
Cultural Encounters in the High Middle Ages

Scholars, Crusaders, and Travelers


John Cotts

Associate Professor of History

Whitman College

Monsters from the Hereford Mappa Mundi (c. 1290)

First Crusade, 1095-1099

Crusader States

Merovingian “world” map, c. 700

Ninth-century T-O map

Ninth-century T-O map, from Strasbourg

T-O map based on Sallust, c. 1150

Ninth-century “Macrobian” map

Ravenna map, c. 700

Erbstorf map, 1234

Erbstorf map, detail

Erbstorf detail

Hereford Mappa mundi, 13th c.

Hereford detail

Blemmyae, c. 1100

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