Page 1: CREATION EVANGELISM TOOLS · 1/1/2011  · CREATION EVANGELISM TOOLS January / February, 2010 Page 1 volume 2 - issue 1 ... set into motion the formation of fossils and coal beds

CREATION EVANGELISM TOOLSJanuary / February, 2010 Page 1

volume 2 - issue 1

Mount St. Helens and the Global Flood by Joel Kautt

Mount. St. Helens before the eruption. (Courtesy of Dr. John Morris)

For many decades, secular scientists have influenced public thinking about the chronology of the geologic proecesses. This teaching has resulted in the belief that millions of years are required to deposit and form rocks and their layers, to carve canyons, to produce petrified organic remains and fossils, and to form coal beds.

The fact is that this assumption is based upon bad science, and more importantly, a worldview that contradicts1

the Bible.

In the spring of 1980, the world was shown in a horrendous way that such a belief was totally unnecessary. When Mt. Saint Helens2 erupted two and a half decades ago, scientists, and the public in general had before them a prime example of geologic processes in action – fast paced action!1 For a more detailed explanation of the contradictory

aspects of the Biblical Creation worldview and the secular, uniformitarian worldview please read my article “Two Histories of the Universe: A Demonstration of the Incompatibility of the Biblical Worldview and the Evolutionary Worldview:”.

2 For more information about the 1980’s eruptions of Mt. Saint Helens go to:

For a creationist perspective on the results of the 1980 eruption visit:

The eruptions of Mt. Saint Helens in the early 1980’s resulted in stratified layers hundreds of feet thick being deposited in a matter of days and weeks3. One section of the layering, measuring about twenty-five feet thick was deposited in a matter of one day. Further, in 1982, a hot mud flow produced by a small eruption melting the snow cap, carved out a system of canyons about 16 miles long and up to 140 feet deep. This nearby canyon resembles a miniature version of the Grand Canyon, and is called appropriately enough, the Little Grand Canyon of the Toutle River.

The catastrophic effects of the initial eruption and the subsequent geologic events4, proved without a doubt that millions of years are not necessary to form layers of rock (either volcanic or sedimentary), to carve canyons, or even set into motion the formation of fossils and coal beds. And this volcano was a smaller one by historical standards.

How does this relate to the Global Flood mentioned in the 6th

through 9th chapters of the Biblical book of Genesis? First it shows that geologic processes do not require millions of years to take place. A careful examination of the Genesis text shows that the Global Flood was indeed a very geologically active event. Among other phenomena, there appears to have been much volcanic activity during the early part of the Flood5. Likely there was very erosive water run off produced by

(continued on pg 2)

3 I.e. subsequent “minor” eruptions,

pyroclastic-flows, mudslides, etc.5 The “fountains of the deep” mentioned in

Genesis 7:11 are believed to have been subterranean water and lava chambers, which burst out producing steam jets and lava flows.

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Inside this issue:- Mount St. Helens and the Global Flood- Creation Scientist Biography Michael Faraday- The Circle of Life- Evolutionists in their Own Words- Resource Spotlight Letting God Create Your Day- Feedback - Questions Answered What is the Best Proof of Creation?- Free offer: The Purpose and Meaning of Life- Ministry Update New look to our website!

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PAGE 2 tectonic plate activity towards the end of the Flood when, as Psalm 104:6 – 9 indicates, the mountains rose up and the valleys sank down, so that the water would recede from areas of the earth, forming habitable land areas.6

During this time when mountains and valleys were being formed, and vast quantities of water were retreating to lower basin areas, great amounts of sediments would have been laid down, and canyons would have been carved out very quickly, just as has been shown by this comparatively small volcanic eruption.

Thus, there is no need to

believe that “it takes millions of years” to produce geologic formations. In fact when we examine the Global Flood of Genesis 7 – 9 closely we can safely assume that this great catastrophic event was what resulted in the vast majority of the geologic characteristics and formations seen today. The destructive results of the eruptions of Mt. Saint Helens in recent years show how powerful just one “smaller” volcano is – extremely small in comparison to what would have occurred during and directly after the Global Flood.

Additionally, just as people living prior to the Flood ignored Noah’s warnings7 of impending cataclysmic judgement, people continued in rejecting the pleading of those urging them to evacuate only days and even hours before the destructive eruption of Mt. Saint

6 Genesis 8:1 – 4.7 Genesis 6:8,9; Hebrews 11:7; 2 Peter


Helens. Ultimately these scoffing and disbelieving people were killed in the catastrophe.

As Christians, we must remember the Apostle Peter’s warning, which is as true today as it was nearly two thousand years ago:

“…scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.’ For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.”8

Because of a belief in uniformitarian interpretations of evidence, which in reality screams out “catastrophe”, many people today disbelieve and even scoff at the idea of a worldwide catastrophic flood destroying

the entire earth as God’s judgment on wicked mankind. Consequently, they will be and are just as likely to disbelieve and scoff at the promise of a coming fiery judgment engulfing the entire world at God’s final day of judgment.

