “Demons die in the light,” and I agree. Don’t be afraid to look back for a while as you’re ramping up to move ahead.

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THE ROADBLOCKS TO TRUE MANHOOD {Optional Pre-Group Prep: Read your Seminar 2 notes; Read Judges 13-16} SEMINAR RECAP-discuss

What are the typical Roadblocks to true manhood? Have you met a Philanderer, Contender or Controller? Any of these describe

your past? The Myth of Male Simplicity-what do you think about this perspective? Are

we men more complex than we tend to think we are?


What prisons do you think you might be in? Refer to your completed Prison Profile.

MANHOOD TRAIL...{Where we’re headed}

Judges 13:1-25 tells of God’s plan for a unique Judge for Israel. After reading that introduction, read about Samson the Judge in Judges 14, and if you have time, read Judges 16 as well.

What prisons was Samson in?

How did living in those prisons keep him from being a godly man?

Reconstruct Samson: How would you envision him carrying out his role as

a Judge of Israel if he was a godly man? Think about how he treated his parents and his pursuit of a wife. Also: Samson’s relationship with women in general. Would he have fought the Philistines differently?

Lastly...Do you have any of Samson’s traits? Where do you want to grow as a man?

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{Optional Pre-Group Prep: Review your Seminar 3 notes}


Review the Four Pillars of Manhood Do you agree that these are a man’s accurate identity?


How does seeing “Son” as the core identity help us live freely and powerfully in

the other identities of Leader, Worker-Provider, and Warrior? What is the most difficult identity for you to accept and live?

MANHOOD TRAIL...{Where we’re headed}

Read about Paul in Philippians 3:1-21 Note the multiple identities that Paul found in life from before he met Christ. What became his supreme identity? Pray for one another to believe, receive and accept your true identity in Christ!

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{Optional Pre-Class Prep: Review your Seminar 4 notes above} SEMINAR RECAP:

Talk through the notes of this seminar in about 10 minutes just to refresh yourself as to what was taught. Get in mind the flow of this section.


What have been some of your favorite adventures in life? Have you continued an adventurous life, or have you stopped being adventuresome? If you’ve kept stepping out into adventures, how did you do it? If you’ve stopped adventuring, what stopped you? What is your definition of life? Mapping the Adventure-Discuss how this Z-Map can draw you into the great

adventure of following Jesus Christ. MANHOOD TRAIL…

Consider meeting for another 7 weeks to explore how a DAILY DAWG (Daily Appointment With God), can jump-start you into this new adventure. Now that you’ve invested 4 weeks with some really good guys, why stop now? Forge ahead! Now that you’ve 1) Completed the Dangerous Freedom seminar and 2) Spent 4 weeks going deeper on the subjects of the seminar, why don’t you keep your group together or form another one, and go even deeper? Why stop now? Let the Adventure of Following Jesus take you deeper. Here’s a Plan:

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6 Weeks Exploring God’s Word Below is the outline for a guided study through the different genres (or types) of literature found in the Bible using the DAWG format taught at the Dangerous Freedom seminar. We men need to be taught how to hear the Father’s voice and make applications to our lives from these types of literature found in the Bible. It’s a skill we can learn, and it will pay big dividends for the investment of our time. By learning to learn from all the different types of literature, the adventure of following Jesus will be fueled until He comes again. Read the text suggested below along with the pointers on each genre of literature, and follow DAWG format as taught in the seminar. 6-Week Study Through 6 Different Types of Biblical Literature (Genre)

Week 1: Historical Narrative Week 2: Hebrew Poetry Week 3: Hebrew Wisdom Lit Week 4: Prophecy Week 5: Gospel Week 6: Epistle


Do your DAWG Daily-review Seminar Notes of how to do DAWG.

Pick a time to meet with your group and review what you learned that week in each section of Bible reading.

Read the uniqueness note of each genre before you start reading for that week.

WEEK 1: Historical Narrative Text: Readings in Genesis* Uniqueness of Historical Narrative**

1. Generally read the Bible like you would any other book. Yes, the Bible is uniquely God’s Word! But God uses human literary patterns to speak to us. So a verb is a verb, a noun is a noun and so on. Read to get the literal sense of the passage, and read to understand the context of what is occurring. Do not take ideas or concepts out of their context for application.

2. Enter personally and passionately into the historical accounts and stories as you read them, seeking to grasp the real-life setting and feelings and emotions of the characters in the story. For instance, when Adam and Eve were created and given dominion over the world (Gen.1:26), what might their reactions have been? How do you react to the world that God created? Put yourself there with a “sanctified imagination.”

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3. Ultimately, historical narratives need to be interpreted by the teaching portions of the Bible. Be careful you don’t draw conclusions of what happened to historical characters to be what automatically must happen to you. Look for God’s attributes in how He works in narrative, and draw truth for your life from actual teaching portions of the text of Scripture. For instance, in Genesis 3, there are clear teaching points in verses 14-19.

