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Antony raises...

Pakistan had recently approved a

deal that transferred operational con-

trol of Gwadar port from Singapore's

PSA International to Chinese Overseas

Port Holdings Ltd.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry had

also defended Beijing's decision to

take over the Gwadar port operations

as it is part of the continued coopera-

tion between the two countries.

Besides funding ports in Sri Lanka,

China has also been approached to

help build a port in Bangladesh.

Post military pullout

Asked about how India is preparing

to deal with the situation post-2014

when American troops pulled out from

the Afghanisation-Pakistan region,

Antony said, "even before Afghan

 pullout, geopolitical situation around

us is very critical and the government

is aware of it and we are taking steps to

meet any eventuality."

Mr. Antony said: "The pullout by

US and others from 2014 onwards is a

matter of serious concern to us. We are

taking sufficient steps to safeguard our 

security. Our armed forces are also

confident to face any challenges and

we are equipping them for this pur-

 pose."The US and its allies, whose forces

are present in Afghanistan after the

September 11, 2001, attacks in

America, plan to pullout their troops

from the Af-Pak region by 2014 and

hand over the security of the country to

local police and military.

Modi meets PM...

submitted to the Prime Minister,

Modi demanded that Gujarat be pro-

vided gas at the same rate as places

like Delhi and Mumbai.

"A legal battle is on between us and

the Government of India. Gujarat is

not given gas at the price at which

Delhi and Mumbai get it. We had gone

to court and won the case. Despite this

the order was not implemented for six

months and we filed a contempt peti-

tion," Modi said.

"Instead of accepting this order, theGovernment of India went to the

Supreme Court to delay the process. I

have expressed my unhappiness to the

Prime Minister over this," he said.

Modi said by raising the Full

Reservoir Level (FRL) of the dam the

storage capacity of the dam will get

enhanced to 46.8 lakh acre feet (almost

three times the present capacity) and

would facilitate creation of an addi-

tional irrigation potential of 6.8 lakh

ha and nearly 40 per cent additional

 power generation.

Modi urged the Prime Minister to

facilitate clearance for the long-pend-

ing project as early as possible.

Raising the issue of desert develop-

ment programme (DDP) areas facing

severe water problems than areas cov-

ered under the drought prone areas

 programme (DPAP), he said the Centre

was strangely not providing assistance

under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit

 programme (AIBP), even though it

 provides 90 per cent assistance in


The Chief Minister said Gujarat has

very large areas in Saurashtra and

Kutch under DDP which falls under 

command areas of Sardar Sarovar and

the state has made all out efforts to

 bring water to these areas to improve

the lives of people.

He noted that the Planning

Commission chaired by Prime

Minister supports the proposal to bring

DDP areas at par with DPAP areas but

the same has not been approved by the

Government of India.

Modi also raised the issues of regu-

lating BT cotton seed prices which

adversely affected the farmers in

Gujarat, flip - flop in allowing cotton

export, non-payment of royalty on

crude oil as per statutory provisions,

coal allocation to Gujarat from nearer 

coal mines of Western Coal fields for 

 power generation and complete waiver 

on custom duty in ship breaking indus-


He said most issues not only

adversely affected the economic

growth and development of the State

 but also put common people especially

farmers and marginalized sections of 

society in very difficult and distressful


The Gujarat Chief Minister, who

had called on President Pranab

Mukherjee last month, wanted the

Prime Minister to look into the

demand for completion of the canal

network on Narmada river to provide

water to farmers.

"As per the Government of India

norms Gujarat should get this. I

requested him that Gujarat should get

the same benefits that other states get,"

he said.

Modi maintained that several other 

issues were also discussed.

"The Prime Minister has assured

me that he will himself look into these

issues and will take decisions for the

welfare of the people," he said.

Modi for re-branding...

the government's job was not to run

 businesses but to provide good gover-


Amid repeated applause, the

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) veteran

told the hundreds of students and fac-

ulty that Indian political leaders should

view the young as "new age power",

not as "new age voters".

Modi made no criticism of the

Congress party or any politician but

left none in doubt that he was pitching

himself as one of the most progressive

and visionary leaders of present day


Marshalling facts and figures to

 prove how Gujarat had developed

under his leadership, he said: "The rootof all our problems is a disease called

lack of good governance."

In Gujarat, he said, "we have given

emphasis on good governance".

In an obvious reference to much of 

India, he said: "Normally, our adminis-

tration follows the fire-fighting model.

When there is a problem, they look for 

ways to set right the situation."

A leader's job "is to visualise the

situation ahead, look for new avenues,

and bring about changes in the situa-


"We see that in the last six decades

we (India) have failed to do that. As a

result, there is widespread desponden-

cy in the country."

"But I think differently," Modi went

on, and said in Gujarat he had used the

"same constitution, same laws, same

rules and regulations, same files, same

offices (and) same people" to bringabout radical changes.

The 62-year-old then picked up a

glass of water, and said: "The optimist

will say this is half full, the pessimist

will say it is half empty.

"I have a third view. This glass is

full -- half with water, half with air."

This, he underlined amid applause,

was the way he conducted his model of 

governance -- with optimism and hope.

Modi recalled that when he was

growing up, the "Made in Japan" brand

stood for quality. "Why can't we brand

Made in India globally?"

The world, he said, was eyeing

India for its market. "The time has

come to make the world a market for 

us and dump our products there."

He said Indian politicians viewed

the young only as news age voters. "If 

this thinking persists, the situation can-

not change. I think differently."

Outlining his roadmap, Modi said

the 21st century will belong to India.

"Our youths have the ability to

achieve that... There was a time when

we were seen as a nation of snake

charmers and black magic. India's

image has today changed, thanks to

our youngsters.

"We are a nation of mouse charm-

ers," he said to laughter, referring to

the Indian strength in software.

Speaking in Hindi, Modi presented

himself as different from the rest of the

 political class, one who had a long-

term vision, and one who believed in

the capabilities of the Indian youth.

But he made no reference to the

growing clout within his party that he

should be named the prime ministerial

candidate ahead of the next general

election. Speaking approvingly of the

Delhi Metro coaches made in Gujarat,

Modi said one of his achievements

since he became chief minister over a

decade ago was setting up the world's

first forensic science university in the


He also spoke about Gujarat's

growth in agriculture, animal hus-

 bandry, tourism and education, the

grant of "soil health card" to farmers,

and to the ballooning rise in cotton


"Development is the answer to all

our issues. Vote bank politics has

destroyed India... I am one of those

who sees a future (for India)... I am an


Governor briefed...

eco-friendly toilets at Baltal and

 Nunwan Base Camps of Shri

Amarnathji Yatra and, thereafter, at

Sangam, Panjtarni, Sheshnag and the

Holy Cave area, after assessing the

efficacy of this technology. He added

that a similar feasibility report should

 be urgently prepared for the installa-

tion of eco-friendly toilets on the track 

from Katra to Bhawan, adding that a

time-bound action plan should be pre-

 pared for this purpose.

Prof. (Dr.) M. P. Kaushik,

Outstanding Scientist and Director,

DRDE, Gwalior, in his presentation,

explained the entire gamut of develop-

ment and working of Bio-digesters and

variants thereof both for high and low

altitude areas. He also spoke about the

current status of the usage of Bio-toi-

lets/Bio-digesters in the country and its

future roadmap. He said that besides

the Railways these toilets have been

installed at various places in the coun-

try and are functioning efficiently.

The DRDO team comprised Dr.

Sudarshan Kumar, Director CFEES,

DRDO, Delhi; Col Pankaj Chaturvedi

and Dr. D. V. Kamboj.

Mr. Atal Dulloo,

Commissioner/Secretary, Tourism; Mr.

M. K. Dwivedi,

Commissioner/Secretary, Health; Dr.Mandeep K. Bhandari, Additional

Chief Executive Officer of the Shri

Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board; Mr.

A. K. Tikku, Member-Secretary, State

Pollution Control Board; Mr. Preet Pal

Singh, Additional CEO of the Shri

Amarnathji Shrine Board, Mr. B.

Mohan Das, IFOS, Mr. R. K. Pandita,

GM (Works) of the Shri Amarnathji

Shrine Board, and other senior officers

were present on this occasion.

Complaint against ...

ATR filed in the court which posted

the matter for further arguments on

February 11.

Garg had filed a complaint seeking

registration of FIR against Shinde for 

"making imputations prejudicial to

national integration, uttering words

with deliberate intent to wound reli-

gious feelings of Hindus, defamingthem, and insulting their religion and


Garg had also sought registration of 

FIR against Shinde for "promoting

enmity between different groups on

grounds of religion and wantonly giv-

ing provocation with intent to cause

religious riots."

HM under...

will lapse. The government plans to

introduce a bill to replace the ordi-

nance as soon as the Parliament ses-

sion begins on February 21. The home

ministry has to pilot that bill through

Parliament, which must be passed in

 both the Houses within six weeks of 

the promulgation of the ordinance on

February 3 by the President. Shinde as

the Union home minister is supposed

to initiate the debate on the bill and

also answer questions on it.

But with BJP saying that it was con-

templating to boycott Shinde inside

Parliament and will not attend any

meetings that he calls as leader of the

House, government officials feel the

 bill to check crimes against women

may become a casualty. When asked

how the government would get the

 proposed bill of the home ministry

 passed by March 16 with BJP intend-

ing to make things uncomfortable for 

the home minister, I&B

ministerManish Tewari said he hoped,

"BJP would rise above politics to help

the bill be passed which is vital for the

safety and security of women."

A source said Shinde has been

telling senior MHA officials that he

had been misunderstood and what he

had actually meant to say was that cer-

tain persons arrested for terror attacks

had past or existing links with RSS and

had attended terror camps.

BJP president Rajnath Singh put

Shinde in the dock saying LK Advani

and he himself also attend RSS and

BJP camps and asked if Shinde was

trying to say that even they were ter-

rorists. "There is clearly no evidence to

say that BJP and RSS are running ter-

ror camps. However, the home min-

istry subsequently has made public

names of 10 terror accused who

attended terror camps and were associ-

ated with RSS at some point of 

time...that is a statement of f act backed

 by charge-sheets submitted in court," a

MHA official told ET. Shinde is hence

expected to clarify his original state-

ment before the Parliament session

 begins or on the floor of the House to

the effect, a source said. However,

Shinde may still put the onus on BJP

and RSS to come clean on their associ-

ation with the arrested terrorists, the

source added.

Three people ...

27. They checked in a guest house

here (Katra) on January 30 and after 

 paying obeisance at the shrine of Mata

Vaishno Devi had returned to the guest

house by the evening of January 31,"

Superintendent of Police Katra Mohan

Lal said.

"We got the details of their parents

from the boy's mobile phone. When

contacted they informed us that the

couple were missing since January

27," SP Katra said.

It was also found that the two fami-

lies were closely related to each other 

and perhaps their parents were not

happy with the love affair between the

two, police said.

Meanwhile, a postmortem has been

done and police today handed over 

their bodies to their parents, they said.

Cold returns...

3.3 degrees Celsius, over five

degrees down from the previousnight's low of 2.1 degrees Celsius, he

said, adding that the place received 14

mm of rainfall.

In north Kashmir's Kupwara town,

which recorded 19.1 mm of rainfall,

the minimum settled four degrees

down at minus 3.7 degrees Celsius as

against the previous night's low of 0.5

degrees Celsius.

The Gulmarg ski resort in north

Kashmir registered a drop of eight

notches to record a low of minus 13.0

degrees Celsius, he said, adding that it

received a rainfall of 14.4 mm.

Pahalgam health resort in south,

which touched freezing point yester-

day, recorded a low of minus 8.4

degrees Celsius, a steep drop of over 

eight notches, as the hill resort record-

ed 18.4 mm rainfall, he said.

Leh in Ladakh region, where the

 previous night's low was minus 3.4degrees Celsius, recorded a low of 

minus 5.0 degrees Celsius last night,

he said.

 Night temperature in Kargil settled

at a low of minus 8.4 degrees Celsius,

as against yesterday's low of minus 9.2

degrees Celsius, the spokesman said.

Major concerns...

more productive.

The Prime minister urged Kendriya

Vidyalayas to be a role model in set-

ting standards and benchmarks for 

schools that are situated in the area

around them. Dr. Singh said that, ever 

since UPAgovernment came to power,

it has laid special emphasis on increas-

ing investment in the education sector 

on an unprecedented scale. Dr.Singh

said that ever since the UPA govern-

ment has come to power in 2004, the

investment in education has been

increased on an unprecedented scale.

Dr. Singh said, the government is

committed to ensure that students from

the weaker sections of the society and

the less developed regions also get

adequate access to educational oppor-

tunities. Universal access to primary

education is important and the Right to

Education Act ensures that every child

up to 8th class gets free education. The

mid day meal scheme for 11 crore

school children every day has also

contributed towards retaining student


The Prime minsiter said, the

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghathan that

imparts education to over 11 lakh stu-

dents and with a commendable girl

student ratio of 43 percent has con-

tributed handsomely to nation build-


Asia's biggest air...

Mathur, Defence (R&D) Secretary

V K Saraswat and FICCI Chief Naina

Lal Kidwai were among those present

at the inaugural ceremony. PTI RS

APR DV 02061315

The ninth edition of the biennial air 

show and aviation exhibition,organ-

ised by the Defence Ministry along

with Indian Air Force, Defence

Research and Development

Organisation, Department of Space

and Civil Aviation Ministry, aims at

showcasing the range of products and

services offered by the Indian Defence

Industry in the international market.

It also provides an exposure to the

Indian Armed Forces, R&D personnel

and young engineers, to latest tech-

nologies and advancements in the avi-

ation and aerospace Industries.

More than 600 companies from

India and overseas are participating in

the event.

Major participants are companies

from the United States, Israel, Russia,

France, the UK, Germany and

Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Ukraine,

Australia, Belarus, Czech Republic,

Japan, Norway, South Africa, Spain,

Switzerland, Austria, Brazil, Canada,

 Netherlands, Romania, Sweden, the

UAE and Singapore.

The leader of the Indian representa-

tion (DRDO - ADA) with the largest

indoor and outdoor area of about 2561

square metres, is closely followed by


The largest international participa-

tion indoor (area-wise) is by USAand

outdoor by EADS. USAis followed by

Israel and Russia in this category.

Maximum participants from any single

country is from the USA, followed by

France, the UK, Russia, Germany,

Israel and Belgium.

A total of 27 countries are partici-

 pating with 10 country pavilion s

namely Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy,

Israel, Russia, Germany, France, USA,

UK and Ukraine.N C instigates...

 National Conference and Congress

 party are hand i n glove and both the

 parties have pushed the people to wall.

"There is no development in the state

and jobless youth are wandering from

 pillar to post. As UPA Government

will vanish in Centre, the same way

 National Conference and Congress

will disappear in the State of Jammu

and Kashmir," he said.

BJP Spokesperson said that during

the period of former Prime Minister,

Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Kashmir wit-

nessed a lot of development and peo-

 ple were satisfied the way he handled

the Kashmir issue. " Atal Bihari

Vajpayee raised the hopes amoung

Kashmiri people but National

Confernce are always hell bent to tar-

nish the democratic set up of the coun-try. This party is misleading people by

giving anti-country and anti-army

statements. People are well aware of 

the facts and this party can't befool

 people of Jammu and Kashmir any-


Drone strikes are...

authorised various senior administra-

tion officials to discuss publicly these

issues the way that they have, and why I

 believe that process will continue," said

the White House Press Secretary.

Meanwhile, Pakistan's ambassador to the

United States on blasted the Obama

administration for continued drone

strikes in Fata, calling the violation a

"red line" that should not be crossed.