Additionally, when Christians attempt to “harmonize” scripture with “science” by embracing secular, uniformitarian views of science, they work against themselves by presenting two conflicting views to the unsaved (i.e. “…science shows there wasn’t really a global flood… but Jesus is coming again soon and will destroy all the wicked so you better repent!”). God’s Word is Faithful and True, we must not force uniformitarian views into His-Story that tells of catastrophic judgement on those who scoff at His Word9.

In closing, when we see such geologic formations as Mt. Saint Helens, the Grand Canyon, fossil beds, etc, we should remember the effects of Mt. Saint Helens and the warning that Peter gave us. Geologic processes can and do occur 8 2 Peter 3:3b – 7.9 Proverbs 30:5, 6; Romans 3:4

rapidly. God’s judgement on sinful men is coming soon, and will come rapidly. We must heed His warning and command to repent and be ready for that day and help others realize the urgency in their need to do so as well. Thankfully, just as the Ark had a door open to those who had faith in God’s saving grace, we have The Door, Jesus Christ. His arms are open to receive and save from the fiery judgment of eternal damnation all that trust in Him as Savior and obey Him as Lord.10

Some call this canyon, which was carved by the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, the “mini grand canyon” because of it's resemblance to the Grand Canyon.(Courtesy of Dr. John Morris.)

The layers laid down by the Mt. St. Helens eruption were hundreds of feet thick. (Courtesy of Dr. John Morris.)

Joel Kautt, author of Mount St. Helens and the Global Flood.

1 0 John 10:9, 10; 14:6; 6:37.

Mount St. Helens right after it erupts, from the view of an airplane. (Courtesy of Dr. John Morris.)

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The Circle of Life

Understanding Genesis brings respect for all parts of the circle of life.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

Genesis 1:27


Resource spotlight

Letting God Create Your Day, by Paul A. Bartz

Need a daily devotional book to start off the new year? Then Letting God Create Your Day is just the one you'll want! Taken from the scripts of the international broadcast Creation Moments radio program, each devotional is arranged with a prayer and a scripture verse. With titles such as “Worms with Kneecaps”, “Flipperpithicus” and “Doctor Frog” you will learn many new things each day about God's wonderful creation. It is also a great devotional book for your kids and grandkids! With four volumes, you'll be reading these books for years! These books truly show the truth of Psalm 40:5:


To order a copy of this book, visit and click on the “resources” button.

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Michael Faraday was born in 17911, into a family of lowly occupation. His father was a blacksmith which did not set him up in the world for great success.

At the young age of fourteen, he was apprenticed to a bookseller and binder. Being surrounded by books only propelled his interest in science. He devoured all the scientific books in the shop he could get his hands on.

Because of his vast interest in science, he applied to Sir Humphrey Davy for a job in 18122. Sir Davy accepted his application and Faraday began working as his assistant.

It was not long however, until Faraday began doing research of his own. In 1820, he submitted two different papers, both on chemistry to the Royal Society3. It was whilst conducting research on currents that Faraday demonstrated how to liquefy chlorine4. Experiments he conducted in the field of chemistry brought him to the top of the heap, scientifically.

His work brought him to the attention of the Royal Society and he was elected a member in 18245, where he was later made the director of the laboratory. During the years 1831-1855, he presented 30 papers before the Royal Society. These were later assembled into a three volume set 'Experimental Researches in Electricity.'

Faraday was a committed Christian, and his faith shaped his scientific work. In speaking of God's hand in nature he said “the Creator governs his material works by definite laws resulting from the forces impressed onmatter.6”

Some of his discoveries include: Benzene (1825), two laws of electrolysis (1834), Faraday effect (1846), gravity (1849-1850)7, among many others. There are several scientific laws named for him or his work8.

Proverbs 22:29 reminds me of the humble beginnings of Faraday, and how, through diligence and dedication to his faith and work, he rose to prominence and is known as one of the most famous scientists in history.

“Do you see a man who excels in his work?He will stand before kings;

He will not stand before unknown men.”

His brilliant mind and diligence allowed him to make discoveries that electrified the scientific world.

1 (1791-1867) 2 3 Ibid 4 He did so in 1823. 5 Ibid6 Ibid 7 A short list of his discoveries. 8 Faraday's Constant

Abby Kautt, author and researcher of Creation Scientist Biography.

Michael Faraday in his later years.

Michael Faraday when he was younger.

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Questions AnsweredWith Joel Kautt


It's not the complexity of a cell. It's not the incredible ability of the DNA molecule to store vast quantities of information in an incredibly small space. It's not even the apparent design in so many aspects of our universe and nature.

Evolutionists often will counter these and other “proofs of creation” with a “rescuing device” to explain how these actually “prove evolution.” So the battle between creationists and evolutionists over evidences continues. One might wonder then, is there something more fundamental than arguments based on evidences? Is there something that will make an evolutionist stop dead in his proverbial tracks? The answer is a resounding yes!

