  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@KJ^ ]lus DEIFN^FLL@TO^



  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    ^espoasfnflfty ior Faiorg`tfoa

    Ft fs the respoasfnflfty oi our justogers to easure th`t the `pproprf`te persoa(s& who g`y use thfs deifnrfll`tor h`ve

    `jjess to the faiorg`tfoa fa thfs g`au`l, fajludfab beaer`l s`iety faiorg`tfoa provfded fa Zejtfoa 0

    ^x Oaly

    Devfje Tr`jkfab

    The UZ Iood `ad Drub @dgfafstr`tfoa requfres deifnrfll`tor g`aui`jturers `ad dfstrfnutors to tr`jk the

    loj`tfoa oi thefr deifnrfll`tors Fi the devfje fs loj`ted sogewhere other th`a the shfppfab `ddress or the devfje h`s

    neea sold, doa`ted, lost, stolea, exported, destroyed, perg`aeatly retfred irog use, or fi the devfje w`s aot ont`faed

    dfrejtly irog ]hysfo'Joatrol, ple`se do oae oi the iollowfab3 rebfster the devfje t http3//wwwphysfo'joatroljog, j`ll

    the devfje tr`jkfab joordfa`tor `t 08==4>94448, or use oae oi the post`be'p`fd `ddress jh`abe j`rds loj`ted fa

    the n`jk oi thfs g`au`l to upd`te thfs vft`l tr`jkfab faiorg`tfoa

    ^evfsfoa HfstoryThese oper`tfab fastrujtfoas desjrfne the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tors wfth soitw`re

    Yersfoa := or l`ter



    LFIE]@K, LFIE]@K J^, LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ, `ad PUFK'JOGNO `re rebfstered tr`deg`rks oi ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj @D@]TFY, JODE'ZT@T,JH@^BE']@K, PUFK']@K, `ad Zhojk @dvfsory Zysteg `re tr`deg`rks oi ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj FrD@ fs ` rebfstered tr`deg`rk oi Fair`red D`t`@ssojf`tfoa Zpejfifj`tfoas `re suncejt to jh`abe wfthout aotfje

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj @ll rfbhts reserved

    GFA :>=0989'=00 ]unlfj`tfoa D`te3 0/>==6

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas fff

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj


    0 Fatrodujtfoa@nout @utog`tfj Extera`l Deifnrfll`tors 0'>

    Fadfj`tfoas ior Use 0'>

    Joatr`fadfj`tfoas 0'>

    Rhy the Aeed ior Deifnrfll`tors 0'>

    Tergfaoloby 0':Text Joaveatfoas 0'4

    Z`iety Faiorg`tfoa 0'4

    Z`iety Tergs 0'4

    Beaer`l R`rafabs `ad J`utfoas 0'5

    Zygnols 0'2

    @nout the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tors 0'6

    J`p`nflftfes `ad Ie`tures 0'0=

    > Bettfab Zt`rtedUap`jkfab `ad Faspejtfab Vour LFIE]@K J^ ]lus or LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll tor >'>

    Rhere to Loj`te Vour LFIE]@K J^ ]lus or LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tor >':

    Joatrols, Fadfj`tors, ad L`nels >'4

    Outsfde Joatrols, Fadfj`tors, `ad L`nels >'4

    Fasfde Ie`tures >'5

    : Usfab the Deifnrfll`torR`rafabs `ad J`utfoas :'>

    ^espoadfab to Zuddea J`rdf`j @rrest egerbeajy :'>

    N`sfj Zteps ior Usfab the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus or LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor :':

    Rh`t to Do @iter Egerbeajy Gedfj`l ]ersoaael @rrfve :'5

    Rh`t to Do @iter Usfab Vour Deifnrfll`tor :'5

    Yofje Fastrujtfoas `ad Toaes :'5

    Trounleshootfab :'9

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    fv LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    4 D`t` Ztor`beOvervfew oi D`t` Ztor`be 4'>

    D`t` Ztored ny Vour Deifnrfll`tor 4'>

    Test `ad Zervfje D`t` 4'>Eveat `ad Test Lob 4':

    5 J`rfab ior Vour Deifnrfll`torG`fat`fafab Zt`te oi ^e`dfaess 5'>

    Ztorfab Vour Deifnrfll`tor 5'>

    Jle`afab Vour Deifnrfll`tor 5'>

    ^epl`jfab the JH@^BE']@K N`ttery Jh`rber `ad the PUFK']@K Elejtrode ]`jket 5'4

    ^epl`jfab the JH@^BE']@K N`ttery Jh`rber 5'5

    ^epl`jfab the PUFK']@K Elejtrode ]`jket 5'2

    Ont`fafab @uthorfzed Zervfje 5'8

    ^ejyjlfab Faiorg`tfoa 5'8

    ^ejyjlfab @ssfst`aje 5'8

    ]rep`r`tfoa 5'8

    ^ejyjlfab oi Dfspos`nle Elejtrodes 5'8]`jk`bfab 5'8

    Zupplfes, @jjessorfes, `ad Tr`fafab Tools 5'8

    R`rr`aty Faiorg`tfoa 5'8

    9 Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab ZettfabsOper`tfab Zettfabs `ad Zetup Joaifbur`tfoa 9'>

    @ Zpejfifj`tfoas

    N Zhojk @dvfsory Zysteg

    J Users Jhejklfst

    D Elejtrog`baetfj Jogp`tfnflfty Bufd`aje


  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 0'0

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj


    Thfs sejtfoa provfdes n`jkbrouad faiorg`tfoa `nout deifnrfll`tfoa `ad fajludes `a overvfew oi

    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tor ie`tures

    @nout @utog`tfj Extera`l Deifnrfll`tors p`be 0'>

    Z`iety Faiorg`tfoa 0'4

    Zygnols 0'2@nout the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K

    EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tors


  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    0'> LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas



    The LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tors `re `utog`ted extera`l deifnrfll`tors

    (@EDs& Ior g`ay ye`rs, deifnrfll`tors h`ve neea used oaly ny gedfj`l proiessfoa`ls to tre`t vfjtfgs fasuddea j`rdf`j rrest (ZJ@& Tod`y, the `nflfty oi deifnrfll`tors to s`ve lfves fs so wfdely rejobafzed th`t

    people oaje tr`faed to do oaly j`rdfopulgoa`ry resusjft`tfoa (J]^& j`a aow use deifnrfll`tors

    @iter elejtrode p`ds re pplfed to the vfjtfgs jhest, the deifnrfll`tor a`lyzes the vfjtfgs he`rt rhythg

    Fi ` shojk`nle rhythg fs detejted, the deifnrfll`tor wfll efther delfver `a fatease pulse oi elejtrfjfty

    (shojk& to the he`rt gusjle (iully `utog`tfj godel& or dfrejt the respoader to delfver the shojk

    (segf`utog`tfj godel& The deifnrfll`tor delfvers shojks throubh the elejtrode p`ds oa the vfjtfgs


    Rhea thfs pulse oi elejtrfjfty fs delfvered, ft fs j`lled deifnrfll`tfoa Deifnrfll`tfoa fs rejobafzed ior tre`tfab

    lfie'thre`teafab he`rt ne`t frrebul`rftfes, sujh `s veatrfjul`r ifnrfll`tfoa, th`t j`use ZJ@

    The LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll tors `re desfbaed spejfifj`lly ior fairequeat

    use `ad ior use ny people whose oaly tr`fafab fs fa J]^ `ad fa usfab @EDs

    Fadfj`tfoas ior Use

    The LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tors re fadfj`ted ior use oa p`tfeats fa j`rdf`j

    `rrest The p`tfeat gust ne uarespoasfve (uajoasjfous&, aot nre`thfab aorg`lly, `ad showfab ao sfbas

    oi jfrjul`tfoa (ior ex`gple, ao pulse, ao joubhfab, or ao govegeat& Rfth Fai`at/Jhfld ^edujed Eaerby

    Deifnrfll`tfoa Elejtrodes, the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll tors g`y ne used oa

    jhfldrea who `re up to 8 ye`rs old or who wefbh up to >5 kb (55 ln&


    Aoae kaowa

    Rhy the Aeed ior Deifnrfll`tors

    The @gerfj`a He`rt @ssojf`tfoa estfg`tes th`t, fa the UZ@ `loae, `t le`st >5=,=== people dfe e`jh

    ye`r oi j`rdf`j `rrest Oi these, `nout 0=,=== people gfbht h`ve neea s`ved h`d they rejefved

    fggedf`te tre`tgeat irog ` deifnrfll`tor

    Zuddea j`rdf`j `rrest fs usu`lly j`used ny ` g`liuajtfoa fa the he`rts elejtrfj`l systeg J`lled

    veatrfjul`r ifnrfll`tfoa, thfs jrftfj`l joadftfoa preveats the he`r t irog pugpfab nlood throubhout the nody

    Yeatrfjul`r ifnrfll`tfoa j`a j`use de`th wfthfa sejoads

    Deifnrfll`tfoa fs ` rel`tfvely sfgple projedure th`t favolves pl`jfab elejtrode p`ds oa ` vfjtfgs exposed

    jhest `ad delfverfab `a elejtrfj`l shojk to the he`rt The extera`lly'delfvered shojk oitea restores the

    he`rts elejtrfj`l systeg to aorg`l rhythg Jognfaed wfth J]^, deifnrfll`tfoa provfdes the gost

    eiiejtfve j`re ior vfjtfgs fa j`rdf`j `rrest

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 0':

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj



    The iollowfab tergs `ppe`r fa thfs g`au`l

    @ED @utog`ted Extera`l Deifnrfll`tor @ devfje th`t ev`lu`tes the vfjtfgs he`rtrhythg `ad delfvers `a elejtrfj`l shojk to the he`r t fi ` shojk`nle rhythg fs


    J`rdf`j rrest The tergfa tfoa oi the he rts pugpfab jtfoa resultfab fa the l`jk oi

    he`rtne`t or pulse `ad nre`thfab

    J]^ J`rdfopulgoa`ry resusjft`tfoa Thfs favolves delfverfab resjue nre`thfab ad

    jhest jogpressfoas to ` vfjtfg fa j`rdf`j `rrest

    Deifnrfll t foa Delfvery oi `a elejtrfj l shojk to the he`rt ior the purpose oi reversfab

    veatrfjul`r ifnrfll`tfoa

    EJB Elejtroj`rdfobr`g @ jogposfte pfjture oi wh`t fs ojjurrfab elejtrfj`lly fa the


    Ifnrfll`tfoa Jh`otfj `jtfvfty oi the he`rts elejtrfj`l systeg Thfs joadftfoa j`a ojjur fa

    the `trf` or the veatrfjles Rhea ft ojjurs fa the veatrfjles, they qufver fa `

    r`pfd, jh`otfj g`aaer, preveatfab theg irog pugpfab nlood to the nody

    He`rt tt jk @ aoaspejfifj terg reierrfab to the de`th oi he`rt gusjle resultfab irog

    faterruptfoa oi nlood supply, oitea joaiused wfth j`rdf`j `rrest

    Fgped`aje ^esfst`aje to the ilow oi elejtr fj`l jurreat throubh the nody

    Coule The n`sfj uaft oi eaerby delfvered ny deifnrfll`tor

    LED Lfbht egfttfab dfodes

    Gyoj`rdf l fai rjtfoa The spejfifj terg ior wh`t fs usu`lly ge`at ny he`rt tt`jk; de`th oi he`rt

    gusjle resultfab irog `a faterruptfoa oi the nlood supply to th`t `re` oi

    gyoj`rdfugAoashojk`nle rhythg @ he`rt rhythg th t fs detejted ny the deifnrfll tor th`t does aot aeed `

    shojk, nut g`y aeed J]^

    Yfjtfg Fa thfs g`au`l, the persoa suiierfab irog j`rdf`j rrest

    ^espoader Fa thfs g`au`l, the persoa bfvfab fd to vfjtfg fa j rdf`j rrest Used

    faterjh`abe`nly wfth user

    Z@Z ]hysfo'Joatrol p`teated Zhojk @dvfsory Zysteg

    Zhojk`nle rhythg @ he`rt rhythg th`t fs detejted ny the deifnrfll`tor `s requfrfab ` shojk, ior

    ex`gple, veatrfjul`r ifnrfll`tfoa

    User Fa thfs g`au`l, the persoa bfvfab fd to vfjtfg fa j`rdf`j rrest Used

    faterjh`abe`nly wfth respoaderYeatrfjul`r ifnrfll`tfoa @ lfie'thre`teafab jh`otfj he`rt rhythg

    Yeatrfjul`r t`jhyj`rdf ^`pfd he`rt rhythg orfbfa`tfab fa the veatrfjle

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    0'4 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas


    Text Joaveatfoas

    Throubhout thfs g`au`l, spejf`l text jh`r`jters `re used to fadfj`te l`nels `ad vofje fastrujtfoas3