At a meeting with the Christian

Science Monitor staff, Sherry Rehman

said that drones strikes were "a clear vio-

lation of our sovereignty and a violation

of international law" that threatened sta-

 ble relations between the two govern-


She rejected persistent media reports

that Pakistan tacitly approved the strikes

while denouncing them publicly as


"Let me assure you that since we have

 been in government, there has been no

quiet complicity, no question of wink 

and nod," she said.

Rehman argued that the drone strate-

gy "creates more potential terrorists on

the ground and militants on the ground

instead of taking them out".

"We need to drain the swamp, but

instead it is radicalising people," she


Karnataka BJP...

ensure passage of all bills.

"Whip has been issued to all mem-

 bers. For those who could not be hand-

ed over the intimation, it has been past-

ed on their rooms in the legislator's

home", Government Chief Whip Siddu

Savadi told reporters here.

BJP has a strength of 105 members,

excluding the Speaker, followed by

Congress 71, JDS 26, Independents 7

(of them, one supports the govern-

ment), nominated one and 14 vacan-


Vittal Katakadonda and D S Suresh,

whose resignations are yet to be

accepted by the Speaker, have also

 been issued a whip, Savadi said.

Chief Minister Jagadish Shettar will

 present his maiden budget and the last

one of the BJP government on

February 8 as assembly elections are

likely in April-May.

The legislature session will con-

clude on February 15.

Notice to CBI...

him "illegal" as he was a central

government employee and no prior 

sanction from the government was

taken to initiate inquiry under the

Prevention of Corruption (PC) Act.

Senior advocate Mukul Rohatgi,

appearing for Kalmadi, told the court

that under section 6A of the Delhi

Special Police Establishment (DSPE)

Act, his client was entitled to protec-

tion from any investigation in corrup-

tion cases.

Rohatgi said his client was

"appointed in January 2005 by the cen-

tral government as chairman of the

organising committee of CWG, which

was constituted by the central govern-

ment in February and he was con-

firmed in March".

However, CBI counsel told the

court that no protection was given

under section 6-A of the DSPE Act.

The plea by Kalmadi said: "There is

an absolute bar on the initiation of any

inquiry or investigation by the CBI

into an offence alleged to have been

committed under the PC Act if a per-son is covered within the ambit of sec-

tion 6-A (1) (b) of the DSPE Act."

"No prior approval taken under sec-

tion 6-A of the DSPE Act. Hence,

investigation in this case was carried

out in contravention of the mandatory

requirement of section 6-A of DSPE

Act and thereby depriving the appli-

cant of statutory protection to which he

was entitled," the plea added.

"So the investigation is illegal and

further proceeding cannot be contin-

ued till the illegality is cured," Rastogi


The trial court Dec 21 last year dis-

missed same plea of Kalmadi, which

he challenged in the high court later.

The petition said: "Pass order for 

quashing the FIR filed by CBI on

 November 29, 2010, and all the pro-

ceedings emanating therefrom includ-

ing the investigation being conductedagainst him."

A Delhi court Monday framed

charges against Kalmadi and nine oth-

ers for forgery, cheating and conspira-

cy in a corruption case related to the

2010 Games.

Netaji continues...

was also a part of a larger struggle

against colonialism and imperialism

and creation of a society that would

usher in development of the masses in

the widest possible sense.

Chief Minister has also approved

schedules of the proposed public hear-

ings to be chaired by state ministers.

Various state ministers, including

Finance Minister Abdul Rahim Rather,

Social Welfare Minister Sakina Itoo

and Panchayati Raj Minister Ali

Mohammad Sagar have been entrusted

with the responsibility.

During the function, the President

was presented a copy of book titled -

 Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and

Germany, by Netaji's daughter Prof 

Anita Bose Pfaff. Mr Mukherjee said

the book was a tribute to Netaji who

was one of the greatest leaders of the

national movement. He said that the

 publication portrayed some interesting

facets of the life of Netaji.

Omar seeks more...

Chief Minister has also approved

schedules of the proposed public hear-

ings to be chaired by state ministers.

Various state ministers, including

Finance Minister Abdul Rahim Rather,

Social Welfare Minister Sakina Itoo

and Panchayati Raj Minister Ali

Mohammad Sagar have been entrusted

with the responsibility.



Contd. from page 1...

Correction of 

Mother's NameI, Vikhyat Kashyap D.O.B:

12/03/2011, son of Naresh

Kumar, went to change the

name of my mother from Suhani

to Pooja. If anyone has any

objection on may report the

same at H.No. 821, Ward 37,

Janipur Colony, Jammu Mob:

9796602165 within a week.

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Shabir condoles demise of Haji Yousaf, Numberdar Mohd Nazir JAMMU, FEB 6: Minister of State for Health (Independent

charge), Mr. Shabir Ahmad Khan has expressed grief and

sorrow over the demise of Haji Mohd Yousuf father of 

District Development Commissioner, Shopian, Mr. Javed


In his condolence message, the Minister conveyed sym-

 pathy with the bereaved family and prayed for eternal peace

to the departed soul. Meanwhile, the Minister also condoled

the death of Namberdar Mohammad Nazir of Danna,

Rajouri. He expressed solidarity with the bereaved family

and prayed for eternal peace to the departed soul.

Ex-legislators call on SaifullahJAMMU, FEBRUARY06 : A delegation of former-legisla-

tors, led by Qazi Jalal-ud-Din, called on Minister for Law

and Parliamentary Affairs, Mir Saifullah here today.

Mr. Qazi raised various issues including release of arrears

of enhanced salary of legislators, enhancement of medical

allowance, reimbursement of medical expenditure to the ex-

legislators and payment of rent for accommodation in and

outside the State at par with the sitting legislators.

The Minister listened to their demands patiently and

assured that same would be looked into sympatheti cally.

Earlier, the delegation members also condoled the demise

of Ex-Minister Abdul Aziz Zargar. They expressed solidarity

with the bereaved family and prayed for peace to the depart-

ed soul.

Sadhotra nominated

Leader of the CouncilJAMMU, FEB 6: Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah has nom-

inated the Minister for Planning and Development, Labour 

and Employment, Mr. Ajay Sadhotra as the Leader of the

Council in pursuance of Section 2(g) of the Rules of 

Procedures and Conduct of Business in the Jammu and

Kashmir Legislative Council.

Sales rates of chicken/eggs re-fixedJAMMU, FEBRUARY 06: In view of increase in the

wholesale prices of chicken and other poultry products,

Director Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution has re-

fixed the sale rate of chicken/eggs.

The chicken (live) will now cost Rs.130 per kg whereas

the rate of eggs has been fixed as Rs.50 per dozen.

These rates shall remain in force for 10 days with effect

from February 06, 2013.

Power shut downJAMMU, FEBRUARY 06: In order to carry out the work of 

cross jumping at various location for test charging of both

the circuits of 132 KV D/C line after restoration betweenRamban and Batote, the power supply to entire Batote area

and BHEP shall remain affected on February 10, 2013 from

10:00 hours to 14:00 hours.

Deputations call on R&B Minister JAMMU, FEBRUARY 06: Various Deputations from

across the State called Minister for R&B, Mr Abdul Majid

Wani here on Wednesday. Deputations from

Tangdar,Keran,Shangus,Doda and other areas met the

Minister to apprise him about their demands.

Several memoranda highlighting demands pertaining to

road connectivity, it's linking, upgradation and improvement

and other related developmental issues were presented to the

R&B Minister. Mr. Wani assured Deputations that issues

 brought to his notice will be examined and appropriate action

will be initiated in this regard.

He said that increasing road network density and improv-

ing the quality of riding surface across the state is major 

thrust area under R&B sector adding that connecting remote

villages and habitations to the main road circuits is also

 being given special attention.

On clearing roads in Snow bound areas, the Minister said

that concerned engineering wings entrusted with snow clear-

ance have already been issued clear directions to mobilize all

available men and machinery as soon as it starts to snow and

ensure that all major and minor roads remain open and has-

sle free for safe movement of transport and people.

Manpreet appointed as Joint Cordinator of Jammu District NSUI unit Jammu

JAMMU :Today Manpreet Singh join NSUI and appointed

as Joint Cordinator of Jammu District on the presence of 

State President NSUI (J&k) Uday Chib . State President gar-

landed Manpreet Singh with flowers as newly appointed

 joint coordinator NSUI and said he expects that Manpreet

will give his hundred percent for raising the issues of the stu-

dents and try his fullest to solve those issues and come up to

the expections of the students and NSUI.

Further he organized interaction programme in Govt.

Commerce College Jammu where more than 100 of students

interacted with Uday Chib State President NSUI and Neeraj

Kundan National Delegate NSUI and shared their problems

with them. State President, Uday Chib patiently after listen-

ing to the issues of the students ensure that NSUI in J&K will

not leave any stone unturned in order to raise and solve the

 problems of Students.

After that students raised the slogans of "NSUI

Zindabad" "Rahul Gandhi Zindabad" "Uday Chib

Zindabad" and "Manpreet Zindabad"

On the occasion , Manpreet said that he is thankful to the

State President Uday Chib for giving him such a platform

from where he can work for the upliftment of the students

and can also give a contribution to strengthen the organiza-

tion which will help to complete the dream which Rahul

Gandhi has seen.

Others who were present , senior NSUI activist Sahil

Singh Lengeh, abhishak Dogra , Nitesh Lang eh, knave,

sober Verma, razza Azad , Abdul qualm and others.

Troops maintaining astrict vigil on the Line

of Control : Army

SRINAGAR, FEB 06: Claiming that peacehas returned and there is calm along the Line

of Control , Army Wednesday said that troops

have been maintaining a strict vigil on the

Line of Control to foil any infiltration bid.

"Confidence Building Measures (CBMs)

were working between two sides of the LoC

and troops were on high alert along the Line

of Control and wouldn't allow any untoward

incident to happen" General Officer 

Commanding (GOC), Cross Swords Division

(10 Div headquartered at Akhnoor) Maj Gen

Rustam Patnaik told reporters on the sidelines

of an Army function.

He said that there is cool and calm atmos-

 phere prevailing on LoC and the Army is

maintaining a strict vigil to guard the fron-

tiers. "Army is alert and ready to foil any

infiltration bid. CBMs were working

(between the two sides of LoC) and Army

was carrying out routine activities." He said.

While replying to a question about the

 posture and body language of Pakistanitroops after the incident of beheading of two

Indian soldiers, he said: "we cannot see their 

 body language; we can only see them through

 binoculars." He further said that guns are

silent from the both sides and there is total

calm along the Line of Control.

Any Muslim living inJammu and Kashmir 

can't perform Hajj twiceSRINAGAR, FEB 06: "Any Muslim living

in Jammu and Kashmir can't perform Hajj

twice." This has been mentioned in the form

of Hajj Committee of India. Several aspirants

complained that they are not being allowed to

 perform Hajj just because they have already

 performed once. "My better half who is very

old has been been selected this year for this

holy journey but to my utter surprise I am

 being asked not to accompany her on the

grounds that I have performed Hajj 12 years

 before," an aspirant Noor Mohammad told

reporters adding that how his old wife could

go all alone?

Hajj Committee of India has issued guide-

lines to the State Hajj Committee not to allow

those aspirants who have already performed

Hajj. Most of the aspirants were seen fuming

over this decision, saying that how can old

ladies perform Hajj all alone as Islam cate-

gorically prohibits a female to go for the holy

 journey all alone.

Meanwhile, State Hajj officer assured all

the aspirants that he will take up the matter 

with Hajj Committee of India. "The aspirants

have a point and really it is irony how such

rule can apply and how an old could go all

alone to perform Hajj. We will take up this

issue with Hajj Committee of India and hope

that something positive will come out." He


Employment fair atBhagwah on 12th &

13th FebDODA, FEBRUARY 05: Two days

Employment Fair at Bhagwah will be held on

12th & 13thFebruary at Government Higher 

Secondary School Bhagwah.

The people of the Bhagwah Block espe-

cially unemployed educated youth of the

region are requested to take part in the fair 

and avail benefits of various state and central-

ly sponsored schemes of different depart-


The two day employment fair at Kalhota

(Block Marmat) will be held on 21st & 22nd

February, 2013.

JAMMU, FEB 6: Minister 

for Medical Education,

Youth Services & Sports,

Mr. Taj Mohi ud Din today

assured the Sports associa-

tions of all possible help

from the Government for the

 promotion of their activities.

Chairing the interactive

session of the sports associ-

ations of Jammu province

here this morning, the

Minister described sports

associations as critical facil-

itators in the conduct of 

sports activities in the State.

He assured them of taking

up their issues with the

Chief Minister, who is also

the President of the council.

The Minister assured the

representatives of revisiting

the SRO-349, governing

 jobs to sports persons , in

quick time frame. He

assured them that strength-

ening sports infrastructure

in the State would top his

 priority and s oon two sports

colleges would be set up at

Jammu and Srinagar.

The meeting was told

that this year the J&K 

Football team has reached

the quarter finals of presti-

gious Santosh Trophy. It

was given out that J&K 

teams have won 11 gold

medals in judo, 19 gold

medals in gymnastics and a

silver medal in Korfball

whileas J&K has got 70

medals in team events in

Handball so far ever since

the first medal the state got

in 1973.

The meeting was also

told that 38 clubs in Football

and 30 clubs in Hockey are

under affiliation of respec-

tive state associations. It

was told that senior national

championship in Badminton

was held at Srinagar last

year besides some high pro-

file matches J&K Football

team played with Mohun

Bagan and Mohammadan

Sporting, Kolkatta.

The meeting was also

told that a wrestling hall at

R. S. Pura and a kabbadi

field at Jammu are coming

up which would be ready in

few months.

Secretary, J&K Sports

Council, Mr. Dileep Thusoo,

President, J&K Olympic

Association and former 

Minister, S. Rangil Singh,

representatives of sports

associations and officers of 

Sports Council were present

in the meeting.

Taj interacts with Jammu Sports associations, assures them of support

Minister for Medical Education, Youth Services & Sports, Mr. Taj Mohi ud Din chairing the interactive session of the sports associationsof Jammu province at Jammu.

JAMMU FEB 06: To have feel

of problems confronted to the

 people and to ensure redressal of their grievances, National

Conference Working President

and Chief Minister Omar 

Abdullah has asked his ministeri-

al colleagues of the National

Conference to hold public hear-

ings at the r espective party head-

quarters in the capital cities of 

Srinagar and Jammu.

In the first phase, the

Ministers shall meet the people

at Sher-i-Kashmir Bhavan here

and later at Nawa i Subah com-

 plex when Darbar moves to


This is yet another step to

achieve the objective of the party

to reach out to the people in a big

way, after reorganizing and reju-

venating the organizational

structure, both at the state and the

 provincial levels.According to the party com-

muniqué issued here today by the

Working President of the Party

Omar Abdullah which reads as :"After appointing new Provincial

Presidents of J&K National

Conference party, I have decided

that the Hon'ble Ministers should

sit at the party headquarters both

at Srinagar and Jammu to

address the public issues.

Accordingly, I have approved the

roaster of the Hon'ble Ministers

to be at the party headquarters at

Sher-i-Kashmir Bhawan, Jammu

for the month of February, 2013.

Similar roaster shall be issued for 

the Hon'ble Minister for the party

headquarters at Nawa-i-Subh

after the offices moves to

Srinagar during summer".

The Chief Minister has asked

Minister for Planning and

Labour & Employment, Mr. Ajay

Sadhotra to hold public hearing

at Sher-i-Kashmir Bhawan,Jammu from 2 PM to 5 PM on

Thursday, the 7th February 2013.