Dr. Jason Lisle, in his great book on this subject, The Ultimate Proof of Creation, likens the debate over biblical creationism vs. evolution to a debate about whether or not air exists. He points out that the skeptic of the existence of air must use air in order to argue against the possibility of the existence of air. In a similar way, an evolutionist must rely on certain assumptions based in Biblical creationism to argue against Biblical creationism. These presuppositions have been termed “Preconditions of Intelligibility” – certain fundamental premises necessary to think, reason, and explore the universe. The evolutionist takes these P. of I. for granted. He assumes that there are laws of logic, that there is uniformity in nature (scientific laws), that there should be a standard for morality, and that his memory and senses are basically reliable. The evolutionist assumes, and must use these P. of I. in order to argue against the very worldview which is the foundation for the existence of the P. of I. on which he relies to think and argue – the Biblical Creationist Worldview.

Evolutionists and creationists alike assume that our memory and senses are (fairly) reliable. We use the laws of logic (to at least some extent) every day as we think and reason. We assume that certain actions are “right” and others are “wrong.” Scientists rely on uniformity in nature (scientific laws) in order to perform scientific experiments and calculations.

The difference though is that in the evolutionary worldview, there is no reason for laws of logic or for uniformity in nature (natural laws). If the universe and everything in it is the result of chance, random processes then there is no rational, consistent basis for a moral standard. Nor is there a reason to trust in the reliability of our memory and senses.

The next time you're tempted to use a sign of “intelligent design” when you argue with your evolutionist friend, instead take the argument to it's foundation. Ask your friend why he should trust his thinking and reasoning skills if his brain is the product of a cosmic accident. Ask him how he can trust his senses if his body is only a purposeless and random mix of chemicals. Ask him why he uses laws of logic (e.g. the law of non-contradiction) if the universe is only the result of a big bang. Ask your friend why, in the evolutionary worldview, it matters for there to be justice. Ask him why, if we are all just exotic pond scum, it

would be wrong for you to murder him.

Then explain that the Biblical creationist worldview gives the basis for the existence of those P. of I. Explain that the Biblical creationist worldview tells us why we have laws of logic, why there is uniformity in nature (scientific laws), what there is a standard for morality – because a God of orderliness, who is never changing, who has established a standard for right and wrong, and who is the author of logic, created the universe and He created us to live for Him.

For a more complete answer to this question, I highly recommend reading Dr. Lisle's book The Ultimate Proof of Creation, as well as The New Answers Book 2 by Ken Ham, et. al. Chapter 11. These are available at:



“Keep up the good work for the Kingdom.”- Roger P. - KY

“May our Lord bless you all richly for your dedication to Him and to His work.” - James K. - Germany

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Evolutionists in their own words

Compiled by Phoebe Kautt

“Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it only because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable.”

- Sir Arthur KeithPhysical anthropologist and anatomist, who wrote the forward to Darwin's Origin of the Species 100th anniversary edition.

Ministry UpdateWe have been working on improving

our website. And our website has a new look! We invite you to visit it, and look around. You can also subscribe to our website, so that you will receive an email each time we post something new on our site.

Also, we'd like to remind you that we are Answers in Genesis affiliates. You can purchase materials from AIG, through our website. Click on the AIG store button at the top right side of our website page. This is one way you can support our ministry. We would appreciate it very much!

We are currently working on producing DVDs of each presentation given during our recent “Evolution: Trick or Treat?” conference. We are over half way done with the total production. Please send us an email [with your mailing address] saying you would like to be on the list of recipients of the DVDs. Also, please let us know which presentations you would like.

These are the presentations given during the conference: #1. Creation Evolution and Current Issues - Dr. John Morris #2. Questioning Evolution's Claims - Dr. John Morris #3 Standing on Evidence from Mt. St. Helens - Dr. John Morris #4 Genesis & Evangelism - Dr. Jobe Martin #5 Already Gone: Why Your Kids will Quit God and the Church and What You Can Do About It - Dr. Jobe Martin #6 The Ultimate Proof of Creation - Joel Kautt

You can obtain a free DVD by sending us an email, with your contact info, at: [email protected]

Mission Statement

We see the problem of evolutionary thinking as eating into the foundation of the Biblically correct worldview. We desire to strengthen the faith of other Christians in the reliability of scripture, and equip them to have answers for skeptics and unbelievers. As our culture declines morally, Christians need to uphold the authority of the Bible in every aspect of the culture.

Our ultimate mission is to reach souls for Christ. We work to lay the Foundation (Genesis) for the Gospel.

Purpose Statement

Creation Evangelism Tools Ministries exists to:

TeachGod’s word starting with Genesis 1:1

EquipGod’s people to answer skeptics

ProclaimTruth of Creation in times of deception

Free Offer!To receive a free copy of the booklet: “The Purpose and Meaning of Life” please write us today, at:

CET Ministries 2119 Redondo Drive McKinney, TX 75071


[email protected] everything works out as we hope, all of the DVDs should be finished by the end of February, 2010.

Phoebe Kautt, compiler of the Evolutionists in Their Own Words feature each issue.

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