

September 2013

Many business leaders are still in the dark about the tools and principles of Customer Experience Investigation®. During Customer Experience Education month, we explored and defined key terms and practices, as well as some real-life examples of CX design and evaluation.

It’s all about participation and discussion. How do you study the true Customer Experience?

School’s In Session: Studies In Customer Experience Education

It’s invigorating to continue learning new things. We’ve decided to go back to school ourselves, and study customer experience education. Not only is it nice to get back to the basics, but it’s fun to keep learning as we go! We hope you’ll join us in the class discussions!

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The B2B Sales Experience: Reps Need To Do Their Homework

It’s not easy to make calls to strangers. But that’s no excuse for them to waste our time with poorly planned and executed sales calls. It’s time to expect more from those making these calls. Here is a quick list of ways salespeople could provide a better B2B sales experience.

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How The Best Web Designers Pass Our Customer Experience Exam

Designing a website is known to be a long and exhausting process for both the designer and the client. We have a special guest lecture from design extrordinaire CASUDI Di Diego who teaches how to create a better experience for everyone involved by designing a fab customer experience.

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Class Trip: Define Customer Experience Investigation® Through A Day in the Life

It’s time to dig into our Customer Experience Education coursework with a class trip! To help us define Customer Experience Investigation™ for ourselves, we had the opportunity to spend the day with Jeannie Walters, a real Customer Experience Investigator™.

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Customer Journey Maps: Customer Experience Geography 101

Creating a good customer journey map is a huge and exhausting endeavor that can really pay off it’s when complete, but finding the right approach is key. Here are just a few of the ways you can tackle learning about the true terrain your customers trek through just to buy your products or services.

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How One Cashier Secured My Customer Commitment to This Business

It’s not always about metrics and complicated processes- sometimes it’s all about being human. Special guest Sean McGinnis tells his story about a simple interaction that won his loyalty over a competitor he had actually always been satisfied with.

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Workplace Psychology and the Curse of The Cursed

The cursed ones- the ones who create a toxic environment at the workplace. Have you ever met one of those people? They often think the world is out to get them. Though we don’t really need to know what makes them tick, we do need to identify them before they poison our staff!

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What IS a Customer Touchpoint?

Yes and no, Wikipedia! Touchpoints are more than just business jargon. Understanding your customer touchpoints could help you stay ahead in meaningful ways. Read more about what a customer touchpoint really is. Your customers will thank you!

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Reality Check: The Best Interior Designers Study Customer Experience

Welcome again to our CX Ed podium design extrordinaire CASUDI Di Diego! Her expertise in interior design shows us why it’s more important to create an experience that suits your customer’s lifestyle over something flashy and pretty that might not work for them in the long run.

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Social Studies: Why Social Customer Service is Still Subpar

As customers, we now expect ALL companies to be responsive via social media. Recent studies from Ambassador and Social Bakers reveal how mismatched our expectations are with reality. Avoid these 5 common mistakes and be among those few companies who actually “get it.”

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Staying Customer Focused From the Inside Out

Without exception, I have witnessed amazing insights into how companies can do business better through the exercise of customer journey mapping. Here are some of the most common ways examining the customer experience leads to improvement within the organization.

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Microinteractions and the Balance Between Love and Hate

CEO of Konstant Change Marti Konstant says, “Because I am a digital marketer, and I can’t help myself, I did what I usually do with a newfound passion. I did research. Grounded in context, and sprinkled with a bit of philosophy, this is what I found.” Read on for more insight!

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10 Ways Customer Experience Rocks Your World

People are finally starting to get what Customer Experience really means and why it’s so important. So I decided to let you know why I am so passionate about the subject! Here are the reasons I believe customer experience is the key to happy customers, employees and people in general.

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The Value of Customer Experience

What IS the value of customer experience? Whether measured by your customers or from within your organization, the value of customer experience can be measured in so many ways. Here are some ways to gauge the value of your customer experience from the inside and the outside.

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Why One Bad Customer Interaction Could Haunt Your Brand

When you evaluate customer touchpoints, the potential impact of each one on the total customer experience should be considered. Reality is, the little things like one, just ONE impersonal email, cripple the customer experience. Read more about it, and enjoy some fun examples!

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