Similarly, Minister for Finance

and Ladakh Affairs, Mr. AbdulRahim Rather will meet the peo-

 ple from 3.30 PM to 6 PM on

Friday, the 8th February 2013

while Minister of State

(Independent Charge) Industries

and Commerce, Mr Sajjad

Ahmad Kitchloo will be avail-

able at the party headquarters

from 2 PM to 5 PM on Saturday,

9thFebruary 2013.

According to the roaster,

issued for the current month,

Minister of State (IC) Science &

Technology and Information

Technology Mr Feroz Ahmad

Khan, shall hold public hearing

on Friday, 15th February 2013

from 3.30 PM to 6 PM; Minister 

for Social Welfare, Ms Sakina

Itoo on Monday, the 18th

February 2013 from 2 PM to 5

PM; Minister for RuralDevelopment and Panchayat Raj,

Mr Ali Mohammed Sagar on

Tuesday, the 19thFebruary 2013

from 2 PM to 5 PM; Minister for Higher Education, Mr 

Mohammed Akbar Lone on

Wednesday the 20th February

2013 from 2 PM to 5 PM;

Minister for Consumer Affairs

and Public Distribution &

Transport, Chowdhary

Mohammed Ramzan on

Thursday, the 21st February

2013 from 2 PM to 5 PM;

Minister for Law, Justice and

Parliamentary Affairs, Mir 

Saifullah on Friday, the 22nd

February 2013, from 3.30PM to

6PM; Minister of State (IC)

Animal & Sheep Husbandry, Mr 

 Nazir Ahmed Khan (Gurezi) on

Saturday, the 23rd February

2013 from 2 PM to 5 PM and

Minister for Forest, Environment

and Ecology Mian Altaf Ahmed

on Tuesday, the 26th February2013 from 2 PM to 5 PM.

JAMMU, FEB 06: A felicitation

ceremony was organized at

Headquarters of NCC Directorate

J&K to honour NCC Cadet SUO

Baber Ali Khan of 2 J&K 

Battalion NCC on being awarded

the Raksha Mantri

Commendation Card, on the occa-

sion of Republic Day-2013.

The Commendation Card of 

Raksha Mantri was presented to

the proud cadet by Maj Gen Mr. N

S Jamwal, ADG NCC, J&K in the

 presence of Group Commander 

Jammu, Col A S Chandoke, and

Col U S Chuhan Director, Col

Rawel Singh and a number of dis-

tinguished army officers.

Cadet Baber Ali Khan has

 been awarded Raksha Mantri

Commendation Card and a cash

award of Rupees 7500/-(Rupees

Seven thousand five hundreds

only) for his outstanding achieve-

ments in the field of mountaineer-

ing. He has the honour of having

 been shortlisted for NCC Mt

Everest Expedition.

The cadet has successfully

scaled Mt Deo Tibba in Manali Mt

Kamet Expeditions in Garhwal

region in September-October 

2012 as part of DG NCC Pre

Everest Expeditions. The budding

mountaineering career of the

cadet unfortunately has been cut

short due to frost bite injury sus-

tained by the cadet short of sum-

mit during Mt Kamet Expedition.

The cadet has brought laurels

to the state and is a role model for 

the NCC cadets and youth of J&K 

and deserves accolades and sup-

 port for his achievements.

JAMMU, FEB 06: Minister for 

Housing, Horticulture and

Culture Mr. Raman Bhalla has

asked the horticulture department

to gear up men and machinery for 

the effective implementation of 

Horticulture Mission in the State,

adding that there was a signifi-

cant improvement in productivity

which has ultimately resulted in

improving the financial condi-

tion of the farming community.

This was stated by the

Minister while addressing a high

level meeting of Horticulture

(Planning and Marketing) offi-

cers of Jammu and Kashmir 

 provinces, here at PWD Guest

House in Gandhi Nagar.

Director Horticulture, Mr. J N

Sharma, Director Horticulture

(P&M), Mr. A R Natnoo,

Managing Director, Syed Rafiq

Ahmed Furahi, Director 

Planning, Agriculture Production

Mr. Mohammad Ismail Teli,

Additional Secretary Agriculture

Production Department Mr.

Muzaffar Peer besides Joint

Directors, Deputy Directors,

Area Marketing Horticulture

Officers of both the regions were

 present in the meeting.

Mr. Bhalla said Government

was making all out efforts to

encourage farmers to grow

high-quality fruit trees to fetch

attractive returns, adding that this

sector is the mainstay of the

state's economy and all efforts

will be made to promote this vital

sector across the State. He said

central Government has launched

various schemes like

Horticulture Mission for North

East and Himalayan States,

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana,

 National Mission on Medicinal

Plants, National Mission on

Micro Irrigation and Agriculture

Technology Management

Agency and the farmers were

 benefitting well from the same.

He said "In the era of competi-

tion in the market, quality control

is must and we have to focus on

this vital area to maintain the

credibility of State's horticulture

 produce," Mr. Bhalla added. He

said Government was making all

out efforts to upgrade fruit plant

nurseries with adequate man-

 power. He said under 

Horticulture sector, more than

70% population of the State are

directly or indirectly involved

and earn livelihood with suffi-

cient business.

The Minister said Agro

Climatic zones of Jammu divi-

sion are blessed with varied topo-

graphic, adding that there is vast

 potential for growing of different

kinds of fruit like Walnut, Apple,

Pear, Peach, Plum, and Apricot in

temperature agro climatic zones.

He said sub-tropical areas are

suited for cultivation of Mango,

Guava, Citrus, Beer, Aonla,

Strawberry, olive, pecan-nut,

Kiwi and Litchi. He asked for 

increase the area under fruit

crops by plantation of improved

cultivars adding that for this pur-

 pose, arrangement of awareness

camps, fruit shows, seminars,

workshop in rural as well as hilly

areas to be required to condut

regularly for boosting the pro-

ductivity by intense cultivation.

He asked to pay focus for high

density plants in feasible areas of 

the State. Mr. Bhalla asked the

officers for re-plantation and top

working of old, senile fruit trees

with commercially acceptable

cultivars. He directed them to

improve water harvesting and

distribution system, moisture

management and soil conserva-

tion measures. He asked the offi-

cers to create water resources for 

assuring irrigation facilities

through channels, deep drill tube

wells that would helped in attain-

ing the 100% survival of plants at

such locations where the normal

survival rate is about 50%.

NC Ministers to hold public hearings party headquarters

NCC cadet honoured by Mantri Commendation Card

NCC Directorate J&K to honour NCC Cadet SUO Baber Ali Khan of 2 J&K

Battalion NCC on being awarded the Raksha Mantri Commendation Card,on the occasion of Republic Day-2013 at Jammu.

Bhalla Calls for promotinghorticulture at massive scale

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JAMMU: Police Headquarters

today issued transfer and adjust-

ment orders of 196 Inspectors of 

Armed and Executive Police.The

Inspectors transferred are S/Shri

Abid Husain from J/Zone to CID,

Ajay Jamwal from J/Zone to CID,

Mohd Amin from J/Zone to CID,

Inderjeet Singh from J/Zone to

PHQ, Paramvir Singh from

J/Zone to CID, Rajesh Sharma

from J/Zone to Security, Satpaul

Modi from J/Zone to CID, Tilak 

Raj Bardwaj from J/Zone to

Crime, Basanti Bhat from J/Zone

to Security, Farooq Ahmed from

J/Zone to Security, Mohd

Showkat from J/Zone to CID,

 Neeraj Bhagat from J/Zone to

Crime, Ravinder Singh from

J/Zone to SKPAU,Javid Akhter 

from J/Zone to SKPAU, Arun

Kotwal from J/Zone to SKPAU,

Mohd Arif from J/Zone to Crime,

 Naveen Angral from J/Zone to

CID, Kuldeep Khajouria from

J/Zone to Railway, Varinder 

Singh from J/Zone to CID,

Sameer Jeelani from J/Zone to

Security, Bushan Singh from

J/Zone to CID, Niaz Ahmad from

J/Zone to Security, Sanjeev

Andotra from J/Zone to Security,

Paramjeet Singh from J/Zone to

Crime, Ishfaq Aalam from

K/Zone to Railway, Farooq

Ahmed from K/Zone to Railway,

Zahoor Ahmed from K/Zone to

Railway, Abdul Majid K/Zone to

CID, Muzaffer Hussain from

K/Zone to Security, Manzoor 

Ahmed from K/Zone to Railway,

Syed Hussain from K/Zone to

Railway, Mohd Yousuf from

K/Zone to CID, Ravinder Paul

Singh from K/Zone to CID,

Shafkat Amin from K/Zone to

Security, Ab Majid Makroo from

K/Zone to Security, Lotus

Rabgees from K/Zone to Railway,

Gulshan Akhter from K/Zone to

CID, Nisar Ahmad Hurra from

K/Zone to Railway, Tserign

Gurmeet from K/Zone to

Security, Padma Durjee from

K/Zone to Security, Mir Afaq

Ahmad from K/Zone to Security,

Sonam Wangchuk K/Zone to

CID, Mohammad Ayoub from

K/Zone to Railway, Imtiyaz

Aahmad from K/Zone to PTSM,

Bharat Bhushan from CID to

J/Zone, Zaffer Iqbal from CID to

Security, Bupinder Singh from

CID to Railway, Daljeet Singh

from CID to J/Zone, Rameshwar 

Dutt from CID to J/Zone,

Gurvinder Kour from CID to

J/Zone, Ravinder Singh from CID

to J/Zone, Surinder Kumar from

CID to SKPAU, Bilal Ahmad

from CID to K/Zone, Chimba

Samstanfrom CID to K/Zone,

Mushtaq Ahmed from CID to

K/Zone, Sonam Dorgey from CID

to K/Zone, Munshi Gh Nabi from

CID to K/Zone, Mir Gulzar 

Ahmad from CID to K/Zone,

Sanjeev Sharma from CID to

J/Zone, Dalbir Kour from CID to

K/Zone, Mufti Ghulam Hassan

from CID to K/Zone, Masrat

Akhter from CID to Security,

Khalida Parveen from CID to

K/Zone, Zakir Shaheen from CID

to J/Zone, Hari Singh from CID to

Traffic, Farooq Ahmed from

Crime to SHRC, Gh. Hassan from

Crime to J/Zone, Tahir Kounsar 

from Crime to CID, Mohammad

Ashraf from Crime to K/Zone,

Ritish Samyal from Security to

J/Zone, Ashwani Kumar from

Security to Traffic, Tsewang

Dorge from Security to K/Zone,

Sonam Angchuk from Security to

K/Zone, Gh Ali from Security to

K/Zone, Rakesh Kumar from

Security to J/Zone, Prabhu Diyal

from Security to Traffic, Imtiyaz

Ahmad from Security to A/Zone,

Gh Rasool from Security to

A/Zone, Nazir Ahmad from

Security to A/Zone, Indpaul

Singh from Security to A/Zone,

Farooq Ahmad from Security to

K/Zone, Jigmat Durjey from

Security to A/Zone(AWP), Ajay

Anand from Security to

A/Zone(AWP), Mehmood Abass

from Security to A/Zone(AWP),

Rukhsar Ahmad from Security

3rd to A/Zone, Liyaqat Ahmad

Qadri from Security 3rd to

A/Zone, Harvinder Singh from

Security 4th to A/Zone, Khurshid

Ahmad from Security 11th to

A/Zone, Ram Ji Dass from

SKPAU to J/Zone, Kulwant Singh

from SKPAU to K/Zone, Munish

Kumar from SKPAU to Traffic,

Champa Devi from SKPAU to

Traffic, Madan Lal from SKPAU

to J/Zone, Khudmukhtar Dev

from SKPAU to Traffic, Kulbir 

Singh from SKPAU to Traffic,

Sunmati Gupta from SKPAU to

J/Zone, Kamal Sangra from CBI

to Vigilance, Bashir Ahmad from

SSG to A/Zone, Sanjeev Kumar 

from SSG to A/Zone, Mohd

Farooq from SSG to A/Zone,

Taran Singh from SSG to A/Zone

(AWP), Neeraj Sharma from SSG

to A/Zone (AWP), Sunil Kumar 

from SSG to A/Zone (AWP), Anil

Kumar from SSG to A/Zone

(AWP), Sarabjeet Singh from

PTS K to Traffic, Sanjay Gupta

from PTS K to J/Zone, Rajesh

Jamwal from PTS K to Traffic,

Raj Kumar Koul from Traffic to

CID, Mohd Suliman from Traffic

to CID, Gh. Jeelani from Traffic

to Railway, Mohd Yaqoob from

Traffic to Railway, Anita Chopra

from Traffic to Railway, Mohd

Amin from Traffic to Security,

Raj Mohd from Traffic to

Security, Rajinder Kour from

Traffic to Security, Sanjay Kumar 

from Traffic to SKPAU, Soma

Ram Langeh from Traffic to

PTSK, Rohit Dev Singhfrom

Traffic to CID, Sanjeev Kumar 

from Traffic to SHRC, Deepankar 

Singh from Traffic to CID, Javid

Iqbal from Traffic to Crime,

Ashwani Kumar from Traffic to

SKPAU, Anuroop Sharma from

PHQ to J/Zone, Raj Kumar from

Railway to J/Zone, Khalid Ahmed

from Railway to K/Zone, Usha

Khar from Railway to Traffic,

Hafizullah from Railway to

K/Zone, Rajinder Bardwaj from

Railway to Traffic, Rajesh Anand

from Railway to J/Zone,

Bhagwant Singh from SHRC to

K/Zone, Pawan Khajuria from

Vigilance to PTSK, Ab. Rahim

from A/Zone to Security (11th

Bn), Ajay Bhat from J/Zone to

Security, Mohd Yousuf from

K/Zone to Crime, Pankaj Sharma

from A/Zone to Security(4th Bn ),

Gh Jeelanifrom K/Zone to CID,

 Nazir Ahmed Latoo from K/Zone

to CID, Neelofar Bashir from

K/Zone to CID, Shiv Kumar from

CID to J/Zone, Sartaj Ahmad

from A/Zone to Security (3rd Bn

), Anita Katal from A/Zone to

SKPAU(AWP), Showkat Hussain

from K/Zone to CID, Ab Momin

from SKPAU to J/Zone, Sajid

Mughal from Railway to Traffic

and Sunil Kumar from STC

Talwara to J/Zone…

PHQ orders transfer of 145 Inspectors, 51 Inspectors adjusted

JAMMU, FEB 06: The

Minister for Rural

Development and Panchayati

Raj, Mr. Ali MohammadSagar has said that the gov-

ernment is actively consider-

ing recommendations of the

Committee constituted by the

government for examining the

amendments proposed by dif-

ferent quarters in the

Panchayati Raj Act (PRA).

The Minister was address-

ing the high level meeting

convened to discuss the rec-

ommendations of the high

level committee constituted to

discuss the amendments pro-

 posed by different quarters in

the Panchayat Raj Act.

Commissioner/ SecretaryRural Development, Mr.

Farooq Ahmed Peer,

Secretary Law, Mr. G.H.

Tantary, Director Rural

Development, Jammu, Mr.

Shafiq Ahmed Raina and

other senior officers were

 present in the meeting.

Mr. Sagar said that the

government believes in the

complete devolution of the

 powers to the grass root level

and in this regard care would

 be taken to ensure the same.

He said that we have to ensure

the participatory participation

of the people in day to daygovernance and in this regard

the necessary empowerment

of different Panchayats has

already been ensured.

The Minister said that we

have also to accommodate the

view points of different sec-

tions. He further added due

credence would be given to

the recommendations of the

committee constituted by the

government for examining the

 proposed amendments and the

same would then be sent to

the cabinet for the necessary


Later, while addressingofficers in the meeting, Mr.