    Oper`tfab joatrol l`nels3J@]FT@L LETTE^Z sujh `s OA/OII `ad ZHOJK

    Yofje fastrujtfoas3FT@LFJFSED J@]FT@L LETTE^Zsujh `s ZT@AD JLE@


    Thfs sejtfoa provfdes fgport`at faiorg`tfoa to help you s`iely oper`te your deifnrfll`tor I`gflf`rfze

    yourseli wfth `ll oi the tergs, w`rafabs, `ad sygnols preseated fa thfs sejtfoa

    Z`iety Tergs

    Vou g`y eajouater the iollowfab tergs fa thfs g`au`l `ad whfle usfab your deifnrfll`tor3

    D`aber Fggedf`te h`z`rds th`t wfll result fa serfous persoa`l facury or de`th to the user `ad/orthe vfjtfg

    R`rafab H`z`rds or uas`ie pr`jtfjes th`t jould result fa serfous persoa`l facury or de`th to the

    user `ad/or the vfjtfg

    J`utfoa H`z`rds or uas`ie pr`jtfjes th`t jould result fa gfaor persoa`l facury to the user `ad/or

    the vfjtfg, produjt d`g`be, or property d`g`be

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 0'5

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj


    Beaer`l R`rafabs `ad J`utfoas


    Zhojk h`z`rd

    The deifnrfll`tor delfvers up to :9= coules oi elejtrfj`l eaerby Ualess properly used `s desjrfned fa thfs

    g`au`l, thfs elejtrfj`l eaerby g`y j`use serfous facury or de`th Do aot `ttegpt to oper`te thfs

    deifnrfll`tor ualess thoroubhly i`gflf`r wfth thfs g`au`l `ad the iuajtfoa oi `ll joatrols, fadfj`tors,

    joaaejtors, `ad `jjessorfes

    Do aot fasert ` ifaber or `ay oncejt other th`a the JH@^BE']@K fato the well oi the deifnrfll`tor

    Zhojk or ifre h`z`rd

    Do aot fggerse `ay portfoa oi thfs deifnrfll`tor fa w`ter or other ilufds @vofd spfllfab `ay ilufds oa the

    deifnrfll`tor or fts `jjessorfes Do aot jle`a wfth ketoaes or other il`gg`nle `beats Do aot `utojl`ve

    or sterflfze thfs deifnrfll`tor or the `jjessorfes ualess otherwfse spejfifed

    ]ossfnle ifre or explosfoa

    Do aot store thfs deifnrfll`tor fa the preseaje oi il`gg`nle b`ses or fa dfrejt joat`jt wfth il`gg`nle


    Do aot use thfs deifnrfll`tor fa the preseaje oi il`gg`nle b`ses or `aesthetfjs Use j`re whea

    oper`tfab thfs deifnrfll`tor jlose to oxybea sourjes (sujh `s n`b'v`lve'g`sk devfje or veatfl`tor tunfab&

    Tura oii b`s sourje or gove sourje `w`y irog p`tfeat durfab deifnrfll`tfoa

    ]ossfnle devfje shutdowa

    Rhea the `tteatfoa sygnol ifrst `ppe`rs oa the re`dfaess dfspl`y, oaly sg ll augner oi shojks

    `ad goaftorfab tfge `re `v`fl`nle @lw`ys keep ` JH@^BE']@K fa the deifnrf ll`tor outfaely jhejk

    th`t the deifnrfll`tor fs re`dy ior use ^epl`je the JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber `iter e`jh use oi the


  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    0'9 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas


    ]ossfnle elejtrfj`l fateriereaje wfth devfje periorg`aje

    Equfpgeat oper`tfab fa jlose proxfgfty g`y egft stroab elejtrog`baetfj or r`dfo irequeajy fateriereaje(^IF& whfjh jould `iiejt the periorg`aje oi thfs devfje ^IF g`y result fa fgproper devfje oper`tfoa,

    dfstorted EJB, i`flure to detejt ` shojk`nle rhythg, or jess`tfoa oi p`jfab @vofd oper`tfab the devfje

    ae`r j`uterfzers, df`thergy equfpgeat, jellul`r phoaes, or other port`nle `ad gonfle ^I

    jogguafj`tfoas equfpgeat G`fat fa equfpgeat sep`r`tfoa oi `t le`st 0> g (4 it& `ad do aot r`pfdly

    key EGZ r`dfos oa `ad oii Joat`jt ` tejhafj`l support represeat`tfve fi `ssfst`aje fs requfred

    ]ossfnle elejtrfj`l fateriereaje

    Usfab j`nles, elejtrodes, or `jjessorfes aot spejfifed ior use wfth thfs devfje g`y result fa fajre`sed

    egfssfoas or dejre`sed resfst`aje to elejtrog`baetfj fateriereaje whfjh jould `iiejt the periorg`aje

    oi thfs deifnrfll`tor or oi equfpgeat fa jlose proxfgfty Use oaly p`rts `ad `jjessorfes spejfifed fa thfs


    ]ossfnle elejtrfj`l fateriereaje

    Thfs devfje g`y j`use elejtrog`baetfj fateriereaje (EGF& espejf`lly durfab jh`rbe `ad eaerbytr`asiers EGF g`y iiejt the periorg`aje oi equfpgeat oper`tfab fa jlose proxfgfty Fi possfnle, verfiy

    the eiiejts oi deifnrfll`tor dfsjh`rbe oa other equfpgeat prfor to usfab the deifnrfll`tor fa `a egerbeajy


    ]ossfnle fgproper devfje periorg`aje

    Usfab other g`aui`jturers j`nles or elejtrodes g`y j`use the deifnrfll`tor to periorg fgproperly `ad

    fav`lfd`tes the s`iety `beajy jertfifj`tfoa Use oaly the p`rts `ad `jjessorfes spejfifed fa thfs g`au`l

    Usfab d`g`bed or expfred equfpgeat or `jjessorfes g`y j`use the deifnrfll`tor to periorg fgproperly

    `ad g`y facure the vfjtfg or the user

    Z`iety rfsk `ad possfnle equfpgeat d`g`be

    Goaftors, deifnrfll`tors, `ad thefr `jjessorfes (fajludfab elejtrodes `ad j`nles& joat`fa ierrog`baetfj

    g`terf`ls @s wfth `ll ierrog`baetfj equfpgeat, these produjts gust aot ne used fa the preseaje oi thehfbh g`baetfj ifeld jre`ted ny ` G`baetfj ^esoa`aje Fg`bfab (G^F& devfje The hfbh g`baetfj ifeld

    jre`ted ny `a G^F devfje wfll `ttr`jt the equfpgeat wfth ` iorje suiifjfeat to j`use de`th or serfous

    persoa`l facury to persoas netweea the equfpgeat `ad the G^F devfje Thfs g`baetfj `ttr`jtfoa g`y

    `lso d`g`be the equfpgeat Zkfa nuras wfll `lso ojjur due to he`tfab oi elejtrfj`lly joadujtfve

    g`terf`ls, sujh `s p`tfeat le`ds `ad pulse oxfgeter seasors Joasult the G^F g`aui`jturer ior gore


    ]ossfnle equfpgeat d`g`be

    Thfs deifnrfll`tor g`y ne d`g`bed ny gejh`afj`l or physfj`l `nuse, sujh `s fggersfoa fa w`ter or

    droppfab the deifnrfll`tor Fi the deifnrfll`tor h`s neea nused, regove ft irog use `ad joat`jt qu`lfifed

    servfje tejhafjf`a

    Usfab d`g`bed or expfred equfpgeat or jjessorfes g`y j`use your deifnrfll`tor to periorg fgproperly

    `ad g`y facure the vfjtfg or the user


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    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 0'2

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj



    The iollowfab sygnols g`y `ppe`r fa thfs g`au`l `ad oa the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K

    EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tors Ior gore faiorg`tfoa `nout the re`dfaess dfspl`y sygnols, reier to Zejtfoa >,Bettfab Zt`rted

    Zygnol Expl`a`tfoa

    OK Fadfj`tor The deifnrfll`tor fs re`dy ior use

    @tteatfoa Oa the re`dfaess dfspl`ythe fatera`l n`ttery fs low ^eier to p`be >'4 ior

    gore faiorg`tfoa `nout the re`dfaess dfspl`y

    @tteatfoa Oa the JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rberjoasult the oper`tfab fastrujtfoas

    ^eier to p`be 5'5 ior gore faiorg`tfoa `nout the JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber

    @tteatfoa Oa the s`iety w`rafabjoasult the oper`tfab fastrujtfoas ^eier top`be 0'5 ior gore faiorg`tfoa `nout the w`rafabs `ad j`utfoas

    @tteatfoa Oa the elejtrode p`dsjoasult the oper`tfab fastrujtfoas ^eier to

    p`be >'9 ior gore faiorg`tfoa `nout elejtrode p`ds

    R`rafab, hfbh volt`be

    JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber fadfj`tor Oa the re`dfaess dfspl`yJH@^BE']@K

    n`ttery jh`rber aeeds to ne repl`jed

    Rreajh fadfj`tor There fs ` joadftfoa th`t preveats or jould preveat aorg`ldeifnrfll`tor oper`tfoa ^eier to p`be 5'8 ior gore faiorg`tfoa


    Thfs ead up


    H`adle wfth j`re

    ]rotejt irog w`ter

    ]ower Oa/Oii nuttoa

    Type NI p`tfeat joaaejtfoa


  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    0'8 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas


    Aot fateaded ior use oa jhfldrea who `re less th`a efbht ye`rs oi `be or who wefbhless th`a >5 kb (55 pouads&

    Fai`at Jhfld ^edujed Eaerby Elejtrodes `re aot jogp`tfnle wfth PUFK'JOGNO

    deifnrfll`tfoa `ad ther`py j`nles To use Fai`at/Jhfld Elejtrodes, joaaejt Fai`at/Jhfld

    Elejtrodes dfrejtly to the @ED

    Aot fateaded ior use oa `dults

    ]hysfo'Joatrol elejtrodes `re l`tex'iree

    @rrow fadfj`tes OA/OII nuttoa loj`tfoa

    Zygnol deaotfab ` deifnrfll`tor `ad fdeatfifes the shojk nuttoa

    Lot jode

    Do aot reusesfable use oaly

    Use Ny d`te showa3 yyyy'gg'dd

    ^eier to fastrujtfoas ior rejyjlfab projedure, p`be 5'8

    ^eier to fastrujtfoas ior dfspos`l projedure, p`be 5'4

    Do aot dfspose oi thfs produjt fa the uasorted guafjfp`l w`ste stre`g Dfspose oi thfs

    produjt `jjordfab to loj`l rebul`tfoas Zee http3//rejyjlfabgedtroafjjog ior

    fastrujtfoas oa the proper dfspos`l oi thfs produjt

    G`rk oi joaiorgfty `jjordfab to the Europe`a Gedfj`l Devfje Dfrejtfve 6:/4>/EEJ

    J`a`df`a Zt`ad`rds @ssojf`tfoa jertfifj`tfoa ior J`a`d` `ad the Uafted Zt`tes

    Zygnol Expl`a`tfoa



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    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 0'6

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj



    The LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tors `re desfbaed ior fadoor `ad outdoor use

    E`jh h`s two godels `v`fl`nleiully `utog`tfj `ad segf`utog`tfj @iter the elejtrode p`ds `re

    `pplfed, the iully `utog`tfj godel ev`lu`tes the he`rt rhythg `ad, fi ` shojk`nle rhythg fs detejted,

    delfvers ` shojk wfthout `ay respoader `ssfst`aje The segf`utog`tfj godel ev`lu`tes the he`rt

    rhythg nut requfres the respoader to press the shojk nuttoa fi ` shojk`nle rhythg fs detejted Noth

    godels h`ve vofje fastrujtfoas th`t bufde the respoader throubh the deifnrfll`tfoa projess

    Ior UZ@ `udfeajes oaly

    @tgospherfj pressure lfgft`tfoa

    ^el`tfve hugfdfty r`abe 5% to 65%

    Ztore fa ` jool, dry loj`tfoa (= to 5=J or :> to 0>>I&

    ^ejoggeaded stor`be tegper`ture3 05 to :5J (56 to 65I& Ztor`be `t extregetegper`tures oi '4= or 2=J ('4= or 058I& fs lfgfted to sevea d`ys Fi stor`be `t

    these tegper`tures exjeeds oae week, the elejtrode sheli'lfie wfll ne redujed

    D`te oi g`aui`jture

    J@UTFOA ' IF^E H@S@^D

    Do aot dfs`ssegnle, he`t `nove 0==J (>0>I&, or fajfaer`te n`ttery

    J@UTFOA ' IF^E H@S@^D

    Do aot jrush, puajture, or dfs`ssegnle n`ttery

    ^x Oaly Ieder`l (UZ& l`w restrfjts thfs devfje to s`le ny, or oa the order oi, ` physfjf`a

    GFA G`aui`jturers Fteg Augner

    J@T J`t`lob augner used ior pl`jfab orders

    ^EI or ^eorder augner

    Zygnol Expl`a`tfoa












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    0'0= LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas


    J`p`nflftfes `ad Ie`tures

    The iollowfab p`r`br`phs fatroduje spejfifj ie`tures iouad fa the deifnrfll`tors

    @jjessorfesThe deifnrfll`tor `rrfves wfth a fast`lled JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber, oae prejoaaejted PUFK']@K

    elejtrode p`jket, `ad the oper`tfab fastrujtfoas ^eier to Zejtfoa 5 ior other `jjessorfes

