
Crazy Stuff by

Antonio Van Leersum

Chapter 1.At the Airport

As Louie Gi got on the plane to Moscow he was very excited because he was going

to the Junior Basketball World cup being held in Moscow. Playing for the Italian

team he had a good chance of winning the world cup.

As Louie got off the plane he felt very worried he could not play because the other

day he played very bad at training, but he told himself to take a deep breath and

stay calm. As Louie went to check if his passport was in his bag he felt someone

touching him, Louie turned around and he saw Brackey, Jones and Sam who were

there bully's on his team holding his passport. Louie thought to himself how had

those idiot’s gotten my passport. So he tried to tell the coach but the coach was

busy talking with one of the parent’s that had came. Louie continued on to

immigration he was very nervous. The officer asked him for his passport. He told

the officer that the boys that just went passed had took it but the officer did not

believe him. Louie began to sweat and fret. So the officer said “stop fooling around

and give it to me kid”, but Louie was telling the truth and the people in the line

were beginning to get impatient. The officer tried to believe him and decided to go

looking for the three accused boys. They were at the exit and waiting for Louie

laughing. Louie pointed at the boys and told the officer that they had his passport.

The officer found it in one of their bags to return it to Louie but the officer had run

out of patience and decided to just let him go without checking his passport…….All

that for nothing.

As Louie got on the bus he could not help but smile when he saw the three boys getting scolded by the coach and he also heard that they would miss the 1st game

as a consequence.

On the bus was Louie was still getting bullied and there was so much traffic, that

they would get there tonight at a very late time because of the traffic. But there

were two problem’s know. Firstly he had no friends and secondly the three bullies

kept bullying him even more now that they got in trouble because of him. The

bullying would not stop for a long time so Louie took the law into his own hands.

Louie punched one and knocked him over in the bus aisle BOOM! SHAKALAKA !

At that moment Sam attacked him and just missed. The coach began to wonder

what was going on and approached the boys. Brackey, who happened to be the

coaches son began to lie. Brackey began by telling the coach that Louie had hit

Jones and that Louie had bullied them and kept hitting them and they also said that

they had done nothing wrong. What the hell?thought Louie. The coach decided that

Louie would miss the first game and worst of all the other three boys would get to

play the first game now.THAT WAS SO UNFAIR!!

Chapter 2.On the Bus

The next game started and Louie was on the bench because the coach said he

needed a “rest” so Louie did not play in the second match either. He was

beginning to wish he had never came on the trip. In the third game Louie

thought the coach was stupid because why would the coach ask him to come and

not even play him. So Louie worked up the courage to ask if he could play but

the coach just ignored him. In the 4th and the 5th game he missed those two

games and they were the quarter final and the semi-final. Louie felt useless and

was very worried that he was not going to get to play in the final against Spain. He decided to ask the coach again. He asked the coach to let him play but the

coach ignored him once more The game started and the crowd were cheering.

When Italy were losing 84-82 with 20 seconds to go the coach decided to put

him on. He was ecstatic. He got the ball with 10 seconds to go dribbled past

some defenders and shot from the 3 pointer line. The ball sailed through the air

and time felt like it froze. The ball hit the rim and started rolling around it and

with 1 second to go, it went in.

“Final score 85-84” to Italy but instead of everybody cheering , everybody

started blaming him and one of his team mates started hitting him and Louie

ran,everybody started chasing him and after a while he found out that

everybody had stopped and he was alone all alone. Louie didn't know why

everyone had turned on him and begun hitting him.

Chapter 3.On the Court

Louie could die of boredom and could not even understand Italian so he was behind even though he was not going to play the first game. He was on the bench waiting for the first game to end, Italy vs Hungary. As Louie cheered his team on, Italy had won 76-54 and Louie had to wait three more hours until the next game. He was bored and lonely so decided to warm up. When he was going to warm up the three bullies started bullying him again,he tried to avoid them and ignore them but they kept following him.

Louie found himself stuck in a tunnel an old one that used to be running a while

back so he knew he was safe….. for now. He tried to find an exit the other way he

came from but he could not find one he kept walking and started to think to

himself why people wanted to punch him. As he remembered Italy was one of the

favourites to win but most don’t like them and also the coach did not want Louie to

play thats what he thought. As he was walking he felt like he was walking

forever,then after a while he saw light. Louie ran to the light but coming closer to

the light, he saw the light less. Even so he kept going, there it was the light when

he looked around he found out he was in an abandoned train station that had must

have once led straight to the stadium but had become abandoned. Everything

inside the station was rusty, he found some rusty stairs leading to get out of the

railroad tracks. Louie was lost and extremely hungry and thirsty he tried to find

something to eat or drink but could not find anything. Louie kept walking still

looking getting hungrier by the second, then he saw a man crouched by a wall.

Louie approached him and asked the man if he could help get him some food. The

man asked about the basketball uniform Louie was wearing and responded to the

man that he played in the junior basketball world cup. So the man asked him if he

was good at basketball Louie said he was good. A glint appeared in the mans eye

and he told Louie to come with him and he would give him food and look after

him.The man brought him to a clubhouse and gave him food and told him to go play

basketball on the court. Louie did not know how to get to the court and did not

bother asking so he started to explore the clubhouse trying to find the court but

could not find it at the end he found it after which seemed like forever!!!!

Chapter 4.In the Tunnel

The guy he met at the abandoned train station was waiting for him,Louie asked what his name was and he said it was Barry. Barry asked Louie to show him his shot and Barry was impressed. An ideas was starting to take shape in his mind. Barry decided to bring Louie to play for the local team. Every match Louie played he was the starman of the team. So on the big day of the championship, Louie knew he had to play his best because his coach once said “ There is no such thing as a perfect basketball player, and I don't believe there is only one greatest player either”. So Louie played his best and kept thinking about the scout even though with his team winning 89-75 with him scoring 54 points he was confident. At the end of the game his team won 102-94. Louie was so happy and tired when the game was over. He decided to keep playing for this team that had treated him so nicely.

Louie was at the championship playing for the best team in the league and knew that he could possibly get drafted by an NBA team after this game If he played well. In the final 7 years ago he won and did not win the championship for the next 6 years but now he knew he could win again this year and had confidence on getting into a good team in the draft,e.g he dreamed of playing for the Miami Heat. When Louie went out on the court he was very nervous and at the end Louie’s team had won 81-76. He was also going to Miami for the draft, he went with his coach because his parents died when he was 2 years old. When he arrived in Miami there was a special cab waiting for him. As Louie entered the draft stadium. The first team that was picking were the Cleveland Cavaliers and Louie hated them,and was wishing to play for the Heat. Unlucky for him the Heat were choosing last. Time went by and he was not being picked and then it was finally the Heat’s turn. Louie was wishing that he was going to be picked and his NBA dream would come true. As Louie was praying. He heard his name being read out loud. The Heat had decided to pick him and Louie was running to the Miami stand and grabbed his shirt and put it on straight on .Whenever he played for the Heat from then on he was always still thinking why everyone had wanted to beat him up and wondered why the man had wanted to help him back when he was only 10.

Chapter 5.7 Years later

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