Page 1: Create The Future Map!


Fatih CETİZ28.01.2014

Page 2: Create The Future Map!
Page 3: Create The Future Map!

Futurist goals don’t predict what will happen inthe future. The futurist always asked what

should happen in the future. If you want to build your desired future, I will give you four

questions to create a road map.

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Page 5: Create The Future Map!

What is the topic?

What firstly you should do is to catch one of the questions that you have in your mind and to get into the palm of your hand.In order to make

the theme more spesific, will be easier to ask yourself qualified questions about what you

really want.

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Page 7: Create The Future Map!

What is changing?

If the choice of topic has done, now look around. What kind of differences do you see

around you about this issue, if you compare it to the past. Compare to the past what you have saw, read, experienced and observed in the recent time, you collate all of them by today


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Why is it important?In order to clarify Why is this issue important, you must provide legitimate justifications. You need to write down about what is the value of it for your

life and In what direction will affect the lives of others.

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How should it be?

The most crucial question is the last question. This is your dream and design. After you

examine this topic in other questions and provide legitimate justifications, you should

reveal the parts of the future you want to create and combine them to show the whole picture.

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After now…

With these four important questions in your mind, you can explain to a person any problems or issues within a short time. When your head attached to any topic you will find the solution

at the future map.

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