    @utog`ted Oper`tfoa

    Yofje fastrujtfoas bufde the respoader throubh the deifnrfll`tfoa projess

    The iully utog`tfj deifnrfll`tor requfres ao oper`tor fater`jtfoa neyoad pl`jfab the elejtrode p`ds oa

    the vfjtfg Fi the deifnrfll`tor detejts ` shojk`nle rhythg, ft w`ras the respoader prfor to delfverfab `ay

    shojk, `ad thea delfvers ` shojk wfthout oper`tor fater`jtfoa

    The segf`utog`tfj deifnrfll`tor h`s ` hfbhly vfsfnle shojk nuttoa th`t the respoader gust press whea

    the deifnrfll`tor fssues ` shojk vofje fastrujtfoa

    @utog`tfj Zeli'TestThe deifnrfll`tor tests ftseli e`jh week `ad every tfge you tura ft oa Fa `ddftfoa, every goath, the

    deifnrfll`tor periorgs ` gore exteasfve seli'test Thfs seli'test jhejks the deifnrfll`tors jfrjuftry to verfiy

    th`t ft fs re`dy ior use

    Justogfzed Zetup

    The deifnrfll`tor fs shfpped re`dy to use wfth the preprobr`gged @D@]TFY nfph`sfj esj`l`tfab eaerby

    protojol The deifnrfll`tor `lso h`s sever`l oper`tfab settfabs th`t j`a ne justogfzed These fajlude the

    deifnrfll`tor FD, vofje progpt voluge, eaerby sequeaje, `ad protojol

    D`t` G`a`begeat

    The deifnrfll`tor dfbft`lly stores d`t` whea ft fs turaed oa `ad the elejtrode p`ds `re sujjessiully

    `pplfed to the vfjtfg The stored d`t` fajludes d`te ad tfge, EJB d`t`, ad the augner oi shojks The

    deifnrfll`tor `lso stores the results oi the `utog`tfj seli'testsZtored d`t` j`a ne tr`asierred to ` ]J ny ge`as oi ` serf`l fair`red lfak, the FrD@port @ d`t` tr`asier

    `ad g`a`begeat probr`g ruaafab oa the ]J tr`asiers eveat `ad test d`t` irog the deifnrfll`tor

    Deifnrfll`tfoa Elejtrodes (]`ds&

    Rhea `pplfed to the vfjtfg, ]hysfo'Joatrol PUFK']@K deifnrfll`tfoa elejtrodes (p`ds& work wfth the

    deifnrfll`tor to goaftor the he`rt rhythg `ad fdeatfiy whea ` shojk should ne delfvered Fi vfjtfg j`re fs

    tr`asierred to egerbeajy gedfj`l persoaael, these elejtrode p`ds j`a ne dfsjoaaejted irog the

    deifnrfll`tor `ad rejoaaejted to other @EDs or deifnrfll`tors th`t `re jogp`tfnle wfth PUFK'JOGNO

    elejtrodes Ior fai ats or jhfldrea who `re less th`a efbht ye`rs oi `be or wefbh less th`a >5 kb (55 lns&,

    use Fai`at/Jhfld ^edujed Eaerby Deifnrfll`tfoa Elejtrodes These elejtrodes reduje the eaerby

    delfvered ny the @ED to the vfjtfg ny oae iourth Keep `ll elejtrode p`ds wfth the @ED

    Deifnrfll`tfoa R`veiorgThe deifnrfll`tfoa shojk, usfab @D@]TFY Nfph`sfj tejhaoloby, fs delfvered fa the iorg oi ` nfph`sfj

    truaj`ted expoaeatf`l (NTE& deifnrfll`tfoa w`veiorg

    He`rt ^hythg @a`lysfs

    The ]hysfo'Joatrol p`teated Zhojk @dvfsory Zysteg ev`lu`tes the vfjtfgs he`rt rhythg ^eier to

    @ppeadfx N ior iurther faiorg`tfoa

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 0'00

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj


    Gotfoa Detejtfoa

    Thfs p`teated gotfoa systeg detejts vfjtfg or oper`tor gotfoa th`t jould `iiejt the he`rt rhythg

    ev`lu tfoa He`rt rhythg ev`lu`tfoa fs faterrupted fi the deifnrfll`tor detejts gotfoa

    ]ower Zysteg

    ]ower fs provfded ny ` rejh`rbe`nle fatera`l lfthfug n`ttery The fatera`l n`ttery supplfes power to

    oper`te the deifnrfll`tor @ repl`je`nle JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber provfdes ` trfjkle jh`rbe ior the

    fatera`l n`ttery Ft fs fgport`at to keep ` iresh JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber fa the deifnrfll`tor, evea

    whea the deifnrfll`tor fs stored

    ^e`dfaess Dfspl`y

    Thfs e`sy'to're`d vfsu`l dfspl`y fadfj`tes fi the deifnrfll`tor fs re`dy ior use or fi ft aeeds `tteatfoa

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    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas >'0

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj


    Thfs sejtfoa provfdes a orfeat`tfoa to the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll tors `ad

    desjrfnes how to prep`re the deifnrfll`tor ior use

    Uap`jkfab ad Faspejtfab Vour

    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus or LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ


    p`be >'>

    Rhere to Loj`te Vour LFIE]@K J^ ]lus orLFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tor


    Joatrols, Fadfj`tors, ad L`nels >'4

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    >'> LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    Bettfab Zt`rted



    To help easure the fatebrfty oi your deifnrfll`tor `ad to verfiy th`t ft fs jogplete, periorg the faftf`lfaspejtfoa s iollows3

    0 ^egove your deifnrfll`tor `ad ex`gfae fts outsfde ior sfbas oi d`g`be th`t g`y h`ve ojjurred

    durfab shfppfab

    > Jhejk the reg`fafab joateats fa the nox `b`fast the s les order

    : Yfew the OKsygnol fa the re`dfaess dfspl`y

    Thfs fadfj`tes your deifnrfll`tor fs re`dy ior use Fi the OKsygnol fs aot vfsfnle, joat`jt your loj`l

    ]hysfo'Joatrol represeat`tfve

    4 Aotfje the Use Ny d`te

    The Use Ny d`te fs loj`ted nelow the re`dfaess dfspl`y Thfs d`te tells you whea the elejtrode

    p`jket `ad n`ttery jh`rber gust ne repl`jed

    5 Jhejk the deifnrfll`tor spe`ker ny periorgfab the iollowfab3

    Aote3 Thfs fs oaly ` spe`ker jhejk Do aot respoad to the vofje fastrujtfoas!

    ]ress the OA'OII nuttoa to opea `ad tura oa your deifnrfll`tor

    Joaifrg th`t the vofje fastrujtfoas souad

    ]ress ad hold the OA'OII nuttoa ior `pproxfg`tely > sejoads to tura oii your deifnrfll`tor

    Three toaes wfll souad

    9 Jlose ad l tjh the lfd Do aot reopea the lfd ualess aejess`ry

    Dofab so wfll reduje n`ttery power

    Fi you h`ve `ay questfoas `nout your deifnrfll`tor, ple`se j`ll your loj`l ]hysfo'Joatrol represeat`tfve

    Z`ve the shfppfab joat`faer `ad faserts fa j`se you aeed to reshfp the deifnrfll`tor fa the iuture


    @iter jogpletfab `a faftf`l faspejtfoa, do aot opea the lfd uaaejess`rfly E`jh tfge you opea thelfd, the deifnrfll`tor turas oa `ad fatera`l n`ttery power fs redujed @iter := gfautes oi jugul`tfveoa tfge, the JH@^BE']@K fadfj`tor `ppe`rs oa the re`dfaess dfspl`y fadfj`tfab theJH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber `ad the PUFK']@K elejtrode p`jket should ne repl`jed

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas >':

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    Bettfab Zt`rted



    The deifnrfll`tor should ne e`sy to re`jh fa ` loj`tfoa iree oi onst`jles Thfs jould fajlude ` loj`tfoaae`r exfstfab egerbeajy equfpgeat, sujh `s ifre extfabufshers `ad ifrst'`fd kfts Rhea joasfderfab

    loj`tfoa, `vofd `re`s th`t expose the deifnrfll`tor to gofsture, dust, or extrege tegper`tures

    ^ejoggeaded stor`be tegper`ture fs 05 to :5 J (56 to 65 I& Ztor`be `t hfbher tegper`tures wfll

    shortea the lfie oi the n`ttery `ad elejtrodes

    @lthoubh the deifnrfll`tor `ad elejtrodes `re desfbaed to wfthst`ad eavfroageat`l tegper`tureilujtu`tfoas netweea '4= J to 2= J ('4= I to 058 I&, stor`be t extrege tegper`tures oi '4= J or

    2= J ('4= I or 058 I& fs lfgfted to oae week Fi stor`be t these tegper tures exjeeds oae week, the

    elejtrode sheli'lfie wfll ne redujed ^eier to @ppeadfx @, p`be @': eavfroageat`l spejfifj`tfoas

    faiorg`tfoa Vou j`a pl`je your deifnrfll`tor oa ` st`nle suri`je, or you j`a gouat ft usfab the w`ll

    gouat nr`jket `jjessory Joat`jt your loj`l ]hysfo'Joatrol represeat`tfve


    ]ossfnle ifre or explosfoa

    Do aot store thfs deifnrfll`tor fa the preseaje oi il`gg`nle b`ses or fa dfrejt joat`jt wfthil`gg`nle g`terf`l

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    >'4 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    Bettfab Zt`rted


    Thfs sejtfoa fatrodujes you to the joatrols, fadfj`tors, `ad l`nels oa the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad

    LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tors

    Outsfde Joatrols, Fadfj`tors, `ad L`nels

    Joatrols, fadfj`tors, `ad l`nels oa the outsfde oi the deifnrfll`tor `re fdeatfifed fa Ifbure >'0 `ad

    desjrfned fa T`nle >'0

    Ifbure >'0 Outsfde Joatrols, Fadfj`tors, `ad L`nels

    T`nle >'0 Outsfde Joatrols, Fadfj`tors, `ad L`nels

    Ie`ture Desjrfptfoa

    ^e`dfaess Dfspl`y There `re iour fadfj`tors th`t j`a `ppe`r whea your deifnrfll tor fs turaed oiiThese fadfj`tors `llow you to detergfae, cust ny lookfab `t the deifnrfll`tor,

    whether fts re`dy ior use or aeeds `tteatfoa They fajlude the iollowfab3

    The OK fadfj`tor `ppe`rs whea the deifnrfll`tor fs turaed oii `ad

    re`dy ior use

    The JH@^BE']@K fadfj`tor ppe`rs whea the JH@^BE']@K n`ttery

    jh`rber aeeds to ne repl`jed or fs aot fast`lled fa the deifnrfll`tor Fi

    aeeded, the deifnrfll`tor j`a ne used fa `a egerbeajy

    The `tteatfoa fadfj`tor `ppe`rs whea the fatera`l n`ttery fs aot iully

    jh`rbed Rhea thfs fadfj`tor ifrst `ppe`rs, the fatera`l n`ttery j`a

    power the deifnrfll`tor ior ` gfafgug oi 9 shojks or 4> gfautes

    The wreajh fadfj`tor `ppe`rs whea ` joadftfoa preveats or jouldpreveat the deifnrfll`tor irog oper`tfab aorg`lly

    Lfd The top oi the deifnrfll`tor

    OA'OII nuttoa The OA'OII nuttoa opeas the deifnrfll`tor lfd `ad turas the deifnrfll`tor oa

    ]ressfab `ad holdfab the nuttoa ior `pproxfg`tely > sejoads `iter the lfd fs

    opea turas oii the deifnrfll`tor









    JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber


    Oa'Oii nuttoa

    FrD@ port

    Use Ny

    d`te dfspl`y


  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas >'5

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    Bettfab Zt`rted

    Fasfde Ie`tures

    The fasfde ie`tures oi the deifnrfll`tor `re desfbaed to g`ke ft e`sy to use durfab ` j`rdf`j `rrest eveat

    Rhea you press the OA'OII nuttoa, the lfd opeas, the deifnrfll`tor turas oa, `ad you see the elejtrode

    p`jket `ad fts rele`se h`adle `s showa fa Ifbure >'> T`nle >'> desjrfnes the fasfde ie`tures

    Ifbure >'> Fasfde Ie`tures

    JH@^BE']@K n`ttery


    The JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber delfvers ` trfjkle jh`rbe to the fatera`l

    n`ttery The n`ttery jh`rber j`a provfde jh`rbe ior pproxfg`tely twoye`rs,

    `s loab `s the deifnrfll`tor fs aot used

    FrD@ port The Fai r red D`t` @ssojf`tfoa deifaes spejfifj`tfoas ior fair`red wfreless

    jogguafj`tfoas The FrD@ port provfdes wfreless jogguafj`tfoas ior

    tr`asierrfab d`t` irog your deifnrfll`tor to ` ]J

    J rryfab H`adle The j rryfab h`adle fs used to tr asport the deifnrfl l tor

    Z iety R`rafabs Z`iety w rafabs provfde fgport`at faiorg tfoa joajerafab the deifnrfll tors

    use `ad servfje

    Zerf`l Augner L`nel The serf l augner l`nel fajludes the deifnrfll`tor fdeatfifj`tfoa augner