Sagar said that a grievance

cell would be set up in the

department to get the requisite

feedback from the people of 

different parts of the State and

initiate the necessary action.

By doing so we would be

effectively monitoring the

implementation of the differ-

ent schemes, besides catering

to the complaints if any, he


Govt. considering recommendations of 

committee for amendments in PR Act: Sagar 

JAMMU, FEB 06: The Government

has constituted a Committee to recom-

mend amendments to make the exist-

ing laws dealing with the offences

against women more stringent.

The committee was constituted by

the Minister for Law, Justice and

Parliamentary Affairs, Mir Saifullah,

while chairing a high level meeting.The Committee headed by

Advocate General with Secretary Law,

Director Prosecution and Special

Secretary Law as its members will

submit its report within a week' s time.

In this regard the department has also

sought suggestions from law experts,

civil society members and academi-

cians to make such laws more effec-

tive. The Committee has also been

asked to study the Justice Verma

Committee report.

The issues regarding bail provision,

time period for investigation, trial peri-

od, classification of cases, strengthen-

ing of women police stations and their 

 jurisdiction, the rank of officer s to beappointed as investigation officer in

such cases and recording of statement

under section 164, were discussed

threadbare during the meeting.

Later, the Minister also chaired a

meeting convened to review the

arrangements for the smooth conduct

of ensuing Budget Session.

Taking stock of pace of construction

work on the Legislature Complex, the

Minister directed the executing agen-

cies to speed up the pace of work and

ensure timely completion.

The Budget session calendar of both

Legislative Assembly and Legislative

Council has been issued which is start-

ing from February 28, the meeting wasinformed.

Among others, Advocate General,

M I Qadri, Secretary, Law G H

Tantray, Secretary, Legislative

Assembly, Mohammad Ramzan,

Secretary, Legislative Council

Mohammad Ashraf, besides, Director 

Prosecution, attended the meeting.

Saifullah constitutes Committee to amend existing

laws concerning Offences against women

Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Mr. Ali Mohammad Sagar addressing the high level meeting convened to discussthe recommendations of the high level committee constituted to discuss the amendments proposed by different quarters in thePanchayat Raj Act.

Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Mir Saifullah chairing a high level meeting at Jammu.

Several Deputationsfrom Kashmir, Jammu

call on Tourism Minister 

JAMMU, FEB 06: Several deputations from

Kashmir Valley and Jammu Division called on

Minister for Tourism, Ghulam Ahmed Mir 

here today. The deputationists, besides their 

individual demands, projected developmental

requirements of their respective areas before

the Minister, urging for early redressal of the

same. From Kashmir Valley, the deputationists

were from Dooru, Shangus, Kokernag,

Anantnag, Srinagar and Kupwara, while those

from Jammu region were from Kathua,

Udhampur and Jammu.

The deputationists of Anantnag District

demanded up-gradation of basic amenities in

their areas, besides developing of new poten-

tial tourism spots in the district.

The deputationists of Jammu region also

demanded development and exploration of 

new potential spots under tourism sector.

The Minister gave a patient hearing to the

deputationists and said that the Government

has taken several steps to upgrade and

improve basic amenities in the state adding

that crores of rupees are being expended under 

flagship programmes and state plan for the

 purpose. He said focused attention was being

 paid to upgrade infrastructure facilities under 

core sectors like health, education, power and

PHE across the State.

The Tourism Minister said that government

was making every endeavoure to showcase the

tourism potential of the state aboard adding

that in this regard a tourism promotional cam-

 paign was also organized in foreign countries

of Germany, UK and Spain to invite more and

more foreign tourists to visit the state.

Mr. Mir said that focused attention was

 being paid to upgrade tourist related infra-

structure in all the three regions of the state for 

convenience of visiting tourists. He assured

that special attention would also be paid to

 boost tourism potential of Jammu Division

and making it hub of tourism activities in

future. The Minister assured deputationists

that all their genuine demands would be

taken up at proper forums for early redressal.

JKDLP releasesspeeches in audio

voice of Maqbool Bhat

SRINAGAR, FEB 06: Regarding 29th

Anniversary of Shaheed Maqbool Bhat,

Jammu Kashmir Democratic Liberation Party

(JKDLP) releases some speeches in audio

voice of Shaheed Maqbool Bhat . Remaining

in the true spirit of Maqbool Butt, JKDLP is

organizing an open discussion and debate ses-

sion at Ahdoos hotel on 9th Feb 2013. As

Maqbool Butt has always been a torchbearer 

of argument and a supporter of discussion, the

Chairman of JKDLP, Hashim Qureshi has

invited people from all walks of life to discuss

and debate the life, the message and the lega-

cy of Maqbool Butt.

Hashim Qureshi said that it is very impor-

tant that we as Kashmiris should ask ourselves

how true we are following Butt Sahib's ideol-

ogy and his path. We as heirs of his struggle

and sacrifices should introspect whether we

are carrying his message of peace and stabili-

ty forward in its true meaning. Maqbool Butt

was not only an idealist who dreamt about an

Independent Kashmir. He was an intellectual

who exactly knew how Kashmir would

 become independent and how it would sustain

itself. He did not only speak about independ-

ence, but did also stress upon the eradication

of poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, unequal dis-

tribution of wealth and social evils. For him an

independent Kashmir was not acceptable if the

struggle for Independence and upliftment of 

society would not be fought simultaneously.

Saifullah reviews paceon upcoming infra-

structure for judiciary,LA complex

JAMMU, FEB 06: Minister 

for Law, Justice and

Parliamentary Affairs, Mir 

Saifullah today chaired a

meeting convened to review

the pace of progress on under 

execution projects related to

creation of infrastructure for 

 judiciary and Legislative com-

 plex. The Minister impressed

upon the executing agencies to

complete the ongoing projects

in a time bound manner to

meet the infrastructural

requirements of judiciary,

including the construction of 

 buildings for the subordinate

courts and other related infra-

structure. He also asked the

nodal officers of the depart-

ment to expedite the pace of 

work on under execution proj-

ects and review the work sta-

tus of each on regular basis to

ensure timely completion. He

also fixed the target for com-

 pletion of major ongoing proj-

ects. The meeting was

informed that 31 micro and

macro projects amounting to

Rs. 3062.87 lakh related to

infrastructural development

for judiciary were going on.

JAMMU, FEBRUARY 6: The work on

 prestigious Tawi barrage project also

 projected as part of beautification proj-

ect for the winter capital, is in full s wing

and almost 95 per cent civil and

mechanical works have been completed

so far. The Rs. 69.70 crore Tawi Barrage

 project which would create an artificial

lake downstream the Tawi river was

started in July 2010 and is likely to be

completed within the stipulated time of 

two years - July 2013. Out of total proj-

ect cost, an amount of Rs. 37.32 crore

stands incurred till date.

This information was given to the

Minister for PHE, Irrigation & Flood

Control, Mr Sham Lal Sharma during

his visit to the project site, here today.

Expressing satisfaction over the pace

of progress on the project, the Minister 

directed the officers to further speed up

the work to ensure completion well

 before the onset of rainy season. He

directed for maintaining quality stan-

dards strictly as per the laid down speci-

fications of the project.

Commissioner/Secretary PHE,

Irrigation & FC, Dr. Pawan Kotwal,

Chief Engineer, Irrigation & FC, Mr.

K.K. Gupta, In-charge Executive

Engineer, Tawi Barrage, Mr.

K.K.Magotra and other officers accom-

 panied the Minister.

Sham inspects pace of work on Tawi Barrage Project95 % civil, mechanical works complete, Rs. 37.32 cr expended till date

Minister for PHE, Irrigation & Flood Control, Mr Sham Lal Sharma inspecting pace of work on Tawi Barrage Project at Jammu.

JAMMU, FEB 06: The Departmental Related

Standing Committing (DRSC) of Jammu and

Kashmir Legislative Council on Home depart-

ment met here today under the Chairmanship of 

Sheikh Ghulam Rasool.

The Committee reviewed the working of the

Home department from all aspects with the senior 

officers of Security, Crime and Traffic wings pres-

ent in the meeting. The Chairman of the

Committee highlighted the role of the police in

maintaining law and order and stressed upon the

senior functionaries to be more people friendly

while performing their duty. He called upon the

Police departments to work in close coordination

with the civil administration for better and effec-

tive policing. The members of the Committee had

a detailed discussion on various issues and gave

their valuable suggestions with regard to the

implementation of Rehabilitation policy for sur-

rendered militants, youth migrated to POK and

speedy disposal of cases pending at different lev-

els. The Committee stressed upon the department

to strengthen the Women police Cells and

strengthening of the criminal law in the light of 

the National policy, better management of traffic

and further improvement in regulation in hilly

areas of the state. The Committee noted with

alarm and concern the death of over 5000 and

injuries to 27000 persons in road accidents during

last three and half years and called for effective

measures for containing such mishaps in the

future. The Committee noted that despite recovery

of Rs 8 crore as fine for road safety violations

during this period, the accidents continue to take

 place, particularly on Chenab valley routes.

The Committee suggested for setting up of a

High Level Inter department coordination

Committee to sort out the issues regarding licence

 procedure, validation of route permit, road safety

measures etc.

DRSC reviews working of Home deptt

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In the end, it took only a"handful of morons" tothrottle the voice of 

Kashmir's first all-girl rockband, Pragaash. OnMonday, the talented 14-year-olds who had beenunder extreme pressure onaccount of an abusive and

misogynistic online assaultthat put a stop to their pub-lic performance, wereforced to call it quitsbecause the Grand Mufti of Kashmir, Bashiruddin

 Ahmad deemed their music as "un-Islamic".

Terming the trio as "non-serious", the Mufti said thatmusic "will not help the girlsin playing any constructiverole in society". If this is notgalling enough, the gentle-man went on to add that,"Girls are responsible for rape. They should be intheir limits. They must wear the veil at all times. Theycan sing inside their 

homes. They shouldn't singin public. They are givingbad signals to men". Butthis does not come as asurprise.

In the past, the GrandMufti's fatwas have evenriled the separatists, whohave accused him of actingat the Government'sbehest. He made head-lines first with a fatwaagainst former Jammu &Kashmir Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad in 2007.It came in the wake of Mr 

 Azad's exhortation to thepeople to emulateMahatma Gandhi. It isanother matter that the

next day he was seenbreaking bread with Mr 

 Azad. In January last year,the Shari'ah court of Kashmir headed by himordered the expulsion of 

four Christian missionaries.In September 2012, heissued a diktat asking all

 Americans to leave the val-ley after an anti-Islam videosurfaced in Europe. Not for nothing has he earned thesobriquet of 'fatwa Mufti'.

 And yet, the Grand

Mufti's pronouncementscannot merely be dis-missed as ramblings of afundamentalist. His isamong the growing rabbleof voices that, in the nameof religion, have taken itupon themselves toencroach on the personalrights and freedom of indi-viduals.

From the ban/fatwa onSalman Rushdie to theneedless controversy thatactor-director KamalHaasan's filmVishwaroopam found itself in, people in this country, itseems, can no longer decide for themselves what

they wish to see, hear or read. With various khappanchayats dictating whata woman should eat, wear or how she should travel,this intolerance hasreduced people to beingnear puppets in the handsof fundamentalist groups.That the aspirations of theyoung singers have beenquashed even before theycould take flight is distress-ing. But even more dis-tressing is the fact that itcomes after Chief Minister Omar Abdullah had tweet-ed his support to them.Obviously, Mr Abdullah'swords were not reassuring

enough. That's sad, sinceit's the duty of the state toensure that the personalspace of an individual is notdictated by fringe ele-ments.

Religious leaders can'tdictate individual choices

Leftists everywhereare known to be slowlearners. But the so-

called central leaders of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) are amongthe slowest ones. Theyseem to be perenniallydebating what is to bedone and ending up doingthe same old things thathave lost all relevance in a

changing social and politi-cal scenario. That perhapsexplains why these lead-ers continue to be suchunfailing champions of thepolitics ofbandhs. They areso out of touch with realitythat they cannot grasp thepopular sentiment againstthis brand of politics.Leading this group isPrakash Karat, the gener-al-secretary of the CPI(M),who wants his writ to run inall party units and itsfrontal organizations. Suchis his loyalty to discardedideas and practices that hecannot bring himself toaccept that people every-

where have rejected thepolitical culture that tries tothrive on strikes andbandhs. Nor can he acceptthe fact that the CPI(M)'sreputation as the originalparty of bandhs has beenone of the primary reasonsfor the erosion in its popu-larity in West Bengal.The irony is that Mr Karatand his comrades in NewDelhi have landed theCPI(M) in Bengal in a spot.The one leader in Bengalwho must be particularly

upset about the leftisttrade unions' two-daybandh call is none other than BuddhadebBhattacharjee. Althoughhe presided over the endof the Left's 34-year reignin the state, he remainsboth the public face andchief inspiration of theparty. And industrializationof Bengal has remained

his principal political cam-paign, whether in the govtor in the Opposition. Mr Karat's politics of bandhstands for everything thatMr Bhattacharjee's politicsof industrialization mustspurn. It is largely owing toMr Bhattacharjee's initia-tive that the CPI(M) inBengal is now trying towriggle out of a two-daybandh. Even if he has wonhis way against Mr Karat, itremains a partial successfor Mr Bhattacharjee. Theparty's dilemma with thebandh call shows that itstill has enough leaderswho are condemned to old

ways. Whether the bandhsucceeds or fails shouldbe of little consequence for Bengal and its people.What matters for the stateis whether Mr Bhattacharjee can domore to reform his partyenough. An unreformedCPI(M) is the last thing thatBengal needs, despiteMamata Banerjee's poor show in government. Mr Bhattacharjee must leadthe revolt against the man-darins in New Delhi.


By Ashok Mehta

An all-India counter-Red

corridor matrix with a

counter-Maoist strategy is

required, with consensus between

the Centre and the States and

 between the States. That's the only

sustainable way to fight the Maoist


We have heard the following

statements on internal security ad

nauseum in recent times:

 Naxalism/Maoism is the most seri-

ous challenge confronting the coun-

try; a red corridor has been estab-

lished from Pashupati in Nepal to

Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh; more

security forces and civilians are

killed and wounded in the Red

Corridor annually than in J&K and

the North-East put together; the

internal threat to security is graver 

than the external. Although Prime

Minister Manmohan Singh has con-

sistently pointed to the Maoist chal-

lenge, insufficient political attention

has still been paid and the wound

allowed to fester.

Two incidents last months -

Latehar in Jharkhand and

Chintangufa in Chhattisgarh -demonstrate that the Maoist menace

is far from being even contained. At

Latehar, CRPF jawans were badly

mauled when the Maoists beat the

Al Qaeda in brutality by stitching

IEDs in the bellies of the slain

 jawans. Equally brutal, the CRPF

employed civilians to lift these bod-

ies, triggering the belly bombs

which killed the innocent and

attracted the charge of using civil-

ians as human shields. Apparently,

lessons from the 2010 carnage of 76

CRPF jawans have been forgotten.

At Chintangufa, an Mi17 IAF

helicopter was disabled by Maoist

ground fire after the CRPF failed to

sanitise the designated helipad,

forcing the helicopter to land two

kilometre away. Former Governor 

and veteran, Gen Krish Seth

observed during the DD News

Defence Watch programme that the

six Indian Air Force personnel had

done an extraordinarily 'not done'

thing by abandoning the helicopter,

and worse, a wounded CRPF radio

operator whose radio set was in

communication with the post. At the

very least, they should have left

some armed personnel at the site for 

the protection of the helicopter and

the wounded while others trekked to

the nearest post for relief. The IAF

version of the incident is different

from that of the CRPF, which thus

calls for better coordination and an

improved standing operating proce-

dure between the two. The Maoists,we know, have been training for 

anti-air operations since 2005

through elaborate manuals outlining

air defence tactics to bring down

aircraft and helicopters.