Monday: Genesis 1

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Tuesday: Genesis 2

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Wednesday: Genesis 3

I. Observation

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II. Interpretation

III. Application Thursday: Genesis 4

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Friday: Genesis 5

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application

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WEEK 2: Hebrew Poetry Text: Reading in Psalms* Uniqueness of Hebrew Poetry**

1. Most poetry has “meter” or rhythm. Most of Hebrew meter is lost in translation. 2. Another major aspect to Hebrew poetry is “parallelism,” which basically speaks of the several

lines being connected to convey truth. This is easy to spot. 3. There are 3 types of parallelisms in Poetry:

a. Synonymous: Different lines convey the same idea in a slightly different way. Psalm 95:6;Proverbs 19:5 b. Antithetic: Different lines are in contrast. Proverbs 10:4,13:1 c. Synthetic: First line creates anticipation for more truth to follow in second and sometimes third line. Psalm 92:9

4. As you read poetry, look for truth in these parallelisms. Monday: Psalm 1

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Tuesday: Psalm 2

I. Observation

II. Application

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III. Interpretation Wednesday: Psalm 3

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Thursday: Psalm 4

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application

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Friday: Psalm 5

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application

WEEK 3: Hebrew Wisdom Literature

Text: Readings in Proverbs* Uniquenesses of Wisdom Lit**

1. As you read Proverbs as “Wisdom Literature,” you’ll find parallelisms there as well. 2. Note as you read Proverbs that there is a difference between proverbs and law. Proverbs gives

pithy statements for every day godly living following the principle that this is “a generally true principle that depends on the right time and circumstance.” (How to Read Proverbs, Tremper Longman III, p.47) Moral laws (like the Ten Commandments) are absolutes. Proverbs are not absolute, but general truths depending on specific life circumstances.

Monday: Proverbs 1

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

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III. Application

Tuesday: Proverbs 2

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Wednesday: Proverbs 3

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Thursday: Proverbs 4

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

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III. Application Friday: Proverbs 5

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application

WEEK 4: Prophecy

Text: Readings in Daniel* Uniqueness of Prophecy**

1. Prophecy is one of the most poorly interpreted of all Biblical literature. Two extremes to avoid: Denying supernatural fulfillment on the one hand, and seeing supernatural fulfillment of prophecy in every contemporary event.

2. There are two ways of interpreting prophecy: a. Fulfillment to the letter-For example, much of Daniel 11-see English Standard Version Study Bible notes. b. Fulfillment in a broader manner-for example how Jesus interprets John the Baptist as “Elijah” or “forerunner”-Matthew 11:13-15.

3. Apocalyptic Prophecy is the most difficult to interpret! There is a high degree of symbolic imagry that is sometimes interpreted for us and sometimes is not. Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation have most of this type of literature. The goal: seek for the general meaning of the images and look for the meanings of key images in the rest of the Bible. Consult experts (Commentaries) when studying prophecy in-depth.

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Monday: Daniel 1

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Tuesday: Daniel 2

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Wednesday: Daniel 3

I. Observation

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II. Interpretation

III. Application Thursday and Friday: Daniel 4

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application

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WEEK 5: Gospel Text: Readings in Mark* Uniqueness of Gospel**

1. Note how the Gospels contain historical narrative which contain the miracles of Jesus, as well as His teaching. This is a unique combination of literature for sure.

2. As a general rule, allow that which is directly said interpret what might be inferred from the passage: “The implicit is to be interpreted by the explicit.”

3. Jesus also deals with a great error of the Pharisees: they oftentimes ignored the “spirit” of the law in order to fulfill the “letter” of the law, and winded up in legalistic disobedience. See Matthew 5:21-26.

4. Be very careful with parables, looking for one major interpretation from them, rather than seeing them as allegories. The parables of the Sower and Prodigal Son do have more applications than one and are unique in that sense.

Monday: Mark 1

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Tuesday: Mark 2:1-13

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

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III. Application

Wednesday: Mark 2: 14-28

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Thursday: Mark 3:1-12

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application

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Friday: Mark 4:1-32

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application

WEEK 6: Epistle Text: Readings in Philippians* Uniqueness of Epistle**

1. Epistles are teaching letters and address specific questions and needs in local congregations in the early church. The authors of the epistles all have different personalities which come out in their letters.

2. Determine as carefully as you can the meaning of words, using a Bible Dictionary when you don’t know the meaning of a word. A word can be understood from its etymology or how it is being used in the particular sentence.

Monday: Philippians 1:1-11

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application

Page 42: DANGEROUS · The Way of True Manhood Session Outlines, Discussion Questions and ... Think about writing your own code of


Tuesday: Philippians 1:12-20

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Wednesday: Philippians 1:21-30

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Thursday: Philippians 2:1-11

I. Observation

Page 43: DANGEROUS · The Way of True Manhood Session Outlines, Discussion Questions and ... Think about writing your own code of


II. Interpretation

III. Application Friday: Philippians 2:12-18

I. Observation

II. Interpretation

III. Application Concluding thoughts

*The ESV Study Bible highly recommended for footnotes which will aid interpretation. **Uniqueness Notes of literary types dependent upon Knowing Scripture, by R.C. Sproul. I highly recommend you get and read this little book to increase your skill in interpreting and applying the Bible.


Continue the Adventure: Why not pick an entire Bible book from one of the above genres and study it together using the method provided above? Don’t stop now! Continue the adventure. Study guides by Pete Alwinson for men are available through Key Life Network.

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