    T`nle >'0 Outsfde Joatrols, Fadfj`tors, ad L`nels (Joatfaued&

    Ie`ture Desjrfptfoa

    Pufjk reiereaje j`rd

    Use Ny d`te

    Elejtrode p`jket

    Elejtrode p`jket

    rele`se h`adle

    Elejtrode p`jket

    `ajhor pfa

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    >'9 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    Bettfab Zt`rted

    @iter you pull the elejtrode p`jket rele`se h`adle `ad te`r opea the elejtrode p`jket, you wfll see the

    ie`tures showa fa Ifbure >':

    Ifbure >': Fasfde Ie`tures @iter ^ele`sfab the PUFK']@K Elejtrode ]`jket

    T`nle >'> Fasfde Ie`tures

    Ie`ture Desjrfptfoa

    Pufjk reiereaje j rd Thfs j rd provfdes nnrevf ted br`phfj dfrejtfoas ior usfab your

    deifnrfll`tor to tre`t ` vfjtfg fa j`rdf`j `rrest

    Use Ny d`te Use Ny d`te showa (yyyy'gg'dd& j`a ne vfewed throubh the

    deifnrfll`tor lfd whea ft fs jlosed

    Elejtrode p`jket The PUFK']@K elejtrode p`jket fs prejoaaejted to the deifnrfll`tor

    Thfs p`jket joat`fas ` set oi elejtrode p`ds

    Elejtrode p`jket rele`se h`adle Rhea you pull thfs h`adle, the elejtrode p`jket te`rs opea

    Elejtrode p`jket ajhor pfa Thfs pfa sejurely posftfoas the elejtrode p`jket to the deifnrfll`tor


    Elejtrode fadfj`tors

    Nlue pl`stfj

    Zhojk nuttoa

    Elejtrode joaaejtor

    Elejtrode p`ds

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas >'2

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    Bettfab Zt`rted

    T`nle >': Fasfde Ie`tures @iter ^ele`sfab the PUFK']@K Elejtrode ]`jket

    Ie`ture Desjrfptfoa

    Zpe`ker Thfs procejts the vofje fastrujtfoas th`t le`d you throubh the

    deifnrfll`tfoa projess

    Elejtrode fadfj`tors The elejtrode fadfj`tors il`sh red uatfl the p`ds re pplfed to the

    vfjtfgs exposed jhest Rhea the p`ds re sujjessiully pplfed, the

    fadfj`tors tura solfd breea `ad the deifnrfll`tor j`a periorg `a


    Fa `ddftfoa, elejtrode fadfj`tors nrfeily il`sh whea the deifnrfll`tor

    periorgs `a `utog`tfj seli'test

    Nlue pl`stfj The pl`stfj lfaer protejts the joadujtfve dhesfve bel uatfl the

    elejtrode p`ds `re used

    Elejtrode p`ds The elejtrode p`ds re pplfed to the vfjtfgs exposed jhest; they

    tr`asier the deifnrfll`tfoa eaerby (shojk& to the vfjtfg The elejtrode

    p`ds gust ne regoved irog the nlue pl`stfj neiore `pplyfab theg tothe vfjtfg

    ZHOJKnuttoa The ZHOJKnuttoa fs oaly provfded oa the segf`utog`tfj godel

    Rhea pressed, thfs nuttoa delfvers shojk to the vfjtfg Vou j`aaot

    delfver ` shojk to ` vfjtfg ualess the deifnrfll`tor fastrujts you to do


    Elejtrode joaaejtor The elejtrode joaaejtor fs used to joaaejt the elejtrode p`ds to

    the deifnrfll`tor To `fd fa vfjtfg tr`asport, the joaaejtor j`a ne

    uaplubbed irog the deifnrfll`tor `ad plubbed fato `aother @ED or

    deifnrfll`tor equfpped ior PUFK'JOGNO elejtrodes

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  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas :'0

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj


    Thfs sejtfoa provfdes faiorg`tfoa `ad fastrujtfoas ior usfab the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus or LFIE]@K

    EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tor oa ` vfjtfg fa j`rdf`j `rrest

    R`rafabs ad J`utfoas p`be :'>

    ^espoadfab to ` Zuddea J`rdf`j @rrest



    Yofje Fastrujtfoas ad Toaes :'5

    Trounleshootfab :'9

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    :'> LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    Usfab the Deifnrfll`tor


    To help easure s`ie use oi the deifnrfll`tor, jogpletely i`gflf`rfze yourseli wfth the iollowfab w`rafabs

    `ad j`utfoas


    Fi aot tre`ted, suddea j`rdf`j `rrest (ZJ@& wfll j`use de`th Fa `a ZJ@ sftu`tfoa, ft fs fgport`at to

    regegner to fggedf`tely j`ll ior help `ad `jtfv`te your egerbeajy respoase systeg


    Fajorrejt rhythg faterpret`tfoa

    ]eriorgfab J]^ or otherwfse h`adlfab or tr`asportfab the vfjtfg whfle the deifnrfll`tor fs ev`lu`tfab the

    he`rt rhythg j`a j`use `a fajorrejt or del`yed df`baosfs Keep the vfjtfg `s stfll `s possfnle whfle the

    deifnrfll`tor fs `tt`jhed `ad do aot tr`asport the vfjtfg

    Zhojk h`z`rd

    Rhea fastrujted Do aot toujh p`tfeat, Zt`ad ny, or Everyoae jle`r, reg`fa stfll, do aot toujh the

    deifnrfll`tor, p`tfeat, elejtrode p`ds or `ay g`terf`l fa joat`jt wfth the p`tfeat G`ke sure ao oae fs

    toujhfab the p`tfeat whea the deifnrfll`tor shojks the p`tfeat

    Zhojk h`z`rd

    To regove a uaw`ated jh`rbe, dfsjoaaejt the elejtrode j`nle irog the deifnrfll`tor, w`ft ior the

    deifnrfll`tor to `utog`tfj`lly regove the jh`rbe, or tura oii the deifnrfll`tor

    ]ossfnle ifre, nuras, `ad faeiiejtfve eaerby delfvery

    Durfab deifnrfll`tfoa, g`terf`l fa joat`jt wfth the elejtrode p`ds j`a j`use elejtrfj`l sp`rks, skfa nuras,

    `ad dfvert fgport`at deifnrfll`tfab eaerby w`y irog the he`rt ]l`je elejtrode p`ds so th`t they dhere

    to the skfa jogpletely Do aot `llow the elejtrode p`ds to toujh e`jh other, gedfj`tfoa p`tjhes,

    dressfabs or `ay other g`terf`l oa the p`tfeats jhest

    Durfab deifnrfll`tfoa, `fr pojkets netweea the skfa `ad elejtrode p`ds j`a j`use skfa nuras To help

    preveat `fr pojkets, g`ke sure elejtrode p`ds jogpletely `dhere to the skfa Do aot use d`g`bed,

    expfred, or drfed'out elejtrode p`ds


    ]ossfnle equfpgeat d`g`be

    Neiore usfab the deifnrfll`tor, dfsjoaaejt `ll equfpgeat irog the p`tfeat th`t fs aotdeifnrfll`tor'protejted

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas :':

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    Usfab the Deifnrfll`tor

    N`sfj Zteps ior Usfab the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus or LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor

    ^espoadfab to `a ZJ@ egerbeajy usfab the deifnrfll`tor favolves these n`sfj steps3

    Detergfae fi the vfjtfg fs fa ZJ@ @ persoa fa ZJ@ wfll aotrespoad whea you try to sh`ke hfg or her

    Jhejk ior nre`thfab ny lfsteafab aext to the vfjtfgs gouth `ad

    lookfab ior jhest govegeat

    Use your deifnrfll`tor oaly fi the vfjtfg fs aot respoadfab, aot

    govfab, `ad aot nre`thfab aorg`lly or aot nre`thfab `t `ll Fi fa

    dount, use your deifnrfll`tor

    ]l`je your deifnrfll`tor ae`r the vfjtfg `ad oa the sfde aext to

    you ]ress the OA/OII nuttoa to opea the lfd `ad tura oa your

    deifnrfll`tor eg`fa j`lg Vour deifnrfll`tor wfll bufde you

    throubh the deifnrfll`tfoa projess

    Expose the vfjtfgs jhest Fi the jhest fs exjessfvely h`fry,

    qufjkly sh`ve the h`fr fa the `re` where you wfll pl`je the p`dsFi the jhest fs dfrty or wet, wfpe the jhest jle`a `ad dry Fi there

    `re gedfjfae p`tjhes oa the vfjtfgs jhest, regove theg

    Hold dowa the leit sfde oi the elejtrode p`jket wfth oae h`ad

    `ad pull the red p`jket h`adle dowa wfth the other The

    elejtrode p`jket te`rs opea

    Te`r opea the p`jket jogpletely to regove the p`ds @ sg`ll

    pfeje oi the p`jket wfll reg`fa `tt`jhed to your deifnrfll`tor

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    :'4 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    Usfab the Deifnrfll`tor

    Zep`r`te the elejtrode p`ds, oae `t ` tfge, irog the nlue

    pl`stfj Use these p`ds oa `dults or jhfldrea 8 ye`rs oi `be or

    gore, who wefbh >5 kb (55 pouads& or gore Ior fai`ats or

    jhfldrea who `re less th`a 8 ye`rs oi `be or who wefbh lessth`a >5 kb (55 pouads&, spejf`l elejtrodes `re aeeded ^eier to

    p`be 5'8 ior gore faiorg`tfoa


    Fi you j`aaot detergfae ` jhflds `be or wefbht, or fi spejf`l

    fai`at/jhfld elejtrodes re aot `v`fl`nle, projeed wfth the exfstfab

    elejtrode p`ds, `ad joatfaue oa to the aext step

    @pply the elejtrode p`ds to the vfjtfgs n`re jhest (ex`jtly `s

    showa fa the pfjture oa the p`ds& Ne sure to press ifrgly so th`t

    the p`ds jogpletely `dhere to the vfjtfgs jhest

    Aote3 Ne sure you do aot pl`je the elejtrode p`ds over `a

    fgpl`ated devfje sujh `s `a fgpl`ated p`jeg`ker or FJD@a fadfj`tfoa oi `a fgpl`at fs ` protrusfoa fa the jhest skfa

    `ad ` sj`r Fi you `re fa dount, `pply the p`ds `s showa oa

    the l`nels

    Lfstea to vofje fastrujtfoas `ad do aot toujh the vfjtfg ualess

    fastrujted to do so

    Fi the deifnrfll`tor he`rt rhythg `a`lysfs detergfaes th`t ` shojk

    fs aeeded, the deifnrfll`tor wfll `aaouaje]^E]@^FAB TO ZHOJK,

    `ad thea fastrujt you to]^EZZ IL@ZHFAB NUTTOAto `dgfafster `shojk (segf`utog`tfj godel& or ft wfll `aaouaje]^E]@^FAB TO

    ZHOJK, `ad thea `utog`tfj`lly `dgfafster ` shojk wfthout

    requfrfab iurther `jtfoa (iully `utog`tfj godel&

    Do aot toujh the vfjtfg whfle ` shojk fs delfvered

    ^eb`rdless oi whfjh godel you h`ve, joatfaue to iollow the

    vofje fastrujtfoas

    Do aot regove the p`ds or dfsjoaaejt theg irog the deifnrfll`tor

    uatfl egerbeajy gedfj`l persoaael `rrfve Fi the vfjtfg st`rts

    govfab, joubhfab, or nre`thfab rebul`rly, pl`je the vfjtfg fa the

    rejovery posftfoa (`s fastrujted fa J]^ tr`fafab& `ad keep hfg

    or her `s stfll `s possfnle

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas :'5

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    Usfab the Deifnrfll`tor

    Rh`t to Do @iter Egerbeajy Gedfj`l ]ersoaael @rrfve

    Rhea egerbeajy gedfj`l persoaael `rrfve, tell theg wh`t `jtfoas you h`ve t`kea Tell theg how loab

    the vfjtfg h`s neea uajoasjfous, fi you delfvered shojks, the augner oi shojks delfvered, `ad fi you

    periorged J]^Do aot worry fi you j`aaot rej`ll prejfsely wh`t h`ppeaed Vour deifnrfll`tor g`kes dfbft`l rejordfab oi

    he`rt rhythgs `ad shojks th`t j`a ne tr`asierred to ` jogputer `t ` l`ter tfge ^eier to Zejtfoa 4 ior

    faiorg`tfoa oa tr`asierrfab vfjtfg d`t`

    Rfthout regovfab the elejtrode p`ds irog the vfjtfg, egerbeajy gedfj`l persoaael j`a dfsjoaaejt the

    elejtrode p`ds irog the deifnrfll`tor `ad rejoaaejt theg to `aother deifnrfll`tor or @ED th`t h`s `

    jogp`tfnle PUFK'JOGNO j`nle

    To dfsjoaaejt the elejtrode p`ds3

    0 ]ull the elejtrode j`nle str`fbht out irog the deifnrfll`tor

    > ^egove the elejtrode p`jket `ajhor pfa irog the slot fa the deifnrfll tor

    : ]ress the OA'OII nuttoa `ad jlose the lfd to tura oii the deifnrfll`tor

    Rh`t to Do @iter Usfab Vour Deifnrfll`tor

    @iter you use your deifnrfll`tor to respoad to `a ZJ@ egerbeajy, jogplete the iollowfab t`sks3