Over the last two years, the

Maoists have tactically retreated

and attacked targets of opportunity,

 preferring the IED and hostage-tak-

ing as weapons of war. By ruthless-

ly killing police informers, they

have become masters of local intel-

ligence. Their operations are driven

 by the wealth of mineral resources

and its economic dividend such as

in Latehar which has 20 coal blocks.

The CRPF gains have been contin-

gent upon the motivation of the

Chief Minister, the State agencies

and the police, leading to brand

names like the Andhra and the

Chhattisgarh models for effective

counter-Maoist operations.

A minimum level of political

consensus and operational coordi-

nation between the States is neces-

sary if the CRPF is to make any

headway. While it may seek its own

UAVs, GPS, helicopters and better 

technology, organisational, leader-

ship and training upgrades are

equally vital and must accompany

its expansion plans. Former DG

Vijay Kumar, now adviser to the

Governor of Jharkhand, was proba-

 bly a flash in the CRPF pan. The

induction of Rashtriya Rifles needs

to be seriously considered to bridge

the capability gap.If progress on security is in fits

and starts on the development side -

which was in the past stuck in non-

implementation and poor delivery -

the 82 worst affected Red districts

have visibly registered the fructifi-

cation of socio-economic schemes

like new post offices, banks, mobile

towers, schools, medical mobile

vans, road construction, and so on.

Development and improvement in

the quality of life of the tribals and

the civilians are the enemies of the

Maoists.But, development is still

slow and its scale a drop in the

ocean. Like in any other insur-

gency-ridden region, civilians are

trapped in the crossfire between the

security forces and the Maoists.

Special powers under Section

244 of the Fifth Schedule of the

Constitution allow Governors to

 bypass difficult Chief Ministers. It

is incumbent on a Governor to

establish a Tribal Advisory Council

for the restoration of tribals and for-

est dwellers' rights. Many Maoist

watchers attribute the rise of the

Maoists to the failure of implement-

ing Schedules 5 and 6 of the

Constitution. Some say Governors

are being restrained by the Union

Home Ministry from exercising

their special powers. Others say

they have failed to exercise their 

special powers.

Maoists have extracted a huge

human cost in their armed struggle

to capture power. They are knownto have killed nearly 10,000 civil-

ians and security forces between

1998 and 2011. Of these, 5467 were

civilians labelled as police inform-

ers and killed between 2001 and

2011. Besides this, there is a com-

 pounding industrial cost. The min-

eral wealth of India, like iron ore -

82 per cent of that is in the Red cor-

ridor - coal, bauxite, manganese and

some rare minerals is sub-optimally

exploited. The Maoists have inter-

cepted access and connectivity and

destroyed the infrastructure created

for resource-realisation.

 No one has put a financial cost to

combating the Maoist insurgency. A

conservative estimate puts it any-

where from one per cent to two per 

cent of the GDP. When he was

Union Minister for Finance in UPAI

and was asked about the cost of the

Maoist movement, Mr P

Chidambaram had replied: Ask the

Home Minister". Later, under his

charge, the Home Ministry never 

 put any figure on the cost.

While statistically, violence and

casualty figures have declined in the

last two years, there is no indication

that the Union of India and the

affected States are on the same page

in containing and rolling back the

insurgency. As long as it is treated

as a law and order problem under 

the State's jurisdiction and without

moderating the Constitution, the

ulcer will slow-bleed the country.

The Government, the political class

and the civil society have demon-

strated that they can fast-track legis-

lation on corruption and sexual

crimes. Some of this political

resolve must reflect in dealing with

internal security as well.

An all-India counter-Red-corri-

dor matrix with a counter-Maoist

strategy are required with maximum

consensus between the Centre and

the States and between States, dove-tailing intelligence and surveillance

with capacity enhancement of the

local police, special operations tar-

geting Maoists leadership, short-

term high-visibility development

and security projects and special

employment schemes for youth. It

required a politically focused Army-

 police campaign to defeat the

 Naxals in West Bengal in the late

1960s. Later, Andhra Pradesh (and

Punjab against Khalistanis) replicat-

ed West Bengal's success.

You are confronted with nine

insurgencies, some simmering and

some ready to boil over. Apolicy of 

 political drift cannot masquerade as

virtuous strategic patience, which

 by itself has outlived its utility.

Policy drift cannot pass off as strategic patience

By Rohit Bansal

 Not one Indian think tank figures in the

Global 50 annual list for 2012

released by the University of 

Pennsylvania end-January. China beats India

in this area as well and so do, in some specif-

ic cases, think tanks from such countries as

Ethiopia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Egypt and


The best India has managed is the Centre

for Civil Society (CCS) at Number 51.

The US occupies five of the top 10 slots,

with Brookings, Carnegie Endowment,

Centre for Strategic and International Studies,

Council on Foreign Relations and Rand


But for those who want India to shine and

value the contributions made by think tanks in

shaping a country's future, the carps aren't

limited to the fact that only those in the US or 

even the UK, with Chatham House, Amnesty

and International Institute for Strategic

Studies, make it to the top 10.

China, despite its innate disadvantages in

the English language, sits with two such insti-

tutions in the global 50 - the Chinese

Academy of Social Sciences is at Number 17

and the Chinese Institute for Social Sciences

is at Number 38 and many more in the pyra-

mid below.

Beyond China, at Number 24 is Brazil's

Fundacao Getulio Vargas and at Number 39 is

Argentina's Consejo Argentino par alas

Relaciones Internacionales, while Egypt's Al-

Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic

Studies at Number 50, who all show India the

mirror. Even Kenya, Indonesia and Chile have

institutions that figure higher than our second-

highest ranked institution.

Our bunching in the global 150 begins in

the bottom 33 percentile. After Centre for 

Civil Society, the Institute of Defence Studies

and Analysis (IDSA) sits at Number 105, the

Indian Council for Research on International

Economics Relations at Number 109, The

Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) at

 Number 110, the Observer Research Institute

(ORF) at Number 115 and Development

Alternatives at Number 141.

That said, India is Number 4 by way of 

total numbers. Out of 6,603 contacted by U-

Penn across 182 countries, India can boast of 

269 think tanks. Only the US (1,823), China

(429) and the UK (288) have more feedstock.

Also, the general trend appeared bullish given

that the relative rankings of Indian institutions

has improved compared to 2011.

U-Penn offers the same listings sans US

think tanks. They also divide the institutions

 by the region, and in domains such as science,

economics, health and the environment. They

even slice Asia into an amusing construct. In

one such list only India, China, Japan and the

Republic of Korea are ranked. Naturally,

Indian think tanks rank higher when any of 

this is done. But so do a whole lot of them

from China.

In the curtailed Asia (India, China, Japan,

RoK) list, for example, ORF shows up at

 Number 10, IDSA (11), Centre for Policy

Research (12), CCS (15), Delhi Policy Group

(22), the Institute of Peace and Conflict

Studies (24), TERI (25), the Centre for the

Study of Science Technology and Policy (28),

 National Council for Applied Economic

Research (29), Centre for Study of 

Developing Societies (33), Institute of 

Economic Growth (40), United Service

Institution (42) and Liberty Institute (43).

Beyond research output, it is funding and

resultant influence among policymakers that

drives these rankings. Here, the role of the

Indian government (and the country's univer-

sity system) remains the weak link. Not one

Indian entry makes it to an interesting list

showing the world's 40 best university-affili-

ated think tanks.

There's a similar blank India has drawn in

the list of the world's 30 best party-affiliated

think tanks. Among government-affiliated

think tanks, there's only IDSAat Number 16.

A silver lining, perhaps, is the role two corpo-

rate notables -- Reliance and in an earlier hue

the Tatas - who seed-funded ORF and TERI,

respectively. Both think tanks have found

government funding for their programmes. Is

that the future?

India's poor show continues in lists of 40

think tanks which best use the internet and

social media. Here the irony is, an Ethiopian

and a Costa Rican think tank, respectively,

make it, but none from India.

The Economist magazine gives away a

hint on how India can do better. So, here it

goes: A good think tank is one that is able to

combine intellectual depth, political influ-

ence, and flair for publicity, comfortable sur-

roundings, and a streak of eccentricity!

 No Indian think tank in Global 50




                    -b      - 




By Anonna Dutt:

Technologies have

touched India and

made it possible for 

the country to think of 

 becoming a world power. But

the same technology has been

inaccessible to the rural India

since its advent. Here, what

we need to look at is that, it is

only 30% of India's popula-

tion which is reaping benefits

from such technologies. The

rest 70% live in oblivion.

This amounts to a huge differ-

ence in the rural India; eco-

nomically as well as socially.

This difference seemed to

 be leveled down a bit after the

introduction of mobile

 phones in villages. The cheap

rates of cell phone services

helped it to penetrate rural

India, thus making the Indian

market of cell phones the sec-

ond largest in the world. This

technology helped the rural

 people to be better connected

to the urban dwellers. Now,

the 3G technology is all set to

transform rural India com-


The question that arises

here is - how would 3G be

accessible to the people living

in villages, when essentially

most of the technologies

never knock at their 

doorsteps? Actually, the gov-

ernment was well aware of 

such a problem and thus had

thought of a solution even

 before 3G licenses were put

on bid for the service


Telecom Regulatory

Authority of India (TRAI)

had set very high prices for 

the 3G licenses which com-

 pelled the service providers to

reach out to the millions of 

 potential customers in vil-

lages to recover these costs.

The government, under its

 National e-Governance

Programme (NeGP), is also

trying to make sure about the

necessary infrastructure in

villages to attract the private

 players to get involved in

rural marketing. Apart from

that, even the providers have

realised that the urban market

has become saturated and so

it would be extremely prof-

itable for them to move on to

the virgin market of rural


This was from the per-

spective of the government

and the corporates as to how

and why should 3G be made

available in rural India. But

would the rural population

actually benefit from this?

The answer would undoubt-

edly be yes.

The best part about 3G is

that it would solve a very

 basic problem - the problem

of language barriers. More

than half of the 'educated

 population' in villages do not

know English and whatever 

we might say, it is a fact that

there isn't a lot written in

regional languages on the

web. With 3G people can now

communicate with the world

 by using videos and other 

such visual aids.

And the best part is that

they can do this on their cell

 phones, which again helps to

overcome the problem of 

 power cuts in villages. There

are many other benefits of 3G

in rural India which would

help them to progress in vari-

ous fields.

For example, if we look at

the health care system in rural

India, it is pretty much in a

mess. Firstly, primary health

care centres are not accessible

to all villages, many people

have to travel a lot to reach

one and even when they reach

there the centres are not prop-

erly equipped. Due to such

carelessness, we see deaths

every now and then. With 3G

coming in, long distance real-

time treatment would be pos-

sible and would thus benefit

them greatly.

Similarly, it could help in

the field of education too. The

government schools now

have a problem of teachers

coming in. Also, the schools

lack basic facilities.

This too could be solved if 

the teachers taking classes in

urban schools can be connect-

ed to the rural children and

they too could take the class-

es with their urban counter-

 parts. This would dramatical-

ly increase the literacy rate of 


Also, we know there are

not many banks operating in

rural India, which creates a

 problem for the village

dwellers as it is very difficult

for them to manage their 

funds or get loans. This prob-

lem too could be solved with

the help of e-banking.

And the last and major 

 benefit: benefit in the field of 

agriculture. More than 70%

of our population is directly

or indirectly dependent on

agriculture and it would real-

ly be unfair if such a wonder-

ful technology does not even

touch the major occupation of 

the country.

In the first place it would

give farmers the information

about the new products avail-

able and their prices so that

they are not duped by the

middlemen. It might actually

remove the middleman from

the transaction process.

Farmers can confirm deals

online even before they start

 producing a particular crop

and hence would not face a

loss, also, fisherman can

share the pictures of their 

catch even before they head

for the shore.

With all these benefits, 3G

seems to be a very promising

technology. After we are

aware of all the benefits, what

we need to look into is that,

all these plans should not just

stay on paper and should be

implemented immediately.

How 3G Can Change The Face Of Rural India

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Amidst demand by some

BJP leaders for projecting

 Narendra Modi as the party's

Prime Ministerial candidate,

VHP leader Ashok Singhal

today said the Gujarat Chief 

Minister enjoys the same

 popularity as that of the first

Prime Minister Jawahar Lal


"It is for the first time

since the days of Jawahar 

Lal Nehru when a leader has

come to enjoy such a mas-

sive popularity across the

country," Singhal told

reporters here at the ongoing

Maha Kumbhcongregation.

The statement of the for-

mer VHP chief came shortly

ahead of the proposed visit

of BJP National

PresidentRajnath Singh, who

is likely to meet senior 

Sangh Parivar leaders and

attend a meeting of the cen-

tral advisory committee of 

the Vishwa Hindu Parishad.

Making it clear that the

VHP functions according to

its 'maryada'

(decorum) and

'Seema' (limita-

tions), he said,

"We will not

violate the

 peace by

engaging our-

selves in poli-

tics. Our sole

concern is the

welfare of the

Hindu commu-


S e n i o r  

Vishwa Hindu Parishad

leader Praveen Togadiahad

yesterday ducked queries on

the likelihood of VHPpress -

ing for projection of Modi as

BJP's Prime Ministerial can-


"I will only say the VHP

is committed to helping the

Hindus achieve what is their 

due," he had said when

asked about the possibility

of VHP pitching for Modi as

BJP's Prime Ministerial can-

didate. "As stated on a num-

 ber of occasions, we favour a

Hindutvavadi Parliament

sensitive to the majority

community's needs," the

VHP international working

 president had said.

On Singhal calling Modi

"Hindu Hriday Samrat", he

said "We are engaged in a

collective effort. This is not

the time to ponder over per-

sonal likes and dislikes".

Ashok Singal compares Narendra Modi to Nehru


UPAChairperson, Mrs. Sonia

Gandhi has asserted that

social upliftment of women is

must to ensure success of 

schemes aimed at develop-

ment of women and children.

Speaking at a launch of 

Rashtriya Bal Swasthya

Karyakram scheme in Thane

district of Maharashtra today,

she hoped that the objective

of the National Rural Health

Mission initiative to benefit

27 crore children would be

achieved through effective

implementation and moni-

toring of the scheme .

She said that the schemewill be extended to all dis-

tricts across the country in a

 phased manner.

The UPA Chairperson

said infant mortality rate

continues to be a cause of 

concern despite best efforts

 by the Government. She said

that Central Government has

ensured that there is no short-

age of funds for social wel-

fare and human resources


A whooping amount of 90

thousand crore rupees has

 been provided to states under 

 National Rural Health

Mission. The Union Minister 

for Health and Family

Welfare, Mr. Ghulam Nabi

Azad was also present at the

launch of the scheme.

ALLAHABAD: Yoga master 

Ramdev today welcomed the CBI

inquiry into the mysterious disap-

 pearance of his guru, but questioned

the motive behind ordering of the

 probe when the Maha Kumbh is

underway. The move was aimed at

"discrediting" religious figures in

the country, Ramdev told a press

conference here.

"I welcome the CBI inquiry and

hope that the probe agency brings

out the complete truth behind the

disappearance of my guru Shankar 

Dev about whom I am as concerned

as a son would be for his father," he


"However, the timing of the

 probe order makes me suspicious of 

the government's motive. It has

 been long since Shankar Dev has

 been traceless. But the inquiry order 

comes at a time when we are taking

 part in Maha Kumbh.

