
Only 14% ofall business to business buyers

consider the lowest price to be the primary reason for making a purchase

launch session 2nd May

Only 2% of sales are made on the first contact

80% of sales are made on the 5th-to-12th contact

Successful sales presentations contain almost

50% more sales objections"than unsuccessful presentations

Almost 65% of all sales calls in any industry are made on the wrong person

In 2007 it took an average of

3.68 calls to reach a prospect

Today it takes 8 attempts

After presentations 63% of attendees remember stories

Only 5% remember statistics

91% of customers say they would give referrals

Only 11% of sales people ask for referrals

70% of people make purchase decisions to solve problems

30% make decisions"to gain something

A 1979 survey of Harvard MBA graduates asked if they had set, written goals for the future & plans to accomplish them.

3% said yes. 84% had no goals at all.

Today, the 3% are earning 10 times as much as the other 97% put together"

Source: What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School

Within 7 seconds of first meeting you

a prospect will have made an average

of 11 different evaluations about your character"

The best time to cold call is:4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

The second best time is:8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

The worst times are:

11:00 AM and 2:00 PM"

Thursday is the best day to prospect

Wednesday is the second best day

Tuesday is the worst day"

57% of every buying decisionis already made before any sales rep is involved, while cold calls are ineffective

97% of the time, increasing 7% every year since 2010"

Source: Corporate Executive Board report

Cold calling is effective

3% of the time,

declining 7% per annumsince 2010"

Source: Corporate Executive Board report

Jack Nicholson reads a script

260 times before each performance"

92% of decision makers for big ticket items will search online

before making a decision"

Source: Ogilvy & Mather

The average cost of hiring a poor sales person

is $150,000" Source:

Only 8% of sales people position themselves to make a sale.

Those who do are 27%"more likely to sell"



Jim Obermayer’s Rule of 45.

45% of all inquiries will buy from someone"(10-15% within 3 months)

Source: Managing Sales Leads, Turning Cold Prospects into Hot Clients

45% of all inquiries will buy from someone"

(10-15% within 3 months; 26% within 4-6 months) This means poor follow-up can

reduce potential sales by 75% Source: John Obermeyer’s The Rule of 45

Tony Blair has been known "to delay his restroom visits before

important speeches to help

create a sense of urgency Source: Speeches That Shook The World

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