    0 Fi the deifnrfll`tor fs turaed oa, press ad hold the OA'OII nuttoa ior `pproxfg`tely > sejoads to tura

    ft oii

    > Jle`a the deifnrfll`tor `ad fts `jjessorfes `jjordfab to the fastrujtfoas provfded fa T`nle 5'0,

    p`be 5': Use oaly the jle`afab `beats fdeatfifed fa T`nle 5'0

    : Tr`asier d`t , fi desfred

    4 ^epl je the JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber (^eier to p`be 5'5&

    5 Fast`ll ` aew PUFK']@K elejtrode p`jket (^eier to p`be 5'2&

    9 Jlose the lfd ad verfiy th t the OKsygnol `ppe`rs fa the re`dfaess dfspl`y, fadfj`tfab th`t the

    deifnrfll tor fs re`dy ior use Fi the `tteatfoa sygnol `ppe`rs `iter you repl`je the n`ttery

    jh`rber, the fatera`l n`ttery aeeds `ddftfoa`l tfge to re`jh `a `dequ`te jh`rbe j`p`jfty

    2 Dfspose oi the used elejtrode p`ds, `ay uaused sp`re elejtrode p`ds, `ad the n`ttery jh`rber

    (^eier to ^ejyjlfab Faiorg tfoa, p`be 5'8&


    Deifnrfll`tor vofje fastrujtfoas provfde jle`r, step'ny'step fastrujtfoas ior respoadfab to ` vfjtfg fa

    j`rdf`j `rrest Fa `ddftfoa, your deifnrfll`tor g`y egft souads th`t `lert you to the `jtfoas th`t the

    deifnrfll`tor fs periorgfab

    Aote3 @ iew sejoads g`y p`ss netweea vofje fastrujtfoas `ad toaes @lw`ys w`ft ior iurther

    fastrujtfoas neiore t`kfab `jtfoa

    Aote3 Zoge vofje fastrujtfoas wfll repe`t durfab the deifnrfll`tfoa projess

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    :'9 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    Usfab the Deifnrfll`tor


    Thfs sejtfoa expl`fas pronlegs you g`y eajouater whfle usfab the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus or

    LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tor Ior faiorg`tfoa `nout keepfab your deifnrfll`tor fa ` st`te oi re`dfaess,reier to Zejtfoa 5

    T`nle :'0 Trounleshootfab Durfab Yfjtfg Use

    ]ronleg ]ossfnle J`use Rh`t To Do



    JOAAEJTO^ vofje

    fastrujtfoas `re he`rd

    Fa`dequ`te joaaejtfoa to the deifnrfll tor Ne sure th`t the joaaejtor fs

    jogpletely faserted

    Elejtrode p`ds `re aot properly `dhered

    to the vfjtfg

    Ifrgly press the p`ds oa the

    vfjtfgs skfa

    Jle`a, sh`ve, ad dry the

    vfjtfgs skfa neiore pl`jfab

    p`ds oa skfa

    Elejtrode p`ds `re dry, d`g`bed, or

    h`ve p`ssed the expfr`tfoa d`te

    ^epl je the p`ds

    Elejtrode p`ds `re aot regoved irog the

    nlue pl`stfj

    ^egove the p`ds irog the

    nlue pl`stfj `ad `pply theg

    to the vfjtfgs jhest

    Deifnrfll`tor j`aaot

    delfver the requfred


    Deifnrfll tor fatera`l n`ttery power fs low @dgfafster J]^ fi the vfjtfg

    fs aot respoadfab, aot

    nre`thfab aorg`lly, or aot


    Yofje fastrujtfoas souad

    i`fat or dfstorted

    Deifnrfll tor fatera`l n`ttery power fs low @dgfafster J]^ fi the vfjtfg

    fs aot respoadfab, aotnre`thfab aorg`lly, or aot



    ZTO] GOTFOAvofje

    fastrujtfoas `re he`rd

    Yfjtfg govegeat nej`use oi loj`tfoa Gove the vfjtfg to st`nle

    loj`tfoa, fi possfnle

    Yfjtfg govegeat nej`use oi nre`thfab Ztop J]^ durfab a`lysfs

    Jhejk vfjtfg ior aorg l


    Yehfjle gotfoa Ztop vehfjle durfab a`lysfs,

    fi possfnle

    Elejtrfj`l/r dfo irequeajy fateriereaje Gove jogguafj`tfoa orother suspejted devfjes

    `w`y irog the deifnrfll`tor

    whea possfnle

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas :'2

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    Usfab the Deifnrfll`tor

    Deifnrfll`tor does aot

    delfver vofje

    fastrujtfoas or neepfab

    toaes `iter you opea ft

    (tura ft oa&

    Depleted fatera`l n`ttery @dgfafster J]^ fi the vfjtfg

    fs aot respoadfab, aot

    nre`thfab aorg`lly, or aot


    ^epl je the JH@^BE']@K

    n`ttery jh`rber `s sooa `s

    possfnle @iter the OKsygnol

    `ppe`rs oa the re`dfaess

    dfspl`y, retura the deifnrfll`tor

    to servfje

    Joat jt uthorfzed servfje


    Zpe`ker systeg i`flure @dgfafster J]^ fi the vfjtfg

    fs aot respoadfab, aot

    nre`thfab aorg`lly, or aot


    Joat jt uthorfzed servfje


    The re`dfaess dfspl`y

    fs nl`ak

    The deifnrfll`tor h`s neea turaed oa Aorg`l joadftfoa whea the

    deifnrfll`tor fs fa use

    Oper`tfab tegper`ture fs too low or too


    Oper te the deifnrfll tor

    wfthfa = to 5=J (:> to


    LJD aot oper`tfab properly Joat`jt uthorfzed servfje


    T`nle :'0 Trounleshootfab Durfab Yfjtfg Use (Joatfaued&

    ]ronleg ]ossfnle J`use Rh`t To Do

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 4'0

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    D@T@ ZTO^@BE 4

    Thfs sejtfoa desjrfnes the d`t` th`t the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tors store

    whea used fa `a ZJ@ eveat

    Thfs g`au`l does aot provfde fastrujtfoas ior how to h`ad oii deifnrfll`tfoa d`t` to the egerbeajy

    gedfj`l systeg or hospft`l persoaael Nej`use thfs projess v`rfes irog `re` to `re`, jhejk wfth the

    egerbeajy gedfj`l systeg `dgfafstr`tfoa ior faiorg`tfoa `ad dfrejtfoas

    Overvfew oi D`t` Ztor`be p`be 4'>

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    4'> LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    D`t` Ztor`be


    E`jh tfge you use the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus or LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tor, ft dfbft`lly s`ves d`t`

    `nout the vfjtfg th`t j`a ne tr`asierred to ` ]J Thfs d`t` j`a ne provfded to egerbeajy gedfj`lpersoaael or hospft`l persoaael to `fd fa j`se revfew ior qu`lfty joatrol, tr`fafab, `ad rese`rjh

    purposes Re rejoggead th`t you nejoge i`gflf`r wfth thefr loj`l requfregeats ior reportfab ` use oi

    the deifnrfll`tor ad ior provfdfab use d`t` Ior ssfst`aje fa retrfevfab d`t` irog the deifnrfll`tor, joat`jt

    your loj`l ]hysfo'Joatrol s`les or servfje represeat`tfve

    D`t` Ztored ny Vour Deifnrfll`tor

    Rheaever you tura oa your deifnrfll`tor `ad joaaejt ft to ` vfjtfg, ft `utog`tfj`lly stores d`t` `nout the

    vfjtfg Rhea thfs d`t` fs tr`asierred to ` d`t` g`a`begeat systeg ior revfew, three reports `re

    `v`fl`nle3 `a Eveat Lob, Joatfauous EJB, `ad ` Zugg`ry T nle 4'0 desjrfnes these reports

    Vour deifnrfll`tor j`a store up to two rejords3 oae ior the jurreat vfjtfg `ad oae ior the prevfous vfjtfg

    Rhea you use your deifnrfll`tor, ft fs fgport`at th`t you tr`asier thfs d`t` `s sooa `s possfnle `iter use

    to iree up stor`be

    The Jogplete ^ejord ior the jurreat vfjtfg fajludes the Joatfauous EJB `ad Eveat Lob Fi you tre`t `

    sejoad vfjtfg, the ifrst vfjtfgs Jogplete ^ejord wfll ne reiorg`tted fato ` Zugg`ry report Fi you tre`t` thfrd vfjtfg, ll oi the ifrst vfjtfgs d`t` wfll ne deleted ad the sejoad vfjtfgs Jogplete ejord wfll ne

    reiorg`tted fato ` Zugg`ry ^eport ^eier to T`nle 4'>

    Fi you tura your deifnrfll`tor oa `ad oii wfthout `tt`jhfab elejtrode p`ds to ` vfjtfg, the deifnrfll`tor wfll

    aot jre`te ` aew rejord `ad the rejords fa the deifnrfll`tor wfll aot ne `ltered The deifnrfll`tor deletes

    prevfous d`t` oaly `iter ft fs joaaejted to ` aew vfjtfg

    @iter you tr`asier d`t` rejords to ` ]J, the deifnrfll`tor wfll dfs`llow repe`t tr`asgfssfoas However,

    servfje persoaael g`y `jjess devfje rejords, fi aejess`ry

    Test `ad Zervfje D`t`

    Vour deifnrfll`tor stores ` test lob joasfstfab oi the gost rejeat `uto'tests, power jyjles, `ad

    JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber repl`jegeats The test lob lfsts the test results `ad `ay errors detejted

    The test lob d`t` fs `v`fl`nle oaly to servfje persoaael or to users throubh the d`t` g`a`begeat


    T`nle 4'0 ]`tfeat ^eports

    ^eport Type Desjrfptfoa

    Eveat Lob @ jhroaolobfj`l lob oi `ll eveats @a eveat fs ` joadftfoa aoted ny the deifnrfl l tor

    Eveats `re lfsted oa p`be 4':

    Joatfauous EJB Tweaty gfautes oi the vfjtfgs EJB rhythg nebfaafab whea the vfjtfg fs

    joaaejted to the deifnrfll`tor `ad eadfab whea the deifnrfll`tor fs turaed oii

    Zugg`ry Jognfaes the Eveat Lob ad ` s`gplfab oi joatfauous EJB rhythgs `ssojf`ted

    wfth jert`fa eveats

    T`nle 4'> Deifnrfll`tor ]`tfeat ^ejords

    Jogplete ejord Zugg`ry

    Jurreat Yfjtfg

    ]revfous Yfjtfg =

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 4':

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    D`t` Ztor`be

    Eveat `ad Test Lob

    T`nle 4': lfsts the types oi eveats th`t g`y ne `aaot`ted oa eveat `ad test lob repor ts

    T`nle 4': Eveat `ad Test Lob ^eports

    Eveat Lob Test Lob

    ]ower Oa Zeli'Test ]ower Oa

    Joaaejt Elejtrodes Zeli'Test ]`ss/I`fl

    ]`tfeat Joaaejted User ]ower Oa

    Faftf`l hythg# JH@^BE']@K Jh`abed

    @a`lysfs X# JH@^BE']@K

    Zhojk @dvfsed I`ult Lob

    Jh`rbe Jogplete


    Zhojk X @naorg`l

    Ao Zhojk @dvfsed

    J]^ ]rogpt

    Ztop J]^ ]rogpt

    Jhejk ]`tfeat#

    Jh`rbe egoved

    Low N`ttery


    @a`lysfs Ztopped#

    Out oi Eveat Gegory

    Out oi R`veiorg Gegory

    ]ower Oii

    #These eveats fajlude EJB s`gples fa the Zugg`ry eport

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 5'0

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj


    Thfs sejtfoa expl`fas how to help keep your LFIE]@K J^ ]lus or LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tor fa

    bood workfab joadftfoa J`red ior properly, your deifnrfll`tor fs nuflt to bfve you g`ay ye`rs oi servfje

    G`fat`fafab Zt`te oi e`dfaess p`be 5'>

    Ztorfab Vour Deifnrfll`tor 5'>

    Jle`afab Vour Deifnrfll`tor 5'>^epl`jfab the JH@^BE']@K N`ttery Jh`rber

    `ad the PUFK']@K Elejtrode ]`jket


    Ont`fafab @uthorfzed Zervfje 5'8

    ^ejyjlfab Faiorg`tfoa 5'8

    Zupplfes, @jjessorfes, ad Tr`fafab Tools 5'8

    R`rr`aty Faiorg`tfoa 5'8

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    5'> LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    J`rfab ior Vour Deifnrfll`tor


    Vour LFIE]@K J^ ]lus or LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tor does aot requfre routfae g`fatea`aje Ft

    periorgs `a `utog`tfj seli'test oaje ` week `ad every tfge you tura ft oa The elejtrode fadfj`torsnrfeily il`sh durfab the test Fi the `utog`tfj seli'test detejts ` joadftfoa th`t requfres `tteatfoa, the OK

    sygnol fa the re`dfaess dfspl`y wfll i`de `ad efther the JH@^BE']@Ksygnol, the@TTEATFOA sygnol, or

    theR^EAJH sygnol wfll `ppe`r, depeadfab oa the type oi joadftfoa detejted

    Oa ` rebul`r n`sfs, you should do the iollowfab3

    Jhejk to g ke sure th`t the OKsygnol fs vfsfnle fa the re`dfaess dfspl`y

    Jhejk the Use Ny d`te oa the elejtrode p`jket (vfsfnle throubh the deifnrfll tor lfd fa the upper rfbht

    joraer& `ad `ll other elejtrode p`jkets Fi the d`te h`s p`ssed, repl`je the elejtrode p`jket `ad the

    n`ttery jh`rber

    Jhejk other egerbeajy supplfes th`t g`y ne stored wfth your deifnrfll tor

    Rhea est`nlfshfab your loj`l faspejtfoa sjhedule, joasfder how oitea your deifnrfll`tor wfll ne used `ad

    how i`gflf`r the oper`tors `re wfth usfab ` deifnrfll`tor Ior ex`gple, fi the deifnrfll`tor fs used oalyr`rely, goathly faspejtfoas g`y ne `pproprf`te @a faspejtfoa jhejklfst fs provfded fa @ppeadfx J


    @lw`ys store your deifnrfll`tor `jjordfab to the tegper`ture r`abes rejoggeaded fa @ppeadfx @,Zpejfifj`tfoas!