"It looks like a conspiracy aimed

at discrediting dharmasatta (clout of 

religious figures) in the country," he

said. Swami Shankar Dev had gone

missing on July 14, 2007 after he

went out for a morning walk.

On October 13 last year, the

Uttarakhand government had rec-

ommended a CBI probe into the dis-

appearance of the Swami.

65% polling in 2ndphase of Assam

Panchayat electionGUWAHATI, FEB 6: An estimated 65 per 

cent of the electorate today cast their ballots

on the second day of the three-phase Assam

Panchayat election, which was marked by spo-

radic incidents of violence, officials said.

Clashes between rival parties, attack on

candidates and presiding officers were report-

ed from parts of Nalbari, Kamrup (Rural) and

Sonitpur districts, they said.

Irregularities in electoral rolls with names

of eligible voters missing and wrong symbols

were reported from some polling stations in

 Nalbari, Sonitpur, Kamrup (Rural), Barpeta

and Darrang districts.

The decision on repoll in these centres

would be taken by the State Election

Commission after reports were received, the

officials said.

The districts where the second phase of 

Panchayat polls were held were Sonitpur,

Darrang, Nalbari, Barpeta, Kamrup (metro),

Bongaigaon and parts of Dibrugarh and


Of the total 26,724 candidates in fray, 520

contested for the Zila Parishad, 2,265 for 

angelic Panchayat, 2,726 for Gaon Panchayat

 preside nt and 21,213 contest ed for Gaon

Panchayat membership.

The third and final phase of the grassroot

election would be held on February 12.

Baba Ramdev welcomesCBI inquiry into his guru's


Social upliftment of womenmust for success of W&CD

schemes : Sonia Gandhi

NEW DELHI, FEB 6: Many stu-

dents Wednesday protested outside

Delhi University's Shri Ram

College of Commerce (SRCC)

against Gujarat Chief Minister 

 Narendra Modi's visit to the col-

lege. Many of the protestors were

students with membership of unions

affiliated to the left parties.

Angry students shouted: "Modi

go back!" and held up posters which

read: "Expose Modi!"

Water cannons were reportedly

used to disperse the protesting stu-

dents. Many of the students

 belonged to the All India Students'

Association, the Students

Federation of India and the All India

Students Federation -- all Left-wing

unions. Wearing black clothes and

masks of ghosts, students crossed

the barricade and shouted slogans

against Modi outside the college.

A large number of policemen

were present at the site.

Shri Ram College of Commerce

(SRCC) is the alma mater of many

leaders of the Bharatiya Janata

Party (BJP), including Arun Jaitley,

Vijay Goel, Jagdish Mukhi and

Vijay Jolly. Modi's talk at the col-

lege is about "Emerging business

models in the global scenario".

Earlier in the day, Narendra

Modi met Prime Minister 

Manmohan Singh and gave the

 prime minister a memorandum on

issues related to the Sardar Sarovar 


"It was a good meeting. We

spoke for quite a while on various

issues," Modi told reporters after 

meeting the prime minister at his 7

Race Course Road residence.

Calling it a courtesy call, Modi

said: 'I came to meet the Prime

Minister for the first time after the

formation of new government. I had

a long discussion with the Prime

Minister. The meeting was very cor-

dial and I discussed several pending

 projects with the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister has assured of 

help and cooperation for develop-

ment in Gujarat.'

"I also discussed gas prices and

the Narmada irrigation project with

him. The Prime Minister congratu-

lated me for my new government. I

also brought up the issue of Sardar 

Sarovar dam," he added.

This was Modi's first meeting

with the Prime Minister after being

sworn-in as the Gujarat Chief 

Minister again in December last

year. The Gujarat Chief Minister's

visit to the national capital assumes

significance in the wake of growing

clamour in the BJPthat he should be

named as the party's 2014 prime

ministerial candidate.

Speculations have been rife that

Modi, who secured an electoral hat-

trick in Gujarat in December last

year, may spearhead the BJP's cam-

 paign in 2014 polls.

BJP leaders Yashwant Sinha,

Shatrughan Sinha and noted lawyer 

Ram Jethmalani have earlier openly

endorsed Modi's name as prime

ministerial candidate. The other BJP

leaders have been so far evasive on

this issue.

Modi is scheduled to speak at a

conclave organised by Delhi

University's Shri Ram College of 

Commerce later in the day. He is

expected to talk on 'Emerging

Business Models' in the global sce-



Questioning West Bengal

Chief Minister Mamata

Banerjee's honesty, her pred-

ecessor Buddhadeb

Bhattacharjee Tuesday asked

the media to probe her fami-

ly condition after she came to

 power as compared to what it

was earlier.

Asked to comment in an

interview with Bengali tele-

vision channel Chobbis

Ghanta on the Trinamool

Congress projecting

Banerjee as a symbol of hon-

esty, Bhattacharjee replied:

"I am unable to agree".

Pressed further, the

Communist Party of India-

Marxist (CPI-M) politburo

member said: "You conduct a

 probe into her family condi-

tion now as com-

 pared to what it

was earlier.

According to my

yardstick, she

does not pass the

yardstick of hon-


"I would have

 been happy had

she been honest.

But I am unable

to accept her as

honest. And this is no secret.

Lot of people close to her 

know this and they have

started talking about it,"

Bhattacharjee told the news

channel. Asked whether he

could give details, he said: "I

am not a drain inspector. If 

you feel like, you can probe

it. Lot of people know what

those close to her are doing.

What all is happening.

Everything will come out if 

there is an investigation.

There will not be much of a

 problem in digging those

things out."

Buddhadeb questionsMamata's honesty


Viewing with concern inci-

dents of acid attacks, the

Supreme Court today direct-

ed the Centre to convene in

six weeks a meeting of Chief Secretaries of all states and

Union Territories to address

the menace and discuss fram-

ing of a law for treatment and

compensation to victims.

 Not satisfied with the

steps taken by the Centre to

regulate sale of acid and to

curb its use for attacking

women, a bench headed by

Justice R M Lodha directed

the Union Home Secretary to

meet all the Chief Secretaries

to formulate a policy to

address the menace of the

acid attacks.

The bench passed the

order on a PIL filed in 2006

 by Delhi-based victim Laxmi

who was then a minor. Her 

arms, face and other body

 parts were disfigured in an

acid attack.In her plea, she had sought

framing of a new law or 

amending of the existing

criminal laws like IPC,

Indian Evidence Act and

CrPC for dealing with the

offence, besides asking for 


Laxmi was subjected to

the acid attack by three

youths near Tughlaq Road

here as she had refused to

marry one of them, according

to the petition. The trial is

going on for the offence of 

attempt to murder and two of 

the accused are out on bail.

Acid attacks: SC asks Centre,states to address the menace


Seeking to internationalise

tensions along the Line of 

Control, Pakistan has called

for an investigation into the

recent incidents there, by

theOrganisation of Islamic


"We would also welcome

an OIC fact-finding mission

to investigate the recent inci-

dents of ceasefire violations

along the LoC," Foreign

Minister Hina Rabbani

Kharsaid while addressing a

meeting of the OIC contact

group on Kashmir in Cairo


She reiterated thatPakistan is ready to work 

with theUnited Nations

Military Observer Group for 

India and Pakistan to carry

out an independent inquiry

into the ceasefire violations.

Earlier, Pakistan's

attempt to rope in the UN by

demanding a probe by

UNMOGIP was foiled by

India, which rejected it say-

ing the matter can be settled


Clashes between Indian

and Pakistani troops last

month were among the worst

violations of the ceasefire

that was put in place along

the 742-km LoC in late


One Indian soldier was beheaded while the body of 

another jawan was mutilated

 by the Pakistan army men in

ceasefire violations in

Mendhar sector in Poonch

last month. Pakistan claims

three of its soldiers were

killed in Indian firing.

Khar again contended

that there were "negative

and hostile statements ema-

nating from the Indian lead-

ership" during the ceasefire


She said Pakistan chose

to "exercise restraints to

keep the Pakistan-India

 peace process on track".

"Pakistan has entered into

dialogue with India in good

faith to amicably resolve theKashmir dispute. We are

earnestly implementing the

cross-LoC confidence-build-

ing measures to bring relief 

to the divided families and

reduce the sufferings of the

Kashmiris on both sides of 

the LoC," she said in her 


The CBMs had con-

tributed towards creating a

"congenial environment

 between the two countries to

address the issue of Jammu

and Kashmir", she said.

Pakistan's efforts to inter-

nationalize the issue, and

rope in third parties have not

met with much success yet,

and last month both US and

UN had rejected Pakistan'sdemand to mediate between

the India-Pakistan conflict.

 Pak lobbies OIC for third party mediation in Kashmir 

 Protests, slogans greet Modi outside SRCC 


6:Telecom consumers can

now register complaint about

wrongful activation of value

added services (VAS) like

mobile Internet and caller 

tunes on a new common num-

 ber, 155223, for all operators.

Telecom operators will have

to refund the amount charged

for such activation of services

if consumers inform about it

within 24 hours on this com-

mon number.

The service has been put in

 place by telecom operators

 jointly after telecom regulator 

Trai refused to give them any

leeway in such cases from Feb

2. Operators reported compli-

ance to TRAI on Feb 1. "A

common solution has now

 been devised for all of indus-

try which will enable simple

and easy exit. It came onto

force on Feb 1," Trai

Chairman said.

Subscribers who have

 been using any value added

services beyond 24 hours can

also request for deactivation

of service on this number.

Telecom operator will have to

deactivate service within four 

hours of getting phone call but

the customer will not be eligi-

 ble to claim refund in such


On July 4, 2011 Trai

directed telecom operators to

obtain explicit consent of con-

sumers "through consumer 

originated SMS or e-mail or 

FAX or in writing within 24

hrs of activation of the value

added service and charge the

consumer only if the confir-

mation is received from him"

for subscribing it.

The industry has objected

to this direction and estimated

Rs 12,000 crore revenue loss

and over 10,000 job loss on

complying with the direction.

After failing to convince the

regulator, industry body rep-

resenting GSM players COAI

approached telecom tribunal

TDSAT but lost.

The Telecom Disputes

Settlement and Appellate

Tribunal gave telecom opera-

tors three months time to

comply with the direction. As

 per the rule, operators will

have to take consent of sub-

scribers before activating any

VAS and deactivate it without

charging for it if no consent is

received from them. Trai has

asked operators to inform

their subscribers about the

new facility and also publish

its details in newspapers.

New complaint number todeactivate unwanted

mobile services

ABUJA, FEB 6: Four per-

sons, including two soldiers,

were killed when a ship

 belonging to an Indian com-

 pany was attacked by pirates

in Nigeria's oil-rich southern


The four persons killed,

included two soldiers, a

retirednaval officer and the

 pilot of the tugboat which ran

into an ambush yesterday

after setting sail BSE -4.27

%from Warri in Delta State

to Port Harcourt in Rivers

State, Nigeria's Thisday

newspaper reported.

A gun battle between men

of the Joint Task Force (JTF)

and pirates in Bayelsa State

ensued during the ambush.

The ship belongs to

Sterling Global Services

Limited, a venture of an

India-based company called

theSandesara Group.

"The military men escort-

ing Sterling Global Oil

Resources Limited tugboat

ran into an ambush mounted

 by suspected sea pirates

along the Angiama-Etelibiri

waterways of Sagbama Local

Government area of Bayelsa

state," Lt Col Onyema

 Nwachukwu, spokesman for 

the Joint Task Force (JTF), a

military unit that polices the

region against piracy said.

 Nwachukwu said two sol-

diers were killed but failed to

confirm the death of the

retired soldier and the ship

captain and said three pirates

were also wounded by sol-

diers who returned fire.

One inmate of the ship

was also missing while two

other soldiers sustained seri-

ous injuries during the

shootout that followed, he


 Nwachukwu could not

give any reason for the attack 

 because the boat and the

escorting vessels were empty.

According to him, the

military has sent five gun-

 boats to nab the pirates and

security has been heightened

in Bayelsa state where the

incident took place.

Two months ago, five

Indians were abducted by

heavily armed pirates who

attacked the vessel,

Medallion Marine, in which

they were travelling about 60

kilometres off the coast of oil

rich Niger Delta and com-

mercial capital, Lagos.

They were released after a

month. Attacks on ships is

common in Nigeria's oil rich

region and in most cases the

 purpose is kidnapping for 

ransom while in some cases

oil theft is the motive.

Four killed in attack onIndian-owned ship in Nigeria


Projects related to operational

 preparedness of armed forces

will not be affected despite a

cut of Rs 10,000 in defence

expenditure, Defence

Minister A K Antony said


The Defence Ministry was

"anxious" to secure more

funds from the Centre for 

defence forces, but the gov-

ernment was passing through

"difficult times" and everyone

was getting affected by it,

Antony said.

He said there was a cut of 

around Rs 10,000 crore in the

defence budget for this year's

allocation of Rs 1.93 lakh

crore from the capital account

for modernisation of armed


Asked if the budget cut

would in any way affect the

modernisation process, he

said, "Regarding modernisa-

tion of armed forces, there is

no question of any slackening.

We are conscious of the

geopolitical situation around

us, and the emerging threat

and the volatile situation we

are in where national security

is primary importance."

India's economic growth

depends on peace situation in

the country and armed forces

 play a crucial role in this, he

said. "So, there will be no

slackening in modernisation

of armed forces and nothing

will happen in that area."

In view of the cut in

defence budget, Antony said

armed forces have been asked

to prioritise their procure-

ments as per the requirements

of their operational prepared-

ness plan.

Asked about India's

reliance on imports for its

defence hardware, Antony

said the situation has

improved and now it is not

70:30 ratio as was the case

earlier. On the night fighting

capabilities of Indian Army,

he said earlier only 10 per cent

of the tanks had night vision

devices but at present all T-90

tanks have this equipment and

majority of T-72 tanks come

equipped with them.

No cuts in expenditure for keydefence areas: Antony

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NEWDELHI: The Finance

Minister P Chidambaram,

who was busy with devising

new ways to increase rev-

enue collection during the

last year, will find it difficult

to present popular budget

this year. At present, decline

in revenue collection is the

main cause of worry for the


On the other hand, the

Finance Minister is in under 

tremendous pressure to

announce sops and incen-

tives in the budgetary allo-

cation because this year's

 budget will be the last one

for the UPA before the 2014

general elections.

It is being conjectured

that the Chidambaram may

announce some relief on

income tax rates and focus

on indirect taxes to increase

the revenue. According to

the Finance Ministry offi-

cials, the current state of the

revenue collection does not

 provide much scope f or t he

 popular budget.

It is also important to

meet revenue collection tar-

get. It will also be

a challenge for the

government to

maintain the cur-

rent income level

in the next budget.

To address the

complexity of tax

structure, the gov-

ernment needs to

 bring Direct Tax

Code into prac-

tice. The DTC is unlikely to

 be implemented in the near 


Hence, the Finance

Minister may incorporate

few recommendations of the

Standing Committee such as

the income tax relaxation.

The Parliamentary

Committee has recommend-

ed increasing the relaxation

of income tax upto Rs

3,00,000 per annum. As

well, it has been recom-

mended to increase the

investment limit for tax


To increase the tax col-

lection, the Prime Minister 

Manmohan Singh has sug-

gested imposing extra tax on

super rich in the country.

