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Segala puji bagi Allah SWT yang telah memberikan saya kesempatan

menyelesaikan karyailmiah ini dengan penuh kemudahan. Tanpa kehendak-Nya

mungkin saya tidak dapat menyelesaikan dengan baik. Makalah ini disusun agar

kita semua dapat memahami seberapa besar dari makna dari Hak Asasi

Manusia yang akan saya tulis berdasarkan dari berbagai sumber. Karya ilmiah

saya susun tidak mudah seperti membalikkan telapak tangan banyak tantangan

yang saya temukan. Namun dengan usaha, kemauan, kerja keras dan atas

kehendak-Nya saya dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini.

Makalah ini memuat tentang HAK ASASI MANUSIA “ No one can take

away your human right (pembatasan dan pernyataan bahwa tidak bisa

mengambil Hak Asasi yang lain).”Sengaja di pilih agar dapat mengajak kita

semua betapa pentingnya hak asasi manusia . Saya juga mengucapkan terima

kasih kepada dosen dan semua pihak yang terkait yang telah banyak membantu

dan mendukung saya sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan karya ilmiah ini.

Semoga dengan adanya karya ilmiah ini dapat memberikan banyak

informasi, pengetahuan dan wawasan yang lebih luas kepada kita semua, saya

tahu bahwa  makalah ini mempunyai banyak kekurangan, maka dari itu saya

mohon kritik dan saran yang sifatnya membangun demi kemajuan dan

pembelajaran dalam karya ilmiah ini


Pontianak , 17 Maret 2015



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HALAMAN JUDUL ………………………………………………………… i

KATA PENGANTAR…………………………………………………..…… ii

DAFTAR ISI………………………………………………………………… iii

RINGKASAN……………………………………………………………….. iv


A. Latar Belakang…………….…………………………………………… 1

B.Rumusan Masalah……..………………………………………………... 1

C. Tujuan penulisan...…………………………………………………....... 2

D. Manfaat Penulisan................................................................................... 2


A. Perkembangan Pemikiran HAM………………....………………….... 4

B. Perkembangan Pemikiran HAM di Indonesia ..............................……. 5

C. HAM dalam Tinjauan Islam……………………………………………. 6

D. HAM Dalam Perundang-Undangan Nasional.......................................... 7

E. Pelanggaran HAM dan Pengadilan HAM................................................ 8

F. Contoh Kasus Pelanggaran HAM dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari.............. 10


A. Bentuk Pelanggaran HAM dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari……………... 11

B. Mengatasi Masalah Pelanggaran HAM bagi Pemerintah ..…………...... 11

C. Mengatasi Pelanggaran HAM bagi Individu……………………….....… 12

SIMPULAN DAN REKOMENDASI............................................................. 13

DAFTAR PUSTAKA……………………………………………………..… 15


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Rights should be coupled with basic obligations, which in our social life should be prioritized. This means that obligations first, and then demanded the right. Limitation of rights or basic rights are fundamental rights or fundamental possessed by every human being as an inborn, which is closely related to the dignity and human dignity. Rights are also commonly called human Rights (Human Rights that should not be violated by anyone)

Definition of Human Rights is the inherent right of every human being born in force since the beginning of a lifetime and the inviolability of anyone. As good citizens, we must uphold the values of human rights without distinction of status, class, ancestry, position, and so forth. In Act No. 39 of 1999 Article 1 paragraph 1 affirmed that human rights are a set of rights attached to the nature and existence of human beings as creatures of God Almighty and His is a gift, which must be respected, upheld and protected by the State, law and government and everyone for the respect and protection of human dignity.

In this state, is constitutionally recognized, that every person has the right to vote and run jobs. In addition they have the right to work, they also have the right to be treated humanely and with dignity. In the dimension of human rights, the treatment pattern of dehumanization as forced labor, a form of serious human rights violations. Whereas the sharia perspective, the treatment shown to him the company can be equated with insult to the doctrine taught by the Prophet. They have soul rights with the rights attached to the company

Government Regulation (PP) No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health has been enacted by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Government Regulation No. 61 of 2014 is referred to by the public as a recognition of the legalization of abortion, including the legalization of abortion for victims of rape. In general, both in the perspective of human rights, national law, or Islamic law judge, that abortion is an act of categorized types disappearance opportunity for the fetus to live and continue to develop into a human. If these actions get through the legality of laws, then it is identical to justify crime. Although pregnancy because of rape, but the conditions, can not be a reason to justify the legalization of abortion.

Keywords: abortion, rape, human rights, right to life,corporate, labor.


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