    ]ossfnle ifre or explosfoa

    Do aot store thfs deifnrfll`tor fa the preseaje oi il`gg`nle b`ses or fa dfrejt joat`jt wfth il`gg`nle



    ]ossfnle equfpgeat d`g`be

    Do aot jle`a `ay p`rt oi the deifnrfll`tor or `jjessorfes wfth nle`jh, nle`jh dflutfoa, or pheaolfjjogpouads Do aot use `nr`sfve or il`gg`nle jle`afab `beats Do aot ste`g, `utojl`ve, orb`s'sterflfze the deifnrfll`tor or fts `jjessorfes

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 5':

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    J`rfab ior Vour Deifnrfll`tor

    T`nle 5'0 Jle`afab Gethods

    Fteg Jle`afab Gethod Jle`afab @beat

    Exterfor j`se, re`dfaess

    dfspl`y, `ad jrevfjes

    Jle`a wfth d`gp spoabe or


    Aoa`nr`sfve so`p `ad w`ter

    Pu`tera`ry `ggoafug jogpouads

    ^unnfab (fsopropyl& ljohol

    ]eroxfde (per`jetfj `jfd& solutfoas

    JH@^BE']@K n`ttery


    Aoae Aoae, dfspose oi/rejyjle iter use

    Elejtrode ]`ds Aoae, do aot regove elejtrode

    p`ds irog the p`jket

    Aoae, dfspose oi/rejyjle `iter use

    J`rryfab j`se Rfpe wfth d`gp jloth or spoabe R`ter

    Pufjk ^eiereaje J`rd Rfpe wfth d gp jloth or spoabe R`ter

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    5'4 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    J`rfab ior Vour Deifnrfll`tor



    The JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber fs ` repl`je`nle, aoarejh`rbe`nle n`ttery jell th`t jh`rbes yourdeifnrfll`tors fatera`l n`ttery The fatera`l n`ttery provfdes the power ior your deifnrfll`tor To preveat

    d`g`be to the fatera`l n`ttery, `lw ys keep the n`ttery jh`rber fa pl`je, fajludfab durfab stor`be or


    The PUFK']@K elejtrode p`jket joat`fas the p`ds th`t tr`asier the deifnrfll`tfoa eaerby to the vfjtfg

    The p`jket should reg`fa joaaejted to the deifnrfll`tor `ad uaopeaed uatfl requfred ior `a ZJ@

    egerbeajy PUFK']@K elejtrode p`ds re aot reus`nle

    Rhea fast`lled, these two `jjessorfes `llow your deifnrfll`tor to st`ad ny ior use ior `pproxfg`tely two

    ye`rs The elejtrode p`jket Use Ny d`te fs probr`gged fato the n`ttery jh`rber Rhea the d`te fs

    re`jhed, the JH@^BE']@K sygnol `ppe`rs fa the re`dfaess dfspl`y, fadfj`tfab noth the n`ttery

    jh`rber `ad elejtrode p`jket aeed to ne repl`jed

    Aote3 The JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber `ad PUFK']@K elejtrodes `re ` set `ad h`ve the s`ge

    expfr`tfoa d`te @lw`ys repl`je the JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber `ad PUFK']@K elejtrodes `t thes`ge tfge to keep the repl`jegeat jyjles fa syaj

    Use the ]hysfo'Joatrol repl`jegeat kft to repl`je the JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber `ad the

    PUFK']@K elejtrode p`jket `s iollows3

    @iter usfab the deifnrfll tor

    Fi the JH@^BE']@K sygnol ppe`rs fa the re`dfaess dfspl y

    Rhea the Use Ny d`te fs re`jhed or p ssed

    The repl`jegeat kft fajludes JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber, oae or two PUFK']@K elejtrode p`jkets,

    `ad ` JH@^BE']@K n`ttery dfsjh`rber The dfsjh`rber depletes ` used n`ttery jh`rber so th`t ft fs

    re`dy ior rejyjlfab or dfspos`l

    Aote3 @lw`ys keep the JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber wfth fts orfbfa`l deifnrfll`tor Rhea `

    JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber fs faserted fato ` deifnrfll`tor, ft nejoges fatera`lly lfaked to th`tdevfje Do aot gove the JH@^BE']@K to `aother deifnrfll`tor Fi the JH@^BE']@K fs regoved

    irog fts orfbfa`l deifnrfll`tor `ad faserted fato ` sejoad devfje, ft wfll aot jh`rbe `ad the

    JH@^BE']@K fadfj`tor wfll fllugfa`te oa the re`dfaess dfspl`y Fi thfs ojjurs, dfsj`rd the exfstfab

    JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber `ad PUFK']@K elejtrodes Ont`fa ` aew repl`jegeat kft `ad

    repl`je noth JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber `ad PUFK']@K elejtrodes `t the s`ge tfge

    Iollow fastrujtfoas provfded fa the repl`jegeat kft ior n`ttery jh`rber `ad elejtrode p`jket

    rejyjlfab/dfspos`l Joat`jt your loj`l ]hysfo'Joatrol represeat`tfve


    ]ossfnle explosfoa or ifre

    The JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber fs aot rejh`rbe`nle Do aot `ttegpt to rejh`rbe, opea, jrush, ornura the n`ttery, or ft g`y explode or j`tjh ifre

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 5'5

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    J`rfab ior Vour Deifnrfll`tor

    ^epl`jfab the JH@^BE']@K N`ttery Jh`rber

    To repl`je the JH@^BE']@K N`ttery Jh`rber3

    0 ]ress the rele`se l`tjh (fa the dfrejtfoa oi the `rrow& to

    regove the used n`ttery jh`rber The n`ttery jh`rber

    sprfabs outw`rd irog the deifnrfll`tor

    > Fasert the aew n ttery jh rber fato your deifnrfll`tor ad

    push uatfl you he`r ft jlfjk fato posftfoa

    : Joaifrg th t the sygnol dfs`ppe`rs `ad th t the OK

    sygnol ppe`rs fa the re`dfaess dfspl`y

    Aote3 Fi the sygnol `ppe`rs `iter you repl`je the

    n`ttery jh`rber, the fatera`l n`ttery fs very low `ad aeeds

    tfge to jh`rbe Ft g`y t`ke up to three d`ys fi you h`d the

    deifnrfll`tor oa ior ` loab tfge or fi you delfvered g`ay

    shojks The OK sygnol `ppe`rs whea the fatera`l n`ttery

    fs jh`rbed

    ^egegner3 Fi the deifnrfll`tor fs aeeded ior `a egerbeajy,

    `ttegpt to use ft evea fi the sygnol fs vfsfnle


    Keep the deifnrfll`tor `t tegper`tures netweea = 5=J (:> 0>>I& whfle the aew n`ttery jh`rberjh`rbes the fatera`l n`ttery The fatera`l n`ttery g`y aot jh`rbe eiiejtfvely `t lower tegper`turesTegper`tures exjeedfab 5= J (0>>I& ior loaber th`a sevea d`ys j`a perg`aeatly d`g`be thefatera`l n`ttery

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    5'9 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    J`rfab ior Vour Deifnrfll`tor

    To dfsjh`rbe `ad dfspose oi ` used n`ttery jh`rber3

    0 Fasert the dfsjh`rber fato the used n`tteryjh`rber

    Aote3 Do aot `ttegpt to regove the dfsjh`rber

    oaje ft fs fa pl`je

    > Let the dfsjh rber iully deplete the n`ttery

    jh`rber R`ft `t le`st 6 d`ys

    : ]l`je the used n`ttery jh`rber fa the tr`sh or

    rejyjle ft

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 5'2

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    J`rfab ior Vour Deifnrfll`tor

    ^epl`jfab the PUFK']@K Elejtrode ]`jket

    To repl`je the PUFK']@K Elejtrode ]`jket3

    0 ]ress the OA/OII nuttoa to opea the

    deifnrfll`tor lfd (vofje fastrujtfoas wfll


    > ]ress ad hold dowa the OA/OII

    nuttoa ior > sejoads to tura oii the

    deifnrfll`tor `ad s`ve n`ttery power

    : ^egove the outd ted or used

    elejtrode p`jket3

    ` Uaplub the elejtrode joaaejtor

    irog the joaaejtor rejept`jle

    n Zlfde the `ajhor pfa irog the slot

    j Dfsj`rd the outd`ted or used

    elejtrode p`jket `jjordfab to

    loj`l rebul`tfoas

    4 Fast`ll the aew elejtrode p`jket3

    ` Zlfde the `ajhor pfa fato the slot

    n ]lub the elejtrode joaaejtor fato

    the rejept`jle

    j Easure th`t the aew elejtrode

    p`jket fs jeatered oa the

    deifnrfll`tor `ad fs tujked nehfad

    the lfp neiore jlosfab the lfdd Jlose the lfd Joaifrg th`t the

    p`jket Use Ny d`te fs vfsfnle

    throubh the upper rfbht'h`ad

    joraer oi the lfd





    n j


  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    5'8 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    J`rfab ior Vour Deifnrfll`tor


    TheR^EAJH fadfj`tor `ppe`rs oa the re`dfaess dfspl`y fi the deifnrfll`torrequfres servfje Joat`jt

    `uthorfzed servfje persoaael oaly Fa the UZ@, joat`jt ]hysfo'Joatrol `t 08==44>004> Outsfde the

    UZ@, joat`jt your loj`l ]hysfo'Joatrol represeat`tfve Ne prep`red to provfde the iollowfab faiorg`tfoa3

    Godel augner ad GFA augner (p rt augner&

    Zerf`l augner

    Desjrfptfoa oi the pronleg n`sed oa your onserv`tfoas


    ^ejyjle the deifnrfll`tor `ad fts `jjessorfes `t the ead oi thefr useiul lfves

    ^ejyjlfab @ssfst`aje

    Ftegs should ne rejyjled `jjordfab to a`tfoa`l `ad loj`l rebul`tfoas Joat`jt your loj`l ]hysfo'Joatrol

    represeat`tfve ior `ssfst`aje or reier to http3//rejyjlfabgedtroafjjog ior fastrujtfoas oa dfsposfab oi

    thfs produjt


    Ftegs should ne jle`a `ad joat`gfa`at'iree prfor to nefab rejyjled

    ^ejyjlfab oi Dfspos`nle Elejtrodes

    @iter usfab dfspos`nle elejtrodes, iollow your loj`l jlfafj`l projedures ior rejyjlfab


    ]`jk`bfab should ne rejyjled `jjordfab to a`tfoa`l `ad loj`l rebul`tfoas


    Fi possfnle, we rejoggead th`t you h`ve `a extr` PUFK']@K Elejtrode ]`jket `ad JH@^BE']@K

    N`ttery Jh`rber oa h`ad Fa `ddftfoa, there `re other useiul `jjessorfes `v`fl`nle Ior ex`gple, youj`a nuy Fai`at/Jhfld ^edujed Eaerby Deifnrfll`tfoa Elejtrodes ior use wfth your deifnrfll`tor oa jhfldrea

    who `re less th`a 8 ye`rs oi `be or wefbh less th`a >5 kb (55 ln& Joat`jt your loj`l ]hysfo'Joatrol



    ^eier to the w`rr`aty st`tegeat fajluded fa the `jjessory kft shfpped wfth thfs produjt Ior duplfj`te

    jopfes, joat`jt your loj`l ]hysfo'Joatrol represeat`tfve Fa the UZ@, j`ll 08==44>004> Outsfde the