But, the government is yet

to arrive at the consensus

over it. The best example is

the deferment of GAAR 

implementation. Apart from

it, there are other provisions

in the tax structure which

 benefit super rich in the


Finance Minister may announce relief in income tax in coming budget

NEW DELHI: Struggling

to get the USD 9 billion

TAPI gas pipeline under-

way, its four promoter 

nations have decided to float

a special purpose vehicle to

keep the transnational proj-

ect alive. The SPV, TAPI

Ltd will be formed with

Turkmenistan, Afghanistan,

Pakistan and India pumping

USD 5 million equity each.

India will be represented by

state-owned gas utility,

GAIL India Ltd.

The Union Cabinet head-

ed by Prime Minister 

Manmohan Singh may on

Thursday consider forma-

tion of the Dubai-based

SPV, official sources said.

It would also consider 

GAIL joining the SPV as

India representative.

Though the SPV for the

TAPI project is listed on

agenda for the Cabinet

scheduled on Thursday, it

may after all not be taken up

as Oil Minister M Veerappa

Moily is in US on a day

visit. The SPVis being con-

sidered for the project as no

multinational company is

willing to participate in the

 project unless they get a

share in Turkmenistan's rich

gas fields.

While Turkmenistan,

Afghanistan and Pakistan

are of the view that the four 

 promoters could build and

operate the pipeline on their 

own, India has insisted that

the project be taken up only

if a multinational company

leads it.

 New Delhi does not want

to be at the mercy of 

Afghanistan and Pakistan

for its gas needs and also

feels that none of the nomi-

nee companies of the four 

countries has the financial

and managerial capability to

execute the project.

Sources said TAPI Ltd

would scout for a consor-

tium leader who will build

and operate the project,

while the US government

would pursue Turkmenistan

to get upstream equity for its


The multinational firm

would be responsible for 

safe delivery of gas through

the 1,680-km pipeline from

Turkmenistan that will tra-

verse through militancy-

infested areas in

Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The 1,680-km will carry

90 million cubic metres a

day (mmcmd) gas and was

scheduled to become opera-

tional in 2018. India and

Pakistan would get 38

mmcmd each, while the

remaining 14 mcmd will be

supplied to Afghanistan.

Cabinet to consider SPV for TAPI project on Feb 7

MUMBAI: Seeking to

check demand of gold, a RBI

committee on Wednesday

 proposed a slew of measures

like mandatory quoting of 

PAN numbers for high-value

 purchases, restricti on on

gold loans and check on

 NBFC branches dealing with

gold loans.

The Reserve Bank com-

mittee also suggested cheque

 payment for gold purchase

 beyond a threshold, intro-

duction of other savings

 products to discourage

investment in physical gold,

 prohibition of bank finance

for buying gold and revival

of the two-decade old pro-

 posal to set up a Bullion


"There is a need to mod-

erate the demand for gold

imports considering its

impact on the current

account deficit," it said,

adding that RBI may impose

limits on volume and value

of gold import by banks

under "extreme situation".

Currently, banks account

for about 60 per cent of the

total gold import.

It suggested that NBFCs

may obtain a copy of PAN

Card in all the loan proposals

exceeding Rs five lakh per 

 borrower to strengthen

mechanism of KYC.

Currently, PAN card is

mandatory for jewellery pur-

chases beyond Rs 5 lakh.

The committee under-

lined the need for continuous

monitoring of rapid growth

of assets, borrowings and

 branch network of gold loan

 NBFCs, while making a case

for reviewing fund raising by


The recommendations

include making use of idle

gold reserves, which is about

20,000 tonnes, by setting up

a gold bank and using the

reserves of exchange-traded

funds to productive use, but

said there was no case for 

granting gold loan NBFCs a

status at par with banks.

Giving its rationale for 

setting up a gold bank, the

report said, "the proposed

gold bank may be given

 powers to import, export,

trade, lend and borrow gold

and deal in gold derivatives."

PAN must for high-value gold buy, curb on NBFCs: RBI panel

NEW DELHI: The sharp

rise in onion prices is largely

due to poor monsoons affect-

ing crop output in major 

onion growing areas but

there is one more factor 

responsible for it.

It is being considered that

the tension across the border 

is also playing a large role in

rising onion prices. The ten-

sion which started in January

has affected the import of 

onion from Pakistan through

Attari Wagah Border.

Rajesh Sethia, an export-

import businessman said that

special precautions were

 being taken after the cross

 border tension and since

fruits and vegetables are per-

ishable items it is causing

huge loss to traders.

The trucks carrying fruits

and vegetables are made to

wait for days before they are

allowed to cross the border.

According to statics, nearly

300 trucks were made to wait

on January 15 near Attari


Onions imported from

Pakistan are sold in the mar-

kets of Punjab, Haryana and

Himachal Pradesh which

helps in keeping its prices

under check. In the last one

month nearly 50 percent

increase in whole sale prices

was recorded but now there

are indications that prices of 

onions may go down in

domestic market.

 Now all the hopes are on

supply of late kharif crop

supply from Nasik 

(Maharashtra), Gujarat and

Madhya Pradesh which

 begins in the month of March

NEWDELHI: Inter-ministerial body

Telecom Commission (TC) is likely

to meet on February 18 to discuss

guidelines of new licences that will

 be issued to companies under the

 National Telecom Policy 2012.

A senior Department of  

Telecommunications official said that

the TC will 'probably' meet on

February 18 to discuss details of 

Unified Licences for both new and

existing players.

The government under new tele-

com policy has announced that all

new licences in future will be de-

linked from spectrum and will be

technology neutral. There are various

issues related to the new licences

guidelines like provision to allow

opening of internet telephony (allow-

ing calls using internet on phones),

Foreign Direct Investment in telecom

tower firms, recommendation made

 by Telecom Regulatory Authority of 

India to cancel licences on 5th major 

violation, that the panel will have to

look in to. As per broad framework 

issued by DoT earlier, a new pan-

India licence that has been delinked

from spectrum will cost Rs 22 crore

compared to earlier price of Rs 1,658

crore that were issued along with 4.4

megahertz of airwaves frequency.

The DoT in the notice inviting

applications for spectrum auction in

2012 has said that "Entry fee (non-

refundable) Rs 1 crore for each

Service Area Level UL (Access

Services) except for Jammu and

Kashmir and North East Service

Areas where Entry Fee shall be Rs 50

lakh each."

The companies will have to pay

separately for spectrum which at

 present is over 7 times more that of 

 previous price.

Holders of new licences, Unified

Licences, who have received spec-

trum at new rates, determined

through spectrum auction in 2012 and

to be allocated thereafter, will be

allowed to share spectrum with their 

counterparts. Spectrum sharing was

not permitted under old telecom

licences that are in use by existing

telecom operators.

Tension across border responsible for rising onion prices

Telecom Commission meet likely on Feb 18 on new licences

TUNIS: A prominent Tunisian oppo-

sition politician was shot dead outside

his home on Wednesday, in a killing

the prime minister condemned as a

 political assassination and a strike

against the "Arab Spring" revolution.

Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali said

the identity of the killer of Shokri

Belaid, a staunch secular opponent of 

the moderate Islamist-led govern-

ment, was unknown.

President Moncef Marzouki cut

short a visit to France and canceled a

visit to Egypt scheduled for Thursday

after the killing, which brought

around 1,000 protesters onto the

streets outside the Interior Ministry.

The murder of Be laid is a political

assassination and the assassination of 

the Tunisian revolution. By killing

him they wanted to silence his voice,"

said Jebali, who heads the govern-

ment led by the Ennahda party, which

won Tunisia's first post-Arab Spring

election in 2011.

Belaid, who died in hospital after 

 being shot in the capital Tunis, was a

leading member of the opposition

Popular Front party.

"Shokri Belaid was killed today by

four bullets to the head and chest ...

doctors told us that he has died. This

is a sad day for Tunisia," Ziad

Lakhader, a leader of the Popular 

Front, told Reuters. Other party

sources confirmed his death.

Tunisia, the first Arab country to

oust its leader and hold free elections

as uprisings spread around the region

two years ago, has so far made a rela-

tively smooth transition to democra-


Ennahda won 42 percent of seats

in the first post-Arab Spring elections

in October 2011 and formed a gov-

ernment in coalition with two secular 

 parties, President Moncef Marzouki's

Congress for the Republic and


However, the government has

faced many protests over economic

hardship. Hampered by declining

trade with the crisis-hit euro zone, it

has struggled to deliver the better liv-

ing standards that many Tunisians

had hoped for.

And it says al Qaeda-linked mili-

tants have been accumulating

weapons with the aim of creating an

Islamic state.

Police, who demonstrated outside

the prime minister's office last month,

say they do not have the appropriate

resources to deal with the threat from

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and

domestic Islamist militants who have

easy access to weapons from neigh-

 boring Libya. The president was in

France for a meeting of the European

Parliament and was due to have gone

to Egypt to attend an Islamic summit.

Tunisian opposition politician shot dead

SYDNEY: An 8.0-magni-

tude earthquake struck off 

the Solomon Islands in the

South Pacific on Wednesday,

triggering a tsunami that

killed five people but didn't

threaten the wider region.

Four elderly people and

one child died after the

roughly 1-meter (3-feet) high

wave hit the Santa Cruz

Islands, an eastern region of 

the Solomon Islands, said

Augustine Bilve, director at a

hospital in Lata, The strong

waves appeared to have

caused damage and disrup-

tion at the local airport and

nearby villages.

Bilve said that some

 patients were being relocat-

ed, but the hospital was


"Our staff in Temotu

 province felt the quake and

within five minutes there

were a number of wave

surges, which flooded the

runway there," said Andrew

Catford, the program director 

in the Solomon Islands.

World Vision said it was

still trying to gauge the dam-

age from the tsunami in the

area, adding that "it is likely

that several villages close to

the airport have been severe-

ly impacted."

The Pacific Tsunami

Warning Center initially

issued a tsunami warning for 

several countries in the area,

including Papua New Guinea

and Fiji. But the center later 

canceled the alert after 

reassessing the relevant data.

It also called off a tsunami

watch it had sent out for a

larger number of countries in

the region such as New

Zealand, Australia and


The center of the quake

was located near the Santa

Cruz Islands, the U.S.

Geological Survey (USGS)

said. It was initially reported

to be 3.6 miles deep, but that

was later revised to a depth

of 17.8 miles.

Authorities elsewhere in

the region took precautionary

measures following news of 

the quake. The New Zealand

Ministry of Civil Defense

and Emergency Management

warned people along certain

areas of the country's west

coast to stay out of the water 

and away from the shore.

Japanese authorities

issued advisories that small

sea level changes could

affect the country's entire

eastern coastline Wednesday.

Deadly tsunami hits SolomonIslands in South pacific

CAIRO: The president of 

Senegal commended France

on Wednesday for its mili-

tary intervention in Mali


Islamist militants, telling

leaders of fellow Muslim

nations that they cannotallow "a minority of terror-

ists to commit

Crimes distort our faith

and deepen hatred for 


Macky Sall's opening

address laid bare the divi-

sions among the nations tak-

ing part in the Organization

of Islamic Cooperation's

two-day summit in Cairo,

which brings together lead-

ers from across the Muslim

world. The French-led mili-

tary intervention in Mali,

which includes forces from

Senegal, is aimed at driving

Islamist militants from the

territory they have overrun

in northern Mali in recent


Egyptian PresidentMohammed Morsi, who is

hosting the conference, has

repeatedly denounced

France's operation in Mali,

saying Paris' action there

would lead to the develop-

ment of a hotspot in the area

and lay the seeds for a wider 

and bloodier conflict.Morsi's Islamist allies at

home have demonstrated

outside the French embassy

in Cairo to protest French


Addressing the confer-

ence on Wednesday, Morsi

did not directly condemn the

French intervention, but

made clear that Cairo did not

favor military actions in

Mali. "We call for a compre-

hensive approach to deal

with the situation there and

any similar case" he said.

"An approach that deals with

all the different aspects of 

the crisis and its political,

developmental and intellec-

tual roots while safeguarding

human rights."

The deepest division inthe Islamic world runs along

the faith's Sunni-Shiite fault

line, a rift that was on full

display during a meeting on

the eve of the summit by its

most high profile participant

President Mahmoud

Ahmadinejad of Iran, the

region's Shiite power.Sunni Shiite tensions

dominated talks between

Ahmadinejad and Egypt's

most prominent cleric, Sheik 

Ahmed el-Tayeb, who

upbraided the Iranian leader 

on a string of issues and

warned against Iranian inter-

ference in Gulf nations, par-

ticularly Bahrain, where the

ruling Sunni minority has

faced protests by the Shiite


El-Tayeb said attempts to

spread Shiite Islam in mainly

Sunni Arab nations were

unacceptable and called for a

halt to bloodshed in Syria,

where Tehran's ally President

Bashar Assad has been bat-

tling mainly Sunni rebels,

according to a statement byAl-Azhar about the meeting.

CAIRO: The 12th summit

of the Organization of 

Islamic Co-operation has

opened in Cairo, with Syria's

civil war and the battle

against al-Qaeda-linked

fighters in Mali topping the

agenda.Senegalese President

Macky Sall gave the open-

ing remarks on Wednesday,

making his last address

 before handing the OIC's

rotating presidency to

Egyptian President

Mohamed Morsi.

He urged the summit to

support the sovereignty of 

Mali, threatened by "terror-

ist groups" who are commit-

ting "crimes" against the

Malian people.

President Morsi also

addressed the summit. He

urged for the maximum use

of resources and said that 21

Islamic nations were

amongst the poorest in the


He said there is a need for more education and research

efforts and raised concerns

about Muslim minorities,

citing the Rohingya Muslim

minority in Mynmar and

called for more co-operation

and support among the


The meeting gathers theleaders of 26 of the OIC's 57

states, including the presi-

dents of Iran and Turkey.

This also marks the first

visit to Egypt by an Iranian

 president since the Islamic

revolution in 1979, but the

Iranian President Mahmoud

Ahmadinejad has not been

welcomed by all.

A protester was arrested

after he threw a shoe at

Ahmadinejad, who is also in

the country to discuss bilat-

eral ties with Morsi.

"There are those striving

to prevent these two great

countries from coming

together despite the fact that

the region's problems

require this meeting, espe-

cially the Palestinian ques-tion," Ahmadinejad said.

Mali crisis exposes divisions within Muslim world

WASHINGTON: President Obama's plan to

install his counterterrorism adviser as direc-

tor of the CIA has opened the administrationto new scrutiny over the targeted-killing poli-

cies it has fought to keep hidden from the

 public, as well as the existence of a previous-

ly secret drone base in Saudi Arabia.

The administration's refusal to provide

details about one of the most controversial

aspects of its drone campaign strikes on U.S.

citizens abroad has emerged as a potential

source of opposition to CIAnominee John O.

Brennan. The secrecy surrounding that policy

was punctured with the disclosure of a Justice

Department "white paper" that spells out the

administration's case for killing Americans

accused of being al-Qaeda operatives.

The timing of the leak appeared aimed at

intensifying pressure on the White House to

disclose more-detailed legal memos that the

 paper summarizes and at putting Brennan,

Obama's top counterterrorism adviser, on the

defensive for his appearance on Capitol Hill.

Administration officials sought to play

down the significance of the disclosure, say-ing that they have already described the prin-

ciples outlined in the document in a series of 


"One of the things I want to make surethat everybody understands is that our pri-

mary concern is to keep the American people

safe, but to do so in a way that's consistent

with our laws and consistent with our val-

ues," Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.


The Obama administration's targeted

killing program has relied on a growing con-

stellation of drone bases operated by the CIA

and the U.S. military's Joint Special

Operations Command. The only strike inten-

tionally targeting a U.S. citizen, a 2011 attack 

that killed al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-

Awlaki, was carried out in part by CIA drones

flown from a secret base in Saudi Arabia.

