
Countable / uncountable nouns in English

Countable / uncountable nouns in EnglishSelect what things are countable and uncountable.

Vocabulary:Bananas baguetteApples waterGrape milkOranges saladPears pizzaIce-cream pieSodaCakeHamburgerFrench friesJellyPop corn Cheese

CountableHow many ?Some there are some fruitAny (only negative and questions)there arent any tomatoes.Few there are few lemons in the fridge.uncountableHow much ? How much salt is there?Some there is some sugar.Any there isnt milkLittle there is a little bit.

Write sentences (10) countable and uncountable, on your notebook.Teacher signs the work.Have an excellent day!

Now:Write on your note book sentences countables and uncountables about things in the kitchen (10) Thanks. Teacher sign the work and have and excellent day!

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