    UZ@, joat`jt your loj`l ]hysfo'Joatrol represeat`tfve


    Zhojk h`z`rd

    Do aot dfs`ssegnle the deifnrfll`tor Ft joat`fas ao oper`tor'servfje`nle jogpoaeats `ad d`aberous

    hfbh volt`bes g`y ne preseat Joat`jt `uthorfzed servfje persoaael ior rep`fr

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 9'0

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj


    Thfs sejtfoa fatrodujes the oper`tfab settfabs th`t `re `dcust`nle oa the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad

    LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tors

    Oper`tfab Zettfabs ad Zetup Joaifbur`tfoa p`be 9'>

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    9'> LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Zettfabs


    The LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tors h ve 0> oper`tfab settfabs th`t `iiejt how

    ft iuajtfoas The settfabs r`abe irog deifafab the tfge `ad d`te used ny the deifnrfll`tor, to the eaerbysequeaje `ad protojol oi the shojks delfvered Thfs broup oi oper`tfab settfabs `re the deifnrfll`tors

    setup joaifbur`tfoa

    E`jh oper`tfab settfab fs preset to ` dei`ult v`lue n`sed oa jlfafj`l bufdelfaes `ad does aot aeed to ne

    jh`abed ualess your gedfj`l dfrejtor desfres periorg`aje jh`r`jterfstfjs th`t `re dfiiereat irog the

    dei`ult settfab

    T nle 9'0 fdeatfifes oper`tfab settfabs fa the setup joaifbur`tfoa, desjrfnes e`jh settfab, fajludfab

    possfnle optfoas, `ad fdeatfifes the preset dei`ults

    T nle 9'0 Oper`tfab Zettfabs

    Oper`tfab Zettfabs Desjrfptfoa Dei`ult Zettfab

    Devfje FD Devfje FD fs uafque fdeatfifer (FD& ssfbaed to

    e`jh deifnrfll`tor used ior tr`jkfab the loj`tfoa oideifnrfll`tors Fi you h`ve gultfple deifnrfll`tors `t

    your loj`tfoa, you should bfve e`jh uafque a`ge,

    sujh `s Nufldfab 0, Nufldfab >, `ad so oa Rhea

    you tr`asier eveat d`t` irog the deifnrfll`tor to `

    ]J, the deifnrfll`tor FD wfll ne fajluded fa the

    tr`asierred d`t`

    Zerf`l Augner

    Eaerby Zequeaje Eaerby sequeaje deifaes the eaerby levels used

    ny the deifnrfll`tor

    The eaerby level jhofjes `re3 05=, 025, >==, >>5,

    >5=, >25, :==, :>5, :9=

    Level 0 >== coules

    Level > :== coules

    Level : :9= coules

    Eaerby ]rotojol Eaerby protojol detergfaes how the deifnrfll tor

    delfvers sujjessfve shojks There `re two optfoasior thfs settfab3 ilexfnle or ifxed

    Ilexfnle sequeaje ge`as the eaerby delfvered ior

    ` shojk fajre`ses oaly fi `a `a`lysfs fggedf`tely

    iollowfab shojk results fa `aother ZHOJK @DYFZED

    dejfsfoa Ior ex`gple, fi the deifnrfll`tor eaerby

    sequeaje fs set up `s >==, :==, :9=, ilexfnle

    sequeaje ge`as th`t the eaerby delfvered ior the

    ifrst shojk fs >== coules Fi the `rrhythgf` fs

    tergfa`ted ny shojk 0 ad the aext a`lysfs results

    fa ` AO ZHOJK @DYFZED dejfsfoa, the eaerby wfll aot

    fajre`se ior the aext shojk However, fi the

    `rrhythgf` fs aot tergfa`ted ny shojk 0 `ad the

    aext `a`lysfs results fa ` ZHOJK @DYFZED dejfsfoa,the eaerby wfll fajre`se to :== coules, `ad so oa

    Ifxed sequeaje ge`as th`t the eaerby delfvered

    `iter the ifrst shojk oi >== coules fajre`ses irog

    >== to :==, `ad thea to :9= coules, reb`rdless oi

    the post'shojk EJB rhythg `ad sunsequeat



  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas 9':

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Zettfabs

    J]^ Tfge 0

    J]^ Tfge >

    The J]^ Tfge 0 `ad J]^ Tfge > settfabs deifae

    the tfge faterv`l ior periorgfab J]^ `iter ` shojk

    or `iter ` ao shojk `dvfsed dejfsfoa

    The jhofjes ior J]^ Tfge 0 `ad J]^ Tfge > `re

    05, :=, 45, 9=, 6=, 0>=, `ad 08= sejoads

    J]^ Tfge 00>= sej

    J]^ Tfge >0>= sej

    Devfje D`te

    Devfje Tfge

    Devfje d`te `ad devfje tfge sets the jurreat d`te

    `ad tfge

    ]`jfifj Zt`ad`rd Tfge

    `ad D`te

    Tura'Oa ]rogpt Thfs settfab detergfaes whether you he`r oaly

    toaes, or toaes `ad the vofje progpt, J@LL IO^

    HEL] AOR, whea you opea the lfd `ad the

    deifnrfll`tor turas oa Jhofjes `re Yofje `ad Toaes


    Yofje ]rogpt Yoluge Thfs settfab sets the vofje progpt voluge

    to GEDFUG or HFBH


    ]ulse ]rogpt The pulse progpt settfab detergfaes whether the

    deifnrfll`tor progpts you to jhejk the vfjtfgs pulse

    (`pproprf`te ior gedfj`lly tr`faed users& or to

    jhejk the vfjtfg ior sfbas oi jfrjul`tfoa sujh `s

    nre`thfab `ad govegeat (`pproprf`te ior l`y

    users& Jhofjes `re Jhejk ]ulse, Jhejk

    Nre`thfab, or Jhejk Jfrjul`tfoa

    ]er justoger order

    Zt`jk Zhojks Rhea set to OII, the Zt`jk Zhojks optfoa

    elfgfa`tes the `a`lysfs `iter e`jh shojk `ad

    faserts progptfab ior J]^ `iter e`jh (` sfable&

    shojk Thfs elfgfa`tes the three'shojk st`jk J]^

    fs progpted reb`rdless oi the EJB rhythg iter theshojk The J]^ tfge iollowfab the shojk fs

    detergfaed ny the J]^ Tfge 0 settfab selejted

    Jhofjes ior Zt`jk Zhojks optfoa `re OA or OII

    Rhea set to OA, `a `a`lysfs wfll ojjur `iter

    shojks, `ad up to three shojks fa ` row g`y ne

    delfvered (three'shojk st`jk&


    ]ulse Jhejk Rhea set to Aever, the ]ulse Jhejk optfoa

    regoves `ll progptfab ior pulse jhejks The other

    ]ulse Jhejk settfabs `v`fl`nle llow pulse jhejks

    oaly iter every Ao Zhojk @dvfsed (AZ@& dejfsfoa,

    `iter the sejoad AZ@ dejfsfoa `ad there`iter, or

    @lw`ys (`iter shojks, AZ@ `ad J]^&


    T nle 9'0 Oper`tfab Zettfabs (Joatfaued&

    Oper`tfab Zettfabs Desjrfptfoa Dei`ult Zettfab

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    9'4 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Zettfabs

    Gotfoa Detejtfoa The gotfoa detejtfoa settfab fs used to detergfae fi

    gotfoa detejtfoa fs `jtfve or aot `jtfve durfab


    Rhea gotfoa detejtfoa fs Oa, the deifnrfll`tor stops

    `a`lysfs ior up to 0= sejoads fi ft detejts ay vfjtfg

    gotfoa The deifnrfll`tor aotfifes the respoader oi

    the pronleg The deifnrfll`tor wfll resuge `a`lysfs

    `iter 0= sejoads, evea fi gotfoa fs stfll preseat

    Rhea gotfoa detejtfoa fs Oii, `a`lysfs fs aot

    fahfnfted, reb`rdless oi `ay vfjtfg gotfoa


    Tfge Soae Thfs settfab sets the tfge zoae ior the loj`tfoa oi

    the deifnrfll`tor Jhofjes `re 24 tfge zoaes wfth

    uafvers`l tfge jode (UTJ&


    T nle 9'0 Oper`tfab Zettfabs (Joatfaued&

    Oper`tfab Zettfabs Desjrfptfoa Dei`ult Zettfab

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    @]]EADFX @


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  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas @'0

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj



    @ll spejfifj`tfoas `re `t >=J (98I& ualess otherwfse st`ted


    Ifbure @'0 Nfph`sfj R`veiorg

    R`veiorg3 Nfph`sfj Truaj`ted Expoaeat f l, wfth volt`be ad dur`tfoa jogpeas tfoa ior

    vfjtfg fgped`aje Zee Ifbure @'0

    Output Eaerby


    Gultfple levels, joaifbur`nle irog 05= coules to :9= coules

    The iollowfab spejfifj`tfoas pply irog >5 to >== ohgs Yolt`be jogpeas`tfoa fs lfgfted to the volt`be

    th`t would result fa delfvery oi :9= coules fato 5= ohgs

    Output Eaerby


    0=% fato 5= ohgs

    05% fato >5 to 0== ohgs

    R`veiorg ]`r`geters3

    Fgped`aje (& ]h`se 0 Dur`tfoa (gs& ]h`se > Dur`tfoa (gs& Tflt (%&

    Gfa G`x Gfa G`x Aogfa`l

    >5 50 9= :4 4= 225

    5= 98 26 45 5: 958

    0== 82 0=9 58 20 5>9

    0>5 65 00> 9: 24 428

    Zhojk @dvfsory Zysteg3 @a EJB a`lysfs systeg th`t `dvfses whether shojk fs `pproprf`te, geets

    rhythg rejobaftfoa jrfterf` spejfifed fa the @gerfj`a @ssojf`tfoa oi Gedfj`l

    Fastrugeat`tfoa st`ad`rd DI:6

    The devfje `llows ` deifnrfll`tfoa shojk oaly fi the Zhojk @dvfsory Zysteg

    `dvfses deifnrfll`tfoa

    Devfje J`p`jfty3 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus deifnrfl l tor Thfrty (:=& iull dfsjh rbes or >0= gfautes

    oi OA tfge wfth ` iully jh`rbed devfje

    LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tor Tweaty (>=& iull dfsjh`rbes or

    04= gfautes oi OA tfge wfth ` iully jh`rbed devfje

    ]h`se >

    ]h`se 0Tflt

    F0 F4( &




  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    @'> LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas


    User Fateri`je

    Zhojk Jh`rbe Tfge3 Jh`rbe tfges wfth ` iully jh`rbed devfje3

    >== coules fa less th`a 6 sejoads

    :9= coules fa less th`a 05 sejoads

    Jh`rbe tfge `iter 05 dfsjh`rbes delfvered irog ` iully jh`rbed devfje3

    :9= coules fa less th`a 05 sejoads

    Zysteg ^ejh`rbe


    ^ejh`rbe tfges wfth ` iully dfsjh`rbed devfje3

    @nle to delfver 9 shojks or provfde 4> gfautes oi oper`tfab tfge `iter

    >4 hours oi rejh`rbe `ad >= shojks or 04= gfautes oi oper`tfab tfge `iter

    2> hours oi rejh`rbe tfge wfth ` aew JH@^BE']@K `t tegper`tures `nove

    05J (56I&

    Joatrols3 LFD ^ELE@ZE/OA'OII nuttoaJoatrols devfje power

    ZHOJKnuttoa (segf`utog`tfj versfoa&Delfvers deifnrfll`tfoa eaerby

    @iter elejtrodes `re `tt`jhed to ` vfjtfg, `a `utog`tfj versfoa oi the devfje

    delfvers ` shojk, fi `pproprf`te, aot requfrfab oper`tor faterveatfoa

    Elejtrfj`l ]rotejtfoa3 Faput protejted `b`fast hfbh volt`be deifnrfll`tor pulses per

    FEJ9=9=0'0/EA9=9=0'0 Zee Ifbure @'>

    Ifbure @'> Deifnrfll tfoa'protejted, Type NI ]`tfeat Joaaejtfoa

    Z`iety Jl`ssfifj`tfoa3 Fatera`lly powered equfpgeat FEJ9=9=0'0/EA9=9=0'0

    User Fateri je3 The user fateri`je fajludes vofje fastrujtfoas, `udfnle toaes, ad br`phfj`l


    ^e`dfaess Dfspl y The re`dfaess dfspl y shows the devfje st tus

    OK Fadfj tor3 Fadfj tes OK whea the l`st seli test w`s jogpleted sujjessiully Rhea the

    OK fadfj`tor fs vfsfnle, `ll other fadfj`tors `re aot vfsfnle

    The OK fadfj`tor fs aot dfspl`yed durfab devfje oper`tfoa



    Rhea dfspl`yed, repl`je the JH@^BE']@K n`ttery jh`rber

    @tteatfoa Fadfj`tor3 Rhea ifrst dfspl yed, t le`st 9 dfsjh`rbes or 4> gfautes oi oper tfab tfge

    wfll reg`fa

    Zervfje Fadfj`tor3 Zervfje requfred whea dfspl`yed

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas @':