The base was established two years ago to

intensify the hunt against al-Qaeda in the

Arabian Peninsula, as the affiliate in Yemen

is known. Brennan, who previously served as

the CIA's station chief in Saudi Arabia,

 played a key role in negotiations with Riyadh

over locating an agency drone base inside thekingdom.

Islamic nation's summit opens in Cairo

US has secret drone base in Saudi Arabia

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MUMBAI: Opener Murali Vijay

stroked his way to his second succes-

sive century in the Irani Cup as Rest

of India dominated the opening day

of their five-day fixture against

recently crowned Ranji Trophy

champions Mumbai at the Wankhede

Stadium on Wednesday.

With good contributions from

one-down batsman Manoj Tiwary

(37), Ambati Rayudu (51) and Suresh

Raina (36 not out), RoI ended day

one at 330 for five.

Vijay, who had notched a double

ton for the RoI against last year's

champions Rajasthan in Bangalore at

the start of the season, compiled an

aggressive 116 and also put on a

quick-fire 144-run stand with open-

ing partner Shikhar Dhawan (63) to

lay a strong foundation.

RoI, without captain and opener 

Virender Sehwag who pulled out at

the eleventh hour due to an upset

stomach, dominated the day com-


The situation could have been

even better for RoI had Mumbai's

 pace spearhead Dhawal Kulkarni not

dismissed Wriddhiman Saha just

 before close with the second new ball

for his first wicket.

At stumps, Raina, was on 36 after 

a near two-hour stay in which he

faced 68 balls and hit four fours.

Captain Harbhajan (0) was the other 

unbeaten batsman at the crease.

Raina, along with Rayudu, also

 put on 78 runs for the fourth wicket in

122 balls.

For Mumbai, who opted to field

after winning the toss, captain

Abhishek Nayar was the most suc-

cessful bowler with figures of two for 

49, while the other three wickets were

shared equally by Shardul Thakur,

 part time bowler Rohit Sharma and


Irani Cup: Murali scores ton as RoI dominate day 1

Opener Murali Vijay stroked his way to his 2nd successive century in the Irani Cup


Spain's Rafael Nadal

launched his return from a

seven-month injury break by

teaming with Argentina's

Juan Monaco for an emphat-

ic doubles victory in the ATP

clay court event in Chile on


The return of the world

number five, playing his first

tournament since he was

 beaten in the second round at

Wimbledon by Czech jour-

neyman Lukas Rosol in late

June, is the focus of attention

at the $410,200 tournament.

In a warm-up for his sin-

gles match on Wednesday,

 Nadal teamed with Monaco

to post a 6-3, 6-2 victory in

 just 65 minutes over second

seeds Frantisek Cermak and

Lukas Dlouhy in the first

round of the doubles.

As the top seed, the 11-

time Grand Slam champion

enjoyed a first-round singles

 bye and will open his singles

campaign with a second-

round clash against

Argentine qualifier Federico


Delbonis beat compatriot

Guido Pella 2-6, 7-6 (7/4), 7-

6 (7/1).

 Nadal, who will be 27 in

June, has been careful to play

down expectations, saying he

still has some pain from his

troublesome knees and does-

n't expect to immediately

rediscover his old winning

ways in his first tournament


The Vina del Mar event is

a starting point for a clay

court season that culminates

with the French Open in

Paris starting in May.

Nadal makes comeback withdoubles win in VTR Open

CHENNAI: Two-time champions Chennai

Super Kings have strengthened their bowl-

ing attack by signing five uncappedIndian bowlers ahead of the

sixth edition of IPL.

U P fas t b ow le rs

Imtiaz Ahmed and Ankit

Rajpoot, Haryana quick 

Mohit Sharma, Karnataka

 pacer Ronit More and Tamil

 Nadu left-arm spinner R Karthikeyan are

the five to have been picked up by CSK.

In the Ranji Trophy this season, Imtiaz

was the leading wicket-taker from Uttar 

Pradesh with 37 from nine matches at an

average of 25.45, including three five-wick-

et hauls. He was with the Pune Warriors in

IPL 2011 but did not get agame. In his first-class

debut season this time,

Rajpoot took 31 wickets

from seven matches at

an average of 18.80.

Mohit played eight

Ranji matches this season, taking 37 wick-

ets, averaging 23.24 runs per wicket. More

made his first-class debut this season play-

ing two matches. Karthikeyan plays for TI

Cycles in the first division league of the

Tamil Nadu Cricket Association.

CSK sign five uncapped bowlers for IPL 6

MUMBAI: Struggling Mumbai

Magicians slumped to their 10th

defeat in eleven games when they

lost 0-1 to Uttar Pradesh Wizards

in a must-win game of the Hockey

India League at the MHA-

Mahindra Stadium on Tuesday.

Magicians, kept alive in the

tournament by the rule that a loss

 by a margin of less than two goals

would still earn a point, could not

 be rescued from elimination

despite earning another point.

Wizards, thus, took the fourth

remaining semifinal spot in the

five-team tournament with their 

fourth win in 11 games for a tally

of 27.

The Wizards have one more

game in hand against Delhi

Waveriders and a win there will

 push them to third position in the

league standings ahead of Punjab

Warriors who have ended their 

round robin engagements with 29

 points to their credit.

The Magicians have another 

game in hand, against Ranchi

Rhinos on Feb 7, but with only 15

 points in their kitty, including one

they earned on Tuesday, they are

already out of the semifinal run-


In the must-win game,

Magicians showed intent only in

the opening quarter before fading

away against their determined set

of rivals.

Wizards even wasted a penalty

stroke awarded to them, but

emerged on top on the back of a

cleverly taken penalty corner goal

 by veteran Australian Luke

Doerner in the second quarter.

In a fast-paced first quarter with

lot of midfield play, the Magicians

forced a penalty corner in the very

first minute but their drag-flick 

king Sandeep Singh was foiled

when a defender deflected his shot

for a long corner.

Then came a period when both

the teams went on attack and

counter-attack with their best

chance to score coming late in the

first quarter.

A superb Magicians move initi-

ated by the ebullient Satbir and

Chinglensana Singh down the left

side saw the return pass from the

latter hit his teammate on the knee

as he was waiting to deflect the

 ball in..

Mujtaba to leadIndia in Azlan Shah

next month

NEW DELHI: Experienced forward Danish

Mujtaba was on Wednesday named captain of 

the Indian hockey team for the 22nd Sultan

Azlan Shah Invitational Tournament even as

senior drag-flicker Sandeep Singh was rele-

gated to the standbys list for the March 6 to 17

event in Malaysia.

Hockey India selector Syed Ali, chief 

coach Michael Nobbs and Exercise

Physiologist Jason Konrath alongwith

Government Observer Harbinder Singh

selected the list of 18 players with eight

standbys on the basis of their recent perform-

ance in the ongoing inaugural season of Hero

Hockey India League.

At the Azlan Shah, goalkeeper PR 

Sreejesh will be the vice-Captain of the squad

which has eight forwards, five mid-fieldersand three defenders.

HIL:Mumbai crash out from semis race

NEW DELHI: Himmat Rai will

spearhead Indian challenge in the

USD 300,000 Zaykabar Myanmar 

Open that starts later in February.

Japanese star Tetsuji Hiratsuka

and defending champion Kieran

Pratt will join a host of 

Asian Tour stars for the

season-opening event.

Himmat, who is cur-

rently ranked 453rd in

World Golf Rankings, wonthe the ISPS Handa

Classic event in 2011. That

win was the first triumph

in the Asian Tour for the

Indian golfer, who turned

 professional in 2007.

Himmat and Hiratsuka,

a three-time Asian Tour 

winner, is ready to reclaim

the Myanmar Open trophy

which he won so convincingly in

2010. Hiratsuka, who is a three-

time Asian Tour winner, is ready to

reclaim the Myanmar Open trophy

which he won so convincingly in


Mardan Mamat of Singapore,

highly rated Arnond Vongvanij of 

Thailand will be joined by

Japanese Masanori Kobayashi,

who won his maiden Asian Tour 

title at the Asia-Pacific Panasonic

Open last year. The event tees off 

at the Royal Mingalardon Golf and

Country Club from February 21 to

24. After winning the Myanmar 

Open in 2010, Hiratsuka went on

to enjoy two remarkable seasons

on the Asian Tour where he won

three other titles and finished a

career high of second on the 2011

Asian Tour Order of Merit.

"I hurt my back last June and

have been struggling with the pain.

It slowly got better in the year and

I'm looking forward to

returning to Myanmar 

again," said Hiratsuka.

Taking a leaf from

Hiratsuka's book,

Kobayashi earned play-ing rights at the 2012

Qualifying School and

enjoyed a highly suc-

cessful rookie year on

the Asian Tour where

he finished fourth on

the Order of Merit,

courtesy of one victory

and two other top-10s.

"Hiratsuka and

(Daisuke) Maruyama have

enjoyed success on the Asian Tour 

so I decided to follow in their foot-

steps. They love playing in differ-

ent countries and they have

improved tremendously in their 

games," said Kobayashi.

Himmat to lead Indian challenge in Myanmar Open

Himmat Rai

CUTTACK: Sent crashing

out of the Women's World

Cup by Sri Lanka, India

would seek to restore some

 pride when they take on arch-

rivals Pakistan in their 7-8th

classification match onThursday. The humiliating

138-run defeat against Sri

Lanka on Tuesday also meant

that India will now have to go

through the qualifiers to fea-

ture in the next edition of the

World cup four years later.

The collective failure of 

the top order batsmen in their 

last two matches even in

home conditions has hurt the

team badly and India will

need to regroup quickly to

 prevent an equally demoralis-

ing Pakistanis emerging vic-


The pressure will be on

the Indians who have been hit

hard by a sudden slump inform of their key batsmen

after a comfortable 105-run

win against the West Indies in

the tournament opener and

the inexperienced bowling

attack has only compounded

the misery for the hosts.

Sri Lanka's batting fired

in unison as they posted a

competitive 282 for five in a

must-win game for both

sides. India were at the back-

foot from the very beginning

of the run chase and they

were bundled out for a paltry

144 in 42.2 overs.

Incidentally, this was

India's first defeat to Sri

Lanka in 18 matches, havingwon their previous 16

encounters with one ending

in no result.

Both India and Pakistan

have several issues to address

leading up to Thursday's

game at the Barabati

Stadium. While India have

struggled with the indifferent

form of their bowlers,

Pakistan have a lot to answer 

in their batting department.

Women's WC: India play for pride against Pak 


Watson returned from injury

with a fluent century to help

Australia win the third limit-

ed overs international against

West Indies by 39 runs and

clinch the series on


Australia has an unbeat-

able 3-0 lead in the five-

match series.

After a month out with a

calf muscle problem, Watson

 belted 122 from 111 balls as

Australia posted 329-7.

West Indies was bowled

out for 290 in reply in the

48th over, with Australia left-

arm paceman James Faulkner 

returning 4-48 including the

key wickets of Darren Bravo

(86) and Chris Gayle (2) in

the 38th.

Australia won the toss and

elected to bat, casting Vice-

captain Watson straight into

work amid speculation over 

his status as a specialist bats-

man after his decision to stop

 bowling for the near future.

He shared partnerships of 

89 with opener Aaron Finch

(38) and 112 with No. 3 Phil

Hughes (86) before mistim-

ing a hook shot off Kemar 

Roach and being caught on

the deep backward square

 boundary by Kieron Pollard,

who also took two stunning

outfield catches to help

restrict Australia's late surge.

Hughes started slowly and

had a reprieve on 6, after fac-

ing 26 balls, when he edged

Sunil Narine just past slip.

George Bailey belted 44

from 22 balls before he

 pulled a Narine ball to deep


West Indies started

aggressively, with the open-

ing pair putting on 54 before

Clint McKay had Devon

Thomas (19) caught at cover 

 by Hughes in the ninth over.

Kieran Powell scored 47

from 49 balls and was batting

comfortably before he top-

edged an attempted sweep off 

Maxwell and lobbed a leg-

side catch to wicketkeeper 

Matt Wade, making the score


Darren and Dwayne

Bravo (51 from 50 balls)

combined in a 114-run stand

to keep West Indies on track 

until Starc made the break-

through that swung the match

 back in Australia's favor. He

 bowled Dwayne Bravo to

trigger the late slide, with

West Indies losing its last

eight wickets for 95 runs.

The fourth game is on

Friday in Sydney

Watson ton drivesAustralia to Canberra win

LONDON: Two plants

from South East Asia may

have anti-diabetic proper-

ties and could help tackle

obesity as well, believe

British researchers.

A team of researchers at

the University of 

Greenwich plans to investi-

gate Cassia auriculata and

Cassia alata whose extracts

could yield active ingredi-

ents for a remedy to dia-

 betes which exists in two

forms - Type 1 and Type 2.

The former normally

affects children, while type

2, which is most common

in adults, (often diagnosed

later in life) can be man-

aged by diet, exercise and

weight loss to some


The group had previous-

ly hit upon a constituent

called kaempferol 3-O-

rutinosidehe from the

extracts of one of the plants

which was proven to be

eight times more potent

than the standard anti-dia-

 betic dru g acarbose.

The researchers have

also identified anti-oxidant

 prope rtie s of the plant s

which aids in diabetes


"Our other most inter-

esting finding is that many

of the active ingredients

from the Cassia auriculata

 plant work thro ugh a

 process cal led 'synergi sm' -

in other words, they work 

together to produce an

effect greater than the sum

of their individual effects,"

says Dr Solomon

Habtemariam of the

research team.

ZAGREB: A resilient Somdev

Devvarman saved a match point

 before wearing out German

Michael Berrer in the opening

round of the ATP Zagreb Indoor 

event on Wednesday.

The Indian overcame a poor 

start as he was bageled in the first

set but eventually won 0-6 7-6 (6)

4-1 when his German rival, world

number 125, retired due to fatigue.

Somdev, known for playing

long matches with a never-say-die

spirit, kept Berrer in the match

with his amazing retrieving ability.Somdev, who is leading a play-

ers' revolt against the national fed-

eration, next plays fourth seed and

world number 29 Austrian Jurgen

Melzer in the euro 410,200 event.

It will be first meeting between

the new players.

Ecologists warnagainst restoration of 

degraded land

SYDNEY: The United Nations aims to

restore 150 million hectares of degraded

land worldwide by 2020 but restoration

ecologists warn that it will take more than

simple tree plantation.

Myles Menz, doctoral candidate at the

University of Western Australia (UWA)

School of Plant Biology, who led the study,

argues that gaps in knowledge must be iden-

tified, capacities developed and research

translated into policy and practice in order 

to achieve success in landscape-scale

restoration projects.

With Kingsley Dixon at the UWA and

Richard Hobbs, both professors, Menz pro-

 poses a four-point plan to ensure that

restoration sustains and enhances restora-

tion values, while recognizing that prevent-

ing environmental loss and damage is better 

than restoration after damage has happened,

the journal Science reports said.

Early forest restoration in south-western

Australia involved planting non-native and

non-local species based on what was cur-

rent best practice at the time. Consequently,

science programmes were undertaken to fill

these gaps in knowledge."

The authors cite other initiatives such as

China's Great Green Wall, where large-scale

 planting of non-native trees in a project that

 began in 1978 was thought to have caused

damage, as local ecosystems were damaged

 by the plantation of non-native, fast-grow-

ing trees, according to an UWA statement.

Somdev enters 2nd round of Zagreb ATP event

 Asian plants may offer remedy for diabetes

Australia's Shane Watson (R) plays a shot against Sri Lanka asSri Lanka's wicket keeper Kumar Sangakkara looks

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