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj



    Aote3 @ll periorg`aje spejfifj`tfoas deifaed `ssuge th`t the uaft h`s neea stored (two hours

    gfafgug& `t the oper`tfab tegper`ture prfor to oper`tfoa

    ]hysfj`l Jh`r`jterfstfjs


    JH@^BE']@K N`ttery Jh`rber

    Oper`tfab Tegper ture3 = to 5= J (:> to 0>> I&

    Ztor`be Tegper ture3 '4= to 2= J ('4= to 058 I& wfth JH@^BE']@K `ad elejtrodes, g`xfgug

    exposure tfge lfgfted to oae week

    @tgospherfj ]ressure3 29= ggHb to 4>6 ggHb, = to 05,=== ieet `nove se` level

    ^el`tfve Hugfdfty3 5 to 65% (aoa'joadeasfab&

    R`ter ^esfst`aje3 FEJ9=5>6/EA9=5>6 F]X4 Zpl sh prooi wfth elejtrodes joaaejted `ad

    JH@^BE']@K fast`lled

    Zhojk3 GFL'ZTD'80=E, Gethod 5094, ]rojedure 0, (4=b, 9 to 6 gsej pulse, sfae

    e`jh `xfs&

    Yfnr`tfoa3 GFL'ZTD'80=E, Gethod 5044, Helfjopter j`tebory 9 (:25 b rgs& adBrouad Gonfle j`tebory 8 (>85 b rgs&

    EGJ3 ^eier to @ppeadfx D ior EGJ faiorg`tfoa `s deifaed fa FEJ 9=9=0'0'>

    Hefbht3 0=2 jg (4> fa&

    Rfdth3 >=: jg (8= fa&

    Depth3 >40 jg (65 fa&, exjludfab h`adle

    Refbht3 >= kb (45 ln& wfth JH@^BE']@K ad elejtrodes

    Type3 Lf/ZO>Jl> Lfthfug Zuliuryl Jhlorfde, 002Y, 04 `gp'hours

    ^epl`jegeat3 ^epl`je `iter e`jh use or whea JH@^BE']@K fadfj`tor fs vfsfnle (typfj l ly

    `iter > ye`rs&

    Refbht3 8=5 br`gs (=08 ln&

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    @'4 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas


    PUFK']@K Elejtrode ]`ds

    D`t` Ztor`be

    ]`ds3 ]`jfab/deifnrfll`tfoa/EJB elejtrodes

    ]`ds ]`jk`bfab3 User'fatuftfve, r`pfd'rele`se PUFK']@K elejtrodes llow the elejtrode p`dsto ne pre'joaaejted to the devfje `ad protejted uader ` top jover

    ]`ds Zheli Lfie3 Two ye`rs typfj`l

    Elejtrode Zh`pe3 Ov`l'rejt`abul`r

    Elejtrode Zfze3 00> jg (44 fa& 085 jg (2: fa&

    Le`d Rfre3 0=92 geters (:5 ieet&

    Joadujtfve @dhesfve

    Bel Joat`jt @re`3 8> jg> (0>8 fa>&

    G`xfgug @dhesfoa

    Tfge3 >4 hours

    G`xfgug EJB

    Goaftorfab Tfge3 >4 hours

    G`xfgug Augner oi

    Deifnrfll t foa ]ulses3 5= t :9= coules

    G`xfgug ]`jfab

    Dur`tfoa3 Up to 0> hours

    EJB fs rejefved irog dfspos`nle deifnrfll`tfoa elejtrodes, st`ad`rd pl`jegeat (`aterfor'l`ter`l&, or

    `aterfor/posterfor pl`jegeat

    Gegory Type3 Fatera`l dfbft`l gegory

    EJB Ztor`be3 Du`l vfjtfg D`t` Ztor`be

    Gfafgug >= gfautes oi EJB stored ior the jurreat vfjtfg

    Zugg`rfzed d`t` stored ior the prevfous vfjtfg

    ^eport Types3 Joatfauous EJB@ joatfauous EJB report ior the vfjtfg

    Zugg`ry@ sugg`ry oi jrftfj`l resusjft`tfoa eveats `ad EJB w`veiorg

    sebgeats `ssojf`ted wfth these eveats

    Eveat Lob report@ report oi tfge st`gped g`rkers, whfjh reilejt oper`tor

    `ad devfje `jtfvfty

    Test Lob report@ devfje seli test `jtfvfty repor t

    J`p`jfty3 Gfafgug >== tfge st`gped Eveat Lob g`rkers

    Jogguafj tfoas3 Rfreless tr asier to persoa`l jogputer

    D`t evfew3 ]hysfo'Joatrol provfdes `a rr y oi tools to geet justoger aeeds ior d t`

    vfewfab ad a`lysfs

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas @'5

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj





    ]hysfo'Joatrol joadujted ` gultf'jeatered, prospejtfve, r`adogfzed `ad nlfaded jlfafj`l trf`l oi

    nfph`sfj truaj`ted expoaeatf`l (NTE& shojks `ad joaveatfoa`l goaoph`sfj d`gped sfae w`ve (GDZ&

    shojks Zpejfifj`lly, the equfv`leaje oi >== C `ad 0:= C NTE shojks to >== C GDZ shojks0 w`s tested


    Yeatrfjul`r ifnrfll`tfoa (YI& w`s fadujed fa 005 p`tfeats durfab ev`lu`tfoa oi fgpl`at`nle j`rdfoverter

    deifnrfll`tor iuajtfoa `ad :6 p`tfeats durfab elejtrophysfolobfj ev`lu`tfoa oi veatrfjul`r `rrhythgf`s

    @iter 060= sejoads oi YI, ` justogfzed deifnrfll`tor delfvered `a `utog`tfj`lly r`adogfzed shojk

    Eiifj`jy w`s n`sed oa sujjess oi thfs shojk To degoastr`te equfv`leaje oi test shojks to joatrol

    shojks, the 65% upper joaifdeaje lfgft oi the dfiiereaje fa eiifj`jy (65UJLD&, joatrol gfaus test, w`s

    requfred to ne less th`a 0=%


    Yeatrfjul`r Ifnrfll`tfoa

    The eiifj`jy oi the >== C NTE shojks w`s degoastr`ted to ne `t le`st equfv`leat to the eiifj`jy oi >== C

    GDZ shojks (65UJLD7>%& The dfiiereaje fs sujjess r`tes oi >== C GDZ gfaus >== C NTE shojks

    w`s '0=% (ex`jt 65% joaifdeaje faterv`l irog '>2% to 4%& The 0:= C NTE shojks were aot

    degoastr`ted equfv`leat to >== C GDZ shojks (65UJLD7>>%& However, aefther w`s thefr eiifj`jy

    sfbafifj`atly lower th`a th`t oi the >== C GDZ shojks (st`tfstfj`l power lfgfted ny sg`ll s`gple sfzes&

    Ior `ll shojk types, hegodya`gfj p`r`geters (oxybea s`tur`tfoa `ad systolfj `ad df`stolfj nlood

    pressure& were `t or ae`r thefr pre'fadujtfoa levels ny := sejoads `iter sujjessiul shojks

    Yeatrfjul`r T`jhyj`rdf`

    Zeveaty'two epfsodes oi veatrfjul`r t`jhyj`rdf` (YT&, fadujed fa 9> p`tfeats, were tre`ted wfth

    r`adogfzed shojks Hfbh r`tes oi joaversfoa were onserved wfth nfph`sfj `ad goaoph`sfj shojks

    Z`gple sfzes were too sg`ll to st`tfstfj`lly detergfae the rel`tfoashfp netweea sujjess r`tes oi the

    w`veiorgs tested

    0ZL Hfbbfas et `l, @ jogp`rfsoa oi nfph`sfj `ad goaoph`sfj shojks ior extera`l deifnrfll`tfoa, ]rehospft`l Egerbeajy

    J`re, >===, 4(4&3:=5'0:

    ZhojkYeatrfjul`r Ifnrfll`tfoa

    0st Zhojk ZujjessEx`jt 65% Joaifdeaje Faterv`l

    >== C GDZ 90/98 (6=%& 8= to 69%

    >== C NTE :6/:6 (0==%& 60 to 0==%

    0:= C NTE :6/42 (8:%& 96 to 6>%

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    @'9 LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas



    Fa thfs dounle'nlfaded study, the eiifj`jy oi the >== C NTE shojks w`s degoastr`ted to ne `t le`st

    equfv`leat to the eiifj`jy oi >== C GDZ shojks ior deifnrfll`tfoa oi short dur`tfoa, elejtrfj`lly'fadujed

    YI However, the jogp`rfsoa oi eiifj`jy oi 0:= C nfph`sfj `ad >== C goaoph`sfj shojks ior YI w`s

    fajoajlusfve @ll w`veiorgs tested provfded ` hfbh r`te oi tergfa`tfoa oi YT The YT s`gple sfzes were

    too sg`ll to st`tfstfj`lly detergfae the rel`tfoashfp netweea YT sujjess r`tes oi the w`veiorgs tested

    Jogp`red to joaveatfoa`l shojks ior YI, we iouad ao posftfve or aeb`tfve eiiejt oi nfph`sfj shojks iorYI oa hegodya`gfj p`r`geters iollowfab the deifnrfll`tfab shojk Ft fs possfnle th`t, jogp`red to >== C

    goaoph`sfj shojks, >== C nfph`sfj shojks wfll fa soge j`ses ea`nle e`rlfer tergfa`tfoa oi YI

    Thereiore, we joajlude th`t nfph`sfj shojks ior YI delfvered `t joaveatfoa`l eaerby levels h`ve the

    poteatf`l to fgprove outjoge fa resusjft`tfoa oi vfjtfgs wfth suddea j`rdf`j `rrest

    ZhojkYeatrfjul`r Ifnrfll`tfoa

    0st Zhojk ZujjessEx`jt 65% Joaifdeaje Faterv`l

    >== C GDZ >9/>8 (6:%& 22 to 66%

    >== C NTE >>/>: (69%& 28 to 0==%

    0:= C GDZ >=/>0 (65%& 22 to 0==%

  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    @]]EADFX N


  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


  • 7/28/2019 CRPlus EXPRESS Operations 3201686 010


    LFIE]@K J^ ]lus ad LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ Deifnrfll`tor Oper`tfab Fastrujtfoas N'0

    >==6 ]hysfo'Joatrol, Faj

    Zhojk @dvfsory Zysteg


    The Zhojk @dvfsory Zysteg (Z@Z& fs `a EJB `a`lysfs systeg nuflt fato the LFIE]@K J^ ]lus `ad

    LFIE]@K EX]^EZZ deifnrfll`tors th`t `dvfses the oper`tor fi ft detejts ` shojk`nle or aoashojk`nlerhythg Thfs systeg g`kes ft possfnle ior fadfvfdu`ls aot tr`faed to faterpret EJB rhythgs to provfde

    poteatf`lly'lfies vfab ther`py to vfjtfgs oi veatrfjul`r ifnrfll`tfoa or pulseless veatrfjul`r t`jhyj`rdf` The

    Z@Z joat`fas the iollowfab ie`tures3

    Elejtrode joat`jt detergfa tfoa

    @utog ted faterpret tfoa oi the EJB

    Oper`tor joatrol oi shojk ther`py

    Gotfoa detejtfoa

    Elejtrode Joat`jt Detergfa`tfoa

    The vfjtfg"s tr`asthor`jfj fgped`aje fs ge`sured throubh the deifnrfll`tfoa elejtrodes Fi the n`selfae

    fgped`aje fs hfbher th`a ` g`xfgug lfgft, ft fs detergfaed th`t the elejtrodes `re aot fa suiifjfeat

    joat`jt wfth the vfjtfg or aot properly joaaejted to the deifnrfll`tor EJB `a`lysfs `ad shojk delfvery

    `re fahfnfted The oper`tor fs `dvfsed to joaaejt elejtrodes `ay tfge elejtrode joat`jt fs fa`dequ`te

    @utog`ted Faterpret`tfoa oi the EJB

    The Zhojk @dvfsory Zysteg fs desfbaed to rejoggead ` shojk fi ft detejts the iollowfab3

    Yeatrfjul`r ifnrfll`tfoa wfth ` pe`k'to'pe`k `gplftude oi `t le`st ==8 gY

    Yeatrfjul`r t`jhyj`rdf` deifaed `s h`vfab ` he`rt r`te oi `t le`st 0>= ne`ts per gfaute, P^Z

    wfdth oi `t le`st =09 sejoads, `ad ao `pp`reat ] w`ves

    ]`jeg`ker pulses g`y preveat `dvfsegeat oi `a `pproprf`te shojk, reb`rdless oi the vfjtfgs

    uaderlyfab rhythg The Z@Z fs desfbaed to rejoggead ao shojk ior `ll other EJB rhythgs fajludfabpulseless elejtrfj`l jtfvfty, fdfoveatrfjul`r rhythgs, nr`dyj`rdf`, supr`veatrfjul`r t`jhyj`rdf`s, ad

    aorg`l sfaus rhythgs

    EJB `a

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